Cloud, I have a favor to ask of you. Run away. You have to leave... you have to live...
Cloud, I have a favor to ask of you. Run away. You have to leave... you have to live
I prefer the advant children voice.
"Good to see you Cloud"
Idk how people are saying this "ruins Sephiroth's character". They must not have played FF7 in a while.
Or at all.
Never forget there's a whole group of people out there who consider watching Advent Children and playing Crisis Core the same as playing FF7.
Sephiroth was a good guy all along
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Sephiroth go insane and become bent on destroying all humanity?
Cloud, I have a favor to ask of you. Get a tattoo me as a baby wearing a diaper. You have to have a kid... and name them after me...
There are people who consider playing Kingdom Hearts the same as playing FF7
How many people realize he is quoting Zack Fair? Obv a Sephiroth illusion manifesting itself through a subconcious memory of one of the last moments Cloud was with Zack.
Zack is best FF7 character. I can't wait to see what they do with him in the remake. Better not slaughter the Crisis Core representation of him.
he still needed cloud because of his jehova cells
Yes, but he needs Cloud to bring him the Black Materia.
Yeah, but he's a ham all the way.
Made for BBC
>Cloud gets a womb tattoo
Sephiroth doesn't initially mean to use Cloud to get the Black Materia, at first he doesn't even know who he is and he considers him not worth the Reunion.
Doesn't this scene take place in the Nibel Mansion? It looked like they were on the staircase there.
Then again, this game only goes up to the end of Midgar, so it was probably a hallucination of the mansion.
Don't do this to me
Sephiroth knows who he is. Sephiroth is a genera) that tries to take care of his soldiers. Cloud was one such soldier. However could thought he as Zack who did have a more personal relationship with sephiroth
No. He just thought he was some alien life form meant to go from planet to planet eating it. But he's just Hojos son.
People laugh, but this mother fucker is going to make millions of people terrified and miserable over the next decade with what he does.
There are many reasons why he is so iconic.
He just has an awesome theme song. And started this whole long hair mysterious
I was actually thinking about why this shit was so intensely disturbing the other night.
I think a lot of is also had to do with Cloud's mom getting murdered as well. We are given a look at his daily routine and her typical, worrisome behavior towards him and that adds this layer of relatable humanity to Cloud and the tragedy at Nibelheim.
Wanting to destroy all humanity is perfectly sane.
Who's clouds dad?
>English dub
>"i have a favor to ask you"
Not even once. Thank god for dual audio.
I miss the old voice. Also kind of funny that both the old and new voice actors for Sephiroth have both played Superman in some form.