Can we have a comfy TES thread where we discuss some lore and our expectations and fear for the future of the series?
Elder Scrolls
I'll start by dumping some art
No one?
bigger tits
Please no waifus
>where we discuss some lore
I'd like to do that but no one here can ever tell the difference between TES canon and Kirkbride's non-canon fanfics.
>difference between TES canon and Kirkbride's non-canon fanfics
I've heard a lot of people say this, so let's discuss that then. Where do you personally draw the line to what is canon? I get the a lot of people consider everything outisde the games not to be canon and i can understand that.
future hopes for the series: it will exist
future fears: it will not exist
Also, i would consider Yea Forums to be a better place to discuss that shit because /r/teslore takes themselves and Kirkbride a bit too seriouslyt sometimes.
So you don't care about removal of skills, dialogue or implementation of more radiant "quests"?
>Where do you personally draw the line to what is canon?
Anything the player personally witnesses in game is canon. Anything the player doesn't personally witness but is mentioned in the game is tenuous canon. Bethesda has specifically said half of what is said in the games is bullshit and that's by design. Kirkbride's random writings that are not in game but are alluded to by other things in the game are very tenuous canon. Kirkbride's random writings that consist of silly bullshit that are never part of the game like Vivec blowing up Azura using CHIM dicks are definitely not canon.
too cringe for me
Yeah, I think the whole Vivec tricking Azura or whatever was part of a roleplay that MK did on a forum way back and i don't personally count that as canon. Part of what i love about TES is that it's hard to decide what is "canon" and what actually happened in the past. The unreliable narrator is a great tool and it keeps the community discussing about why or why not X happened or if X happened in a different way.
I can see why people would like there to be a canon but i can also see what people like about TES. It's kind of like an open source thing where a world has been created that we can do whatever we want in and that will form our own memories and beliefs of how that world functions.
>It's kind of like an open source thing where a world has been created that we can do whatever we want in and that will form our own memories and beliefs of how that world functions.
It's not kind of like that, it's specifically that. Since Morrowind that has literally been the point of TES. It's why they release mod tools. I've got no problem with people developing their own head canon but the Kirkbride fanclub insisting all his shit is objectively canon for all the games and that that is not up for debate is wearisome for lore discussion.
Who's best Daedra?
Meridia, Azura, or Sanguine would be my trinity
>the Kirkbride fanclub insisting all his shit is objectively canon for all the games and that that is not up for debate is wearisome for lore discussion.
Where have you seen posts saying that shit like that is absolute canon? I've seen posts like that on here and on teslore every now and then but i feel like they're few and far between. There's much more people complaining that C0DA for example isn't canon. When no one has said that it is.
Only example i can think of is that the Thalmor wants to destroy Mundus by deactivating the Tower which is in itself never mentioned in the game. It's mostly a speculation and Kirkbride has painted the Thalmor and the elves as "bad guys".
Personally, Meridia or Azura. Maybe Hircine
Objectively Peryite
>does all of Oblivion's bitch work and still has the balls to dab on Akatosh by taking the form of a dragon
>Grants his followers the power to projectile vomit all over their enemies
I'm very fond of Sheogorath when he's not being written badly
God I wish there was another game that captured the feeling of Oblivion with that amazing soundtrack as you traveled around that ultra comfy woodland map.
inb4 someone recommends that dogshit kingdom come game
Imagine being this zoomer.
Forever my girl Namira
I think Elder Scrolls VI is going to cause the new videogame crash when it sucks dick.
I can't speak for the overall writing quality of the next TES game or even Starfield, but based on Fallout 4 I think we can safely assume that the companions you're going to have around will at least be decently fleshed out. You won't have as many options, but they're going to have dialogue and stories exclusive to them that will unfold over time.
Also, going back to Skyrim recently, I'm actually surprised at just how shit the dialogue options are in a lot of conversations. People give Fallout 4 a lot of shit because the options were
>Yes (Eager)
>Yes (Moderate/Sarcastic)
>No (Yes but angry)
But that's usually twice as many dialogue options as Skyrim, and quite often in Skyrim the two dialogue options you get are
>Yes (Slurp person's cock)
>No (Yes but angry)
Millions upon millions will buy TES 6 and it'll be a massive success that surpasses Skyrim.
so are we just gonna get skyrim 2.0 or are they gonna revamp the whole game mechanics?
