Who here /tinnitus/?
>can't play shooters competitively because I can't turn the volume up to hear movement without destroying my ears
>can't fully immerse in RPGs anymore
How do you deal with fucked up hearing?
Who here /tinnitus/?
>can't play shooters competitively because I can't turn the volume up to hear movement without destroying my ears
>can't fully immerse in RPGs anymore
How do you deal with fucked up hearing?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is a bit of light ringing in your ears normal? For as long as I can remember I've always heard ringing if the room is quiet, though 95% of the time I don't even notice it. Hasn't gotten louder but I have been noticing it more recently.
Destroy your ears until you can't take the ringing anymore and an hero yourself
Try not using headphones.
Also switch to mono if you can.
Sorry to hear that OP.
Did you have the volume too high on your headphones?
I have it in my right ear and probably in the left one too. It's just the right ear is probably drowning out any ringing in the left.
I deal with it by daydreaming about and planning my suicide. If I can't ever hear silence again then life isn't worth living.
I do. I can hear just fine but it is annoying. I don't notice it when I'm in a busy place. Just try not to use headphones a lot and if you do keep the volume reasonable, not doing that is how I got here.
I have pretty bad tinnitus, hearing white noise helps a lot
No, permanent ringing isn't normal
Growing up I always used headphones and had them turned up pretty high, eventually it caught up with me.
My hearing is alright but every now and then I get bad ringing so I'm paranoid ill lose it permanently if I don't make a change
That's not how it works. It's partially a response to hearing loss in the same way phantom pain is to a missing limb.
Are we sure there'll never be a cure for this? :(
bro, just go to the doctor lol
That actually makes tinnitus worse, unless you go completely deaf I suppose
Don't know if this is BS but it could help
it only last like 5 minutes
They wont do shit.
I've had tinnitus for 15 years of my life. Almost unbearable at nights, so I listen to podcasts to break the silence.
I only hear it when the ambient is completely silent, kind of whack.
There are people who have their auditory nerve cut to get rid of tinnitus only for it to remain afterwards. Some cases of tinnitus aren't in the ear, they're in the brain.
I have it the same way. I know I got it by almost getting stuck by lightning as a kid.
tfw i lost my hearing in my left ear for a month and it was the most uncomfortable thing i've felt
>listening to some deftones in headphones while playing gta 5
>don't realize just how loud it is
>after about an hour realize I can hear some low screeching sound
>take off headphones and look around
>still hear it
>get up and go to bathroom
>still hear it
>come back to room and continue playing
>still here it
>later that night go to sleep and try to ignore it
>too loud, can't sleep
>spend the next 4 days driving myself crazy because I hear that shit and it's impossible to sleep without a fan blowing directly in my face
>go to doctor
>tells me I have middle ear infection and gives some biotics
>days go by and i'm considering suicide
>sound is driving me mad
>eventually the meds or whatever kick in and heal my infection
>sound fades by 200%
>still some lingering noise but low enough where it doesn't bug me
>still have to sleep with fan on
lot of bullshit stories on Yea Forums, but this ain't one of them. protector your ears, Yea Forumsirgins. lots of anons have killed themselves because of this shit. I got lucky, but not everyone gets a second chance.
are you sure it is a tinnitus? Maybe your ears are just clogged
bro, after spending months reading the forums and watching people chase after possible cures and treatments, I would have to say no. not in our lifetime at least.
Yeah same, what a truly horrible experience.
got my tinnitus from lots of concerts. buy yourself some earplugs on amazon, take care of your hearing.
and to whomever is reading this and is having suicidal thoughts due to their tinnitus, i went through the same thing but eventually you do get used to it and it'll gradually stop bothering you, just stay strong.
I had tinnitus for 2 years and this worked for me
I've had light tinnitus for so long but it doesn't bother me at all. Are the people who are driven to suicide due to it just not used to it? Or is it just that severe?
I caught it from taking modafinil.
Then I had a seizure and it went away.
Alas no more modafinil for me now
The only possible treatment developed in the last 10 years failed clinical trials. An actual cure is probably decades away at best.
All you can do is cope, set your volume to 5% and hope it doesn't get worse.
fast forward and watch. my shit was like this for nearly 3 weeks. I never want to experience this hell again.
People who kill themselves over it usually have it so bad that it affects their ability to fall asleep
I'm scared in a legit way. The past few days my right ear has been going crazy. Constant ringing, and feeling clogged. If I put my hand up against it too, I can feel it throbbing.
Remainder than you can remove glasses but not tinnitus.
Probably just that severe. Sometimes I get really loud ringing like how you'll hear in movies after a grenade goes off or something, but then it goes back to 'normal' with the really mild "eee" sound. It sucks but I'm used to it. If you don't have it already do yourself a favor and protect your ears any way you can.
they'll cure balding first I bet
Real bad tinnitus can be louder than the rest of the sound coming into your ear, and if you're in a room with a television and also people talking, you can't separate the audio properly and thus can't hear either. That can also happen in general conversation.
I've tried this and it helps a little for a while then just goes back to normal.
Fans. People walk into my room and mention its so loud and i should turn fans off. I tell them I'd rather the sound of a 6 volt DC motor rotating a large piece of plastic at about 600rpm all night then the high pitch deafening squeal i hear when theres nothing to be heard.
