lets see neo Yea Forums defending this
lets see neo Yea Forums defending this
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Good. Fuck corporations!
Better ban MtG and pokemon booster packs too.
Bring on the ban. Maybe they'll start making real games again when they can't make kiddy casinos anymore.
>loot box underground economy
unironically this
When people like you OP are too stupid to parent your children properly and abide by the ESRB to stop your retarded children from ruining the entire industry with their inability to understand monetary responsibility and scams, and these children alone can entirely support a continued existence of a scam, then of course the nanny state should intervene. It's because you OP are as dumb as the children you bore.
Better yet, why don't you tell us why having them is a good thing?
At least that's something NEETs can benefit from.
>ea fucking up is gonna force valve to make real games again
What are some games where the villain sacrifices himself for the greater good?
>yes man BAN fucking lootboxes
>Nintendo pulls games from Belgian play store
>Wtf why can't I play fire emblem anymore Nintendo sucks
People are retarded
>Yea Forums was never once in its existence for microtransaction.
>Nobody ever defended it on Yea Forums
>Government plans to intervene because it's dangerously reaching gambling level of fuckery
>Suddenly, contrarians start ironically defending microtransactions.
Way to out yourself as an obvious shitposter right from the start. Ironic shitposting is still fucking pathetic, user. Doing it ironically doesn't make you appear clever at all.
That would literally, unironically, be good. Drafts are for cuckolds. If you want to make a Draft or Cube game, feel free to access that randomization. But packs are gambling, and only encourage WOTC's kike sales practices year after year.
it's a form of gambling too so yeah it could fall under bahmammer too
but its only for protecting minors, its not a carpet ban from what I understand - so adults still can waste their money on virtual lotto as much as
the want and I assume "adult-only" rated games can still have gacha/lootboxes too
>tfw you can't choose between your enjoyment of shitty companies getting fucked, your love for retards wasting their money, and your hatred of the nanny state
help me out here guys which side do I take
It's brainwashed amerimutts. They fucking love corporations
Just Lolbertarians and AnCucks upset that anybody would ever oppose rampant, unchecked Corporatism, and have the sense enough to appeal to the only powers that can actually get in the way, because God knows they would never in a million years consider slowing down on this economic rape train.
>gonna force valve to make real games again
Fat merchant cant hear you over the endless stream of revenue from 30% cut of all Steam sales
also ban gacha while were at it
How about thinking independently?
>Promoting gambling to kids
This can't be defended
I used to play magic a lot when I was in school but it was only with decks from's really sad that a pretty cool game like it gets destroyed by monetization schemes
lol yeah sure dude
>one senator from one state proposes a bill to be implemented at the federal level over an entire republic of 50 governments
I'm sure it will pass, lads.
It doesn't add up. Nobody defended microtransactions before the ban was announced. Obvious ironic shitposters.
So what'll be the future pricing scheme for Overmeme's skins? You can't just pretend they're worth something when you ban lootboxes, and there's no way in hell Blizzard will simply give players skins. Are they going to charge $5 for a Legendary and risk their game being $600 for all of the content?
This is required to keep the bullshit in check.
"Voting with your wallet" is completely ineffective in a world where 1% of people are turbo autist whales who will put their life's savings into your microtransactions if only you HOYPE! them enough.
you can still piss your money away indulging in pointless consumerism
and gov regulations are absolutely necessary to keep corporations in check and stop anti-consumer and unfair business practices
Overwatch will be dead by the time any such law is passed.
>dude don't ban shit business practices that are half the reason gaming is so shit
>muh free market
do libertarians hear themselves sometimes? or does sniffing their own farts just numb their senses?
Precisely. It's very difficult to make this a proper matter of opinion when Whale_Fag_6969 supposedly has $10,000 worth of votes while my """vote""" against the idea is instantly discarded. All it tells every single developer is "When you make a game, always make sure you put in a little something nice for the Whales, because they WILL buy it."
>regulations BAD
>letting corporations exploit the retarded consumer GOOD
lolbertarians in charge of understanding that people are fucking stupid and need someone to watch over them so they don't do stupid shit all the time.
This only affects children, why the fuck should I care
They live in a fantasy where they are all corporate CEOs and the government is their mutual enemy, and that any action done to regulate predatory business practices is a direct, personal attack.
>artificially make less good cards and don't guarantee them if you buy an entire booster box, then scalpers make bank on these retards paying more than a dollar on cardboard
it would be based as fuck if they did
>unironically wanting a nanny state
I would say uneducated rather than stupid. In any case, libertarians are to blame too.
The biggest differences between the two are
>people can buy singles of cards
>random is a requirement for the games to make sense and encourages people to design decks around what they randomly got
>limited cards keeps all decks from being the same
>you can sell cards
Microtransactions and loot boxes in game have no real purpose other than making money. When Tera sells you a box that has a 5% chance of containing a maid outfit, they're not trying to encourage variety or keep things interesting, they're trying to make you buy 100 loot boxes. Meanwhile, if you took away randomness from MtG boosters (and subsequently destroying the singles market too) you'd get tournaments with 100 people playing the exact same deck variations.
Isnt the nanny state paying for your neet ass to not die homeless?
In what universe is this a bad thing? Videogame industry is sliding further and further into degeneracy. At this rate, in 10 or 15 years every game will be chink tier pay to win garbage.
>please corporate overlords fuck me in the ass
lets see amerimutts defending this
tell me Yea Forums did you ever buy pay-to-win shit?
The UK and probably the rest of the eu is about to require time limits on gameplay.
Will I still be allowed to deepthroat corporate dick if this passes?
There's a difference between defending microtransactions and not wanting them made illegal.
yes, private corporations will make much better feudal lords than uncle sam.
Fuck yeah, hope this goes thru. Chinks on suicide watch.
>playing gachashit
you deserve it
Not really, corporations have shown they're incapable of handling the mechanic reasonably.
What is "Public Assistance"
The solution's making sure people are either intelligent enough to not to fall for such stupid shit, or making sure anyone who isn't doesn't get granted any responsibility over their finances. Just banning loot boxes will simply result in the big companies moving over to the next big thing and starting to milk everyone using that.
>ugh, Nazis are exercising their freedom of speech? Let's just ban freedom of speech altogether then!
I would honestly prefer some sort of regulation on it rather than a straight up ban. Games that have to maintain server cost need to a way to make money. I completely understand though that a majority of devs abuse the fuck out of it in some of the dumbest ways possible. When it comes to cosmetics I prefer systems where you can buy exactly what you want but I don't tend to mind purely cosmetic loot boxes either. I'd be fine with loot boxes getting banned except purely cosmetic ones. Putting progression and mechanics behind lootboxes is the real villain. Stuff like the newer Shadow of Mordor game is the kind of shit that needs to stop.
Yeah, seriously. What next, they regulate how much waste they can dump in public water supplies? When will the nannying end? It's just like 1984!
Welfare, food banks, etc
All Wal Mart employees are part time so they don't get insurance. They make them work 39 hours a week and pay just above minimum wage. The ones with kids probably get food stamps too.
Food stamps and such because the job literally doesn't pay enough to eat.
There is literally nothing wrong with censorship and nannystate as long as it benefits your cause.
This thread goes the exact same way every time you make it OP.
Can't you just like, proxy your cards? Print them out and build decks for free?
Corporate welfare wherein big corporations get to pay us nothing because their paid gubmint lapdogs will give us just enough cheese to keep us from rioting.
based and redpilled
Regulations will only ever be used against things I don't like so they're A-Okay
Anyone who disagrees is a butthurt tranny shill
What do you think the next big thing could be? I'm curious what trickery they would try. I feel like we would just start getting more battle passes with tiers. They would make the typical $10 battle pass as well as some $25, $50, $100 battle passes. It's not gambling if you're paying for something specific.
fuck game devs
just let this whole industry die
>your cause
As opposed to who? Shareholders?
>May 9th
JUST BAN EM ALREADY, I want EA and 2K to burn.
I haven't played in the card game scene in a long, long while now but I recall people being rather offended by people who did this.
Which is neckbeard as fuck, the goal should be to enjoy playing a game not obsessively overspending to catch em all.
It would basically be some founder pack sort of shit but every 3 months.
>comparing waste regulation to self-control
Oi you got a loicense for those straws you're grasping at?
At least after that you have SOMETHING.
Buy a skin in Overwatch and you have paid money in a game you don't own for a virtual item you don't own to switch a 0 to a 1.
You thought always online was about surveillance? It never was, it has always been about ownership. The consumer lost.
The consumer barely even owns anything anymore.
>Buy licens to use product
>Buy ingame items
>Get banned
>Can't use anything
>Buy cards
>get banned from local tournament
>Still have cards
seriously fuck government intervention we need to bring back 100 hour work weeks none of this 40 hour regulated pussy shit
>implying it's contrarian shitposters and not just actual corporate shills trying to desperately manipulate public perception of lootboxes to be positive
They won the microtransaction war, but at least people are fighting against lootboxes.
>Go on eBay, sell cards
>Talk to a friend you know, gift him the cards
>Want to feel like dragon, grind the cards and snort them
Not that trading card games are completely ok but there is a huge difference
Implying you have complete freedom and nothing banned mutt. Can you watch pizza or have slaves? Can you marry young girl? Nope you're living in nanny state you also can't sell drugs and you tax many products so not a completely free market. Eat shit mutt and your loot box scam will be regulated.
I like that this change means that shitboxes will be gone so the censorship is fine here
Guess I will quit video games then... without ehtical and fun surprise mechanics I find no joy in them!
