>Be Blizzard
>Create characters with the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
>Make an incredible fps engine
>Have millions of casual players
>Try to corral them all into a poorly conceived competitive mode
>Stop updating your game to add shill mechanics for an esports league that nobody watches and balance your game so that the most popular heroes to watch are op
Why are they allowed to do this?
Be Blizzard
Other urls found in this thread:
> most popular heroes to watch are op
by that logic, Dva wouldnt have been nerfed heavily the last few weeks and mercy being the second worst supporter after moira wouldnt make sense either
>Create characters with the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
Excuse me, what the fuck? SUPERHOT is more inventive and it's a singleplayer bullet-time fps
>Make an incredible fps
>press q to kill anyone nearby
God I hate zoomers so much, you fucks killed videogames.
Why are you allowed to post Tracer without displaying her ass? You now owe Yea Forums some Tracer ass.
Remember how much fun everybody was having before they introduced ranked mode? Biggest mistake of all time. They should have just made private/custom lobbies and called it a day. All efforts would have been better going into other fun shit or more characters and levels.
Don't worry OP they just updated the game to make Mccree delete every fucking healer by holding left click. Fuck their balance team.
Said the idiot who played once. You get absolutely decimated for poor Q usage.
Super Hot, TF2, and Splatoon were more inventive
>Most inventive
>Literally just TF2 but with button presses instead of skill based mechanics/weapon unlocks
Nice bait
>most inventive fps mechanics
Overwatch's mechanics are derived from TF2, which outbirthed AND outlived your shit game.
Seething TF2 fag.
God I hate boomers
>Inventive mechanics
Almost everything in Overwatch is lifted from somewhere else.
That is the issue, the time at which you press q is so valuable that you can literally be more valuable than
Name one OW hero that is similar to one tf2 class, you can't
You get absolutely decimated for poor play in every good fps, retard. In actual good games you manually aim and maneuver yourself to get a lot of kills. Pressing q for a big attack is the most zoomer shit ever, instant gratification but not satisfying because it took less effort and skill than manual gameplay. Not to mention the amount of loadouts and customization in OW is not even as good as other fps. Fuck zoomer garbage, you're the reason this gen and the last sucked cock
Please tell me another shooter with a character who is remotely similar to Mei, Zarya, Orisa, Doomfist, lucio, zenyatta, symmetra.\, or wrecking ball
Nah, ultimates would be a good mechanic if they were balanced, but a vast majority of them are either unavoidable death in certain situations, invincibility for the whole team, or immobilizing the entire enemy team. The only fair ultimates in Overwatch belong to the support characters (besides nano boost which just makes other ultimates more unfair), widowmaker,Orisa, and wrecking ball, symmetra, and torbjorn. The rest are all one shot kills that lack any counterplay unless you have a specific hero (Overwatch fans claim that since 2 sepcific heroes can stop graviton, it is fair that it can immobilize the entire team for several seconds)
You're talking like you can just stroll around pressing Q as much as you want. You need to out aim and out maneuver the enemy team so you can build up your Q faster and then you still have to use it wisely.
I like how they did something different.
Even if you dislike the game you have to give credit, it's a bold idea with a lot of pitfalls, and I think they did it better than any other company I can think of.
You're giving Blizzard and OW way too much credit
>most inventive fps mechanics of all time
>balance your game so that the most popular heroes to watch are op
what the fuck are you talking about, OWL is GOATS 90% of the time. Nobody enjoys watching anyone in GOATS
based TF2 player
Sounds like youre bad kiddo
> You can counter 90% of ults with the right hero
> Lrn2Pic
Most ults can be countered by at least 2 or 3 different heros and it's really not that difficult. Plus its an ultimate ability, its supposed to be strong. And its not like 1 ult is going to kill all 6 people and then you instantly lose like youre making it sound. Most ults usually catch 2-4 people and can be beaten with a shield or D.va
s DM. Additionally, waiting for the right moment to use the ult is more rewarding than just spamming it so that in and of itself takes some learning.
Nah, because even if they were balanced it would still be easy kills via one button. It's lazy and boring, only there to quickly satisfy normalfags so they don't have to actually get good at the game. The fact that it's unbalanced is just the puke on top of the turd that is Overwatch. There are ways to incorporate unique skills to differentiate characters without resorting to 'press Q for easy kills' ults. But this is nu-Blizzard we're talking about, devoid of soul or care for the actual gameplay. Games where you manually aim and work for your kills are infinitely more satisfying than a shallow politics-infested shit. But of course zoomers don't know what effort is, it's all instant gratification nowadays.
