Underlords is the best auto chess clone.
And it's actually pretty fun.
Underlords is the best auto chess clone.
And it's actually pretty fun.
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the fuck is auto chess?
Never played and never will
I'm waiting for TFT
Why the fuck are games almost an hour long
Why? LOL is fucking boring
ASSFAGGOTS gacha clicker.
I prefer LoL over Dota 2
>boring dark map
>mobile UI
All LoL champs look and play identically.
I don't get what people like about autochess. I played a match of underlords last night and it was pretty boring.
>wah game must be bright and flashy to keep my attention
you need to go back
I thought that at first but as you start getting better it becomes fun.
It's also passive enough that I can be texting the GF between rounds.
Random sort of trumps any "skill" you can get here and not being able to swap out builds midgame is kinda limiting, since you have to commit once you get past initial 10 rounds or so.
I want a comfy game, not a depressing game
maybe I'll try tft some time when the queue isn't retardedly long
I like it because I suck at dota but I've spent enough time learning it that I know all the heroes
I like TFT more because of the carousel mechanic and the fact that players go to each other's tables to fight them instead of having two separate fights going on. It's lame as hell when it's a late game 1v1 and both of you win a battle. Also swapping builds mid game is much more viable in TFT which feels nicer.
t. DotAfag, only played LoL when it was in the beta in 2009 or some shit.
it's ok
These games seem like really good solo games, but if you want to play with a friend or something it doesn't seem that great desu
It's the most boring vidya genre I've played and I have low standards.
Auto chess does not have the social elements or the interactivity MOBAs have. It's so much worse.
Having played both LoL and DotA, I find LoL's design color palette to be much better, both pre and after rework.
>comfy fag
>ASSFAGGOTS is RTS for retards
>autochess is ASSFAGGOTS for retards
How low can we go?
autistic chink shit
It's retarded
he's right.
How is that even possible?
Let me get that straight:
It's DOTA/LOL but you choose several champions, throw them all into an arena at the same time and you just watch them fight without any control?
Like Football Manager?
>not depressing
every champions in my match history doesn't play the same
>Nunu, Yuumi, Tristana, Lulu, Ziggs, Evelynn
You have low standards and doesn't understand what hero diversity actually means.
but it doesn't invalidate my point
It's not a moba
Shut the fuck up tyler mcucker
Season 8? Pathetic
Apparently if an arc warden clone gets full mana it will create another clone. If you stack mana boost stuff and refresher orb enough it can go crazy.
He has two arc wardens and 4 crystal maidens.
Arc wardens clone theirselves (and so can the clones) while the maidens give them mana. If the fight lasted long enought the wardens cloned theirselves several times. Probably has the item that resets cooldowns as well.
its a bit more complicated than that
The game is OK. It's like playing solitaire so if you work from home this game is a blessing because you don't even have to organize anything. Each match is random starting from scratch unlike card games where you need to setup your deck.
Only thing I miss is some sort of progression. I don't know how TFT is but I hate Rito with all my heart so I stick with this one.
Play a real game faggot
Its a game thats completely decided by RNG so casuals can feel as if they are actually doing something
They all look the same so I'll play the one with more waifus, probably Riot's
Warcraft 3 reforged better have this on day 1
Of course it won't
>Same copes everytime
Fuck off Dmitry, noone wants to play your snownigger game.
>>boring dark map
go back to your princess games
It will have more maps.
This arc warden strat actually seems pretty fucking broken
Leddit datamining, the third one is so similar to the original that I think it's a beta version.
I wont pay for a non-shitty map
>mobile UI
Not even that, it's just a fucking bad interface. Drodo Autochess on phones controls better than Volvo bullshit both on phone and PC.
Even worse than Artishart. I fear the Steam update if their UI designers are shared between projects.
How the fuck can I get good at this? I literally have no idea what I'm doing every game and always fall last place.
buy units that are the same type
type synergies and abusing broken combos is all that matters, anything else is placebo
Underlords is better than TFT in that you CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAY IT
>being technically competent
PBE. Full release on Wednesday with normal queues and ranked from the getgo.
Try to match alliances. Focus on the best ones, ideally no more than 3 at the start. The best are combat based like savage and heartless. Tanky alliances like brawny and warrior are good too. Druid and warlock are alright.
