If LGBT is only 2% of the market, why do they feel they need to be catered to by video game companies and to dictate what is acceptable to the hetero community?
If LGBT is only 2% of the market...
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All medias are the enemy of the people.
Well that's a bit of a loaded question, don't ya think?
That cake looks terrible
It's a visual travesty and looks like its made of glue and sponges
I'm gay. Honestly I just want to fuck guys bud.
Is someone a special snowflake?
>If LGBT is only 2% of the market,
It's not. It's more. Please don't predicate your whole argument on snuck premises. It makes you look like a retard!
why should they pander to heteros? they're a dying breed, they're killing themselves en masse.
>why do they feel they need to be catered to by video game companies
companies do rainbow marketing of their own free will, ostensibly because it makes them money, and a lot of lgbt see it for the pandering it is
>and to dictate what is acceptable to the hetero community?
lol what
I’m going to kill you.
>dictate what is acceptable
Give any group of people power (by making it illegal or at least against society standards to criticise them) and they will start trying to take over as much of society as possible. Gays and trannies don't care about video games, they are just trying to get money and power like everyone else.
Typical amerimutt, has literally everything solved in life to such a degree that he now has to look for stuff to bitch about that doesn't affect him in the least.
W-what is the white stuff?
They don't feel the need to, but they (and everyone else), expects them to.
If you have a company, then slapping a rainbow background on your Twitter's logo in the month of June is not only a good PR move, but also essentially expected because every other company does it.
because homosexuality in these days is more of a political statement rather than a social issue.
Your american leftists are doing this.
They are pushing this shit everywhere they go.
while they're at it, I want my games to have Filipino MCs and all of you have to play it
Yes it is, retard.
nigger the LGBT doesn't even make 1% of the world's population.
It's more like 10%. And I dont't feel the need to be catered to at all, it's just that companies are trying to make it clear to hetero's that they loooove faggots and therefore should buy the company's products.
>It's more like 10%
based retard
it's a good thing no one would ever lie during these "studies" for what they identify as :-)
Vidya attracts a high amount of mentally ill people, so a large portion of that 2% of fags is like represented in vidya
more like 0.003%
Maybe it has something to do with the % of whales being lgbbqtlmnop?
Marketing. Nothing sells like pandering.
corporations get brownie points by pretending like they value people as anything beyond a source of money and idiots like you can give them free advertising via outrage posting their shit everywhere
Because they will bitch, whine, and moan if they don't.
Making a rainbow colored cake and taking pictures of it is far cheaper and easier than having to explain that they don't think 2% of the population should be allowed to manipulate the other 98% for political gains.
So they lay down and let them walk all over them. They get cake in the process, so it's not a total loss.
Exactly, they don't really give a shit and the moment June ends they'll go right back to not giving a shit
General population doesn't matter whwn it comes to consumerism, concentration does.
Because most of them are narcissists who just want attention and reaffirmation of their world views.
For people who make up such a small percentage of people they sure are fucking loud on social media.
Kill me daddy uwu
I don't, but there is so much mental illness in this group that it has so much Oppression Olympic clout that most have more pull than niggers. Humanity cannot keep going on like this.
Because a large portion of the population overinflates the importance the 2%. So it really isn't about catering to the 2% it's pandering to the the populace that overvalues the 2%.
Absofuckinglutely true.
>they don't think 2% of the population should be allowed to manipulate the other 98% for political gains.
Explain how your life has been in any way affected by LGBT "manipulation" apart from getting shamed for calling people faggots.
Cum. Gays guzzle it down like it's candy.
Yeah just listen to what the dear leader tells you
You can't lie about what you identify as, if you're gay but you say you're straight you're identifying as a straight person, you idiot.
For Yea Forums it's at least 50/50
i take it the entirety of the "2%" is on Yea Forums. interesting....
I don't think they are catered to.
I think an employee just brought the cake.
It's just a load of made-up bullshit that 98 out of 100 people have no skin in the game for, nor any reason to care about, but are goaded to argue and be upset about due to shit american politics. It's what happens when the world's most dominant country dies. All its rotting flesh spills all over the world and infests everything it touches. It will be better when it finally dies, but the timeline of that is way too long in this hyper-connected world...
You guys overreact way too much to a fucking rainbow or that pink and purple trans flag thing.
I literally cannot imagine what kind of energy expenditure it takes to be bothered over this.
They don’t, dummy. They cater to the 50% who feel superior by supporting the LGBT.
Because pic related.
I dunno dude you seem to be overreacting to peoples opinions. I'm sure you know how much energy it takes. :^)
>rainbow of fun
What did they mean by this?
Imagine not caring about the systematic perversion of social norms and the normalization of pedophilia and disease.
10% in subcultures like anime and video games maybe. Even in the most densely populated LGBT cities it doesn't get above 5%.
It’s Yea Forums, the answer is always autism
Because that way they get brownie points with degenerates and their upper-middle class "allies". You'll buy it anyways.
if you count """allies""" then it's a lot more
virtue signalling for the poor 2% is very popular
and only 10% of the world's population are gamers nigger. And half of that 10% is fucking mobile only cell phone "gamers".
LGBT make up a relatively large proportion of gamers that aren't mobage only. Somewhere closer to 30%. It is very likely that at this point there are more LGBT core gamers than there are black core gamers.Or even hetero female core gamers, since such a large portion of female core gamers are LGBT.
When is it not Pride? Feels like it has been the whole year.
You don't either, or else you wouldn't be a weeb incel sweetie
I don't see why people flip their shit so hard
if all it takes to pander to gays is to have some of them here and there, I don't think that's such a huge change that I could get mad at it
Nigger have you been paying attention to any social media outrage lately?
In austria we had this whole fucking debate about god damn traffic light figures representing gay couples and how we had to put up extra tax money just to get this shit built for no other reason than the fucking virtue signaling of some lesbian cunt from the green party.
Seriously! Fuck these loud gay attention whoring shithead faggots.
Because they are loud. Very loud. Also, virtue signalling.
Because retarded amerifucks turn everything into one massive media circus.
I'm Bi & I have no problem messaging acompanies and telling them this blatant pandering is Offensive as fuck.
