Play the Trails series.
Play the Trails series
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I did, then Cold Steel devolved into cringe weeaboo shit
Hmm. Sorry, not convinced.
I like how Estelle has a better nu-Tifa outfit than nu-Tifa
Just so I can feel sad because I will never feel the softness and smothness of that ass?
This is the face of the man who cucked the crown prince of Erebonia, say something nice about him !
I have. Do CS3 and CS4 improve on the first two CS games in any way? I made a thread about those, but it's probably getting buried.
For me, it's Alisa
You gotta sell it on me user, what is the series about? What genre is the game?
Bring it on switch and I will
Is that a fucking REDHEAD? YES, DADDY!
Rean's wife
I have and I wish it stayed as good as it used to be.
>Adol is cucking both Agate and Cedric now
Not after CS4 crashed it with no survivors
Reported to the ethics committee
>actually playing through the other Cold Steel games to get to that point
do not open
Have sex
I will never get the time back I invested in this series
What went wrong?
Is it released yet?
BTW I'm a horny incel, how can u tell?
Will they go to a more fantasy setting now that cold steel is done?
>played ToCS 2 on the vita
>it was a snoozefest and I stopped playing 2 or 3 hours in
After Xenoblade 1 and X everything else pales in comparison.
Falcom sold out to the Vita demographic because their 00s business model was garbage. Cue the swimsuit DLCs, Persona mechanic knockoffs, and a harem LN protagonist as a lead for four straight games.
>after playing half-decent games gutter trash stops being appealing
wow who would have guessed
CS3 is pretty good even by this arc's standards but CS4 ruins everything
y-you offering?
I'm currently playing Trails in the Sky the 3rd. Should I stop here?
You cant stop. You know this game is shit, but want to know how it ends
I love Estelle!
Daily reminder
Remember she's a canon butterface, it's merely hidden under anime art style.
3rd is great though
How much it is babe?
But her body is nothing special either
Wait what, it got released? Wasn't there a shitton of drama surrounding the second game, with a suicide attempt and all that shit, which pretty much meant it's never going to happen?+
No. I like TiTS but the story and most of the cast in CS are shit.
Yes they do.
has the right idea but over exaggerates it. 4 is still miles above what 1 and 2 have to offer.
>4 better than 1
>When it ruins most characters that have been build up over multiple games before Cold Steel even began
End yourself
Play Juna's games.
Y-you too!
I wanna play with Juna's junas !
no u
I'm not about to argue with you about the same shit for the 49489th time.
It's good that you've woken up from your coma, user. The 3rd was released 2 years ago in the west. The Crossbell duology (Zero and Ao) got fantranslations. Cold Steel 3 is coming out in September in the west, Cold Steel 4 has a apreadsheet fantranslation (3 does as well). There's 2 new Trails games in development as well.
>The 3rd was released 2 years ago in the west.
Fuck, I thought I've seen threads about SC being released a couple of months ago.
mom pp hard get the wallet
Is Cold Steel really that bad?
We even have digestible fan tls for the Crossbell. Are you sure you're okay, user?
9 game long JRPG series that is essentially one long story, but as of now divided up into three story arcs taking place in different countries. The world feels really alive and the plot is interesting, but the writing is really infuriating at times.
It was always weeaboo shit. Just more 90's instead of 2000's
haha... if you say so...
The new Ys looks butt
It's not bad. It just depends how much tolerance you have for high school hijinx and light novel protagonists. The overall Trails plot is still there, but the aforementioned things are also a part of the story now.
im not into visual novels
>t. Rean
Redneck bakas are not allowed to be this sexy.
You still have the Crossbell games
Oh well, I'm not really a fan of anime high-school drama but if the games tie everything together, maybe I should at least give it a try.
Play Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki first though. And they don't tie up everything. 2 new games are already in development. They're only 60% done with the story or so.
Where do I get those?
Still better than pretty much anything Square-Enix has shat out in the last decade, but that might not be saying much.
Look at this cat
hug that cat
Oh. Thanks, lad. You're alright.
Anything for the cow or flat tits fans in this series?
Asses have no control over me anymore
I have ascended
Tits ? We got them
DFC ? We got you covered
I found zero worse than coldsteel, still have to play ao.
Not sure why people make such a big fuss about LN tropes when sora was already full of them.
The guys in charge of the 3D models in Cold Steel are really big tits guys.
damn tita looks like THAT?
CS3 on pc when
Just remember that Zero is a bit rough at the start but the translation does get better with time. Don't listen to the shitposters who say to wait for Geofront's version.
Geofront have been unironically shilling their version since the day this translation got leaked. Their leader is actually mentally unstable and she was even here whrn Zero got leaked, posted screenshots of the worst examples of the translation, told people to wait, so anons told her to fuck off. She then went to cry about it on twitter and discord, even pulled out the suicide card down the line because she was getting bullied. She also shat on Ao's translation as well, even started nitpicking the font in the game even though it was the same font that was used in the Jap version. They've been at this for over 2 years now because only one of the members is actually editing the script while the others are doing fuck all, just gathering good boy points. Their leader didn't even plan to credit the original translator until people called her out on it.
tl;dr fan-translation drama
There's something for everyone
Sen the 5th when?
