Get in here fags
Comfy MH thread
They will drop a new trailer after beta right guys? any autistic theory yet?
They always drop a trailer on launch. Crossing fingers for Jinouga
>xeno is an alien
>Brachy and zinogre are in
>plot ends with fatalis blanco vs ayy xeno true form turf war
>dalamadur gets namedropped final ly
>alatreon is confirmed gay
>fated three and barioth are free dlc monsters
>capes return
>ice zorah magdaros is the g rank final elder battle location. Actual monster is a valstrax subspecies
God I fucking wish
and nintendo switch port
Hes In!
has anyone figured out the timing on the longswords new move? it seems very strict. i tested it in the training area and ive tried normal timing and immediate timing, neither have worked.
Bingniggers stupid and delusional as always
That's a gay monster user.
Who is dusting off their 20 fps machine to play in september? Or is anyone waiting to play it til "winter"?
im waiting for PC, why bother playing the inferior version. might as well wait.
Haven't really played since the first kulve event. What should I do on getting back into it
rent free
I'll play it on PS4.
Almost bought the base game for pc but realized that having better performance only fixes one of the many issues the game has, so I decided not to give Capcom any more of my money (for the base game).
I hope iceborne will be better but the beta didn't convince me at all.
GF already pre-ordered it for PS4, so I might as well play it for a while as I wait for it to come to PC.
Anyone tried messing around with offensive guard in the beta on multiple weapons? The only shield weapon I use is lance. Little disappointed you can not use guard type changes to get a fresh window to proc the skill. I get it why its like that since rapidly cycling guard to power guard would make landing the skill trivial.