No video game has ever had an enjoyable cave or sewer level.
Prove me wrong.
No video game has ever had an enjoyable cave or sewer level.
Prove me wrong.
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sewer surfin
idk I liked the sewers in fallout 3
The sewer level in Shadows of the Empire was actually pretty good
Super Castlevania IV
fuck you OP
>OP: I'm a tremendous faggot, please rape my face
FF7's sewer and cave sections were fine.
You didn’t like the sewer in REmake 2?
Caves can be very beautiful and hide very cool secret areas. Caves are varied irl, why not in games?
Sewers tend to be boring, though. Sameplaces and little enemy variety. Worse when water level problems are implemented, like reduced movement speed.
In my opinion, DEVs should spice it with the horror aspect and avoid the typical water level tropes.
I liked the sewer level in Hotline Miami 2 better than most levels. The game isn't that great, though, so maybe that's the reason.
absolutamente basado y rojopastillado quicoposter
Ratchet and clank
Depths in DS1
Sewers are there to transport feces to the treatment plant. How can this be enjoyable?
I'd fucking play this shit.
Why are all sewers in videogames always super cramped? I mean, even real life has more variety.
por que tan dificil aprender espanol, bros?
Sewers irl are generally untraversable, to begin with. The Metal Gear Rising feeling one on your pic seems like one of a kind.
best sewer theme coming through
>That Chavo thread we had some months ago
Good shit
He says, posting that one part from Mirror's Edge.
Mirror's Edge
Diablo 2 had enjoyable cave levels, but some of the least enjoyable sewer levels.
I'm fine with those, but hate fire levels
Sewer Speedway in the original CTR. Consider yourself BTFO, OP.
Oxygen Not Included
95% of Skyrim took place in caves and as pleb as that game was, I enjoyed it a lot.
Maplestory ant tunnel.
Cave story
Every sewer level in TMNT series
Every sewer/hang eight level in crash bandicoot 2 with that bangin music.
Chrono Trigger's sewer area
Yoshi's Island Cave stages are beautifully designed and fun to navigate
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls sewer and crystal cavern
labrynth zone sonic 1 or 2 or whatever it was.
mystic cave in sonic 2
final fantasy 5's caverns are enjoyable.
the northern crater in ff7
the sewers in ff7 after you get dumped by don corneo
ff8 sewer system
ff9's ice cave
the ant hill in medievil 1 for ps1
ice caves in dkc1 and 2
clanker's cavern in banjo kazooie
the sewer area in the legend of the philsopher's stone for rm2k3
phoenix cave in ff6
underwater cavern in ff3 nes
fallout 3 sewer areas (tepid sewers etc)
resident evil 2 and 4 (castle fighting gem bugs)
sonic adventure in casino zone when you drop into the sewer.
earthbound and mother 3's cave dungeons
ff12's very first dungeon.
castlevania sotn's ice cave and mines.
castlevania 4
mvc2's cavern stage (YOU'VE GOT A HEARTACHE~)
hollow knight's 3 caverns and sewer area
fucking retarded nigger faggot.
Ocarina of Time bottom of the well, if that counts. Also, the Depths in Dark Souls. And this Weakest level of the three but still enjoyable just because of how great the game is. And the scripted alligator fight as Leon was neat.
That giant cave/undergound world in Skyrim was nice.
Dark forces
That game had a soundtrack straight from the heavens.
>skyrim anything
Metal gear rising
Runescape: Underground Pass
Exploring caves in Terraria is pretty fun, provided you have at least a grappling hook.