>tfw came to the realization consoles have held back video games
Tfw came to the realization consoles have held back video games
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May you elaborate on that claim?
>frogposter is a retard who's only just now realizing something that's been obvious for the last 10 years
Took you long enough, stupid fucking frogposter. It was obvious back during the PS360 gen.
valve literally invented microtransactions
should have used slowpoke instead
You're literally retarded.
All games within proximity is way increased competitiveness.
Nah without Console sales propping up the industry gaming would've died again.
>Console pleb can't even write a proper sentence
please elaborate. and remember horse armor DLC was in 2006 while tf2 came out in 2007
>muh games need to run at 500fps otherwise they’re unplayable!
graphics are stuck in place for 10 years due to garbage consoles, first crysis looks better than anything released today because it didn't cater to consoles
>tfw came to the realization pc faggots only play indieshit that can run on 1995 hardware
Ah yes, allow me to show an example of what PC is capable of when consoles need not be considered.
nigga i can emulate BOTW while playing doom @ 4k
No video games are just better and more fun half-life was released the same year as OoT and half life is actually playable
>implying anyone played commodore or pc98 games
You guys are all shit.
>games before 3d hit ran at 60fps
>even arcade
fucking kys
>nigga i can emulate BOTW
Why don't you play your own games, PCLard?
Product of consoles ruining videogames
No, instead it caters to mobile shit which is pretty much the next step of casualizing video games after consoles.
Guys I was upset like you when hearing about this I didn’t want it to be true but it is
Underage newfag meme
PC games have no budget and that wouldnt change if consoles magically stop existing
Having limited resources to work with means you have to innovate more and thus you get more creative games.
i challenge ANY pc player to a fist fight
i'll bring all my consoles and you bring your pc
loser (you) smashes their stuff while winner (me) records video
literally none of you faggots will step up because you're all too fat to even get out of your XXXL racing gaming chair
dumb frognigger
>doom at 4k
nice reading comprehension shit. I can and do play many PC exclusive, as well as console exclusive, on my fucking PC. eat shit
>PC exclusive
Name 3 that aren't mobile-tier shit
PC is truly pushing gaming forward on that visual side
I have 3 working PCs at the moment, sorry we are all having fun
That's actually both a full sentence and favoring PC.
PC gaming has been great for a while.
That happened 1983 to 1985. The prices for consumers were preventative, and development was also limited. Now, professional engines and assets are $0-starting, making games development potentially very cheap.
Really, consoles are simple paywalls (of which is much better appropriated to actually getting games …).
Space Station 13
Dwarf Fortress
the "crash" was also localize to the united states.
>indie shit microgames
I knew you couldn't do it.
>PC gaming has been great for a while.
Ever since it started piggybacking off console games
Burden of proof.
That image suggests that PC was way more valuable, and it still is.
>your eyes can't tell the difference past 30 fps, so why go up to 60?
Console fans are like hardcore Catholics
sorry what? if fun not allowed on conosouls?
lmao go suck triple A dick more you seething faggot
>name 3 that aren't mobile shit tier
>Burden of proof
Let's play 'spot the PC exclusive' in the best selling list of Steam games
But all the consoles with limited resources produced very few and/or crap games. Even die-hard Saturn fans can't bring up more than half a dozen games that would be considered both "good" and "creative" in a conversation.
without valve they wouldn't be in the same state as they are right now
so how do you wanna do it? if the game comes out on both PC and Console does it not count for either then? or is it what it released on first that counts?
Those 3 games could easily run on mobile
You need everything spelled out for you like a child?
>Hand Simulator
Bullshit. The crash was solely limited to consoles in the United States, up until around 2000 computers had an entirely different library and genres.
everything can run on "mobile" nowadays you dumbfuck
Do you know what 'exclusive' means?
can you avoid the question any harder?
Can I argue that no matter what companies where alway going to build towards bottom tier hardware because they want as large of a player base as possible. So if hypothetically only pc gaming existed they would still build toward ps4 and xbone lev specs
Give me your address bitch boi I'll be right there
Witcher 3 mobile?
