Have there been any leaks about something other than a switch mini? I'd really like to have more info as I'm probably gonna buy a switch in august. Nintendo isn't gonna tell the truth but does anyone have further info?
New "more powerful" Switch?
if the mini actually did exist - it would be miserable. BOTW is bad enough on the regular switch's screen size
pretty sure all the rumors are bogus, remember how a new model was supposed to come out in spring?
the switch mini looks rather credible for a rumor. But I can't find anything like a "switch pro"
My fear is that a "switch pro" will not be comparible to the ps4 pro. The biggest problem is ram bandwitdh. The bandwidth is SO LOW on the base switch that I can see developers saying to nintendo "either accept it on the pro and not base or we won't spend the resources to put it on the switch period"
absolute horseshit, nintendo would have announced at the e3 direct.
People seem to forget that the joy-cons are detachable because lots of games use the joy-cons differently. If you can’t detach them, it limits the games you can play. Nintendo is the type of company to release a new Switch, but they wouldn’t mke a Switch where you couldn’t play all their games
>Nintendo releases new more powerful switch
>start focusing all efforts on games that can only be played on newer model
>everyone who bought an original switch gets fucked over
I really hope this doesn’t happen
Itll still be compatible with a dock, probably sold separately, which will allow the mini to be in the $200 price range.
last i read about the 2 switches was that they pushed them back to move production to SEA since chyna might not be a safe bet with the tariff war going on right now.
>snes games online
That’s how they will fuck us over
It's not rocket science, OP. If they plan on keeping the current model on the market, it'll be a traditional console with no handheld mode. If it's to replace the current model, it'll be an upgraded Switch with a bigger screen, thinner, etc.
I play exclusively in handheld and it feels fine. If you require a massive screen to be satisfied playing vidya you're underage and/or adhd.
Totally happened with the new 3ds user!
Totally happened with the ps4 pro!
Totally happened with the xbox one x!
Totally happened with PC graphics cards!
we've seen the template with the xbone x and the ps4 pro and even the n3ds, no company is stupid enough to actually do that when releasing a more powerful version.
Those werent rumors being circulated by major news sources though. The rumors earlier this year said the mini would be out in June, and we already saw accessories listed on a retailer's website for the mini.
It actually happened and there are high profile games from the 3ds that aren't designed to run in a playable capacity on a stock 3ds.
Don't even assume the Switch Pro will get near the PS4Pro or Xbone X. The original rumors of the "Two New Models" for the Mini and Pro even said the Pro wouldn't get to 4k tier, but would be slightly higher than normal PS4/Xbone.
that DID happen with the new 3ds you igit
Other than the rumors, the only other confirmation we have is that Nvidia is working on two new Tegra chips.
The first one is just a revision of the Tegra X1, it's more power efficient and can reach higher clock speeds. It's apparently going to be used on the new Shield TV.
The second one is a new Tegra for mobile devices based on the Xavier. Not much is known about it, other than the fact it's going to be used on some sort of hybrid Shield tablet.
This. I'm worried that they'll just wait to release a sequel so nobody can complain about exclusive games. I'd still buy it in a heartbeat over my current switch if it gets significantly more games though.
Didn't happen with 3DS, so I don't think the Switch would be different. What I'd expect from a revised switch is a slightly improved performance compared to standard Switch, just like Majora's Mask ran on 60 fps on New 3DS.
Also more internal memory and a better battery could be nice
Weird how you didnt name any.
it's already late June, so where is it?
i'd honestly be fine with that, i mostly use the switch portable and i just want it to have enough power so DD and witcher don't look like complete ass.
I'd rather have a switch tv because I don't need a handheld system anyway
What is a switch mini?
that's because mini make sense since it's a budget model for the system...a switch pro is just a pipedream for graphicfags
It literally didn't though. N3DS had like 2 exclusives. I only bought it for the faster loading times because the O3DS times were unbearable.
Pokemon SM didn't run well but the n3ds was barely worth buying considering how quickly the system became irrelevant after its release.
If Nintendo was smart, instead of making a more powerful Switch, they'd just make a new dock with additional hardware in it to boost the original and/or Mini Switch when in Docked mode.
Xenoblade, Hyrule Warriors, Monster Hunter 4
We have an accessory leak so it's still likely soon brainlet. They probably pushed it back to align its release with the new Pokemon games for all we know.
Or just update the wifi chip and stream everything to the console.
Oh no, how will og 3ds users ever recover
rumors are a smaller switch without removable joycons, like a vita.
>a switch pro is just a pipedream for graphicfags
it's literally become the norm to release a stronger version of your consoles and nintendos been doing it with their handhelds since before this gen, why is it a pipe dream?