>Yeah right, as if I could go on in life without the hivemind.
Honestly yeah, I spent so much as a kid on worthless pokemon cards I thought would have resale value
I'd suggest banning them for under 18's
The issue is more that cards that are considered obscenely overpowered and ridiculous are often inaccessible due to the extremely high cost associated. What this tends to do is place an economic barrier in deckbuilding, where people will often find alternatives to otherwise expensive cards that do similar (albeit lesser) effects, and as a result, the average deck's power range is balanced around that fact. You're not going to see pic related in your average game because it's a fucking $2000 card, and nobody wants to deal with this bullshit if they can avoid it. But if you remove the price tag, suddenly you can run four in a deck, along with equally powerful, or dramatically more powerful cards, and now everybody is playing this game on pure luck based topdecks, and almost zero actual strategy.
The law mostly affects kids m8, this fucks over fortnite so much, isn't that great?
If Stadia makes it big (and it probably will, if it has all of Google's money and data behind it) I can see games-as-a-service being the next thing, each game needing a small monthly fee to allow you to keep playing or access some core part of it.
Being literal faggots deserve to be laughed at
These are reasonable points, but it seems like you'd just balance your game around the game and not some weird rareness to monetization factor that only nets scalpers and resellers money, not your company.
I guess it's engenders a certain brand loyalty when you have people dropping 2 stacks on a little slip of cardboard for their hobby though.
Stop trolling goddamnit.
It's not funny.
The ESRB was created because the industry wanted to prove they could reasonably regulate themselves.
The industry has demonstrated, through their unchecked illegal gambling racket, that that can't be trusted to regulate themselves when it comes to the specific subject of lootbox and pay to win content.
Now the government is getting involved.
Fuck you, they had their chance to be responsible and then they blew it entirely through their own greed.
There is no guarantee that Stadia will go over well. Google Plus was a fucking shitshow, most of Google's phones have been a shitshow, their wearables have been a shitshow.
In fact, Google and any kind of hardware has a much greater track record of failure than success. I'm not trying to be in denial or anything, I just see no concrete guarantee that this will work out well for them. I do certainly hope it fails. Streamed only video games is a future I don't want.
I love the "muh tax money" argument.
These employees are legally renumerated, which means their tax share, therefore, aee paying for their services.
>protect me
More like stop retarded whales from promoting shitty business practices.
Game streaming is for sure the future, but I gotta imagine they'll still sell DLC, season passes, and battle passes alongside the subscription which is the scary part. I don't want game streaming to be the future but it just makes sense. It will 100% end piracy and it will have convenience of playing on any hardware at any time. We just need more global advancements in internet technology before we start forcing people into this new system. Hopefully it wont be a standard in my lifetime.
>getting food stamps and a check every year that is greater than the money you put in
>paying for itself
lol america
Gambling is illegal for children, then corporations find a way to let children gamble and the state steps in... whow what a shocker.
Thats the most hillarious part of this shitstorm. Trading card games, sticker packets and shit like that will get massive flak as well just because the corporations were greedy fucks when it came to gaming.
But that's the point. You don't need one IF they can protect themselves.
>They are selling gambling in a game for children! We need to ban this!
>They aren't putting giant breasts in a game for children, we need to protest this and get those tits back!
The way this shit is couched in RISING UP despite being pure corporate shillbottery is amazing.
Children should not be playing games Teen and above.
>game industry has been given opportunities to regulate themselves for many years now
>their business models have gotten worse and worse
>ESRB means jack diddly shit
>government now has to step in as the last resort because even with people boycotting microtransactions, there are still whales supporting the system
>this gets the retartarians/ancupshits in a fizzy because they still think the free market can fix itself
Here's a change of pace for once, I'd like to see libershartians justify this whole system and the government's practices beyond "th-the parents a-aren't doing a g-good job managing th-their children"
industry's practices, not government's practices
>and it probably will
Not with America's network infrastructure. It will be dead in the water the second people realize that they need a consistent, strong, and stable internet connection in order to keep streaming games, and with most states having arbitrary data caps* that just arbitrarily throttle you for going over your data limit (not to mention all of the countless times where primary ISPs give rates significantly below their advertised packages), you're just never going to get Stadia operating well out here. If we get an era where internet magically works perfectly across the US and most of Europe without meaningless data caps, you'll see an age where Stadia can thrive. For now, however, it's not going to get off the ground outside of a few lucky places that have excellent networks. They'd do well in South Korea.
>ban surprise mechanics
>publishers begin adding in mandatory unskippable advertisements delivered by Google Services
Imagine being this fucking retarded. Imagine waking up in the morning and realizing you are this retarded.
My favorite part of all this is Reddit pretending they want to ban it to "protect the children" and not because they just hate microtransactions in their video games
Any other situation they would mock them for "won't somebody think of the children!?"
Any game that has unskippable ads in it will instantly lose a huge portion of their revenue. The only exceptions being games where lobotomized retards will annually purchase every single time, such as sports games and CoD.
>Any console that forces you to pay in order to play online multiplayer in it will instantly lose a huge portion of their revenue. The only exceptions being games where lobotomized retards will annually purchase every single time, such as sports games and CoD.
Oh yeah let’s welcome government policy into the world of video games. They’ve done such a great job with internet so far.
>sell meth and coke to kids
What, im just selling them a product.
>government now has to step in as the last resort
yes this is literally the last chance for daddy government to stop the evil private companies from offering products i dont like to willing purchasers this is our last stand Yea Forumsros
>"I hate lootbox fuckery because it incentivizes a structure of development that is built around selling these arbitrary random choice items in a game rather than trying to sell me a better quality game in the first place. It buries content behind randomization and is blatantly anti-consumer in practice, as well as making it significantly more difficult to acquire individual content that was desired, rather than random nonsense that nobody would ever dream of spending a cent on."
>"Well don't buy it then lmao :^)"
>"Lootboxes are the gaming equivalent of casinos trying to sell gambling to children"
>"Well uhh..."
There's no point in playing pretend because shills will always side with the mighty boot until they are forced to actually make an argument.
I legitimately want to see Nexon get hit the hardest by this. Fuck them in particular.
As much as I liked Ron Paul with you guys and gals... he didn't win.
Let's just let the gov handle this.
It's not like a slippery slope will occur.
>lootboxes get banned
>companies use this as a reason to bump vidya prices to $70 or $80 to salvage profit margins
I fucking hate lootboxes but this seems to be inevitable.
>it's a Yea Forums tries to make an analaogy episode
lol, yeah man, people are all victims. they are all too stupid to make decisions for themselves /s
Nah, they'll just switch to a straight subscription model for any game that uses cosmetics.
Shut up EA
Hey dumb dumb, if the game industry thought they could get away with more expensive base games, they'd do it already, Bobby Kotick said as much and it's why they scoop out 10-20% of a game and put it in $100 special editions.
>Underage kids are banned from gambling in casinos because it's addicting and is basically exploiting a child's undeveloped sense for money
>Underage kids are NOT banned from gambling in video games despite being addicting and basically exploiting a child's undeveloped sense for money, because it's not "real" gambling, but rather "surprise mechanics"
I see a problem here. There are two ways to solve that to "make it fair and consistent":
1. Ban both.
2. Allow both.
No other answer is acceptable.
Why would pirate central Yea Forums be for loot boxes?
This but unironically
have ever talked to a new kid under 7 recently
my God they're gullible
they've been brought up in this world, i do thing they need protecting from greedy and shady practices
Why don't we just ban kids from playing games?
Sure OP, just open your own casino or lottery, I'm certain you won't go to jail or anything.
Unsactioned gambling is illegal and lootboxes are gambling for children hich doesn't even pay out monetarily. The fact this shit is even legal is actually surprising
maybe the ones that should be protecting them are the parents and not the fucking governemnt? why would an 8 years old have the access to a credit card?
Okay, here's what we do:
All we need to do is that when you get something from a loot box, the company mails you a small piece of paper that says what you got.
There you go, now it's exactly the same as trading cards in every way.
Libertarians are just proto Ancaps
Both are fucking retarded
>use this as a reason to bump vidya prices
They would have already done this already, and they would still be selling lootboxes at full price regardless of the price hike.
Kids are stupid thieving little shits and parents don't watch their wallet 24/7.
There's nothing to justify in terms of the companies' actions. The companies offer products/services. People can choose to partake in them or to not.
both really
new parents are absolute horrible
every parent should be forced by the law to read some biopsychology
nah it's good
anyone who defends loot boxes and P2W shit is either actually retarded or funposting
ye, so true
kids nowadays eat up even more shit than we did, i see my brothers wife bringing up her young kids by just plastering them with toys, expensive phones and other cuck shit
they arent even 10 yet and all they want is to spend their parents money on anything advertised on tv
How is it the company's fault that a kid decided to break the law?
This. We actually need MORE regulations to protect us from ourselves and to protect our great allies in the middle east. Make sure to donate to your local senator.
t. I'll suck a company's dick on the internet and they don't even need to pay me.