I've been addicted to and religiously playing eso. It's the best mmo on the market right now, nothing even comes close.
They'll replace shouts with hoonding sword magic, probably.
It was just made way too conspicuous in FO4 because there was a button for each answer and there would always be those four interchangeable answers every time. In skyrim at least you sometimes had an NPC who had a lot of different topics you could ask about and scroll down for.
Is the lore any good? Can you play it without friends? None of my friends are into Elder Scrolls unfortunately
Yeah the lore is great, it's what got me into the lore of the entire franchise after mindlessly playing through morrowind, oblivion and skyrim. It's fun to just read through the quests and it's pretty well written and they covered their bases with throwing in every lore heavy area in tamerial especially stuff that's not in the mainline games. It's pretty much a single player game about collecting shit and doing quests (like the mainline games) but you can always find a guild to do raids and dungeons with and people are always willing to do shit in the area chat. I've noticed the people playing are either much older (in their late 20s) or really young so it's pretty chill, you don't get the same autists as in wow and xiv. That being said i'm currently whoring myself out to a furry werewolf guild just so they can use an ability that has a cool down to turn me into a werewolf, it's cancerous but i want to be a werewolf so god damn bad.
god I hope so
that sounds comfy. what else can you do to cause trouble on there as a solo player?
I'm scared that ES6 will be located in a boring sand wasteland
I agree, but don't say this too loud, people don't like this opinion. Soon the "combat is wonky" and "muh crafting bag" fags with come out of the woodwork.
Hammerfell would actually be a good choice, it has more going on for it than just deserts.
That is unless Bethesda fucks it like Cyrodill
Well for one you can always join the dark brotherhood guild if you have the dlc, it gives you an ability to one shot low level enemies and npcs like vendors so you can wreck a marketplace pretty easily. I haven't really tried to fuck with people honestly it's just a relaxing game, the gameplay loop consists of
>go out and do quests > collect armor and recipes for crafting > return to your favorite hub and craft, sell and deconstruct items > do dungeons for more stuff in between > level up skills and abilities while doing all of the above > Get a house and decorate it if you're a girly man who likes animal crossing > sell all your extra shit for gold for crowns for dlc or just be a pay piggy and sub for 90% of the extra content
It's a pretty simple formula but it's fun, i like collecting stuff so it's right up my alley. It's not for everyone, but the mechanics are sound and it's fun and comfy to play. Everything is scaled which sounds bad but being able to choose to level in any area is pretty nice when everything is more story driven and say you want to join the thieves guild at level one.
So it's gonna be a grassland instead of a desert cause someone chim or some shit again?
>i'm currently whoring myself out to a furry werewolf guild just so they can use an ability that has a cool down to turn me into a werewolf, it's cancerous but i want to be a werewolf so god damn bad.
Dude just go to riften and ask for a bite in zone chat, you'll get one in 5 seconds. That's another thing i like about this community, they like helping you out, free of cost. People have crafted me sets, enchants, etc for free so many time is cant even count them.
Waiting for it to go on sale, I got it free on PS4 and liked it well enough. But it was a fucking MMO on PS4 so I stopped playing.
it's a good setting for skyrim redux from bethesdas point of view too , since you have that crown/forebears fight which can basically be stormcloaks/imperial 2.0
also considering they already have Hammerfell as an area in ESO that'd be some massive retconning if they tried it. it already has the potential for variation between oases and the fertile coast and the desert itself
I hate how generic ESO is, all the characters look like Lord of the Rings and all the enemies look like some final fantasy or devil may cry edgy shit
>a fantasy game emits Tolkien qualities
>Tfw had to play eso and xiv on ps4 before i got a gaymen pc
On one hand i have perspective now.
Elder Scrolls started out fairly generic but eventually distinguished itself and got more wacky (briefly going back to Tolkien in TES4)
ESO just goes full retard with it though, I mean this looks nothing like a bosmer. Looks exactly like LOTR movie elfs. You could have told me this is Dragon age or WoW or something and I'd believe it.