Also don't use headphones. Stereo speakers do the trick nowadays for me.
There are different levels of severity and I guess different people might get used to it or not, I'd imagine it is also different if you were born with it or got it later in life. I've had it since I was kid and it is pretty mild so I barely notice it anymore unless I focus on it. It does kind of bother me that I've never experienced actual silence though.
At least for me, the problem with tinnitus was related to the brain or around that area. Not the ears.
Considering the lack of surgical options for the brains, it will take a fuck long time unless we have a sudden breakthrough.
Go to a doctor and see if you have any earwax lodged in your ear.
Mine gets really bad usually when I have a headache too. Shit sucks. Sucks so much. I don't remember what silence is like honestly. I can deal with it but wouldn't it be nice?
I get it occasionally in the right ear.
Doing our yearly range qualification when my earplug fell out on my right side. Friend went full auto right next to me. Took 3 days before the ringing stopped.
anyone else have their tinnitus flare up during a storm?
This, I go to loads of concerts and I’m the only person wearing earplugs. I can’t imagine how many anons are going to have hearing loss or tinnitus on a few years, it takes one concert for permanent damage. Protect yourself frens.
I don’t have tinnitus but I have misophonia.I fucking HATE the sounds of movement and gunshots in some games.
>I've never experienced actual silence though.
Nobody experiences actual silence. You just adjust to hearing whatever minor ambiance there is. Pure silence is a ringing even with good hearing.
Fuck man. That triggers me.
My life might be shit now but I should be grateful I don't have those sounds in my ears anymore
Why not just remove your eardrums and wear bluetooth hearing aids?
tfw i always thought i had slight tinnitus until i learned you are supposed to hear a super faint ringing in absolute silence
yeah. I learned my lesson, but i'd feel guilty not warning other anons of this shit. no one ever told me about tinnitus, I just assumed listening to loud music could cause your hearing to slowly fade. had no idea of the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE shit
Technically it is slight tinnitus, it's just that nobody has literally perfect hearing.
I just did this and my tinnitus got worse after a few minutes
Listen to this for the whole duration and the ringing should be gone for at least 30 minutes to an hour.
I'm posting a lot in this thread but I don't see many people have serious discussions like this. Sometimes I get these "dull" aches. Headaches. For some reason that just makes things worse. Is anyone else like that?
>it takes one concert for permanent damage
I had tinnitus once for like 3-4 weeks after a really fucking loud concert but it went away. First few days were fucking horrible tho legit louder than someone talking next to me.
That's what you get for going to concerts and listening to loud shit you normalfags
Get fucked
Migraines maybe. Some people have migraines affect their eyes, making them go temporarily blind or seeing strobing lights, but they can affect your hearing as well.
This. 6 years with this shit and visual snow, It's normal life now. I used to think about it every day of the year and now rarely think of it a day per month.
Oh no, it's never that severe. I think it comes from eye strain since I look at screens a lot. It's just a throbbing but it does make my tinnitus a little worse.
>can't play shooters competitively because I can't turn the volume up to hear movement without destroying my ears
Tinnitus is not the same as going deaf, faggot.
The thing is you can't do anything about it for the foreseeable future. The problem isn't even in your ears but around the nerves near your brain.
All I can say is it's worse than kidney stones coz at least kidney stones will eventually come out and just maybe you can make diets changes to delay it for years. Tinnitus won't really end.
So yeah to those of you who don't have it, stop listening to excessively loud sounds.
Tinnitus is a bitch that can come from a lot of places, it doesn't particular have to do with just your eardrums. Also imagine you removed the eardrum and could still hear the tinnitus. Now that would be truly scary.
I work in audio. I'm literally on break at a concert I'm mixing right now, and these fuckers always want it louder. Tinnitus is a work hazard for me.
>I think it comes from eye strain since I look at screens a lot
I recently started wearing glasses because i randomly got tested and ended up havingn ear-sightedness, so I bought one with blue light filter. It really helps a lot my eyes feel much much better now. Even after playing for hours I don't feel strained at all.
Experiment with reducing blue light and taking more sugar, migraines are often caused by depleted glycogen storage.
Make an experiment and buy tons of oranges and make juice, drink a glass of it with some sugar every 30m and see if it helps(it should). just not store juice, that shit will turn your stomach to acid and burn you.
>watch a movie
>speakers get really loud during a scene
>ear starts making scratching noises like a speaker's loose connection to the aux port
Which kind of music do they play?
>that shit will turn your stomach to acid and burn you.
user your stomach is already full of acid and really strong one.
>being a grammar nazi
*will turn your stomach acid to overly acidic state and burn you
Right now I'm mixing an EDM thing. It's a paycheck.
post yfw you don't have tinnitus get fucked OP
I still don't see how's that possible
Should've just got some damn speakers instead of using headphones exclusively for years.
>wagecucked in a call center for 10 months
Pretty sure their shit tier headsets caused my tinnitus
Bros when I listen to music I can hear my eardrums banging the bassline, is that tinnitus?
I feel so bad for you guys.
I woulf legit kms if I had tinnitus, I need absolute silence.
Stop thinking about it.