Sorry Liberl bois, but Rean's called dibs on this developing cutie as well.
Women should be banned from gaming desu. Also a reminder that she had a meltdown while at a mall. Where she spent 2 hours arguing on discord with some resident /vg/ shitposter.
what the fuck
anyway, as long as the translation isn't broken beyond comprehension i'm okay with it
It's tempting but I'll need more convincing.
Is there a working patch for ao no kiseki as well?
Are you convinced ?
It's a very literal translation that hasn't been edited (Geofront is editing it). It's fine desu. And like I said it gets better when you get further into the game. Not worth waiting till 2025 to finally play the edited version of Ao.
Ao's is better than Zero's as it actually has moderate about of editing done to it, including terminology.
Okay bros, how do we stop Rean?
Just finished CS1
Do they keep pushing Alisa in the next games?
Through the Chadventurer
Although in 4 she's kind of on the equal footing with others
Do Estelle and Joshua actually do anything interesting in CS4? I pretty much only care about them.
I've played trails in the sky first chapter for about 40 hours until what I think is the last chapter were you have to go to an arena with a big guy in the group or shit like that, and then I dropped and didn't came back for years, the save is still there but I remember nothing about combat abilities or story details
You can't
Introduce another harem protagonist that goes "hoho" and make him the complete opposite of Rean.
Ys or Trails?
Estelle should not be sexualized.
why would you drop it so far into the game
There's an endgame sidequest in Hamel including them. Also they bail you out a couple of times. Besides that they're basically there to pad the numbers and befriend CS cast.
How did she manage to seduce him? Sure she’s pretty hot but Adol has already been surrounded by literal goddesses his entire life. What made him finally crack? expected of our Adol!
I don't know, I got bored or distracted by something else. It happens. But the save game is there, one day, maybe...
>Can't romance Sharon or Claire
That sucks
Atleast Sara is good enought
>wanting to romance those trainwrecks
>There's 2 new Trails games in development as well.
It's going to take place in the Calvard region right? We're done with Rean, right?!
wait you can romance people in cs?
that's gay as fuck
I can get Sharon butwasn't Claire shown to be interested in Rean at the end of cs2? Did nothing come of that?
>with her SC outfit
One thing I'm curious about is how they're going to handle even more characters in the future arcs. It's going to be hard giving every major character a decent amount of screen time when the cast is already pretty huge.
Pretty sure one of them is an Erebonia epilogue game.
Who's this cutie?
Yeah, CS4 is a straight up harem game. You can have multiple girls make advances on you through bonding events.
The Ironbloods ended up being really lame characters when all was said and done.
Yes. It is basically am extremely generic high school adventure anime. 1 is playable because it's somewhat focused on setting up locations and characters but 2 made me feel like I had wasted my time investment for both games.
That depends. Turn-based or action RPG?
Former = trails, latter = Ys.
If that does not matter, play Ys. And don't skip the games with bump combat.
You can romance people in ao too
Charlie Miami
Emma seems far more plot relevant atleast now.
Steam sale is coming so might as well dive into it. What's the good starting point? PC only here.
Her role in the story gets hijacked by two other characters.
Is Cold Steel good? I like Trails in the Sky but the Cold Steel ones always seemed like overly weeb anime shit compared to it.
>What's the good starting point?
The starting point of the series, i.e. Trails in the Sky FC.
As a heads-up, if the gameplay sort of bores you, it does not get very different over the course of a single game. And if, on top of that, talking to NPCs after every story progression to hear about their little story advancing is also not your thing, don't bother.
As far as the plot is concerned, it takes very long to get going and despite spanning 9 games already, we still know very little. Make of that what you will.
>As far as the plot is concerned, it takes very long to get going and despite spanning 9 games already, we still know very little. Make of that what you will.
Really? That's a little frustrating to me usually
>2 people wallowing on their guilt trips
>a sociopath
>a cumdoll
Emma and Alisa are more alike than you think. In what way, you'll find out eventually. That also connects as to why one could argue she has indirectly more relevance than Emma as well. Also what said.
Reminder that Tita is the most broken party member in TiTS and you should feel bad for picking her.
>Cold Steel ones always seemed like overly weeb anime shit compared to it
It is, but by the end of the Crossbell arc, you might be invested enough in the story to put up with all that shit. I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping the series at Cold Steel, though.
Is that the only Trails that's gonna exist from now or will they go back to the slightly less weeby style eventually?
Only in the 3rd.
Only in the third game though? When she gets her mecha?
You need to be prepared to be in this for the long run. Though playing only FC and SC might work with some decent closure.
We don't know yet. I heard that they were going to make one more Cold Steel game, but after that it's a new arc and the high school battle harem genre is out of style. I bet it will be an isekai next with a Japanese guy ending up in Zemuria.
W-what’s in the cup?