Maybe fuck off to ResetEra or something you absolute tranny
>have ever talked to a new kid under 7 recently
*under 14
my 12 year old niece watched one conspiracy video on youtube and first tried to tell me the moon landing was faked, then when I got sarcastic and asked her if she believed the earth was flat she implied she had "an open mind" lmao. from the right source most kids will believe literally anything
do you actually know any real parents? most are absolute fucking retards who I wouldn't trust to stop their kids from basic shit like getting into heroin
>Sorry, we can't sell guns anymore. The government banned them. A kid might steal it and use it to hurt himself.
imagine defending predatory corporate practices
Thanks I needed somebody to help prove my point
Reminder to write your Senator and Representative that you support this bill
>Uses documented psychological tricks to get people with literally underdeveloped brains to do what they want
Kids are fucking stupid, if the effects of gambling are so well documented that it has to regulated for adult customers, it has to be doubly down for kids as their brains are literally undeveloped. The industry had years of people warning them to reel this shit in, they're asking for the government to stick a hot prong in their anus.
why is it in japanese
>corporations good
ok so lets just ban alcohol in case a kid steals money from parents and ask a bum to get him a bottle of vodka then gets wasted. lol the absolute state of you.
i am a parent and my kid does not and will not have enough disposable currency to waste on stupid shit like this.
ty to fit in more buzzwords you bootlicking imbecile.
Your image is completely irrelevant. It's reddit and /pol/ working to get loot boxes banned while libertarian free marketers defend them.
You forgot the part where gun companies use well known tricks to try to get kids to steal their parents guns and hurt themselves/the family. OH WAIT, that's just the game industry.
So just arrest the kids playing the game.
A kid could sneak into a casino or a porn site, or hell, a porn theater too, but we don't make the entire thing illegal because some kid might break the law.
The kinds of people that support loot boxes are probably the same fuckers that go to NAMBLA meetings
>It's only bootlicking if the gobermant does it, corporations steeping on me is just good business.
>my 12 year old niece watched one conspiracy video on youtube and first tried to tell me the moon landing was faked, then when I got sarcastic and asked her if she believed the earth was flat she implied she had "an open mind" lmao. from the right source most kids will believe literally anything
Seems pretty smart to me.
Only 12 and already knows CIA and NASA and US government is full of shit.
They might have went to the moon or didnt, dosnt change the fact they faked the earth photos and the moon rocks were fake or "went missing".
You mean where they try to market guns are being "cool" and try to trick kids into wanting guns? The part where the industry uses well known psychological tricks to influence impressionable kids and teens?
Lootbox laws have unironically changed my view on government regulation
The fact is the free market is not a meritocracy and anybody who believes it is has no fucking brain. Megacorps are a fucking blight.
Those are something physical, something you have ownership over, something you're able to trade or sell. Funny IQ response though, had a laugh.
No problem.
That would require increasing the goberment boot that you fear at all cost, regulating shit in an online video game is less invasive then putting a camera in someone's house and having cops watch to see who's playing a game.
Oh boy i love self regulation and free market!!!
>companies like EA, Ubisoft, 2K, and Rockstar stand to lose millions if not billions of profit from this
>have to fight two battles: one legally in court and one for their consumers on the internet
>resort to astroturfing websites by specifically pandering to websites in specific, directed manners
>pander to twitter by framing it as a "gamers are being pissbabies lol" argument, working amazingly
>pander to reddit by framing it as a superiority complex, that anyone in support of the bill is whiny, entitled, and beneath you
>pander to tumblr by framing it as "uwu your favorite games like dragon age wont be made anymore!!"
>pander to Yea Forums by taking advantage of the right leaning userbase and contrarianism by implying supporting the bill is sticking it to the libs and snowflakes, and further implying youre not part of the "cool old guard" if you support this
be better than this, Yea Forums. tumblr is unironically fighting this better than anyone considering the strong anti-corporate rhetoric, and hell, even this board is doing good with the amount of people calling out op. but that wont stop op and other hired goons to astroturf this board. be vigilant.
Reminder that loot boxes have no transparency into how random they really and there is nothing stopping devs from controlling rarity and their own market
What's so bad about it? It forces devs to actually have to make content worth a top price tag. No more of this bullshit eastern MMO design of 'buy dresses for real money.'
how is the corporation stepping on you by offering for you to buy a loot create that may or may not contain a sweet ar15 skin in the new call of rainbow six game you unbelieveable imbecile?
>Top members of ESA
Nope nothing wrong here.
>implying we hate EA and Rockstar
This is when you realize that there are actual paid shills that are pushing for loot boxes
Over a month old, this has been talked about already, find new material or at least provide updated info.
>companies do not like their intellectual property being stolen
I had a feeling someone would bring up the fact it might be faked
>Only 12 and already knows CIA and NASA and US government is full of shit.
except she really doesn't, she watched what I realized afterwards was a compilation of conspiracy theories with that being like 10 minutes of it and then did that kid thing where you smugly talk about something you just learned like you found the cure for cancer.
I could've just grabbed some random "debunking" vid and she probably would've went "oh well okay" and gone back to being a dumb 12 year old. As it is she just forgot about it
The good news is that nobody likes lootboxes. Companies made the critical mistake of thinking that their customers like them. Now they need people to defend their predatory business practices and nobody is buying it. They can shill all they want. It won't save them.
>Why don't we just ban kids from playing games?
There is no good reason for that. You'd need to explain why it's fundamentally worse than kids playing with toys or something like that. You'd need to conclusively proof that video games have a large-scale causational relationship with negative statistical effects on children.
Always online DRM and such being required to verify the purchases for starters? Or is Ubisoft making their games grindy as shit then charging $10 to click a checkmark that increases EXP to fix the problem they made like in the last Ass Creed not count to you?
Those are physical goods that can be resold. Can't do that with lootboxes
no it doesnt because its not compulsory for me to buy shit games jesus christ what are you talking about.
Intellectual property is a form of government regulation user, you're not a commie are you?
tbqh its not disruptive to the game and alike lootboxes we can trade its content
it even makes sense to prevent 14 and under from playing card games
as a dude that was more often that not lucky with lootboxes wich i checked trhu statistics im really looking foward to seeing this bill pass trhu
i bet all these games will be hosted on LA now.
You literally just described Hearthstone
>stupid people spend money on pixels
>smart people don't
What's there to fix? Seems to be working as intended.
It's a form of private property extended to intellectual value and further to a corporate entity, the right to private property being a cornerstone of a free capitalist system and the very anythesis of communism so I don't really see how that's relevant.
b-but think of the sports games! how are they gonna pay those billion dollar licenses?
I was joking.
Shes bit young to know about the global history and politics, probably dosnt even know a thing about the space race and the part soviet union played in it.
Yet alone about the history of any of US agencies.
I can buy singles from other people or trade the cards I don't want for ones I do or sell the contents of the pack. The contents of said pack don't suddenly vanish and become worthless once wizards of the coast decides the game isn't profitable any more and shuts it down. I can still go and play with other people or buy, sell, and trade.
you would be surprised. if you visit any game specific subreddit, you'll find a huge swath of redditors defending their company and their own awful spending habits with their lives. there are overwatch fans out there enormously proud of blowing their disposable income on worthless cosmetics.
A truly free market would allow anyone to make any product, ideas are just thoughts, trying to give people monopolies they haven't earned just stifles things, you sound like a lefty cuck to me son
I'm actually ok with this. Fuck MtG niggers and WotC
yet those companies avoid taxes in tax havens.
ESA remains silent.
The purpose of ESA was self-regulation to avoid government involvement, not protect every shitty thing that the industy does.
But their members are from top vidya companies of course they are going to defend that.
I'm just pointing out that.
Cocksucking corporate shill
Get a real job
this, fuck corporations AND the government
That's not how the State/Fed split works.
State senators represent their county/city/constituency in the state senate.
US senators represent their state in the country's congress
Hawley is a US senator for Missouri, not a Missouri senator. If the bill passes, Lootboxes will be regulated in all 50 states.
Just make paid random loot rated for adults
They're going to the next most predatory method probably: Make them rare drops and allow currency trading.
Does anybody have the ancap snake getting stepped on by corporate boot saying at least it's not the government?
About time the government did something right.
I wouldn't mind that as long as "rare" means "obtainable" and currency isn't suddenly virtually impossible to acquire ingame.
In reality the legislation will change nothing, corporations have legions of lawyers who will find a loophole that'll allow them to rebrand lootboxes as some other mechanic. This is just some politician jumping on a bandwagon to make a name for himself.
That kills the EA.
I can't live in a future like that. I buy games and let them rot in my backlog, sometimes years, before actually playing them, much less actually completing them. On average it takes me months to finish a typical 30-50 hour game, because I jump between other games + life gets in the way, and only put in a few hours a week. One thing I've always taken for granted is that I can come back and finish games whenever I want, or replay them in rare instances.
In a games as a service world, I would have to buy into streaming a game, beating it as fast as possible, then quiting the subscription and never playing the game again. Because I'll never pay a continuous fee for months on games I rarely play. Even more fucked is that most of future gaming is going to almost entirely online multiplayer, and good singleplayer games without microtransaction bullshit is going to be harder and harder to come by.
This. We don't need big government involved in Vidya.
Loot boxes and microtransactions are the cancers killing video games.
It will actually force developers to make good games instead of preying on retarded zoomers who steal their parent's credit cards.
Apparently we fucking do
The next big thing is games as a service.
>Cannot be pirated
>Can basically milk every user for years to come.
>Don't have put effort in the initial release since patches will fix them or so they say.
>Can copy paste everything in the next game.
>Built them around "suprise mechanics" either pay us or get butt fucked.
Is basically a wet dream for them.
Yeah fuck regulations
what games does EA put lootboxes that aren't rated M?
>not wanting to remove cancerous gaming practice designed only to get more money out of people who have already bought the damn game.
I'd be okay with this. Just sell complete sets are cards ala cart. The booster pack aspect of it is worthless these days.
Kill Gacha next.