I tried to get into TESO but I just saw a bunch of people running around in glowing armor with ridiculous looking hordes of baby pets and tigers and dinosaurs following them and that was retarded so I quit
Why does this bosmer look like a aldmer?
>I mean this looks nothing like a bosmer. Looks exactly like LOTR movie elfs
Well good thing Bosmers don't actually look like that in game then. You know that's just a cinematic, right?
have you ever even played ESO?
It's a bit better, at least the eyes are right. Still generic
That's a high elf you mong
As long as they keep the MK nonsense in the background they will be fine.
High elves shouldn't look like that anyways, i mean that's literally just Natalie dorner. No golden skin, no sharp features.
>Still generic
not seeing it, i guess that depends on how the player stylizes it, saying "generic" and not posting any examples/paralells isn't helping though. I'd much rather play ESO then one of the hundreds of eastern mmos with furry's with loli faces running around in plate armor.
Found myself playing Skyrim again. One of my hopes that they will not do loading screens shit again. OpenCities was a godsend.
>No golden skin, no sharp features
I mean, again, basing your argument on a cinematic isn't even worth the time. You don't like it, and that's cool but you're essentially talking out of your ass.
Daedra shrine focused DLC in eso fucking WHEN?
>having a chance to meet daddy Jygga before daedra fucked him up
Yes please.
I just prefer it when the Mer races look less human. And yes of course I would play it over some chinkshit mmo, but the small changes do build up and make it feel generic as hell.
Zenimax employees post on v?
>Companions kill the troll outside Whiterun just as said fight comes into view
>Bitch comes up to a random fucking stranger (me) and talks shit about me because I didn't run at lightning speed to hit the troll once, then brags about how awesome the Companions are
>My dialogue options are "WOW THAT'S SO COOL HOW DO I JOIN?" and "Killing shit for money sounds like a waste of time"
>It doesn't look like the shit, ugly ass models i've been stockholmed with from the mainline games therefor it's terrible
No I just don't want it to look generic, why would I want to see shit I've seen already in a million other games
Odds that unarmed makes a viable return in es6?
character models being bad because of incompetence =/ originality. they took everything from the mainline games and made it look great.
>dude i want altmer faces to be yellow wooden planks or else it's generic
playing through my backlog of vidya after getting bored of RDO, finally beat a the two latest Saints Row games and now starting up a fresh PS4 Skyrim playthrough
build is really wack but i'm liking it
>Conjuration (only soul trapping weapons and dead thralls)
>Heavy Armor
>One Handed
>Sneak/Speech fillers
Lawful Evil Breton Battlemage
gonna fuck up the Volkihar this time
I noticed the cheevo's on the PS4 are low so this is a good opportunity for a fresh playthrough
Whats the desert south of Morrowind and the extra tower suppose to be? Should that be the Black Marsh and Valenwood? The Black Marsh is a desert? Valenwood has a tower?
that pic is literally
I unironically hope the MMO-style grind levelling system in TES is straight up replaced with the Fallout XP system.
>TES 3 - dunmers are getting BTFO the fuck out
>TES 4 - their shitty island lies in ruins, BTFO again right down the fuck alley
>TES 5 - knock knock, it's back to the BTFO time, dunmers
Why does Todd hate them so much and what will await them in TES6?
How are you still missing the point. Making them look like humans =/= making them better. Argonians and khajiit don't look like humans. Mer shouldn't look like humans. They are a different species. And it's less generic that way.
I really, really like that wolf hat/ ebony arrow look
Skyrim did it best, it would've been GOAT if they had talents that weren't mostly just flat % boosts. I can complain though, the perks on fo4 were hilariously bad and broken making very hard and survival a joke.
as the chosen people led to the chosen land they are meant to suffer
thanks, I waste a lot of Ebony arrows when i'm out hunting behind Falkreath, have to resort to Orc make most of the time.
Kys zoomer
your character looks like a furry lone ranger,
If anything I'm just hoping VI dumps the stupid scaling damage perks. Instead of wasting perk slots with "deal 25/50/75/100% more damage" why not just have the fucking weapons scale in damage to your skill level? So a character at One Handed Lv15 deals e.g. 5 damage with an Iron Sword, but a character with One Handed Lv100 deals 30 damage just by being the higher level.
