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I had almost 700hrs of GTA2 on Xfire alone, but can't access it now.
post what
how many reds?
Every time I get the urge to play Terraria I immediately get bored and start constructing nipples all over the landscape.
And I don't know how to play it properly.
all of them
I played vanilla Skyrim cracked for roughly 900 hours.
I hate my life.
I didn't like it.
I play racing games with a gamepad, and shooters with the mouse and keyboard, so GTA is just awkward to me.
Most of this play time is on the campaign, and it was so-so. Stopped playing during some gimmick control mission, I can't remember if it was helicopter or submarine or crane or some such. Failed several times over a few logins throughout the course of a week and stopped playing. Tried multiplayer for a bit later, always got disconnected/desynced, uninstalled the game and forgot it.
I used to play much more video games before I started buying them as well.
When you have time, you have no money. When you have money, you have no time.
I hate myself for this
The problem is that the game isn't even fun. I boot it up and grind for a few hours sometimes, but what can you actually do with the money? The most fun thing you can do is buy cars and planes and maybe get into some fights in free mode. The game is just a senseless grind with no payoff.
Imagine if this game had gone the dedicated server route. Imagine if players could create their own gamemodes like in SA-MP. GTA V would be booming right now. What a wasted opportunity.
fuck how based can one post be m&b and kenshi are my shit
is vermintide 2 good? the first game's community died so fucking fast and I just couldn't deal with the bots
Don't worry.
I hate you, too.
>3k hours
>wasted life
LMAO casual.
I can't believe people play gta online
It was the worst online experience I have ever had with a game. so many players but every lobby was empty. fucking bizarre. maps just covered in icons. money grubbing mtx shit. Honestly, how could anyone spend so much time in such a shit game
I'm sure it was well worth it for all the millions they stole from console kiddies with those shark cards
>m&b and kenshi are my shit
You also play shit games intentionally?
>is vermintide 2 good
The game is a nipple.
>When you have time, you have no money. When you have money, you have no time.
Opposite for me, a couple of years ago I got money so I do not have to work for the rest of my life.
My kids and granchildren wouldn't need to work either if they'd wish.
I'm on my phone in a doctor's office but 350 hours on Kenshi
Good god, I thought my 700 hours in Dota was bad
For a game as recent and shitty as Paladins? I wouldn't contest that
Kenshi is unironically the most fun I've had with a video game in years
i hope you're getting paid
when did you play? I've had the game since release on two platforms now and I imagine if you start late it is a bit overwhelming. I set the legend to remove most of the icons on the map I don't give a shit about. I really like the city I just wish more of the single player feel was in multiplayer. RDR1 had better free roam online events I wish they had put more in GTA like hunting and challenges
vt2 is pretty great
the community is still very active and theres a big update coming in August
Kenshi is a nipple!
I prefer it over random crits hats simulator but yeah, it is shit now.
ask me anything
was it worth it
That’s almost 2 years straight :(
Roast me for Dota 2. I don't care. It's been a staple of my life for 15 years.
BO3 had mods?
I'd have similar numbers on warcraft 3 if that were tracked
I hate myself.
you're alright user
I had 1300 hours of Battlefield 2 logged on Xfire from playing so much Project Reality.
>BO3 had mods?
>clearly says it
you at least own a flight-stick right user?
I had friends who got way into project reality and tried it out but couldn't get into it really. I even had one of them buy me arma 2 and 3 to try to get me to play it. It is neat just kinda feels like a drag to me though.
It was a rhetorical question meant to express surprise, sorry it wasn't obvious enough for the autistics in this thread
Had one for a while but it was cheap garbage and i'm not a fan of plane sim.
It's because of your dumb-fuck mindset.
If you want to enjoy yourself, you have to want to actively increase your skill, you fucking nipple!
I like nipples. Almost as much as upskirts.
Ya gotta have a bit of tism, I suppose. I got into it early, .4 in like... 2005. I played through 1.0. It really takes a community to make games like PR/Squad fun. I've been a part of a website dedicated to games like these since 2006. I've been gaming with some of these dudes since I was 16, and I'm 29 now. It's crazy.
>doesn't understand obvious bait
Japanese games SUCK
>borderlands and batman
Nice brain you're showing user.
>Almost as much as upskirts
Someone with tastes and elegance.
>btw i have sex
How the fuck do you put in that much time into Blands 2? Like, I’ve done completionist playthroughs on every single class and I haven’t hit 400. I thought I was bad.
Holy shit. How do you feel about the move to Epic, user?
