Misuterii High

>set up auto host
>go to bed
>shit fucks up almost immediately

Fuck it get back in here let's play some anime murder mystery again.

>byond://BYOND.world.610641633 direct byond link if you have it installed
>byond.com/play/610641633 for the web client (really hit or miss doesn't always work)
>byond.com/download download byond if you want the best experience, don't even need an account (tho is better)

Get in here and let's fucking murder each other again.

Attached: file.png (1920x1040, 189K)

>That shiki game


Also, Tsukihime is the most boring mode, prove me fucking wrong.

tsukihime has potential for the most roles handed out at the start tho doesn't it? i think that makes things fun but i could be thinking shiki not tsukihime

I remember all this shit from like a decade ago playing Mitadake High.
did they actually improve their shitty client in any way at all? at best it used to run like I was running the game on a calculator with coffee shop internet.

fuck yeah it's been improved since mitadake. if you played that, you owe it to yourself to try misuterii.

I fucking forgot to join.

What a shitty game, why isn't there auto join?

nah but ask in chat and host might insert you. I just ended up joining the in progress game so I can't do it.

>Death Note mode

Attached: 0A4955DD-79B3-4D2D-BDED-8F809FD8F06C.gif (101x40, 49K)

better than shitty tsukihime.