It also completely eliminates the need for item level scaling which still plagues TES games.
How are YOU still missing the point? we keep posting examples of characters in eso that look like their race counterpart in mainline but you continue to spout "generic" as if it's a valid argument. And again, there's lots of customization in ESO you can make a human looking mer if you want to, or not. It's all up to the player.
It better not to exist with that route that Bethesda took(every new game is more simple and dumb then previous one).
Jeremy Soule is not participating in development of TES 6.
i literally am though.
Those DO look more generic although not nearly as bad as the CGI cinematic ones.
And it's not even exclusive to the Mers, the human character models look really off too. Not to mention that running animation.
I guess in TES 6 we will be enjoying 2 house capital city and 3 cities with 1 hut?
t. i just learned what the word generic means last week
after the shitshow encore features that were Fallout 4 and 76, i'd be fine if they just stopped at Skyrim
>tfw you just know tes 6 will be even worse than fallout 4
t. Man posting mod that removes dunmer brow and wrinkles
TES6 improvements should focus on the fundamental stuff not easily changed with mods like combat, mechanics, gameplay, story quests, etc. not cosmetic stuff like appearance of races which can be changed with mods.
Is Magnus a aedra or deadra?
I mean you can mod your game however you want, just realize the hypocrisy of meming on someone about the appearance of races while using a mod that changes them
He's a magne-ge
I'd say 0. Bethesda seems to be not wanting to add more combat mechanics into games. And unarmed is now brawling.
>Not to mention that running animation
as appose to what, the running animation in morrowind, oblivion, skyrim? you're hilarious.
Side note, Dragons Dogma is the only game where i've been amazed by the running animation.
i suspect its the same guy who continuously complains about MK-canon fags from reddit. i guess he got miffed and carried his grudge.
also known as the "b-but the other book authors!" guy.
it just looks especially retarded
it doesnt help either that /tgesg/ is full of toxic shits too
What would you guys think of an Elder Scrolls game set entirely on the Imperial City isles?
I was thinking that the plot would be you start out as a refugee who just got off a boat in the water district. You arrive just as the island had been closed off by the Supreme Chancellor after the murder of Emperor Titus Meade. The entire Elder Council is gathered and he won't let anyone leave until a new Lord Protector is chosen (which he thinks will be him).
The initial part of the game is trying to get out of the waterfront slum and into the city proper by acquiring official documents. You can get these legit or by other means. During this time, you will also have access to the non-city parts of the Isle as well. A perfectly legit way to complete this part is to sneak in through the sewers though this requires a specific build.
Once you actually get into the city, circumstances find you in the service of one of the candidates for Lord Protector. You can be a double or triple agent if you want and play the candidates off of eachother (I'm not a good enough writer to explain how this could be done). One of the candidates you can choose is, of course, the Chancellor. He is not a straight villain.
Instead of a bunch of one-off dungeons that have nothing to do with each-other, there is only one large "dungeon" with two different parts. The Imperial City sewers are massive and home to all sorts of things, human and otherwise. Go deep enough into the sewers and you'll come upon the remains of the ancient Alyied city that the IC was build on. This is by far the most dangerous and rewarding area in the whole game to get to in terms of loot.
I'd really like it if one of the possibilities is the player becoming Lord Protector, but if you want to add expansion packs that happen after the city is reopened I don't see how this could be. Instead I could see your player becoming the chief enforcer of the new Lord Protector and your missions into the various provinces added in DLC revolve around consolidating your master's power.
Unlike other Elder Scrolls games, where the mascot was some type of warrior (The Hero of Kvatch in Legionary armor for Oblivion, The Dragonborn in his iron helmate and sword/shield in Oblivion) the main play-style emphasized in the marketing for this game will be a rouge type character. That should reflect the more clandestine nature of the main quest. There is some dungeon diving into the sewers and elven ruins but most of the time you're tasked with assassination, blackmail, theft, or some other form of subterfuge. Of course other play-styles are perfectly viable as well.
im with you there but id honorably mention hircine
This image kinda lost its purpose recently
>Mephala was always a sexy woman, mostly a Dunmer.