>Maps are honestly bad, have a lot of chokepoints, and not much in terms of flanking opportunities and verticality
>Have a lot of heroes which makes balancing a bitch, and said hero balancing takes fucking ages and isn't necesarily good
>Adding new heroes even further aggravating the balance
>Wether or not you can win depends heavily on your teammates and yourself NOT being shit, a single person not doing their job can fuck the entire team over, solo carries seem to be only possible if you're some kind of OW god
>Events are repetitive and not interesting
>Community is hot fucking garbage
>Le esports shit
Feel free to add more if i missed something(Which im sure i did)
If you’re talking about character design, I can’t argue. OW has good character design, even if they’re not very cohesive. However, from a gameplay perspective
Any game with freezing mechanics or a gun that slows you on hit. If you’re talking about walls as area denial, Splatoon and Rainbow 6 do that.
Apart from Graviton Surge not much of what she has is unique
Long range minigun + portable shield is also in Splatoon. Halt is really cool, though.
Also, I hate to make a TF2 comparison, but everything apart from Meteor Strike plays similarly to a demo knight. But there’s not much you can really do to differ melee based classes so this point isn’t super strong
MOBAs do the “mobile hero with buff radius” thing a lot. Blizzard just put it in an FPS
No one’s executed the concept of his design quite like Blizz (you try and find another Zen Robot that throws fastballs) but being able to buff teammates while debuffing foes isn’t super unique. Really fits him, though. Love Zenyatta.
Gotta admit, Geometry motifs are cool, but placing down a lot of mini turrets is again, another MOBA concept Blizzard brought over. Not that it doesn’t work.
>Wrecking ball
I can’t. Nope. Can’t argue with that.
What I'm saying is
>enemy has one specific hero
>I now have to play as one of 2 or 3 heroes to counter an ability they use once every 2-5 minutes or else your whole team gets one shot
>If you don't like this you're bad
You do realize how autistic you sound, right?
Yeah that's what I'm saying, they should have ultimates that give your team or hero a small advantage. Things like symmetra placing a large shield for a few seconds that you can just walk through or torbjorn preventing the enemy team from standing on some parts of the ground is fun to play against, mei freezing your whole team or riptire dealing 300 damage isn't
Shields everywhere. You cant get to the meaty characters to kill them because there's 3000+ HP of shield in the way.
Only thing you missed is how horribly Blizzard handles their community/fanbase and OWL. They blatantly viewbot while refusing to show playercounts, and it seems like for the last 2 years they've had literally no idea what to do with the game.
>Name one OW hero that is similar to one tf2 class, you can't
this is bait, right?
ultimates were a mistake. Forced 6v6 was also a mistake
>Create characters with the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
Literally all abilities ripped from mobas and Jerry-rigged to fit into an fps
Blizzard don't have a creative bone in their bodies
>the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
>pretending moba shit has innovated anything for fps
Dumb blizz poster
No there isn't. I'm not saying that these shields don't exist, but lets not pretend that the game is 4 damage dealers, a roadhog, and a healer most of the time.
Retard, boomers prefer Team Fortress Classic.
the art looks OK but the characters themselves have barely any character and just spout the same soulless lines that took zero effort to write. They are very executive-driven characters, 100% soulless
>the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
all of his abilities are just generic abilities found in many fighting games
Pilots from titanfall
I am heavy weapons guy, and THIS is my WEAPON
Between all the shilling, people not knowing what they are talking about and political shitposting Yea Forums is dead.
There is no such thing as a non based titanfall player.
Even the worst fucking monarch/spitfire/sentry/a wall user is still somewhat based, just a bit.
>talking about walls as area denial, Splatoon and Rainbow 6 do that.
Difference is with overwatch not everyone can get around or shootdown that wall and mei already has THREE get out of jail free cards, the other is freezing herself and the other is freezing you.
Paladins is still better
Lucio is literaly concheror + airblast
the game design of overwatch is nothing but an insult to the player's abilities
no its legit worse thats a skill only hi-rez has to make something worse then shit
>Be Blizzard
>notice the playerbase is dropping off more and more
>keep announcing that characters are gay or autistic to keep gaming sites making articles about the game
>keep introducing blatant porn-bait skins so that people keep buying loot boxes
Whatever you say, zoomer
The problem with Overwatch is it's just a mess of design flaws and the team is so incompetent.
>Ultimates take forever to change and are basically free kills. Since you charge your Utilmate by hitting enemies, the team that is ahead will have more Ultimates and thus win more (for how they should work, see Splatoon 2)
>Maps are just straight hallways without branching paths like TF2.
>Likewise, health packs are too few and too weak to make a differences which would reduce the need for healers (or make them less crucial)
>New Heroes aren't interesting like original batch and thus no one wants to jump in and play these ugly dumb heroes. Also, barely add any attractive women which got Overwatch a lot of attention.