RDR2 mobile?
Guess not uh shiteating PCphat
Are you pretending to be retarded?
>spot the exclusive
>"uh b-but you mean exclusive as in multiplat or..."
>he can't get witcher 3 running through wine
it's not even an exclusive you stupid faggot
Ah yes. PC doesn't have nice looking games.
I remember that meme.
crimes of console:
stuck on shit graphics a decade
stuck with simplified games due to the lack of complexity allowed with controllers
Guess the lead development platform for Witcher 3, fatty
No need to thank me for the scraps
The entire genres of strategy, cRPG, and simulation.
frogposters are such retards, holy shit
Only insofar as consoles have allowed the absolute dredge of society retards to infest video games and lower standards to immense levels, so much so that consoleniggers will sit and watch literal ads shoved into a $60 game that's FULL of microtransactions, because they don't care.
Into the Breach
Warhammer 40k
not that this will please a rere like you
Recently played Days Gone, those drops below 20fps, the loading times, it was obviously made for future consoles, or PC.
guess the lead development platform for ALL games you dumbo
hint: consoles are proprietary PCs and they develop on workstations which are also PCs
Consoles barely running at 30fps consistently is horrific.
like I said, before 3d shit took over 60fps was the fucking standard
How so
This shit has been going on since at least 2006.
Arguably since 2002.
Consoles are the only reason games advance in the first place. Imagine if the market was limited to PC. Gaming would be dead
>don't u no wut eclusiv men?
>oh i men lead devlop plat
spot bait before it starts
Allow me to show you a real example.
wonder how Flightsim is going to work on an XBox.. I'm thinking they'll just target it as the absolute minimum spec machine
>tfw came to the realization consoles impoved video games
Modern gaming being dead would be a good thing.
If your argument is that we wouldn't have gaming in its current form if not for consoles then that objectively makes consoles a bad thing.
Only a literal retard would try to argue that the vidya market nowadays isn't 90-95% trash, especially AAA games nowadays.
this is some next level bait.
If you are thinking ONLY about MUHgraphics, you are completely stupid.
Mmm no, just the general state of things.
Like, people can call PCfags autistic, but at least THEY would pitch a fit if a giant multibillion dollar company like fucking 2K started putting ads in PC games.
Consolefags just lie down and take it and talk shit if you have a problem with it.
Consoles are what made video games viable market to invest into. Explain to me how gaming would be ahead of where it is now without consoles.
this unironically, no japanese games
>Consoles are what made video games viable market to invest into.
In other words consoles turned games into another corporate arm of the ultra-rich made to milk retards as much as possible.
That's not a good thing.
Being more open and easy for retards is NEVER a good thing for the quality of a product, platform, or service.
Hence why you don't leave your fucking door unlocked and let random people wander into your home, because not every retard out on the street is someone you want to associate with.
Same goes with the vidya industry.
Consoles brought video games into the mainstream. I dare say most gamers over a certain age and many under it would have not gotten into gaming nearly as early or possibly not at all without consoles. They offered a simpler and, more importantly, more affordable way to play games. For quite a while with certain exceptions like Doom and the like, PC gaming was still pretty niche compared to consoles for quite a while. Many more serious gamers would still move on to PC gaming yes but the consoles served as a gateway and still serve a means to those yet to make the leap, or unable to due to finances, to play.
Consoles didn't hold gaming back, they enabled it to flourish and grow. Today that balance MAY be shifting but had they stayed PC only the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is and thus more limited and held back in THAT way. If you honestly think consoles were a bad thing for video games you're an idiot.
>consoles still struggling with 1997 PC technicalities
>Consoles brought video games into the mainstream
That's not a good thing.
Geez, I know this response might be a bit dated but, fuck off hipster.
Fuck graphics you moron. The way consoles actually hold back gaming is when it comes to complexity. Everything must be built around a clunky ass controler, so you have the entire UI being tremendously dumbed down with added game complexity being scrapped out due to it. Games also will become slower and more streamlined because consoles are shit at handling multiple AIs with complex scripts due to their garbage CPUs. They sacrifice everything so they can build linear corridors filled with cutscenes because that's all they can handle.