Lately I'm in mood for jrpg so I'm totally fine with this. And you actually intruged me with this part
>talking to NPCs after every story progression to hear about their little story advancing
I love shit like this. Thank you friend for the help.
leftovers from Paradise
Kill me.
>And if, on top of that, talking to NPCs after every story progression to hear about their little story advancing is also not your thing, don't bother.
This. I love these games, but the feeling of accomplishment and completion comes from reading every generic NPC's lines. You become engrossed in the setting and characters. But if the idea of backtracking and sweeping through a JRPG city looking for changes does not sound exciting, maybe you shouldn't bother.
Also, although people say the plot is slow, I wouldn't say nothing happens. It's just that for FC in particular, the story is relatively down-to-earth. The plot is driven by outlaws, politics and kids growing up. It's not the stuff you usually see in other RPGs, and personally I found it really refreshing. SC onward is more typical JRPG as the stakes get raised higher and higher.
Nah her AoE is retarded in every single game.
Rean was worst thing to ever happen
>people now pretend that CS3/4 are good
Most broken party ever
Nobody pretends CS4. Not even the most well respected e celebs in the fandom. It was a disappointment for literally everyone except China
Too bad she's like a wet paper noodle on any difficulty above normal in FC/SC.
unethical, pls delete
>Not Richard and his retarded ogre slash spam
Haha... that's our suicidal user...
Her heal aoe or her blind aoe?
>>talking to NPCs after every story progression to hear about their little story advancing
>I love shit like this.
Gonna have a pretty comfy time with Trails, then.
As an example, right at the beginning you'll meet a guy who is about to ask a girl out but is a bit shy. You'll see how that goes and meet him again over the course of the game (in fact, both FC and SC).
I found Tita's health pool too low in FC or SC for her to actually be useful.
CS3 is good though
Neat, sounds great. Can't wait to play it.
>teases an erebonian anguis for five games in a row
>"nvm dudes I busy rn see ya next arc"
What went wrong?
Then you're going to have a nice comfy time. Please note that as a side effect you'll feel disappointed in the world building of every single other JRPG series you'll play.
>just because I said so it must be true
Keep propagating this garbage. Eops will see through your shit when they get to experience it by 2022 if NISA hasn't collapsed yet.
Don't reply to me faggots.
Why do people complain about Cold Steel when Ao had shit like
>Osborne and “make Calvard great again” out-keikaku everyone, terrorist attacks, Randy’s PTSD, Crossbell independence.
>I bet you want to see what develops from here right?
>Well too bad have a beach episode, you can see all the girls who lust after Lloyd’s dick and some more in swimsuits, rub lotion on them, pick your favorite and then go on dates.
Nobody ever said he was Erebonian. Just that he went to act on Erebonia by Ao.
It's going to be either Anton or Ricky anyway
What makes CS4 so bad?
I'll probably never get to play it until 2024 anyways so just spoil me all you want
Chinaman made the game good
But people shit on Ao too
I'm pretty sure the only people who complain about Cold Steel never actually played Ao since outside of cs4 the harem shit is much worse in Ao then in the Cold Steel games
It's Persona 5 levels of garbage.
But that would mean it was actually really good and only incredibly upset fans of the older games were bitching about it which doesn't seem to be the case
It was like CS2, everything that you got excited for in the prologue game ended up being nothing more than cocktease and you spend 90% of your playtime doing nothing but FLYING AROUND and filler. The Rean dicksucking reaches levels of self-parody and the cast bloat reaches critical mass.
Pretty sure Nielsen was implied to be the 1st Anguis in CS4's ending.
>cast bloat out the ass (pic related)
>doubling down on harem aspects (if not tripling)
>unsatisfying antagonist arcs - especially for the Ironbloods and Arianrhod
>unsatisfying conclusion to the Crossbell arc
>CS2's shrine dungeons and padding back in full swing
>lots of really bad line writing and dialogue
It has some great world building thats for sure, not as good as the first trilogy but still a 8/10 atleast, the politics are interesting kinda, some of the party members are more interesting than others, and the in fighting in the crew gets fixed way too fast, the combat is decent enough, they got rid of the grid system but its still similar enough, i prefer the cold steel trilogy in general because of the setting but the original trilogy had a better story all things considered, worth a try, play it.
It robs one of the biggest characters of the game of his agency and kills another one for pure shock factor. Not only that but a lot of the "bad" guys didn't have any agency.
Estelle Bright is not for lewd
I wouldn't mind the cast bloating if not for the fact that you can't level up characters while not in your party and having to micromanage everyone's equipment and orbment.
Whats the connection here? Are they related? I always get them confused
He has a sidequest where he hands you the last of the black records after basically reviewing the entire history of the Zemurian continent and analyzing key events like the salt pale. It’s a pretty mind blowing record that seems to imply Zemuria is a simulation
This, she's only for __Rean__
>no Rixia
>no Wazy
>the Stahljokes are in
>George nomeme is in
Fuck you Kondo.
Was it really necessary to include /u/, Arianhord fangirls, Fie’s funny uncles and the fatso in there instead of someone like Rixia or Kevin?