I had a scare a while back what turned out my ear was plugged with wax. How do I prevent from ever getting actual tinnitus? Just be aware of high volume?
tinnitus is mind control tech. people didn't talk about this crap in the 80 and 90s and now everyone suddenly has it. makes me think
Everyone is blasting music with headphones today
Is listening to music and stuff on a low volume the best way to safeguard against getting it or can it just come and go whenever?
people blasted music when they had record players too
Of course you don't
But you can go ahead and test it on yourself.
Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn in no other.
Pre-made store juice is not orange juice, check out how its made sometime, the ships "fruit biomass" is transported on too.
Dunno about your country but here if it says 100% orange juice then it has to be an orange juice at worst they add sugar to it. Also I drink orange juice almost every single day and never had any issues with my stomach
It can say whatever it wants, the price is usually what matters but it's not a given either.
Drink more of it then and you will get issues.
Unless you drink the much more expensive ones(double/triple the price of 100% NFC juice). I mean you can just look up how most of it is made from tasteless, odourless fruit mass.
You will not get any issues with juice you make yourself though.
The amount varies from person to person so i just went with the safest version recommending making your own.
>I mean you can just look up how most of it is made from tasteless, odourless fruit mass.
I don't have to it's literally written on a bottle how it's made. I don't know what kind of 3rd world shithole country you live in, but here food laws are pretty fucking strict and regulated.
>Drink more of it then and you will get issues.
How much I drink 1l a day? Do I have to drink 10l or maybe 20 to start getting issue? No shit everything is dangerous if you take too much of it, even pure water.
>Have TMJ
>Every so often, tinnitus flares up
>Lasts like 2 weeks of loud ringing
>Jaw/tooth pain
>Popping noise when chewing
>A very subtle ring is permanent thanks to it
It's kind of normal for people to have tinnitus. Nothing you can do but ignore it.
I have had minor tinnitus in my right ear for as long as I can remember. If I had it in both ears I would be seriously depressed, not due to the tinnitus itself but because the siund if rain is nigh inaudible in my right ear. I consider the sound of rain to be the most pleasant sound in the universe.
It could happen to you too user, imagine hearing a loud noise day and night, not being able to sleep properly for months, years. wanting to tear your ears off
same here. Had a headache as a 10 y/o and woke up with a light ringing in my ears that never went away. but its not too bad i dont notice it if its not relly quiet or if i think about it.
ah, famous "do this and it help" which ends up permanently damaging you, good work here
I think I'm lucky in that mine is very easy to ignore, it's only ever a problem in absolute silence and I have a white noise machine/fan/ambiance playlists for every situation like that
I think mine's somatic anyways, because I have TMJ as well and I'm hoping the jaw pain/discomfort goes away. I can live with the tinnitus quite easily, I think
there is no ''cure'' for balding. Assuming you're talking about male balding, it's just one of the effects of testosterone.
fucking rip me then
>Mfw I thought I was developing turbo tinnitus because I could always hear a low screeching noise
>Turns out my PS4 is just possessed by a demon and ALWAYS makes a low screeching noise when it's turned off unless it's powered off completely at the mains or unplugged
hair transplant :^)
Where else would it be coming from?
yeah that's the electronics whine, old people can't hear it
>made it to 23 without having any tinnitus
>been to dozens of concerts, listen to music full blast
>get a pair of annoying fuck neighbors who refuse to lower the volume on their TV
>It is literally so loud I hear it clearly through 3 walls
>tinnitus within 3 months of them living there
it sucks. I have to sleep with a fan on or I have a high pitched pepe reeeeing in my ear.
are you implying that loud music gave you a middle ear infection? is that even possible?
maybe he pulled his headphones out of swampy ass
I got that shit all day nigga
bose sleepbuds gave me permanent tinnitus a year ago
the irony is that it's a "wellness product" but they completely ruined my life
i only wore them for one night and they can't even play louder than 75 dB, so i don't know how they fuck they destroyed my hearing
i'm starting to think completely wireless headphones/iems work can fuck with your head (transceiver right inside the ear, pumping rf directly between your brain)
there's also a long post at the bose forums about how the sleepbuds emit some kind of defective clicking or hf noise
Can you tell us some details about how your brain caused tinnitus, how you discovered it was your brain, and how you fixed it? Might not help any of us but that sounds like an interesting chapter of your life!
I have the opposite of this, loud noises or someone whistling makes my ears literally bleed. Also fucking hate music.
I do, but even a slight ambient noise is enough to drown it out unless I'm actively searching for the tone. My hearing is actually quite excellent so even in silence the ringing doesn't interfere with anything.
here's what it'll take for a tinnitus cure to happen
someone who is suicidal will have to shoot up a public place and leave a manifesto blaming tinnitus
first time I see this thread on Yea Forums (or first time I notice it), but had a tinnitus like noise for like 30-40 secs two days ago and honest to god it was one of the worst feelings I had in a long time. Literally a million thoughts going through my mind on how to deal with my tinnitus ridden life now. Hope your tinnitus gets fixed in the future user
It happened to me like three nights straight but I got cured when my sister had me over, it never happened again, maybe I just needed to switch bed?
Yeah, I was feeling pretty poorly and then I also passed out on your sister's big fat outrageous tits and I felt much better.