>Tries to be too much of a MOBA than being a shooter. Strayed too much from the TF2 design which made it work.
In short, Overwatch was a well made game with idiots who took over it and ruined it.
>playing a zoomer game
cope, seethe, dilate and have sex
>no one gave a shit about baptiste
>everyone creams themselves when more waifus like ashe get added
fanservice was a mistake
Porn and waifubait is literally all Overwatch has going for it at this point
That really only is when the game is bad and bring nothing else on the table than fapbait and smut.
i believe this is a major component in why TF2 has always had such a fun and positive vibe in its community. it's like when a girl enters a group of men, it immediately becomes a contest for her attention. femininity is toxic by nature and it evokes toxic behavior in men. not saying it's in any way wrong per se, but it doesn't contribute to a fun environment.
>Autistic nitpicking
Play video games
I stopped playing after the beta but seeing some of these heroes made me scratch my head in disbelief as to how much worse looking they were than the members of the original cast. That tumblroid bowie ripoff is perhaps the worst thing ever designed by Blizzard.
Why is the TF2 ost just better than the OW one?
you just got to hang out with men who aren't pathetic
I don't think I've ever played a game that was such a slog to rank up in
And I played Dota for 3000 hours in v-high
I’m not saying OW is bad, it’s just not as unique
Besides, analyzing games is fun
you're just plain wrong. it's deep within the nature of men to pursue female approval. besides, most females couldn't meaningfully contribute to discussion of male interests anyways so there's never an upside for the conversation to their precense either.
>they made a Bowie ripoff look ugly
Yet you haven't managed to disprove his point that once you press Q, you win for free which is completely true about OW. Games always boil down to "Who can get the precious Q in first so they can finally push their payload forward" every time.
Its 2019 and TF2 fags still come out of their steamholes when Overwatch is mentioned. How come?
Here's your european team bro
Ashe is actually a fun hero to play as, baptiste is dull and has an uninspired moveset
I hear they're working on Overwatch 2 now.
Overwatch 1 still has no story and is basically still just 3 gamemodes. After what, 4 years?
Who still plays this shit? Who could lack that much dignity?
Anyone still playing after the sheer incompetence Blizzturd showed with a half of year of rez meta is a cuckold, straight up. Either that or they spent too much on loot boxes to fully quit. I don't have my hopes up for OW2 in the long term but it might be fun for a bit when it releases.
it's deep within our nature to flinch from painful stimulus but people train themselves to endure it all the time. stop making excuses for yourself, loser.
What the fuck is the point of making these teams location-specific if everyone on that team lived in a different continent a few year before? The only British dude on that team is literally their "British Consultant".
Time to take the pills grandpa
>TF2 outlived Overwatch 1 already
rez meta was preferable to this goats nonsense for the past 8 months
>most inventive fps mechanics of all time
> most inventive fps mechanics of all time
>Make an incredible fps engine
LOL this is what a typical underage retard actuly thinks
what the is your point? even the most pain-enduring man in the world still feels the pain he is able to endure (if he is otherwise healthy, that is). even if a mentally strong man won't be swayed by female presence much, the negative effect is obviously still there.
> inventive FPS mechanics
abilities are not inventive, much less the most inventive of all time, you fucking shill
> incredible FPS engine
an engine where everything fun is smoothed, polished, and sandblasted away is not "incredible". Source was and is incredible. Quake was and is incredible.
I think the most amazing thing is that Overwatch was primarily sold on its worldbuilding and story, which is what most people circlejerk over endlessly, and yet there is literally nothing in the game that advances that story. The game launched with 0 story, then in the years since, they have released 3 events, none of which advances the story but are flashbacks. So in what, 3-4 years, the story of Overwatch is still nonexistent in the game.
How the fuck is this acceptable? How can anybody justify this? Forget the stale gameplay and shitty balance for a second, just this fact alone is unbelievable.
That's not what he said though you dumb faggot. You left off the "engine" part.
Pharah is Soldier but instead of rocket jumps, just free vertical momentum when you press shift.
No horizontal momentum though, the game explicitly bleeds that all off ASAP if you manage to get it.
>B-b-but you have to wait for the right moment!
>y-y-y-you just have to play D. Va and counter!
>You're just b-b-bad, user!
The point remains Ults are win for free buttons and even if they only kill off 2-4 people, the remaining members get left in a big disadvantage and suddenly the remaining team kills em off during the chaos. Also, "waiting for the right time" to maximize reward doesn't counter the point of pressing Q being the win button at all yet you people still keep using it as an argument.
