So let me get this straight.
They were not ok with Tifa's natural breasts, but were ok with Barret talking like a nigger?
What dimension are we living in?
So let me get this straight.
They were not ok with Tifa's natural breasts, but were ok with Barret talking like a nigger?
What dimension are we living in?
The japanese care more about women than black men
dumb thots
The wrong dimension.
>Tfw modern Yea Forums is actually ok with tifas breast reduction.
I knew Yea Forums has gotten normalfag as fuck these past years since the election but man I didn't know it would be this bad.
i've been in Yea Forums since 2006 dipshit.
>Implying Tifa's breasts have been reduced in the first place
Tits werent reduced. 92 is her canon measurement and the model reflects that.
Its the sports bra everyone is crying for. And in the end, everyone has complained but moved on. Just a couple of diehard memespouting retards from Yea Forums can't accept it yet.
I'm sorry for you user.
I just wanted to see this in HD. Remake design looks nothing like it, even if you ignore the tits.
>And in the end, everyone has complained but moved on
Just like the audience this game is pandering too. This game will flop so fucking hard.
>Yea Forums is ok with it
>multiple threads screeching about tifa's breast
Yea Forums was never an echo chamber.
>people are that autistic about muh boobies that all discussion goes out the window and it takes away from the real problems of the game such whether or not the first episode will really end at leaving midgar when they claim that the first episode will be as long as a triple AAA game so there's likely going to be a ton of filler
>keeping up the mistranslation
you fighting a strange war here, user
every cubic centimeter of chestfat slows down your jab by 0.2mph
Tifa should have Bcups
>Tifa ever flashing her tits
3DPD not even once
>Just like the audience this game is pandering too. This game will flop so fucking hard
You morons said the exact same thing about Mortal Kombat XI and look how that panned out. All Square has to do is slap a FF7 sticker on he box and people will buy it.
Everyone is talking about Tifa's tits and nobody seems to be paying attention to the fact they completely revisioned Aeris' personality and shown in just a few seconds that they are still the shit company that cannot make a good game even when the good story is already laid down. Has nobody here even played the original and just need to shitpost about something that's not even true? Typical of Yea Forums.
>if I say it often enough it becomes true
Ohhh yeaah ofc the Episode 1 will sell its 50millions but the rest episodes will go under 500k
It's possible that there is 0 filler. When voice acting is introduced into all the scenes, it triples the length easily.
dumb bait poster
>completely different angle
What is this image supposed to show?
Anyone thinking that Square can re imagine FF7 after all of the spin offs and shitty videos they've made based on FF7 is delusional
I mean look what they did to Cloud in ALL the spin off material. Nothing like his actual character
>to the fact they completely revisioned Aeris' personality
i guess everything is a fact this days. We haven seen any dialogue or almost anything else except cloud and barret, and barret with cloud stay the same as the OG.
>that ass
Excessively oversized tits exacerbates luddonarrative dissonance.
And what we have seen so far, cloud acts like the in the OG
>complains about tifa's breast
>post 3DPD
Delete yourself from this dimension right fucking now.
You can even see her breast doesnt bulge as much by comparing the straps.
>People are more upset about Tifa's boobs than Square padding the game to hell and back so they can sell it as multiple full-price releases
The damage is done. Pre-order cancelled.
>caring for a corpse
its all in vain anyway
Not confirmed yet
all the stuff with him in it looked awesome
Well, Yea Forums is. Of course, this place is nothing but pathetic, idiotic manchildren.
FF7 Remake? More like FF7 REFIXED
fucking EW
What do you mean "different angle? Tifa's body (not head) is aligned at about 90°-135° clockwise, starting with 0° when facing the camera, in both pics. The OG pic even has a "below" angle that makes the boobs look bigger, which should compensate for any slight differences in rotation there might be between the two. At least it's much more accurate than any other comparison I have seen up until now, since those usually show either side or loose wetcloth top front, while for remake it's mostly a front or 45° angle max with remake's stretch top with sportsbra underneath.
But sideshots are what really matter here. Anything else should be disregarded for the differences between the tops alone.
>Implying anybody except the most delusional fanboys was actually going to buy a Final Fantasy title in the year of our Chinese overlord circa 2112 -93
Don't need to shell out yer shekels to slit-kikes for fapbait
get a load of that bait
In the spinoff materials or in the real game?
When going over and remaking the dialog that exists they can do that 1 to 1 but this is a "REIMAGINING" where they will be expanding on back stories of all the characters which is where the ENIX magic will be coming into play
>natural breast
You people take this shit way to serious. Just enjoy fapping to fanart of her
I meant the remake, spinoffs and cameos where absolute shit tier and fucked his character so badly
FF7 Rrmake? More like FF7 REMADE!
Haha dirty gaijin give me money
Yeah, you just showed it again, thanks for that.