The wii could run N64 games so there is literally no excuse if snes games are exclusive to the new switch
>you shouldn't buy a switch, bro. new hardware coming next quarter trust me
There were never any leaks. It's been literal who "game industry analysts" pushing FUD since fucking JUNE 2017. The worst part is that, yes, a hardware revision AT SOME POINT is entirely possible considering nintendo want to push for a 7-10 year lifespan for the switch, so these absolute fucking hacks who have been saying "any month now" virtually since launch and will fucking pat themselves on the back for "calling it" if it ever does happen.
I'm seething over how well this bullshit has worked.
Nobody cares. Nintendo hardware is worthless as a TV system.
Those are games exclusive to the N3DS but there were games that were sold as supposedly running at both but you got a slideshow on stock machines like in the case of Hyrule Warriors. Monster Hunter past 4U runs like shit on standard consoles too.
thats what ive been sayin'
Not sure if bait but do you really think little kids can get their parents to spend $100 a month on internet just so they can play Smash?
>Totally happened with the new 3ds user!
But it actually did happen. Even ignoring outright N3DS exclusives like the Xenoblade port, most games compatible with both O3DS and N3DS ran significantly worse on O3DS that made you question what's even the point of having a O3DS.
>Totally happened with the ps4 pro!
>Totally happened with the xbox one x!
Maybe not to the extent as the O3DS/N3DS divide, but there's still a difference, Yes, you can technically play games on the old models, but why bother when you're getting unstable, framedropping 30fps, and in the case of the original model Xbone, 900p resolution (the PS4 has resolution scaling, so a lot of the time, it's not even stable 1080p)?
>Totally happened with PC graphics cards!
Nvidia/AMD are known to put out new drivers that sabotage performance on old cards to incentivize you upgrading to a newer card. I mean, this is kinda mitigated by the fact that you can roll back your drivers, and also adjust graphic settings per game to maximize performance at the expense of slightly less pretty graphics.
It literally had an accessory leak from a retailer brainlet. Read the thread.
nigga i cant read shit in handheld
I would unironically buy that mini, especially if they opened up an N64 and other system library.
Then stop playing video games, grandpa.
>switch mini is just a psvita with even fewer games
Wall Street Journal is not what I'd call "literally who"
Stop making threads about this dumb rumor you stupid fucking faggot.
>N64 and other system library
Keep dreaming. The shitty online NES library is all that we're getting.
>heres your family friendly console, bro
But psvita has 0 games.
More powerful model is unlikely, N3DS was a cashgrab and had like 10 games that took advantage of it because developers will have to focus on the regular model regardless since that's what most people have.
Budget option seems likely though.
But I want to play Luigi's Mansion while I take a shit.
There are rumors about a Switch pro, but it's supposedly delayed until next year.
>I would unironically buy that mini, especially if they opened up an N64 and other system library.
I think the situation is different this time though. Because the switch is bringing big budget games over to it, there will be the temptation from big 3rd party devs to allow them to put it only on a "pro" model.
Nintendo is THE family friendly gaming company, friend. The switch is the only system that's advertised to adults and ported over M games as much as a Nintendo system has. Nintendo consoles are always underpowered so why shouldn't they be in the handheld market when the 3ds is the only system of theirs this gen that sold well? Just buy a ps4 if you want a TV console.
more powerful release have become the standard in the industry, there's no reason they wouldn't do a more powerful switch.
>but would be slightly higher than normal PS4/Xbone.
Not gonna happen. This is still a mobile SoC. It won't reach the 1,8TF of PS4, even considering Nvidia having better performance per flop.
>there will be the temptation from big 3rd party devs to allow them to put it only on a "pro" model.
no company would do this because you'd literally be leaving a pile of money on the floor, the switch already has like what 15 million consoles out there? even if you assume half those people upgrade to a pro doing a pro exclusive game would still leave 7.5 million potential sales on the floor.
Im just saying it will make a few games very hard to play if they make it handheld only and even reduce screen size. Maybe they can patch the UI but i doubt they would
>If you require a massive screen to be satisfied playing vidya you're underage
If anything it'd be the other way around.
Bro late 3DS games run like shit on og3ds. MHX, Hyrule warriors.
Og3ds vs n3ds in adhoc Smash will lag the game to PowerPoint for a few seconds every round.
Shit like The Witcher 3 port makes me think the Switch Pro is just as likely as the Mini to be released, if not more.
>release port of game currently not on Switch
>performance is shit, awful resolution and unstable framerate, but it sort of works
>release a patch specifically for the Pro version so graphicsfags can be sated
That's hard to market though. Make a more powerful console for a higher price and not much R&D or production cost and you get everyone upgrading and a load more profit
I have no issues seeing what's happening on the screen or reading text. The mini would likely just have a screen that's the size of the current one but without the bezels. I'd love a larger screen on the other hand without the bezels, but the Switch Pro is my only hope for that.
it will still look worse than base ps4 which would make it a complete joke if the base ps4 is way cheaper
it would be the dumbest shit of all time
No it isn't. Only underage cares about playing vidya exclusively in upscale 30 fps "4k". Meanwhile 99% of media is 2k at max.
