You've done all your preparations, right Yea Forums?
You've done all your preparations, right Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I just moved into a new apartment with ridiculously cheap fiber internet, so yes, my ShB prep is finally about finished.
So glad I got this shit done this weekend and didn't have to do it next weekend. I would have been one salty motherfucker having to move during early access...
Current To-do:
>Hildebrand quests (I'm still on 2.2)
>All DoH job quests
>Learn a proper crafting rotation since i only leveled them with Namazu and weekly deliveries
>Get WAR to 60 so I can level it with GNB at the same time
>Make a Lady Maria cosplay for when i level GNB
I'm still leveling my AST and LOOKING FOR A GROUP OF FRIENDS
I'm worried I wont find a fun group of people to play with :[
not even a little
i'm in the MSQ between ARR and HW
currently stopped playing till EA of ShB
There’s a top from one of the 60 dungeons that’ll be a good Lady Maria top.
Do you play on midgardsormr
I still need to do a little more inventory cleaning and then make buff food for my friend.
I've built a new PC just for it
>still cant register the shadowbringers key in mogstation
I'm getting through the patch quests before HW. Ngl even though they're filler there are some good moments like thancred thirsty over minnys mom.
I could if it meant I'd find friends.
Yeah the Defiant Duelist set is basically a Lady Maria armor set, its just that the hat looks retarded and I need to find a better tricorne hat for tanks. However all the tricornes for tanks come with an unremoveable eyepatch
Just add me via steam fren I joined a fc. It's comfy with some eccentric peeps but still nice
you won't get it until the game actually releases user
Wouldn't something like RDM be more accurate for Lady Maria anyways?
FC's are nice but it's more fun when you have that consistent 4 or 8 people playing regularly that you know
Almost. Once I get Culinarian from 65 to 70 I'll have all my crafters maxed out, already have Botanist maxed and saved a bit of gil.
I need to clean out my inventory.
I think I'm ready. 35+ days of Heat of Battle 3's ready for me and my Free Company. 70 all crafters with almost perfect melds, 70 Bard and Machinist ready to Throw wide the Gates, gatherers ready to go. Inventory cleaned out.
how long does it take to go from lvl 1 to the good content? i got to lvl 35 and everyones saying the grind from here to the current expansion is insanely long and tedious
I hope you like a lot of mailman back and forth quests
I got my scrips capped, consumables ready like exp scrolls and food, max GC seals, 1k ventures, and 3000 cordials (1k hi and 2k watered)
What I want more than anything is to catch Ruby Dragon so I can be done with big fishing until 5.3.
>3000 cordials (1k hi and 2k watered)
Is this what autism looks like?
When does Shadowbringers unlock? I'm a newfag still doing Heavensward and I preordered ShB.
The bad part is the part where you've finished the story content that was available in ARR upon launch, but have to do all the update content released between then and Heavensward. You just have to steel yourself through it, there are apparently more main quests in that period than there are for all of Heavensward and Stormblood put together, and you have to do a lot of dungeons and trials.
>only lvl 59 with monk
>might not get it to 70 in time
I already have WHM and PLD leveled to 70, so I'm not entirely worried, but I still wish I had at least one of each role maxed out.
Early Access is this friday, 28th. Official launch is on the 2nd of July.
They'll last me the entire expansion, user. I had 3k going into SB and used the last of them relatively recently. It only takes a few hours to craft 2k watered and I have a route that nabs me 5k redscrips an hour which is 250 hi cordials or 112k GC seals.
The only stuff I want to do is finish O11S, O12S, and get my Seiryu mount to unlock Tamamo.
I don't think anyone is still doing those, though.
You should have got a pre-order code, that, if registered, will give you early access starting on the 28th, apparently at 2AM PDT. On July 2nd I Imagine you'll receive a code that you redeem to unlock Shadowbringers full, along with any other expansions you may not have bought.
>I have a route that nabs me 5k redscrips an hour
Yup. completely tidied up all my shit in my inventory.
Im ready.
My FC doesn't have the HC gathering tag for nothing.
>there are apparently more main quests in that period than there are for all of Heavensward and Stormblood put together
That isn't true. Don't just believe whatever you read.
for the last 600 hours I have played as all tanks and all DPS classes but I have never tried any kind of healer. which one is the easiest one to play as? first MMO I play by the way
Just pick between WHM/SCH
So I'm good to go right? I start the game up on the 28th and it'll update for ShB? I'm on Steam if that makes a difference.
> SGDQ is now sponsored by ffxiv
Where is all this money coming from
thanks, any tips for healers in general?
Clean it out man. It feels good.
Wait, how do you turn redscrips into GC seals? I've been dying for a good source of Ventures forever, and turning 5k redscrips into 112k GC seals into ~600 Ventures sounds like a great fucking deal.
Don't let people die. You'll have plenty of time in dungeons to get comfortable its not hard.
I've done all that I care to do. Only non-70s I have left are BRD at 68 and MCH at 65. And technically BLU, I guess... I have enough money. I still have a shit ton of quests to do for classes, though, but that involves effort I don't want to spend.
XV was siphoning a lot of it.