That was probably just a blood vessel in your inner ear collapsing or bursting.
Can't be mine then, she's flat as a board, she let's me rest my head on hear chest tho
Go on.
Aye, figured it wasnt actually tinnitus, after it went away and didnt come back. But it made me sympathise with all you guys, as I said, I really hope they find a cure/fix for it. Also I promise that I wont listen to loud music anymore lel
I've had it for as long as I cam remember, don't know the cause. Maybe I was born with damaged hearing or something. It's not noticeable with ambient sound like with fans or vents or something, but when it's silent it can start to hurt my ears. A year ago I had compacted earwax in one ear and it got like 5 times as loud. Was hell, but it eventually got loose. My sincere condolences to any anons who have it bad. Go to a doctor though, see if it's compacted ear wax or an infection or something. To those who don't have it, protect your hearing. Once you get tinnitus, it's permanent.
>Playing Resident Evil 5 next to each other
>My eyes hurt so I rub them on her shoulder to annoy her
>She accommodates herself and has my face on her chest
>She gently caresses my head
>I immediately say how weird it is
>She doesn't see anything weird with it, "just siblings caring for each other"
Go on, I'm almost there
Just that, sorry
the best part is how certain foods and noises you normally can't hear (like a dimmer switch being turned on) affect it
As someone who doesnt have tinnitus, can you explain?
Try this trick op, get back to us with the results.
You've gotten it before, most likely, unless you stay indoors all the time. It's a ringing sensation in your ear that can cause pain and discomfort. If you've ever cranked the radio up a bit too high when you were a teenager and felt your ears feel funny afterwards, that's a mild form of it.
Nothing like sibling love
>you normally can't hear
What do you mean I don't have tinnitus and I hear it. Same as when i'm passing through those anti theft gates in stores.
Mine is at its worst when I'm sitting at home, or driving on the freeway. I used to think it was my radio being too loud but even with it off it's just excruciating sometimes.
I got a white noise machine in my room on permanently.
My tinnitus isn't bad, but I'm really sensitive to it.
i measured the cabin noise in my car and it's over 85 dB. that shit doesn't help.
Desu, there are 2 types of people.
Those who have some form of tinnitus, and those who haven't noticed they have tinnitus.
Central EU.
My uni friend works on a ship that transports your "100% NFC juice". You can get real juice but it costs the same or more than the equivalent of buying the oranges yourself. If you are lucky.
Most of the time 1L drank in a short time will be enough, but then again it depends on if you ate something during it and the state of your intestines.
Not a cure but you can trick it. Tinnitus is the brain realizing you have hearing damage because it can't hear from certain ranges now. It "fixes" this by producing a ringing that gets worse the more damage you have. Some people can do this thing where they basically flick the back of their hear while holding their wars. The thumping and pressure trick your brain into quitting the ringing for a short time.
I very uncommonly get this flash grenade sound in my right ear randomly.
I'm just watching some video, lying in bed or walking outside, and then randomly I hear a ringing like a flash grenade and I can't hear well in the right ear, then it dies down until I can hear back to normal.
When it happened when I was using headphones I though the right part of the headphone was broken thats how real to a flash grenade it was.
22% volume is low enough to not get tinnitus, right?
everyone has tinnitus to a mild degree, any recording or speaking mechanism, biological or synthetic has a slight amount of surface noise.
wireless headphones/earplugs are bad for your health, too much info on that already but it's fragmented and not popular at all. Will probably come to light in some time, when there are already "safe" alternatives ready to drop.
Is Tinnitus the reason my brain hates it when I listen to games and such at high volumes? I notice my ears start getting irritable and I get a headache whenever sounds around me start going past the "loudly talking" threshold of the spectrum.
>flick the back of their hear while holding their wars
>all these retards that don't know tinnitus is because of exposure to microwave radiation from wifi/your phone/cell towers
just build a literal tin foil helmet and it will go away. worked for me. better if it's grounded.
Sometimes when I’m laying in bed I’ll get a really loud ringing that increases until it leads into sleep paralysis/nightmares, I’ve never heard of anyone else who has this
proof that there's no god
How does testosterone cause hair growth AND hair loss?
this, i literally have to keep a fan on to sleep at night, even in the middle of winter
>22% volume
Literally mean nothing 22% of what? If you mean windows settings I use 2% on one of my headphones but on others I have to use 50% to even hear anything.
Stops working after a time too, you have to take propecia to try and prevent it.
>"safe" alternatives
What about bone conduction transducers?
Fuck man it's actually kind of nice seeing other people who go through the same shit. I haven't heard silence or anything near it in almost 13 years. I hate having to use a fan or something to keep the ringing away.
i hear headphones were bad in general because it prevents proper airflow to your ear ducts which results in rapid bacteria growth
anyone can get tinnitus. hearing damage is not the only cause. you could get it by taking the wrong medicine. some people say they woke up with it for no reason.
If you have noise-induced tinnitus and high-pitched ringing, visit R. David Case’s thread on Tinnitus Talk.
Thought he was a scammer at first but holy shit. His “cure”, if you can call it that, had a major effect on me.
Gotta tell you tho, he gets a bit weird when he’s talking about conspiracy theories. That V2K thing. He also seems to get a lot of comments from schizos on his website.
