Yea Forums will defend this
Yea Forums will defend this
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What will this accomplish?
God, I hope Trump declares war on Iran so most of Yea Forums gets drafted and dies in the desert fighting for Israel
Is there a reason why preventing players in the middle east from playing assfaggots should matter to me?
What does the US wants from Iran?
Considering it only affects terrorist, yes. I will defend it.
Oil for US Jews and clay for Israel.
how can government push a private company to block their game in other country
i thought america was country of freedom without bullshit like this
>all of Iran is terrorists
are you trolling or real peanut brain?
It's actually a fairly normal country considering it's Islamic, US just wants to make them seem like the bad guys so that you can go die for Israel
most middle eastern guys i know have superior taste and play dota anyways
stfu, brown = terrorist, its that simple
4 more days until Iran is wiped off the face of the earth
sounds like we're doing them a favor
America is a military-industrial complex. Corporations are the government. They can decide what they want for themselves.
You've been asleep for the past decade? US has been dishing out sanctions left and right for years. "Sanctions" essentially mean "if your company works with this country we don't like we'll fuck you up".
Is that supposed to pass as being a sanction?
Waith, you can actually ban video games on whole nations? Why aren't we banning EA games then?
This headline is intentionally misleading. The U.S. government did not order this.
>*bombs civilians*
>calls those civilians terrorists
Sad thing is people around the world are so retarded they actually eat this up.
Someone explain to me how banning LoL in states has a connection to tensions with Syria and Iran? What is it supposed to accomplish.
to bend the knee
Maybe those civilians should stop standing next to terrorists. In video games of course.
They've placed sanctions on US companies dealing with Iran.
Iran wants to trade oil in local currency. US needs the petrodollar. Collapse of the petrodollar = collapse of the actual dollar. Basically it's another oil war
To stop rocking the boat with their threats of selling oil in anything but dollars.
Islam will always be a combative religion because they're not accepting of other beliefs. so no, they will always be terrorists simply because their belief will eventually lead them to clash with our ideals.
Maybe we've reached the point where preventing a country from playing a video game has political weight, much like tarifs.
You sure there's no terrorist within a blast radius from you right at this moment? Hope you're willing to bet your life on it.
I've yet to see any document or statement from Riot mentioning this.
If that was true you could just wait for them to actually start something, instead of making up false flags to justify your oil war
I am willing to bet my life on it. Not everyone lives in the fucking slums of a city, idiot.
You don't need a statement from riot, just read the news once in a while.
>undermining nations by demoralizing youth
Straight out of Japan's playbook
We have, but I don't see how banning LoL will help with Iran and Syria tensions. Is LoL exceedingly popular in those countries?
Oh it does. The more US blocks other companies around the world from working with US companies, the less will companies around the world rely on US companies. The next big smartphone company won't use Android because US has shown that Android is unreliable.
They're all Vietcong when the bombs fall~
napalm sticks to kids.
The world at large is against it but angry letters are never going to stop something like that.
And embargoing US would be a suicide for most countries on Earth.
Someone hasn't heard of dealing with infections before they spread.
I do need a statement from Riot. Also learn how to respond to the correct post, idiot. If you're not going to put any effort into your shitposting I'm not going to bother responding anymore.
>Be arabs
>Sitting on oil reserves coming into the modern era
>Have 0 great generals
>Only a few outdated units sitting in cities for amenity bonus
>Get rekt by everyone else who wasnt a retard and researched some military tech
>"Its not fair boo hoo!"
Git gud
They've been attaking oil tankers and shot down a US navy drone
well this is awful, hopefully this gets sorted out, id rather all the trash stay in lol rather than move to dota
Spark war for profit
I wish thirdies couldn't play any games at all
>Implying the US government can block a game that is owned by a Chinese company
>I am willing to bet my life on it
Are you willing to bet your life on the fact that none of them will LOOK like terrorists to a drone pilot? Cause that's the real question
I don't want you to respond, everything you type is a retarded waste of time so fuck off
Even if I was a crusader larper I wouldn't support this because it's not a holy war, if war does happen Islam is not going anywhere, it's just gonna be afghanistan 2.0 where US stays there for 30 years ruining the country and killing people for money
Yes because I don't live in a fucking favela. Your stupid, shitty point is going nowhere, retard. You're trying to act like I'm a hypocrite for not feeling sympathy for people who are walking hand in hand with murderers.
>The world at large is against it
Not really. I don't see people rioting about this shit. Nobody gives a fuck
>Be arabs
Persia is not an Arabic state you idiot.
Riot Games is headquartered in the US, making it legally a US company. The fact that Tencent is its parent company is irrelevant.
Bitch please. As if that hasn't been the MO of the US around the world for the last 80 years. Read confessions of an economic hitman and you'll see how we behave like the mafia around the world.
>tfw I'm a boomer too old to be drafted
I concur.
>Islam will always be a combative religion because they're not accepting of other beliefs
Open a history book and look how progressive the middle east was before burgerstan brought "freedom" and "democracy", by which we obviously mean a dictatorship that sells out to US for a while before the situation escalates
Iran was ahead of the west with women rights before mutts had to steal the oil on behalf of Israel
I'm demanding proof that Riot is being commanded by the U.S. government before I believe that is specifically the cause. You should be doing the exact same thing instead of jumping to conclusions or assuming anything. You could be wrong. That's why proof is necessary before anything can be said for certain, and it's why you shouldn't be saying shit like it's certain when you're fucking guessing. Go fuck yourself, you unscientific street urchin.
You're full of shit pal. You know you're full of shit, but it's easier to be full of shit than to take responsibility for the mass murder of civilians the government you elected and support carries out.
>shot down a US navy drone
That was flying over their territory.
Wouldn't the US be in their right to shoot down drones that fly over their US soil?
Human sacrifices for the satanist zionists, the more souls the better.
I know that, how does it go against my post?
Pakis, arabs, persians
all the same
>I'm demanding proof that Riot is being commanded by the U.S. government
user, do you know what sanctions mean? Any company that does business with a sanctioned entity gets rekt by the US government. That's what sanctions are.
I don't give a fuck if my government kills civilians in other countries. That's the bottom line. They're not killing me or the people I care about. That's as far as my sympathy extends. I don't have the time or energy to give a shit about people elsewhere.
That you're somehow making an exception for it despite the fact it has been that way for years, it will be that way now, and it'll be that way in the future for years to come.
Is it even legal to play LoL in Syria or Iran? Isn't LoL full of haram shit that will get you thrown in jail or lashed or stoned to death over there?
I thought you were gonna stop responding you retarded waste of space
If you mean Iran in particular, Japan already had Shinzo Abe trying to do peace talks with the USA from Iran and the tanker crew attacked US Navy claims about the nature of their accidents that day.