> Without blizzard they wouldn't be in the same state as they are now
Consoles took all the worst features of computers. No longer can you just pop something in and play immediately, you have to go through a menu and wait for updates.
Name a single property that's gotten better as it's gotten more popular please.
If the mainstream is good then there should be a PLETHORA of IP that have gotten better within the past 10 years as opposed to getting worse as they've gained more popularity.
So name one.
>Turn on Xbone because I want to watch some Eric Andre and get high with friends
>Has a mandatory fucking update
>Takes literally 20 minutes to start up, so much so that I just go grab a laptop, hook it up to the TV, and watch shit there
I'd be pissed if I'd paid money for this piece of shit.
>Games had to be gimped and dumbed down in every aspect so a wider audience would spend money on them
>This is good
but crysis 1 doesnt look that good anymore without mods
only true for the current generation. the 360/PS3 were well-rounded machines and the next generation may well end up the opposite - graphically weak with tons of CPU headroom. they're putting Zen 2 chips in them and pushing "true 4K" while also presumably aiming for an affordable price. you can barely play existing games in 4K on a vega 64, a GPU that still costs over 350 euros right now. they really cannot put anything more powerful into the next consoles so it'll be "checkerboard" fake 4K or bad framerates once again. meanwhile the jump up in CPU will be gigantic as even the cheapest first gen ryzens run laps around the current gen Jaguar cores. I'm expecting destruction physics and large crowds of NPCs to be a frequent marketing focus in next gen games. graphics will of course improve but the jump from Xbox One X to the next gen launch titles will be quite subtle.
Problem is that shitty corporations took notice of this and filled the market with crap high-budget games that appeal to casuals, parasites of the industry like EA and Epic Games would not have been without appealing to a fuck-ton of casuals
Monster Hunter
Not him but that's all to do with the developers though. You can certainly make challenging, complex games that respect the players on consoles, publishers just prefer casual bucks.
biggest problem is they have been using shit cpus for a long time, making all the games have to be made around these dual/quad core 1ghz pieces of shit
hopefully this will change with the ps5 and xbox going with zen 2
Hi newfag you don't know what that means huh?
>Millions more have been exposed to gaming launching it into a multi-billion dollar industry allowing not only allowing far more technological advancement but a ever expanding range of options.
>This is bad
>ALL IPs have gotten worse
>The decline of certain franchisees proves the industry as a whole is shit because of popularity
Yeah, the mainstream is nothing but awful, there's no such thing as good movies, books, phones, anything because they'd be so much better if poor companies no one cares about made them right?
Mainstream equals more demand. Demand equal more supply. More supply equals more supply of all qualities. And also more suppliers, like indie games people love to blow like Stardew and Shovel Knight. Two games based on old console game gameplay and aesthetics, who's creators may have never gotten into even gaming let alone making them if it not for consoles. Just because somethings not mainstream doesn't means it's good and vice-versa.
Grow up children.
Still waiting for that IP that's gotten better as it's gotten more popular.
Right off the the top of my head?
The Witcher series comes to mind
No they couldn't. Even if DF was optimised, it couldn't run on today's mobile hardware. Kill yourself, uneducated consolefag.
I wouldn't say TW3 is better than TW2, and given the state of the Netflix show I wouldn't say it becoming more mainstream is a particularly good thing.
You'd have a point if "mainstream" wasn't synonymous with "shit."
Consoles did not help gaming flourish and grow, the only growth we've seen in the industry lately is from indies, which mainly flourish on PC (and more recently on Switch).
If anything, consoles killed off the AA market almost completely, which resulted in multiple studios completely going under, nevermind the current stagnant state of the AAA industry (which is also due to consoles being full of shiteaters who don't hold anyone's feet to the fire when they fuck up).
