>Why yes, I do work for Bethesda. How could you tell?
Why yes, I do work for Bethesda. How could you tell?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love retarded coding that still works
Too bad it generally causes shit optimisation.
i'm not a programmer but you should see the unholy MATLAB scripts i have written at my job, good thing nobody checks
you shouldn't optimize, as compilers are built to optimize pajeet code. If you write optimized code, it could run even worse
why is it multiplied by 1000
Isn’t there a simpler way to do this?
look up the documentation of the sleep method
It's like that fizzbuzz with 100 else ifs.
if it runs worse then its not optimized you tard
Haha so dumb am I right my fellow cerebral programmers? We totally aren't glorified monkeys, we're smart too like actual scientists and engineers.
Thank you user, didnt knew it was milisec, never got to use sleep tho
I don't get it. I'm not a computer nerd. I work in HR
>le programming is easy meme
more like you don't work
Only fat lesbians work in HR.
Umm, no, sweetie. You're the digital farmer.
Im a code monkey and I can confirm. Most of the time I just go brain afk and hack down literal trash code. Still better than anything a pajeet could produce though. I fucking hate streetshitters so fucking much
WHAT did you just say about my game's code
I wasnt nerd enough to study stuff like computers. So I just got a Business degree.
I'm not fat. I'm 150 pounds.
Lemme guess, UI design?
UX unironically takes more thought than the average code.
stay delusional faggot
sadly, most ui designers are braindead retarded hipsters that hack together a ui on their mac and then keep changing it every two weeks. I have yet to meet a ui designer that knows what he's doing
Just a different kind of thought desu. Most code is basic investigative work. Very occaisionally you have to pull some genius out of your ass but most of the time it’s about understanding as much of the codebase as you can to implement stuff faster. UI is also a fuckload of boilerplate busywork too, don’t pretend it isn’t. And even then a lot of you schmucks fuck it up harder than the most autistic coder would.
Retards unironically believe this
I can prove it
>*click click click*
>for x in y: x.doShit()
>Ah, another day of work well done. Time to have my seventh cup of coffee and shitpost on Yea Forums
>python shitter
Prove what, that worse code makes for better compiler optimization? Are you schizophrenic or indian?
Meant for
>tfw too brainlet to code
feels bad, man
Programming is so dull. I feel like the people who are really into it just don't have the social skills to do other more interesting stuff.
fucking lmao take a load of this guy
Does it pay well?
Really? Most jobs are a lot less engaging than programming.
>ummmm ok so like, there’s gonna be an ok button and a cancel button
>that’ll be sixty thousand dollars plus benefits please
Man you really have a chip on your shoulder about coding, don’t you, UX faggot?
That wouldn't work
>ummm actually a switch case would be more efficient *pushes up glasses*
>using switch cases outside of low level classes/functions
Whats the point then? I thought this coding shit is supposed to pay lots?
I thought software engineers made 80k starting?
Interdasting. I'll try this sometime.
Yeah you write shit and it does thing pretty straightforwards and it feels great when it works.Like an artisan but less tiring
Indian coders are used to 104f so it makes sense your computer would heat up to match it :^)
A software engineer isn't the same thing as a code monkey
Why has no one pointed out that this function is literally not returning anything.
What are you?
Because it's a bait image to make people feel smarter than they really are.
>Comparing brain-dead engineers to scientists
~74% of anons in dev threads literally haven't written a line of code in their life, they wouldn't know
the other 26% don't care
getCurrentDate returns
Anybody willing to add a return in front of the getCurrentDate(); ?
>chad engineer
>actually uses fluid intelligence to apply his acquired theoretical knowledge to solve real problems
>virgin scientist
>"uh yeah so this notation is actually slightly different than that notation, I proved it in this 80 page proof using my own axioms"
That wouldn't work either. This function returns an integer, a date is probably a string.
what do scientists do other than leech off govt grants for pointless research? at least engineering offices/firms actually finish their projects and get something useful done
I already told you. I work in HR. I'm not a nerdy person. I wish I was though so I could get high paid job
it does if you define getCurrentDate()
so how would you guys get tomorrow date?
chad engineer is pushing the technological limits already because they just made a billion assumptions that some things are true without proving them because fuck it
virgin scientist spent the last 10 years trying to prove that 1+1=2 even though everyone already assumed it was true
Valid point. I was expecting date to be an integer value, like a sort of "number of hours since game start" deal.
also 5 of those years were spent trying to get a grant to do the research
I failed basic python, never coded in my life, should I try again? no passion for it, might be cool. I'm old but lazy
>t. dropout
it's really not that hard, just buckle down for like a week or so and read some material
The fuck are you talking about? The return value of getCurrentDate() would still not go beyond the scope of the function and so it would be useless.
Let me guess, you think HTML is a programming language.
>all that COPE
big yikes
Poo in loo
No. I had a passion for it and working in the field made me absolutely despite it.
They meant that it prints the date.
This is 100% false.
It's probably a Date-like object or a Unix timestamp. A string would be retarded.
Real talk why does software dev make so much more money than IT? Network admins is a midcareer and takes 5 years on average or more to get to and pays 69k on average. Kids out of school for programming make more than that with less technical knowledge.
It is.
That's only true if the problem is something like garbage removal. If you have something you can optimize through logic, then it won't do that.
You mean like the seconds since 1970 thing? That would be the case if it weren't already a mouthbreather example.
One method called getDate(int x). If you want the current date, then just sub currenttime into x. If you want tomorrow's date, sub in currenttime+24
so why isnt it void then
IT values knowledge way more than intelligence, and intelligence is exponentially more valuable than simple knowledge.
How's that project going YanDev?
1. the function waits 24 hours
2. getCurrentDate() returns the current date, which is now exactly 24 hours since you last called getTomorrowsDate()
You also work for Bethesda?
The return value of getCurrentDate() only comes after the program slept for a full real life day.
>doesn't know the difference between a markup language and a programming language
Point at the retard and laugh.
Is that true though? I understand at the IT support level since everything is easy to google but that's not much different than programming. And Security/Networking in IT take pretty dynamic knowledge to work through tough issues that aren't documented well, same as in programming.
maybe in silicon valley, where the rent costs 2000$ a month
youd be lucky if you get half of that here
Am I being baited right now?
not that OP but I didn't actually get the joke until you wrote this out, thanks
>Engineer: *does something useful*
>Scientist: "Hold on a second: sure it works in practice, but does it work in theory?"
absolute kek
Not them, but probably. I think what you said is right
Yea Forums doesn't know jack shit about code, case in point, this thread
my company here starts software engineer new-college-grads at 75k avg
if you stay 2 years, the LTI and bonuses pay out for roughly 25% of your salary and it's more like you're paid 95k a year
IT doesn't require more thinking than most jobs already do. The only reason why it's even valued as slightly above average is because it's digital and boomers are afraid of digital. Code monkeying is barely more valuable than IT, but actual software engineering, which requires intelligence, will always be highly valued.