The other wars, likewise. Iraq invasion due to ¨weapons of mass destruction" and such were boycotted.
All better than mutts and niggers in my book.
mutt education
And I haven't seen evidence that Riot was compelled by the U.S. government to do this. That's your claim. It's what I want to see evidence of.
No. The air is owned by no one.
Sure, but US are in their right to be mad about their hardware being shot down. They were gonna respond with an airstrike, instead they chose to shut down a bunch of missile systems.
>Islam will always be a combative religion because they're not accepting of other beliefs
The fucking irony of this post, combined with defending US foreign policy. top kek
The user was replying to thinks war for profit with Iran is somehow desirable because "Islam bad", I was trying to say going to war this way wouldn't do shit against Islam
US shoots down civilian planes for flying too close to their MILITARY BASE that's half a world away from their own country, and justifies, but when a country defends its OWN BORDERS against MILITARY DRONES they're suddenly terrorists.
You can't get drafted if you're on neetbux.
Who cares about history? we're talking about now. If you really cared about it you should raise the point that the entirety of the problems in the middle east have been created by the House of Saud instead of trying to get good goy points by using a completely meaningless subject like womens rights.
And niggers= criminals but the US government has not stopped to import African immigrants until you become Africa.
Go and die for Israel goy
You got any proof? Don't respond to me if you're not going to type correct English. ESL fuckwit.
>trillions of dollars spent on pointless wars
>Americans still clap anyway
based fucking japs cucking the US out of a false flag
Then what the fuck are they do flying their own hardware on other nations if they don't want to be spied too.
you know you can lie and say you have a medical issue to avoid the draft
Why would a world-class superpower base their entire financial superstructure on a finite resource doomed to eventually run dry?
Because they promote diversity, multiculturalism, multiracialism and antifascism
Yeah well when you're a global superpower, you can be as much of a hypocrite and a bully as you like.
>so no, they will always be terrorists simply because their belief will eventually lead them to clash with our ideals.
You realize the crusades were a thing, right?
>the entirety of the problems in the middle east have been created by the House of Saud
...And who do you think is propping them up?
Yes, that is the logic of a terrorist. He doesn't care about you mutts, you can all die for all he cares. Can't see no fault in that logic, his sympathy just doesn't extend to you and if all of you die in a nuclear blast he'll just chuckle.
What kind of fucking revisionist history books are you reading. It was only Iran that was "progressive" in that regard and the regime change would have happened without our help anyways.
Get off Americas dick you disgusting europoor.
That's so fucking goofy
>Iran was ahead of the west with women rights
Probably trying to provoke them to incite a conflict, I would guess. It's pretty textbook stuff.
You know they have doctors that check you out anyway, and if you lied about your condition you're drafted with an asterisk to place you in more dangerous assignments because you tried to dodge.
The governments in those countries don't know half the shit their citizens do online. It's like pointing out that piracy is illegal in the US. How many people still do it without a second thought and never get caught or punished for it?
CIA helped but mossadegh was deposed mostly by MI6 mostly for british profit. Anglo Person oil literally became BP
>before burgerstan brought "freedom" and "democracy",
god your thick
And he's more than welcome to try. That's what war is, bro. Welcome to the conversation.
Not for long, Ameritards
Hope you enjoyed your short time as a superpower.
Actually thanks to Trump all you'd have to do now is claim you're a tranny.
Fuck Iran.
boomer wives tale. They're not going to put people who are likely to desert on more dangerous and high priority missions. Get a clue.
anyone have that video about the iranian president of 19 something talking about how the muslim brotherhood wanted him to control their women and he just told them to fuck off?
how the the iran go from based arabs to fucked up mudslimes in less than 50 years.
Maybe because it won't run out for centuries and you're being sold a lie in order to create artificial scarcity and hype the prices up? Ever considered that option?
Doesn't that mean the US is becoming a big Venezuela?
No one, they're keeping themselves alive on their vast reserves of cash from oil money and the fact that no one wants to get cut off from the gas station of the world. This ghost spectre that the US is keeping Saudi Arabia alive is laughable at best and downright flat earth stupid at worst.
More dangerous != high priority. Shut the fuck up with this irrational horse shit.
>live in country
>money stolen
do you really think doctors really check?
i lied about a ton of shit and enlisted without them ever pulling my civilian records.
its not hard if you dont want to serve
If you agree with my point that US bombings of civvies are no different from islamic terrorist attacks then why are we even having this conversation
what kind of mission is more dangerous but not higher priority.
They're not looking for reasons to stop people from entering. They would be looking for reasons to stop people from dodging. I expected as much logic from some stone kicking retard.
Already served. If I get called back my ass gets to work in a comfy A/C shop again.
>the entirety of the problems in the middle east have been created by the House of Saud
I wonder who helped them get in power...
>Good boy points
You said that islam are savages, i said they were fine and open minded before dirty mutts wanted to secure oil for their overlords.
Historically muslims were always an open and friendly culture, i shit you not untill 30 years ago way more tollerant thatn christians
If you want to look at modern middle east and you're looking for someone to blame,blame burgers and their greed
That's not how it works, mate.
Go fly a vespa above Area 51 and start taking high resolution photos of what's there.
The upper atmosphere/space is international, traditional airspace is not.
Nice joke
Overcorrection. They overthrew the CIA backed corrupt pahlavis for the fundamentalist ayatollah.
I'm not bombing people; I'm just not villifying my government for doing it. Terrorists aren't relying on their government to bomb people. They're doing it themselves. That's vigilante justice. The fact that you can't reconcile the difference speaks volumes about you. Retard.
shark tooth collection.
All sorts of missions when you've got an excess of soldiers that are considered expendable.
It's funny cause when McVeigh did it. The press was like muh childrens daycare. And he pointed out how when the U.S does it to anyone else its them using childrens places as shields
>the sauds literally depend on experts from the west to get the gas and oil out of the ground and to keep their country running, from power station to water stations to digital infrastructure
>implying they have any leverage against the west, especially britain and the us
go to school, user (not a burger """school""") or at least google mohammed mossadegh.
Damn. Crazy to think that if the US had stayed 95+% white they could have been a relatively peaceful nation. Oh well. The multiculti empire has to grow, sorry everyone else!
Not the retard you are responding to, but bringing up the crusades as a counter-argument against the violence of islam is even more retarded. The crusades were a response to the centuries of islamic aggression.
He's right desu
Islam wasn't that relevant until the US funded Jihadists to fight against muh evil commies.
You have zero understanding of foreign policy.
That's what's so scary to me about Iran. They're proof of how radically a society can change, turn to shit, and be completely unrecognizable in a very short period of time.