Which is why I hope Stadia crashes and burns.
it's a compromise between either banning every underage user and putting ID requirements to get online or letting kids become gambling degenerates
personally I'd rather see the nanny state take out an uninteresting game mechanic (censorship ONIONS ONIONS ONIONS) rather than have to give my ID to look at questionable memes
The bill is aimed at games companies know damn well that kids are playing. IE Jewbivision can't hide behind their M rating for CoD.
Here comes the EA shill with a false equivalency
obsessed and rentfree
I don't care about the politics, i'm willing to 'cut my nose off to spite my face' just so I can see the publishers like EA suffer.
>This. We don't need big government involved in Vidya.
Corporations are a form of government retard. It's just that the state government represents (at least hypothetically) the public and the common good, and the corporate government represents the private interest of a few investors.
>wahhh why gubmit not let companies shit all over us
>15 year old AnCaps taking issue at this will unironically advocate"voting with your wallet"
>Pokemon/MTG Cards:
physical, required to play the game
>Baseball cards:
physical, collector's item
>Lootbox/Keys/Points/whatever/bottled air: virtual, you spend money on literally nothing.
YOU KNOW the difference
>be customer
>see game
>give money for X
>get X
>somehow this should be illegal
>not give monies because not interested
>zoomies take mommies credit card to buy it
>investor see yuge profit
>every game is now this because it's the only economically feasible option
>companies should be punished for providing idiots products they desire
they will probably just get rid of paid loot boxes and offer xp boosters instead
Eh just regulate it.
Put all the possible rewards with their odds.
Why do you niggers keep falling for this shit?
Unironicaly have sex, all of you
I hope that get banned as well.
>it's a /pol/ posts memes instead of arguments episode
I want you to know that after reading this awful post I left the thread. Honestly reads like someone who posts on Reddit.
We should also remove all regulations from real life gambling too.
>Corporations are a form of government
>the state government represents (at least hypothetically) the common good
>the corporate government represents the private interest of a few investors.
I don't buy it. How about:
>The government is a corporation. By definition it has a unique privilege; the monopoly on force
>The government, like all corporations, is made of people. People who, like in all corporations, wish to advance their own agenda.
>While the private sector is, at the end of the day, beholden to private investors/customers and must cooperate with them the Government may simply force the people to pay for its services and wars, both of which it propagandizes to its people through their education system.
You stupid cunt, I can't imagine comparing lootboxes to going out an asking a hobo to buy you a drink. Lootboxes are designed to get kids to buy them, designed to get people addicted to them, designed to drain your wallet.
Kids don't just decide to buy a game with lootboxes so they can drain their parents wallets. They buy the hottest new game that all their friends play, and think "geez, it's only $0.99 dollars. I have that much pocket money" and nab their parents card.
This is unnecessary. Just have the Executive branch declare loot boxes illegal
Imagine defending lootboxes.
Ban locked on disc content too.
Atleast with a government of (allegedly) elected representatives you have the illusion of choice. Just letting corporations do whatever makes you feel completely powerless and grows resentment until a new facist revolution begins because he talks the sweet sweet words everyone wants.
All people need to calm down is a glimmer of hope and you have none of that if somebody has all the money and you don't.
>I need to hold it for it to be valuable
>Pokemon/MTG Cards:
thing you pay money for because it has value to you
>Baseball cards:
thing you pay money for because it has value to you
>Lootbox/Keys/Points/whatever/bottled air:
think you pay money for because it has value to you
If it needs to be physically in your hand, then you MUST not have bought any download-only game for the past decade. Since YOU KNOW the difference.
>Atleast with a government of (allegedly) elected representatives you have the illusion of choice.
dog.....damn. I don't want to live in your world either.
it doesn't matter
lobbyists will see this bill killed or de-fanged to the point of irrelevance
Not him but i know the difference, those cards will be in my hand untill they rot, those virtual goods one day will vanish because of the servers going down.
Why are conservatives so cult like?
I don't support bans, too easy to be abuse, but they should be forced to put a big disclaimer on the box and in the game that their game is a digital casino where you gamble for in game progression and benefits over other players who don't chose to gamble. If every time the fucking microtransaction shop comes up there's a big bold header that says "THIS IS A DIGITAL CASINO" that might be just enough to wave retard normalfags off and help right the market so it isn't such a shitshow. It should be explicit too, that last grilling of EA where they pivoted the terminology to (((surprise mechanics))) indicates that they're fucking pissing themselves about their games being specifically called out as digital casinos. Slap the words "CASINO" and "GAMBLING" all over their games.
This would be better than lootboxes. With games as a service, some fucking faggot whale isn't going to buy 3 copies of the game.
2007 here, I'll defend it with a fucking gun if I have to. Fuck EA.
>Better ban MtG and pokemon booster packs too.
Absolutely they should ban that shit. Trading card games have literally always been a scam that should be criminal. In fact all forms of random purchase should be outlawed. Only possible reason to hide what people get when they buy a thing is to scam them.
>lets see neo Yea Forums defending this
1. dfq is neo Yea Forums, Resetranny? Don't you have some suiciding to do?
2. Yea Forums won't defend shenanigans like this, especially if they're coming from EA, ActiBlizz and other jewy outfits
>because fuck Jews
So ban them all. Question is: how does this make you feel?
You already do
>PSO2 comes to the west after 7 years
>its entire monkey making model gets banned by florida man
>In fact all forms of random purchases should be outlawed
So you literally cannot buy anything ever again?
They should do what Richard Garfield suggested: every game should be forced to tell you up front exactly what it costs, on average, to buy literally everything that can be bought in the game with real money.
For a honest game that'll be $60 plus another $40 DLC/Season pass.
For a criminal scam game like EA games it will be hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes millions of dollars.
The ban is not just in the US, you fucking Jew. It's a global effort to BTFO loot boxes and other shit.
>buy booster pack
>can trade cards with friends
>can sell & buy specific cards with other people
>buy lootbox
>cannot trade what I get
>cannot buy a specific item from the pool
>cannot sell or swap the item I recieve
Big difference bucko.
Are you retarded? You buy things exactly like normal. People simply aren't allowed to hide what you get with your money. No randomized shit like lootboxes, blind bags or booster packs.
Yes, waive more responsibility from the individual and give the government more control over us. Totally won't create an even weaker populace that will need even more government to control them. You stupid fucks are even worse than the boomers, always trying to tell people what they can and can't do. Just fuck off.
>Are you retarded?
Are you? You just said all forms of random purchase should be outlawed. literally everything you buy is random.
Maybe the government should instead enforce parenting.
How can companies be responsible for who play their games? All games are played by kids at some point. They would just have to remove lootboxes from all games. Think about this for a second, if a game is really good and there are millions of people playing on official servers, the company that keeps thoses servers up is now losing money from doing so. They would have to monetize their games in another way. That would probably affect everyone, not just some idiots opening boxes. For example, what if every update is actually another paid DLC or the game is full of microtransactions where you buy crapy items. At least with lootboxes you have a chance to win something expensive that you can sell for real money, or you just don't buy them. Games nowdays have more and more people online playing at the same time on official servers. Lootboxes is what pays the servers and the devs, but if you remove them, it's a huge loss in money. Hell, Blizzard made $4 billion dollars in lootboxes alone one year and they are still losing money. People that want to remove all lootboxes just because they hate some companies using them, have the same mentality of a cave man who can either run, hide or attack. We can all agree that in this place there is alot of people that want the gaming industry to collapse, just like there are people here who wish they were living a nuclear holocaust, because nothing seems to happen at all this days. But let me ask you a question. Did any of you ever thought what would happen after the collapse? Do you think you have any authority then because some companies got taken out not by your own hands but buy the government? THE INDUSTRY ALWAYS LIVES WHEN THERE WERE ALREADY IDIOTS TO BUY THOSE BOXES ANYWAY. You are just removing their containment. The new industry will be just as bad, but this time they will affect YOU TOO. There will be no place to hide from unskippable ads! Let me ask you my last question. HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT MONTHLY PAY?
>literally everything you buy is random
Not him, but you're clearly going to try and argue retarded faggot semantics. Kill yourself.
Yes, please do. Sell me the whole set of cards at once thanks.
Selling you the 1% chance of getting X at 1$ is the same than selling you X at $100 nigger
>going to try to
I'm sorry that you're a goddamn retard and want everything banned.
>Arguing semantics when he's very clearly in what he means.
Why are you being such a dipshit?
>Look I posted the thread again mom
This is a good thing and it doesn't have anything to do with the nanny state. P2w/lootboxes/money for cosmetics are all fucking terrible for the industry and are becoming bigger and bigger problems fucking fast.
Companies need to realize that not every game has to be some 300 million dollar project that needs to pretend it's going to change the world and that a lot of people are sorely missing the AA market where there can be more experimentation without such a big hit of it doesn't do well. Games have become incredibly beautiful and the technological abilities that we have now should dwarf games that were on the ps2 but somehow most of the of the best games created are from that Era or before. We have all of this but there is absolutely fuck all to show for it because the last decade at least has been fucking stagnate and if anything we have gone backwards. When was the last time you got a "manual" that wasn't directions on how to use your download code and an advertisement. The disk is barely even useful, it's just so you can download 100gb of needlessly bloated bullshit onto your hard drive. Lootboxes, p2w, all of it, are an absolute cancer to the industry. I haven't owned a console since the ps2 and I had an xbox 360 given to me shortly after it came out. The difference in quality, replayability, and entertainment between ps2 era and before games to what's being pumped out now is fucking staggering and you are either a shill, lying, or too young to be on this board to disagree.
