How do I get into fighting games?
How do I get into fighting games?
play them, and then keep playing them until you get better
you get one and start playing?
uhh yeah
that's it
this was really a much needed thread, a very important question
You have to actually try.
Thats the bare bones of it, playing a game to get better at it has to be something you find fun.
gotta use training modes a lot
and when you're sick of training modes
you gotta use more training modes
i heard some of these guys will spend 4-5 hours a DAY in training modes learning and perfecting their abilities
Just dont.. Everyone else is too good at this point.
Mutate to a nigger
Never forget that Pat almost died because his bowels were so full of impacted fecal matter.
Some tranny almost beat Daigo
it's never too late to start, mang
It is seriously not worth the time unless you are legitimately autistic.
You have to be hyper competitive to enjoy fighting games. They're not fun, people only play them to beat other players, much like MOBAs at a high level. Most people wouldn't play 10k hours of League of Legends if it didn't have a ranked mode.
Ever wonder why so many blacks play fighting games? Cause they are hyper competitive, it's why they kill each other over the smallest shit, they cant stand being the loser in any interaction so they will spend thousands of hours of their lives playing fighting games.
Masturbating a lot can make you hyper competitive so if you want to get into fighting games try that.
Daigo is also past his prime. He's like 28 right?
Why is Pat such a piece of shit?
Lmao he's close to 40. He started playing in overseas tournaments late 90s.
yeh but it's still gotta be seen as some type of accomplishment to even get 2 wins against one of the "gods" of fighting games
>Yea Forums shits on casuals and normalfags who don't invest time into games.
>But will also shit on people as autists if they do try to get into a game on a non casual level.
Pick a fighting game you think you'll like and play. If you can get a friend to play with you as well. Find a character you think is cool. It's fine if you're just button mashing at first as long as you're having fun. Then try learning tech you see online or learn some more info about how your character works from YouTube. And remember play to improve.
>Yea Forums shits on casuals and normalfags
Where have you been the last five years? Long gone are those days.
Motherfucker have you ever heard of moderation?
Its fine too get good at games but don't take it to retarded levels.
why the hell is this guy doing...?
first decide what kind of fighting game you like the most.
if you like flashy stuff and big combos, go for anime fighters like guilty gear or unist. if you think spacing yourself well before trying to hit the opponent and shorter combos, street fighter. if you like the idea of being able to dodge moves sideways: tekken if you want the long combos or soul calibur if you don't.
then pick some character you like. once you find the right game and the right character, you'll get hooked to them like no other game
If you cannot balance between the two. Then there is a problem. You can be masterful at a game, and yet still live a normalfag life without the autism.
In the medieval era mediocrity was actually considered a good trait, a balance in different talents. It's cool to see how far you can go in something if you want but I'd rather be good at many things than invest the time to be insanely great at one thing.
>Happy that Pat and Woolie separated from manchild McFartgasSimpson
>The podcast is boring
>Pat in general is extremely fucking boring by himself and all he does is stream because he's unapologetic about how fucking lazy he is
>Woolie's solo podcast is great
>His streams are often quite nice
>Still does LPs on youtube
Woolie was the best one all along. I can't stomach streamers or youtube ecelebs for the most part but Woolie is just a very genuine guy that loves vidya and niche shit, I respect it.
I respect the hustle on Pat, Paige, and whoever else make their pennies on e-begging. Woolie cares about quality assurance with his channel, and everything tied to his name. I only hope he can be successful in the long run. Matt seems to be doing alright for himself. Don't know what Liam aside from floundering.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than being a paigefag. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are donating to, tweeting at, defending and supporting pats gf solely so she can go and get ravaged by a legal midget who deposits his cum and sleeps in a different room. All the hard work you put into your ugly sick waifu - listening to her reading her fanfics stories at bedtime, listening to her guest spots on dickshow, pretending she's good at singing, watching her boring streams with Pat while she pretends to be retarded. All of it has one simple result: So some fat bald ginger who has a long hair fetish can fuck her anyway he wants without getting an actual job.
As a man who is a paigefag, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours a month of your life simply to obsess over and defend and financially support a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Honestly just play them dont worry about getting better and stuff just enjoy the games. They are like giant complex puzzles and it takes a long time to git gud.
>so she can go and get ravaged by a legal midget
As a fellow """"midget"""" I welcome this trend of smoking girls fucking wee little man.
fuck that discussion, it made me scared about not shitting during work hours
You don't
fighting games are shit and a scam
Play them constantly for 2 years against much better people than you and go offline
t. did it
buy tekken or go to the arcade to play tekken
Happy as a clam since I stopped listening to the cuckcast. I recommend it.
>go to the arcade
In Soviet Russia fighting games get into you.
You need determination and some initiative. Most people just go in expecting to learn passively in one or two afternoons; which is not possible.
Are you going to post your Pat x Woolie fur fiction Op?
I think it's "she". Just your average gangrel.
See a loss as a lesson. Enjoy learning from mistakes. ENJOY THE GAME BEYOND JUST WINNING so you can get past being salty.
Play one. Less popular ones may require a discord or some shit to find games though. Despite Yea Forums acting like fighting game players molested them in school all the time said players are usually happy to point you in the right direction provided you're not acting like an entitled retard too (try to at least google some basic shit about any questions you may have first though, more than anything else it'll just save you some time and effort)
Stop shilling your shitty channel Woolie it’s fucking awful and you know it.
if youre looking for an actual answer, play divekick. on the surface itll look like a silly meme game, but it genuinely has most of the depth of fighting games without the complexity. by simplifying inputs and mechanics, you can focus on the fundamentals of the genre: neutral, attack ranges, and reading your opponent. youll learn the entirety of a character matchup in just a couple minutes instead of a few hundred hours, which means anyone can see what fighting games are truly about. play against humans though, vs ai in any fighting game is only there to distract casuals.
if you dont enjoy divekick, you wont like "real" fighting games.
And yet he still practices and puts up amazing results. He's 40, holds down a job, and is a family man. There is no excuses.
Liam is currently playing Sonic 06 with Matt.
It's basically what I wanted from the cancelled Sonic Unleash LP: Liam being broken by Sonic Jank
What kind of casual shit are you on
unironically, have fun with it. if you get angry, you just end up sucking more
go in training mode and stay there for 100 hours, when you feel ready go online and get your ass kicked for other 100 hours, eventually you'll learn something
Woolie's a SocJus loving faggot, epitomising everything that's wrong with Canada and millennials.
Should have bailed years ago when he had that tranny on the Friendcast.
Are you mad that you taught yourself wrong or something? Do you want advice?
Yea Forums shits on everything, where's there's nothing to complain about people here manufacture something out of thin air to be mad at. Don't use Yea Forums as an actual metric for anything.
Since when did being competitive stop being a normal male thing and solely become a nigger thing to be associated with? Hell if you're trying to connect this to why fighting games are popular with blacks that's more due to it being a genre easily enjoyable for kids with loads of siblings/family members than anything else.
Pat is a lazy smug sack of shit who actually epitomizes why we must bomb Canada
Pineapple Pizza is garbage.
Milk in a bag is the stupidest
Gay money
Just scrubs trying to bring other people down to their level.
>smoking hot girl
Pick one
>Pineapple Pizza is garbage.
come on now