Fuck "Pride" if we want to be treated normally then we fucking act normal.
>source: my pozzed ass
You have sex, I'm going to dilate
>catered to
That's a strange phrasing. Are heteros getting catered to everytime something straight happens? You're the norm, you don't need a flag or to ask for representation. Just let us have ours and you have yours.
Reminder that the only proper way to treat faggots is to bully them.
i can practically smell your sharts from here
This is bait btw
oh yeah... pic related
Mental illness. This is from a knitting forum.
fags are being represented by oil companies and the likes
why allow this?
>He needs a flag to be represented
Why are faggots small brained?
As long as it makes money.
We went from feminism to "diversity" to the gay alphabet. I wonder what's going to be the next money maker for corporations.
Gays aren't pedos though.They are disease ridden but maybe if they were given actual sex-ed that wouldn't be the case.
Me too dude.
The market pandering is highly annoying though. Please stop drawing attention to my homosexuality.
because from the dawn of mankind to the 60's nobody ever thought to wear their sexuality on their sleeve as a badge of honour
you can keep that honour, I hope it's comforting as you're padding down the river styx.
Faggots don't deserve representation, only normal people do.
i find pride month really demeaning. i have all these people who keep subtly mentioning to me how much they love gays and shit and now companies are getting in the mix.
i'd much rather be left alone.
>Gays aren't pedos though
How do you think they reproduce?
And, unlike the asswipes that infest Yea Forums, most gays tend to be good, decent people, so even non gays like and support them. Having allies is important when you're a minority trying to be respected, while the troglodytes here go out of their way to drive off everyone else around them, and wonder why they lose all the time.
>why do they feel they need to be catered to
I'm gay and all of the gay people I know certainly don't ASK for any of this stuff.
Gay men literally account for close to 40% of all offending pedophiles. You are fucking disillusion.
welcome to every february for african americans
Most of the straights who play video games are the dude bros who dont care about any of this because they just play fifa and call of duty
what does cum tastes like?
and yet us peanut bros won
I fucking hate faggots. I have faggot friends, but I don't have the heart to tell them to fuck off.
You hear it all the time but no one ever believes it. It's the Jews, man. It's always the jews.
yes, a large amount of that percentage is most likely all the people saying they are "bi" to try and sound interesting and artificially inflating the LGBT numbers. So it's actually likely to be less than that, good point!
that sounds kind of pathetic
Or perhaps we like people who aren't obnoxious assholes, and like to support the underdog? Like every single movie or comic has the protags as underdogs for this reason. You call it 'virtue signalling' because you're an asshole who can't imagine helping anyone but himself for non-selfish reasons, but not all of us are unlikeable cunts like you.
This is bait.
>catered to
Showing support for marginalized people and people who were historically discriminated against is not catering to people.
Regardless of the point, that's a terrible argument.
That's the same as saying cannabis smokers account for a large percentage of hard drug users.
True, but... it's almost included in the nature of it.
%2 is terribly low to be a real factual number.
I would honestly estimate around %65 of the lgtbqpiaxyz comunity itself plays videogames. Which would make up around myabe %20+ of the gaming community.
Because raising awareness and normalizing acceptance of it will stop the glorification of it eventually. You should be in favor of this.
Depends what you eat. It ranges from bitter to even kind vaguely sweet.
Allow me to be offended and praise corporations on your behalf then!
t. ally
Don't know but it's making me sick both because faggots are revolting in their obnoxious, self-congratulatory behaviour and because these people are so low-IQ, so superficial and so painfully out of touch that they think pandering to a cancerous minority will somehow please the normal majority.
I don't buy from developers or anyone else who openly support "LGBT", which is all just a font for gradual pedophelia normalization anyway.
You've summoned /tg/ here just by mentioning that shithole. Fuck that place is such a cesspool. I can't believe it's so bad it's literally spreading to other sites. You want to know how bad RPG.net is? It's Resetera, except it was formed long before Resetera or it's predecessor ever fucking existed. The place is an absolute festering boil on the ass of society.
homosexuals are basically the same as stoners
Because Globohomo Gayplex is profitable as fuck.
>If LGBT is only 2% of the market
[citation needed]
The media and most of the big corporations are owned by jews who use it as a vehicle of marxist propaganda: youtube.com
>most gays tend to be good, decent people
They are hypersexual diseas carriers
They are the very opposite of the stoic discipline that made western society what it is.
> Approximately half of sexually active heterosexuals surveyed were effectively out of the risk pool for HIV/STI by age 30, as they reported no new partners during the prior 5 years. By contrast, a much higher proportion of MSM continued to form new partnerships well into their 30s. This is consistent with Australian HIV data that suggested that the formation rate among MSM peaks in the mid-30s
they also lie about dilating to sound "interesting", it's a common thing many people do just to sound "interesting". you solved the case user amazing!!!
Nice sources. Feel free to cite some 40 year old paper from when the gay community was radically different though.
But you have to admit that there is a profit to be made.
Companies shouldn't have to celebrate the fact they're accepting. They should just be accepting imo.
I'm a shite gay guy though.
>that's a terrible argument.
It's literally not because that's taken per per capita meaning that gay men are literally hundreds and hundreds of times more likely to be pedophiles.
Is videogame LGBT culture just devs/publishers and straight people jerking each other off?
I guess the trannies exist in their own corner.
They're friends, but holy fuck are they annoying to be around, and I regret ever befriending them. Why are fags so insufferable?
This is a "They won't steal from you if you give them all your money" argument.
what the fuck?
It's real
tell us more, /tg/ bro. how did it get so bad?
>By contrast, a much higher proportion of MSM continued to form new partnerships well into their 30s. This is consistent with Australian HIV data that suggested that the formation rate among MSM peaks in the mid-30s
Then why don't you start a social media campaign to educate people on HIV? Why don't you push for better sex-ed in schools?
No, you don't actually give a fuck about helping these people, you just want reasons to justify the inherent hatred you already have.
