What the fuck happened, WoWchads?
What the fuck happened, WoWchads?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Flocking to a streamer
>not enjoying your erp adventures while all the braindead zoomers are off with said streamer
Seen this shit posted everywhere
Explain what is happening
Asmon layer... raid 3... group 5... home
>People roll need on BoEs to give it to the streamer
>Bots farming your resources so they can make money to give to the streamer
Just don't play on the streamer server idiot!!!
>BGs are cross realm in 1.12
>Have to queue against Asmonsilver the warrior in BiS and his 9 healers
what do u mean? I would kill if my MMO was again this floody. now its just dead :( it literally hurts when u log into the game and once where stood crowds of players there are only empty streets...
the channels are going to be nothing but twitch spam
[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] OMEGALUL PEPEGA
All the Classicfags wanted to go home and it turned out that their home is being infested by the most awful kind of gaymers there is:
Twitch streamer fanboys who will tell you that their Asmongolid is like the second coming or something.
Well, welcome home guys! Hope you like it! :^)
Zoomers happened.
>>Just don't play on the streamer server idiot!!!
Is the realmlist at release known at this point? If so, do we know on which realms the biggest streamers like Asmongold are going to play so we can avoid them?
When we were teens, all the teens that sucked weren't playing games. Now all the teens that suck are playing games. Simple as.
It's every man's duty to make the streamer's experience as miserable as possible. Gank them, kill their quest givers, tag all their quest mobs.
for every man doing this there are 15 kids helping them
we can't win this one....the only winning move is not to play
it's a nice factoid that the negative experiences affect e-celebs much harder than positive ones, at about a ratio of 1 negative counts for 10 positive, some e-celebs say
so there is hope
It's easier to disrupt than to block disruption.
That still works within the framework of a streamer being a VIP or at any rate someone I should care about. I just want to play in a server without streamers so I can go on ignoring their cancerous existence and their cancerous fanbase.
>want to play some comfy classic wow
>end up having to plan the boomer intifada
life is suffering.
It's a temporary measure. Eventually they'll give up and leave. If you don't do something they'll be there forever.
Streamers and their retarded fans
I fucking hate zoomers
>Streamers will give up and leave if some people gank them
My dude, which dimension do you live in?
>but my guild isn't good enough to kill zoomer bodyguards!
then you deserve to suffer
Zoomers happened, and they ruin everything they touch, just look at Yea Forums
You're not getting my point. I don't want to play "Kill the Streamer", I want to play WoW. Let streamers and their shithead zoomer fans have their containment servers and leave us play the actual game how we want.
The very fact that we're discussing streamers other than to say "they play in realms X Y and Z so avoid those" is a problem.
>gank them
>get banned for toxicity
whats about now?
asmongold is the only streamer big enough to be a problem. avoid his server and there isn't any problem.
There's already a dedicated streamer ganking squad on the beta and nothing has happened to them.
Yeah I know. Aren't there a few more big WoW streamers to avoid though?
Give it time. Minority of these fuckers will actually pay a sub to be around their e-celeb.
Sodapoppin said he's going to avoid streaming classic, so there's really nobody else left to avoid.
>mfw EU player
For some reason streaming WoW never caught on here.
>Gank them, kill their quest givers, tag all their quest mobs.
1) they will have a bigger army
2) they can switch layers you moron clips.twitch.tv
There is no way to gang or kill streamers
Are we actually going home?
that is nice
classic wow died
>implying this won't just lead to good open world PvP
Also I imagine it's horrible for the actual streamer because they'll just get sniped.
There are EU streamers like forsen, not to mention that blizzard is killing EU servers by forcing us to share a few severs with all EU countries insted of having germany/french/pol/czech servers and so on, beside russian, so the odd of not being on a EU server without a large stream are low
dont think so
was really hyped but now its just meh
streamers layering other shit
>implying it won't be easy to avoid these fags
post yfw EU
There wont be much PVP when people can just jump layers
only have to deal with asmon
>forced to play with hon hons and ^^s
they exist, but like he said certainly not in any number to matter.
>not to mention that blizzard is killing EU servers by forcing us to share a few severs with all EU countries insted of having germany/french/pol/czech servers and so on
this is a problem, though. that shit has never worked out for eu for no mmorpg. even people who claim "ff14 made it work" are straight up lying. it just means we get unofficial language servers and you hope to get you didn't start on one by accident.
it would be fun to do a streamer event dont lie
>he's not gonna join a guild where people speak his own language
I really wonder what roleplayers think about classic. I don't really see it affecting their game style.
>tfw you play Horde and don't have to deal with this
How do I join the blacklisted guild dedicated to hunting streamers? Im a tier 3 player so I won't have an issue with scheduling.
more accurate
The EU servers will be a mess, we have no idea where these servers are located in the first place, if you are lets say from slovakia and all the servers are located in germany, you are fucked if you have slow internet, the ping will be large for everybody in EU because of this. Not to mention that all the servers will be split into communities based on countries and interaction will be very limited
>Yea Forums 10 years ago
>wow look at this faggot we should create a guild dedicated to fucking with him just for the lulz
>s.o.y- and underage Yea Forums now
>wow lets give up and do nothing.
You are the cancer that is killing Yea Forums.
The thing you don't get is that the second he stops streaming everyone logs off
I feel like no one will give you an actual answer so let me explain a huge problem in Classic few people are talking about.
Blizzard has implemented a new form of phasing in Classic that they call "Layering". Players are distributed across layers which are a kind of mini-server to spread them out and even the load without the need for adding or merging servers.
There are plenty of problems with layering that others will discuss like looting multiple arena trinkets across layers and such but I'll leave that for now.
What you're seeing in OPs image are stream viewers who want to join their master's layer. They eventually figured out a foolproof way to converge all of the layers into a single superlayer overloaded with people. If you're watching a stream, you can send a party invite request to a player on their screen using /requestinvite. That player will likely accept and you'll transfer to that layer. This isn't something anyone, even the streamer, can stop. You just look at their screen and request from someone who isn't them. People can continuously do this and the result is one layer with over 10x the intended player load, well over vanilla populations too.
Whenever this was done during the stress testing it lead to a world server crash.
I don't know why no one is concerned by this particular behaviour.
So you want to waste all day, every day stream sniping people in hopes they would stop streaming? thats your idea of *doing something?* when these people have a army of brain dead followers + can switch layers any time to avoid being ganked?
>>wow look at this faggot we should create a guild dedicated to fucking with him just for the lulz
This never once happened and in any case it's fucking gay
>10 years ago
ok newfag
Imagine 30 years old man hating 14 years old in all age video game. At least kids are pure in their intentions. And they unironically like WoW and their superstar Asmo. Most of them for sure.
don't worry, there will be mean-spirited people who are autistic enough to do it
just wait
>implying this shit would've ever happened back in the day
Raiding with 56k modems deserves a special place in hell.
Thankfully you can avoid this by just not rolling on his server.
He is just going to jump to another shard.
this, streamers are all going to congregate on a single server you just need to not roll on that one
Classic will only have two servers, PvE and PvP. They can infinitely layer them so why add more than that?
Feel bad for the old boomers that haven't played WoW since back then and have no idea about Twitch faggotry and accidentally end up on one of their servers.
Classic will have only a handful of severs though, just more layers
If you really want to play game even 14 years olds can't stop you.