But the tinnitus thing absolutely reduced tinnitus for me.
They probably work against you in ways we aren't able to determine yet. But hearing loss generally isn't caused by one event. A level of constant noise over a long period of time does the most damage.
it tricks your brain into focusing on another noise. it doesnt last long though
Try this too youtube.com
the problem is that just discussing or thinking about it makes it worse
>look up visual snow
>apparently this film grain shit on my vision isn't normal and the average person doesn't see like this
What the fuck user, you've changed my life.
Yeah I'm pretty sure it is normal. Ever since I was a little kid without having ever been exposed to high volumes I would hear a slight noise when it was completely silent
You're a little baby, try right ear almost deqf + nitus
eh. it does the same thing as tricking your brain not to focus on the ringing just like background noises.
i blame the ohsa and their shitty charts that imply you can listen to loud music as long as it's under a certain amount of hours
duration is definitely a huge factor, even at "safe" levels
That's a sexy ear.
Don’t encourage this user
I know you’re joking but just don’t
Because you know what’ll happen, and it’s not what you’re hoping, it won’t begin a search for a cure for tinnitus. It’ll just result in people’s with tinnitus being mocked and accused of being potential shooters
Your way will literally only make life harder for tinnitusfags
Just tried this and it actually worked a bit, what the fuck? The ringing has gone down for the first time in like 4 years, thanks user.
am i the only one who can't accurately describe what their tinnitus sounds like? it's almost like i'm hearing my own nervous system, but i can't put it into words
i'm picturing some kind of electronics equipment going bad
Autocorrect is a bitch. Hands over ears. Fingers on back of head. Then index over middle finger. Apply pressure until you "snap" the fingers and it thumps against the back of your head.
oh a tinnitus thread lol. had it for 7 months and can’t take it anymore. offing myself the day after tommorow i already booked a hotel room and got some rope
>have minor tinnitus
>wasn't thinking about or hearing it until I saw this thread
It sounds very similar to the high pitched ringing that a TV that's turned on but displaying nothing would make.
I just hear a constant eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. But like someone is on helium.
Dont have it, just a tourist but the schizo and weird atmosphere are a common and normal things when it comes to things that aren't ordinary.
i never bothered seeing an ent because most people said they were useless or actually made it worse with loud hearing tests
but i'm starting to suspect my case could be more complicated
i remember waking up in october one day with a loud vibrating in my right ear that i could not only hear but feel
i also hear a tuning-fork type tone in my right ear when i yawn while stretching a certain way
i've had it for as long as i can remember to be honest
it kinda sounds like a flashbang sfx but lower-pitched and i can feel it in my brain. i got used to it.
this seems accurate, also old phone chargers
This. It's not even an issue unless you think about it. Your brain will automatically block it out otherwise
microwave radiation from wifi or cell towers are hitting a part of your ear and causing it to vibrate. build a tin foil helmet, ground it and put it on your head.
then go and destroy your local cell tower for electromagnetically assaulting you 24/7 (in minecraft)
>no cure
this better be bait
You fucking weak ass betacucks.
I have this shit for 25 years now. Im also a gigging musician and stand next to fully blown amps. So what? DEAL with it!
>Oh no, my ears are ringing MOMMY help AHHHHHHH!!!!
If i dont concentrate on it, i dont even hear it.
Jebus fuck. There are people with it that bad?
I've had it since I started getting into music production in high school. I can normally only hear it in two situations though, if I cover my ears and it's fairly quite, or when I'm in bed and there's there's absolutely nothing else making sounds. It's kind of annoying, but doesn't keep me up or anything.
How can you function with shit that bad? Shit would make me unemployed.
it's absolutely the truth. tinnitus is almost exclusively caused by microwave radiation.
build a foil helmet, ground it and put it on your head. results should be immediate, if not have it on for an hour.
You fucking weak ass betacuck.
>Oh no, I can't hear anything! Mommy!!
If I concentrate, I still can't hear anything
Why does Xanax work so well for tinnitus? And why the fuck does it have to be addictive? Fuck. This could have been a great way to manage it. Kind of like what diabetics do.
If you had severe or high-pitched T, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Do you not use protection, bro? Not gonna lie, I bring earplugs to see shows in bars, let alone playing that shit.
I don't gig, but I'm a musicfag, so I respeck you bro.
It sucks bro. I used to do that, solely studio now. Can wear headphones set at my own volume level with studio work, doing live you've got to hear things as the house does in order to get a good mix. Think that shit is what got me in the first place.
Why isnt it becoming more severe then? I really torture my ears. Or maybe it is and im so used to it i dont notice?
No it's not. As someone with tinitus, I miss the absolute quiet when all you'd hear was your heart and blood flowing.
I have the same thing. I'd rather not have it, but it's not too bad.
anons may be kidding about the radiation stuff, but electronics do seem to have a huge effect on tinnitus
what seems to be happening is that your brain has turned up its gain to a point where you're hearing noise you're not supposed to
there was a time when i would hear my tinnitus change just by checking a wifi camera through my browser
might have been my tv's power supply fluctuating since the camera's site is all white, who knows
Kill yourself nigger phone poster. Your disgusting ways is destroying this place.