>revisioned Aeris' personality
This is actually false. I saw some other parts about the translated Famitsu Nomura interview (which is largely ignored in favor of MUH BOOBS by the outragefags!), where Nomura actually mentioned that Aerith got a personality that's quite different from what her looks suggests. In other words you will not get "innocent girl that's exactly as innocent shrine-maiden-y as she looks", but rather the actual Aerith.
>hard abs
>gigantic boobs
Holy shit user you really fixed her.
Too bad we cant put it in PS4
Unathural and unethical breasts, why OP keeps making these threads?
>What do you mean "different angle? Tifa's body (not head) is aligned at about 90°-135° clockwise, starting with 0° when facing the camera, in both pics.
Are you fucking blind mate? Do you have brain damage? Look at the distance between her shoulders, look at where the shoulder and neck meet, look at her elbows, the angle is completely different.
>those nipples
>the sports brea swqueezes them
>which makes them look smaller in game
yeah, that's what we've been saying all along. Good to see that you at least somehow admit that they'
re smaller now, albeit unintentionally.
We have seen her reaction with one line which you would know is the complete opposite of her character if you played the original.
>I can still see the thumbnail
>but the image got delete
>fucking jannies being niggers again
yeah lets completely forget how aeris asked for help multiple times in the OG but you hear one "HELP" and aeris inmediately becomes muh innocent and pure
Here. It's as close as you're going to get until we mod it into the pc version
i think he did it himself
so are you complaining not that they are smaller but they look smaller? what's the big deal? as long as she has her canon measurement 92 everything else is fine.
>they're samller
>NO THEY'RE NOT, just the sports bra makes them look smaller
>so they're smaller int he game
You fucks really should at least once read trough the drivel you write before hitting "post".
How do look like monster tits to you?
You mean the actual "flower selling" whore.
to be fair here nothing in the trailer even showed anything of her that wasn't just
generic animu chick personality.
>Are you fucking blind mate? Do you have brain damage? Look at the distance between her shoulders, look at where the shoulder and neck meet, look at her elbows, the angle is completely different.
Yea, it's from below in the OG which makes OG boobs look slightly (but negliably) bigger. And? The rotatational angle is about the same. You see from how Tifa sits in OG pic and from how Tifa's legs are aligned that it's both somewhere between 90°-135°, maybe it can even be further reduced to 100°-125°. Regardless the difference is negliable.
I know the feel bro
>they look smaller in a the game
>somehow implying you can take off the sports bra so they won't look smaller
Are you legit retarded or just baiting now? This shit isn't so complicated that anyone past grade school wouldn't be able to not understand it.
thanks bro
being smaller =/= look smaller
>They were not ok with Tifa's natural breasts, but were ok with Barret talking like a nigger?
You mean how all cursing has been cut entirely?
What fucking shit are you on and where did you buy it. Holy fuck
what was it
It was mostly just shitposting, but squeeenix themselves admit they reduced her tits.
true. Yet again in this sequence you can see she's already flirty, girly and outspoken
>being smaller =/= look smaller
She's never going to take off the sports bro and the model isn't going to have accurate size, fully modeled tits. So they are indeed for all intents and purposes smaller
>literally admits that they smaller in the game model
Thanks retard, you've just proven my point.
barret speaks just like he's supposed to.
I'm complaining but Square isn't going to listen to me over the sound of people buying the First Class edition of THE FUCKING FIRST PART.
it's about jiggle physics
Todd fucking female Kojima.
No evidence
Wait for Koei to bring her back to Dissidia NT. She's already confirmed from data mining.
>NO THEY'RE NOT, just the sports bra makes them look smaller
That's a strawman. The boobs are "constricted", and not "compressed", by the sportsbra. They are prevented from jiggling but aren't actually smaller.
Quite the opposite actually. It's the OG clothes that make them appear bigger than they actually are. Tifa wears an oversized wet-cloth top that bites into her cleavage, emphasizing her rack, and that is all that has been changed in regards to her boobs. Nothing more than what I just said. Everything else is fanfiction.
just seems like she is being nice. Aeris needs her old personality or else she gets painfully generic
Ugly Americans are trying to destroy the standards of beauty.
How come no one ever modded an ass onto Lightning?
FF7 never had jiggle physics..
Barret's retarded sunglasses trigger me more than anything about Tifa. Also he talks way too damn much. I know Barret is supposed to be pretty noisy in the game, but it just didn't translate that well. I think the Jap version is a little better for that at least.
>Not spats
repost it or give fireden
reminder her canon measurment is 92 and the remake model reflects that
>he realized that he agreed with me and backpedals hard
Nice try, wont change the fact that every comparison shows that they're smaller, the Nomura interview that confirms it, and your pathetic attempts with the sports bra who make no sense in the first place since you're basically agreeing with them being smaller. Now claiming that the opposite is true must be your new angle.
Back in 2006 you had so many futa threads in /d the/ page was only futa threads + the generals.
Also you could back in the day just expand all images in thread by clinking the enlarge button
also Yea Forums /f/ where you could post sfw. files.
