>they don't distinguish hoaxes from fake news
>italian gamers are dumb
>The OMS discovers the oblious, games create more addiction than drugs
>A parent made the son exit this tunnel by beating it: "He thanked me"
>The left is hunting those misfits, attracted by every kind of lights and colour
Is it true?
They don't distinguish hoaxes from fake news
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't know italians had their own Yea Forums
slandered by the media
targeted by mental health authorities
oppressed by the government
looks like it's time to hit the sticks boys, it's new game plus on very hard difficulty for us gamers today.
>Trusting the Media
i think the most important cultural contribution made by the sopranos, though its influence was in many other ways seminal, was portraying italians as the tacky dumbasses they really are
>posting an article from an Italian newspaper that only talks about politics and fake news
Yes user, you are an idiot; just ignore that crap and go actually play some vidya
Yes, but not all are like that.
Is it The Sun tier?
>The Sun
worse since it's not a tabloid
pic of the journalist while he was writing the article
Yes but I still read it because Vittorio Feltri is the most based man alive in Italy.
>>they don't distinguish hoaxes from fake news
I don't either. What's the difference? That hoaxes are made for fun, but fake news are made for serious purposes?
Funny she use that pic, since she fucking HATE gamers.
she needs yu's BGC(big gamer cock)
Impiccati frocio
Hang yourself fag
non fate morire questo thread
non mi va di scrivere a terzomondisti e ameriCANI
Please anwser this
and if i shit in your mouth?
Remember when Carlo Calenda tweeted against gamers? Not women, not gays, not minorities.
Says a lot about our society.
reading is hard
>not niggerlovers
Just checked the rules again and there is no rule saying that you can't speak another language outside of /int/.
Fucking pastaniggers, leave gamers alone.
check again el uglio
english only board
Checked again and found nothing
Show me please
well looks like youre right
it only says that posting in languages other than english on /int/ is allowed and encouraged
however it doesnt say you can or cannot post non-english languages on any other board
this does not imply it's ok to do so
let me guess, "libero" is some far-right boomer toiler paper that caters to boomers?
They are afraid of young people not blindly following their dying beliefs. It's fun to see them try.
>right-wingers are retarded
PD electors are mostly boomers,immiigrants and some antifa from center italy