How are The Evil Within 1,2?
How are The Evil Within 1,2?
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I'd rather see the milkers inside if you know what I mean
1 is garbage
2 is great
1 is great
2 is garbage
What do people hate about 1?
I played it last week and really liked it.
The Kidman DLCs are even better than the base game.
1 is shit, dont bother
2 is actually amazing, its basically re4
pretty ok/10
so 2 is also garbage?
I didnt like them that much desu, constant hiding from the enemies got boring after a while.
I hear the Ghostwire Tokyo studio are the ones who made the Evil Within games.
What are they like, are they any good?
>In b4 google it
I prefer fresh, organic hand-picked replies from Yea Forumsirgins
They're okay.
1 is good but has so many shitty boss "fights" that they bring down the overall quality. 2 is a more polished but less interesting game. Awful characters but some neat visuals.
No idea mate, please explain
2 is boring open world garbage. There is nothing even remotely memorable about that game.
1, on the other hand, is great.
>open world
looks like someone hasnt played it
The first game is a peculiar RE4 clone that doesn't make you near as empowered as that game did. It's a giant mix of different horror, but the narrative gives good reason. It's story and antoginist are really rather interesting, which make up for Sebastian being a fucking boring flat asshole. The art design is also really good.
2 is a sequel that improves the kinks that the first game had in terms of gameplay and performance (on consoles at least). Otherwise, it's plot is boring, the characters are worse, it seems like a very safe, almost generic sequel.
only chapter 3 is remotely open.
Damn fun and pure kino. Really atmospheric.
Go get them really cheap in a sale mate
>big maps with copy-pasted houses
>a number of useless subquests
>a radar
looks like open world elements to me
Visually distinct games with a constantly shifting vibe.
Sometimes TEW1 wants to be RE1, sometimes RE4, sometimes RE5.
TEW2 has a big emphasis on crafting and exploring one big hub town, it even has sidequests, it honestly feels like an entirely different genre but it's still pretty good.
Unfortunately both games suffer from jankiness at times, but the stories they tell are unexpectedly interesting and the DLC campaign for TEW1 make the background story details and lore pretty explicitly clear.
I'm not a fan of how TEW2 very quickly wrapped up all the plot threads but at least it didn't leave any unanswered questions.
1 is great but runs like shit, the effect gimmicks are also really bad
2 is also great but the story is very meh and they changed the voice acting and tone
first is kino
second is poopoo
Even chapter 1 is 20 times more open than anything in EW1
2 left a few things open. Joseph and Ruvik.
We know Joseph is still alive, but all 2 added was now Sebastian knows he's a optional one. Same with Ruvik.
1 is legit decent with a distinct Japanese horror direction. 2 is generic as fuck thanks to Beth giving the series to the westerner responsible for the dog shit DLC's of the first game and turned it into some open world mess about muh daughter. Avoid the sequel like everyone else as that shit flopped so hard all DLC plans were trashed.
The sequel is more kino and sophisticated. Much better gameplay too
you can really tell that this is sfm
>more Kino
>the plot is literally "I GOTTA SAVE MUH DAUGHTER OH SHIT MY WIFE HAS MY DAUGHTER" with no subtlety at all
Anyone who describes anything as "kino" dosn't know shit about shit. Fuck off back to Yea Forums dropout.
And the first game is what?
Play it.
1 is a mess, 2 is 9/10
Amazing Inception-tier environments with gameplay that doesn't really back it up.
There's such a wide powergap in quality just between elements in their own games.
They're definitely an interesting studio though, and I'll definitely look at mommy's game.
Opinion discarded
yes, theyve really come into their own. 2 is extremely competent, well paced, and tightly written.
Both are good. People hated it because casuals found the first difficult and can't understand subtext in a story.
>is a Yea Forums poster
You never had a right to an opinion to begin with.
I did and the story was an absolute mess.
The crappy writing and Sebastian’s lifeless comments were pretty funny though.
>he says while posting on Yea Forums
TEW1 is great
TEW2 is not so great
You'll always get different answers/opinions as both games are quite different. Think of Resident Evil vs Silent Hill.
fucking cringe
Crappy story is always better than a generic one.
it's not open world you fucking zoomer, it's CONTIGUOUS world, literally the best possible style of game design, like dark souls or OoT.
2 is very self aware.
"Are you crazy? I'm not going outside, it's Evil out there"
"But, nowhere is safe, theres THE EVIL WITHIN, TOO!"
