How was it received back in the day?
Too me a lot of the environments seems to be repetitive.
How was it received back in the day?
Too me a lot of the environments seems to be repetitive.
Other urls found in this thread:
I didn't care for it and just kept playing Quakeworld
>slow firing weapons
>bullet spongey enemies
>movement is slower than quake
>its only redeeming quality was its multiplayer, which is dead now anyway
>generic 90's sci-fi alien setting instead of lovecraft
Yup, I'm Thinking It's shit
it was okay but nothing too groundbreaking, playing on LAN with custom southpark and matrix player models was fun
I remember it got rather favorable reviews, top tier soundtrack and most importantly for multiplayer, which was absolute blast on LAN.
>generic 90's sci-fi alien setting instead of lovecraft
Zoomer pleb detected.
It was basically a level pack. If you liked the first game, this was how to get more of it.
Quake had different shades of black and brown for each chapter with different models and textures. Now Quake 2? All the levels look exactly the same. If only Romero hadn't been such a retard and stayed, things would've been much different.
>level pack
lol no
Quake 2 was well loved. It's only a recent internet thing to hate on Quake 2.
Great feeling weapons. Great tech. Level design was even better than Q1 in some places and conveyed a real sense of place.
game has some immense audio design considering its age
>It's only a recent internet thing to hate on Quake 2.
there was plenty of people hating it, mostly among people sticking with quakeworld
The games aren't even remotely similar.
holy fuck so this is what this sound was? for 20 years I thought it was just random strogg ambience
Quake 2 was a big game and introduced a lot of people to quake. All the people the never played quake 1 loved it and all the people that played quake 1 hated it. For me I was heavy in the quake world scene and didn't like quake 2 all that much. It was a lot slower than what I liked.
>brown corridors with zombies and one Lovecraft reference
>brown corridors but with cyborgs instead of zombies
Hahah you knew exactly what part I meant though!!
Save me, Romero
It was ok but Half-Life and Unreal stole the spotlight, the multiplayer was well liked however.
Quake 1 is superior in every single way, possible even better than Doom
Remember to add this into the mix
I bought a 3dfx card to run this. voodoo 1.
This game is underrated desu. Sure its no Quake 1 but its still a ton of fun. However I will say fuck that one expansion that had those wall turrets hidden around every corner.
Excuse me, but Q2 was more orange than anything. You can shit on Q2 all you want, but not for the color scheme.
People just didn't know better back then. Quake 2 sucks dick.
I got a Voodoo for Q1, but the cable started to give in the socket, and would freeze until I nudged the cable back into place. At least nothing ever crashed.
Yahtzee said it best, Quake 2 is a string of identical grey-brown military bases full of hybrid human and forklift monsters.
yeah somehow it all just connected in my head
It can be excused for the most satisfying shotgun in vidya.
>that crouch aim up and blast them away move
Whats the ideal source port/engine for this game?
>tfw you played quake at launch, spent years playing quakeworld, and then moved on to q3a which you spent ages playing but STILL haven't played quake 2
I don't give a fuck, I liked it and I still replay it from time to time for the ost alone.
I wann kveik5 after boom ehternal
Like if u a gree
I liked singleplayer a lot but I felt like some weapons didn't really work in multiplayer.
help me out, was Yea Forums always filled with 3rd world ESL mutts? holy shit this is annoying
I liked the sound design more in Q1, Q2 was too edgy metal for the most part which made me take the game less seriously
I was disappointed that they stuck with the metal motif for most of the time after 2
one small part starting at 7:10 on this Q:C track was the sort of industrial feeling I would've preferred
still hoping Cyberpunk 2077 takes more of a turn here and less into Far Cry 3 weed burning
Just about the best shooter game I'd ever played at the time.
N64 Goldeneye and the first Half-Life gave it a run for its money, but it is not really possible to compare these games, because they are all so completely different.
What a time it was, difficult to get excited over modern shooters.