All the fags that jumped ship from warcraft and got jump potions to play at high level
Handmaster/Landmaster Ring
Can I still get early access for preordering if I do it now?
Turn them into the blue tokens, turn the tokens in for gathering rings, turn on seal increase buff and turn the rings in for like 1200 seals each.
For 5k red scrips an hour you need to be on top of your game, have some luck, and chug cordials like a motherfucker. However you can probably get half of that relatively easily, which will still nab you like 250 ventures an hour.
Yes. But you probably want to order from Squeenix to make sure.
>You can just buy Ventures with GC seals
Every single day I find out something new in this game that makes me feel like a retard.
>other thread was moved to /vg/
AFTER it reached bump limit
For once I'm happy to go to work tomorrow, it'll make the week go by super fast. I finish thursday late at night so I'll wake up exactly as ShB becomes available.
yeah you got until thursday to do it.
Me too user. This MSQ slog to HW is real suffering.
I need to level my 2 60 crafters to 70, collect my last tomestones of creation to boost my NIN to 382, and find out how I'm going to use my early access when I've got something to do the evening of Friday, and a quadruple wisdom tooth removal on Saturday.
the fuck is even the point of that? just let it die.
>janny moves bump limit thread to /vg/
What did he mean by this?
Dumbfuck mod moved the thread when it was about to hit limit.
Fucking lmao.
Still need to clean inventory space and sell all materia, right now I just want to do as much minimum item level EX as I can for ez mats.
I got mch and brd to lv70. Have gear for dancer as well
Hey mods, move THIS to vg
*Unzips dick*
How does this make you feel, Yea Forums?
what if they're moving it because butthurt wow players are reporting the threads
yeah I uninstalled
*moves your dick to /vg/*
Nah, there's a butthurt wow playing mod that does it.
God I want a qt Elezen wife and to live in a cold stone city like Ishgard.
Kill it with fire
Yup even bought at least 380 HQ shit for all my other jobs if they didn't have better already, but I ain't doing more cuz fuck me I am not grinding out genesis or getting BiS for every job.
Your taste in axes is based but your taste in glamour is cringe.
why do people keep posting this? it's some guy whose bad at the game, woop de doo.
I just finished with HW so I'm trying to wrap up older quests, starting with ARR hard dungs. Speaking of, was that couple tht gave me the Wanderer's Palace Hard quest gay? Or was that the localization? Also dat ending was perfect.
If that was the case this thread would be gone too.
Justice for Abysstial
I dont wanna b the bad guy :[
Where's my tonberry suit, yoshi?
He's posting his own channel to get attention
I need 14k more wolf seals and I'll be done with everything I wanted to do before ShB, I should have spent more time in pvp yesterday since farming today will suck, I hate shatter day
Me too friend, and coincidentally re subbed to wow, did you knew that patch 8.2 is releasing this Friday? You should check it out
It's a gay furry wowfugee who is hilariously bad and getting his shit pushed in for being a toxic shitter that kicks healers that DPS it's hilarious actually.
>got all jobs but 3 i dont really care about to 70
>got all emotes from quests like hildi i didnt have yet
>got lvl 60 gear ready for dancer, and some lvling aiming gear from shb still
>already popped a fanta
>going to log out naked (to fanta right away) in limsa upper decks cause dnc job master is probably there
>cleared out all my retainers and inventories
>farmed a bunch of sb glam pieces i wanted
im ready, im just bored out of my mind now and have been 3manning some HW ex-primals
You got until 5.1. Just do daily frontline roulette.
Like what?
Are the new races available to play yet?
It worked for Larryzuar, he used to shill his channel here constantly
the lala also voted to kick the guy, why isn't he getting any harassment
even if he didn't get rescued he still would have died from the fall.
>Why is the Samurai standing in the middle of combat like a dipship
There's just so much cringe in this picture I don't know where to start.
People posted his channel here as cringe material. He couldn't have possibly ever thought his "humor" style would sit well with the Yea Forums crowd.
> Tfw just got done farming all 3 garo mounts and every single armor piece and weapon, just in case
Don’t know why I bothered with the heart set
Five days remain until they are playable.
Being the Warrior of Darkness doesn't mean being evil.
I know but I want to level a dps, tank, and healer to cap before then so I may as well farm it now when I have nothing else to do
Haven't played for a while and it looks like xivdb is dead now. What companion pages do you have up while you play Yea Forums? I really liked how streamlined it was and shit like the gamerescape wiki doesn't really cut it very well.
On Friday
they’re all easy and they’re all pretty fun to play
considering the ShB changes, go with WHM or AST
garlandtools is the best
Steam players got their Shadowbringers code months ago but they can't redeem yet, only the early access code can be redeemed.
I'm finishing FSH today which will be my last hand/land job at 70. After that I'll farm red scripts to hoard exp manuals both engineering and survival ones. Also, farm some more red scripts to hoard the 450 cordial.
That should be about it.
garland tools, and teamcraft for crafting shit
Frontlines roulette actually gives quite a bit of exp.