Now THIS is bait
Fuck you, I got my degree in CompSci. Don't lump me in with the rest of these dipshits.
where is "here"? Sillicon Valley?
There's no way to know what getCurrentDate() does, but it could just as easily print it
But even Code Monkeys get paid more than IT professionals. A lot start above 50k and aren't good at coding. IT usually starts around 30-40k.
Fuck all of you. I'm Indian, no my name is not Pajeet, I have 145 IQ, and I make 6 figures as an IT admin for SAP, the greatest ERP corporation in the world.
also the rent is still 2k if you don't have friends and live in a studio
As I said, the proof is in the pudding. IT simply isn't as prestigious as you think it should be. Aptitude-wise it's on par with the usual trade, such as plumbing or welding, so it's no surprise it should pay in the same ballpark.
Then why the fuck do you smell like shit everytime you walk into office?
holy shit, fuck SAP
what the fuck are you guys doing
this shit is the most bloated system ever and I am tired of seeing this shit everywhere
Scientists are way smarter, engineering school is like preschool to us. Keep seething engi brainlets.
nice to see that the overlap between /g/ and Yea Forums is close to zero.
if scientists are so smart why do they believe in global warming
Isn't it a standard function from some OS library?
Speaking of pajeet coding, is it a pad practice to make a fuckload of your variables public?
I sometimes see people using a get; set; property or a return method, but I've just never really felt the need to do that that.
HTML + CSS is Turing complete :^)
>t pajeet
you'll never be a PI
Software makes money, and software devs are planting money trees.
Based, keep it up.
Jokes in jokes, you wouldn't understand
Bad, more like you don't understand the principle of capsulation. The idea of OOP is for every element to be in its own system, independent from other parts of the program.
Look, compilers do optimize, but you do need to do a little bit of the work yourself, otherwise you get shit like skyrim blowing the vram when more than 3 actors are being rendered.
your hired
well, yes, because it's not optimal
it should only be public if it has to be
Depends. In general it is bad practice
Learn SOLID. Program with that as your law.
This unironically
Isn't that pretty much how itoa() works?
fellow web devs where you at
when in rome do as the romans do
if it's java then you're sucking that OO cock till you die so enjoy your shit getters and setters and needing to break encapsulation to run basic unit tests
The amount of curry and shit in this post is retarded.
not the point, I mean that Yea Forumstards cant tell that is supposed to be a fucking joke.
Is it bad idea to only study software development for the money? I have zero interest in computer stuff.
Legitimately based.
t. embedded systems engie
science fags BTFO will they ever recover
Nevermind i'm a retard, that's java
Because in many programming languages you don't have to explicitly type return. The last line of the function is returned implicitly.
Poe's law also applies to stupidity. Anyone on Yea Forums for more than 5 minutes knows to expect the worst here.
100% bad idea
There are other jobs that make money that are probably easier.
and engineers earn 20 times more
this is literally only the case if you're studying physics
that's literally it. every other STEM major aside from Math is easier than even civil engineering, and they sure as hell are easier than EE.
Yes. You will want to kys. Do electrical engineering and you will likely cover everything from OS to integrated circuits to power transformers. Much more wiggle room if you want something new for work
t. former CE major who switched to EE
I only do it because it pays well. I fucking hate it.
Never heard about it. Can you provide examples of languages with this feature?
ruby is one
The function is called "getTomorrowsDate()". You are not getting anything.
Companies nowadays want to buy your passion as well as your labor. Unless you're rally good at pretending and okay with living a lie, don't bother.
>t. guy with 0 passion who did exactly that
I said optimize code as in
jesus, you niggers are retarded
Such as?
I'm far too brainlet for electrical engineering and I'm also very physically clumsy and bad with my hands.
I'm really bad at the whole OOP side of things I must admit. Especially the "communication" between different classes. Thus the reliance of public variables.
I haven't really worked on anything I think that really benefits from it, only things I've done have been fairly small scale and self contained.
Don't get me wrong I don't make every variable public, just the ones I want another class/script to get access to. When should something be public?
I'll google it. Mind you I'm just some brainlet playing around in Unity as a hobby by myself. I have no real desire or interest to make programming my career or anything.
C#, well more like C# with a huge reliance on Unity.
did I fuck up by going with C for my first language?
Everyone around me is doing C++, Java, or Python.
>rally good at pretending and okay with living a lie
I already do this in my current career but make shit money. I got a Business Analytics degree.
You should alway program the right way even if it's just a hobby. Working code wont get you far if you can never update it and it requires a boatload of resources for trivial tasks.
Scala is one I have used that does it and Lisp as well.
based and truthpilled
if your object's getters and setters are just returning member variables values and doing zero calculations, you're doing OOP wrong, just use a struct
At least you managed to start yours. I can't even get my foot in the door even with a BS.
So long as you know how to code in C, you can use a language that actual jobs need.
>physically clumsy
>zero interest in computer stuff
Incredible, you meet all the requirements for a code monkey right out of the gate. You're hired!
if you're in gamedev then 90% of the "good habits" don't apply to you
the heuristics of gamedev are completely different
ignore getters and setters in anything you need to do multiple times per frame
someone convince me to do computer science instead of EE
I should've said,
There are *probably* other jobs that make money and are also easier. I don't know about them because of tunnel vision.
It's also a pretty frustrating field that's difficult to penetrate and get a job, especially if you live in a less populated area.
C is the greatest language of all time, so no.
dont. if you have the brain and discipline for it, youre in the better field
Your first language doesn't matter because you should be learning several per year.