>vermintide 2
My man
i have a lot of hours on lotro outside of steam
>failing at a casual game like GTA
How mentally disabled do you have to be to do this?
rude cunt
This game wasn't even as booming as it was when it came out on 360 and PS3, sure the rerelease was nice but the player drop off was massive even with all the additions. I haven't even played the PC edition since they released it and only added heists, after that I saw no other reason to ever play it agian.
not a huge fan but i dont really care too much I can still play on steam
hopefully they use the epic money to improve the game further
having larger prizes for esports tournements could help to keep its relevance and therefore a playerbase for me
I hope they just let psyonix continue doing what they want, give them money to be comfortable and keep the servers going strong and not fuck everything up
also epic had a hand in helping psyonix get going back in the day so its not surprising
so far I have not been affected by the deal
Time well spend, kill me.
Back in the 70s, me and the guys used to push people like you down on the ground and engage in anal penetration with our willies.
>adventure capitalist
straight up remove that cancer from your library immeditely
if only I could remove the history of it
Theres no helping us brother, only more loot for the loot gods. At least this league doesnt suck nuts and is actually fun
You're not my mom!
what he fuck are you doing
and i just started terraria the last weeks of last month...
>get bored of most games before 30 hours
>don't have a single game I clocked 100 hours on
>tfw most of my playtimes aren't even accurate because a lot of times in 2017 and some of 2018 I would launch a game and leave it on pause menu for like 2-3 hours at time while I fucked off
How do you retards hit 2K hours on fucking Dota?
I have no life and must play vidya
you have to go way down in my list before you start to get under 100 hours
I am unhealthily conscious of not doing this
>dungeon defenders
My nigga
5k hours in fucking GARRYS MOD
I'm almost amazed user
Do you people EVER stop to think just how much you could have accomplished in your lives if you had spent all that time improving yourself, learning new skills, and getting new experiences...?
I don't
no fuck all that
I have 800 days played in wow.
On 1 character.
ye everytime, didnt even have sex yet and im turning 23 probably should become a wizard at this point
I probably put two hundred more hours in rocket league on ps4/xbone on my friend's accounts.
>189 hours in Vice City
Literally for what purpose
What's the appeal of WoW?
And don't you fucking say because it's a "WoW!" experience.
thanks i guess
How do I even have 64 hours on Garry's Mod when I have almost no recollection of playing the game? What the fuck, it must've been "running" on steam without actually being open for days.
I'm trying to beat the RC helicopter mission
Rocket League is a great game, no regrets.
I do woodworking also sometimes you just need to veg out though
A lot of my games I never played have 40-50 hours because Idlemaster screwed up
It's fun to drive and fly around and do random shit, like every GTA game. Yeah you get lost in the grind sometimes, but honestly if you look at the amount of content they put out over the years, well they need to keep making money somehow. I think I would have preferred paid expansions with a little higher quality to them, than shit that completely fucks the online economy
I didn't like it enough to try hard, so I quit the game. You are really barking up the wrong tree if you think you can get me mad over a game I thought was dull.
That’s years of your life wasted. Jesus
I've never tried any mmorpg but I image at that point it's pure addiction. There's can't be anything fun about playing a game for 800 days
Not wasted if you enjoy it
This menu had soul
over 600 hours in BOI
200 hours in gungeon
and over 4k hours in WoW which I;m not playing anymore and never will
someone fucking SHOOT ME
This is very accurate, it's easy to leave it up and just stare. In ff14's case the way they just drip feed you shit keeps you on a treadmill idk about wow but it's easy to dump days into years if you "enjoy" it.
Kinda feel shitty knowing my first 1k game on steam is going to be HoI4
lol you can
search for the game you want to delete and select I want to delete this from my library
Rate my most played Yea Forums.
besides your absurd amount of hours in rust i can say this is pretty good
keep telling yourself that
... imagine your play time on Yea Forums
So you played some grand strategy in between gay roleplaying sessions?
no pls user...
Don't need to I'm not that person, but if I was, I would rather spend thousands of hours doing shit I like than posting on Yea Forums
I can't even play Rust anymore, lmao. Facepunch keeps increasing the graphics quality without fixing all the god damn bugs.
hey, we have the same top 2
Kill me
you are correct the last time I enjoyed the game was back in wrath
thanks user this is a lot of power I didn't realize existed. I wonder if there's a way to undo it. someone could really fuck up your steam account if they managed to get into it
Yes, extremely gay.
Played this games years ago and still play em now.
damn boi
>extremely gay
The worst part is I haven't even played a game this year so far and those other games are starting to haunt me.
you have waisted 202 days playing videogames nonstop. you could have built an empire in real life.
Its more like 10k hours if you include accounts used to dodge low priority
I literally have no life
also add 100 hours for TES V and FNV and 200 borderlands 2 because arrr
No way to undo it afaik.