It's the classic DSP strategy
Reminder to stop mid fight to try and spam vote dismiss any healers that use holy.
tfw I have to get through stormblood first before I can play shadowbringers when it releases
Some dumb fag
Speak of the devil, everyone that's been in these threads a while knows it was you larry and that you still frequent the threads, you spamming your shit under the guise of "hey everyone let's laugh at this guy" was always a weak excuse and everyone saw through it
For comparison we all shit on mr happy but no one links his shit
are we good?
squadron manuals are going to be better since they aren't capped
I just unlocked the Dragoon job. Is there a reason to continue using the Lancer class, or should I just stick to DRG from here on out? It looks like I keep all the same actions, I just get more different ones as well.
I'm assuming by "pre-purchase content" they mean EA right.
I burned out doing Eureka from start to finish in less than two weeks so I won't be playing ShB for a while
No, jobs replace classes wholesale, if yoshida could he would actually delete classes entirely, it's a wierd legacy thing leftover from 1.0
No. Equip the Soul Crystal and never look back.
I grinding FSH and finishing BLM (66lvl) right now. Wanna try to level up alchemist for $$$ in ShB. Can you do this fast?
They're 20% while the ones I'm going for are 150%. Capping doesn't matter when you have hundreds of them, and 150 is obviously better than 20. So no.
Can I transfer a character from NA to EU?
Equip the soul crystal and never again in your life touch it, leave it equipped, forget it exists.
>Enhanced Shifu and Jinpu
>1.3 second iajutsu not taking into account SKS and Shifu
>AOE can keep up buffs now
>Double Iajutsu
>That second midaire is 1,200 potency
>Better hagakure
>1,250 potency slap button every two minutes
BRO life is looking pretty great
the absolute state
I'm going to kick you for casting holy and not keeping me at 100% at all times
yes but I don't know why you would
How do I level culinarian fast past 50
even jp if you want
Aside from needing 20 more Syrcus Tower runs, I still need to do severe inventory management, even though they'll probably let us buy another retainer.
Fuck off schizo nigger, I'd rather be pestered by some parsefaggot than being labeled as Larry. Congrats you've found a way to get under my skin.
i have never played an mmo before should i play this game?
shut the FUCK up larry
I think it's fun yeahnot being locked down to one job means you can really play around to find what works for you.
>two weeks of frontline roulette to get my bard from 60 to 61
Im going to pass, the current plan is msq XP gets spent on nin, sch gets all the roulettes since healer times will be instant and will be leveled alongside nin, and after I finish the story and have those two leveled I'll work on either pld or drk since hopefully after a week "tanxiety" will have weeded out the gunblade shitters and fixed tank queues
Am I too late to get the EA?
And is there any difference if I buy from
Amazon or SE store
Yes. Then get angry at shitters with us.
If he means the 100 quests are more than Post HW and Post SB put together he is right. But otherwise you are right main HW is around 100 and main Stormblood is a bit more than 100 if I recall correctly.
the most entry level mmo, just learn your class at lv 50 and cap
Yes, its very newbie friendly, the community is nice too depending on which datacenter you choose. Stay away from Crystal datacenter at all costs.
The classes arebuilt on a legacy system where you had to level multiple classes to unlock certain jobs. Now instead, every class gets a job stone at 30 that’s just necessary to continue unlocking abilities
you always want to equip it the second you get it
This is your last warning.
play WoW instead, please
>Larry loses his shit and tries to throw up a smoke screen by saying that being called Larry is the worst ever
Yeah I saw a lot of that too when you first started spamming your shit and getting called out on it
Fuck off Larry
Sick, thanks. I was fussing with my hotbar and I realised things would get confusing really quickly were I to have to switch between the two all the time.
It took me 1 week to get DRG from 62 to 70 by just spamming frontlines, got the garo mounts as well
I guess if you lose a lot you do take longer since it’s less exp per match
It's literally the most noobfriendly MMO, heck, game to ever exist. Also the community is nice and wont hate you for fucking up.
Try it with the free trial.
Which is the least entry level mmo?
what are the estimations on how fast we will be able to go
it's kindof a FF game before it's an MMO, so casually going through the story is perfectly fine, and people who bumrush to endgame expecting some kind of amazing payoff are generally dissapointed and skipped all the best parts of the game.
Is the Garo stuff going away in 5.0?
I'm like 20 feast/frontline wins away from the other horse still.
Hello Larry
When you lose weight
Was that before or after the XP nerf
You do know it was massively nerfed because of bots right
you can’t just level a single crafter, you need all of the 50-54 cross class abilities to effectively end game craft
how many times have you said
>this is your last warning
fag you say that every day and nothing ever happens, you sperg for an hour then things go back to normal enjoy your power trip you obese fuck
Why don't we have a job that uses a pistol?
EVE probably, not because it's difficult but because it's so clunky and the gameplay is looking at spread sheets
>static transferring from malboro to sarg
oh no
If anyone still wants an AST for their group I'd be down to join! I'm on daily :
5.1 so you have until October.
He said for 'all' of HW and SB though, so if he only meant post main quests he worded it very poorly.
>eceleb server
Oh god
Pay attention to meeeee
I'm in charge here!