In my opinion they're both good and worth playing but not great. 1 was better. I didn't really like open world elements of 2 and thought all the linear sections (which is what all of 1 was) worked far better.
that's an easter egg that you only get if you do a REALLY roundabout trip that no regular player would ever do
the story is garbage in both games you absolute plebian.
go read a fucking book.
ew1 is superior because of gameplay and presentation.
2 was updated quite a while post launch with a First Person mode, it changes the game completely.
This is the most retarded thing I have read in a long time
Do more subquests bitch
Nice try, Bethesda shill.
I really hated how in 1, there was ammo everywhere but your magazine size was retardedly low. Did the second game change in that regard?
1 is fun until the boss starts doing some anime bullshit
1 is great
2 is also great
Ghostwire will probably also be great
1 is kino
Bad = entertaining.
Generic = boredom.
Fucking hell. Is this COndemned 3?
Underrated kino series.
I never played any games that feel the same.
Pete Hines said the first person mode and cheats were more requested than story DLC.
Which I don't buy at all.
enemies being bullet fodder gets boring awhile too.
Remember how TEW2 had WRPG dialogue cutscenes.
That bothered the everloving fuck out of me.
You can really tell the B-team worked on 2.
Ghostwire is going to be kino.
I thought we used this B-team meme shit for FROM games?
1 is the bomb, a perfectly-paced action/horror roller coaster ride with richly varied environments, enemies and weapons, and tons of great ideas
2 dumbs everything down, makes Seb a whiny faggot, and turns up the western game design dial, meaning more meandering, repetition, and talking to NPCs. It's still really good, just nowhere near as good as 1
B team meme is used for everything. Ass Creed, KH, every series uses this excuse.
Dark Souls II merely exposed that there are seperated internal divisions among big game dev companies to the majority of Yea Forums. B teams are real.
1 was great until you got to the city then it went to absolute shit.
>fish monsters
>having to use cover against enemies with guns
2 was great but didin't really have any decent surprises
i thought both were good.
2 was better
I really hope so, that trailer was sick as fuck
Key staff from the first game like Nakamura, Katakai, Takada, etc... were nowhere to be seen for the sequel.
Buy higher ammo capacity idiot, it's cheap
>TEW2 had WRPG dialogue cutscenes.
Yeah they were shit, especially with that Fallout-style acting and delivery. I don't mind that stuff in WRPGs but I don't want it anywhere near my glorious nihon overlord softs
#1 is borderline 'retro' survival horror and very inconsistent in quality. definitely only recommended for fans of such games.
#2 just smooths out the kinks, definitely recommended.
If you watch the credits for EW2 you'll see that Ikumi Nakamura wasn't even the lead designer on it unlike in 1. Further proof of it being made by the B team.
I don't care if they were the Z team, user. I liked both. Both had their strengths. Both had their blemishes.
>pick up TEW1 around 2014 because RE4
>attempt to run it with my GTX 650
>fail horribly, uninstall and hope I can return to it later
>5 years later
>still uninstalled
should I play this, guys? I need something to occupy the time until RE5 comes to Switch and I have a reason to replay
1 is a near perfect evolution of the RE4 style
2 destroys it be falling for the open world meme
It's a good game and updates and the like do make it run better.
idTech5 is still a shit engine though.
Thanks for your worthless input, be sure to throw it in the trash can on the way out!
Kidman is so hot in 2
Nice argument.
They're both great. 1 is a little floaty in it's combat but still worth playing. 2 is more of the same but has some open levels to explore
bobcat is that you?
1 has a somewhat spookier and grimmer atmosphere from what I recall but the gameplay is shittier and wasn't too crazy about the plot. Having to use matches to take out enemies was really fucking stupid and annoying.
2 is definitely great and superior to the first. Better plot with the protag feeling like he has a personality now and with better characters overall while containing nice callbacks. Also had better gameplay and they removed that shit matches system.
>tfw that card with "Waiting for you..." on it in TEW2
someone post that kino webm
This desu
The people that hate 1 suck at it and probably died hundreds of times like jackasses. Don't know how to time matches, don't know how to efficiently use sprint as a dodge, aren't good at the game.
The people that love 1 actually get good enough to play AKUMU and find it excellently balanced and always tough but fair. Chapter 9 can go fuck off though.
>he doesn't know matches were one of the most powerful weapons in the game
I'd let Sebastian forcibly hold me down and fuck me.