How can one man crave so much anime cock?
you are like little babies, watch this
haha lol what a retard
long list is long
I don't get how you guys can play such shitty games for so long.
And no axe!
I regret nothing
Not that hard to get. Shit taste and no life.
Not even Counting the 2,000 hours I have on FFXIV from when I played it on ps4
What does this say about me?
for fucksake
I have everything you can have unlocked unlocked. All legit.
I went back and recruited every "unique" faced and named character you can get, outside of the ones you can only get once. I also got their stats as high as possible with either 2 or 3 medals depending on if they could get the third one.
Outside of that, my staff is maxed out with S++ rank soldiers, once again all recruited without cheats. Every piece of equipment is developed, every outfit is developed, every emblem is unlocked(except Kojima's face), I have every gold nameplate(extremely rare since the gold Snake has only been available to earn 3 or 4 times, and only 10 people got them each time on each platform). I have the plaque for nuke disarmament since I was active when that happened.
Haven't played it for any longer than a few minutes a while, but I would if they did another update like they did for the Quiet update a while back.
You enjoy gaming on the PC.
Depends on who you think best FFX girl is.
That's the best FFVII girl, silly.
>almost 10k hrs in dota2
According to the 10k rule you should soon be a pro. You are right?
cool story there sonny
I only go to dota 2 to masturbate to the characters.
Majority of the time depicted is me cleaning up after myself, and having a cry.
First word that comes to mind?
lmao everyone in this timezone has terrible taste in video games
My life is nothing but misery. End me.
I bought this game 2 years ago and I've never even installed it.
I pirate all my games so pic related is probably the only thing I have that resembles what you guys are doing, also this is my first account
I'm not even good at the game
>ironically unironically plays Fallout 4
kys your self
i bought amd stock when it was at $1.75
already have an empire lol
MW2, not an FoV slider either. Suck my low nut.
I probably have over 5k hours masturbating, started over 10 years ago.
I just like building settlements. That's literally all i do. I haven't even finished the game once.
second account
holy shit nigga nice, for me after getting the taste of offline play, playing online became really different, I already had to beg for games but after finding an offline friend I got to taste the real fun fighting games offer, do you also have some offline buddies to play, which make you stick to it for this long?
too much
based soulless autists
GTAOnline doesn't work because it is inherently broken. It is inherently unfair towards people that just wanted "GTA but with Co-op" that's why more people had fun with GTAIV's multiplayer than they did with the actual GTAOnline. Rockstar keeps pushing you to spend shark cards by inflating the prices of shit that in a single-player game would cost far fucking less. And in order to continue infilating it they introduce more and more broken weapons and vehicles so that griefers can enjoy being faggots for the rest of eternity. The game isn't fun because Rockstar isn't letting it BE fun. Heists require four players. Good fucking luck if you have 4 friends who play on the same system. I play on PC, had one friend that played on PC, two that played on PS4 and three that play on Xbox. Me and the PC friend had to join a lobby and wait for fucking randoms to show up only for them to act like dipshits and ruin the fucking mission every time. Oh and good fucking luck if you want to try and play solo whilst your friends are out. Randoms are the worst and Rockstar never punishes Randoms for being fucking dicks like exiting mid-match. They keep bloating the game with more and more ridiculous gimmicks to attract zoomers whilst ignoring their core audience. They keep adding """"story""""" missions to Online that retcon pre-existing lore and keep telling the 3D Universe to fuck off. At this point I just want to play something like SA-MP, too bad that it's filled with mostly 3rd world idiots, I did have fun times in SA-MP though. Like the time I blue-balled a fucking horny Iranian.
kill me
>do you also have some offline buddies to play, which make you stick to it for this long?
Not for SFV, but I do for other fighting games I play. I mostly just play ranked.
Super Diamond
Honestly only game on PC really worth playing over 100 hours in imo. Well spare killing floor 1.
what fightan you play, I am curious to to find what fighting games other than main fighting games that get enough attention for a local community or even friend group
if only theyd put dr and 6 on steam
I really wish these weren't my top played but they are
>finally got the 100%
>no longer have any motivation to do gimmick runs since there is no cheevo incentive anymore
>zoomers think 400 hours is impressive
m8 could you condense this shit into something worth reading. thanks.
you can only see so many 2k+ allotments to Dota and TF2 before they dont mean anything anymore
MK11, Fatal Fury games(almost all of them), some KoF and other SNK games. Don't really play much old Street Fighter anymore but used to do Alpha 2, 3 and Third Strike back in the day. The all still have an online presence.
jesus christ. this was as bad as seeing someone's diagnosis for cancer.