Someone care to explain why so many weebs/incels try and hide behind the general public? You're being laughed at too, except you have absolutely 0 support (superficial or not, support is still support)
>Gay men literally account for close to 40% of all offending
That's a bullshit stat. There's a reason boys are more susceptible targets, but pedos can't be classified as either gay or straight
If it was only the 2-5% of the population who are actually faggots buying this then it wouldn't be so profitable.
Very cool, what you said though was pedophiles are more likely to be gay.
are you clingy or a faggot that can't let go or something? just let it go dumb ass
They also had them over here in upper austria but took them down after a while again.
Everyone was pissed.
western society and culture was literally founded and spread by literal fags you idiot
>we're not endorsing Democrats or banning republicans, but you absolutely cannot speak positively in regards to the current administration :)
It's virtue signaling.
It's just marketing. Marketers see being "woke" as being profitable right now. It'll change eventually.
>It's literally not because that's taken per per capita meaning that gay men are literally hundreds and hundreds of times more likely to be pedophiles.
Again, what's your source?
Vocal minority and lack of actual market research.
This this this and this
forgot to add but correlation doesn't imply causation etc. etc.
All marketing departments are largely made up of women
I love this gif
>And, unlike the asswipes that infest Yea Forums, most gays tend to be good, decent people
I didn't know that molesting kids makes you a decent person.
I jumped into the conversation half way, I did not say that at all. I said gay men account for roughly 40% of all offending pedophiles.
I don't know. I really don't. Even pencil and paper RPG dev's have gotten banned off that shithole for "wrongthink". Imagine, writing the games these people fucking play, and getting banned for an opinion. These are the same types of stupid fucks who called the Cyberpunk writer racist until they learned he was actually black, then started calling him an Uncle Tom.
This is a guy who has been writing the game since the fucking 80's. The worst part is some of their shitty fucking mods have managed to worm their way into dev teams for some RPG's.
When will this trend end? I'm not okay with my sexual orientation being used to market stuff to socially aware straight people; that's cultural appropriation. Can I sue Kotaku?
gay people are bloodsucking demons? wtf
>Hey, friend that I've known for a while, I've got something to say.
>Yeah, I never liked you, go fuck yourself.
>Our friendship meant nothing me.
You don't see how that would be problematic to say to someone? Especially to faggots?
That doesn't matter. Marketers do whatever they perceive as providing profit.
That's sure to stop bugchasers from getting pozzed.
Also what do you think a hyper-promiscuous raging homo is going to do after he find out he has AIDS? Obviously he's just not going to tell anyone.
You are assuming people are neither stupid nor selfish if not outright evil. You might as well promote communism.
Ook ook hate speech alert
>if you hate gays it means you're a closet gay
why is this such a common insult?
>the greeks were all homos meme
Jesus christ are you low iq. I feel the smarts draining from my brain just from answering you.
Please read some shit about that topic before you open your dumb whore mouth again, will ya? You might be very surprised about how the greek handled the whole issue.
It's weird that the public opinion on the media hasn't changed at all, but now some people suddenly like the media because an asshole doesn't like media either.
No one cares if you have yours as long as you don't force yours into ours. The problem is that any time something is made now that is exclusively targeted at straight or white people it gets attacked by angry hordes of faggots who can't stand seeing something not made for them.
What's there to speak positively about? Almost getting into Iraq War 2.0?
It's a slippery slope. It's hard to prevent these things because if you do you are labeled as a bad guy who hates gay people. There is little actual push for these things, but this little push is enough because no one wants to fight back.
The difference between me and a tranny is that I don't care about being laughed at because I'm sitting in my cave all day.
It does matter. Women are largely in favor of this shit.
>push gays underground and don't provide sex ed
>surprised this happens
Same shit with abortions.
I just want to hug and kiss them.
Sex has always been a turn off for me.
>Then why don't you start a social media campaign to educate people on HIV? Why don't you push for better sex-ed in schools?
>he thinks faggots get HIV because they don't know about it
>this is how fucking retarded people are
lmao jesus
if a corporation does something it's because they think it will increase their revenue
Jesus, this makes me fucking sick. Poor kid.
>social workers don't care about you or your family, only a paycheque
C'mon now. Ya blew it.
I really dislike the fact I'm gay.
I wish I could be normal.
>Hey dude I don't really want to be you friend anymore
I mean you can just ghost them but it seem like you are just making excuses for some reason. you were just saying that you found them insufferable.
The kind of person malicious enough to deliberately infect someone with HIV is very rare. Most gays are just totally ignorant as to what HIV is and how it's transmitted. I've seen it first hand.
People getting sick after a hookup and becoming convinced that they've caught HIV as if the effects manifest instantly. People thinking lube dramatically reduces the risk of infection.
It's true
The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.
A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.
A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.
because its the common truth
>this doesn't happen in hetero couples ever
>/pol/ info graphics with Heritage Foundation studies
Amazing arguments
About 10% of the population is gay, are you retarded?
Go for it, faganon. Sue them until their wallets bleed.
You can't do shit. Kotaku is but a pawn in this game.
Eventually the trend will die off and something else will become their new logo filter.
This is how marketing works nowadays, companies sell you an emotion or an idea, not a product.
just fuck women idiot
>Between 24 and 90 percent
Straights started tolerating LGTB when they realized they couldn't fap to girl on girl without being hypocrites
Now supporting fags is trendy
Man, these people are such weasels. It really impresses me how much certain ideas can distort you into acting like a complete scumbag with no self-awareness.
Why would I want to help mentally ill sexual degenerates?
Why can't gays just be normal people who like the same sex instead of attention whores? Literally nobody would mind it if they just kept it private like heterosexual people do.
This settles it, hang ALL straight "people"
>something taboo turns you on
sounds about right
Gays are a herd mentality type demographic. They tend to buy the same products and are easy to con. Great for investors. I make a pretty good living on the predictability of certain groups. Poor people are VERY predictable as well.
Just don't act on your homosexual desires, it's what I do.
Yes. Which means gay men are, according to the stat, (presumably, let's just go out of that assumption here) the largest demographic out of which pedos are comprised of. So pedos are likely to be gay. That means shit with regards to gay men being likely to be pedos.