But CPR are respectable developers
Casuals are what allowed the industry to degrade to the point there are only a handful of trustworthy companies that aren't indie
>EA keeps re-releasing the same sports games over and over with exclusive deals over real life players
>Ubisoft keeps releasing the same generic realist-looking games with little depth and abandons them if they don't magically turn into cashcows
>Epic Games advertised itself to children and now kids will grow up and remember Fortnite fondly, the same deal as Minecraft players
Now compare to indie games, and despite all the pretentiousness that some of those games generated it's a thriving industry for games with soul, for example games like Hollow Knight and Rain World and w/e
The OP said consoles have held back video games which simply isn't true. I did also say said balance MAY be shifting, but everyone jumped on the word "Mainstream" because this site has built up such a irrational toxicity to it (not surprising, I do know where I am" but it's not my argument, it's that consoles made gaming what it is today which is still so much more than it was.
As it got expose and growth, I didn't say shit about graphics. What was the state on the industry before the NES? What other classic PC games are remembered my the average gamer outside of Doom, a couple of its clones, Everquest, and maybe Runescape?
They learned from generation to generation what made more fun and more complex systems and engines. Developments that wouldn't have happened anywhere near as quickly had gaming not become popular and consoles made that happen.
>It's different when THEY'RE popular!
>Casuals ruin everything
>Big Companies Souless evil
Casuals kept the industry going and those companies used to make good games even, yes even after they hit mainstream. Things don't always become shitty because they get popular, some con but others manage to fuck up entirely on their own.
Can you people really not stand that normal people might also like what you like?
>ecause this site has built up such a irrational toxicity
Stopped reading there.
>What other classic PC games are remembered my the average gamer outside of Doom, a couple of its clones, Everquest, and maybe Runescape?
Better question, who cares?
What 2007-2016 games that aren't just big franchises are still remembered today?
The answer is pretty much fucking none outside of a few indie games because casuals have the long-term memory of a goldfish.
But no, the mainstream is utterly unnecessary when it comes to making a quality product.
The mainstream can ONLY ever lower standards for a product, BY DEFINITION.
Something being popular will INEVITABLY result in it becoming shittier and shittier as it continues to maintain infinite growth and attract more retards.
The only people who want more of this are retarded consolefags.
The issue isn't normal people, it's retards, unfortunately a lot of normal people also happen to be retards.
>consoles are proprietary PCs
lmao retard, I bet you think smart tvs are PCs as well
To be fair, Epic Games made one of the best VR games available today.
>Who cares? What 2007-2016 games that aren't just big franchises are still remembered today?
Quite a lot actually but that wasn't the point of the argument. It was to illustrate that PC gaming was not popular and thus not nearly as supported as consoles where. Y'know support? As in behind stuff that makes it actually happen?
>the mainstream is utterly unnecessary when it comes to making a quality product
It's relevant to it's availability, costs and rate of advancement (and not just in fucking graphics) which yes, affects the quality. The fewer people that care or even know about games then the less will be put behind making them- yeah some good stuff could still come out but whoopty fucking do if only five people know about it and it's 10 years behind where'd it be with popularity.
>The mainstream can ONLY ever lower standards for a product, BY DEFINITION.
The Definition!?! Wow! You're right! That's like totally not an opinion at all!
I'm honestly surpirsed you didn't use the word Literally with that kind of thinking...
>Attracting people is bad
Yeah like those indie games everyone loves, not like they had kickstarters or anything to make them actually happen. Wait... isn't that like one of those support things again?
>Quite a lot actually
Such as?
>It was to illustrate that PC gaming was not popular and thus not nearly as supported as consoles where.
And consoles aren't as popular or as supported as phones, what's your point?
>(and not just in fucking graphics)
Graphics, voice acting, etc. etc.
All useless shit that largely doesn't matter, everything else is based more on the talent of the developer as opposed to the amount of money they can throw at their game.
Hence why something like Dustforce or Undertale or Mighty Switch Force has a much more memorable soundtrack than something like Infinite Warfare or Uncharted 4.
Popularity means little to nothing because it has absolutely ZERO impact on the quality of the actual game and only affects superfluous shit that relies on larger budgets (like voice acting and graphics).
>That's like totally not an opinion at all!
Are you a 12 year old white girl or something?