Worst type of fag nigger
I got what I assume is a mild version. I can hear it if i pay attention but there is usually enough background noise to block it out. If i'm in a totally quiet room and i pay attention to it its deafening
the two most promising developments right now are neuromod and that drug that is supposed to cure hearing loss
>anons may be kidding about the radiation stuff
what makes you say that? if you have wifi or a cell phone or a nearby cell tower you are being irradiated by microwaves all the time. they induce voltage into the cells they hit, disrupting functionality. your hair cells in your ear are especially sensitive to these perturbations. in fact, all the components of the ear are very sensitive to microwave radiation.
t. non-retarded ENT
Based and sensors pilled
>all these hypochondriac females
if you hear a tone when everything is quiet, that's normal and everyone gets that
if you hear it even when there are other noises like a tv then that's tinnitus
i actually believe you; it's just that most people think we're crazy
i am afraid of what happens when 5G gets widespread
people have been complaining about smart meters fucking them up
now imagine 5G beacons on every fucking corner
>when all you’d hear was your heart and blood flowing
he doesn’t know
I wouldn't worry, one of the technical parameters of 5G is signal collimation. Collimation meaning "focusing microwave beams into lasers"
What's the harm with a collimated 5G signal going through your head all night long? Maybe your tinnitus will get a little worse haha
nothing happens lol
t. sitting next to 5G router for years
5G is not 5 GHz
check tinnitus talk
it's hardware (headphones, tongue thing) but i don't know the specifics
some users who were in test groups say it reduced their tinnitus significantly
drinking water helps reduce it. not sure why though.try cutting out sugary drinks and stick with water for a week or two
I think I'm partially deaf, what do I do vros.
Should I stop using headphones.
>Only have very slight ringin only noticable in near complete silence but get fits at least once a week where everything goes quiet in my left ear and the ringing gets super loud
It's nowhere near enough for me to go to a doctors to ask about it but I've been dealing with this since I was about 11
>voluntary fucking up your sound
no thanks
>tfw had tinnitus since 14
>am now 22
I remember panicking once I got it but I'm used to it now
still, it's no bullshit that you get this by blasting loud music on your ears through earphones
try the foil helmet mentioned earlier ITT, it just werks
protip: your tinnitus isn't from loud music
ok fuck it, i have nothing to loose. be right back in 10min to tell you if it's bait anons
Hey fellow audio bro, I do the same shit
Worked 12 hours mixing loud ass metal yesterday and my head is still ringing, even though I use earplugs all day.
The severity of tinnitus comes and goes if I haven't had a break recently or if I've worked for too many nights in a row. I always sleep with fans on and I only use over ear headphones for serious listening.
I think of my ears as almost a health bar that gets depleted over time, unless I make sure to protect it and give it time to heal. Funny enough though, I can still hear well over 18k hz
Because evolution isn’t perfect.
Testosterone produced in the body does multiple jobs by being transformed into various related molecules. One of those molecules, DHT, is the one responsible for male pattern baldness. DHT is in everyone and is necessary for our bodies, but some of us are genetically predisposed to having hair follicles that are sensitive to DHT in such a way that DHT kills the follicles over time.
That’s just it. Sucks.
There’s a couple of drugs that can take care of excess DHT in male bodies. Both were originally made to be prostate cancer drugs but had this weird side effect. Both will break down excess DHT so that less DHT is present to attack hair follicles. The best known is finasteride, better known as Rogaine, but it’s weaksauce and doesn’t do much to help in reality other than slowing hair loss. The other drug is called dutasteride, but it’s side effects can be horrific. Dutasteride is the real deal, it slows hairless quickly and significantly and even promotes real new hair growth to replace hair that’s already been lost. But the horrific side effect is that roughly 5% of men will be get permanent erectile dysfunction from ongoing dutasteride usage. That side effect will be permanent, as in, even when you stop taking the drug, if you are in that 5%, there’s no going back to your old erections. DHT has a role in erections and dutasteride’s ability to break down DHT also gives it an ability to break down DHT receptors needed for erections. If you’re one of the unlucky ones, once those receptors are gone, they’re gone. It’s also super dangerous for women to take as it fucks up their hormones. It can’t even be handled by women as it can be absorbed through their skin.
Another problem with both of those drugs is that once you start you have to keep taking them forever. If you ever stop, hair loss will continue and will likely be more aggressive than it was before too.
But, is your hair worth that 5% gamble?
I got hyperacusis a few years ago, it was terrible and I wanted to die
listening to some hi-res Xenoblade2 music through my slightly fancy headphones and amp/DAC now, feels good man
Guys, headphones damage your hearing, don't use them, use earpods or something that doesn't cover your entire ear. My hearing was damaged by headphones.
It's just that the health bar never replenishes. Good luck user
t. tim cook
iems are even worse, especially truly wireless
do a search on how people are experiencing ringing after airpod usage
brain damage around your ears
>ears ring after gunshot
>g-guys it's the microwave jew trust me
I've had tinnitus for the better part of 8 years now. It sucks and I know your pain, OP.
I don't use headphones if I can avoid it, and I never have the volume turned up very high, anyway.
Worst thing is that I have no real idea why it started. Last time I went to have it checked the doctor told me that 90% of the time it was cause by mental issues (stress, depression) rather than physical stuff.
