Are the Evangelion video games worthwhile or trash?
Are the Evangelion video games worthwhile or trash?
Pretty sure they're all trash
I heard the original Girlfriend of Steel is passable as it's supposed to play out as just another episode and was produced by Gainax themselves as well.
Only Deliberate Distortion Synesthesia matters.
They're shit, just like the anime.
The ps2 one looks ok, but it's not translated.
There's also super robot wars, but again I think all games with eva characters are also untranslated.
The new dub is objectively better than the old one, don't @ me nostalgiafags.
But user. No fly me to the moon.
not having to listen to Weed Mom or Spencer is still a big plus though
>just like the anime
The fuck you doing on Yea Forums.
Episode 15 and 21 is ruined without Fly me to the moon. Completely killing the scene making it silent and awkward. Also you can hear someone clicking a mouse in the background, The dub is cheap ass.
>They removed Fly Me to the Moon from the Netflix version
Absolutely unacceptable. FMttM is the best ED in anime history.
What happened to moot? Is he still alive? Does he have any little mootlets running around in the world?
They replace it with Rei's theme which isn't a bad song but cmon. Fly me to the moon has a crap ton of versions. This being my favorite:
He's in the early 30s with no girlfriend working in Japan for Google. He also partially turned SJW if the internal memos are correct.
Working for Google in Japan.
He was always an SJW faggot along with all the "staff" he employed.
Come on, the password to his tripcode was "faggot". If he was an SJW all through he wouldn't have used it.
Link me Shinji x Asuka fanfics.
ReTake first and foremost.
I've never watched a single episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion and I never will.
I am kinda sad Netflix didn't tweak the visuals to make it more HD like whoever owns death note did.
>no girlfriend
what about a boyfriend?
I can't believe how fucking awkward the end of 15 was. They just made it completely silent
Probably for the best. It would completely fly over your head anyway
trash just like the anime
Battle Orchestra is apparently pretty good
Some shots are quite detailed. Pic related. It's more likely down to the original production, the master is only 16mm so nothing better than HD could ever be pulled out of it.
I guess, but it is animated so it is less obvious if you add detail after the fact. I want to know how they made deathnote/the wire work in wide screen without looking stretched.
Have you smoked already today?
I haven't seen that. Were the frames scaled and recomposed to fit widescreen?
Did Netflix change their Death Note since awhile back? I remember looking at it like a year and a half ago and it looked like someone just ripped a VHS, the bluray torrent I had looked 10 times as good.
>unironic dubtard
I wouldn't watch a danish film dubbed english, I won't watch a jap cartoon english. Unless it is gurren lagann.
it wasn't for Netflix they did a blu ray release that made it widescreen. no idea if Netflix updated since because you are right about the quality.
I have no idea how they did deathnote I am curious. The wire was shot in widescreen but cropped, so some shots worked others had to be manually cropped because they never intended a widescreen master.
you dont understand. moot was and edgy 14 year old and remained so until the fbi came knocking. then he got scared and started cracking down on the freedoms of users. then he started seeing a girl, by which i mean he became a beta orbiter and she was a raging sjw so he became one too and got so fucking gay due to her that he cracked down harder and harder and harder but decided to just get rid of the site and passed it on as is to hiro (who himself was chosen peopled out of his chan by some usa war vet who also jewed hot wheels out of 4+Yea Forums).
can you guess what happened afterwards? his attempts to be a pathetic beta loser didnt impress the girl in the least and she fucked off to her boyfriend and moot got stuck with a broken brain in a country that hates him working for jews trying to undermine the entire planet.
if some of the names are weird or not spelled right its because the ultra quintuple crackdown moot did thinks its spam and wont let me post
oh. Found it, deathnote was cropped. Still looks decent though.
Honestly enjoying the redub. Sucks about Fly me to the Moon missing.
They may have composed some of the shots thinking about widescreen presentation and basically future proofing their work.
I think moot just wanted out because the site went to shit, for his tastes anyway. He was always at odds with Yea Forumstards but they were his Yea Forumstards. /pol/tards are way less fun. don't think muuuhh sjw orbiting had anything to do with it. don't blame the guy, he was spending all this time running a site for pretty much no money, to support a community he no longer identified with. if he could get a gig at Google why not? he probably shitposts on some smaller imageboard or irc channel.
yeah also a show with mechas probably doesn't have as much room to be cropped as one that is largely talking.
>muuuhh sjw orbiting
this is not an opinion dude. its fact. he beta orbited a sjw and like all orbiters he changed his way of thinking to impress her and it didnt work.
the site stopped being to "his" tastes because of that.
he LITERALLY did it all for a girl and didnt even get her in the end. its not an opinion. its not conjecture. its fact.
>it is not conjecture it is fact
it is quite literally connect.
dude is probably calling people niggerfaggots right now while procrastinating at work. Moot was never your kind of edgelord. he Liked anime and Japanese culture. his idea of edgy was simply bans, calling people faggots and spoiling harry potter. Not derailing every thread with angry discussions about black crime stats. he even stated the most basic of fucking rules of Yea Forums. he would laugh at SJWs maybe, but he was never one to throw a tism fit that they exist.
*quite literally conjecture.
Is he really living in Japan? That lucky fuck. He's living the weeaboo dream.
>out of his chan
It was actually the domain, but last I heard hiro has been winning the court against Jim.
>the weeaboo dream
It can only be a nightmare.
i dont know if youre m00t or if you idolize him for some weird reason but hes not the guy you think he is. i used to like him. i used to love canvas. but then it all went downhill. i dont understand why you refuse to see reality but hes not "one of the guys" anymore dude. he fell to the dark side and stayed there. he chased the rabbit down the wrong hold and cucked himself.
hes not m00t anymore. he hasnt been for a long long time. stop idolizing him. stop pretending hes a mature adult. hes exactly the kind of poor soul that got destroyed by that california culture like anthony burch. hes gone dude. let your pretenses go. let him go.
for all intents and purposes m00t is dead and he died when he met that girl. please accept it and move on
Yeah, and his only job is managing a shitty google imageboard for employees. Fucker won at life.
EoE ruined popular media forever. Because now everyone and their mother is trying to replicate the
>snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
meme. Bioware tried it, Rockstar did it, and Ken Levine did it. The most pretentious anime of all time ruined shit that wasn't even anime for years to come.
moot was always low IQ as fuck. He failed to acknowledge how great Yea Forums was back in the day and threatened to delete the board on several occasions.
oh you are mentally ill. got it. moot was never onboard with your retardation. he was like that Yea Forumstard who was part of the crew but always tried to be responsible unless he was having to much fun. Moot was never part of your dumbass "culture war" he just came here to shitpost about animus. if anything he stayed captain of this sinking ship too long. should of left before goobergate. fuck I should of left before then. I wish I could leave.
this is true. but sometimes it fell to /int/ tier shit. hiro restored some of the glory but it was too little to oate.
>No videogame to capture the feeling of Asuka's MP Eva battle
the gundams in EDF move kinda like that
something is very wrong with you if you romanticize m00t of all people
>culture war
its the truth, no matter how much it upsets you. its literally what happened and im not some /pol/fag for telling you how it happened.
goddamn youre fucked in the head. but i guess you being from Yea Forums kind of makes sense
They were in V and that got translated