I'll gladly keep sucking Rean's dick
tales is the good comfy one that isn't so tryhard and it's fanbase isn't jehovah witness tier
>Can't even romance Catgirl Celine
Is there one area where CS4 didn't disappoint except for adding the missing Fie romance option
I started FC Evolution yesterday but the art is different than what i'd seen of the game before. Should I switch over to the PC version or some shit because it just looks more generic now
>Zemuria is the matrix
Next protag will be Neo, guaranteed
What do you mean user? There's nothing suspicious at all. It's just a blind man who happens to be a journalist, and knows a lot. Stop thinking too much, haha. Hail the Grandmaster.
>evo art
you done fucked up
It has enough variations of Haha... and Rean... to fill the entire song of ice and fire text
Can you fuck your students? Asking for a friend...
I just wanted to play as Estelle/Lloyd's group. Literally who gives a shit about Rean.
Play PC and download the Evolution voice mod for it.
>N-nielsen is not important. He's just a journalist without portrait. He won't appear in Ereboni-
>gets an introduction
>has voice
Wouldn’t the doll maker mention him if there was another Anguis in Crossbell?
>came to thread hoping to see boomers in the skyfags seething
I leave satisfied
you right, but i was mostly picking her because she was the cuter loli.
>get tricked by agarast war
>not falling for this compile heart bullshit ever again
fuck this entire developer.
>Literally everyone is here
This could easily be a entire fightning game cast
Jorg is a fucking autist who only wants to keep to himself and build his dolls and robots in peace. He is only tasked with building certain stuff from time to time, and can know some things from insider info, but Nielsen is probably the odd one out, since he works in secrecy, so even he wouldn't know.
Besides, Nielsen has a public image and is famous in the first place, which can kinda work as a cover.
You've done it, you've cracked the code. Please email Falcom right now. It isn't too late to save the franchise!
Well, the Black Records call AZOTH a "causality recording engine", not one that actually impacts said causality. One thing is for certain, though. Someone or something knew that all of this would happen 1,206 years ago:
>Outcome of the Twilight (S.1206)
>After the beginning of twilight, a duality of movement.
>The first is, the Jormungand --- With 7 heads and jaws, the power of steel that will consume the world.
>The second is, the Mille Mirage --- The best method, seeking to bind the great dragon and cut its heads.
>Though the wings clad in light flap again, the wind they cause is too frail and unreliable.
>After the Saint’s life scatters, the false pillar of salt, fortress of demise manifest and before long, the world sinks into darkness --- that surely is an immutable fact.
>--- However, this record is a causality recording phasic engine.
>That this “story”, born at the end of the fierce clash between Sacred Red Ark and Great Black Mallet, concludes catastrophically is unmistakable but ---
>Unpredictable domains too exist, that it is impossible to record the result of times when the illogical nature of “human” and “human beings” resonate.
>All the while hinting at that slight possibility, hereby this record, reaching 1206 years since it was started by the first Arnor, terminates its role.
>--- May happiness be with human beings
>The 3rd Causality Recording Engine "AZOTH"
I feel like I'm playing the Marathon trilogy or something,
What? This is by Falcom, not compileshit
If they censor it, i'll buy it.
>we could make matches like "Rean and his harem vs. everyone else in Sen"
Are there any laws stopping a province ruler from marrying a test tube baby?
Adol got married to Shirley by the way. Their Seiyuus that is.
is this a Trails thread with over 20 posts?
delete this
Yuuki kaji and Ayana Taketatsu, right?
Haha... what do you know...
There are no laws against it.
Shirley is so fucking sexy in Sen it's unbelievable
I haven't kept up with the series' progress in CS3/4, is this really the Trails thread or did I stumble into a Blazblue thread?
I know you are not supposed to stick your dick in crazy, but I want to be Cedric.
>Expecting Cold Steel to not be 100% about Rean
Innocent user
Keep in mind this only happens at the very final boss.
have sex.
Currently playing through Trails 1, I was going to do 2 and 3 before moving onto CS but apparently there's even MORE games I have to play before then. What's the ideal order? (I would check a wiki but I'm frankly too lazy.)
Christ I'm going to need to revert to full NEET to have any hope of catching up, aren't I
Now imagine if this was a main plot point instead of paddling, the game that could've been.
It's also teased in 2, but as a ng+ sidequest.
>Ash straight up asks Crow if he fucked Vita
>He says he didn't want to get too involved with her, since she's the type of woman who can ruin a man if you get too close
Is it worth the risk?
Is this the biggest party in JRPG story?
Ah right, the black records/bonus shrine sidequest, was it? I can't remember if I ever looked up the contents.
Trails in the Sky FC
Sky SC
Sky 3rd
Zero no Kiseki
Ao no kiseki
Trails of Cold steel 1-4
Play them in this order.
>right at the beginning you'll meet a guy who is about to ask a girl out but is a bit shy. You'll see how that goes and meet him again over the course of the game (in fact, both FC and SC).