>hair loss
>increased pain memory
>increased stress receptors
>higher suicide rates
Is this the "male privilege" I've been hearing about? I think I could live without it.
I have tinnitus and this does nothing for me
Yeah I got this shit as well.
>it's not the microwave radiation coming from that cell mast, goy! what's wrong with inducing voltage in every cell in your body 24 hours a day?
do you live in faraday cage then? post pics
>>ears ring after gunshot
that's nothing
try having tinnitus and then using an RPG
Probably not.
The problem is that there's a lot of different reasons why people get tinnitus. I've never been able to figure out why I got it beyond having ear infections out the ass when I was a kid. Secondly, tinnitus doesn't kill people, actively, at least, so there's no real rush to find a cure. Thirdly, as my doctors where ever so eager to tell me, tinnitus isn't a disease, it's a symptom, so "curing it" would be like curing stomach ache or dizziness.
mine rang for 3 days when I shot 3006 inside a room
wouldn't repeat that
I live away from illegal, uninsurable microwave radiation irresponsibly emitted by telecoms corporations
I have tinnitus too, not from games though but from a fucking loud air compressor machine that a car repair shop had when I was working there 8 years ago
if there was only an easy way to look at ear cilia
i think a lot of tinnitus stems from these laying the wrong way
but user, microwave jew is transmitting radiation by satellites! your cells are being attacked 24/7
This is literally the first time I post on Yea Forums.
THIS helped me enormously.
NAC (N-Acetylcystein) 600mg x2 a day
Vitamin B6 (Vicotrat) 600mg x2 a day
Please note that this is a MASSIVE overdose of B6. Be sure to check side effects and research it.
4 weeks miniumum, can be done more
This comes from a german Dr. who's doing this since the 90's.
It helped me reduce the volume of my tinitus by like 80%. Im not kidding. try it.
stay strong bros.
>Get tinnitus along with a stiff neck
>Months later and it turned into a cracking neck where movement feels a bit limited when looking vertical or horizontal
>This is accompanied by worsening tinnitus when moving neck
I wish my neck would feel crackles again
Prob bait but:
Can’t be that bad user. I’ve had it for 20 years. You get used to ignoring it.
Playing white noise helps at night if you need to get to sleep, there’s billions of vids on YouTube for this purpose.
Ignoring it is a mind over matter thing, you’re the only one that can help you. But it’s not impossible, we’re all doing it so you can too. Look on the bright side, much much worse things could afflict you. Tinnitus isn’t the end of the world. Don’t do anything too rash over something that is easy to live with if you have the right mindset.
go drive on a highway for 30 minutes straight with the windows down and you'll get tinnitus after a few months
>it's even easier with an older car, like from the 00s
very small amounts compared to areas blighted by cell towers
in combat, can soldiers equip ear-plugs so as to prevent hearing damage or do they get in the way while hearing orders?
Ive had it since I was a teen. Always blasted music with my headphones. I still do to this day though, but I have a level of volume I wont pass. Some people get used to it.
I dont remember when I had it exactly, it was one of those “before I knew it, I had it” moments. Its pretty loud but I can hear everything around me just fine. Focusing on something, or noise in general makes it “go away”. Just accept it and you’ll live a normal life.
you know what else ionizes you constantly?
the fucking sun and earth, why not just off yourself then
ever take a hearing test (probably at school or at a doctor or even a DMV center) and whenever those weird noises that come up in the back of your ear?
imagine that sound, constantly for 5 minutes straight
Wait, xanax helps? Do any noots help?
>perfect hearing for most of my life
>get invited by normalfag friends to a club night
>about to refuse as usual
>think that maybe I should try something different, get out of my comfort zone, dance with strangers, meet new people, etc. etc. all that gay shit
>music so loud I can't hear my own voice when speaking
>for 2 days everything I hear is slightly deafened
>constant ringing in my ears ever since
Fuck normalfags and fuck the motivational speaking retards on the internet who convinced me that I'd actually enjoy that. I can't believe there are people who willingly do this shit to themselves every week.
Mine is very high pitched and piercing and cannot be masked by anything. Every single day I struggle to live.
dunno user, am not burger
>tinnitus and visual snow
Fuck my senses
Never take for granted the gift of a lovely sister. Mine is a fucking cunt, I'd give anything to rewrite my past with a wonderful sister.
says the phonefag
the sun doesnt emit microwave radiation like illegal cell towers, try again
I don't know who you are but thank you for this.
Xanax works. It helps you cope but it also ACTUALLY reduces the noise. Too bad it’s fucking addictive.
Some supplements also can help like Magnesium.
Rape her into submission.
Yeah it's much worse, actually causes cancer to people with prolonged contact, try again
sunlight doesnt cause tinnitus like microwave radiation
As far back as I can remember, when lying awake at night listening to the world around me trying to fall asleep - I've always perceived "silence" as sort of a low static hiss, almost like when you put your ear to a seashell but much quieter.
I don't recall my perception of silence ever being completely silent.