>I'm giving you your last warning for the 15th time take me seriously now
LMAO suicide rope broke again boys get ready
You know as well as we what will ensue should these insatiable creatures be allowed to roam free.
That their very existence threatens the life of this star.
it’s my first mmo and it’s good and shb could only make it more retard friendly
the msq is dreadfully boring though so I rushed through that shit to hit level cap asap
you should play but now is a bad time because the good servers are locked from creating new characters due to congestion.
Even alchemist and culinar? I thought they're only "solo" crafters
he's just some random guy user, jannies are not supposed to announce their presence.
Capped all tomes.
Capped all scrips.
Capped all seals.
Max all crystals ang clusters.
2k ventures / 2k aetheryte tickets.
300ea of relevant foods needed.
Only thing left is to clear clutter from my inventory.
I'm starting to go through Stormblood's postgame MSQ. There's gonna be barely any healers when Gunbreaker and Dancer arrive, huh?
I never really hear anything about the Jenova server. Why is that?
Graehl is the only good info guy for XIV
Change my mind
Prithee heed mine words.
As what must needs be done before all else, thou shalt Grit thy teeth and succumbeth to yon darker self.
Thou must needs exercise naught but the most terrible and blinding hatred unto thy foes as thou blade first descendeth.
Two slashes, imbued with power of rage and vexation, to thine enemies shalt thou announce thyself; "Hark, thy foul taint shalt no longer plague the land."
Thou must needs channel with all thy might the most violent and profane arts of darkness unto thy foe at such given moment.
Fie, let not thyself grow recalcitrant, craven fool! Fall not into bruxism, but refocus thine efforts and let sanguine magicks drench your blade!
Beginneth now, the Dark Dance of destruction!
Thine preparations complete, thou mayest partake in the damned soul of the fiend.
Now of sound mind in the ways of the Dark Arts, take heed thy blade shall strike true always in pursuit of such.
Lo! His figure scarred and his visage insulted, thou shalt show Reprisal and kick down thy foe for failure to set upon thee.
Mind thy sporadic Power Slash, to insult thine enemy and be set upon, as odds insurmountable and fell soul of the Dark Knight shalt surely turn thy delirious craven away from thee, unto others.
This was last week
Didn’t know about the nerf
I did spend at least a 3 hours a day doing feast matches so take it with a grain of sand
Personally I found it way more fun to lvl in pvp than doing the same dungeon over and over and waiting for queues, specially since I also worked towards some pvp goals
This because it's informative and no padding and no webcam.
because jenova is filled with the people who transferred from crystal because "oh no i have to be on the same DC as elysium to raid" so they're the worst of both worlds
look man, some people will switch, but generally healers gonna heal, once novolty wears off people will go back to their "mains".
plus I can't imagine most healers dealing with dps queues, I will laugh at them relentlessly.
I just watched his shb sam guide and I didn't like it
I think that just means the items such as the bonus exp earring. You should get another key near release which you use to activate the actual expansion.
But that's World of Warcraft? I don't understand what you're trying to insinuate here, user.
Damn I hate webcams. Just why? If I want for soem reason watch stream I don't want to see their faces. Only gameplay.
5.1, so around October sometime. Which is also when the new Garo movie comes out.
I got culinar to 50 in a day and it was my first crafter, I just bought the leve requirements.
I guess having DoH lowers the price of leveling but it’s not required imo
Will there be anything to do this time when you're done with the story in 2-3 days?
I think his point is that Sargatanas is full of eceleb orbiters.
>only talks like that because he reads a lot of old ass books
I love Urianger, he's such a autistic dork.
Where the fuck have you been getting them?
p-primalbros, i thought all the trannies were on aether...?
>Still on SB's MSQ
>Want to play alongside everyone else when ShBr drops
>Don't want to speed through content just for the sake of it
I'll always be playing catch-up with this game, it seems.
leviathan is gilgamesh jr
Stop telling me how to do my job and look after the kids, Urianger
>gas jews hang niggers
Primal is Aether Jr
>>Want to play alongside everyone else when ShBr drops
Nah. Doing the MSQ with 500 other people crowding around the NPCs and having to listen to
It really takes you out of it.
no, just only leviathan.
What's the emptiest server on aether?
Sargatanas is fine. Gilgamesh has all the ecelebs and trannies.
socially they're all equally dead
Adamantoise probably.
so how are we getting the AF gear in ShB?
She is PERFECTLY HEALTHY you bigot. Stop making fun of her for being healthier than you.
Why would there be?
Vacation time, please understand
>All of my friends moved from Aether to Behe
>Balmung isn't >I am an ERPer degenerate
that shit was written by a balmong
>LGBT server
mateus is more ERP than balmung these days
imagine playing this shit weeb game while WoW 8.2 is out
level 80 job quest.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Thanks. I'll visit that and log out there ahead of the server maintenance.
last skill and af will be at the job trainers
Welfare from job quest like SB.
I hope it was Larry who posted those links. His humour is bottom of barrel Reddit humour. Perfect for r/ffxiv.