This kind of shit blows my mind to be honest. Most jRPGs will have NPCs given a line or two of dialogue and then they're forgotten for the rest of the game.
1. Sky 1,2,3
2. Zero no Kiseki
3. Ao no Kiseki
4. Cold Steel 1,2,3,4
Zero and Ao takes roughly place at the same time as Cold Steel 1 & 2.
Ever heard of Suikoden?
I want to put my seed in estelle
I did play TiTS, but I've been pushing the other 6 games off for a few years because they'll probably take me forever since I'll probably play them in Nip.
This is something I'm concerned about, but you can never tell who's exaggerating here and who's not.
The sad part about Cold Steel is that there's a lot of interesting lore bits revealed in the series, but they're spread thin across hundreds of hours of padding, poor character writing, and generally dumb anime bullshit.
Trails is so fucking boring
Looks like shit lol
Usually like big cast but damn
This is too much
Party management must be hell i guess
The best part is that They appear in Ao once again, and they have a baby already, and are still ultra lovey dovey with one another.
Falcom has been doing this shit since forever. Hell, one of their tests for new employees was checking their writing skills by having them come up with NPC storylines, and dialogue.
>Christ I'm going to need to revert to full NEET to have any hope of catching up, aren't I
Depends on how much of a hurry you are in.
It's not like the next game is just a few months away or anything, and they don't get released yearly, either.
In case you're EOP, you'll have to wait for a western release, anyway.
There are nine games in total right now. After Trails in the Sky FC, SC and 3rd there's Zero no Kiseki and Ao no Kiseki, then Trails of Cold Steel 1-4.
You easily miss out on small storylines.
around half of them are completely locked in terms of equipment/quartz setups
She did ruined the Phantasmal Blaze plan or w/e it was called.
It's a mix. The game does have plenty of glaring problems in writing aspects, but at it's core it's still a pretty fun game to play and experience, the story itself doesn't touch too hard on harem shit, it's mostly the side content (which they want you to check, so kind of a moot point).
I'd say play them and check for yourself if you get around to it. All the games have tropey stuff, it's just that Sky used 90's tropes instead, while Cold steel is way more modern in its tropes.
I played Estelle's games and Ioved them but then I tried to get into Cold Steel games and just couldn't.
How the fuck does jusis do this without being a laughing stock?
>Helmut gets cucked by his brother, cucked by his wife's wife's son then thrown in jail by his bastard child
>rufus asspulls such a high power level and absorbs fucking arianrhod of all people but still gets ganked 16v2 and is thrown in jail
>jusis proceeds to fuck osbornes test tube baby dooming the Albarea line after completely failing to surpass Rufus, wasting 4 games of build up
Haha, that's our Skyboomer...
Have faith, kisekikeks! Calvard will move away from the persona highschool light novel protagonist, go back to its roots, and save the series, I swear! We just have to wait 5 more years.
Best boy didn't deserved this
Thanks amigos. Also I heard through the grapevine that at least CSIII expects you to have played through NG+ of the prior title. Are most of the games like this or is that the exception to the rule?
She didn't ruin it. She was given a chance to test if the twilight was necessary. Turned out it was.
>Wasting 4 games of build up
Are you retarded? The whole point is that he shouldn't be trying to live up to some standard set by his brother, or his family, he should just strive to be the best he can be and he did that.
What? Also why are you typing like a retard?
Millium promised Rean that she would have tits like Emma when she grows up.
I didn't played since CS2 was released but I suggest you get a clear file, do an NG+ without doing a carryover, just to unlock those NG+ contents. Unless it will mess up the fishing minigame again like in CS1 where you can get rare fish in the beginning.
>Cold Steel 2
>Rufus annihilates Jusis and the rest of his class
>Cold Steel 3
>Jusis successfully holds off Rufus in the final dungeon
>Cold Steel 4
>Jusis back to being unable to do anything except watch as rean and crow kick his ass then suckerpunch him after hes already been beaten
it's an exception and can be easily googled.
Can she even grow up from how current state?
Yeah instead we will have a Japanese salaryman who got isekai’d and has a broken skill.
Will CS3 come to PC one day?
>says something jokingly with "maybe"
Rufus was merely holding back obviously
Shes an artificial human so she can probably swap parts and give herself monstrous tits like emmas
>he doesn't know that he's in a Trails thread post-Cold Steel
He was scheming and pulling strings for most of 4 though. He overestimated his own strength and got fucked for it. Hell, he wanted to take on Osborne, which would have gotten him killed.
Deserved it for being such a smug cunt.
I always thought she and Claire came from the same cloning facility or something and that was why she said that, so the blue hair and smarts are just a coincidence?
Because retards act like they hate everything, and spout memes every 10 seconds, but still can't stop talking about it like they're obsessed.
Reverse harem Calvard femtag or even better yuri harem Calvard femtag.
I like Cold Steel more than Trails in the Sky
Rufus with Alberichs backing and Valimar absorbed could have had a chance against Osborne in a fight with no friendship bullshit involved
Seriously, jusis deserved a proper 1v1 against rufus instead of kicking him when he was already down like a bitch but it's the writers fault, they made rufus too strong for him for no reason at all.