Looking at Iran as little as 50 years ago is mind blowing. You'd never know it was the same group of peoplw or even the same geographical location.
like what. I said give me an example of a mission that is more dangerous than just what your basic grunt would see but isnt higher priority. If you cant give an actual example then shut the fuck up because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Ah yes. The ottomans, and Armenian genocide. Such peaceful people
>The crusades were a response to the centuries of islamic aggression.
>You said that islam are savages
No, I said the religion is intolerant, which will eventually lead to more conflict. You're the one bringing unrelated garbage like womens rights and now you're trying to paint me as a racist by claiming I said "Islam is savage"
Try and have actual arguments instead of behaving like a 12 year old in a debate and maybe I would pay more attention to what you're saying, otherwise you just make for good entertainment.
The goal of nonstop infinite wars in the ME isn't to stop islam. It's to mess the region up good and proper and then flood the west with migrants from that region. The wars will never end, and the west will keep taking in more and more angry muslims who hate the west. That's the entire point.
Proof fascism works
There was an old Soviet joke: what's the difference between the dollar and the ruble? Dollar is backed by gold while ruble is backed by tanks. Funny now nowadays it's exactly the other way around.
Oh yeah implementing a visa system is so oppressive open borders for middle east right now or I'll beat you up ok
Open up a history book
>Country shoots down one of your thousands of unmanned spy drones for spying on them
>launching several missles destroying multiple radar stations and missile batteries, killing multiple people in the process and possibly starting a war is an appropriate response
holy shit are gamers being oppressed, we are the real victims
Have a picture of Iranian students from 1979, before "Democracy", and one with modern Iran under lovely and benevolent U.S.A. eye
fuck these sandniggers
You literally just need to feign mental health issues and they'll never give you a gun. Tell them you killed a cat as a teen and enjoyed the feeling, enjoy getting to console all the wifes of the golems that went to die for Israel.
So why is SA able to get away with 9/11? Seems like the U.S is the one sucking their cock here.
>Armenians quite literally start murdering their neighbours to get some land
>they get kicked out
>Nooo this is a genocide how could you oppress and kill us for killing other people during their wars noooo
>Advocates the military
>Hasn't served a day in his life, draft dodges Vietnam, and disrespects veterans
What did he mean by this?
It's not supposed to be reasonable. Stop being a good goy falling for red herrings. It's supposed to be another fiasco like the Iraq/Afghanistan invasions.
I hate it when people concede a discussion with an reaction image. Just have the balls to say sorry for not having the knowledge to argument your case. It's okay.
Also read a history book nigger.
Think of scenario in which there is something of average value but higher than average danger that would normally be dismissed as not worth the risk but would now be reconsidered when a commander has an excessive amount of soldiers that he doesn't care about. Your lack of imagination is not my problem to fucking solve, shit for brains. You're ignoring the essential part of this point, that the commander now has thousands of expendable soldiers. This opens up more options because while the risk of death might be high, and the return may not be very valuable, it's still worth more than the lives of those soldiers. That's basic algebra.
The top was headed towards degeneracy and women's "liberation" aka the current state of the US
International terrorism is 95+ percent Sunni (aka Saudi Arabian Wahhabists inspired), 100 percent of the attacks on the west are Sunni.
I think we got an actual Jewish Yea Forums poster here.
I mean, they could have use the game chat to plan attacks. Remenber that the PS4 for once use to plan terrorist attacks?
>not the nuclear ethnostate in the middle east doing ethnic cleansing right now
burgers are so dumb
They didn't launch an airstrike. They used cyber warfare to shut down the missiles electronically.
Holy shit. Ass blasted mutts in this very thread.
Could you actually speak plainly and not in edgy metaphors so people can take you seriously, user?
>he posts a pic without sources
>calls other people thick
The US bends over to take that grimy Saudi cock
Palestine > Israel
>Resource found across the world, including in the backyards of several of the US's biggest enemies
>"I-i-it's a lie! It's all made up! Several hundred thousand people across all major continents are all colluding!"
I'm talking about the shah's rule you moron. Also Iran has the most trannies second to thailand
Not an argument :^)
That photo creeps me the fuck out and I don't know why.
>British Petroleum (BP) gets control over Persia's (later renamed Iran) oil supply
>Mossadegh comes to power, tries to nationalize Iran's oil fields
>Britain gets US to stage a CIA coup against Mossadegh
>US props up the Shah who controls Iran and plays ball
>Shah gets overthrown by Islamic revolution
>US has been out for blood ever since
they did them a favor
Saudi Arabia has money and is in charge of OPEC
You can say the same about every religion you uncultured swine, go read the old testament and come back telling me christianity is all about love and hippie bullshit
It's all about which parts of your holy book you want to prioritize.
During the golden age of arabic culture they were way more tolerant compared to modern clapperstan
Cause you didnt have one to begin with
You're a fucking retard. Above was from the period of the shah, backed by the west. The bottom is the result of the ayatollah, who has been combative with the US for 40 fucking years. Hell i'm gonna go further. Soviet occupied afghanistan sucked, but they gave women more rights than before. Once the mujahideen pushed em away and the taliban took over, the pendulum swung the other way hard. Neither of those are "democracy."
I dunno user, well known facts about huge blunders dont need much explanation in my opinion.The reasoning behind the crusades weren't ever really stopping the ''muh evil mudslimes''
Old Testament is Jewish desu
Trump called it off an hour before it was suppose to happen, meaning that a group of people sat down, thought about it and said to themselves, " Yes, this is a good idea"
After reading Persepolis I get sad everytime people mention Iran.
it was the Brits all along!
user, do you know what an argument is?
>Britcucks are the root of yet another global problem
Color me surprised
>they can be more liberal with the lives of infantry by conducting missions that have a low chance of success but do it anyways
disregarding the fact that you're a fucking retard if you think they're going to treat any of their soldiers as "extra expendable" because they have an asterisk next to their name on the paperwork or whatever, a mission which has average value and a low enough chance of success that they weren't going to even bother with it is quite literally the fucking opposite of a "high priority mission".
What's it like being a fucking retarded nigger fit only for infantry, can you tell me?
because the superpower is highly privatised and is a huge body of individuals with different interests.
I know it definitely isnt what you posted.
He called it off when it was shown an airstrike would cause 150 casualties so... kinda contradicts your point.
I hate LoL and mobas and sandniggers but the US government has way too much power and needs to be scaled back AT LEAST 50%.
Wish they would block it here in the states.
don't deflect el goblino, you're just as bad.
>Islamic fundamentalist state
Goblinos are only a world power because Britcucks destroyed all of Europe and themselves for their Rothschild masters.
Brits admitting to that would be an actual improvement, instead of pretending like they have clean hands
For israel
Control of their central bank.
I have asthma, am near sighted, and have tourettes syndrome. Am I goin in boys?
