Which Crash game from the trilogy is the best?

Which Crash game from the trilogy is the best?

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Crash 2 will always be the best. No ridiculous shit like Crash 1, and no gimmicky levels like 3.



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2, I would pick 3 if there werent so many vehicle levels

2 > 1 > 3
The vehicle stages and power-ups in 3 ultimately ruin the experience

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1 because it's the hardest.

2 is objectively the best. 1 is fun but the gems are bullshit and thats coming from someone who's 100% that shit twice on the OG. Nsane.
3's Gimmicks is what ruined the franchise first time around, prove me wrong.

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>all these "Crash 3 is bad" scrubs
>none of them can into motorcycling

I fucking love 3 so much, but 2 is best.
>best level design with tons of secret shit to find
>challenging to 100% without being bullshit

>3 is bad

Yup I'm on Yea Forums

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1 = 2 = 3

PS1 Versions:
Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Crash 3

NST Versions:
Crash 1 > Crash 2 > Crash 3

Crash 3 was awesome and innovative for many reasons, especially the time trials and probably the best bosses. However, the move away from pure platforming makes it the weakest in the trilogy. The first set of levels in Crash 3 is three gimmick levels to two platforming levels for christ's sake.

It's not "gimmick" when you actually do it coerectly. Level variety was amazing on 3 and fixed the "time traveling" theme.

>the move away from pure platforming makes it the weakest in the trilogy
Why? All levels are still platforming.

No gimmicks.
No stupid power ups.
Comfy desert island setting.

Original Trilogy:
2 = 1 > 3

N. Sane Trilogy:
2 = 3 > 1

I noticed that the gameplay speed in the remaster was accelerating on each game, beign 3 the fastest one.

all of the driving/flying/underwater levels are pure ass kill you'reself

>racing, plane, jet ski, and and underwater levels are platforming now
I'll admit that underwater levels are a common theme in platformers, but the gameplay in them is not like a platformer at all.

The tiger levels are platforming.

The fruit launcher in 3 honestly felt like I was cheating. I thought you would need the power up later for some puzzles or hitting box/switches you can't normally reach, but no it was just a long range attack for you to use.

Zoom zoom

The jet ski levels would honestly become so much better if it took the racing route like the motorcycle levels.

Not even the same user, but I 105% completed Crash 3 then and again when NST came out and I agree with him wholeheartedly. Those levels suck and while Warped used to be my favorite as a kid what I really prefer is good platforming.

2>1>3 for me.

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2's the best. The introduction of the slide jump and creative level design make up for the shitty bosses.

2 has the better balance between challenge and gimmicky levels. 3 tried to be too many games at once, but it's the one with the most polish. 1 is the best one if you're going for challenging levels, but only near the end.

2nd driving level is way too long and uneventful. 3rd is also quite boring and ufo level is even more gimmicky
2nd underwater level is long and horribly paced. Underwater controls are too floaty and turning is annoyingly slow and sloppy
Flying levels are mostly holding the fire button and spamming the spin. You cannot lose in them unless you really try
Pura riding is fun
Jet-Ski levels are nice, tho the controls are a bit floaty. 2nd one is a bit too long tho

People tend to play platformers for platforming

Crash 2 all the way.

Crash 1 is a shit game.

Fuck you guys, Warped was amazing.
The power ups are dope and the final boss is KINO.

fuck off zoomers
literally everyone said crash 3 was the best when it came out

I love the Future, Dino, and Egypt levels but there are too many Jetski and Bike levels, sorry

3 because N.Tropy, the VA was great. The new VA isn't bad, but compared to the OG he doesn't compare.


nigga u dum

>Crash 1
Worst level design imo, but no vehicle levels other than the warthog ones which are pretty good, and the gimmick levels are few and well designed like the blackout one and Cortex Power. Ripper Roo is the only great boss imo though.
>Crash 2
Best level design full stop and most interesting secrets. Ripper Roo's fight is the worst in the series, and Cortex is disappointingly short but the other bosses are good to great.
>Crash 3
Gimmick levels are an issue, but less because they're actually bad and more because they limit the number of normal levels. Underwater and WW1 plane ones are the worst ones and aren't bad. Normal levels are great other than the medieval ones. Best bosses in the series.

To me, 2>= 3>1, but I also didn't grow up with 1 so it doesn't have nostalgia powering it like the other two.

gimmicks aside crash 3's power ups made the game more fun to me.

yes, it was less hard but i think it made the game itself way more fun

The blackout level in the remake was asshole (never played the original Crash 1). It was pure memorization -- even with the glowing Aku mask, you just couldn't see well enough ahead to know what you were doing when it came to landing on those moving platforms.

Crash 2 is best overall
Crash 1 has the best atmosphere
Crash 3 has time trials, but way too many non-platforming stages

Crash 3's normal levels are the best

2 of course. 1 is great, but is less polished. 3 was just trash s󠛡m󠛡h t󠛡b󠛡h f󠛡a󠛡m

a mix between Crash 2 & 1

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1 had not enough varied environments. But at least it had that part where Crash did his thing with his eyebrows before he rode the hog.

2 had too many snow levels and worse music than 1 and 3, which soulds like a retard made it (no offense to the composer)

3 had too many sand and medieval levels

NST Tawna is wife material. So happy she's back in CTR.

1, just like spyro

>pure platforming
>easy to complete, very difficult to 100%
>doesn't overdo the gimmick levels
>few "buy the strategy guide goy" tricks unlike 2

>Road to Nowhere
>Sunset Vista
>The High Road
>Slippery Climb
>Fumbling in the Dark
>Jaws of Darkness
The idea that children ostensibly completed this game regularly is alarming to me. The idea that this game can be 100% completed by anyone sounds like an outright fantasy beyond my conception.

>Crash Bandicoot 1
>easy to complete

Slippery Climb and High Road would like a word with you

and sunset vista, but getting to the end with checkpoints wasn't a MAJOR challenge, whereas doing it deathless for the gem was a great challenge

Also crash 2s final boss and the jetpack levels where whack af

No they didn't, 2 was always the most well-liked one? Up until recently it and technically CTR were the only Crash games anyone actually referred to when talking about the games being good.

Most people who buy games never finish them.

That's definitely not true. On GameFAQs Crash 3 has a higher rating than Crash 2. When I was a kid Crash 3 was very popular.

Personally I've always preferred 2 though.

If I got stuck in a video game as a kid, I'd just ditch it for years at a time. I'll never do that again. I refused to move on to Crash 2 until I beat the first one, because I knew I'd never put up with it otherwise. I only did the bare minimum and beat Cortex, but I put up with so much shit.

1 is my favorite, especially after getting gud at age 12.