Let’s see user’s code
more money
algorithms is more interesting than everything in EE
comp sci students can easily learn EE material, but EEs can't easily learn CS material
CS students are better hardware engies than EEs
EEs are some of the absolute worst coders, while CS students can wire up circuits easily
oh my god I cannot stand you fucking faggots
npm install date-and-time --save
What the fuck do I do. I enlisted in the army as a programmer but got shafted doing mindless IT stuff. I can feel my brain cells dying. I just wanted to program. How do I get out of my contract?
stick with EE, FPGAs are the future
>when should something be public
when it needs to be accessed AND modified by other parts of your code
the point of having something be public is so that other things can directly depend on it, and can modify it (which might fuck up the other things that depend on it, if you aren't careful). If the only thing your other parts of your code need to know is the value, then it doesn't need to be public (you want them to read it, but not to be able to change it)
if you keep things private within a class, you encapsulate them, and ensure that you won't be accidentally be modifying this variable from the outside and fucking shit up on the inside
This. And with those, you should be refining the languages you know. Even the creator of C++ wouldn't describe himself as a master of C++ with how the language is constantly evolving.
use programming to automate the mindless it stuff
i think i'll just major CS minor EE, as daunting as that sounds, i'm really interested in both software and hardware
tfw no idea what I want to do in my life
>CS students are better hardware engies than EEs
Yeah, and biologists are better general practitioners than doctors. This is why you graduate before you attempt to give career advice, kid.
literally all of this is bullshit except for the first line
Sleep returns time in milliseconds, millisecond * 1000 = 1 second
Anyone been programming for a long time and still feel like your code is shit? Still at my first job out of college after 4 years and I worry that it will ill-prepare me for my eventual next job. We don't have any senior engineer that will call out my bad practices or show me how it should be done, so all I have is looking at other code/books and trying to apply good practices. I don't think it's working well though.
That's what I did the first few months, before I realized it doesn't matter, and the more effort I put in the less I'm worth, the more shit people just throw at me because I'm "passionate", and now I'm stuck doing most of the work, with automation being OK as long as it's "on my time".
>comp sci students can easily learn EE material
the amount of CSmonkeys failing Circuits 1 at my uni makes me doubt that
spoken like a true undergrad
I work blue collar. Lifting boxes, picking items, and shipping shit out the door.
In one year, using C# I've programmed everything we use for logistics and resource planning, and designed it to work with both UPS and Fedex APIs.
If you aren't a better programmer than a warehouse monkey who makes $13/hr, you're fucked.
based retard
You can only do so much by yourself
Just keep learning a little bit every day and if you ever switch job hopefully someone there will be able to lift you up
Keep optimizing where you can, otherwise just wing it, no need to worry much.
Based, sir
Being a bad programmer is easy. Being a good programmer is where the challenge is.
Oh sure, I'm not disagreeing with that. Just wanted to let people know of my limited knowledge and ambition beforehand.
My public variable usage is more tied to Unity specific classes. Like say I want some AI script on my enemy to know the players runSpeed variable, I would just make the runSpeed public and do "if (selectedTarget.runSpeed > 5)" or whatever.
Oh. Do you know of any good articles or whatever that goes into detail more about these types of aspect of game programming? I kinda jumped over that step I feel like. I just kinda googled my way into finding out how to do something without grasping the "bigger picture":
Makes sense. So what in your opinion is the best way of getting that value? Using an "int GetValue() type method? I guess part of why I don't do it is because usually setting something to public makes the file cleaner and smaller, even if it's only superficial.
How many of you here actually have a CompSci BSc/MSc?
you did that shit for free? you're stupid as fuck dude holy christ
This is unironically true.
Also no one actually hired in the actual UI designer position is good at it.
Came to say just this. I don't agree with the Chinese on many things, but they had it right when they said the work should equal the pay. If you're calling me after work or skirting the boundaries of overtime, you're getting code that's half as good.
i'm getting so fucking bored of going through CS books
recommend a good development board/microcontroller that isn't an Arduino or a Pi. I was looking at a Tiva C and an STM32 Discovery.
I've got one.
and you did that for 13/hr?
just fucking lol cuck
Game Engine Architecture is a 700+ page brick that covers a lot of stuff and a lot of it is still relevant even if you're not making your engine yourself. You can find the PDF online.
Is there a point to learning c? It seems like it would be fun
you make some sort of method that both classes use to pass off their private data to eachother
it's like going to the bank, and you put your shit in the security box, then the teller takes your shit out of the security box without having to directly interact witth you
pajeets don't like it
Is the whole "export all devs jobs to India" a widespread thing or does it just concern super massive corporations like Microsoft and Facebook?
I do. It was a waste of time but I was able to land a job after it so meh.
EEs can do anything that CompScis can do, doesn't work the other way around. For example in my EE program I can do programming courses, OS courses and integrated circuit design. I regret starting as CE because EE is frankly much more enjoyable and open ended. EEs and literally needed everywhere, same can't be said for CScis
I work in software and I'm a high school drop out. Going (and paying) for college just to be a code monkey is fucking retarded. Anything engineering though and yeah, probably should
All medium consulting or general firms do. Your first question when going to college should be "What should I do that a pajeet can't do remotely from India?"
It will teach you many fundamental programming concepts like pointers, how memory works etc. It's very useful in embedded systems, but most other times I'd rather use C++.
>Doesn't understand what an API is
Fucking hell, can't believe I read all that
smart corporations use them for the software equivalent of blue-collar work, i.e. manual data entry
dumb corporations use them for outsourcing design work
It's C++, void functions aren't a thing
Let's face it. CompSci is for people whose parents called them smart when they were a child for helping them save their Word document, but actually turned out to be midwits. Too proud to confess their lack of intelligence, but too unintelligent to pursue actual intellectual fields, they have virtually no other choice than CS. Sad, but true!
1. Get "The Art of Computer Programming" and read a section at a time. Don't skim.
This is your foundation. Do it once, drill it until it's 2nd nature.
2. Get some design pattern books to skim.
This is your vocabulary, review when needed.
3. Find some open source projects and look for shit to scrutinize and copy. When you're sick of that, code your projects in your preferred idyllic manner.
This is your practical experience. Do this until you fucking die (while not on break).
4. Take 1 week-long break for every 5 weeks you pursue personal improvement.
You cannot learn without reflecting on your mistakes. Step the fuck away and think about it every now and then.
The hardest part isn't learning the shit, it's figuring out when to use any of it. That only happens by reading lots and lots of code, both good and bad. You have to decide for yourself if some code is easy to read or functions properly. Those gurus you idolize and wish would review your code didn't have anyone around to review their shit. Why do you need them?
Tell me most efficient way to become software developer/programmer. I just want job with high salary.
This. Good UI design is actually challenging and requires a ton of experience and knowledge, but in the industry it is a job for the retarded womemes and hipster faggots that are too dumb for programming. This is the exact reason why UIs for even the biggest sites like YouTube suck donkey dick.
They don't export ALL dev jobs to India, they export the mindless grunt work. Nobody hires them to do important shit like design the software or test it, not unless they are retards. You are still going to have a handful of local devs to do the important shit and check to make sure the code monkeys aren't sucking too much.
I'll look into it. Thanks.
Got it. Now to just hope I don't forget it next time I'm making something.
Pretending to be smart for a really good pay sounds like a good carreer plan.
the last one is gold
got one and I posted as always Yea Forums is fucking retarded and thinks code optimization is the equivalent of "making muh game faster"
But that was my childhood and I just got a Business degree instead.