This notion that you have that all dangerous missions are higher priority, or that all high priority missions are dangerous, is absolute insanity. Shut the fuck up. If a portion of your soldiers have established themselves as being unpatriotic they are worth less than soldiers who haven't expressed these sorts of views. Those soldiers are worth less, and if a scenario emerges where the lives of the soldiers are less important than the mission, the likelihood of the disloyal soldiers being deployed there are remarkably higher. In order for your bullshit point to make sense those disloyal soldiers would need to all betray their country in order for it to actually make the mission implode which wouldn't happen. There's a lot to consider when you're deciding who lives and who dies. You're not an officer. You've never had to perform arithmetic like this. You're making irrational assumptions without thinking at all. So shut your ignorant mouth. You think all soldiers are treated equally and all missions are treated equally. You're not fit to hold a rifle.
>the eternal anglo
Not even surprising
>there are now soldiers enlisting who will be fighting in the middle east and were born after 9/11
sharia law is ignored in all of the middle east except Saudi Arabia, and even there it is toned down quite a bit
>t. born and raised in Saudi Arabia
It's a trade sanction it's illegal to do trade with these countries while it's active. LoL is big enough to matter.
so... Why aren't we banning EA games then?
if you were born and raised in saudi arabia you'd know that saying "sharia law" is redundant
This, the only reason the US hate Iran is they got mad that the puppet they put in power in place of the democracy of the time was BTFOd by religious fanatics.
It's the only resource that is rare, difficult to gather, in global demand and easy to protect. Force the world to trade it in your currency and you're relevant forever.
Fuck China and fuck you low effort cancer OP.
Lmao who cares about a bunch of sandniggers. Just let the Burgertards nuke them off the map, one less problem in the world.
Yeah just like that Iraq and Afghanistan draft am I right? Fucking retards.
are they compensating riot games for the potential loss of money?
They better not. My tax dollars shouldn't end up in Riot's pockets.
No, that's like compensating tobacco companies because they can't sell cigarettes to kids.
True, but USA/CIA meddeling isn't anything like /pol/ or the movies make it out to be. It's literally.
>Place is doing ok.
>CIA kills president, doesn't even hide the fact that it's them.
>Installs some random fuck twat.
>Twat says it's now ok to beat women and fuck goats.
>Everyone in Iran shrugs and goes along with it.
based trump destroying eurocucks with another awesome war and tons of muslim terrorists who will infiltrate them along with millions of sand refugees
LOL who told you that? You most certainly can. Even if you're missing a leg, you can still be drafted because you can still work certain jobs. Not all military work is on the battlefield. Less than 15% of it is.
t. marine recruiter
not really
I want the fucking retards that pushed for all these wars on the frontline
How psychopathic of you.
nah the Sauds were always brutal
Why? They're not in the military.
Feeling Alex Jones here, but it's been almost unironically proven after many years
The government can do whatever they want.
Their government, their rules.
You don't like it? Go create your own government and stop complaining.
Have sex.
why shouldn't they die with their beliefs?
they're sending hundreds to men to die for them
How is it the same?
Muslims kill innocent people.
Well if you have to do noncombat jobs then who really cares?
They've been elected to make those tough decisions. Learn to democracy.
Reminder US still works with Saudi Arabia even though they were the source of many terrorist attacks
Reminder US only hates Iran because Israel hates Iran
If you want to act like the moral authority you should adopt a more moral solution rather than just killing people you disagree with. The most moral solution to end the war with the least amount of U.S. bloodshed would be to put the best soldiers in the front lines; not untrained, unqualified civilians. You're just as bloodthirsty as the people you're attempting to condemn. You're a hypocrite. According to your logic you belong on the front lines alongside them.
government leaders can’t rule when they’re dead on the battleground
this is what really ticks me off when i'm talking to retards about war. i've spoken to literal clinical retards who hate everyone that isn't within their small propaganda circle of their country e.g. i was talking to this woman who was telling me about how i shouldn't be friends with arabs because arabs kill our soldiers in the middle east and she would just go full damage control mode when i tell her why the fuck are they there in the first place. the families of these soldiers we're sending abroad are affected as much as those families of those people who are taking up arms to defend their fucking land. there's so much hypocrisy now and too many fucking stupid people. it's because of this vocal minority advocating war and advocating sending OUR people to fight half way across the world why the government gets a free pass when they do it. they know people will defend ANYTHING they do.
You must be 18+ to use this website.
>that time the Arab world declared war on Israel and the Jews with no actual international support defeat all of them in six days
Is that supposed to be some kind of radical insight? Anyone paying attention knows that so shut your dumbass mouth
The catch is that unlike those two Iran has been bracing for the guerrilla campaign from hell for a decade. You actually would need the draft to have enough bodies to hold the damn place (and not holding the place means they go straight for nukes the moment you leave).
This. If you don't want a foreign government banning your access to video games, maybe do what that government tells you and stop being a toxic anti-semetic muslim.
No more sand niggers in LOL
>tough decisions
>doesnt affect them at all
yeah tough
yeah like how saddam was weapons of mass destruction and was about to nuke the US or whatever they claimed..
Just read this thread to know how ignorant some people are.
Iranian gamers will RISE UP and overthrow their government.
Go live there if you want to protect them.
Apparently it's easy for a psychopath like you.
If there is a draft I’ll just become a cyber security NSAtard
Any commander that is worth shit can handle it.
Many US leaders and politicians actually fought and know what war means, i can respect them.
I will never accept a sheltered faggot warmongering because it makes money for himslef and the bellic industry
Sending men to war is a tough decision.
based us mobilizing zoomers to take down the ayatolah to get back their video games
>the cia installed the ayatollah
fuck off with your jew propaganda
you gotta write a message on twitter when they die so people think you're a good man
it's pretty tough
I don't believe in an of these bullshit wars and I don't push any of these bullshit wars
the guy sitting back will continually send more and more to die without change
leaders die in battle for their failures
Boo hoo.
You pay taxes to support war. Hypocrite.
i want to protect my people. people like you defending sending western troops to die in some random country half way across the world are the problem. if you advocate it so much why don't you go and fight on the frontlines yourself?
I'm not American
my country is more aligned with China than anything
>Muh muslims
You know the majority of the oil in the middle east is provided by muslims countries right ?
Might aswell stop using your car /pol/tard
God, why are americans such dogs?
Now yuo see how it rlly be...
They are mutts
>I'm not American
Opinion discarded. We own the world so don't assume you have a say in how we should run it.
>Reminder US still works with Saudi Arabia even though they were the source of many terrorist attacks
the worst part is the US double standards like when saudis literally execute, dismember and boil some political rivals body in acid the americans come out and say it's not a big deal we'll continue to be friends just don't do it again meanwhile if iran or any other country were to that they would be internationally condemning them and would do an international blockade.