It's not even nostalgia glasses. I've recently gotten ps2 games I've never been able to play back in the day and have had a better time with them than I have anything in at least a decade
No it isn't you fucking idiot. All normal commerce involves you knowing up front exactly what the thing you're buying is. You buy a car, you don't get a randomly chosen car in a blind bag, you get the exact model and type you chose and you have all relevant knowledge up front. Only loot boxes hide information of exactly what your money bought you by adding randomness to it.
They still pay taxes, therefore, they pay for the service.
I never said it was optimal, just that fucking geezers crying muh taxes always act like they're the only ones paying taxes.
Retard, the law is to protect stupid ass kids from wasting hundreds of dollars on what is basically a gambling system.
>They would have to monetize their games in another way.
Yeah, it's an amazing thing called expansion packs. Worked wonderfully back in the day and now it's like that's relegated to season passes and then the game is thrown away.
>when he's very clearly in what he means
Everything you buy is literally random chance nigger. Do you retards think the shit you bought is a literal clone of the original?
>everything you buy is random
Cool, now I hate you and hope bad shit happens to your family. The kind of bad shit that gets TV specials.
>all games are online
>all games are always online
>you can always trade what you get in lootboxes
A monthly subscription fee is much better. You can actually fucking vote with your wallet because retarded whales won't be able to buy five subscriptions per month,
>muh DLC
That's what we've got right now, nothing will change,
I can do that without a law
>No you can't have my credit card, son
It'll never pass and if it did SCOTUS would knock it down
Then that's what you'll have to do. Remove the randomness and charge that $100 up front.
>but then nobody will buy it!
Exactly. Because it's a scam. Nobody would ever pay that money if they weren't tricked into paying it by obfuscating the deal with gambling mechanics and probability calculations.
You're still arguing semantics again. By your logic nothing is new because it had to be manufactured somewhere so we should also be paying used prices.
> Hurr da govbermint good ban loot box!!!
> Governments start regulating what you can play, when you can play, how you can play, how long you can play
> heeeeey hooold on a bit gubermint no good?!
or they can just pay 5 bucks for the skin/weapon/whatever they wanted?
>Dad it's only 3 dollars
>Everybody else gets it
>thanks dad
Repeat every week. Boomers don't understand lootboxes and if their kid says "it's not gambling" they'll fucking believe them.
Physical product, can be resold, you can also target buy specific cards from people if you want.
Can't resell a Overwatch skin to recoup cost and you can't buy it directly either.
You seem brain damaged or so ESL you don't even understand what random means.
Anyways I've already figured out a workaround a lootbox ban and It would probably earn the companies more.
Most of games with lootboxes have a "Item guaranteed at X lootboxes" anyway. The point is that banning them is unecessary boomer stupidity. We can just regulate them and will help games to have a living online instead of shitting a new game every 6 months
>thing that is actually happening
>thing that isn't being proposed, and never will be
Wow, you sure convinced me
grats on your million dollar idea
Tell that to all the brainlet parents who don't even know what the "password required during purchases" is, also most kids just straight up steal their parents CCs.
On top of that. When was the last time you were allowed to put in cheat codes? Unlock secret characters by doing something special instead of just buying them? When was the last time you saw a worthwhile easter egg?
>hard mode: it can't be from indie shit
I support this. OP is probably a jew or something.
Reminder that if lootboxes are banned the industry will react by standardizing $79.99 game prices. They will just argue that games were sold for $59.99 15 years ago when they cost 1/5th the amount to make and therefore the current pricing is just too low.
You'll go from an optional jew feature to a mandatory jew pricing.
Now cheating is harder, which push to make real hacks plus its more valued, I like the new way better
I support government regulation of art desu. SJWs shouldn't be able to put their ideas into our heads
It's a scam, and your little tantrum can't chance that fact. No honest commerce ever involves hiding information from the buyer (unless the information itself is the thing for sale), and not showing exactly what cards are in the pack is 100% hiding information. If trading card games were honest business instead of a criminal hustle, the cards would not come in randomized packs, they would simply tell you which cards you get in the box and then you'd choose to either buy the box or not.
Fuck the government. But fuck greedy corporations that prey on children more.
I don't necessarily like loot boxes (though I don't actually hate them and think they're a fine model for some F2P games) but I think making laws based on protecting brainlets from themselves is bad in general.
Lootboxes aren't art, faggot. There is nothing artistic about them, they're just a way to squeeze money out of people unfairly.
It already cost that with the content they cut and sell afterward as dlc.
Well I think that brainlets aren't that bad, and I'm sick of lootboxes. So I'm happy to just ban them.
Fuck brainlets. If you are stupid you deserve to be abused.
If I can enjoy these free games financed by idiot whales, let it be
oh thank god retards actually made it get this bad with there low IQ spending habits
fuck yeah can you imagine just buying a new set outright for 100-150$?would be amazing
Cool. I don't give a fuck. Lootboxes have to go no matter what, and everyone who defends them needs to hang.
>I love micro transactions and loot boxes !
retarded shills don't change
Feel free to make that argument to the supreme court.
-t. useful idiot for uncle sam
I bet you supported the patriot act you ultranigger
Based Christian politicians keeping vidya wholesome and not degenerate.
Good, fuck corporations and fuck shills
So what is the path forward if the focus is on kids? Lootboxes = instant M rating? So the mechanic would still exist and kids would still be getting their M rated games as has always been happening.
-t. useful idiot for big vidya
I bet you support games as a service fuckwit
There's really no need for this tho, everyone's buying singles anyway. The problem with loot boxes is that you can't buy (or sell) singles.
Government is a form of corporate business. It's the business of human managing. Every citizen is an employee.
nth for this
you would kill almost all android games but gacha is not a game mechanics
the good games would adapt anyway
I don't support videogames I pirate virtually everything that isn't from a small indie studio
How brain damaged do you have to be to assume that everyone who doesn't worship authority and goatse themselves to politicians has to support whatever you don't like?
As someone who dont even buy lootboxes, I dont see why you retards are against it
>lootboxes only give cosmetic shit
>the multiplayer game will be kept alive thanks to it
>more free games for you that feed on whales
Its a win-win for us the non-paying jews
If we tell Trump it's just to fuck over the Chinese it might work.
I don't support the Patriot act and I oppose virtually every bill that I haven't personally lobbied for.
How brain damaged to you have to be to assume that everyone who doesn't worship game companies and goatse themselves to Blizzard has to support whatever you don't like?
lootboxes and gacha are functionally the same. it probably would kill them.
Because I don't play trash free-to-play multiplayer games, and loot boxes are sneaking their way into singleplayer games with more than just cosmetic shit in them.
americans started it though
If the game industry thought they'd get away with $80 games, they'd do it already loot boxes be damned.
Every time I see this thread the shills and corporate dicksuckers come out in full force and they get BTFO every single time. By all means, keep making them, it's funny as fuck to watch shitty arguments get blown apart repeatedly.
Also fuck corporations, fuck microtransactions, and fuck gambling, if the industry did it's job this wouldn't be happening and if you can't make money off of video games without shoving gambling in then you shouldn't make games at all.
0 (Zero) iq post
>>lootboxes only give cosmetic shit
this is false. some games may work this way, but its not an intrinsic part of loot boxes
>>the multiplayer game will be kept alive thanks to it
also false, all it does is increase expectation of profits, it could result in games shutting down due to failure to meet expectations. Just keeping things profitable afloat is not the business model of the megaporky, they want loads of cash now
>>more free games for you that feed on whales
all games should require a subscription and all whales should be shot
Honestly the EU has always been pretty tight on anti-consumer practices and they started any real legal action against lootboxes.
It's sneaking into single play shit is why. Shadow of War had to be rebalanced when they got around to removing them.
It really is a degradation of quality
>Game is sold as is, completed to some standard
>Expansions allow for finished games to get more content but not enough to justify it as a sequel
>DLC allow for smaller pieces of content to be added
>Micro-transactions give 1 piece of content, usually cosmetic, for a price when added up with everything is more than the game costs itself
>Lootboxes doesn't even guarantee that what you paid for is what you get
>only cosmetic
government is an instrument of the rulers. Since we live in a time when different classes are competing for rulership sometimes the government will benefit one, and sometimes it will benefit the others.
Did OP seriously make this thread thinking I'm going to take the side of one of the most abhorrent business practices in entire industry that all but ruined it as a whole?
Oh yeah not to mention after DLC (Or during DLC), the content is already in the game's files, just needs a "key" to unlock it.
>this is false. some games may work this way, but its not an intrinsic part of loot boxes
Give me one game that you need to buy lootboxes
>also false, all it does is increase expectation of profits
Bullshit, the games MP are lasting more than ever in history, just see GTA:O thanks to shark cards
>all games should require a subscription and all whales should be shot
Fine then, instead of me telling you how this is good, tell me even one reason why this is bad?
If its singleplayer just hack the game lol, infact, just pirate it lol
>Give me one game that you need to buy lootboxes
give me one situation in life where you need to buy crack you mouth breathing retard
>Give me one game that you need to buy lootboxes
almost every free to play mmo with an enchanting system
>MP are lasting more than ever in history
no, games come and go faster than ever, meanwhile there are games like starsiege still running multiplayer servers that are 20 years old
>want to pay
no, i just want to remove whales. I would be more than happy to play a totally free game but untill north korea starts releasing its games internationally we are stuck having to fund them somehow. Its better for everyone whos going to play it to pay a small, equal, amount and enjoy a level playing field than to let whales get massive advantages just so you can save $15 a month.