I had to play with broken headset fpr a month too I know ur pain
I tried this shit just to see how much bullshit this is
Other than sweating like hell (it's summer what do you expect), I do feel somehow more relaxed than I expected. Even tinnitus doesn't feel as bad as before. Maybe it works?
duh neither does microwaves
What about if you don’t hear it constantly over background noise but it pops up randomly and affects flow during conversations?
play sekiro so you can CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG
is anybody's worse after a shower? the noise is definitely a cause, but i wonder if the humidity difference has something to do as well
dont know if this helps anyone but recently I got the same earbuds that caused my tinnitus and played shower noises loud and after taking them off about 30 minutes in I thought I’ve gone deaf. Could hear silence for about 3 seconds. Tinnitus reformed but it’s been 2 days now and it’s still significantly improved
I had my ears irrigated earlier this month. It wasn't a pleasant sensation but I walked out hearing things a lot better plus it reduced the severity of my tinnitus (although it's still there). Some of you might just need to get your earwax flushed out.
the better the seal the more your tinnitus goes down. it's all from the cell phone microwave frequencies
i'm an ENT and I found out two years ago that shielding patients' ears from EMFs reduces tinnitus in 90% of cases
it's from the cell towers
>i'm an ENT
speaking of trees, microwaves from cell towers are also killing the trees in addition to giving you tinnitus
>Microwaves do not contain sufficient energy to chemically change substances by ionization, and so are an example of non-ionizing radiation
nice meme but the modern science shows that the whole "non-ionizing doesn't hurt you" industry bullshit claim is false, check out bioinitative.org to get the real deal
>tfw have had it since I was born
>tfw used to it by now
only times when it really bothers me are if I have headphones on and theres nothing playing on them. Its like the smaller hearing area causes the ringing to intensify x100 or something.
Also it used to be hard to sleep without background noise but I got used to it over time.
Also really high-pitched sounds, earrape, and stuff like metal scraping cause me physical pain but I dunno if that has anything to do with the tinnitus.
here we go
dead link
My hearing is fine, but it feels like my right ear is "closing in", like it´s tightening. I thought it was something wrong with it, wax blockage or something, then the doctor said it was all fine, no wax, no nothing. He said it was normal, and my feeling might never go away. Fuck.
I think I can´t stand growing older if all your problems are getting whiffed as getting older. Shit like this keep me up at night. And seeing this picture make me think about it again.
sorry, mistyped it
Damn, alot of people on Yea Forums have tinnitus.
As someone who has perfect hearing (for the time being) what should I avoid doing? Loud music is a given
Also, I have bad circulation in my penis which makes it cold and hurt all the time so I still live with pain
YO, if they could cure dizziness and stomach ache I wouldn’t complain
Hyperacusis is a thing you know.
Where’d you get NCT?
Have mild only in left ear. I think it wouldn't bother me that much if it was both ears, but with only one it's really annoying sometimes.
The amount of poor genetics in this thread is stifling, it really says a lot about the community here and how worthless they are considering how poor their health is lol
believe you me I thought the same u til I got it in both....
While tinnitus isn't curable, it can be negated rather easily. They make devices that you put behind your ear that emits an inverted wave that cancels out the ringing from the tinnitus.
if you kill yourself your ears stop ringing
Link to said devices?
We’re all living with that bro. Just read this thread. Mind over matter, you’ve got this. It’s not the end of the world and compared to something else it’s much better than AIDS or being crippled.
It used to keep me up at night if I had no sound to cover it up but now my brain filters it out so its almost like its not there.
Most people who play video games have bad genes either mentally or physically it’s the only way they can cope
>1500 page long pdf
yeah I'm not reading that
Some SSRI was giving me bad tinnitus so I stopped it right away. It also made me feel like I had constant swimmer's ear so I assume it cause an increase in sinus pressure or something.
It’s not better than being cripple. I’d give BOTH of my legs without a thought if it were to cure this.
What about WiFi and Bluetooth?
>New Years Eve
>Launching bottle rockets
>Lean down to ignite one from a pole
>It immediately launches towards my face and explodes next to my right ear
>Ringing for a week
>No permanent damage
>Years later watch some youtube video
>Tinnitus flares up and remains permanent
I didn't read past tinnitus in OP's post.
If you have it, leave this thread. You're only making it worse.
check out the preface and research summaries
you should minimize your exposure to microwaves. dont use wifi, just wire everything.
you will be much happier without that brain tumor in 10-20 years.
It's not caused your neighbour's TV dude. They would need to have it on full blast with your ear on the speaker for it to cause any damage
>mocking other people makes my peepee tingle
You can get tinnitus from a common cold lol.
nice industry propaganda
I fucking LOVE science!
Could it be inflammation? Take some ibuprofen and see if that helps?
Can’t wait until this goes viral
What about eye floaters? I die inside every time I notice them.
>somatic tinnitus
>pulsatile tinnitus
>popping ears
>visual snow
>blood vein flashes in eyes
>permanent sore throat
>brain fog
who "full suicide package" here?
cry more snake oil shill
>bad circulation
Exercise more m8
Even if you're not overweight building a bit of muscle does wonders
>permanent sore throat
user, I'd go have that checked.
Noticing eye floaters is the equivalent of consciously breathing to me. I stop giving a shit really quickly
dont you have some anti-5G facebook pages to sob over tranny
Did you try it?
Only person to blame for bad genes is your parents as well as susceptiblity