Dude had his own magic gundam and somehow even killed th the OP lance bitch. Jusis beating him alone without Rean-level plot powers woukd be the biggest asspull in the series at that point.
Yes. Although, they were fostered by Osborne since they were young, and had those skills developed further, but their intellect is natural to them, in relation to Claire and Lechter.
I mean, if it was some cloning stuff, it wouldn't make sense for Millium to be such a genki girl without an ounce of common sense or high thought process.
I literally played a few hours of Tokyo Xanadu and all the in-game advertising for Trails made me sad. NISA I hate your guts but you're my only hope right now.
>with Alberichs backing
Not a chance. Ishmelga wanted Osborne/Dreichels specifically, and Alberich is bound to serve him due to the brainwashing. He would use Rufus to escalate the conflict and create a rivalry, but he would not back him up for real.
I'm on a pilgrimage to finish the trails franchise, in release order. Can't believe I have to wait till 2020 for CS4; so I've been taking it slow and steady. Recently finished TiTS trilogy and currently playing Zero no Kiseki.
Was a bit disappointed that I wasn't playing Estelle/Joshue for the Crossbell arc, but I guess their character arcs are pretty much finished and it's cool seeing them in action from an outside view. Still on chapter 2, Ellie > Tio, but hopefully other members join the party since they're a bit bland. Somehow I've remained relatively spoilerfree despite visiting /fg/ often. Wish me luck boys.
Claire's "smarts" are a bit of special kind:
It would have been easy to write
>overconfidence leads to rufus losing his mech fight
>doesnt lose consciousness Cedric, gets back up through sheer twisted willpower to win
>Jusis demands he gets the fight and theres a scene where they swing at each other like Laura vs victor ending with rufus being put down for good
Iirc she treats Rean as some kind of little brother, nothing romantic implied
She had romantic development in 3 but then it got tossed out the window for 4 where she's an enemy
Can’t believe she managed to drain his god seed before all the other girls he’s met.
>NISA I hate your guts but you're my only hope right now.
Wonder what's going to happen to them if NIS declares bankruptcy like recent events suggest. Also I'm currently playing through Xanadu. It's okay.
Rufus was always a fucking monster Strength wise and even in terms of smart since Cs2 though, Jusis can't take him alone even if he trained, since he would keep himself in shape too.
The point wasn't to own up to him in pure strength, that was impossible from the beginning, this isn't a Walter x Zin scenario where they're both hailed for their martial arts.
I played all the Falcom games even though I knew they were getting worse with each new installment, but I realized the game had finally gone off the deep end when they introduced a final boss that insta kills your party member and deports him to the shadow realm for doing too much damage
If NIS falls, Nisa will probably stay around. Some parent companies have died in the past, but their counterparts in other regions stayed afloat after it happened. Plus, they actually make money as far as i'm aware.
this. The whole argument against Rufus was >muh friends
When did Estelle become sexy?
In 2 and the start of 3 it's because she keeps projecting her little dead brother unto Rean.
Too much testosterone for Sen
When the fuck are we getting the rest of the franchise on PC? Cold Steel 1 & 2 are sitting in my GOG library unplayed until I found out when I'm going to play the rest. I know Crossbell is never ever.
Which TitS is this?
I was going to check this out, and this post unironically convinced me not to.
That's literally the only god tier fight in the series. Nothing else comes even close.
I stopped playing SC at the flying island but I'd like to say that I would cuck Joshua in a heartbeat.
>Fight the literal embodiment of all possible elements created by human hands
>Surprised when it can manipulate reality to it's will even while still awakening to full power
That fight was fucking fun, don't be a little bitch. It actually felt challenging for a final boss, and you had to work under his terms instead of it working under yours.
Just finish the game, you dumb brainless bimbo.
These are the brainlets that have enabled this company to keep producing turds.
Hormone production from wanting to please Joshua.
gross slut
Didn’t work, why did you think they had to bring a literal prostitute into the family?
They literally showed Jusis closing the gap in 3. Everyone in Class VII (except for machias and elliot maybe) was made out to be like the adult guest characters from previous games but then they through everything out in 4 because of how ridiculously bloated it was with no one getting a chance to do shit outside of bonding events since every villain (even the fucking henchmen like xeno/leo/angelica/georg/the stahlritter girls) is fighting 20 people at once
>I want the games to hold my hand, and allow me to spam earth wall to block every single boss attack just like in Sky, why can't they make it easy for me mommy?
Nice argument fuck face.
okay Rean
So, Ao & Zero have patches?
I remember buying TitS 1 and 2 for PSP, then learnt about these 2 chapters NEVEREVER in English and decided to never play the series because autism.
Guess I'll start them later then, and buy all the Cold Steels available. Thanks.
Earth wall.
Remember when XSEED was relevant?
How strong is machias
If it weren’t for Lloyd’s sucking circle the bosses of Ao mighty have been much more difficult.