Btw was there any ShB leaks this year that put that depressed the r/ffxiv mods again kek
So we all agree EA is going to be a 90002 hellish disaster right?
That's all of Aether.
they are, if you have the crossclass skills
the only effective way to do what you want is get everything to 50, gsm to 54, cul to 70. If you actually want to do that instead of onmicrafting, then I recommend getting a friend to make you levekits for each job, which is the moat painless way to level crafters to 50 possible but it’s also time consuming because each job will take a week or 2 for enough leves to recharge. Then just cruise cul to 70 on moogle and namazu tribe exp. I did it that way and it was great. All of this presupposes you already have btn and mnr to 70.
alc doesn’t really craft much that’s even useful on it’s own
>still not done alexander
>or finished ARR hildebrand
>or the patch content dungeons for HW
>or worked on feast/garo shit
>dont even want to cap another job now until I can be Viera
who /ivalicedrone/ here?
Apparently a few of his videos have misinformation. Personally I prefer Larryzaur above everyone else despite his annoying voice and cadence.
Every fucking time
I'll get all my classes to 50 before HW!
Get only about half of them to 50, don't play them at all.
I'll get all my classes to 60 before SB!
Actually get all crafters to 60 and in Ironworks gear, get all tanks, all healers, all magic dps and drg to 60.
Don't craft, don't play any of them until
Gotta get all my shit to 70!
Get all the tanks, healers and brd,drg,rdm to 70
I bet my ass I won't play any of them and I won't care until 5.5 when I'll try to rush them to 80 and fail AGAIN.
I wish I could keep playing but after 2 months I burn out every single time and it takes me like a year to recover.
Sup bros, how about we combine our parties and take on Shinberd?
>watching content creators
Fix the class design first Ion and make some good content then I might come back
We JUST made Crystal
but someone said it's going to be different in earlier threads
we were supposed to be the most populated server....
It seems odd to me there's only one starter healing class.
There's no room for the WoL in this party.
>dont even want to cap another job now until I can be Viera
I know this feel.
He created youtube?
Levequests and moogle quests
>no helmets
That's the one thing keeping me. There's no excuse other than laziness. It's 2019.
Well, it's either that or they will make you grind first non capped tome for it.
I can't believe this game is blowing up this much
The shitshow during early access is going to be so sad, I bet we'll lose so many players
There's two, White Mage and Scholar
>max GC seals
Don't do this.
Larry is tolerable if you don't watch many others but it quickly wears off with how dry his humour gets
>Beating dead horse SPLOSIONS meme into ground
>Insert random anime clip with subtitles
>mAAAAAYbe if I change the inFLEEEECTions of my VOIIIIIce they'll laugh
props to bagging a girl 5 years older than him out of school though but really he's lucky she was just as spergy as him.
Cool. How do I start as a level 1 SCH?
they were lying. you do your job quest at 80 and you get your 80 skill and a coffer with your AF gear
a lot of watchers *want* webcam. they want to see the streamers
Someone was wrong. Dyeable version is an upgrade though and we don't know if ti'll be from the new Eureka/Diadem-like content or something else.
If by starting healer you mean, level 30. Then yes.
Iajutsu will prob go below 1s and about once a minute we'll be able to burst 4,000 potency in 10 seconds, things are looking juicy we can only go faster from here.
im about to preorder the new expansion just for the exp earrings to help myself level up quicker
I kinda want it.
literal retard, open and shut
Dirty dancing with Alisae!
you 1st
>doug button
I just started playing about 3 weeks ago.
I have Shadowbringers pre-ordered but only did it for the items. I've put in over 80 hours but I'm still not even done with ARR yet. I'm level 45. I want to start a crafting or gathering class too at some point.
It would look stupid in 99% of cases. What's even the point of a helmet when your ears just poke through as easily sliced off targets?
reporting you to yoshi for harassment
This is why you never got laid, Urianger
>XIV button uninstalls the game
These are more based than le stronk fat womyn
weeb or western game? what do?
I meant as in starter (lvl1) class. The vast majority of beginner classes are DPS. LNC is my main but I've got MRD up to almost 30, I wanted to give a healer class a try but the only one to begin with is Conjurer. It seems odd that to be a different kind of healer in some cases you need to be DPS for a while.
>XIV button
fuck off that's kinda cute still not dropping my mmo mouse
>supervised by guy who plays mainly using gamepad
>selling millions of gil worth of minions, furnishings and outfits from botted PotD sacks
Who says dishonest work doesn't pay?
Are you seriously defending them releasing a race that can't wear helmets?
>what's even the point of a helmet when your horns just poke through as easily sliced off targets
But he did? You think those muscles are just for show and he didnt dom Moenbryda despite her natural physique?
Leveling crafters and gathers goes way quicker than combat classes.
>Say hello to our newest recruit!
The shit weeb game is better than WoW though?
b-but muh balance autists and 2.15s GCD for trick attack alignment...
god I hope we can go even faster than in SB
I think you use it along side a mouse don't you, like its made to replace keyboard controls.
Why did you feel the need to stamp a question mark on your statement?