Let's argue that, out of all Muslims, 80% are non-alcoholic. Are you then likely to be Muslim if you don't drink alcohol?
>Anal cancer
That's funny but also horrifying.
painful lack of self-awareness
It's as believable a source as leftist """""scientific""""" studies like
So if you hate homophobes that means you're a homophobe too?
Sex education isn't going to prevent homos from getting HIV, and you are an idiot if you think otherwise.
But do-nothing losers who take pride in fictional achievements eg “societal progress” are 99% of the video games market
It's a high chance that you will be Muslim if you don't drink, or Asian.
t. tranny with terrible dysphoria trying to navigate how awful trans ideology activists are making the world for us
Because they already have you in their pocket and they want other demographics: Namely females and gays who tend to have higher incomes than straights.
>people stop being straight
>world ends
>people stop being gay
>less AIDS?
I'll probably just ghost them. The reason I'm hesitating is because I'm not going to be an outright jackass to people I've known for a while, by at the same time I fucking hate them and want out. Problem with ghosting is that I might still see them in some communities I'm in, and I don't want to ever deal with them.
Why else would a straight man be so obsessed with gays?
That sounds like being a gay incel.
They aren't pandering to homos, they're pandering to leftists.
I'll have your slice then
Don't hate yourself, bruh. Self-hatred is really bad and never leads to anything else. Just be a decent person. And don't hate yourself, please.
Reminder that even if liberals win in the end, you can take solace in the fact that all the Muslims they import will eventually end up throwing gays off buildings and beating them to death in the streets. Inshallah muslim brothers.
yeah sounds like something more personal but good luck I guess.
Free pass to goof off in the office and eat cake instead of working while still getting paid. My company had a pride march this month, you can bet your ass that I took the opportunity to spend half the day strolling in the sunshine instead of working.
>the President of the US has a D next to his name
Media is a tool of the POTUS
>the President of the US has a R next to his name
Media spends every waking hour bitching about every little thing he does. If you deny this is the case, look at your favorite news service and compare what they said about Bush while he was in office to what they say about him recently.
Those people are obviously mentally ill. 100% of gay people are mentally ill.
>giving people practical instructions on how to have sex safely isn't going to help
>let's just continue showing kids pictures of STD ridden genitals and tell them to abstain or this could be you!!
Guess nations are small brained too? I agree. love your globalist take, and agree a world with no flags or borders is a perfect world. but work on the bigotry.
It's actually an LGBTQ+ meme at this point dude. We know it's exploitative, the point is at least it starts the discussion.
>a badge of honour
Because we'd be arrested for it before. We're not "wearing" our sexuality. We are our sexuality. If you see our sexuality when you see us then good. You offended by it? Go cry.
Normal changes. The world is changing. I reccomend changing with it. Lest you be left behind.
"Attacked" is loaded language.
>See something cool
>man sure would be great to not be excluded from this
>company: more inclusion is more money. Get in here
>everyone: yay
What's wrong with this? You're not being excluded like we are, you're still welcome. Are you so offended by our existence you'll let it be detriment to yourself? It isn't a zero sum game.
>Havel uses the example of agreengrocerwho displays in his shop the signWorkers of the world, unite!. Since failure to display the sign could be seen as disloyalty, he displays it and the sign becomes not a symbol of his enthusiasm for the regime, but a symbol of both his submission to it and humiliation by it.
The sheer number of times anti-gay politicians have turned out to have gay affairs in secret?
>10% of population is gamers
>30% of gamers is lgbt
>so lgbt is 3% of world population
wasn't it 1% ?
I think homosexuality is an abhorrent abomination therefore I will not act on my latent homosexuality.
But it's wrong, you dipshit. Educate yourself.
Imagine being a radlib
So most of the girls that are molested in this world are molested by women? Y'all exclusively talk about male victims when you try to make gays out to be pedophiles, which not only shows your bias but also your lack of a credible argument
>Who you fuck is equivalent in importance to the nation you belong to
I can't imagine how it feels being this fucking stupid.
I'm trying. I suppose I feel a bit jaded towards the gay "part" of me.
I'm not someone that can just go.. have sex with people so I resent the hyper sexualization of the gay community.
I just want a quiet simple life filled with love.
I really do appreciate your reply. I'll continue to work on myself.
Don't forget Yea Forums
You can be gay as fuck, as long as you are not a fucking communist it's fine.
Conservative gays exist and they expose the leftist base tendency in the entire LGTBQBBQ+++ nonsense you are getting on the media. It's all part of the same communist mindset hellbent on destroying everything that has any sort of traditional value. Once this is done any sort of moral orientation should fall back on whatever fills the ideological vacuum, which is where subversive leftism comes in. Yet they have proven again and again that they are incapable of providing proper alternative systems within the 20th century. Don't let these subversive rats do it again!
Don't be a commie faggot!
Im legally obligated to hire obnoxious faggots if i intend to take government contracts.
>all those respectable senators, preists, and lawers who mysteriously got AIDS and died in the 80s
Kek. I don't know, things like that make me suspect there are more gays out there than are reported in statistics. I for one am closeted.
there are at least 200 faggots in this thread alone so i think your number is low
And Christians are trying to do so now. So at least if your moronic prediction comes true, they'll have bought themselves more time.
I am just going to post this here
>muslims are going to save the world
at least I have truly seen the light, they have been right all along
>All these edgy kids unironically hating on the gays
Y'all just don't know what you're missing~
>butt-receptacle is buttmad
>Media is a tool of the POTUS
How quickly you've forgotten the Obama years and what a stink Fox News and associated pundits threw over Obamacare
The media isn't, like, one person
That sounds sad and pathetic.
Buying products of a company that supports your believes has become a way to show activism in the "woke" community. It is that easy to sell your products to these idiots and companies are taking advantage of that and its only going to stop until "the woke community" stop buying shit that support them.
why do people like this come here anyway
how is anyone having fun when it's clearly an empty room?
surprised trannypedia hasn't deleted that shit yet
>The world is changing
Are you learning chinese then? I heard Uncle Xi isn't a big fan of you homos.
The only way a homo can stop getting STDs, is if they stop having gay sex.
Sorry too late, all of them have to GO!
