Why does Star Wars almost always fall into the "Jedi vs. Empire" plotline? Why can't we get a modern Star Wars game with a unique premise? There's a whole universe and this is the best people can come up? Be creative with the IP.
Why does Star Wars almost always fall into the "Jedi vs. Empire" plotline? Why can't we get a modern Star Wars game with a unique premise? There's a whole universe and this is the best people can come up? Be creative with the IP.
Because Disney doesn't know what the fuck they're doing and EA doesn't care about what the fuck they're doing
the title 'star wars' refers to a galactic civil war, generally between the Empire and rebels.
also whatever properties weren't made for kids are limited by branding. not allowed.
Because everything has to rehash A New Hope.
It's not just a Disney/EA problem. The first KOTOR was very much a conventional "Star Wars" story with a generic evil empire. It had some quirks to not be entirely derivative but you could feel the same plot beats.
To be fair the Jedi vs Empire plotline is pretty much the only thing that makes Star Wars as a setting stand out.
Don't get me wrong I'm tired of it too, but OT trilogy nostalgia and lightsabers are still pretty much the only real brand value the IP has.
Everybody likes the clone wars games better. GCW is dull.
Aesthetically, yeah. But content-wise, I'd say the clone wars cartoon showcased a lot more intrigue and potential in storyline variety than the OT era has recently in any capacity.
Clone Wars was pretty nice, but at the end of the day it was still heavily focused on "Jedi vs kinda-Empire" battling with lightsabers and force stuff.
Then you could argue everything is that kinda stuff
>republic commando has team of jedi's minions vs team of sith minions
>kotor 2 is jedi vs sith
>legacy era the empire turns good so it's still jedi team vs super sith team
>Then you could argue everything is that kinda stuff
Well yeah, that's my entire point. That's what the Star Wars IP is, and that's why every game has them. Take away the Jedi, Empire and lightsabers and it's just a generic space opera universe.
They also but a hold on OT storylines when the Clone Wars TV show was being made.
Its part of the reason I have grown to hate the Clone Wars, there was a period of time that was all we were getting.
The setting is pretty generic. Removing jedi from it makes it even more basic.
Literally every single star wars game before this has also been this.
Its Star WARS. Conflict is almost entirely a part of it. Even the games like bounty hunter are part of the wars if not focussing on them.
What would suggest outside of focussing on war? Even a game like 1313 would've been set during the empire.
I'd personally like a game playing as the sith during their long period of hiding. But then you'd basically never be allowed to use a lightsaber because the jedi would be aware and it'd break canon.
>Take away the unique aspects of a universe and its just generic.
Dude. Are you huffing paint? No shit removing everything unique makes something generic.
And the somewhat fascinating thing about it the fact that there is such a TINY amount of things that makes the universe unique. There literally isn't anything else that makes Star Wars Star Wars, that's it.
Star Wars will always be fucked as long as it tries to stay within the general audience interest.
General audience (by which I mean filthy normalfags) liked the original trilogy for being a simple fairy tale with a space twist: it's a knight fighting evil wizard overlord and saving a princess, except in space. But a fairy tale is a concept contained within itself. There's nowhere to go from it. Then people expanded on it with EU, turning it into a whole complex world, but that's a concept too daunting for the general audience. That's why when Disney bought SW they erased all of EU from existence. But then they found out that there's nothing to do with it other than retread the same steps. But the public instantly saw through it and dismissed it as rehash. So they tried to create their own expansion with Rogue One and Solo, again encountering the fact that the general audience couldn't give a flying fuck about any of it.
To stay relevant for the general audience SW still needs to look like the same fairy tale, in which case there's nowhere to expand. To turn it into a world is to inevitably make it into something niche. Everyone who has been trying for years to make a hit product with Star Wars encountered the same problem and their solution was always to sit on two chairs, failing both. That's how SW prequels got fucked, that's how Disney SW got fucked, that's how EA SW games get fucked.
Because the entire point of Star Wars is to illustrate the eternal struggle of kindness against man's monolithic banality.
Thats not fascinating you're just braindead.
Remove the Jedi; you've just removed the spirutual aspect of the entire universe. The Empire is the entire culture of the setting.
These are not TINY things. These are the foundations of the setting. Remove the disc from discworld. Generic fantasy. Remove magic from harry potter, generic school.
See how retarded that point is?
There's a shitload of plotlines in the star wars universe, you guys don't even know what you're talking about. I bet you never even heard of a Ewok Jedi or even a Hutt jedi.
You are saying that as if Discworld and Harry Potter are strong examples of good fantasy universes.
>Remove the disc from discworld. Generic fantasy.
But most of the books don't even focus on the world being a disc that much.
Why not just have some other approach to the force? Why not follow a life of some average Joe who was born with access to the force? Why not explore the relationship of normal forceless citizens with it? Why not have a story about a cult of the force that worships some external meaningless aspects of the force? Why not a story about peasants who are scared of the force and its users? You don't have to remove the spiritual aspect altogether to not have a standard Jedi fighting empire story.
Also Discworld is not about a disk, it's about the generic fantasy setting seen through the prism of cynicism, you remove the disc and almost nothing changes.