Your argument is that it's cool that a boss dictates the terms of the fight and can cast "immunity to not winning" if you start doing TOO good against him. You are a fucking retard. The fact that they had to make the boss cheat in order to not make the game too easy on the final boss says much more about the entire game than it does the boss but somehow you're oblivious to how much you obliterated the whole game in a post that was trying to refute mine. Seek help.
I already got to see Joshua and Estelle get back together. There's like no narrative push for me to keep going.
>They literally showed Jusis closing the gap in 3
While Elliot healed him, and Machias gave him cover fire, and every other Ironblood gave up and let Rufus fight alone.
Also, in case you didn't pick up on it, Rufus has a soft spot for Jusis since ages ago, and is ashamed of himself for playing along with his family's cuck lineage, and letting Jusis be the mistreated bastard child. Obviously he isn't gonna fight Jusis at full potential in that moment, especially when their victory is pretty much guaranteed already.
why's estelle so low, i thought she was crazy strong
>Evo portraits
The God Enforcer Gunlord can stand up to Cassius at full power, he's pretty fucking strong.
How did Olivert and FAG guy managed to hold the line against Bleublanc and a DoBully Despertada?
Randy is the best girl in Crossbell, nobody else matters.
>its another super generic anime game with everything over designed
yea, naw.
You're the one who needs to seek help my dude. You see, if the vanish actually killed you, yeah, it would be pretty bullshit, kinda like Weissmann's eternal vanish in SC, but that isn't the case, it's an inconvenience made to last a little while, and not an eternity.
And the boss makes you adapt to it, instead of just having you rely on the same tactic you might have been using forever. You can even bait him with cast removal and win the fight easily anyway, so it's not like he's bullshit incarnate, and he will only use his buff removal 100% if you cast immunity, lower tier buffs won't trigger him as much, I fought the entire fight with only ATS buffs, and other minor STR ones and won without him push everyone to the back and making them buffless.
Sky fights were always easy thanks to the system too, and how cheap arts were stop pretending they were somehow this much better by comparison.
Fast arts casting along with Toval. Also Arnor blood I guess, since every single Arnor seems to have good genes.
Estelle has great growth potential, but she isn't THAT extremely powerful. She is way more experienced and knows how to handle most shit now though.
Why is it that you fucking idiots always feel compelled to write out a boss guide every time someone criticizes a stupid mechanic? Did I say that I needed help fighting him? That I haven't done it already? I beat the game like a week after it came out. Nobody asked you to write a gamefaqs strategy guide.
It is retarded that he casts deus ex machina instant shadow realm deportation if you do too much damage to him. It is really as simple as that. It doesn't matter that it doesn't make the fight unwinnable. It is just a stupid fucking mechanic and the idea that you cannot comprehend this is insane. You should never be in charge of designing a game and thankfully never will if you think that this is a good idea. If the game was broken up until that point then they should have fixed the entire fucking game then.
Before cs3, rufus was just described by jusis as a strong fencer and he displayed that when he solo'd about half of pre-tineskip C7(barring rean), but that's not a crazy feat since even Sara could solo the pre-timeskip class of kids.
Later you find out he is a wannabe Osborne who wishes he could play 3d chess, and has his own gundam.
I just would've preferred if rufus was more of an intelligent threat than another powerhouse for no good reason.
If rean can go from intermediate to divine blade level in a tineskip(even without his powers) and even gaius gets his plot powers, Then jusis deserved some treatment up the ranks too. It's not like rufus has plot powers, he's just a talented fencer.
OG art literally looks like some cartoonist trying to draw in an anime art style for the first time
Olivert is obviously equal to Bleublanc they've been rivals since SC
>After the fan translation came out.
Is what I meant to say. I am just clarifying because I know you idiots will try and nitpick anything.
Im pretty sure Lechter and Claire were still fighting its just Millium who bowed out
I can understand why it can be annoying, but you're making a big deal out of a minor fucking mechanic exclusive to one boss, which is the final one. And you can avoid the Subspace flight shit anyway, if you aim the big hit moves when the boss is busy casting.
The problem is that you want the mechanic to be seen as inherently horrible, without explaining why, you just want people to eat shit and take it. If you ask me, Eternal vanish in SC is way more bullshit, since the floor keeps falling apart, and his AoE for that specific move blends in with the ground, and you get fucked by it on accident. Hell, Sigmund is a much worse offender thanks to the timer and how much fucking stronger he is in relation to you, even regular tactics can fail if you don't manage well enough.
girls over 12 should be prohibited of wearing twintails
I'll take that over soulless 2010s A1 Pictures face garbage.
All of them remarked as if they were bailing or pretending to not care anymore, Elliot event remarks on them as if he's touched by their attitude, the one who keeps going is Rufus really.
All I see is bitching about boss mechanics to which one should be able to adapt. Who are you to judge what are mechanics are good and what not? Mechanics which tear apart obvious go-to "meta" strategies are good in my book.
That part was the O MY RUBBER NEN of trails.