I loved the crisp crunchy aesthetics of Quake and hated the blob soap aesthetics of Quake 2
Forgot to add that the first Unreal tournament came out afterwards as well...
Take me back!
You can disable texture filtering in Q2.
>If only Romero hadn't been such a retard and stayed
They forced him to leave. If anything, blame Carmack
>first Unreal
Never got a chance to play it back then. Is it finally time to do it?
I don't think that the first Unreal aged well, I's day no.
But Unreal Tournament, you should definitely play, even if it is CTF against bots.
>tzt tzt
>tzt tzt
>tzt tzt
>tzt tzt
If you can tell me how to also disable model interpolation and fix mouse on windows 10, I will actually try to beat it.
Yes, Unreal 1 is still a great game. Its worth it for the soundtrack alone
Unreal has its own problems but it's definitely worth playing
Not like Romero was the Employe of the month when that happened.
It was one the highest rated games back then.
>too edgy metal
Imagine being this much of a pleb. Sonic Mayhem did a masterpiece with Q2 soundtrack. Apart from main theme, Q1 by Reznor (which is great as fuck too) had barely and soundtrack at all.
Absolutely, also amazing soundtrack. First UT then moved it up the notch as well.
>Unreal Tournament
I remember playing UT2003, but it was so long ago, that's my only experience with the series.
Alright lads, I'll fucking play it, and I know the ost was made by Alexander Brandon who made the soundtrack for the OG Deus Ex. That's a win.
For the model interpolation: r_lerpmodels X (I can't remember if the X is 0 or 1)
I don't know about the mouse, try some sourceport or ask /vr/doom
Almost all of its praise was for the sonic mayhem sound track. Absolutely no one remembers how bad the levels were.
i doubt many people even finished the game since you will likely need to backtrack for the data disc at the end first time and the game does not tell you where it is or which console you missed.
Sure, but Carmack was still very pissy about people bot agreeing with him. That's how Tom Hall got his name removed from Doom credits
Brah I finished QII possibly hundred of times. I still fucking love it.
it was fun but got pretty repetitive
This was mostly because Q2 MP was faster than Normal Q1MP, since carmack used the Quakeworld Knowledge to improve upon it
Hey, guys, remember me?
Quake 2 OST doesn't fit the game at all. It's too fast and too cheerful. And its high-pitched guitar sound is such an absolute ass that it barely even qualifies as metal.
>Quake 2 OST doesn't fit the game at all
Okay I was wrong, you can get more pleb. Absolutely disgusting.
>that it barely even qualifies as metal.
Ah, so you are baiting. Good one.
Skipped it, but everybody was talking how cool the stroggification part was.
I fucking hate Q2 but love the OST, fuck you.
No, go away, you glorified texture pack for Doom 3.
yes. I liked it.
Imagine holding these opinions unironically.
>tfw started the single player then started playing something else and never went back to it
I'll give it credit for being able to run decently on my ancient shit hardware from early 2000 though
It was good but much less memorable than Doom 3 and Prey.
I think you mean the game DOOM 3 should've been.
It helped that Epic had Brandon on staff, one of THE best video game composers of all time. UT/Deus ex/Jackrabbit/Dust/neverwinter/vigilance 8/Tyrian
Yamagi if you want Classic, Q2Pro for software rendering, but most people is going with Q2XP due to kirk's port being helped by all of the community, but you need something akin to a 2016 PC to run, also its better than RTX and its accurate as Yamagi.
But its kinda accepted that Yamagi and Q2XP are the best way to go.
In fact GoG Q2 uses yamagi.
What's the point of asking this? Were you living under a rock back then or something?
Generally, glory days of the electronic/industrial metal soundtracks.
Listen to these masterpieces to this very day.
The only thing wrong with Doom 3 is not including pic related in final release.
Kirk is the only Good Russian modder and nice guy in a cesspoll of angry and scummy slavs in both Id and Doom Community.