Don't forget the actual game itself is considered non-canon, aside from those special PvE events.
this game is full of too many faggot stuns
have sex
How to fix overwatch
Give characters alternate weapons To alter playstyles but keep abilities hell if you already copied TF2 why not have take the best part about it and have the customization
>Ults are win for free buttons and even if they only kill off 2-4 people, the remaining members get left in a big disadvantage and suddenly the remaining team kills em off during the chaos
Then the other team can use their win for free button, right?
Majority, if not all of the original characters came from the Titan project so they were designed by old Blizzard. I think this explains why they are so appealing.
i would if i could
>an engine where everything fun is smoothed, polished, and sandblasted away is not "incredible"
this pretty much. OW is technically extremely polished, but the experience is completely void of soul as a result.
Damn Boomer, I know it's the cool thing to hate on OW but Qing whenever doesn't make you win the game. In fact just getting one or two kills is enough to be useful.
The 'strategic' part is using it alongside another teammate's ult.
But since the meta is so fucked rewarding divers and swinging shit upclose, you are pretty much uninformed of what Yea Forums told you to hate my man bro tranny faggy nigger friend.
Now this is a valid reason.
As well as characters that don't need that much brain to play. Brig, Moira for example.
>>Make an incredible fps engine
fucking kek, it uses the titan engine which itself is a fucking modified wow engine. There's a reason it's shit
Jesus, the look on that dude third from the left. Serial killer vibes.
I'm convinced OW is only desperate to keep their league afloat so they can keep getting these chinks out of their country to compete. For what purpose, I don't know.
That's been a problem in the game for a long time. It's arguably the biggest issue with the game. It is fundamentally confused because on one hand you have mostly "serious FPS" characters that reward traditional FPS play, like McCree, Soldier, Pharah, Ana, that heal nigger, and Widowmaker, then you have characters that just shit all over the fundamental rules of traditional FPS with big ass shields, auto aim, turbo mobility, monster CC, and all kinds of crutch mechanics. Like Winston, Moira, Mercy, Hamtaro, Bridgitte, whatever. Half the game is FPS characters with 1 quirk. The other half are from Bionic Commando or something.
>b-b-but some of those characters aren't good, etc.
is the excuse shitters always give, but that's not the point. The point is that OW has no idea what it wants to be. Does it want to be essentially a wacky party game where people are swinging around the map or does it want to be an FPS that rewards skill? Do they even know anymore?
It is sad because not even Koreans are that into this garbage, but they still completely crush everyone else. OW currently has 8% share in the Korean PC bang statistics. No wonder there are now rumors about OW2 or some sort of expansion.
What has the biggest share?
Boomers and k*reans are the only playing this though. Fortnite pretty much took all the kids and normies away from it.
League of Legends is dominating the scene with a share of 38,4%. Overwatch is competing with the original Maple Story and FIFA.
junkrat = demo
pharah = soldier
the heal sniper = medic with a crossbow and kritzcreig
tobyorn = engine without teleporters, dispensers, or metal management
Widowmaker = sniper, but that's not really unique to tf2
robot ninja = scout
the rest of the characters (asside from wrecking ball maybe) are a mix of unoriginal abilities, shields, STUN MECHANICS, and get out of jail free cards
Pressing Q is not a free win. You need teamwork and good timing/clever placement to use a Q successfully. It actually adds another layer of gameplay while giving you a chance, a CHANCE to be awesome and wipe out the enemy team. If you don't like it that's fine but don't act like its a free team kill every time you get ult.
>Create characters with the most inventive fps mechanics of all time
>Make an incredible fps engine
>piece of shit is better than pile of shit
As terrible a company as Hi-Rez is and as shameless as Paladins is, it actually is a better game than Overwatch, and actually a solid game in its own right.
Oh so their taste are just as fucking awful as everyone else, except its a different flavor of shit.
Yes and they can just as easily kill the other team and stay put without the point being contested. Which, again, proves pressing Q is the win button that either lets you push or lets you go "No" and stop the other team.
> a CHANCE to be awesome and wipe out the enemy team
>don't act like its a free team kill every time you get ult
But you just said it is and it gives you the chance to get one. Even if it requires effort to get the team kill, you're still just pressing Q to get it and win. You all keep defending Ults by going "YOU HAVE TO TRY TO WIN WITH THEM!" but that doesn't disprove at all that you still get a Win button with Q even if it requires effort. Your effort is being rewarded with a victory by pressing 1 button, the fact that it requires skill does not change this.
Reminder that even at top tiers of OW play the games basically boil down to
>shitty push/pull gameplay until someone gets a pick, then everyone rushes all up in that ass
>push/pull gameplay until someone gets a pick and then you wombo combo multiple ults
>Pressing Q is the win button that either lets you win or lets you stop the other teams win button
These win buttons suck ass dude it sounds like they don't even let you win
>it actually is a better game than Overwatch
I agree, but it's still shit.