Should I resub ?
Should I resub ?
No but post sexy WoW stuff
I am intrigued, what is that thing
Wait for classic.
>Unless if you are EU
My wife Azshara
You are pants on head retarded if you do. No tier gear and enemies that scale to your item level means it's pointless. You are grinding for nothing.
Azshara, the leader of the OG Nagas.
That is Azshara, former queen of the Highborne Elves, current queen of the Naga who were once her adoring servants. Before being transformed, she was considered the most beautiful, glorious, and most powerful being on Azeroth.
An absolute master of magic and in search of a consort and partner who could match her strength and will, she tried to make a deal with what may as well have been Warcraft's version of Satan, but was thwarted and cast to the seas in a cascade of destructive magics. In a last ditch effort to save herself and her loyal subjects, she made a deal with a different devil- the Old Gods, Lovecraftian tumors who reside deep beneath the surface and seas of Azeroth. In service to them, she and her ilk were transformed into the aquatic Naga.
I think she's hotter now than when she was an elf.
I have still over 100 left over in Bnet from tokens. What do I do now?
can't play in EU
People are just now becoming eligible, to do a million chores, to unlock flying over an area that has nothing to offer? Fuck this game!
Fuck WoW, but holy shit Azshara's voice.
flying shouldn't be added until the next expansion prepatch.
Why not
>Next expansion
BFA was questionable from day one, but the number of refunds and people dropping were insane. It only became worse after that first patch had a week's worth of content. Even if Blizzard offered a similar deal to BFA's pre-order (instant max level character) it would be useless because BFA is a Cataclysm tiered garbage expansion with nothing to do except for grind rep.
You sell your account to some addict.
Showniggers or Wow 8.2 ?
>Nagas get a kraken queen while Undead get a stupid dead high elf
This isn't fair
10GB patch for 8.2
Fuck no vanilla WoW was shit
not sure some restrictions from the beta. I have no interest in vanilla anyways, I been through all that I want new content.
Anyone still subbed to FF ?
This. I got on the classic test server and there were 3-4 standing around wolf spawns trying to tag them first
I would resub if US alliance wasnt fucking dead, and even if I wanted to reroll horde, I have no acess to the new races. Thanks Blizzard.
>Waiting for BFA to go on sale so I can comfy level a nightborne and not even play the actual game
Naga will also forever be blessed by not beeing playable and thus not getting ruined
They actually need to add high elves to alliance at this point to solve faction imbalance
Welcome to current Blizzard.
Where the:
Sound Team
Art Team
3D Team
CGI Team
Systems Team
Are all A++ and top of their field.
But the Gameplay/Creative Directors decisions are fucking retarded, which ruins the game overall.
>Should I _____ game?
Go masturbate to SFM porn of it, then you ask yourself if you have to again.
are you that sperg who always cries about forsaken not having a human leader?
>waiting for a blizzard "5% off" sale
>waiting for a game to go on sale that you have to sub to, just to level
hahaha oh wow user you sure are sticking it to them with that one
why does anyone think the bfa team can make a decent raid after uldir and all the terrible legion raids
As long as titanforging, artifact power in any form and world quests exist, I'm not going to play nuWoW.
Home will be fun for a month or two but I'd rather play something new.
disgusting manly face god i hate western ideal
It's a lot better than this trashfire of a game that's for sure
>so I can comfy level a nightborne
lmao you mean leveling a night elf, playable nightbornes don't exist
>Sticking it to them
Nobody said anything like that. I just don't wanna play BFA but I wanted to level a Nightborne.
but retail is sharded everywhere at all times
Layering isn't sharding
The only things you're right about are sound, systems, and gameplay teams.
lmao how is this reality
sums it up.
Really well built zones etc filled with piss easy encounters that renders all the effort put into the thing pointless.
Blizz put Azshara in a fucking patch, not even giving her her own expansion... also she will just be a raidboss and then you just kill her.
FFS blizz talk about a waste of a good character.
>Naga will also forever be blessed by not beeing playable and thus not getting ruined
>imagine thinking blizzard still cares about sex appeal
WoW died after cata
that they wrote "naga" on a piece of paper at one point doesn't mean anything
Resubbed just to see what is going on, been away since Cataclysm.
Ghostguilds everywhere with ppl not being online for 7+ years.
its alright unless your a diehard classnigger.
>chris fucking metzen wanted the naga to be playable and was pretty adamant about it
>hurr durr just a piece of paper
I wish Alliance originally didn't had gnomes so these days there won't be allied gnome race at all.
Fuck this shit.
I would've prefered to have anything else but gnomes.
People expecting blizzard to do even the bare minimum for what qualifies as a good job in the year of our lord 2019 are fucking stupid, really
I'll think about resubbing when worgs get their model update
The best race Blizzard blessed us with.
My only gripe is that we still don't have paladin class for them.
My biggest dream in Wow is to play as worgen paladin.
This is how it should have been.
>Resubbed just to see what is going on
>Resubbing during the boring grindfest that is BFA
This must be a nightmare for you, user. People thought Classic would save WoW, but it's just all-around dead.
Gnomes have been in the Alliance since WC2
Don't worry we can still enjoy the sfm porn
doesn't make them any less shit.
