I did it Yea Forums!
I did it Yea Forums!
you're da man Yea Forumsro
Congratulations user!
Wouldn't recommend it for 2 and 3 since you have to go to NG+3
the irony of hunting achievements in a game thats lauded for being the peak of player driven storytelling
get a life
i unlocked that with steam achievement manager 2 days after game's release
neat good job user
I mean in DaS you need to go to NG+2 at least since you need three Sif souls
DS2 you can just ascetic everything but you're better off just going to NG+2 and then buying all the covenant shit from Wellager
DS3 ring hunt is annoying as shit and fuck ear farming though
pic related is ds2
but yeah, ds2 was way more work than ds1 (I even did it a second time on remaster)
>implying you cant do both and ur playing the game wrong
You truly have become The Dark Soul.
Maybe the real achievements were the friends he made along the way.
took you two days to figure out how to use SAM?
I've done this with every "Soulslike" from demon souls all the way to ds3. Including bloodborne. Including nioh, including salt and sanctuary, including shitty ones like the surge and lords of the fallen. I wish people would congratulate me but I really don't think no lifing games like I did warrants it. I'm just autistic.
thats pretty cool, user
which was was the most difficult / most frustrating?
>doing achievements
you want a participation trophy too fag?
Someone need to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT !!!
hey 100% nioh takes a lot more effort than any souls game, nice job user
had to move your fat bitch of a mother away from my screen first
good job user
Ds2. Grinding covenants was the most tedious thing in the world.
Thank you so much.
It took a while but I really enjoyed its combat.
i'm proud of you Yea Forumsro
Listening to some random retard on Youtube reading theories from the internet is not exactly what I would call 'player driven storytelling'
grinding the falconers for sunlight medals was kinda ass. got 10 of them in 2 hours
I did some summons in drangleic castle and at fume knight, theres a surprising amount of people still playing actually so it wasn't as bad as I thought. just sit semi-afk and hope hosts doesn't fucking die once you're summoned
Steam achievements are not relevant due to S.A.M
>The possibility that someone else uses third party software to essentially mark a checkbox invalidates a personal sense of achievement
Least intelligent comment I've had the displeasure of reading this entire decade
I was rough grinding them on ng+4
Not for him but to other people. Someone always can say he cheated and without proper proof he cant prove otherwise. Also SAM can rig global achievement completition %. Correct me if I am wrong
Sounds rough, did you just try to 100% the game on your first character since you ended up in NG+4?
Normally I always create a completely new character for the 100% runs and try to plan out as much as possible in advance
Yeah? That's nothing I literally platinum'd bloodborne in 8 hours blind. Fuck off.
Most completionists don't actually care about validation from others. Aside from a select few autists who might think of it as a competition most people only do it for the sake of personal satisfaction
why did this piss off so many people kek
if you didn't do it on GWL you don't deserve to post
Isn't this steam?
In the pc version you can hack the shit out of everything with Cheat Engine
So its pretty useless
Yep. Had to get the final achievement /Trophy. I saved the bell covenant for last and it was oddly a refreshing way to part with the game.