Being gay doesn't require you to be hyper sexual though
>Gays are automatically pedophiles
God, you’re stupid
PrEP exists. Condoms exist. Blood tests exist.
This is also true for hetero sex
They're not catering for the LGBT, they're catering for the lefties that are quite a bigger share, with a fuckton of daddy money to burn into the lootboxes.
literally everyone here is the first to jump to ERP threads so not really
LGBT pride shit is basically just part of urban liberal culture at this point, they fly the rainbow flag the same way southerners fly the confederate flag. It's not about money, it's just ideology.
10% would be ridiculous there'd be a gay club in every neighborhood
They can't stop, they are sexual degenerates. The way they have sex is their entire identity.
LGBT are a surprsingly large amount of people
Lots of people are bi and everyday more and more people are becoming comfortable enough to come out of the closet
Yeah, homosexuality is a sad and pathetic thing. Truthfully speaking, I deserve to be cast into the pits of hell, and I await the judgment of whatever lies beyond for my sick actions.
>Fox News and associated pundits
So one cable channel that built an audience over being a voice of opposition to the "mainstream media" and Rush Limbaugh, who built an audience in much the same way decades ago, shat on Obama when the rest of the media was in lockstep.
The difference between Fox News and CNN is that Fox News is in it to make money by pandering to people who lean right. CNN and the rest of the "mainstream media" are in it to influence the minds of stupid people.
like tasty wheat
He's a self-hating small town gay trying to get daddy /pol/ to pity him. Ignore him.
Based, I'm so sorry for you being born this way, but at least you're doing your part.
>why do people follow trends
>why do companies follow trends
I dunno
Most of them if not all of them already know about things like HIV.
They also still regardless engage in very risky sex behaviors.
Because they're faggots
>eplication crisis (or replicability crisis or reproducibility crisis) is an ongoing (2019) methodological crisis in which it has been found that many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate or reproduce. The replication crisis affects the social and life sciences most severely.[1][2] The crisis has long-standing roots; the phrase was coined in the early 2010s[3] as part of a growing awareness of the problem.
oh wow, you mean the people that enable fags and their molestation of kids? makes you think.
i can't wait
Does "each according to their needs" mean that less than 1% of the population can have less than 1% of the market? Wtf I love Karkle Markle!
Anti-Sovietism was semi-common among the Western left because they were all Jews who got purged (cf. neocons) and the application of the idea to modern neoliberal society by rightists is a relatively new phenomenon.
Basically, give it time.
I don't mind gays but I hate how they co-opted anime, futa, trap culture into some gay phenomenon.
Traps, yuri, yaoi, futa has always been a thing but never been used as propaganda for normalfag gays to get representation. It was just 2d pure and cute. I've jerked off to my fair share of boys and dickgirls but never considered myself gay, just liking cute and sexy things. Even Yea Forums can no longer have threads about traps or futas without people sperging about trannies and fags, always conflating 2d with 3dpd.
>they're killing themselves en masse
so are trans
...you might actually be right, but I used a bad example.
Replace 80% with 95%, Muslims with Japanese and non-alcoholics with non-druggies. If you don't take drugs, are you likely to be Japanese?
>Christians are trying to do so now
What kind of made up world full of imaginary horrors lurking at every shadow do you live in?
A lot of them are genuinely retarded and don't know shit about how HIV operates or is transmitted. I am a literal gay, if you're not going to believe me then who the fuck will you believe.
Frankly I don't believe people who say they're bi unless they actually have a history of partnering with both sexes. It's way too easy for straight people to claim it for woke points.
None of those things stop the rampant spread of STDs among homosexuals.
Heteros have far less sex than homosexuals, and more likely to sleep with people they actually know.
O/U on how many posts till someone falls for this?
loyal customers
I bet if you count people who are low-key bisexuals it's well above 10%, those people don't identify as part of the "LGBT community" though.
more like alot more people are being shaped by the always buttpounding oversexualization of EVERYTHING, just look at Yea Forums, gay threads, trap threads, lewd threads, Erp threads forever because of people trapped by this mind altering propaganda
incorrect, though I was raised in a small town. Though I am having a bit of a pity party. My bad.
This is the lesson I need to learn.
This comic would be so much cuter if it wasn't written by a dumb faghag.
the only objectively bad thing about being gay is that you are much more likely to be genetic dead end.
>still being in denial of slippery slope
must be hard living with a pea brain.
If they were communists that'd be one thing. Instead they're just liberal filth.
Fascism > communism > liberalism => conservatism (because at least liberals have a plan, even if it's pure evil)
>calling cute anime girls(boys) traps is now considered derogatory thanks to Twitter trannies
I hope they burn
Go back to /pol/ or magapede or r/thedunuld or whatever.
Lol you can't just point at the reproducibility crisis and imply "this proves all psych studies are invalid".
>pedos can't be classified as either gay or straight
are you fucking retarded? like do you have a goddamn certificate? you need one if you don't, your own badge of stupidity
Fucker just accept you're gay. It's not a big deal, normal people don't care. Always remember that the people on Yea Forums do NOT represent the majority and are almost universally mentally ill.
>They are hypersexual diseas carriers
>They are the very opposite of the stoic discipline that made western society what it is.
So you're campaigning to wipe out most of the Yea Forums users for being pedos, right? Catholic priests for being child molesters? Oh wait, it's just a bullshit justification to hate people you already want to hate, under an obviously hypocritical veneer of "morality".
>It'll change eventually.
if anything they'll double down and become more hostile
Kinda like that Burger King that told people to attack political opponents
Can't wait for antifa footsoildiers sponsored by Goldman Sachs
being a bisexual is a cop out, you can just stick to exclusively having sex with women like a normal person
I am left handed where is my representation?
My people have gone through more suffering than any other minority group in existance, have you ever had to use a ring binder left handed?
No you fucking haven't it's literal torture
didn't the exact same thing happens but instead with Muslims instead?
Straights don't have a 47% suicide rate.
t. bifag (7%)
It's a disease in its own right, and I'm pretty sure deep down a lot of homosexuals know that they are wicked but revel in it anyway.