>I just want job with high salary.
No, you won't have a high salary unless you change your thinking.
are you retarded
Myself and a team of 8 people just released a product that, along with products released by 5 other teams, will make my company billions over the next decade or so.
Everything on cloud so no network admins required, nothing manual.
Network admins are a cost you pay to keep your shit rolling, developers make you money. Great developers make you loads of money and give you basically no costs apart from shit to keep them going.
This applies to me. But it's not that I'm not smart, it's I can't try or care. And it wasn't just my parents telling me I am smart. I have grades to back it up.
The replies to this post prove that Yea Forums is full of retarded LARPers. Suddenly, I don't feel so bad.
You're based.
>I just want job with high salary.
Get an MBA and go into management. The pay is decent and it's easy work. You have to be top echelon to get a high salary from being a developer and that means a fuckload of work.
I work in an office building and there's an entire floor of Indians. I can smell curry from the stairwell, why won't you fucking subhumans learn to shower?
I have no passions or interests. I just want lots of money.
Oh, simple then. Just invest in Chainlink.
Sleep sort is best sort.
CS students are probably the laughing stock among STEMfags. Mainly because everyone and their father considers enrolling in it and are completely delusional about it. Needing to group with 1st year CS students was the worst.
MBA and Management is only for old boomers. If your only in like your late 20s or early 30s with an MBA and fuck all experience then you will even struggle to get any low level job.
Well, tough luck. Passion and interest is how you get lots of money. Lack them and the best you are looking at is being a burger flipper.
is there literally any sort better than radix sort and heapsort
I have a degree in Biomedical Science and work in Pharma industry as a Chemistry Analyst. I only make 36,000 Euro a year before tax. I wish I wasnt a brainlet so I could have done Engineering instead. My brother did Electrical Engineering and he is making about 60,000 Euro a year currently.
addendum: the answer is no
That would be business and marketing majors user.
Learn COBOL. Once you have an average understanding of it try applying to a bank, take whatever salary they offer you. After five years quit and apply at another one as a COBOL programmer below the age of 60 with five years of experience. Unironically $300k starting. Your job will be atrocious but short of making a startup that breaks billions this is the best way to earn cash when programing.
>for free
I did it in my spare time as a contractor and charged $30k upfront for the privilege of having me onboard and working my shift. Come review by third parties, they found nothing wrong and I earned my $65k contract completion at 10 months on the dot.
You think programming ERP is so damn hard? It's fucking brainless database software. Any unskilled ape can do that shit in their sleep. Sure I no-lifed it, but I got it done because scriptkiddies like you, fresh out of diploma mills and don't know shit, can't do that shit.
Not true. He could do Accounting. Thats what I did. I have zero interest or passion in it and make fuck loads for pretty easy work desu. Starting pay is really bad though. But after about 4-5 years your set.
>the point of having something be public is so that other things can directly depend on i
It's really kind of the other way around, the point of being private is so you know other shit won't fuck with it.
bubble sort, because when I need to put something together fast, there's nothing quicker to write than two fucking loops, and I can even make it work on a singly-linked list if I just swap the data
>programming ERP
>Your job will be atrocious
Science community is ridiculously corrupt
Is Data Analyst a good job? I'm have a Business and IT degree and thinking about doing masters in either Data Analytics or Software Development.
>Mainly because everyone and their father considers enrolling in it and are completely delusional about it. Needing to group with 1st year CS students was the worst.
Very true. A lot of people get into CS studies with wrong expectations.
It's fucking COBOL maintaining legacy software older than your parents on machines that still run windows XP and use Netscape as their web browser.
EVERYONE starts with a low level job unless they have friends in high places. Nobody is going to ever hire anyone into a management position without prior experience and even low level experience helps for that.
>CompSci is for people whose parents called them smart when they were a child for helping them save their Word document
to this day it still hurts
Wondering the same. I have a degree in math and applied for a masters with computational data analysis now.
Legacy code maintenance with deprecated languages is always hell.
Not that user but you'll be working on legacy codebases that have absolutely none of the protections that modern ones do. The reason it's a highly paid job is because the language and working style are dying out, and cannot be maintained without special knowledge.
In addition you'll be working on mainframes and they're just fucking atrocious.
Well yeah but what I was saying is that MBA is not a fast way to make lots of money. A software dev degree would be much quick route to good pay
Nope, you'll be making spreadsheets and doing reports on them. Best think you get to do is make dashboards in splunk. Move on to data processing and pick up some programming skills
npm uninstall your-face
I have an accounting degree, working towards my MBA. I work as a financial analyst for a health insurance company and I'm trying to get more into database work. I've learned SQL and VBA, learning Python in my spare time.
I write garbage code that would make actual programmers die of laughter to automate a lot of my job and my coworkers are absolutely awestruck at what I can do. Combining a business background with programming is dynamite in this day and age, companies are all about data these days and having someone that can both build databases and understand the financial impacts of it can take you places.
So your saying a Data Analytics Masters is better decision for me or Software Development Masters?
god, imagine caring about any of this shit, you fucking nerds are unironically the worst
What's the best game you've programmed, user?
Not intending to shit on anyone, just curious
Personally it's minesweeper, all it needs is an options menu on startup
codieren lernen
I ported Hydra Castle Labyrinth to the 3DS.
>there isnt anymore to learn
ok once you know all the syntax please program me an entire game engine, surely there wont be anything new to learn :^)
Gamefreak version when?
>A software dev degree would be much quick route to good pay
That user has no interest in being a programmer. He just wants to be rich. He's never going to make it in software development. You have to want to do this job to make good cash in it.
Has there been an updated player tier list since I left, thanks in advance
I mean it really depends, do you want to work on databases or write software?
Whichever pays better
Today I learned that you can't modulus zero.
You should feel bad for such a fucking retard, but retards usually don't feel bad about such things so I know you won't.
Are they ever going to fix the divide by zero bug? It's literally been around for decades now.
Learning how to draw is literally just learning how to hold a pencil and move your hand, once you learn it, there is nothing else to learn
i live in eastern europe and my professor told me how he would outsource jobs appointed to him valued at thousands to pajeets in India for 50€ max. and he was literally doing nothing.
everyone does it, it's not limited to big firms. india getting access to the internet was a big mistake
Because several months of work of few devs and a couple of testers sells for millions
It should return infinity or something.
I personally want out of Software Engineering asap. I am fed up working with Indians.
now check "Data Scientist"
if you want good pay you need to now your buzzwords
What’s the work in CS like?
>make a startup using COBOL
What year is this? The only people hiring COBOL are people who want you to convert it into Java or .NET nowadays.