>bought half a rakshasa set for my 5th 70 like a retard when scaevan gear will be wholesale in four days
Haha yeah
Imagine playing a dying game with no hope while an expansion for another better game comes out
If it was all headgear yeah, but they've come back on that.
But helmets and hats? There's just no way to make those look good with Viera's long ears.
You want them to just hide the ears or something? Then why not just play Elezen?
How do you find fun groups as a healer
No instantly running out of TP either.
So realistically can I level ALL crafters right now without wasting my gil I'm poor 3,5kk gue?
Balmung and Mateus are the good servers for anyone who wants to play the game but not hardcore raid.
Shit like this is why SE needs to accept outside evidence for reports.
That's pretty gay my man, but no worries, we'll get you dressed up in some fine Kugane clothing and you'll come with me and the bros to the brothel. We'll get you out of this phase bro.
this game is not fun as a healer
Anyone else playing MCH here?
Balmung getting their way with the bunny suit set a bad precedent.
And it's going to be even worse in a few days.
3.5 mil is enough to powerlevel all crafts to 60 no problem, let alone one to 70
>Look for a group
>Do a trial, join VC
>Decide if you like their banter after raid
Wew that was hard.
Sure, it was my first MMO and I still play it to this day, started a week before HW hit.
5 levels away from a lvl 70 SAM
BLMchads report in. How does it feel to know our job is the reason they gave tanks infinite aggro?
Why is preordering the game so clunky? Why are is the early access a separate code from the full game? Why do I need to register with the registration site before getting the key?
Crystal is the highest pop datacenter.
Honestly i'm gonna miss that, it sucked but telling the NIN to goad me cuz the AST just gave me an arrow or else I'd burn out of TP just doing my rotation felt satisfying, it's hard to explain.
no game can ever beat WoW
I'll still do it if I can at least find friends!
2 dogs left bros, I might actually do this before early access
how much are prices going to rise on primal mats at launch
The only way to truly have a clean inventory is if you have nothing valuable
yeah, i'm not sure about that either. Why you can't buy a shadowbringers code in the mogshop is beyond me
WoW killed itself buddy, WoW beat WoW
That just means if you buy it he supervises you to make sure you're using it.
nips are incompetent
Jesus, the lengths at which fanboys will go to defend the undefendable. You know Elezen have a giraffe neck and Viera don't. Why pretend it's the same? You know what you think look good or not can't and never will be a valid reason to remove the option to everyone. So why pretend?
If you don't want to wear helmets on your Viera then suit yourself, there's the option to TOGGLE HELMET OFF. Simply releasing the race without helmets is fucked up and lazy.
>Preorder off amazon
>Instantly get code
>Use said code
>You now have EA
Wow that was so fucking hard, please pick red mage cause I don't think you have enough brainpower to play anything else. Fucking FFXIV players man
because the expansion code and preorder code are two separate things. You can't register the expansion yet because the expansion isn't ready.
Because Japs can't into web design and they had problems with people preordering then canceling the order after they got codes in the past.
>Motherfucker has been trying to undercut my dolls for weeks now.
>He finally gives up and brings his prices back up near mine.
>Put mine up for 1k less than his.
>They get sold.
What you get you fucking dumdum. Good job trying to sell crafted items for less than the materials are worth.
Reward sucks. It's ugly as sin.
3.5k? Most likely not unless you're bringing up a gatherer and getting your own materials. Roughly a million is a safe number to comfortably level almost every class to cap with ease.
35 in the msq is where it picks up but it gets very repetitive after 50 until you get to the Shiva quests (which are like 60 quests after the end of ARR) since the game was only getting patch content to keep players and not really build into a new expansion yet
By that point you'll be more than 45% through the game though, since there's like 270 ARR quests and 290 HW+3.X+STB+4.X ones
>ff isn't healing intensive like wow
>can't even have fun dps anymore
why yoshi
flood of new players will increase demand. hoarders blowing their loads will increase supply.
Its impossible to tell
WoW's been dead for years now.
I haven't countered many hues on Behemoth, just the occasional monkeyspeak in Limsa /say chat
I fucking hated it because pug groups are retarded and refuse to goad even after I nicely ask them and even use auto translate Goad in my text.
The Viera neck is just as long. Go measure it.
Bismarck is that you?
>reading comprehension
>how much are prices going to rise for content that everyone will be able to farm now
I'm queuing up for Tsukuyomi now, guess I'll be a little late
How can one 'berd be so much of a bro?
With gatherers at 70 and a friend to craft you the levekits, you can get all DoH to 50 extremely cheaply
I used this one
50-70 could also cost you next to nothing with beast tribes, assuming you're just focusing on one job. This is the cheapest and most painless way, but it's also quite time consuming. But once you hit 80, you will have to spent 5-10 mil on overmelds for your gear.
Not yet it seems. Pre-ordered earlier, still don't have my code.
it's honestly more of rdm's fault because i have literally never seen one of those dudes press diversion before slapping the boss with some precasted bullshit
I mean I know you're falseflagging but there's no need to do that user. Actual WoWfags posting in this thread are annoying enough
that ad with the spiderman actor got 2.5m views
ffxiv is normalfag tier now
so wait if I preordered on steam do I have to do something else at a later time besides using the codes I already got
>can't even have fun dps anymore
Stop pretending you weren't spamming broil before.