I have no problem exterminating papists as well as fags. Also jews.
muh california boogeyman :(((
Left handers deserve the rope
Most pedo preists are gay.
How long until pedo acceptance become a thing? Pedosexuality isn't a choice.
>anticapitalism is a right-wing position now
>Chad fucks a lot of girls
>gay fucks a lot of guys
Degenerate :(
When you are a homo your entire mind is fucked up fundamentally, it's a severe mental illness.
I am so sick of pedos and trannies latching themselves on to the gay liberation movement.
I really really doubt that how about you try being gay and try to find out how many people are bicurious fucking good luck lol
it already is in the church
hardsuit labs on july 1st
I think people are supporting chemical castration instead.
Why is it always ugly people?
Those do retard the issue is ignorance and malice. Ignorance quickly turns to malice when people who get HIV feel vindictive.
Who you fuck is a part of your identity just like your analogy. But I agree globalist user. Nations and sexual identity shouldn't be important enough to warrant flags. I endeavor for that world.
lmao, that's a new one. cute.
I started coming here back when I was a lonely and confused teen and found comfort in anonymity and now it's a habit. Plus you guys can be funny. /pol/fags are cancer but most anons are pretty cool. or maybe I found about this place on my secret evil tranny discord oooooo
>Are you learning chinese then?
Ha! No! My career path is so set in stone that China becoming the dominant superpower has no bearing on me at all. I feel bad for any HS educated fool who has to go to a place without free internet in order to get a well paying job.
It's fucked up that we don't know how to help them any better. And then people make fun of them because of it.
Umm.. Sorry sweetie, but 80% of Playstation users identify as LGTBQ+
Yeah it must be but you still function somehow with a bb pellet sized brain. There's more straights molesting children than gays and any statistics you can find will support that, saying otherwise ignores all the girls that get molested by men (which is the majority, lesbians aren't out there raping kids or atleast they rarely do). Your slippery slope argument is flawed deal with it
I'll tolerate faggots once they tolerate me. These annoying fags on Twitter who hate on cis and heterosexual because they're being hip and edgy are the dumbest breed of people.
>beaner and the slut who married him so he could live here
In Texas, they set people on fire for raping kids. They also gave a guy a pass for beating a man to death who tried to rape his daughter. With his bare hands. Beat him to death.
>trying to impress edgy teenage reactionaries
what do you think stacy is doing retard
I'll take faggots over trannies any day because at least faggots aren't mentally ill freaks.
Third position is anti-capitalist though
There would be no dear leader if the media didn't prop him back, also media had the most important role in propping up Nazi Germany or hiding and diverting from Commie atrocities.
So back at you brainlet.
Racist incels are
>I started coming here back when I was a lonely and confused teen and found comfort in anonymity and now it's a habit. Plus you guys can be funny. /pol/fags are cancer but most anons are pretty cool. or maybe I found about this place on my secret evil tranny discord oooooo
the gayest thing about you is the way you write, stop typing like such a faggot
Is having a bottom son the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a gay bottom son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck him in every hole.
Raised the perfect son? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. He gets to fuck his tight asshole every night. He gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.
As a man who has a gay bottom son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
that better not mean what I think it means
Never. The slippery slope will always be a meme.
It is amazing that you managed to stop yourself from blowing corporate cock for a few seconds to type that reply.
I'll never respect anyone who carries pride in superficial values such as skin, gender, sexuality, no matter what kinds of meme emotional appeal excuses they make to justify their infantilism. Every problem in history sources to some uneducated self-righteous dumbfuck using past history to justify their present cancerous behaviour.
I'll also never ever have respect for narcissistic and obnoxious Instagram Culture, and that's basically what Pride Parades are in my eyes, obnoxious instagram culture seeping out into real life and trying to use politics and history to carry and glorify itself as something bigger than it really is - fucking instagram infantilism.
You nu-Westerners really need a fucking reality check, not only your gays and whatever but all of you in general. The LGBT and Feminists acting like obnoxious children are merely a reflection of the society in general there going haywire including straight people.
You have both your Church and the LGBT rife with pedo problems yet both retarded entities only jump at the opportunity to accuse the other of having the same disease as if that excuses doing nothing to fix their own backyard like responsible adults. Dusting the shit under the rug doesn't make the stink go away, it just makes you look like a fucking idiot who is more interested in faking a clean appearance "for the greater good" than clenching your teeth and tackling the imperfections popping up in your own system in a positive showcase of objectivity and self-regulation. The same shitty irresponsible mentality your Western Feminism is afflicted with - an Infallibility Complex showcased by an example that nothing has been done to date to fix the core corruption unraveled by the Boghossian Exposure, let alone other myriads of scandals that popped up in the past year.
The retardation you Westerners show is fucking tiresome and i wish i could ignore it if not for you shoveling your simple-minded mental shitfumes everywhere.
>Who you fuck is part of your identity
This has nothing to do with identity, this has to do with distinguishing nations, you mongrel. Should we have flags for people who like cats and dogs? For people with the same names? Hell, straight people don't use flags, because it's not important. You're a legitimate brainlet.
Like a third of young men aren't having sex, video games seem like a great market for that really.
I just don't get why do they hate us bros. We MADE this world. We, the straight white peoples of the world, CREATED the medicines that make fags survive their degenerate lives.
It unironically is though.
All the right wing parties in europe have adopted anti-globalist/capitalist views.
I do feel sorry for gays in this respect
Imagine being gay for a second
Even if your family doesn’t hate you EVERYONE is wondering what your sex life is and the logistics of how you fuck and approach relationships. Worse case scenario, they think you want to indoctrinate children to be gay sluts.
It’s gotta suck
It's amazing your extreme case of autism allows you to breath.
>I want the creamboys to force me to rim their smelly buttholes
oh no no no no no
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night by the sound of someone breaking into your home.
Before you have time to go and investigate a McDeathsquad of Tolerance™ burst into your bedroom, strangle your dog to death and rape your wife while I'm Loving It™ is playing on repeat.