>reading comprehension
hahaha he wrote all of that and didn't realize that saying 'once you learn the syntax there is nothing more to learn' would signal to anyone with a brain that htey dont need to read the rest
that's a common thing that compiler writers say, but the truth is, for the parts that matter, you know better than the compiler what kind of codegen would work well.
Tell me, if Scientists are so smart, why is it I get to spend all day playing with all sorts of cool engines, gadgets and machines, while you're working on spreadsheets and sitting in meetings?
Maybe you like it; That's fine.
I like my trains, planes and automobiles. I like stacking my blocks.
Only a fool would think back to the joy of being a rug-rat watching marbles go through a run he built at his father and mother's knees and decide he's above it.
Whats difference between data analyst and data scientist?
Compilers are still incapable of rearraging code to take advantage of SIMD, so you're wrong.
how hard is it to get into software engineering with a computer information systems degree ?
>computer information systems degree
whats this?
>Get job at hueg company with more money than god
>All programming is drag and drop in labview and MATLAB
CSnerds swerve
whats the 1000 for?
its an IT degree basically
Not necessarily. Hardware changes. Things that were once optimizations might be the opposite now and you might not know that unless you keep up with the intricate details of hardware. It's better to just write sensible efficient code and leave the specific optimizations to the compiler developers. I, for example, wouldn't presume to know more about optimizing for Intel processors than Intel does so I'd probably just let an Intel developed compiler do most of the work.
Exactly what I was thinking of while I waited for it to install
Is it possible to be good at software development if you are a brainlet?
Good? No. Any sizeable project will emphasize the engineering part of "software engineering".
>Is it possible to be good at software development if you are a brainlet?
Lookup median IQ in India.
Why do so many of the computer nerds I know seem retarded in all non programming related matters?
you can get a career as an abused codemonkey, but that's on the same level as being a wagie at walmart
Such is the fate of the autistic
As in good enough to do it for a living? Sure. It's so abstracted these days and most software development is simple stuff that will require a high school level knowledge of mathematics at most.
>If you write optimized code, it could run even worse
i don't like this video
Is it worth having autism to be rich?
I don't think so. It's not too hard coming up with solutions for problems in most business sectors. But the hardest parts of software engineering, which entailing writing the code so it's maintainable by you and future developers takes skill and ingenuity
Well this is a hypothetical question since you can't catch the 'tism, but no, social retardation is absolutely not worth the intellectual boost.
How do you learn to actually program? I don't mean just following a beginner guide to C++, Java or Python, I want to know the fundamentals, why it works the way it does and how it was built initially.
The compiler has way less information than you about what you're trying to do, and it is very hard to do certain optimizations generically on arbitrary code.
Even if you use Intel's pre-optimized functions from MKL or IPP, those are still quite general purpose so it is not difficult to achieve 20% faster by writing your own tuned to your given use case.
Also, hardware hasn't changed that sensibly in the last 20 years. As a former researcher in the field of software engineering methods for high-performance computing, now working on the latency side for trading systems, I can't say I've seen anything game-changing.
Read books.
>programming ERP
Good bait
I'd like to see this guy implement FFT or even dijkstra
He's not entirely wrong. For example, you might unroll your loops assuming this is going to make things faster but whether or not it does depends on what's going on in the loop and what type of hardware you are running on. You might actually wind up making it run slower.
Are you honestly telling me some of you nerds actually like this programming shit and didnt just do it for the money? Holy shit I fucking hate it but it pays the bills.
+ a lot of practice.
A certified code monkey™ post
Knowing how to program has nothing to do with 'being nerdy'. Liking star wars doesn't make you a (better) coder.
>programming is a way of life
>want to learn how to program
>will never be a good programmer because I only have an average IQ
Why couldn't I have been born smart
optimization is turning something that runs in O(n) to O(logn), for example. No messing with compiler bullshit achieves that.
i only became a Programmer because my parents pushed me into it. I wanted to be a Therapist or Psychiatrist.
the compiler literally does that for every loop you write
IQ is a spook.
No single job ever needs Haskell
Did i fuck up by learning C# as my first language ?
>tfw computer engineering
>tfw barely code and can barely engineer
barebones knowledge of ASM, C, and VHDL are widely applicable, marketable skills that people are looking for, right? At least I know how a MIPS datapath works, now I can rake in the big bucks
It doesnt matter switching is easy anyway
nope, it doesn't.
don't know what you guys mean by optimization but trying to emulate the compiler ain't it. Optimization is replacing a bit of code that uses a simple array and store data in a heap instead if that's useful.
Sucks to be you, brainlet. You can always work a 9-5 though
How do I make more money than my brothers? One is Electrician. One is Programmer. One is Physicist.
>having a fascination with blocks and trains
Literal autism
do what you love :^)
This is unfortunately true.
when you get really, really down to it though, there's things you can do for peak efficiency (mainly in embedded systems and limoted environments) that compilers can't always do for you
for example, a loop like
>for(int i=5;i!=0;i--){}
will run faster than
>for(int i=0;i
>Still better than anything a pajeet could produce though
>still get replaced by pajeet anyway
Maybe you should not overestimate your own ability user
what does "brainlet" entail.
Just write some code, contribute to open-source projects, etc.
Programming is full of self-taught high-performance geeks that have been hacking on hardcore stuff since they were 8, but there is some room for mediocre opportunistic people that want a piece of the pie as well, especially if you have some of the skills that the geeks lack (business sense, communication, management). Just choose your own path.
But what I love doesnt pay as well as those jobs. I want to be a Psychologist. But I also want to be better paid than my siblings. So I'd rather do the better paid job I don't like.
where by database boys at?
I don't know what to do with my life so I just went with CS. I have no passions, so I just want whatever makes me the most money with the least amount of work. Should I kill myself now, or wait until I leave school and can't find work?
Sub-135 IQ. You can be a decent programmer if you're below that, but you will never be a good programmer if you don't at least have a 135ish IQ. Programming is one of the most g-loaded tasks in existence, and good programming takes a higher IQ than being a good scientist or an engineer. Look it up.
Might as well leave it as long as possible
Just make a big deal about some trannies trying to force you to use their pronouns and you will be raking in the beta patreon bux in no time user
More like, you will never be good at anything because you'll find an excuse.
wouldn't the top be more efficient?
>Yea Forums is so stupid they don't recognize this obvious joke
>yet at the same time they're so smart that everyone should assume this retarded comment was acting
>n-no, I didn't make it. I-I'm very good at comedy
Congratulations, here's an offer to work at Bethesda.
shit's still running in O(n), pointless microing
I'm reading them as I go but still they feel incomplete despite the fact that they are teaching me the language, I don't know, I feel like I can use them but not understand them if that makes sense.