Yamagi also answers his github daily, if it wasnt for these 2, Q2 would be dead like Ioquake 3
>glory days of the electronic/industrial metal
It´s pretty good. Too long though,
>Too long though
That's what your mum said.
Klepacki is god too.
>game has some immense audio design considering its age
Set the top two videos to loop and you have the Quake 2 CD audio experience!!
Fuck off, Romero
Terrible, awful vehicle and turret sections, otherwise ok.
I think it lacks the flow Quake had, it feels too static and slow. It´s a good game, but not one I´d want to play every few months. Fuck it´s expansions though, Ground Zero in particular was horrendous.
To this day i have no idea how they got away with the adverts for C&C
To be honest, it was still pretty mild in regard of other 90s vidya adds.
Quake 2 ost is great
You know the irony in all of this, Romero LOVES quake 2, but its only a few zoomer shitposters from resetera LARPING as oldfags to claim that all games are garbage, due to some autistic vendetta against id and bethesda.
some at /vr/ suspects that this is also paid shitposting since Quake 2 RTX blew UE4 raytracing engine demos out of the water with the playable RTX stuff and sweeney doesn't hide that he HATES Idtech engine and id software.
Did he? I only know he liked colored lighting enough to get the licence for their engine
Doom 3 did have a neat aesthetic, the monsters were more alien lumpy flesh beasts, almost like the thing vs OG and 2016s very metal album cover demons
It really makes no sense to demo your $800 gpu with Q2 though...if anything you'd think theyd use doom eternal but thats on AMDs Vulkan api.
Whats the best way to play quake on a modern machine? does it have source ports like doom?
yquake2 for quake 2 singleplayer and quakespasm for quake 1 singleplayer are the most "accurate" source ports (chocolate doom/gzdoom)
darkplaces = doomsday
Everyone was confused as to why it wasn't the same setting as before but otherwise we loved it until something new came about.
Because Q2 is Simplier to work due to its geometry and level design, also they had 2 working sources already which is Q2VKPT and Q2Xp since kirk its on the gameworks beta
also No one ever cared to make one pathtracing Port for Q1
For Q1
For Q2
Yamagi or Q2XP
Q2RTX will take soem time until its on Par with 2 above, but Nvidia is REALLY listening to everyone in their Github page
Well then why did they pick Quake 2 to remaster and show off raytracing with then?
Quakespasm or Mark V if on low end pc
Whatever you end up using, make sure the in-game music is there, it's not the same experience without it.
Darkplaces its like that because Lord Havoc went nutso with the crap like quake 3 movement and such, Tenebrae worked it better but the project died too soon.
FTEQW Surpassed DP and its on par with Quakespasm and MarkV since it uses quake SRC, but is plagued with the Bad Texture packs made for Q1 over the years like QRP or Ruohis.
Also Quakespasm is Dead since last year, and there were no updates or bugfixes of late.
Don't feed the retard.
I remember that people were somehow disappointed. Game was great but not ground-breaking like its predecessor, also game was blamed for being too short.
I remember not liking that everything is this same strogg industrial facility look. In Quake 1 you had different episodes with all different themes.
I wish it had the same unique setting. But still much more fun than quake 1
Quake 2 was chonsen since the guy who originally started working on the whole raytracing thing (and was hired by Nvidia) was already using that engine. And that the engine so very well created that it has the whole rendering code apart from the rest of the game, so it's way more easy to work and modify the graphics without affecting the rest of the game
I replayed it like 3 months ago and i didn't had any dialogue because the audio system is outdated or something in q4 so i didn't even try to look it up and just deleted it, i only play Wolfenstein enemy territory daily now anyway
Anyone claiming otherwise was too young to remember.
>q2 gog uses yamagi engine port
im a fucking retard i didn't even knew that, i always used just the one from his github
if you liked Q2's shotgun you are most likely a faggot. it has the feel of shooting soaked tampons.
Why is David Lynch on there?
Yes, it's better without music.