All because you misraced a transasian on twitter.
that cake looks really good
because le epin virtue signaling
no, but you can when it comes to such a specific "study" that was obviously biased to begin with and had such low standards of proof as "penis circumference"
If your penis circumference doesn't change when you view a fat 500lb woman does that mean you're gay?
Lol at leftist studies
This has nothing to do with making money, communist leaning game devs want to make kids gay because they are probably pedophiles. Remember a massive percentage of gay people all admit to being molested by gay men when they were yougner
I'm not reading your propaganda, whatever retarded shit it is. I mean, look how much of a cucksucker that shit turned you into.
neoreactionary trashhuman chudlord spotted.
Dude I don't care about you including me lol, me and my also-bi bf will happily help exterminate the rest of you losers after America collapses.
I know it's just funny as fuck. I feel bad for the communists caught in the middle lmao
Pride month is inclusive of heterosexuality.
It prodominantly celebrates general sexual freedom.
Fags were the ones to start genociding Pacifist Christians as the LGBT Rome, and now they are mad that Christians stopped being pacifist and gave the genocidal LGBT the karma they were due for the past 1000 years. It's hilarious how homofaggots feign victimhood when they are the actual oppressors.
All of the "pedo acceptance" shit are liter /pol/ hoaxes
yeah i thought it had promise at the beginning then just went down hill. i wish the one i posted was actually a full blown porn, but i'll live
Count me out of this, I don't want any representation but I do want the games I pay for to not be shit.
>all of the studies come post 2010 and use literal child like logic
Color me surprised
i hope you get shot degenerate
this, but the government is based
No, the use hot chicks and porn in these studies.
per capita, retard. like in the US with crime and welfare. overall, more whites are involved, but blacks are disproportionately more likely.
You can spot gays by how fucking insufferable they are even when they are posting anonymously. Sheesh, no wonder everyone hates them.
It's not for the gay people. It's for the straight white liberals who want to prove they are so woke.
Just cause they aren't having sex doesn't mean they're mentally ill enough to constantly fap and lust over cartoon characters
more like runny eggs if you close your eyes
I can't wait until Islam wins and you homos learn the true meaning of intolerance, you don't know how good you have it in the western world
I also worship Islam
fuck off pedophilephobe
im not gay but i like big feminine penises. only traps, though, not trannies.
let's make a deal, we kill every journalist and you kill every politician. Deal?
Being gay looks so fucking painful. I imagine taking it in the ass so much just fucking destroys it
They hate us because they cannot create life, only consume and destroy it.
God, I want to smash a faggot's skull against a wall, and watch it fucking crack.
Oh man if the typing quality is gayer than the amounts of dick I suck then that's pretty fucking gay. Give me some pointers user.
>This has nothing to do with identity, this has to do with distinguishing nations
So your nation has nothing to do with your identity? you say "I'm human" instead of "I'm american"? My god you're so progressive.
>Should we have flags for people who like cats and dogs?
If owning a cat was grounds for discrimination then yeah, make that kitty flag.
>For people with the same names?
If Steve's were being oppressed en mass then yes, get a steve flag.
>straight people don't use flags
Remember those dark times where it was illegal to be straight? Where people were treated as subhuman for daring to love the opposite sex? also known as the Never happened protests of never.
Same can be said about incels. desu I think it's just everyone on this site. I'm a fag, you're a fag, we're all fags here.
Your loss, my incel pandering business is going to take off and you're going to feel like a total goofball
Society as a whole panders to straights. You don't see gay people rioting when a guy kisses a girl in a TV show or game, but lo and behold, when a group other than straights get any kind of representation, you flip the fuck out. Get some perspective.
Because it's contentious and people anonymously and in private/in public aswell treat LGBT people as garbage. Gay is still an insult, calling someone trans is still an insult, lesbo, etc. When these things evade our language and no longer work in such a fashion then you'll stop seeing pride cakes/companies changing their whateverthefucks to rainbows.
Ultimately you can't make judgement calls about peoples sexuality via polling. Even with gallup polls and anonymous polls online this is essential thought policing. You can't get a true identifying amount of how many people have an attraction to the opposite sex or fixations in the masculine or feminine because it's not something that's without necessary harm to the person. It's like expecting to see reliable figures for how many people identify as having a foot fetish, or liking furry shit. Just the idea of admitting that to yourself can be hard due to the implications, so actually submitting your info to a poll is even worse.
If you stop caring about what the most obnoxious things you see about LGBT are, you'll just recognize that these are people trying to be happy/enjoy life. As a gamer you probably hate people criticizing your shit, categorizing it for losers, or imposing their views on it holistically (videogames cause violence, videogames are gambling, etc) so try and hold that respect towards other groups, instead of just assuming the worse and grabbing whatever shit some media site or the internet throws your way.
Nah not really. You just have to take it easy, relax, and use lots of lube.
fags kikes libtards leftists are all the same, they need to be all killed
fags like speedonvhs adamantium and jimmy will defend this
>Give me some pointers user.
go afk
How is that not cringe? You're bringing the entire IQ of this board down, you wojak and pepe loving autismo.
>tfw you remember that someday genetic engineering will advance to a point where LGBTIAPWTFBBQLOL people can be fixed before they're even born, rendering this entire issue irrelevant and guaranteeing that these awful fucking threads will someday cease to exist
Soon, bros.
Yes, because the ONLY possibly options are to let you be bigoted assholes or Muslims will win. You'd be just as barbaric as them, or worse, given the opportunity.
>unlike the asswipes that infest Yea Forums, most gays tend to be good, decent people
That still doesn't prove all gays are pedos retard, not even close actually
I am laughing at at hetero and gays chucks not being bi in 2019 lol
Honestly a lot of gays don't even do anal that much.
hug me pls
The issue is that gays are such an insignificant number of people, but this gay shit is plastered everywhere as if 75% of the world was homosexual. Modern marketing in the west is in such shambles right now because of this whole "woke" SJW minority pandering shit.
As a gay guy the thought of this makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
but it unironically literally does faggot
stop calling your opinions science
science is the understanding of the universe via theory/experimentation/results/repeat
maybe if you weren't ugly you'd have been success rates.