They were not in WC3 though.
a waste, if theyd have done em in vanilla, it couldve been cool.
but they had plenty of chances, They arent gonna bring em now, and even if they did, its too late now as far aas im concerned
What are you talking about bfa is login do raid or mtyhic and then log out.
This shit hardly has any grind at all. That includes the heart you can hit 45 without even fucking trying.
I want to grab a fem Draenei's tail
I want smite things without worrying about healthbars as werewolf priest. Holy caster dps spec when?
Why do I like demonic looking girls so much? Especially the predatory look in their eyes.
Is there something wrong with me?
you've got parasites in your brain bro
lmao get fucked nerd
raiding gets better and better every expansion
It's okay, Im just a filthy casual nowadays anyway with family, work and stuff. So 1 hour a day.
Im leveling up a character from level one just to see how the story is. Guess its going to take a while since I also refuse to use heirlooms but atleast I got something to play for an hour before bed. I have heard nothing but bad things about the endgame anyway so Im just enjoying the ride to 120 while it lasts.
The bosses in Uldir were good. And fights like Mechatorque are finally implementing forced communication.
they look more feline than demonic in my opinion.
Yeah yeah, just wanted to point out that we were THIS close to have the naga ruined in the future.
>worth waiting for
its not going to be nearly as good as you nostalgiafags think.
How is she able to remain so smug?
Definitely isn't worth it unless they fix this shit
Ion is going to save wow next expansion bros..
Is ilvl going to go up again on the 25th?
>Azshara has the tidestone
>Which means that the heroes of Azeroth left the pillars of creation unguarded in the tomb of Sargeras
What kind of idiot operation are the heros of Azeroth running?
what if azshara is just a big goofball
You probably already did just to try to bet into the beta, didn’t you.
It was all part of their plan and you fell for it
it's going from 425 to 450
Shaw snorts half a box of crayons before every op meeting, so there's that.
What is up with running mascara and non-red lipstick in WoW female characters?
Would have been fun to play as a snake tailed race in an MMO though
there's a reason they say you can't go home again, yet people have deluded themselves into thinking they can; back then, the internet was a wild wasteland. sure, you could google some things, but most of the time you were on a journey and did stuff through interaction ingame. nowadays all that shit is handled with addons, group finder, and external websites. things will be solved instantaneously, and in the case of classic wow, it's already solved. it doesn't matter if they don't have dungeon finder or whatever in classic, because the majority of the population that are interested in wow at this point are too used to the convenience. people who are actually dedicated to the classic experience have already done it on private servers, and there is hardly a point to this other than it being official. the only way i can see classic wow being anywhere near successful other than blizzdronery is taking a page from jagex and making new content for classic wow that avoids the expansions that were actually made, follows design philosophy of the old game, and listens to the fans closely.
>That guy at 7:40
Can you imagine if she like made that face and commanded you to fertilize her eggs for the rest of your life haha.
I don't get why people would even consider resubbing to this piece of shit. "lore" is a jumbled mess of fanfiction tier shit cobbled together in an embarrassing overarching story opposed crammed down everyone's throat, all classes feel absolutely shit to play, PvP is a complete joke. No reward feels good anymore, the threadmill skinner box is exposed for everyone to see. Just get over it, find another game.
It's hot and a lead designers fetish
Use these to sub to Classic or sell your gold.
Rep and Artifact Power, user. The entire purpose of world quests is that they build rep with factions and give some (nerfed) AP crystals.
You're a degenerate who can't enjoy normal women anymore.
But I can't blame you
all blizzard had to do was sell classic for $45 and no monthly subscription. theres no way adding classic to the subscription will retain or bring in new customers. the only people who still subscribe will continue to subscribe until the franchise is gone.
>not resubbing to grind rep for playable vulpera
i fucking hate vulpera and i really dislike you.
>horde only
Talk about a letdown
>art team good
explain me why did they took the retarded cartoony route instead of the haunted real stuff?
its about getting classic players to occasionally play retail and therefore use the cash shop
They did though, Void Elves
There's no way Blizz would kill off a lore villain as big as Azshara halfway through an expansion. She could easily get an xpac all to herself
only male leaders get killed off
Its like star wars prequels all over again.
>favorite race
Huh,here i thought it was orcs based on his boner for thrall.Still good taste.
>ever not wasting good characters
The only one who wasn't wasted imo was Kel'Thuzad, being the end boss of og wow. And even then they desecrated it with wotlk naxx
yeah i was confused about that too
or they could just fix flying since it has always been fundamentally broken.
She probably just fucks off instead of dying in the raid.
>play classic
>get to barrens
>barrens chat is full of twitch memes and shameless self-promotion
This is criminal
Have they figured out who told Vol'jin to make Sylvanas warchief yet?
This those niggas in Dalaran are fucking sleeping on the job.
For me, it's Kul Tiran males.
not so based
Why ? Do you think Classic is going to be a flop in EU ?
Their queen is about to get punked and raided for her pants
they are in just as bad a situation
They're not doing language specific servers
>we off Ashara in 8.2
>9.0 is the Alliance and Horde invading the remains of the black empire to put their dicks in Nzoth
>Blizzard makes Azshara a semen demon octopussy
>kill her off in one patch
>we will never get semen demon naga
>instead we get amputee gnomes and furry midgets
Honestly this is a crime that cannot be rectified by the current state of Blizzard in any way at this time. But at least we'll get even more porn out of this.
she isn't going to die