But what do they eat?

But what do they eat?

Attached: Primm.png (1729x1080, 2.59M)

ur moms pussy lol

Why did this saying caught on?
There are thousands of other questions and statements you can make to ascertain credibility of an aspect in an established universe.
The guy who said it is a pseud and will always be a complete dilettante.

I was always thinking, damn those video game cities modelled after real life cities always look too small and just an extremely simplified version of what they are... then I found out that for once, Primm was pretty much the same in NV and irl.

Because obsidian fanboys needed to find any little thing to criticize Fallout 3 over.
The funny thing is they completely ignore shit like the OP where some settlements in New Vegas have no food supply.

They purchase food from passing caravans with money earned from the casino.

Because bethesdadrones got incredibly butthurt about their shit games getting called out as being shit.

except they do and you're just a retard.

probably purchased it from the farming village of goodsprings that's just over yonder

because it was the most smooth brain critique of FO3 and like said obsidian drones unironically thought it was genius and spammed the hell out of it for a while

How does this game keep getting uglier?

the only place in New Vegas where this meme gets turned around on Obsidian and actually works is the ghoul camp in Old World Blues. there is a detailed cohesive trade route that runs through every town in the game and explains how they eat. but the ghoul camp in Old World Blues is as lore breaking and retarded as the ghoul kid trapped in the bomb shelter in Fallout 4

It just does

Unlike a kid trapped in a fridge, it's not impossible that they ate wildlife that wandered in or there was an automated system that delivered food to them

The worst part is they're so easily baited into running past the fence and blowing themselves up, probably to show off the effect

I know this doesnt matter to anyone but me but i literally just got to primm on a fresh save so this thread freaked me out.

There's a huge-ass NCR farm in the middle of the map SPECIFICALLY to answer this question

Not him but that farm is explicitly stated not to feed any of the regular people of Vegas or the Mojave

more importantly, where do they live? for a town that's supposed to see a lot of trade action infrastructure seems shot to shit
>inb4 powder gangers
please, there should have been at least some sign of civilization over the last 200 years; even goodsprings was less of a ghost town

>clear out the Powder Gangers
>the citizens all return to their houses
That's where they live

Because food and water are the most basic needs and would be thought of before anything else IRL.

It's illustrative of the problems with Fallout 3. Only literal autists don't understand this.

The only reason you're so bothered about it is because it's so popular, exposing your attitude as contrarian and your opinions as irrelevant