Then try to get a good balance between crowd control and area damage. Summons are probably the easiest way to win games since it's easy to overwhelm the enemy AI (Lycant, Lone Druid, etc) but most important thing for late is AoE (Gyrocopter, Kunkka, etc).
You can try to abuse combo like this guy but until you learn what champions do it's better to stick with the easy part.
I've seen multiple posts stating ranked is on 9.14.
So will meme builds become a thing in this? It's really just a card game.
they're adding commanders at some point so maybe
u wot
the blank avatars that are in the game now are going to be replaced by actual characters that give bonuses and shit
Neat. Is there a timeline anywhere?
its a strategy game
you need to learn like how the game plays, what builds to be going for, and then use that to assess your situation each turn and make decisions that will in the long term result in you winning
also economy and resource management is important, you need to have gold to make gold so spending as little gold as possible to keep winning is optimal
also fyi gold interest caps at 50 so saving past that point wont get you more, this is generally where people will try to keep their gold
if you want a really basic skeleton for what you should be aiming for, you want like 3-4 frontline tanks, 3-6 dps and then 1-3 support "flex" characters who create beneficial positive synergies for your team (this usually means warlocks or undead, but theres plenty of others that help)
when playing you need to keep in mind your level, ie your unit cap, and the ballpark overall power level of your current board, ie how likely you are to win any random fight at the current time
high chance to win = dont need to spend gold
high chance to lose = two possibilities:
a. ride the loss streak, save gold while snagging units you want, then try to turn it around once you have a big surplus saved up
doing this is basically selling your hp for a bunch of gold, so its not risk-less, but its very possible to spin a rebound win from 25 hp if you keep your gold up and the players who were "winning" overspend and run out of fuel
OR b. spend a bunch of whatever current gold stack you have to try to increase your boards overall power level, and keep winning
this tends to be the only choice you have once you get to low hp, you need to keep ahead of the curve at that point, but early game its only important if youre on a win streak because of the extra gold you get
learning what units are good or bad is on you
theres a lot of opinions out there right now, a lot of them are dumb, youre not gonna get good answers because its all situational
basically a battle royale card game, about attempting to assemble the best 'hand' of RTS/MOBA units, then they automatically fight a random enemy team, and the loser loses some health.
Who knows, they seem to have figured out that being the first is incredibly important so maybe soon.
It's okay, I've played one or two rounds when drunk.
What annoys the fuck out of me is that you can't check hero abilities when buying them. I mean sure, I know what they can do from Dota, but you'll never know which skill they'll have here.
I don't even know how the fuck you'd play this with a friend, seems impossible to me.
I've played for a while, but what is the draw for this game after a few games.
It seems like the same shit over and over.
What does that have to do with auto chess?
Is it cool that I like both games? We're basically dealing with a new genre here in the same vein as Battle Royales or MOBAs in general.
I like the item system in Underlords and I like that it actually makes creep rounds feel important rather than times when I can safely go to the bathroom for a break.
Their Twitter. It's very active and I think they've learned lessons from the artifact clusterfuck.
If they keep updating regularly I think it could end up being the most long lasting auto chess version. Especially with a bit more polish.
If nothing else can we agree the chink one is fucking DOA? It looks horrible, is on the ebin store, and has the worst Engrish ever. It's like they genuinely didn't pass a single thing by a native English speaker.
Enjoy it while it lasts. Dota 2 dev was the same, 2 years of getting new heroes ported every week then it gradually slowed down. While underlords will probably be even faster since they have all the models ready, the communication will slow down eventually. Especially when the community becomes nothing but a mass of hat begging, meme spewing fucks.
So waiy
Underlords is a game based on a mod based on a game based on a mod based on a game?
I don't understand the appeal of the genre, everything relies on so much RNG and the momentum makes it impossible to adapt your build, there's little interactivity while matches take a long time which makes for a vague and unskilled experience overall, it's like a PVP cookie clicker.
>play tutorial match
>win every battle
>still takes a fucking hour
This genre is not for me.
this isn't really anything new. this is how progress has always been made, in all things.