>I don't buy them so that means they don't affect me and never will
I am sick and fucking tired of this shit argument
"Vote with your wallet" is literally just "Do nothing" AND IT FUCKING DOES NOTHING. Individual sales are no longer measures of success like they once were. They can recoup the cost of hundreds of you off of one whale alone. This fucking 'wait it out' attitude is part of the cancer killing games.
All video games are for children you delusional manchild.
>lootboxes only give cosmetic shit
Except for games like Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey, Battlefront 2, and Shadow of War. Even then that cosmetic shit is still content that's being denied to the same players who played the game. Even if a free player wanted them they'd have to devote their entire waking life (Even more than working a job) just to potentially get what they want, and it's obscene. The AC games even make it harder for a player to get better tier gear just to push the lootboxes.
>the multiplayer game will be kept alive thanks to it
Who gives a shit? Let the players host their own dedicated servers. Bam, now you have no upkeep. Or you can sell some expansion packs/season pass content/specific DLC to keep up the costs and make a bit of profit. Why do I have to roll a roulette rigged against me instead of these other options?
>more free games for you that feed on whales
Fuck F2P, I have to deal with games I like like Yakuza and Kingdom Hearts chasing the whale money and locking story to these cash grabs. It's also invading my singleplayer experience more and more and it's frustrating. Fuck off.
>defending gambling mechanics in video games
RNG has to fucking die
Because it sets a precedent for the government to say what you can and cannot do in video games, which is inevitably going to be expanded over time and abused to go after developers who piss off some shitbag politician.
Where I live games are already $80
>Give me one game that you need to buy lootboxes
That's not what you fucking said nigger. You said they were cosmetic only. Probably the hardest goalpost shifting I've ever seen.
>Bullshit, the games MP are lasting more than ever in history, just see GTA:O thanks to shark cards
GTA:O is only 6 years old. Average for a really succesful game.
no u
Fuck off. RNG is at the core of all RPGs.
Sounds like you play casual AAA garbage
But those are surprise mechanics, like Kinder Eggs
>government bad!
fuck you and your shitty % of hitting things
there's a reason why everyone hated combat in morrowind
>Government good
It's a situation where an extreme minority of consumers can invalidate the will of a majority via whale theory.
We can't boycott the games and change the behavior due to them only needing a super minority of players to bite and make it worthwhile, so the industry was asked to self regulate the practice out. The industry refused.
So, we can't boycott it away, they won't fix it themselves, so the only option left is regulation.
The industry had EVERY opportunity to avoid it. They chose not to.
>government bad
>Make games that cater to me or I'll tell the government on you
kids can't play slot machines
this is just taking care of rampantly exploited loophole
Who cares about leveling the playing field, you will have that autist who play 24/7 anyway, better spend that time working and buying lootboxes lol
GTA:O still have R* producing content for them after 6 years, except MMOs I dont remember a SP game with content after 6 years
Are you a yuro by any chance?
That's not what that says at all.
You can't read though, so thank you for at least trying.
>why 90% am not 100%!?
fuck off brainlet.
This bill was created by a Republican.
>Think of the children
The solution is to step up and set limits, not run crying to the government begging them to parent your children for you
Must be one of those pedo MtG judges. Better check yourself before someone inflicts bullet poisoning upon your ass.
>it's a situation where an extreme minority
*literally every functioning human who isn't fucking 12
>Who cares about leveling the playing field, you will have that autist who play 24/7 anyway
You sound like a casual
casuals arent allowed to form opinions, they are too stupid dont even know how games work.
>98 speech
>still fucking fail
fuck that shit
t. autist who play 24/7
Get a job LMAO
Of course I will, fuck these greedy cocksuckers.
>better spend that time working and buying lootboxes lol
Oh, so you're just shitposting then.
>GTA:O still have R* producing content for them after 6 years, except MMOs I dont remember a SP game with content after 6 years
First of all, GTA:O isn't single-player you faggot. Secondly, all the content is DLC, so micro-transactions DON'T fucking help because you still have to pay to get added content anyway. And finally, Minecraft.
>*literally every functioning human who isn't fucking 12
I don't think you understood that properly.
The majority of consumers don't buy or want lootboxes and microtransactions. It's a small percentage of whales that make the whole thing so successful.
t. retard
>Don't buy a shit game
>Other people still buy this game and make it profitable
>wtf pls ban
Sure sounds like it to me
What fusion center are you posting from, glowie?
>t.epic shill
>because you still have to pay to get added content anyway.
Those are free DLCs nigger you even played it?
>implying it's the kids doing it
Yeah, it sure is little Timmy dumping thousands into gatcha games and not retarded whale addicts, right?
>literally so incapable of not being a contrarian, Yea Forums is now actively supporting illegal business practices and the destruction of their only reason for existing.
I wish yall would stop sucking dick.
Why would you want to buy expasions so the game won't die, when if they have lootboxes, it's a better idea for them economically to just give the expansions to you for free, so you may play the game longer and buy those boxes. Someone else is going to buy those boxes for you too, everyone wins. I understand alot of companies fuck this up, but why does everybody else has to suffer?
>A monthly subscription fee is much better. You can actually fucking vote with your wallet because retarded whales won't be able to buy five subscriptions per month
My point is, why would you want to sacrifice lootboxes just to affect some companies who actually abuse them, when that would affect the entire industry, including games that are online, always online and that you can trade the boxes. Some companies that actually care for the game need them to pay for servers, devs or even make another game. They can throw at you alot of free DLC in form of big updates too, because of the money they are doing from people that choose to buy those boxes. If you just want to play the game and it is not a game with p2w, you don't have to pay for monthly subscription fee or anything else, some guy just paid the cost of the game for you.
>>muh DLC
>That's what we've got right now, nothing will change
It will, it could be alot worse, there is alot of games that don't need to go full The Sims to live.
The companies would lose alot of money from that, no chance to ever exist rare items, that you can trade for even more items or a economy for that matter. There would just be more games being made, if they don't put the monetization elsewhere, probably. That sounds like a good thing, but if the sequel sucks, the old one is dead and without support of official servers.
if you get shakes from the prospect of losing lootboxes, you require therapy, not pls don't do dis signs
>fusion center
That's not the situation.
It's more like
>More and more games keep getting MTX inserts that detract from the product in the way most people do not want.
>Only need an extremely small amount of gambling addicts to make the MTX system successful.
>Vast bulk of the market winds up getting worse products and has no ability to fight it via normal free market methods whatsoever.
The majority of consumers are forced to deal with this because the free market solutions here failed.
>Those are free DLCs nigger you even played it?
The fun shit is DLC
>no chance to ever exist rare items, that you can trade for even more items or a economy for that matter.
MTX systems have by large been killing the idea of item economies in games.
Fucking based. Fuck off you devtard
Poor little richfag. Gonna have to learn how to play your games now, huh? And those poor developers! It's terrible they're going to have to learn how to make real games, now. It's just not fair!
>The majority of consumers are forced to deal with this because the free market solutions here failed
What's preventing you from buying games without microtransactions?
KEK, ea shills are seething
>Yea Forums is now
that's not what's happening here at all
It's a shill thread, they make them every once in a while and try to scatter shitty arguments in every few posts to make it seem like they aren't universally reviled parasites that can only prey on retards.
You will notice them because they always use similar OP images and posts and their arguments don't change:
>nu-Yea Forums will defend this
>WOW, I thought we hated government, now you all want daddy legislation to save you?
>if lootboxes go, say goodbye to X!
>they aren't that bad, they're just cosmetic!
>I don't buy them, why don't we just let people use their money how they want?
>the company has to make money somehow, games are expensive!
>It's basically DLC! Microtransactions aren't that bad, relatively speaking!
>have sex
Repeat ad infinitum. I don't care about the government. I would rather they not interfere with my games. However, in this case it is entirely justified and I am fully confident in saying these corpse-eating maggots feeding on the dying, pus-filled, shit-stinking carcasses of once-good video games and genres deserve everything coming to them. To every shill in this thread, I hope "Daddy Gobernment" comes to your house, drives a red-hot, rusty spike through your dick, and makes you pay 4.99 per inch to remove it. 10$ is nowhere near enough of a price for your suffering, but it's a start. Go tell the literal supervillain CEO at EA he can get some Viagra and go fuck himself.
>frogposter is retarded
I'm shocked
actually yes
kids with unrestricted access to credit cards are whales, numpty.
If it hurts EA, its good.
Nothing, but the spread of MTX is creeping further and further into the industry, like DLC did.
If left unchecked, it's not unreasonable to expect it to be the norm in a few years, made even worse by comboing with pushes for games as a service.
Mods will chop that shit right out of any PC game day one. Get fucked, peasant.
Can you imagine being so brainwashed that you'd defend lootbox mechanics?
>Everything random should be banned from sale!
>Everything is random
>Therefore everything should be banned
Ow the edge.
>and makes you pay 4.99 per inch to remove it
Dicklets here will be getting away with a 2 cent fee.
>b-b-b-but the free market!
That's what people who defend loot boxes keep saying, despite ignoring that MTX shows that you can ignore the bulk of consumers and just target the whale group and make more money. MTX is free market at work.
And what prevents you from pirating the DLC and using item unlockers for all shovelware that does this?
Lol, /thread
Literally every faggot who disagrees is a shill, and boy are they mad.
>bad game design will be illegal
sounds based to me
What's the difference between youtube CSGO create openings and Card Pack Opening showcases really.
The government already entrusts the industry to self regulate, that’s the purpose of the ESA and by order, the ESRB. When the industry that the government entrusts to self regulate doesn’t do that, the government steps in. While I would not have the government create laws for video games, I don’t want corporate twats getting by on shitty practices. And shitty corporations will continue to operate on that path unless they are called out on it.