>you can get randomly drafted
lmao glad I don't live in this shithole
>lost the majority of their foreign conflicts since fucking WWII
>bitch to Israel and SA
nice "own", lmao
Because they don't want to upset the saudi since they gate special prices on oil
and if they’re not they get killed and the government collapses over any conflict. hurray!
Which conflicts have they lost since WW2? They pulled out of vietnam and that's it.
americans killed more people in iraq alone than islamic terrorism had killed people in the whole of the west in over 100 years including all 9/11 and whatever. they also kill indiscriminately. two wrongs don't make a right.
lol no
It sanctioned mexico in the last two weeks just to force out the buy of crops and shit unto them, and to stop the commie mexican president from pushing agendas into the country with illegal immigrants
>blocking LoL
But that's a good thing, no?
>brown = terrorist
>nigger = criminals
>israel = enemy of humanity
stop it
Bro if we seriously wanted to take out Iran we wouldnt need many bodies, that type of warfare is long over with the drone innovations of the past few years.
>korean war
>vietnam war
>war on terror
the list goes on
>americans killed more people in iraq
there are only muslims in iraq not people
Bin Salman was put in because he promised to purge wahabbists on 'corruption' charges.
>tfw living in Europe and getting another shitload of rapefugees soon
Can't the US just nuke themselves or Israel? Or better yet, take in all the refugees from your own wars.
>shitholes in the Middle East
Who cares. Hope more is blocked.
>US fires on Iran with drones
>Iran launches 1000+ missles at Israel which is practically right next door and begins a 10 year long conflict
The US's only mistake was helping Churchill in WW2.
Because you're living on a planet where some people understand certain things earlier than you, and decide they will live a good life not caring about others.
>you're trying to paint me as a racist by claiming I said "Islam is savage"
he never said you were racist for that. We are in Yea Forums dude, calm down, nobody will call you racist here
Your children will get raped by refugees until you grow a spine and kick them out of Europe.
so you agree this is a good thing? don't get mad when these people who were peaceful and didn't even know you existed get mad and come and try to kill you as revenge then.
The world be much better off if USA got nuked.
wasn't that all Merkel
>these people who were peaceful
an unironic muslim apologist on 4channal lmao
Not when it's a war that's not ours.
Imagine being the US and drafting citizens to try to war for a Drone that was passing through enemy airspace.
America is hypocritical as fuck. If Pajeet, Muhammad or whatever the fuck these niggas are called and their cronies sent a drone to spy the coasts of the shithole of California they'd take it as a grave offense.
Except for the whole US backed dictatorship and all.
It’s okay to admit we fucked their shit up for oil money and poppy fields, because that’s exactly what America did
Didn't lose Korean war, korea is split in 2 halves in case you didn't know
So basically vietnam and nothing else like i said
>look how progressive the middle east was before burgerstan brought "freedom" and "democracy"
So America create thoses monsters? God everyday I fucking hate more this country
Who cares(
Just do as I did and move to Japan. All you gotta do is learn moonrunes but it's not that hard really.
nope. just someone who isn't clinically retarded like you are.
what did any iraqi do to you that means their immoral death is justified? or any vietnamese and afghan for that matter. i'll wait lets see this amazing /pol/ logic.
Meanwhile in Syria
>become an immigrant to another country
based ooga booga where da asian bitchez at user
Imagine hating Muslims for leaving their countries but completely ignoring the people that caused them to leave their countries.
The Chaos Emeralds.
>lack of video games make them leave
top retard
they're subhuman
>Just refugee yourself to Japan!
Ah the irony of becoming the thing you hated previously. A classic trope of man.
But I do hate America. The most vile place and people in the world.
so are you, shall i kill you too?
Idk you see how much antisemitism is in this website?
Only LoL? Something tells me that Riot games are the ones who did it willingly.
try it mutt
Well I mean it should have already happened. Islamist shit stains don't deserve to experience our art. they should fix their trash culture first.
yeah next time i come to africa (america), if i ever come there, i'll do that.
Then why are you on an American social platform?
syrian and iranian incels go on shooting sprees
You think this war is really about multiculturalism?
This is why this country is going to shit. You can’t tell the difference between trolls and retards anymore
i remember back in 90's TV environmentalists and "scientists" kept bombarding us with propaganda that oil is running out and will only last till 2025. Now its global warming and raising sea level.
>gee how do we make towel head youth hate us even more
>lets ban their shit tier taste videogames
Got bless muttland, improving irans vidya standarts since 2019
Iraqis weren't peaceful, but surely there must have been a Better way to go about Saddam that didn't involve doing basically everything utterly wrong when It came to get the Iraqis in something resembling a stable nation that didn't care about what the West was up to?
I mean, it's not like Iraqis were itching to kill Westners in the Seventies-Eighties.
We want sandgamers to rise up
Support ideologies that kill more people than the U.S army does in a year?
Do you see Amerimutts going to Russia shooting schools cause they're not democratic and support China? Or running over Cubans with a truck because they're way of life is haram to theirs?
you mean Their shitty Islamic culture that makes all their countries shit holes, that they want to bring to my civilized progressive country. you all deserve to get shot.
Yup. It was spains fault for causing the Moors to invade. Mmhm
Anything that's comprised of music, artwork, animation, ect is art even if it's shit.
Why are you?
If we hadn't figured out fracking and new drilling tecniques, yes it would've ran out by then.
A bit like how the actual problems the Millennium Bug could've have caused (so, not planes falling off the sky and electricity going out, but dates of birth/death getting screwed up and archives going nuts) didn't happen because programmerà worked on it.
That just means they're both becoming smarter than you.
more people die in fucking chicago in a year than american soldiers in two whole fucking wars. your example is retarded. and yeah, i see america literally starting wars because of their own ideology and killing nearly 1.5 million people as a result of starting proxy wars in asia to "combat communism". combat communism my fucking ass.
>Or running over Cubans with a truck because they're way of life is haram to theirs?
i see them indiscriminately bombing kids with air strikes every day in places like syria.
I get it but id sooner be someone else's nigger than living one more second in that shithole you call Eastern yurop. And its not like I didn't earn it.
Weird thing is when Spain took back control, they kicked out all the Jews but let the Muslims stay
They didn't use to leave their countries en masse up until twenty years ago you stupid monkey, so it's clearly not their culture anymore than Chinese fleeing "Century of Humiliation" China were fleeing their culture.
Okay buddy retard.
What a fucking time to be alive
Basedboys and liberals with an irrational hatred for Trump will support Iran over the US.
1.5 million is a small price to pay vs the hundreds of mil that Mao and Stalin killed. Have you been to SK btw? They will not stop thanking you for saving them from the shithole that Would have been the DPRK.