>8,000 hours
>28/50 achievements
that other user was right you can delete games through steam support page
I refuse to believe this isnt idle
I do every day to the point where I obsess over time and how am I wasting to the point where I waste even more of my time to where I end up in a manic circle about time.
autism has no limit
noiceee nigga,
fatal fury special is still played in japan still for some reason or its boomers streaming it daily, even tho lot of chars have 100% combos,
I miss ZM, ZE, and surf servers. They used to be so fun back in the day
I regret every second of it
half of the achievements are locked behind playing with devs
it's gameplay
bully me pls
get on my level nerds
>tfw an autism that cleaned out history every 2-3 weeks
>suddenly decide last year in march to stop
>now a hoarder both physical and digital
>already 50k pictures taken in 3 months
>5k videos
>salivate at the idea that I could track my every move on Yea Forums or computer usage as a whole
I'm gonna die a very sad person
Im in same boat fren having done everything except mod stories. Probably gonna be retard and get NV ultimate PS3 from walmart for like 13 bux and replay just for muh achievements and walk the mojave again despite the console shitfest.
and kill all partners except ED-E
That's so very sad
I met someone on discord who recorded literally everything they did and uploaded it to youtube and I found out that he was streaming our conversation to youtube as we were talking so I noped out of there I don't want to be absorbed into the autism spectrum
rust is garbage
>only game I got close to 1k hours is TF2
>sold my entire backpack and quit playing in late 2014
>not one game has since come close
the only game played this year is yakuza 0, the rest I havent touched since 2017, the exception being XV2 and that was early last year
Yakuza was only at 40 hours 2 months ago. I'm still on chapter 4 and only play 3 hours a night with my little sister fishing/bowling or doing any other minigame. I'm trying to groundhog day this game so it never ends but now it's literally wearing down my mental health.
I literally am going down that slippery slope at this point. It started out just a few a day too. This shit accelerated fast and the worst part is I am fully aware of it
>10,000 hours
you're literally a master at Terraria. Congrats
I wish I was a NEET..
Motherfucker you better be playing with some good mods.
I'm a neet and most hours I have in a game is ~80
I've played Old World Blues and Millennium Dawn a few times but other than that I just play vanilla.
Im honestly impressed with gta online
SA-MP is a fucking gem. It was never too popular I guess. I spent a lot of my teenage years playing on RPG servers there. You just log on and you hang out... you run away from cops, you talk to people, you deathmatch.
Anytime you let the community build their own servers and mod them, great stuff is bound to happen.
Oops forgot
ur dumb
Not bad. Should try out nu-Kaiserreich though.
I have mouth.
I scream.
tl;dr GTAOnline is broken because Rockstar doesn't care. There. I condensed it so a five year old can understand.
Yeah pretty much it's fun shit there. It's still fun you just have to find the right server. Unfortunately they are hard to find. In any case if they did the same thing with GTAV. It would be 10/10
no one will know my embarrassment anymore since xfire is dead, now my most played game on steam is witcher 3 with only 87 hours
well shit
>tfw feeling better about myself for having spent 3k hours on War Thunder
In my defense It's pretty much all I did in Uni and I'd often leave it on as I slept/went out the house for a bit.
Are you black?
... how many screenshots do you take?
>no one will know my embarrassment anymore since xfire is dead
And what embarrassment was that, dear user?
Pfffft weak
I bet you get laid and go to parties you filthy casual
well well
only 500 more hours and you get to join the sekrit clubhouse
BTW CS:S is 95% zombie mod
My nigger. ZM? ZE is where it's at. ZM sucks
Yea ZE. Played on some Danish server until it shut down. Good times.
Over 4k hours in any game is a joke or proven idlers unless you are a literal sperg.
0 hours
>groundhogging games
I thought I was the only one
God, I wish my father was as smart as you. He and mother left me nothing, no real state, only debt. Fuck them for giving birth to me. To make matters worse I live in Brazil of all places.
i'm a literal sperg,have over 10k hours on a single server in ut99,the server used to keep track of player play time,then it got lost,and i acquired that in a span of like,4 or 5 years
I have over 5k hours in Runescape as well
You have over 4k hours in real life you sperg, why haven't you killed yourself yet?
That's bullcrap user. You're lying.
GTA V is the next one down on the list. That game had a lot of potential for a fun time waster with friends. The updates got worse and worse as time went on. I just wanted more hairsyles and tattoos, not random 3 mil dollar cars.
i have 3 other accounts with cs that has around a couple thousand hours as well
Der letzte zwei sind sehr gebasiert.
you're right, it's more like 3/4 of that when accounting for waiting time between matches in the case of Paladins.