>not like they had kickstarters or anything to make them actually happen.
Plenty of indie games are made without kickstarters, but this only proves my point since kickstarters are made for a specific audience and don't exist to attract AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE, like AAA garbage made for consoleshitters.
Crysis 1 HAS mods though
>Such as?
Duck Hunt, Contra, Double Dragon, Punchout, Tetris, Ducktales and should I go on? I Have only touched on the NES. I also feel the need to point out those "big franchises" you mentioned Started as single games that became big and mainstream because they were GOOD.
>What's your point
That consoles and the mainstream didn't hold gaming back, the claim that started this thread.
>All useless shit
>Are you 12
I was making fun of how stupid your statement it was with something almost as dumb sounding
>Plenty of indie games are made without kickstarters
Plenty of Indies games also suck, just click the tab in Steam
I'd keep going but you're clearly just autistic about the word mainstream and I'm tired of you. Good day sir.
>Can you people really not stand that normal people might also like what you like?
If that were true, it wouldn't be a problem. The truth however is that most people you call "normal" do in fact not like the same things "we" do and as such many games and many companies change in order to fit the perceived tastes of the majority, even if that majority isn't made up of the people who put the company on the map in the first place. This then comes with changes to core gameplay systems in a trend to reduce complexity, depth, difficulty and skill/time investment required so that the people who are not very used to playing games can still do so successfully.
This does not mean that a series becoming mainstream is absolutely guaranteed to drop in quality and degrade in its core mechanics, but it does happen very often and large numbers of games (and series) from the biggest companies around provide plenty of examples of this happening.
"Mainstream" in general is also a relative term and depends on the period of time. I'm pretty sure that the people complaining about the "mainstream" ruining games generally refer to the period starting with the 360 and PS3. The further you go back in time, the more pronounced the difference. SMB becoming "mainstream" among the video game community in the 80s is not the same thing as CoD being mainstream today. A "mainstream" game in the past was still largely contained to the video gaming community (and as such less subject to the damaging effects I described above), while a game attempting to become mainstream today will most certainly attempt to attract absolutely everyone it can. The mainstream of the past was much smaller than the mainstream of today.
>Duck Hunt, Contra, Double Dragon, Punchout, Tetris, Ducktales and should I go on?
Those aren't 2007-2016 games you dumbfuck, are you blind?
>That consoles and the mainstream didn't hold gaming back, the claim that started this thread.
They do, just like phones do.
>I was making fun of how stupid your statement it was with something almost as dumb sounding
So in other words, you were providing no counterargument and just acting like a 12 year old white girl.
>Plenty of Indies games also suck, just click the tab in Steam
What argument is that?
Have a nice night user, I'm sorry I hurt your consolewoman feelings.
Fucking idiot, crysis looks the way it does because it was made for hardware that didn't exist at the time. It was unplayable at high settings and 30 fps at low-medium settings.
Ah I see now, by limiting the scope to but a small section of gaming's history you hoped to skew the argument into one that wasn't completely asinine. Sorry user, you can't just cherry pick a favorable time for your case and expect it to hold up to the whole.
Consoles have existed since the seventies and to ignore that, well then we ignore the very beginnings of home video gaming.
No hard feelings. Just contentment in being right. You have yourself a nice night there too!
Not my fault the best games were made over 20 years ago by this point. Most of my backlog is stuff before my time and a lot of it seems to be better than the trash coming out today. tfw im no better than the Yea Forums meme about listening to older music
And when will you realize that the low and mid tier pcs too are holding back video games. I hate to ruin your fantasies but high end pc users are a fucking minority only maybe 5% and most of them only care about graphics and not gameplay so they are not better
Crysis doesn't look better than currently released games, it's just still a stress test because it relies on single thread performance. Your choice of pic is embarrassing, you should stop smelling your own farts, you fat shit.
as much as i love the ps1/ps2, consoles have served their purpose in the 90's/2000's.
>arcade are holding back consoles!
consoles improve so much that the arcade experience is 1:!
so what do you WANT?
its not the experience, because fuck you frog.