I fucking love programming, I studied Mathematics and switched to CS because it's more fun. Every day I work is like going on vacation and doing my hobby all day long.
This really depends on the language you're programming in. In something like Java it doesn't matter because the JIT will take care of it.
Agreed. But its well worth it to make some decent lewds of your waifu.
t.starving artist
No, because a string is an immutable object, it has to create a completely new string for every individual iteration. This is a inefficient.
You need to try things.
That's because you learn programming by doing it. Pet projects, exercises, whatever. You learn the basics and how to improve from reading a book, but it's completely useless if you never program. It's like expecting to know how to drive a car well just by reading the manual of a car.
CLRS Intro to algorithms
O(n) is algorithmic efficiency, often you have ti get to instructional efficiency, especially when you work with embedded C or ASM. Remember that each algorithmic operation requires memory access, register loading, gate delay, etc. and that reducing the instructions per cycle still reduces the processing time, even if it is O(n). This isn't something anyone higher-level than C++ thinks about, but is important for processor datapath design and microcode.
JIT will not take care of it, compilers would not change the directionality of a loop, especially when tested values are supplied, because it expects you to set the intentional limits on iteration. The most it will probably do is keep the tested value in a register file location not far from the ALU as a constant instead of retrieving it constantly from memory
this doesn't matter for anyone except really low level stuff though, if you're working in Java you would not give a shit about a few lost cycles per instruction
The difference between an autist and an engineer is the engineer trained and certified for the savantry.
I take it as a complement; and hope one day you find something that sparks joy in your heart the same way the sound of a four-story diesel engine under load does in mine.
>if you're working in Java you would not give a shit about a few lost cycles per instruction
Yeah, pretty much.
>JIT will not take care of it, compilers would not change the directionality of a loop, especially when tested values are supplied, because it expects you to set the intentional limits on iteration.
To be honest I'd expect it to unroll it or something
No it doesn't. Compiler only changes performed operations in a way that will preserve the value of the data you modify along the way, with the exception of local variables.
Would the guy with the gun be charged with murder in this situation? I mean the dude is already leaping to his certain death, would shooting him really be that big of a deal?
usually, I'm guessing that for loop iteration counts would be kept, the compiler would just allocate memory and register locations in an efficient way to keep necessary values on-hand for the ALU, and to change certain operations to more efficient variations, like A=A+1 into INC(A). One fucky thing is volatile variables in C, which are vars that constantly change, like readouts from sensors. A compiler would normally look at something like B*=A and streamline it, but it could mean that the value of A changes halfway through the cycles to execute the instruction. This is when you have to explicitly tell the compiler to store A in a temporary variable, like
instead, so that it's stored and doesn't change mid-cycle. This is all autismo stuff more embedded systems based than general coding, I just find it very interesting
Literally just pick a small project and figure out how to do things
In C# I first made a thing that tells you what Chinese zodiac any given year is (taught me how to use switches and subroutines), then a thing that deals you a requested number of cards from a deck and 'remembers' - very inefficiently - which have already been taken and can reshuffle (arrays and more subroutines), Mastermind (slightly more complex arrays for the thing that tells you how correct your guess was) and most recently a Minesweeper (using Windows Forms because I didn't know WPF exists, might try that next).
I'm trying out Java right now with another dealer, and I've definitely learnt a lot more now I know what lists are useful for
It's like video games
_____git gud_____
>Not using the superior Java EE with JSF/JSP
>tfw software dev in a huge corporation
>tfw earning twice the national average
>tfw comfy middle class in a country of plebs
The picture reminds me of en.wikipedia.org
>That he was shot on the way to certain death nine stories below probably would not change his mode of death from suicide to homicide, but the fact that his suicide intent would not have been achieved under any circumstance caused the medical examiner to feel that he had homicide on his hands.
This leads me to believe that under normal circumstances this would not be a homicide but still a suicide.
Yeah I personally love reading about stuff like that, last year I went to a talk about JIT compiler magic, very fascinating. Also joined a talk about how when you're running multi-threaded code you can also sometimes run into problems with the fact that each core's L1 cache can get out of sync, stuff like that.
My MechE negro
it boggles my mind people have trouble with programming honestly, I went into CS but am a mathlet so switched out to history, I know but fuck it I love it more , but the programming itself was easy to understand
this, there is no profession more inept than the ones that hold the title "engineer"
they are a displeasure to work with
at least you can easily identify them, because when you meet an engineer, they will immediately tell you about how they're an engineer
you can then tune them out and actually do work, because lord knows they're not going to be able to do it
>get into embeded programming professionaly
>code itself is easy enough to understand but there is so much domain shit that it makes my head hurt
fuck, should have gone with webdev
>it boggles my mind people have trouble with programming honestly
This is a pretty interesting article. The study has been retracted, but I believe the methodology and the answer patterns do still shed some insight.
I hate webdev because it’s constantly changing and everyone expects you to know the latest meme.js
Please help me plan my enterprise resources
just learn angular
Yeah, frontend is cancer. Even when you do backend they employers expect you to work full stack.
how the fuck do i learn to code without going to college
i just want to git gud enough to take my hobby of 3D landscape modelling and hack together some basic games to explore the environments i make
reminds me of the only black guy who didn't drop the programming course I was attending to, we had an assignment of doing something involving clocks
he wanted to show the single digit numbers with a 0 on the left so he made a string array with 60 numbers, and he didn't even used a cycle so he manually wrote 01 02 03, etc all the way up to 60
worst part is that we were already programming for months and he specifically studied related stuff before
Yea Forums retards completely BTFO
I'm so glad that I'm not expected to do any frontend work at my job, I just have dedicated frontenders in my team. I can do javascript but I just hate doing any CSS...
how would you do it instead
mod and integer division?
I can't tell if you mean the guy who said that, but yes he's retarded
learn to code
CSS is only cancer when every web browser starts shitting out problems.
Uh huh. Me too, bro
You made the /g/ thread then didn't read it, didn't you.
Fucking IE man
that's probably the easiest way
It's even worse when you're doing freelance work and boomers only use IE.
programmer exists
v seethes
if 10 > n
"0" + n
On the positive side, they aren't going to change the language spec out from under you. Apple Swift
Most decent languages have a way to format strings so you can easily do, for example, leading zeros. You wouldn't need to do anything special at all for this.
What the fuck is the difference between a UI designer and front-end dev? Because I personally design all my websites and UI myself, and I even use photoshop and illustrator sometimes. I even do all my back-end work. Am I doing more work than I should be doing?
printf("%.2d\n", num);
>you shouldn't optimize
The absolute state of poos.