That's him!
That's Vauthry!
Need help? If on Crystal.
Way late unless you're a faggot that can actually win rolls.
Took me 64 kills to finally win it.
I still have never been given a clear answer on how people who want hats and helmets on Viera want them to actually work visually in-game.
I got mine with the order confirmation e-mail from amazon when I preordered 2 months ago
good choice, bonus if you play in ragnarok
you need to put the code into the mogstation when shad actually comes out, other than that no
Can you not see the issue between 40% and like 80% now?
How else are you going to spread darkness
it takes roughly 24hrs
Looks to me he is talking about the fact there's a code for early access and a code for the expansion that's not released yet. And the last question was just a separate question completely.
You can easily finish in time from Tsukuyomi.
>tfw moving that week so I won't be able to play and rush to endgame so I can sell expensive materia from hunts
For Shadowniggers, when are they getting rid of the Garo sets? Which one should I get after Dragoon and Monk?
Losing Energy Drain is what really sucks honestly
Time for healing to be even easier using the newly buffed Sacred Soil on CD I guess cause there's nothing else to spend Aetherflow on that isn't overhealing
>sch gets massively dumbed down from hw to sb
>nobody says anything
>sch loses 1 dot and 2 ogcds
>non-stop crying and shitposting
i really hope stormbabies hang themselves
Just swapped to fiber myself earlier this week. Fuck Optimum.
I don't mind either way. Clip through? Remove the ears instead? I'd take either. I'd take something. Instead I got nothing.
I'm just doing the msq
I have work from tomorrow though so I don't have that much time to play
It's over 2.9 million now. Horrifying.
Reminder that regardless of your sexual orientation or chosen class/role Hrothgar is the proper choice if you're a Man (male).
where do I get the code, same as all the other ones?
Do you have selective memory? They complained a lot.
If you just do the MSQ you can finish if you do it in the evening.
5.1, so October
You'll have plenty of time to get the mounts and all the sets
Sup bros, I'm wondering if we'll still be able to AFK the early dungeons as Scholar and let Ilbeos and Seleberd solo heal for us in Shadowniggers.
I mean do you want help clearing or a fast queue
it's in the cd key section of your library, yeah
>stretching bad textures to look even more shit than they do already
No thanks.
It should be fine. The other "primal" fights aren't part of the msq so you should be able to burn through it relatively quickly.
>hrothgay back at it again
Why do Aether and Crystal fags try so hard to pretend that Primal isn't the best data center, even going so far as to make up lies about it being full of Mexicans and Brazilians?
a faggot
No, i had a month to get to 70 and finish the msq. I dicked around and am now playing catchup.
what race and job do you think he plays?
cheers senpai
now we need to fix this image so that the fairy has a illberd face too
A real Ilberd enjoys focusing on the game and respecting the content.
>150 potency embrace
Can someone psot end game pony from ARR. They're all ugly but I remember seeing cool "dork and edgy" horse.
What am I gonna do Yea Forums? I just started 4.3 and am only at like 320 gearscore. I’ve heard you need at least like 365 to get past the last SB patches. I’m this doable by the 28th?
Just have them work like they did in FFTA desu.
I identify as a smug potato
Primal literally does have a fuckton of BRs on it though, Behemoth mainly
>when your own top streamers think your game is trash and they don't bother to play your new patch
He literally tells you in the commercial.
these will be your party members soon.
buy gear
Stop bullshitting, all you're losing are miasma gcds whch adds extra 28 casts to broil. You can just use ruin II to weave instead of miasma II now.
Effectively all you're losing is ED and shadowflare.
Probably from your level 80 job quest, we don't know for sure though
Tyrone, you are but casual scum. Why don't you play a real DPS.
>if you're a Man (homo)
Fixed your typo for you.
Maybe, farming up the ilvl might take a while though
I'm on omega but thanks, this q is taking a while even though I play healer
Yeah but you need ilvl 360 to finish from what I see and I'm only at 336
That's because that Ilberd is a fake, bro. Just look at him, there's something sketchy about him...
ive been farming for brd pants for balthier glamour in orbonne for a week and havent even seen it drop. kill me.
You can buy 380 crafted gear on the MB.
>all these new players that will be jump potting and ruining my pug experience
Dear God please no. Go back to WoW please. Please fuck off. Leave xiv alone.
la goblina de primo bosque....
I just got the stats i wanted on my Pyros weapon, can I get through Hydratos in 3 days?
have sex
Yes, because sprites and skewed perspective 2D concept art with ears on the side of the head instead of on top is perfectly translatable to FFXIV's Viera models.
The ears would clip into the pointy part of the hat.
Then why do I never see them? I've been playing since 1.0.
Go tell that to the retards who say healers are boring now.
what the FUCK do I spend my last moogle tomes on?
answers scroll, pegasus or magic bucket?
you first
>Done with all the prep for ShB
>Decided to join a Thordan bird farm out of boredom
>15 runs in
>At least one person dies to the triple knight charge every run
>Get a run where the two healers die and I have to save the run with RDM
>Quit party
People can't even do simple unsynched content, I'm losing my fucking mind.