>Boethiah's Male sheninigans is a Ruse to she uses to roam FReely in tamirel to search champions for her cause, she's a Dunmer Amazon who always goes by the name of Aspera, and claims herself to be a Friend when you meet her. also the implication that She is the Mother of Nerevar and Veloth is the Father
>Namira is a Scamp instead of a pale woman, who is normally her slave.
>Meridia is a Blonde Breton Woman, who walks among men as a Knight-Errant to keep an eye on her ordeals and find champions strong enough to kill Umaril and Free herself from the Contract with the Ayleid King. she didnt count that Pelinal-Sheogorath saved her hide at the end, and left her daedric realm in ruins also that She lost Dawnbreaker for 2 eras after the sword lost its power and couldn't be recharged in oblivion thanks to umaril leeching at her power
I'd be fine with shrinking the size of the gameworld but doing it to a more realistic scale. It's silly to try and do an entire province because at the end of the day you can still run across it less than an in-game day when realistically it should take weeks of travel. It's just dumb to do it that way. I'd love a TES game set in and around just one location but done with great detail and realism in terms of scale.
games fun but the combat isnt wonky. its straight trash. i like that they avoided tab targetting but the skills are underwhelming to use and the classes/skills are lackluster.
you brought my bitching onto yourself. i wasnt gonna do it this thread.
That's why I think the Imperial Isles would be perfect. You only have to focus on the Imperial City and can do it justice instead of making a bunch of smaller "cities" that hardly deserve the name. But the island is large enough that you can have wilderness and suburbs as well. Districts can also be made to be very unique.
Reminder that helping the nords will ensure thalmor an easy invasion.
Being meridia is suffering, but she deserves it because of her Double crossing attitude.
I would like to see the series go back to more fantasy life simulation like there was in Daggerfall
otherwise I want a more toned down main questline that is just political or something rather than the character being some prophesied hero type
Why would they need to invade? they're already fucking everywhere, destroying mans existence by eradicating worship of talos
sounds good. what about expansions?
all the nordcucks and imperials had to do was enforce massive breeding programs and overpower the long gestation having elves but nooo
I've always liked Peryite because he and Hermaeus are the only two who regularly manifest as non-humanoids. I like dragons.
like clockwork, always buzzwords but you never describe anything. You're gonna say the combat feels weightless next.
I'd add the area around the Lake Numare first which would mostly be suburbs and docks, but would also have significant towns with the story being about bringing the counts of Cyrodil into compliance with whichever Lord Protector you decided to back.
Then the other expansion would be about leading an expedition to Akivir to establish diplomatic and trade relations to strengthen the Lord Protector's hold on the empire. The first part would be about securing sponsors who will expect you to support their interests during your expedition which may conflict with your original goals.
>fear for the future of the series
every elder scrolls game will be a ''skyrim sequel'' instead of a new elder scrolls game that is trying something new
also i have zero faith left in bethesda
The god awful Oblivion tier animations are the main reason I haven't played ESO yet.
ESO bosmer are the first in the series where you can actually put horns on your character tho
ESO has many problems. The zones are extremely restrictive and tiny. When you kill an enemy it's just generic mmo loot table drops, instead of seeing a bandit in full leather and being able to loot all every piece once they die. The scaling world is completely out of whack, everything is easy ever since they made every zone a starter zone. Leveling up skills feels awful since you only need a skill from any line equipped to get exp for that entire branch, meaning you don't even need to use the skills to make them level just leave them on your bar collecting dust. Having a character level from exp instead of skill ups is a complete betrayal of the entire series and makes each level up feel worthless. Classes should not exist, all roles should be filled only by skills and you should always be able to equip any skill you want regardless of "class". Exploration feels wasted as the zones are lifeless. Even going through Vvardenfell feels like a complete betrayal and tall they had to do was CTRL+C Morrowind.
>Start new morrowind game with difficulty rules
>No stealing or magic nor any exploits obviously
>Have slider set to 100 from word go
>Barely able to kill rats 1v1
God this game is a living nightmare at slider level 100.