And how retarded are you to think any sane commander is gonna waste a million dollar missile on a toddler? Collateral damage is a part of war. Deal with it. Be mad at the governments failure to protect their front
Even better, the CIA and British intelligence are largely responsible for the entire Sunni Islamist phenomenon. They thought in the 80s that "a few angry Arabs" meant nothing compared to the fall of the Soviet Union and sponsored Salafist jihadis against both the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan but also elsewhere as a deterrent against leftist nationalists.
This is just my shitty theory but I think when all the rotten dinoflesh runs dry we're gonna shift over to nuclear energy and force the world to buy energy from us or suffer pre industrial life.
Basically suck it all dry and then shift mediums when it's all gone to have a monopoly on all of the planets energy.
I have nothing to base this on except my overactive imagination and cynicism.
Probably cause theirs a fuck ton of them compared to jews.
>Wahhabism isnt an ideology
Okay buddy retard
yeah I'm sure that iran and syrian politicians are mad as fuck now that US banned league of legends in their country
they wont be able to give money to an american company
>pick-a-side tactics
The fuck you are talking about.
They conquered parts of Morocco and controller Algeria for a few years, that's quite different from "letting the Muslims stay".
idk why, SK is literally the shittiest place on the planet to live. No wonder it has the highest suicide rate in the world.
>he says as he posts from his 3rd world favela
And you’re just an asshole for believing that.
If you think this war was started over multiculturalism and not just for some rich assholes to get more rich, then you’re either a troll or retard.
I still don't understand the issue with Syria.
They are non militaristic
They have freedom of religion with one of the largest christian communities in the middle east only second to Lebanon
Assad is a progressive president even backing a bill that allows other parties to become president, prior it was only that the Ba'ath party could hold the presidency
They actively combat radical Islam even throwing the Muslim Brotherhood in jail or holding them accountable for execution. This is also a group that had multiple revolutions in Egypt
Only thing I can think of is that they are allies with Iran and Israel may want more land. There is no other reason for conflict with Syria. Even then Israel is an unstable nuclear power that actively assaults it's neighbors not just the west bank and gaza to the point they've been condemed multiple times by the UN
>1.5 million is a small price to pay
aka "it's fine no biggie 1.5m people who cares lmao" neck yourself
>the hundreds of mil that Mao and Stalin killed
and nowhere did i say this is ok either. fuck both of those people.
> Have you been to SK btw?
half my family literally lives in japan because we have business there. they look at you like you're an invader even if you're white america which /pol/ would tell you they worship like gods. they don't like anyone that isn't japanese.
>And how retarded are you to think any sane commander is gonna waste a million dollar missile on a toddler?
I didn't say anything about that, I just said if you can't identify the trolls from the retards, it's because you're a retard.
Would still be superior to living in SK.
Israel and Turkey are both imperialistic and want land
And then cry like a coward bitch when a terrorist attack happen in amerijew soil
>removing kebab
Why wouldn't we defend this?
US wants to implant a pro US government in syria so they arm "rebel" forces. Russia wants to do the same thing so they support Assad. Its more about geopolitics and trying to get more influence in the region.
Brits are literally responsible for finding and giving the Iran the ability to produce oil. Also the oil rights were legally purchased 7 years before oil was actually struck.
Iran was allowing Germans to hide out in Iran, but rather than let the Soviets handle the entire region instead choose to dispose of Reza Shah (exiling him) and allowing for a peaceful transition of power.
Brits are also responisble for help modernize and unify Iran into a single coherent nation
21 October 1805 Best day of my Life
Everything we produce is high art, euroshitter
Israel had been giving land for fake peace with their shit neighbors. I wish israel was half as imperialist as Turkey and would fucking annihilate the fucking sandniggers already so sick of hearing about "muh paleshittt"
Absolute retard. twenty years every country would have shot an invading mass of muzrats. which is what Europe should be doing now.
>Israel is the U.S
Looooool. I thought we were talking about Iraq and Communism? No one gives a shit about Palestine and Israel's sorties.
1.5 dead civilians vs 100 million.
So your so fucking stupid you think you can save everyone? Yes it's sad they had to die, but it saved a fuck ton more.
Yeah let's magically kill every Nazi party member and somehow not kill any innocent Wehrmacht, or civilian. Totally doable.
>Japan is South Korea
Holy fuck, I never met anyone more sheltered and stupid in my entire life. Lmao
Also Japan literally has a statue to Douglas Mcarthur. Cause they know he helped build them to where they are today
Imagine how great the world would be if USA got obliterated and all Americans executed
>US gov blocks Chinese games in Middle East
Weird overreaching world police flex but ok?
Sandnigger fuck off with your shit propaganda.
those faggots are peak zoomer.
But that's literally impossible at the moment any direct attempts would result in international sanctions and a complete boycott from Russia or even war.
This has been the case since we entered Syria. So there has to be another angle which I can only imagine is Ally support and maybe manipulation of the Oil economy as the US is a large producer of oil as such conflict in Iran and Syria will bolster our oil industry and at the same time we give Israel more leg room for expansion and are able to funnel money into them for discreet assassination jobs we "can't" do
Its fake news, lad.
palestine is based. israel needs to be ended asap. they're ruining america and they're the cause of all this ruckus in the middle east. if they didn't exist and pissed everyone off around them we wouldn't have this issue and we wouln't be paying them billions every year for them to go and give out classified military docs to china. fuck isreal.
They're also responsible for Israel so not much going there for you
And here you can see the long nose forgetting to be subversive
Not even a Sand Nigger just someone that read up on the history of Syria and the evolution of law in Syria and wish to know and understand
>palestine is based
How to detect MIDF sandnigger shills
israel is an extension of the US. if you deny this you're literally a kike and should go back to the gas chamber.
>asia is asia
spotted the JIDF kike. off yourself.
Where are all these muslims coming from?
>all asians r the same
So like...why Chinese and Japanese get along bro???
>says the moron who probably thinks all brown people are the same
off yourself lad
Exactly what MIDF shill would say.
>Playing League of Legends in 2019.
They are honestly doing them a favor.
What do you expect from people who think the Holcaust was all staged? All these actual camps, all the photographs (by different armies), all the prisoners who survived and were interviewed - all made up by an international conspiracy between 100000s of people.
>israel is an extension of the US
Nah Israel has more influence in the US than the US has in Israel if anything it's almost backwards.
Our current president wouldn't even be president if it wasn't for help provided from Bibi and Israeli lobbying
>express anti jewish sentiment
>must be a muslim lololol
no. no one likes you kike.
Not even, people have just become tired of the angolems tyranny on the kikes orders.
An election boomer screaming MIGA will not help you. The USA will collapse and the """"people"""" punished for the terrors they've forced on the world, along with their vile cousins.
We should let Russia sink the British isles to the bottom of the sea.
good goy
Chinese kinda got mad when Japan did this really funny prank to them
I'm fine with this.
Why don't niggers in the same apartment building get along??
