Did you experience this hidden gem Yea Forums ?
Did you experience this hidden gem Yea Forums ?
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i mean....
The remakes of CTR coming out made me redownload it.
Fucking hell it's worse than I remembered. The humour's really grating.
I played it. Never had any fun with it.
Christ, Sierra's Crash design was God awful.
I don't know i'd be able to play it now but I had a lot of fun with it when I was a retarded little kid
i only liked the hub area. it made it feel like some weird ass crash game.
This is legit the answer. I was surprised about how it worked as a semi-decent Crash game in the hubs, but the gameplay for the races is so easy it's fucking awful.
Yeah. I wasn't much a fan of the fusion racing but I thought the platforming was sort of interesting. I loved the character interactions and music.
There is no story reason for the chickens and Pasadena to exist as mutants.
Why is why they don't bother explaining them, right?
The animal characters being mutants is something that a lot of people seem to forget is a thing.
My uncle gave it to me for Christmas and I pretended that I liked it so he wouldn't feel bad for giving me a terrible game.
Do Tiny and Dingodile look like things that exist in the wild?
Guarantee the hub parts were a tech demo for a Twinsanity 2 that never arrived
The racing was bland as shit but I had fun hopping around in the Motorworld. The soundtrack was the most comfy thing I've ever heard.
Tiny is a thylacine and Dingodile is a dingo crocodile hybrid. Of course they don't look like things that exist in the wild.
nah, only crash game i've played which is not from ps1 era is twinsanity
Tried it out of curiosity few months ago. Pretty bad.
Why did they put so much effort into the dialogue but make the racing so shit
got it when i had the stomach flu, somehow managed to 100% it during that time
I had fun even if I spent every race shooting N. Gin's overpowered missiles at people while letting the other guy drive.
>platforming sucks
>humor is hit and miss
>driving shit is “ok”
>story is dumb even by crash standards
Game was just meh overall.
Went through some crash games that I didn't play when those were newish. Twinsanity was okay. Heard that it was rushed. It had some good parts and also god awful ones.
Yeah, platformer segments were alright, from what I remember every race was exactly the same.