DLC and MTX aren't the same thing.
A commonality of games pushing MTX systems are online verification of content and account unlocks.
Also, if your actual justification for this is that people can always just steal content, you've pretty much admitted the system is untenable.
And the same thing is gonna happen to social media.
But what if I just don't want to open the lootbox??? Oh wait! I don't need to open it!
And that would be all of them without lootboxes...
All slippery slopes are real though
Do you think Activision and Take 2 lawyers are leaving mean phone calls for EA's lawyers after the surprise mechanics line?
One makes redditors mad so it should be banned.
It's rare to see government do something right.
>2.99 in funny money
>A fucking whisk
>18 and above.
Fuck the UK, island of faggots
A lot of people don't understand this. They were given a free shot to self regulate this and end the issue right there, but they chose instead to ignore it, and issued a statement to that affect.
This wouldn't be an overstep, it's what comes after you refuse to self regulate negative behavior.
People who actually believe in the "Vote with your wallet" meme are fucking braindead
I don't want them to either, but I see this as a convenient excuse for the government to start creeping into video games. Where I'm from, there's a lot of local laws that were passed for seemingly benign reasons you'd be hard pressed to disagree with, but quickly became a way for politicians and well connected people to target people they don't like and drive away businesses they don't like.
If everyone banned businesses from making products or profit that they don't like then everything would be illegal.
>This wouldn't be an overstep, it's what comes after you refuse to self regulate negative behavior.
If it passes then I will unironically await Jim Sterling's I told you so video.
A lot of people are probably really pissed at EA in the industry.
First, they have to make a high profile star wars game, post disney buy out, a posterboy for negative MTX systems, then they have to keep saying the DUMBEST SHIT about their MTX to justify them.
That pride and accomplishment line, and now this.
They can't stop fucking this up out of greed.
If you are saying that you never use lootboxes, then banning them would have zero impact on you.
What is your argument?
Get fucked corporate bootlicker.
We'll have to burn those bridges went they come to it, for now the industry has to be punished for failing to self regulate.
>shovelware shit is worth no less then it's current price
they practically reused a lot of assets in mainstream games
So gacha games could potentially become more adult only eh
This. I have actively been boycotting a lot of developers for years now, and all it takes is a single whale to erase my actions and those of 100 others like me. It doesn't fucking do anything.
Let's have the government do something about RNG
I remember when you still could do that lol
Back when if I wanted a golden weapon in Killing Floor I could just pay $5 for the Golden Weapons DLC 1 that would give me like 5
Now if I want a golden weapon in Killing Floor 2 I need to gamble hundreds of dollars to get one, pretty epic I gotta say
don't worry they will. EA has successfully involved many other companies in their escapades and are ready to bring them all down with it
underage gambling is legitimately an issue now, all because of EA. If that doesn't make it one of the worst companies of all time then idk what does
Unironically, its really sad that leftist over-regulation has created this impression. Its caused a classic over-correction.
>We'll have to burn those bridges went they come to it, for now the industry has to be punished for failing to self regulate.
Are you admitting there's going to be future consequences that are worth it for brief revenge?
Good luck ever getting the government to release power it's granted to itself.
I've been "voting with my wallet" for over 10 years. It didn't change a thing. There are millions of zoomers to buy the shit game OR there is just one gambling addict whale who will spend more than ten thousand normal people put together.
Cool, with prices so high corporate, soulless AAA western gaming will finally die out and we'll go back to AA studios
>Government will never turn loose of the power to stop children from gambling
Lol, okay?
Protip: If you want to argue unintended consequences, DO SO.
Its not enough to just say, "There will be unintended consequences" with no justification.
Compare: Your vague, shitty argument vs the arguments against the minimum wage.
"if, if, if, if, if"
"if we all just got along we would never have any problemsssss, wahh, wahhhh"
SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT. these cocksucking leaches obviously found and exploit and it's an exploit for a reason.
if little faggot jr asks mommy and daddy for 15 dollars in order to buy in game currency so little faggot jr can play the slot machine, the parents wont know and/or wont give a shit if they did know, all because its what the kid wants and they want to make little faggot jr happy.
>voting doesnt work if my side doesnt win!
If you ban lootboxes, companies would need to make money in another way to keep servers up and shit, IF LOOTBOXES ARE HERE SOMEONE WILL BUY 5K OF THEM AND 5K PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO SPEND A CENT IN THE GAME! IF IT'S ANYTHING ELSE YOU ARE LOSING CONTENT! BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE TO BUY 5K DLCS. If you want to sell lootboxes the perfect thing to do, (not always done by some companies) is to make a acually high quality game with alot of updates and free content, for higher chance of one of the more players end up opening 500 boxes.
Are you asking for specific consequences of a law that hasn't been passed yet?
The companies even admit that whales invalidate the vast majority of consumers.
You can't vote with your wallet when 6% of people count more than 94% of people.
Anything that hurts EA and Activision is good enough for me
more like let's do something about game mechanics that shouldn't even exist in this day and age, like turn-based shooters
>If you ban lootboxes, companies would need to make money in another way to keep servers up and shit,
because they never made money before lootboxes
>If you ban lootboxes, companies would need to make money in another way to keep servers up and shit,
One of these companies admitted to their investors that they don't need the lootbox money at all to be profitable or to maintain operations. It's all gravy.
This is a lie they sold people on.
>Think of the children reeeeeeeeeee
>Reality is adults who should know better spending tens of thousands of dollars on shit games like final fantasy
Government save me from myself
The game industry already makes more then Hollywood and the music industry combined, fuck off with the argument that they might struggle for cash.
all this faggot is missing are huge fucking horns
Thank god.
Fuck AAA developers.
Fuck AAA publishers.
Fuck AAA games.
Fuck whales that enable this shit.
Fuck niggers.
More like
>Government save me from the retards who keep funding predators
>Ban businesses models that don't collapse without my support
ok retard
Good, fuck treepalay gaymeng.
>Government save me from other people buying what I don't like
Shut the fuck up boomer, go back to your HOA and hang urself
Slippery slope is not always a fallacy. It's only broken when step A to step C involves a step B that is highly improbable.
Not either of those people, but that's definitely slippery slope.
too much libertarianism is as bad as too much authoritarism
The same thread word for word has been reposted for weeks now
Step B is highly improbable. There's no way they'd get public support for any of that shit. It would be political suicide
America already has too much authoritarianism
Go fuck a McDildo, bootlicker
It would also be unconstitutional.
Step B in that scenario is MASSIVELY improbable.
>Implying they need public support
>Implying the government gives a shit about the constitution
Pretending a lack of popular support and violating the constitution is somehow improbable is either foolish idealism or acting deliberately obtuse
If they wanna sell gambling so bad then video games need to be free, fuck off with this "crying poor" bullshit when these jackasses do everything possible to avoid taxes
Video Games have been utterly destroyed by these shit-eating corporations.
I am going to destroy it for them too.
Listen, I think a lot of people would agree that DLC and MTX are not inherently bad, we just hate the way the industry took with it. What was supposed to be large portions of new content and maybe ways to make your game easier or faster for you has sprawled out of control into the mess it is now.
When the internet collectively kicked the government hornet nest with Battlefront 2, the magnifying glass came out with it. When the government hears things like CHILDREN GAMBLING, they are going to look into it. The industry is looking out for itself trying to protect their coffers, of course they won’t agree that loot boxes are like gambling.
Again, I don’t want the government having to step in, but honestly, what would you expect to an industry that’s not self regulating or listening to consumers?
you're the neo Yea Forums, there buddy
that's not even what you call Yea Forums nowadays too, you're using the wrong buzzwords
>actually believing billion dollar corporations will lose in court
>adds cool shit like fighter jets to the game
>they cost at least $10m in in-game currency
>quests they come with give you jack shit for reward
>literally have to grind 24/7 just to afford anything they add
corporate bugman
>Company does something predatory
>Government enacts laws that make said predatory practice against the company's best interest
>Company no longer does predatory thing
>Defending this
Yea Forums has been complaining about this for YEARS
where the FUCK were you all this time
I wouldn't say they're not listening to consumers. They're tailoring games to the consumers with the most buying power and highest likelyhood to do stupid shit like throwing 17000 dollars at final fantasy. They're listening to the most profitable consumers, who happen to be ultra casuals who spend money on features Yea Forums doesn't like.
They wouldn't be able to spin this into a matter of national security so yeah they will have to worry about the constitution. The Supreme Court shoots down hundreds of bills a year for being unconstitutional
it's not completely unprecedented. The reason many games from Worst Korea have fatigue systems that regulate how long you can play is because of laws and regulations designed to protect kids. It'd be harder in the US, but the comics industry was completely neutered by lawmakers' efforts to protect children. They tried to do something similar to movies and music and later vidya, and that's why we have the MPAA (which has effectively banned films by slapping them with NC17 so they won't come out in theaters and has neutered other films by slapping them with the less-profitable R rating so they get altered to make PG-13), parental advisory labels on music, and the ESRB (which can effectively ban games by slapping them with AO, which cripples them financially since no store will carry them).
It's not THAT hard to see a scenario in which someone who thinks their child is addicted to games or the internet supports legislation to restrict play time without considering the consequences for grown adults.
Who's to set the limits though?
The company? That's never happening.
The parents? That's just gonna up the instances of kids stealing their parents' credit cards.
>They wouldn't be able to spin this into a matter of national security
Dude sex warned you
>The parents?
There's a hard difference between legislating for content and legislating for manipulation for monetary gain.