>Sucking muslim cock
>muh palestineeee
Yeah you're a sandnigger m8.
spotted the kike. you need to go back.
Except russia wouldn't do that. If anything britain and russia are more likely to join forces to conquer europe.
The Chinese didn't flee their country due to the century of humiliation they left for monetary reasons, with plethora of cheap labor being needed in the America's. No one left China because they thought "oh no we've been defeated in the Opium war now we must leave"
>An election boomer screaming MIGA will not help you.
Its MAGA, Ahmad. As in America, not Iran.
>sucking jewish cock
>muh beloved israeal i love youuuuuuuu
yeah you're a kike m8.
Kinda hard for them to leave when they're all junkies
>moving the goalposts this much
Fucking pathetic lmao.
We were talking about Islam and
Communism. Those arent people lmao. Anyone can be those. It just so happens a lot of them are in the middle east and asia in the 60s
Idk bro it's almost as if.....people have different beliefs.
But the middle east is all Muslim! So why do they kill each other bro? Like Iran and Iraq never had a war before right?
That just further proves the point that the century of humiliation didn't cause the surplus of Chinese emigration
Cute, but delusional. Go on, your masters want more money. Wouldn't want to keep your master waiting now, would you.
Imagine hating on islam when the whole reason muslims are in Europe and the US are because of white countries coming to theirs and destriying everything for the sake for Israel.
They want Israeli/Saudi hegemony in the region.
>Dude just flee :^)
I'll burn and salt everything from the gates of Hercules to Constantinople before I give up.
Fucking hell stop being cowards and just nuke each other already, MAD is long overdue.
Because trannies complained about that so much, they reversed that rule. So I hope you don't mind relying on your 'sister's' in arms.
>he now sees how the entire global economy is a scam
The Middle East was a better place when the British Empire was in control
>fly drone over their airspace to taunt them
>they shoot it down as is normal
>"WOW I cant believe you shot down my drone dude you are such a bad guy brb calling the military"
Just like how the Soviet Union was punished following their collapse? Or Empire of Japan? Idk man that anime shit doesnt seem like punishment. Britian is enjoying the nice life in a cozy island after enslaving a huge ass continent. I think we're fine breh ;)
>not yuumi
No the reason muslims are in Europe are because the politicians want votes and progressive has been Europes stance since the 60's and since the 2000's they have run out of real issues.
Now we have politicians with nothing to show boat about so they move to a new non-issue which are people outside of their country. So they bring them in claiming they are pathetic garbage piece of shits and that we have a duty to civilize them.
These politicians don't care about anything other than they're own well being so whatever actually happens to the country is not their concern. They do not run off of the good for the country nor have they in a long long time
How do anglos feel that their century of abuse is coming to an end? Knowing that Russians will gut his parents in front of him, his sister seeded by the Chinese, as the Europeans tear his beady eyes out, rend his fat flesh from the bone? Understanding that he will die a gruesome horrible slow and painful death for his sins? From London to Sydney to Washington, his towns levelled to the ground, his corruption cleansed, his deformed people crushed and forgotten?
eastern yurop doesn't need refugees to be a proper shithole
I respect that, user.
But do you really thing you have the power to change things?
holy moly this is a gold mine
>you can shag your aunt if you're a jew
Then you shouldnt have sold it off just cause a man with a funny moustache was making you ass hurt.
Ah, yes, the target shootings of Albanians in the Nineties.
Fucktard that doesn't know history.
It still won't change the fact that you had to type this out in English
Yeah, Brits are so cozy they're being replaced by actual humans. And the world will celebrate as the last disgusting anglo babe gets dashed on the rocks, your queens blood flowing down your streets.
>Blocking sandnegros from US servers
Why would I need to defend my country being based? The only thing embarrassing here is that we're pretending that League shit is relevant to anything except bugmen and basement dwellers
Well, if I want to communicate with the simpleminded creature too stupid to learn an actual language, I'd have to speak their primitive grunts after all
>you can also shag your daughter and sister
no wonder jews look so inbred
Typical fatass feminist post
>Russia will gut
Russia has no real power. They have a bunch of scary bombs but they are so technologically incompetent that it would be laughable.
As for the Chinese the Japanese just with their SDF is far superior militarize wise not to mention if you were to throw Pakistan, Austrailia, and even New Zealand into the mix.
The idea that China and Russia pose a threat even together is silly. Don't get me wrong millions would die but it would largely be one sided
The koran states that they killed millions in the name of their religion.
Doubt (X)
The Middle East was a better place when foreign powers didn't meddle in it and shoved their noses where they don't belong.
oh boy here we go
Further proof that the angoblin was created by Jews to be their beasts of burden. Literally the same culture.
It will feel good when Chinese, Russians and Mudslimes are crushed under the heel of the Rising Latin American superpower.
These are the people that tell you that ResetEra isn't invading this site
No it wasn't
your religion is the most disgusting thing i've ever seen
Typical cowardly cope. Protip: every single human hate Anglos and can't wait to see you eradicated like the rats you are.
Tell me friend how does it feel to know your entire culture and way of life was completely usurped by these dreaded Anglos? I can't imagine such a shame, to know that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you fight, you'll always have an Anglo mindset & a future shaped by Anglo hands.
Go back to tumblr, miserable fatass
Armenians were ethnically replaced like what is happening everywhere else. It was facilitated by traitors, and beside the point Armenians are more White than Cockroachs so fuck 'em.
No it was a shit show. It was either a period of war or a period of submission to a stronger group of peoples.
Sure it was, shlomo.
if low skill post modernist trash can be considered art, anything can, even consumerist garbage assembled by a commitee like multiplayer vidya. and once anything is art, nothing is. the word lost all meaning long ago, when every special snowflake desired to be the next picasso and shat on a canvas to get attention.
Multiculti empires are, historically, the only ones who can enable such evils as we see from the US.
And that's why people will destroy you, because your disgusting bestial (((culture))) is ruining countries and people are waking up to that fact. Enjoy your last years alive.
But LoL is not american property anymore? Its from Tencent which is a hinese company.
how the fuck can USA do something like this?
I fucking hate the american
So, was most of Europe for most of its history.
Why causes people to make threads like this Yea Forums? Do they enjoy living such bitter lives? Do they think they're accomplishing some kind of victory by obsessively posting about their ideology for hours on a korean picture site? I just don't understand it
Isn't Riot based in commiefornia?
This is simply a matter of making money. Why should the rich care about "muh people" when they can hire these new people who will work at a lower price?
It's stated as if US contacted RIOT to ask them to block LoL there. It's just that Iran can't trade with US. These videogames, as pretty much everything else are covered in these sanctions.