Play longer and get into higher ranks. If you cant recognize when you need to change up some of your units you get fucked hard but the guy at 4 hp that does.
Fuck off boomer. Not everyone wants to play with dark/soulless/edgy/hyperrealistic graphics
It's faster in multiplayer as you will be knocked out earlier a lot. The AI is brain-dead.
Who here troll-warlock-heartless here? That attack speed-lifesteal-armor reduction combo is amazing.
Underlords is a clone of a mod(DAC) that was a clone of a mod(pokemon battles). Made in a clone of a mod(dota 2) and that original mod was made in a game thats ip was a clone of Warhammer(warcraft).
It's clones all the way down.
So ultimately we should thank Games Workshop?
What determines HP loss after a battle? I never figured that out.
Warlocks at the front, ogre magi at the back.
Massive ogres and you get to baffle meta players.
how many stars the surviving units have + bonus if they have that one item
As far as I can understand it's
1 point of damage per 10 rounds (0 from 1-9, 1 from 10-19, etc)
1 point of damage for every level one enemy left, 2 points for every level 2, 3 for level 3.
2 points for a loss, plus the stars of the surviving enemy units
Every time I try to go for a strat I get the wrong guys
This is correct.
Only heroes are counted, not summons (lone druid bear counts as lone druid)
And theres that item that adds stars per unit
autochess is to dota what dota was to wc3
And warhammer is based on a mish mash of tolkien, other fantasy and the holy roman empire. Taking this logically you could thank Alexander the great for inspiring underlords.
>try a build that looks promising
>the game decides getting the three star you need is impossible
Great game
You can lose literally every round in until round 15 and you'll still not be out.
>trying to rush 3 stars instead of 2 starring blue/purples
stay Grifter bro
mobile UI was changed. It's still bad but not as bad as day 1
The hero pool is limited and it's shared between players, if several players pick the same hero then it's impossible to make it tier 3, it's a pretty stupid mechanic tbqh.
Auto chess is just pure shit
Source 2
Crystal maiden is actually very powerful
I'd like TFT if the RNG wasn't so fucking terrible. Unit abilities are super RNG, 2* are WAY stronger than 1* so someone getting a lot of 2* early can completely blast you, you aren't guaranteed an item from the item round, and not being able to move items off your pieces without losing the piece means being in the middle of the pack is fucking shit because you're going to end up with a garbage unit for a decent item, or a decent unit with a garbage item at the carousel
especially if you have Kunkka or Tide and refresher
Nah TFT is the better auto chess game
People are watching it because they can't get on a server to play. Meanwhile Underlords is actually fucking playable.
It's actually the 28th which Riot said might get delayed, they also said that's it's unlike to be released when the patch drops (Usually Wednesday).
How to spot a shill arent these separate game modes? You could easily enjoy these games without playing the base game it could be any characters they just use their assets
midgame sure
late game mana gain from damage is so high that she basically doesnt matter, shes not worth the slot at that point
like she should be op as shit with mana gen like that but shes not because of how absurd the rates from taking damage are, its pissing into the ocean
only really value in the slow mage comps with characters who cant afford to take damage
which are probably gonna be garbage after the nerfs because i guarantee they wont tune the right thing
I never saw the day 1 ui, only the current one
Buttons are too big and the map is too zoomed-in
>dominate every mobile match
>constant 3rd-4th place on PC
Players aren't split by platform, you can see who is playing on mobile or PC in the UI.
really? think i just have gotten lucky with early 2 stars on mobile then
arc warden with a refresher orb is fucking hilarious lads
the mobile UI is what made this into the next artifact
Sounds awful
zoom day
it's better than dota
Is this auto chess stuff more rng or skill based? I saw someone say it was like hearthstone which is fun, but all the randomness can piss me off
It's pretty RNG but there are strats within it. YOu have to be very adaptable.
setting the bar high there, aren't we, zoomy
There is RNG, but you have a lot of control over it- you can roll for pieces you want, board placement, etc. Biggest RNG thing is the items, but it's not so bad in Underlords.
there will be even more playing watching it once it goes live
league is huge on twitch
even more people watching*
>Ever believing Riot/TenCent view counts
They've been exposed to buying views multiple times
how do i git gud