Protip: optimization is more than just unrolling a for-loop. L2 time complexity and space complexity.
In larger companies UI design and frontend implementation is split. In my team I have a UX designer who designs the flow, the UI designer who makes the graphics/the actual design and makes mockups to decide which design will be chosen, and then the frontend developer converts this into html/css/javascript and programs in the interaction.
does this study imply that some people will never ever develop the logical reasoning required for efficient programming? if it is the case, that's quite a harsh conclusion, but it makes sense: there are some things you'll never be good at after all
radix sort for fixed sizes (like unsigned 32 bit integers, or non negative floats or doubles) is pretty fast because you know the range of values youre getting into
while quicksort is very fast (assuming you choose a good pivot like the median) with very large lists it can take a huge amount of recursive calls (or just take up a bunch of memory if youre using your own stack), while heapsort is 100% in place with a stable time complexity that needs zero recursion
designers don't know JS or HTML, they only draw the website on photoshop, that's it
>if it is the case, that's quite a harsh conclusion
Yeah, that's probably why it was retracted. I think that many of these people can be taught how it works, but it just takes a lot more time, because they don't understand the fundamentals of how a computer works.
Just graduated with my BSc and coming back for my MSc.
>import keras
>from sklearn import GradientBoost
well that pretty much covers it
The UI designer decides which element goes where and how each elements react to what.
The front-end dev turns the design into a reality following engineering principles.
Designers are born, front end devs are trained monkeys. Anyone can learn how to write (decent) javascript/html, but deciding where and why you should place certain things in a layout is an artistic talent.
t. brainlet who couldn't learn2code
>Thus, we start by testing the very first hurdle novice programmers will encounter: assignment. The test results divided the students cleanly into three groups:
>44% of students formed a consistent mental model of how assignment works (even if incorrect!)
>39% students never formed a consistent model of how assignment works.
>8% of students didn't give a damn and left the answers blank.
>The test was administered twice; once at the beginning, before any instruction at all, and again after three weeks of class. The striking thing is that there was virtually no movement at all between the groups from the first to second test. Either you had a consistent model in your mind immediately upon first exposure to assignment, the first hurdle in programming – or else you never developed one!
Jesus fucking christ. No wonder the fizz buzz meme is true.
except designers make the habit of drawing dysfunctional garbage every time
Does anyone seriously believe this?
Absolutely not.
Software engineering is about being social with other intelligent people.
Read some books. Clean Code is supposedly a good one, as is Martin Fowler's Refactoring. The GoF Design Patterns book is a classic.
Why do you people hate indians so goddamn much?
>Software engineering is about being social with autistic people.
Fixed that for you buddy
I do but it's fairly worthless given I live in the worst area in the country for domestic tech workers.
>The study has been retracted
That doesn't bode well for it's validity. While I can understand there are some that have a greater aptitude than others I'm not sure I agree you are either "born a programmer" or not which seems to be the implication being made. I don't believe three weeks is long enough for the brain to "rewire" itself into a programmers mindset. I suspect if they re-administered that test a year after instead of just three weeks the result would be different.
If I have below average programming ability but good social skills will I go further than autists with superior programming skills?
they smell bad
Well yes, I completely agree with that. This is in no way a scientific study that proves something. I just like reading it as an anecdote, and to see that a lot of people don't 'get' the way ordered assignment works.
you'll probably be promoted to code monkey manager instead of software engineering
Can't speak for everyone, but both tech leads I've had that were Indian were assholes who thought they knew more than they actually did. I don't know what it is about Indian culture, but they really push people to grandstand on their ignorance rather than admit fault and say, "I don't know."
Do programmer code all day?
I'm in an internship, alone in an office I'm suppose to code 7 hours a day I guess but I usually do it for 3/4 and I spend what's left shitposting on Yea Forums.
I always reach a point where I just can't concentrate and I just don't want to do it anymore.
Kek, wait till you go into the real world.
Not if you import the library for hyper rotational velodensities to optimize it even further.
Whoa, you wrote a simple program that consumes APIs. You're so good at programming.
Only if you have no other skills. If you can socialize, architect, plan, etc then you can spend a lot more time doing other things that are probably more challenging.
>I spend 3/4 of the day on the actual job and rest fucking about
I'll let you in on a big boy adult secret user: that's all jobs. Esspecially office jobs. And some go way below than 3/4.
depend of the jobs/deadlines
It's such a fucking shit software, seriously. Excel is better than this
>I don't know what it is about Indian culture
India has a class based society, not a meritocracy.
>know Python, R, SAS, and Matlab
>learned but forgot SQL
>know relevant statistical methods like regression but suck at probability
>fooled around with ML methods in a few courses (clustering, NLP, classification, CNNs)
>graduating with a stats degree
Can I still get hired as a Data "Scientist"?
I'm the same desu. I think the actual act of coding is too exhausting to do continuously + writing blindly instead of thinking through the problem results in bad code and wasted time/effort.
It also depends on where you are in the development cycle. If you're writing brand new shit, you should be highly productive on a lines per day basis because you're not worried about optimization/edge cases yet. If you're later on in a project, your lines per day might end up being negative because you'll be spending time refactoring and optimizing. So it depends on what you're doing.
I think what matters more is if you're meeting deadlines, not if you're writing code every single hour of every single workday. Also, Germans only work like 5 hours per day iirc and they're just as productive as Americans (except they are expected to be working continuously throughout those 5 hours).
I work in Microbiology and spend all day working. Some days I don't even take lunch
That's not a Chinese-exclusive phrase. Ever hear "you get what you pay for"?
I spend like 25% of my time in meetings, 20-25% reading and responding to mails/chat and discussing things with other developers, 5% of my time getting tea and talking to people in the pantry and the rest of my time coding.
Well generally I am also coding while in meetings and while doing everything else except grabbing tea because I'm pretty good at multitasking. Also my amount of meetings is higher than normal because I also have a part-time architectural role, before that it was closer to 10-15% of my time.
I never shitpost on Yea Forums at work I fucking hate and despise people who are doing shit like that at work. There's a guy sitting in front of me who almost permanently has youtube videos open. Disgusting.
The saying goes "You're not hired for every moment, you're hired for any moment."
Most people only end up working half the day in any white collar job, but you can't tell from the beginning which half it's going to be.
topOpt gang ww@
To that guy's point, meetings and emails end up being the way many people in the working world cool off their brains. You can't cognitively load your brain 100% throughout the entire day, every single day. If you're sensing cognitive decline, chances are, the shit you'll write will be worse than if you slept on it and attacked the problem next morning.