Who is Saladin? What is Sunni Islam? What is the Sunni/Shia Schism? All questions you should ask yourself before making such an uninformed post, user
user I don't think you understand, this (((culture))) is now yours as well. Your in a no win scenario
Yes Europe was a shit show as well
>google mohammed mossadegh
>a bunch of sandnigger facebook profiles pop up
uhh i see that one of them is going to mosque on sunday
Because that's a lot of work and here is the thing Rich people are still very much people. There are a small minority like Soros and his foundation that actively seek to undermine the integrity of nations but those aren't a majority. No CEO wakes up looking at immigration numbers or wondering how they can seek these people out.
So that idea is very silly
Wh*toids and J*ws will all die.
literally no one:
Yea Forums: I hate video games
You're obviously playing in bronze
The funny thing is, we are still running your countries, and controlling your culture and your beliefs. You are literally our puppets doing exactly what we tell you to do. You don't even realise it.
No fuck that as soon as they put a riffle in my hands I'm shooting the first officer I see
>t. Kike slave
Oh the irony.
>most of Yea Forums is amerimutt
Why does this "meme" even exist?
الموت لأمريكا
الموت لأسر*ئيل
اللعنة على اليهود
Haven't you played any strategy games like Civilization? Trump wants their cities for victory points.
Most of Yea Forums unironically believes this is how international politics works, you just find something you want and conjure up a reason to take it.
>people defend the enemy
Why? We must stop them and save Israel or THEY will invade us first! It's your duty to fight!
because of pewdiepie and reddit
>Literally thinking Jews control the democratic sphere of influence.
Maybe time for you to get out your mom's basement dude.
Except that the hatred of Iran Is completely arbitrary, especially if you consider that not only not a single Islamist terrorist attack was from a Shiite, not only Iranians as a people can be reasoned with more easily than, say, the Saudi """populance""" (really, Just a bunch of tribes on welfare and Urban serfs with more loyalty to the citythan the state) or the Iraqis, but Iran doesn't even give as much of a shit about Israel than It looks like.
>You realize the crusades were a thing, right?
>this reply
you have to go back to r*ddit
Yeah, what a crazy idea.
Islamic crusades are literally dozens of times larger, and the first Christian crusades were provoked by Muslim expansion
you don't have a leg to stand on
Let's be real, no europoors or chinks will be doing any of that.
It'll all be American vs. American in a brutal civil war that will at best lead to the balkanization of the US.
Glad you admit it. Now go institutionalise yourself.
Unless you have a PhD in information systems, no you won't, meatbag.
Counterpoint: Who the fuck cares about Islamic fags
>found in 5 seconds using google
I have no problem with this. I don't either have a problem with USA bombing the middle east in general.
The US hasn't had a draft since 1979. The selective service agency requires all men to register (online) when they turn 18. Nothing really happens if you don't, you just don't get access to things like federal aid. That would probably change if they somehow actually had a draft.
>seething Iran-hating ZOG blocks something
Thats pretty normal, it would be weird if you didn't see imbeciles in the comments of articles.
That said increase in nuclear powers is inevitability that will have to resolve somehow. Will it be a new race, but this time a race of most effective counter measures of anti-nuclear delivery systems? If every one has a bomb, having more bombs wont do anything, but having bombs not go off on your land will after all.
If we go to war with Iran then Russia will likely defend them. Which also means China will get involved as they're allies with Russia. It could legitimately lead to another world war.
Can't relate?
Thing about developing countries is they can only nuke themselves. Modern electronic warfare pretty much dictates and nukes they launch will immediately blow up on their own doorstep.
>they expand
>to balance this out, we must expand too!
Honest diplomacy right here.
>the entirety of the problems in the middle east have been created by the House of Saud
Classic r/The_Zionald post
>kill Christians, try and take Jerusalem
Is what it is.
Early uninstalled from the nb3 incident fuck this company.
Thats rather optimistic i think, we don't really know how deep china/russia/US/israel has penetrated eachothers systems, nor do we know actual capabilities of electronic warfare when it comes to actual largescale disruption. It seems to be the next big thing though, a silent war in that respect is going on every day, constantly we hear about security breaches and such. Not to mention nations developing closed intranets for security purposes.
That said detonating nukes in the low earth orbit would probably be the easiest way to cause large scale disruption for the enemy electronics. Don't even need to detonate them near them too, which is scary, the created magnetic field would loop for thousands of kilometers over the oppositions assets. Probably why US/Russia are so sensitive about countermeasure launcher systems being deployed close to their boarders. Shoot it down before warheads separate.
Nigga, the House of Said Is the sole reason for why Arab states didn't Just become akin to Eastern Europe and instead Is a clusterfuck of Israeli-hates eating each other while the people get murdered left and right.
It's just blind rage against "amalek"
>in 2019
>against a sand nigger shithole
>believing an actual war with concrete significance for the average American/European will ever break out during our lifetimes
Happening-fags are so embarrassing. Everything is way too intertwined, a proper war will never happen.
Because peak-oil was a meme and they suddendly "found" more oil because surprise it is a natural resource that replenishes instead of being made of dinosaurs.
Don't you mean the Tomar emeralds? xD
Literally show me a single source from the Quran that says this
The thing that is most likely going to throw a wrench in that plan is EU's Fusion research. If they succeed, the state will own the biggest, more energy productive reactors on the planet.
We'll probably see another a war over that though. Making the emission based energy source obsolete overnight will cause major financial shakeups world over.
Im of the opinion that common sense and history lessons will keep the wars at bay. Otherwise yeah the risk of nuclear war is way too large of a cost to start a fight and im pretty sure no matter how evil the opposition is painted, they know that just as well. Iran wants nukes not to blow up infidels, but as a defensive measure to keep foreign powers from trying shit, just like North Korea has done.
That said some wars will surely happen and somehow this whole mess will have to be resolved, lowering tensions and forgetting grudges takes a long time and requires someone to take a step down, but duking it out and getting it out of the system is much faster. Im really curious how this whole rising global tension thing will be resolved. Will there be a big "lets sit down and talk it out" moment when it hits its peak? That would be neat, but usually that doesn't eliminate the lasting grudges.
The next time someone acts like that ask them who was behind 9/11. Laugh as they stumble over themselves trying to justify invading Iraq/Iran yet ignoring Saudi Arabia. They get piping hot seethed when you laugh, because they know they're retarded.
Either they won't be able to vent their frustrations in League so they will fuck shit up or they won't get assblasted in League so they will turn peaceful.
America easily wins all conventional wars
Dont forget turning a blind eye when saudis chopped up that journalist in their embassy in turkey. Rather pathetic from the administration.
>Jefferson's Quran
Try harder retard. Show a line of scripture (Quran) that tells muslims to plunder and enslave non believers
Daily reminder that Jews are Edomites and never received the covenant, and therefore have no claim on the land of "Israel"
Because they're surely all in those countries, genius