Reminder that every comparison so far that adjusts for model size shows this not to be true with the correct interview translation supporting it.
Today I will remind them
>but were ok with Barret talking like a nigger?
I don't get this meme. I'm black myself and I seen fellow black streamers bitching about Baarret sounding "minstrel black" even though Barret essentially acted near the same in the original. Personally I always felt like his personality is balanced out by the fact that a white dude like Cid curses twice as much as him. Part of the charm to FF7 is how they took a melancholy atmosphere but made the dialogue sound cartoony.
Plus Barret is actually toned down compared to what he was like in the original.
In FF7 he was loud and untristing but once you gained hes trust he was the mountain you could rely on
on REMADE hes just pure nigger
Search it yourself, fag.
>that Tifa-chan is cute. CUTE!
It's okay, they're actually big, you just don't get to see it or any jiggle because of the sports bra constricting her chest.
At least, that's the backwards logic of those defending it. That's as retarded as making a burkah heroine and saying she has the most beautiful face but that's their defence.
Because Lightning is dogshit and even the modders who do nude mods know it
lightning is a nigger
Re-watch the E3 conference then, Barret wasn't nowhere near that abrasive in the beginning of the original game
>Modern Squenix trying to remake what was already one of the most overrated games in human history by adding FFXV/KH combat
Hard pass. Sounds like a crap cocktail
i wanna have kids with tifa
I thought Tifa cucks Cloud with other men.
One guys makes a better Tifa than multibillion dollar company with hundreds of people on the project.
le epice
le redditspacing
le bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's easier on the eyes than a wall of fucking text you God damn mongoloid.
Is this a new Zoomer meme?
>posting this shit again
Please stop trying to ruin FF7, this looks nothing like Tifa. If you played the original game or have seen any media she's ever been in this should be obvious.
ok here is really tifa
True patricians know that C cup breasts are more desirable than G cup breasts.
>I spend hours of my life being an internet slacktivist over tiddies in video games
You're actually a faggot if you do this btw.
Those are just cucks calling themselves patrician.
7R Tifa's eyes are bigger than the model you posted, at least try to be consistent.
no she china person now. tiny eyes
>woman puts on sports bra
>your eyes get smaller when you squint
blair is a woman. does really good work too.
yiss tiny ayy eyes
check your eyes
>Nice try, wont change the fact that every comparison shows that they're smaller, the Nomura interview that confirms it, and your pathetic attempts with the sports bra who make no sense in the first place since you're basically agreeing with them being smaller. Now claiming that the opposite is true must be your new angle.
No the interview at no point used the words "smaller" or "compressed" and it was entirely about jiggling, and completely unrelated to any compression or size change that would have affected the "visible" boobs. They are the same size. It's an optical illusion (oversized wet-cloth top) from the OG that make them look bigger than they are, while in remake they are "as is".
So basically the difference is that the remake did neither "make the boobs actually smaller", nor "make the boobs LOOK smaller". Rather it just removed a factor that made the OG boobs "LOOK bigger" (not that you can see much with anime-polygon figures anyway) AND that only applies to frontal looks. If you compare them from the side, then there isn't any difference.
Now you are free to consider that and the sportsbra censorship if you want. More power to you with that, since I am fairly neutral on the sportsbra matter. I think that accusing specifically SJWs and not Japanese domestic issues, or maybe even China, is a bit of groundless reasoning though. Dismissing by default other just as likely possibilities for political reasons is just like the pro-censorship crowd and the SJWs tends to handle things.
ayy open but still she china person now
>woman puts on thighhighs
>where da leg go
We're not so different after all.
>In FF7 he was loud and untristing but once you gained hes trust he was the mountain you could rely on
>on REMADE hes just pure nigger
Where did you play the whole remake (part 1) to come to such a conclusion? Are you a timetraveler?
2030 Tifa
fuck you incel, learn english
>not using Yea Forums x.
What is this, Yea Forums has a free weekend on steam?
the dimension that people get absurdly offended and want to crucify someone over a gas the jews joke with his pug
This is the reality, where men can say "im a woman!" and go from 200th place to the national champion in sports. Aaaand if you say something about it (like the tennis gal yesterday) you are no transphobic and should be silenced
This fucking reality
>They were not ok with Tifa's natural breasts
Only a few Yea Forumsirgins give a shit
looks so pretty
me no speak the english me china person
And square enix too.
fuck off, larper.
The interview used squeeze which results in smaller tits in the finished model. holy fuck, this shit has been discussed to death one would think, yet you still hang on it like the retard that you are. The jiggling part wasn't even in there an was later used by you tards as excuse for the shrinking with the sports bra. Hell, FF7 never had juggling, so even if he had said it, it would've been clearly pr speak to justify the shrinking. You know, the one that every comparison proves and Nomura admitted to.
Besides the difference is even more clear if you take the side view.
No matter what angle you try, it won't work anymore.
Nomura gave an interview about the remake where he clearly “got Aerith” better than many people here