When the fuck is Todd going to get his head out of his ass and release another TES spinoff like Redguard
If they're going to fuck around for well over a decade making the next game, at least give us something else to chew on while we wait
>Classes should not exist, all roles should be filled only by skills and you should always be able to equip any skill you want regardless of "class".
guy said enough for me but theres more to it than that and you shouldnt be so accepting of mediocrity in one arena, when the game is still fun in others. dont bs yourself.
I like it. But i'd change the main character from a refugee to something else more in line with the interests of the empire. And maybe add in more gameplay in the area of GENOCIDING THE THALMOR DOGS
>Why yes I am a god. How could you tell?
Delves would be shitty by Oblivion standards and do not replace dungeons in any way. Mounts make the small zones feel minuscule and they are just far too prevalent. The combat is still tab targeting they have just "dressed" it up to make it seem like it's aim based, but every time you use a skill the server sets the damage and parameters just like any other mmo and every skill just snaps to a target anyways or you aim an aoe. Every zone has a questline that you have to follow rigidly and you cannot deviate from the starting point, if you do you will just get a quest chain that leads you back to the first npc to the real start of the quest line and you need to complete some of these in order to access other zones.
A refuge is the best thing I can think of to justify the player being anything and anyone. What would you consider more "in line with the interests of the empire" and why would you think starting as such would be and improvement?
The combat and pvp is literally most peoples favorite part of the game though? i'm in love with it. there's nothing as in depth as it. customizing your build through various skill and guild lines, whipping up some unique armor set to accompany it, weaving heavy/light attacks yourself, etc. i never see anyone describe WHY they don't like it or why its *insert buzzword here* y'know? i can care less about haters, the community is thriving.
The story line is about securing the interests of the empire right? So maybe an ex empire officer or soldier or something like this who had a bad run that ended them in prison. The empire recruits from prisoners to do jobs the empire doesnt have the man power for. Something like this?
Blades exists, as does the MMO. Between the two of those, that's all the TES you can expect to get until at least 2025. Starfield didn't have any news at all this E3 and that has to release before VI can have any actual work done.
To be honest, if you're still hopeful for VI after Fallout 4, Creation Club, and the fucking disaster that is Fallout 76, you're certainly more forgiving than me.
I get wanting to continue the "start as a prisoner" tradition, but what you described feels too rigid in terms of role-play possibilities. I'd want the player to be able to imagine their character came from any sort of back-round prior to being a refugee displaced by war.
Anyways, starting as a refugee dovetails nicely into the opening part of the game where you are introduced to the various factions, game mechanics, and lore backround as your trying to get into the Imperial City proper.
I hope that they'll realise this was supposed to be a RPG series and that removing variety and mechanics between each game is detrimental to the games.
But who am I kidding , oblivion and Skyrim skyrocketed in sales and each time there was less actual gameplay variety in it
Sanguine or hircine. sheogorath would be fun but I dislike schizophrenic characters or characters that have barely control over themselves, he could kill you anytime for no reason
Better hunt with hircine or drinkrinkdrink with sanguine
i was feeling nostalgic for skyrim the other day and i primarily play on ps4 so i bought it for it. it fucking sucks. the game is utter trash in every way. the combat was fucking shit. and boring. the graphics were utterly terrible. it was like i was playing a ps1 game. everything was trash. the way you run and can't even do an action like jump right after. wtf? i thought this game was okay till i played it again. oblivion is the only good game in the fucking series and thats that. get the fuck out with your mods that aint the game.
I get why the Nords hate destruction/illusion/conjuration magic. Those things are used to attack from range, mind control people, and summon demons. Obviously all things that Shor would disapprove of. But why does that hatred extend to restoration and alteration schools as well? Those magic schools do basically nothing but build things and heal people. Can't really think of a negative.
What could the next TES game do to make melee combat actually fun and engaging? I'd like to see some kind of lock-on system where you can focus on one enemy and use buttons to perform horizontal, vertical, and thrusts like in Chivalry and Mordhau.
Nords are dumb and probably dont even know different schools of magic exist
I think it's as simple as races that don't have an aptitude for magic just don't like magic. Redguards and orcs don't like it either.
fucking hell lad, no kidding. user needs to expand his vocabulary.
I assume they do because they've got healers in every town and half of their soldiers can cast iron flesh