I'd expect that if you counted people willing to fuck a (convincing) trap as bisexuals, the numbers would be pushed up substantially
didn't say any of that you spastic
>As a gamer you probably hate people criticizing your shit, categorizing it for losers, or imposing their views on it holistically (videogames cause violence, videogames are gambling, etc) so try and hold that respect towards other groups, instead of just assuming the worse and grabbing whatever shit some media site or the internet throws your way.
How is this an argument when your ilk want to censor any game and harass and game developer that doesn't cater to your neoliberal worldview?
pic related.
Name 10 gay video game characters.
Name 10 gay movie characters.
Name 10 game book characters.
Hard mode: protagonists only
Name 10 gay people period
I'm not even him. I'm just pointing out the flaw in your argument. When 3% of the population makes up what did he say? 30 or even 40% of pedophiles? there's clearly an issue.
I'm not ugly I get hit on a lot I just think that you're way overestimating or you just hang out near a lot of gay bars or some shit
Fuck that shit, I want a balding cure.
Being straight is unironically the best way to be. Lower risk of AIDS and mental illness.
And yet your proof that a small percentage of the population makes up 40% of pedophiles is?
gay people are less than 1% of the population, yet they commit more than 50% of child abuse crimes
What an idiotic argument. Why does the presence of a gay in media causes you so much anal pain?
Where is your empirical, peer-reviewed source.
>this is healthy
>playing video games isn't
And your proof of this is?
Eh whatever. Curing AIDS seem better since we can support Africa less but whatever.
Give me an empirical peer-reviewed source that proves you have an IQ over 50
>sponge cake looks like a sponge
woah..... we live in a society.....
>mtf transgender and lesbian
is there a more iconic duo?
>business becomes a huge success
>investors force you to get an ethics department (me)
>orchestrate a fag marriage for publicity
>investors forbid you to refuse
>take control of everything
two can play at that game buck-o
there is unironically more discrimination against manlets than normal sized homosexuals
manlet pride worldwide
Nice ad-hominem.
>Why does the presence of a gay in media causes you so much anal pain?
I explained why in the post you replied to, faggot.
Empty barrels make the most noise. You don't recognize the gays that don't make a fuss about it because they're not making a fuss about it. I'm gay and one of my favorite games is Bayonetta. I wouldn't care sexual material in any game to be censored, straight or otherwise
>Remember those dark times where it was illegal to be straight?
You mean every time straights were enslaved under monarchies and sent to die en masse or forced to die en masse, which included LGBT monarchies such as Rome?
Yes, those times are plenty, your history education is as lacking as your argument.
speaking some mad truth there user, fucking media doesn't care about reporting news and telling the truth, all they care about is clicks and furthering politician's agendas
Give me an empirical peer-reviewed source that proves that my post was an ad-hominem
Please don't use words like "fag" as a derogatory term to describe people that do not correlate their sexual identity with being a fag. You're invalidating the fag identity and desensitizing the struggle and oppression they have to face in homophobic spaces like Yea Forums.
Based and rainbowpilled
Lmao keep deflecting, just shows us you can't back your points
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Because they actually pay for games
>mtf trans
every time
reminder that Yea Forums loves lgbt people because they refuse to shut the fuck up about them
These threads are created by falseflagging lgbt people, dummy.
My point is that indentity is not grounds for flags you fucking idiot. Having nations serves a purpose beyond your identity, that's what the flags are for, not go "haha that's a part of me". Discrimination doesn't mean shit for flags, you are so incredibly retarded it's incredible. People like you really put things in perspective of how lucky I am to not being a complete dipshit like you.
I can use surrogates
not every business is at the mercy of such investors silly
white ppl
you guys love to respond though, huh
Looks like there's AIDS in that cake.
>dictionary made my old white men
True. Just think of all the friendships Yea Forums has averted just from its mere existence
The real problem that makes people seethe is when gayness is pushed as political statement.
>inb4 bigot
I'm watching an male idol anime this season that has boys bathing together in a bathtub. I've also watched running gays, swimming gays, and archery gays anime. Japan does homoerotic undertones properly instead of Westernshit made by tranny devs trying to force a political agenda. That's the difference. These tranny devs don't know how to make compelling homoerotic characters.
Nah most either make a husbando thread or an ERP thread instead of this shit. These losers always spam the same pics shitting on gays
its a handful of white activists living on the east coast applying Rules for Radicals to their benefit. They dont even have the consensus of the general queer/fag community.
If you are thinking of killing anyone besides these mentally ill white people, you are doing it wrong.
>using "LGBT" unironically
>using it with other letters and a + for HIV positive
>LGBT monarchies such as Rome
>>using it with other letters and a + for HIV positive
Do you think that's what the plus is for, KEK.
>muh dik muh dik muh dik
>nobody wore their sexuality as a badge of honour before the 60s
Studs banging broads left and right and bragging about it at any occasion existed since forever brah
>It's a visual travesty
so is your picture
tastes weird at first but you get used to it.
t.hetero who did this during school years cuz to clear mess and fren tricked me into thinking it was nutritional
virtual signing on the internet = more marketing
they are money-miling the idiots who think this pride stupidity is a moral compass
companies don't give a fuck about your sexuality, they want your money
Money makes money kids
Learn how to play or DIE
well what the fuck else would a plus stand for, surely they got everybody else under the other letters
Because they have big mouths, and the big tech companies are at least nominally sympathetic to them because said companies are base in Califagfornia, which in turn means that nobody seriously tries to shut up their big mouths in a dedicated and systemic manner like they do with people who are anti-faggot.
It's for all the special labels not included.
all of those look really off
Why do gay people do this?
Delusional faggots
Sometimes you get cool shit out of pandering tho
Well that makes sense, thanks.
[the LGBT craze is just people wanting to be unique...ironic, since they all look the same, and so, look even more like sheeps.
it's almost like they are all mentally ill or something
that's just white people being white
The same reason why every commercial has a black person in it.
a fucking mockery of the female form
felt good to be mini
Who the fuck does a 3 hour chest workout?
Because getting AIDS is a fetish for them.
Chads that successfully turn into Stacys
Because they're loud and corporations need to spologize for making money.
but wait there's more