Yep. All of these will be used on gunblades
already did with your dad lmao
>leveling sch in low level dungeons
>auto follow the tank and go AFK
That was fun.
I tried to farm chest for SMN/BLM and ended up with 5/6 NIN gear and 3/6 MNK
Embrace's potency is lowered so probably not
But Sacred Soil has a regen now sooooo
now this is a brilliant idea
>face 1 looks the best from the front but from the side looks like a goblin
>best face all around is 2
is this the only way? I could do that but I’ll be broke by ShB because they pretty much go 200k+ for each piece
I got answers from a retainer during the event lmao, the pegasus is ugly so I got bucket because fuck fishing
I'm still staying my carboy healer
Actually, id get that done now before shad drops
Plenty of time sure, but odds are that shit's gonna be dead up until 5.1 when they add pvp changes
I'm unironically much better than you tho
There won't be gunblades for half of those resources, mark my words.
that is because only retards like us are still playing rather than just waiting the shb
Bucket is the hardest to get normally.
Mmmmh that fairy...
Really? Me too!
So, like, people are just saying these look fine ironically, right?
Got my 50 irregular tomestone mount if that's what you mean. If I never see Praetorium again it'll be too soon.
I know Alexander gunblades wont be in, but that's about it. All the primal weapons should be there
face 4 is the best face tho
Not the crafted ones
Maybe youre just not looking man, I'm a BR and I play there
I bought the pegasus, elbist and goobue. I don't understand the point of the earrings, does anyone even look at those?
no one fucking does diadem
I’ll be camping the first week, so I’m not super worried about being prepared.
they mostly play jobs they can't play
I do the same
I have no shame
>for anyone who wants to play the game but not hardcore raid.
That doesn't make any sense
Spotted the roe player
Yeah. And BLU mage is becoming a full job, male Viera and female Hrothgar will be added and we'll still get a full job questline at 80.
They made the old crafted ones for sam/rdm. Source when they said they wont do it for gnb/dnc?
>But Sacred Soil has a regen now sooooo
>SCHs now have to use sacred soil on cooldown leading to massive overheal
>WHMs get aetherflow
They pretty much flipped SCH and WHM on this patch.
well they did SAM and RDM weapons for all of the lvl 50 stuff
just take a look at the viera people are posting. these are much better in comparison
No but it's the best one. At the very least I would recommend you buy the weapon.
if your missing an eye or two yeah
where the fuck can the sam story even go at this point
You know you can grind one of those out in a couple hours if you have a friend willing to queue up for Diadem with you right?
Go run ivalice raids.
Spam Omega raids.
Go to Eureka for fast weapon.
so can you just spam orbonne now and roll as much as you want or what?
also how do I up my ilvl from 373? mixed scaevan and a 370 makibi weapon
>*dies to a stack up marker*
they mentioned they added 500 helmets to work on them/hrothgar, but for all we know thats just the 500 hair flower recolors. i'd fantasia in a instant if they'd atleast make a promise to add every helmet in the game overtime
nowhere which is why you don't have one anymore
I don't know what you mean by "Diadem". I'm kinda new to this game.
they find bullshit for every job's story arc after the expac is over SAM isn't the first job to deal with this it won't be the last sides we're all only getting one job quest
Isn't it the same with all of that crap?
We get to dick the potato
Good news! They already made that promise!
>they mentioned they added 500 helmets
No they didn't. Keyword being helmets. Read the dev post again.
Catboy sorry
I've been waiting to dick tataru all my life
Omega/Genesis gear or upgrade scavaen
probably more hingan society bs
>*revives, attacks immediately before getting to a safe spot*
>*dies again*
post a good face 2 viera then
Everything but the earrings is old content
>le savage is the only content in the game meme
something something pray return to kugane
Nah, the DPS was fine, it's just after 15 runs you'd think people would at least learn the only mechanic in the fucking trial that can still kill you.
Noone tell him.
I caught up with the MSQ last week and I've levelled all the jobs I want to play in ShB up to 70. I never did Alphascape so I have them geared with Orbonne/Crafted stuff. What do I do now?
>EVERY helmet
No they didn't. They're adding the things that work for them easily like masks/circlets/horns/glasses.
Helmets and hats are a no go and always will be, else they would've accomodated the new ShB gear from the start.
ERP furpiles aren't content, user.
I'm unironically going to fuck your ass if you fuck up dungeon mechanics.
this would actually be nice and I actually hope this is the case, hingashi and yanxia are the only places I'm going to miss
Since your level 80 skill is based on meditation probably some bullshit about something something meditating on your inner self and overcoming the past blah blah.
That’s what I was worried about. I bought the weapon that way anyway. Seems odd they would make you farm old content just to be able to get to the new expansion only for the gear to be replaced right away anyway.
Jesus it's the same energy
Yes. But just from a time taken perspective the Pegasus is one of worst deals there. 50 is a ridiculous amount.