Why is it so good Yea Forums?
Why is it so good Yea Forums?
Because the progression system and hunting isn't aids like in the newer games.
Because Jason Brody is the ultimate Our Guy.
You can bet your ass he survived the Nukes and is now Apocalypse Tarzan.
>empty self insert
I mean it was still a mistake killing off what seemed to be the big bad 2/3 through the game
Yeah, i was always hoping for some sort of suprise faked death.
>ubisoft game
Yes, it's downright fantastic honestly. People bitch about the Ubisoft formula now, but at it's core it's good game design and it was still fresh when Far Cry 3 came out
I sort of enjoyed it, but I prefer 5.
3 is nothing but endless jungle and mountains like Just Cause 1.
But it's shit with a terrible main character
>press button to auto-chain kill every single person in the camp
It's shit. And so is fucking Blood Dragon which is the exact same game with a different coat of paint.
What about Far Cry Instincts on Xbox 360?
Comfy tropical island setting
Instincts was the best one, too bad Evolution was dogshit
3 and 5 are the best. 4 had a less interesting setting and really shit characters.
SO /comfy/
The only correct opinion in this entire thread
>This was 7 years ago
>Already remastered and classic
I remember being on Yea Forums when Farcry 3 just came out and seeing this cover-art and crazy guy everywhere, where does the time keep going?
I haven't even had time to play this yet.
stop shitposting on chans then
Is New Dawn any good if I enjoyed 5?
>fun villain
>enjoyable sense of leveling progression
>good central character arc
>decent sized map with lots of ways to get around without feeling too bloated and empty
>meh ending
I feel like it's the high-point of Ubisoft sandbox games before they started to repeat the same copy-paste tower-climbing bandit-camp games that we know and make fun of today.