The thing I really hate about American culture is that there's this weird sort of social convention where people have to pretend to be busier than they actually are by filling their days with shit like emails and meetings. Especially true for companies that have > 1 hr meetings. No meeting should take longer than 30 minutes if it's done right. No email should take more than 30 seconds to read if written properly.
I started at 68k in upstate NY, going up to 70k this year (1st year raise)
you make livable money but what people think as holy shit money only exists in major cities where it doesn't go any farther than lower waged areas because of cost of living
as a friendless loser, I can live comfortably and afford the frivilous shit I want
what meme scripts have you guys written?
post'em Yea Forumsros
he's right
It's incredible how modders consistently manage to make the games better than Todd Howard. Must be all that diversity in Bethesda.
>the shit you'll write will be worse than if you slept on it and attacked the problem next morning.
I'm known for coming in in the morning and telling people about the great idea I had in the shower. I also spend more time reading chat than normal because I like to be up to date on what other teams are working on (we have public chatrooms so you can just drop in some other team's chat and read what's up), and a lot of that time also goes into reviewing other people's code.
I'm not american so most of our meetings are generally useful, and people just stop going to meetings they deem useless. And I almost always bring my laptop so I can just continue working.
I spend a fair amount of time just staring at my computer thinking about what I'm trying to do
I find getting it right or close to right the first time saves far more time than just continuously coding then scrapping half of what I wrote because it turned out to be garbage
If you can't understand something as simple as this, you're never going to make it.
Learn to manage money and pinch every dime if you love it so much.
That sounds fucking cool
I spend like 40% of my work hours chatting with Japanese friends because they go to sleep by the time I'm done. When coworkers notice they usually just go
>whoah you can type japanese? how does that work?
rather than complain about me not working.
Well, I get shit done before deadlines so they have nothing to complain about anyway.
I spend a lot more time reading code than writing code
fuck me if I'm gonna mess with legacy code before understanding it
"faster" as in a few clock cycles faster, nothing at a 50+ MHz especially when that's an outside loop anyhow. It'd only matter on the inner-est of CPU grinding loops. Also, the order of i might matter and having to use "5 - i" somewhere will remove any advantage.
Also, those two loops don't even use the same values of i. By trying to do unnecessary optimization you have fucked up the logic and made it harder to read to see the fuck-up. Nice job, rookie.
Exactly. That much difference only really matters when you're writing in assembly language on an old cache-less 8-bitter and you need an accurate timing loop.
What? I work in recruitment.
Too stressful of a career.
Eat shit nerds
I work for a small company that uses fucking Excel and Access and I charge them a lot for simple VBA stuff
>tfw apathetic introvert with no goals or ambitions in life
>studying for a bachelors in software engineering
>the only thing driving me to put in the effort to not fail is the promise of good pay and my crushing fear of disappointing my parents
teach me how to C# Yea Forums. Please I feel like being self-taught and that one Computer Science 1 class I did in High School isn't enough
Remember when they told you to follow your dreams?
Once you hit your 30s you will understand why
what a coincidence, I learned C and ASM on FPGA chip sims, which is why there was such a focus on cycle efficiency. Especially with microcode for datapaths, register r/w flags and datapath selections are the limits for cycles in a pipeline, so that was your baseline performance benchmark for really, really barebones work. It was often better to work logic around than add time for an extra mem access or ALUop on slow ass sims
>fluid dynamics
>pour-out doesnt function properly
As someone with 2 internships, no. Either I'm waiting bored as fuck for someone to get me something I need or in a meeting.
It still has the wrong values for i.
yes, just pretend to be more competent than you are and you're in
My career field is in investment banking not programming. Go outside retard, not everyone is into programming.
fix it yourself
yeah, they're not equivalent, it's an implementation sense. If I'm iterating for a delay or an array fill from a read, you'd fill backwards or build logic around it. It was only worth doing when you were limited by specifically ALU operations and not memory access, if you're just throwing r-type instructions around there's no need for that level of extra effort
it's just fun to exploit datapath logic occasionally as well
>Did well in chemistry at school
>Get told it would be good to go for something like that in uni
>Enter chemical engineering
>Realise too late that it wasn't as advertised (basically all classical engineering with emphasis on controlling fluids), should have done actual chemistry instead
>Med problems 2 weeks before exams fail my second year
>Decide it wasn't worth going back since I hated it and wouldn't afford a masters with a repeat year
>End up going into a software job since I actually like computers and apprenticeships let you in with no professional history
I got the lucky end of having shit health problems
Fucking checked
Just, like, make game
Ctrl+F minesweeper for earlier post
Networking is closer to a trade skill while software dev is closer to a craftsman skill. It's the same reason why welders will never make as much as architects, even if the welder is highly skilled. One maintains things and does their job efficiently, while the other has the potential to make something that can make even MORE money.
Where do i even start with programming if i'm going to be self taught?
Just learn a language? Study data structures and all that shirt first?
>read a book on c
>read clrs
congrats you are now a cs grad
Reminds me of some code from a teammate. Columns in a checkerboard were identified by letters, so he coded something like if "A" then 0, if "B" then 1 etc, instead of just going by the char code
learn basic syntax and concepts like loops, throwing errors, and OOP stuff if you're doing that. Then learn basic data structures like trees, heaps, stacks, etc. and efficiency stuff like big-O notation for knowing how efficient your code is. Then just think of stuff you want to do, and learn as you go. Like making a database of random shit in SQL with a Java app to access it, making C spit out a bunch of strings from an array, making a light blink on an arduino, anything you want.
>learn C as a CS grad
they teach bare minimum C, it's mostly OOP and database stuff for recent grads, at least from what I've heard here
>it's so easy that I switched to another degree XDDD
>Once you hit your 30s you will understand why
what happens then ?
>Not initializing the StringBuilder with the size of the array multiplied by an approximate string size to minimize internal copy operations
Yeah well when I started I had to use TTL chips to blinky my LEDs, we didn't have fancy stuff like HDLs. And I gave up on hardware because it was too easy to fuck up the wires and I didn't have the patience to constantly fix that shit when trying to get my logic working. But I got real good at paying attention to the stuff that I could see.
With just the code you showed, there was no way to tell if the exact values of i were important or if it was just an anonymous counter. Rarely in software do I just "do something 5 times" without which time (the index) being important for something else. In an HDL, I could see that being more common. But you didn't even specify that (I'd like to see Bethesda or even Unity try to write HDL code), you just wanted to show off. You still need more zen.
This is honestly a good book, but I think it's something you only appreciate once you have a firm grasp of data structures. If you don't know the difference between a hashmap and a direct address table, for example, then the lessons in Introduction to Algorithms will go right over your head.
masterfully done
T. Shit programmer