Theres still barely any games that took advantage of it.
it doesn't need to beat the ps4 though, it just needs to not look like absolute dogshit and run at a decent fps/resolution and people will eat the shit up because it's portable witcher.
They'll likely release it at $300 and then lower the price of the base model to $250.
if the game runs shit on the old system and runs well on the new system, they took advantage of it
I said "barely any games" retard. $150-200 for portable to play 10 games better in.
Nothing was ever said about 4k whatever shit. But the fact of the matter is as you get older, eye sight commonly gets weaker. I used to play on a brick GB as a kid. Fuck doing that shit nowadays. Even the 3DS is too small for me these days. Throw all the pissy insults you want, but personally I prefer playing on a nice bigger screen.
>switch pro/mini is really definitely coming guys this time for really reals
How about you retards just give it a rest until an actual legitimate announcement is made.
God I want a switch pro so bad. Portable warframe is amazing, but the new areas run like ass when you have a party of 4
Good to know grandpa. Meanwhile in Asia everyone plays on their phones and everyone under 40 in the west thinks tablet screen sizes are fine. I brought my kindle fire out and it's practically the same screen size as my switch bezels ignored on both.
>switch mini accessories leaked and being sold by retailer
>still in denial
That didn't really happen with the new 3ds. And a more powerful Switch would probably mean higher resolution or less fps dips and not really better looking graphics. I'd be fine with that.
He confused it with fire emblem warriors which requires the new 3ds
I play SNES games on my Switch all the time. Nintendo just wants to be ultra greedy and charge you six different times to play decades old games that aren't worth buying anymore, just emulate them it's way simpler and more ethical.
I could understand a Switch Mini, a cheaper revised version of the Switch without a dock. I don't understand a new, "more powerful" Switch. The Switch already outputs a lot of games at 1080p. What would a new, powerful Switch do? 4k? I don't think any of the current games released would support 4k, or they'd have to be all individually significantly upgraded, right? Just doesn't make any sense. Better frame-rates @ 1080p? But we already have games at 60fps at 1080, i.e. Mario Kart 8 and NSMBU.
I wonder why they use fan renders for it, probably because N will hunt them down if they use the real one. There is no dpad it uses the exact same materials as the normal joy-cons except for the analogue sticks since the restrictions are not as strict in the mini and the original joy-con ones are a bit pricey. Also the bottom USB-C port is slightly shiftet to the right so that the analogue sticks barely go left and right of the original dock. The screen is a tad dimmer than the previouse one from ~330cd/m2 to 300. They aim for the same battery life as the original, but the battery is slightly smaller with essentially 4000mah (39xx something).
If it has a button and stick layout like that with a proper D-Pad then it will already be a million times better than the current Shitch.
sorry didnt read it senpai
Don't care about a mini, but a stronger revision would make me kind of mad.
At the very least I personally hope a newer model won't be hackable for a long time but I doubt it.
The reason I'm like this is because I just got a hackable one for pretty much full price (in total) so you can imagine how salty I'd be.
>What would a new, powerful Switch do?
Actually play games consistently at 1080p 60fps. How the fuck can people keep parroting this shit when even Yoshi's Crafted World can't maintain 720p while docked?
WSJ is what I'd call "full of shit".
I'll be laughing my ass off in 3 years when they announce the switch 2 with there never having been a switch mini or pro released
I'd buy the Switch if they made a Switch mini.
I have an upper mid-tier PC and I don't give a fuck about Switch exclusives. I am not oing to play the Switch online so I literally see no reason to trade my 3DS for a subpar handheld that fails to handle as such.
>tfw its called the Switcharoo
BOTW is one of the worst looking first party Switch games. They should really stick with the stylized graphics they are moving to. The games look a lot more appealing and are less taxing on the hardware. I’m fine with a more powerful switch but save it for scalable background textures, frame rate, and battery life. When Nintendo games are pretty much the only “AAA” titles worth playing, who cares if a switch can run Skyrim
>I don't give a fuck about Switch exclusives
Imagine having such shit taste. Are you a nigger?
If the dock was going all of the rendering it could stream to the console without using internet data on its own closed network, similar to what a lot of companies already do with local storage. Local networks have a ton of bandwidth too
so... a vita with games?
It was rumored for a while but it doesn't have the solid evidence that the Mini has. Besides, it wouldn't be a PS4-Pro jump, it would be like the New 3DS. Which admittedly was a pretty fucking big jump, shame Nintendo didn't force more developers to use it.
I can play BotW, Lets Go, and Oddysey on PC if I did care. I mostly play RTS, fighting games, and JRPGs.
The 3DS has a massive casual library and I can enjoy some good SNES, GBA, DS, and 3DS strategy games with little issue via CFW. I genuinely do not care for the Switch as even once it can easily be modded it can't comfortably play DS games and 3DS games and honestly portable games factor in for maybe 5% of a day.
ah yes that's totally more plausible than this rumor being bogus to begin with, how silly of me