Movies don't stop halfway through unless you pay an extra $2.99 to roll some dice to see if you get to watch the rest of the movie. Games can potentially do that. And functionally already do that.
>Paying for actual goods, however shitty
>Paying for the chance of winning a prize
Only one of these counts as gambling.
Yup. Otherwise, you literally have no argument other than "Gobermant bad"
In the days before companies ran servers, people would just run their own servers, or individuals would pay for dedicated servers.
In those days, you also didn't need companies to come in and moderate the servers, since you could just pick another one.
This lead to ACTUAL COMMUNITIES forming around servers rather than the shitty, disconnected matchmaking that exists now.
Oh, and the best part, you can STILL PLAY those games today, whereas it is the destiny of EVERY GAME where the company runs the servers that eventually the game will be dropped and nobody will ever play that game again.
I'm gonna be real about this
I just want to see lootboxes die and I'm prepared to let "please think of the children" be a justification
Guys, you seriously have to take a step back and look at some of these systems that EA, Epic or Activision has created with microtransactions.
Using alternative forms of currency instead of just using actual Dollar amounts, you have to overbuy to make sure you have enough. And when you start using play money, it feels less like real money and more like the game. (Fun Bucks, V Bucks, whatever the fuck FO76 uses)
BF2 Made the grind for heroes so bad just to sell more packs.
Battlepass systems locking items behind paywalls. Or just not making these items purchasable from the getgo
Sports games making you pull the same cards but different rarity or values.
The system is absolutely fucked and encourages bad consumer behavior. Even if 95% of video game consumers didn’t buy these microtransactions, the other 5% already made it worth it for these companies.
The industry absolutely preys upon people who doesn’t understand the value of these items, and kids especially. And yes, parents should be watching to make sure this doesn’t happen, but the system itself is fucked. If the industry doesn’t want to fix it themselves, then by all means let Uncle Sam do it for them.
That's going to be iffy at best, and encourage game companies to come up with EVEN MORE predatory methods to help fool the kids *and* the parents at worst.
The only way to stop lootboxes is to cut them off at the source.
Also it doesn't have to be a national security thing. All you have to do is say that it's for the children or for fighting pedophiles and then you have an easy out for smearing everyone who doesn't vote for more regulation. When I was a kid, there was a huge push to give all your online information to your parents and the school, and to involve schools in the most minute details of your life down to what exactly you did in your free time. There's a huge push for expanding the surveillance state, and this is just another way to slowly achieve information control.
I believe government should regulate corporations, and the people should regulate government. If either government or corporations gather too much power, disaster happens. Both need to be kept in check.
I would call not listening to the majority of your user base and listening to the ones with money, “not listening”
It happens in American politics too, it’s called lobbying.
It’s a fucked situation but you would still rather get fucked by big corporations painful gold encrusted dick instead of the getting fucked by the guy willing to stop making the act painful
I'm not psychic and can't tell you for sure that an unpassed law is going to be abused.
> it is the destiny of EVERY GAME where the company runs the servers that eventually the game will be dropped and nobody will ever play that game again.
Prove it. If you don't you're a hypocrite.
>because they never made money before lootboxes
did you even read what I just said? they would find other ways to make money, that would affect not just one guy buying many boxes, but you too. with unskippable ads, monthly fee, you know, things you can't avoid like lootboxes.
So if they don't need the lootboxes, why would you want them to ever have a chance of needing them? So you can pay for more stuff that you could be getting for free instead of some guy buying alot of boxes and paying it for you? Some companies use that money to bring more updates and official servers.
And what about cost of devs and servers, it keeps getting higher too, some of these companies would not survive and would just sell out to bigger ones.
but games keep getting bigger bro, just the start of the year you had some big losses of money from EA and Blizzard. Imagine what would happen to other devs as well. It would just collapse and the system and turn into something worse that you can't avoid.
yes I'm aware about games like minecraft, not all games with official servers are locked to those servers. But they still exist, because they have a use, it's a place without the fear of some admin shiting everything up, without ads and probably good ping.
>Pretending a lack of popular support and violating the constitution is somehow improbable is either foolish idealism or acting deliberately obtuse
When was the last time the US government abolished parts of the original constitutional amendments?
Cause that's what this would require.
Hence, improbable.
there are loads of minors dumping money into streamers and e-sluts.
I dont think this is a classic case of contrarianism on Yea Forums, it simply the people who like them never had to speak up before. I'm assuming everyone defending them now are either richfags that like being able to deck out their vidya characters with nicer costumes than everyone else or gatchfags who are scared this might affect gatcha availability in the west.
Either way fuck them.
I support this
>You have to let them do things they don't need to do that make things worse for the consumer so they won't ever need them later!
This is so stupid.
>but you too. with unskippable ads, monthly fee, you know, things you can't avoid like lootboxes.
Up until people get pissed off enough to ban those too.
Off the top of my head, the bump stock ban is the most recent one I can come up with.
Twitch should be self regulating this and pretending this isn’t softcore pornography mixed with prostitution-lite
>but games keep getting bigger bro
Bigger and worse off for it, the most fun I get out of games are mid range Japanese games.
>Prove it.
At a baseline, how about every MMO that's been shut down?
I don't understand what you're asking. If you have a multiplayer game where the developer runs all the servers, what the fuck do you THINK is gonna happen when playership dwindles and the devs shut the servers down?
Do you just think that "They'd never do that?"
None of this is a problem.
They literally have more than enough money to fix ALL of this. High-ranking executives don't need stupid amounts of money and golden parachutes, yet they have them anyway, and nobody is telling them to spend stupid amount of money on marketing and diversity hire positions that are entirely pointless. If you cannot break even selling just video games without fucking gambling in them then you don't deserve to be in the business, plain and simple.
I see no examples from the future. Why do you hold me to a different standard than you hold yourself?
The bump stock ban didn't repeal any facet of the 2nd amendment and was found justifiable under all precedent by the courts.
This would not be the same situation, by a long shot. If you don't understand why, you shouldn't be making a judgment call on this at all.
I’m sorry how did this count as an abolishment of a piece of a constitutional amendment? This was a reexamination of the NFA of 1934.
>lootboxes get banned
>then microtransactions get banned
>then dlc content gets banned
>developers are forced to release full games like the olden times
Holy fuck, gaming is fucking saved
Why should I be forced to only play shit games riddled with microtransactions because of some retards.
>This was a reexamination of the NFA of 1934.
Which was also a massive infringement on the original bill of rights
The government is unironically based as fuck sometimes
He doesn't understand the 2nd amendment or 2nd amendment legal precedent.
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
This but also gacha shit. How anyone can unironically enjoy that garbage I'll never know.
Who's forcing you to play them?
>Yea Forums has children
>I see no examples from the future.
Whatever, user. I explained this in an extremely clear way, so at this point, you're either stupid or a shill.
And Protip: This "predictive ability" that you lack (called foresight) is how I know that every online game will eventually become unplayable.
Its also how I know that there aren't any obvious pitfalls to regulating lootboxes (unless you care about yugioh cards).
Its not a different standard, you're just (pretending to be) too dumb to see the future.
Because they're might be a great game being buried under that garbage.
How does that infringe upon the bill of rights? That you can’t own and operate machine guns? I’m a gun owner myself and I’m not stupid to think that just because we can’t have a fucking bumpstock that I can’t join a well armed militia should a time for that come necessary.
Maybe that’s why you’re willing to take the long cock of EA when the NRA already fucked your brains out
This happens to America.
But my gacha games are safe.
Why are you still playong PC or console Yea Forums? You'll only get nothing but censorship and restrictions. Join the mobilebros into a new age, for we are the new and better master race now.
>Hey fellow gun owner isn't gun control just dandy btw let congress have a say in what can be in video games
NSA go home
I'd bet he's going to come at you with the romanticized, never supported with legal precedent, view of the 2nd amendment that claims we should be able to own anything the military can, regardless of context with advancement in destructive capability.
It’s different in MTG, Yugioh and Pokémon in that 3rd party selling is still legal. You don’t have to buy packs, you can buy them from other sellers and still participate and play.
If someone had a John Wick skin that I want in Fortnite I can’t buy that from them. I’m forced to spend money through them on the battlepass shit and make my way through the ranks on playtime. I can then if I wanted to buy levels to speed myself up to 99.
>that make things worse for the consumer
>that make things worse for the consumer
>that make things worse for the consumer
Retarded, simples stupid, you don't have to open lootboxes if you don't want to, there is enough people who ACTUALLY WANT TO opening them and making those companies the money that they now don't need from you.
Yeah and them the industry collapses and game become like the animation industry.
You are not wrong, things are getting bad, but I don't thing this is the problem, more money from lootboxes could make us better games and free updates. That is what we are getting but things are still getting bad for other reasons.
Honestly, if they're focused on the gambling angle, they won't even be able to tackle microtransactions, since those are 100% normal transactions, just very small.
Handling DLC shittiness would probably require a "false advertising" angle.
I.e. say a company like Bathesda or Bioware to back on promised DLC for FO76 and Anthem.
Well, a class action suit could get refunds for everyone under the premise that they were falsely advertised to, which would destroy the incentive for shitty DLC practices.
Although that too MIGHT require legal action to reform enforcement of EULA, since those currently can bar you from suing.
Tick tock gachacuck
>Retarded, simples stupid, you don't have to open lootboxes if you don't want to,
This proposed ban isn't just about cosmetic lootboxes, but also pay to win microtransactions.
This just heading in the same direction as China’s current system that has to blatantly advertise win/payout rates. Nothing will fucking change you anti-government weirdos