>but you're making a big deal out of a minor fucking mechanic exclusive to one boss
I am not making a big deal out of it. I am merely saying it is the final straw in a franchises that is full of bad design choices, and you seem to agree with this because you stated yourself that all the fights, at least prior can be trivialized with overpowered moves, and it's true.
Setting aside the gameplay the fucking story and characterization suck ass after TiTS FC and the blue haired coldsteel the hedgeheg enforcer who does what he wants by edict of the shadowy faction of stupid assholes is the most garbage crap I've ever seen.
and get aids.
>All I see is bitching about boss mechanics to which one should be able to adapt.
You don't see very much Gump.
big tits are illegal now
Unethical Ass?
i Will have to consult with the Ethics Department buddy
Damn, Estelle looks like that?
Calvard when?
Sorry I'm not into retarded e-celebs or other obscure cultural references so I have no fucking idea what you are talking about nor am I interested.
Dear fucking god dude. I'm talking about Forrest Gump. Are you for fucking real dude? Obscure cultural references or e-celebs? Am I arguing online with 14 year olds?
I refuse to accept Machias on that tier. He's such a insufferable faggot.
>I am not making a big deal out of it.
>They finally have gone of the deep end
Oh fuck off, stop pretending you didn't bait the fuck out of that first post you goddamn retard, you want to be seen as right, but then you pull shit and get mad when people do the same to you you absolute little fucking bitch.
And yes, I can agree that there are problems like the start of the harem shenanigans, or even the "losing two stacks of buffs when casting a single art", but you can't honestly pretend Sky was that much better. Buffs stayed on you forever, and for some reason were based on speed, which makes them EVEN more necessary and broken, quartz system is absolute shit for melee aside from maybe 3rd, and even then it's because the enemies aren't all giant DEF walls, and characterization is still great even after FC, or are you just trying to be the ultimate hipster here while pretending you don't want to cause a fuss when you post? Hell, SC has one of the best character growth moments in the series, and Sky 3rd piles on top with even more, without breaking their characters and working off what we know.
It's easy as fuck to claim shit while being vague as fuck, and it's not like I expect you to write a fucking essay, but stop pretending like you didn't expect a replay challenging what you think.
>These people enable this huuurr hurr, I am so smart
>t. noble
I haven't watched a single movie in over 10 years.
I hate Rean so goddamn much. Calvard better have a good protagonist.
>t. poorfag
Jesus Christ I got the PS4 game thinking it was going to be a comfy JRPG and after I saw it was basically a shitty persona knockoff I checked out. I slogged through p3 and tried p5 so that's enough of that garbage for one lifetime
OwO whats this?
Is that who I think it is?
Will you bully?
>a simulation
Yes it's tsundere cat.
I was surprised to find out that she has been bullied since Ao.
11/10 would bully and play with her hair.
>loli Yoruichi
I am ok with this as long as they change her voice., falcom will likely stay silent on the next kiseki until ys9 releases, then if lucky they might do their usual announcement later in 2020, then release in jp in Q4 2021, and if localization time is the usual 2 years cycle then we'll get it westside 2023 the earliest lol.
There you have it, screen cap this.
>ctrl + f "haha"
>9 results not including this post
Haha, I guess it can't be helped...
>we got EVERYONE IS HERE instead of good character payoffs
>and Sky 3rd piles on top with even more
Bruh I don't even know what to tell you. Sky 3rd is one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever played through. They literally recycled all of the maps from previous games and had the worst Deviantart gary stu protagonist in the franchise behind the coldsteel hedgeheg enforcer. Give me a fucking break. You cannot see the forest for the trees and are not qualified to judge anything.
I'm not sure if I buy the simulation theory, but there are many terms and things in the story that give the allusion of a machine being run, or at the very least, there's something managing their world. It may be that it's just that their land has something keeping it stable, but even then, i'm not entirely sure.
I'm much more of a believer that GM is going through time loops to try and create a scenario that can save all of them in the end from whatever's coming in 3 years. It's why she needed the space sept-terrion specifically, and didn't just have it be disabled like Mirage and Fire + Earth
It has the most soul of all kiseki
Why are Fie's uncle and fat senpai even here ?
C'mon when everything goes south, all you need is cameos, proper development and payoffs for over a decade of buildup can fuck itself.
>still barely any estelle doujins
Was I a fool for thinking the Sen 4 final final boss theme was going to be a big fancy arrangement of the Sen 3 title screen theme
>Had the worst Deviantart gary stu protagonist
Confirmed for not even playing the fucking game, or blazing through it to pretend you know what you're talking about.
If you actually think he classifies as a gary stu, you may as well shot yourself in the head, since that seems terminal.
That hipster syndrome is dangerous my dude.
>make gaius seem like a huge fucking deal in sen 3 that can fight full power mcbun
>does literally nothing in 4 except fly his friends around and get his ass beat by Wallace (a character that serves no further purpose) in his only bonding event
I was disappointed myself, since I expected something new, but at least Majestic Roar is fantastic.
CS3 title screen theme is the worst title screen theme out of all games.
I...I wanna fuck it
Cause you gotta make as many playable characters as possible, everyone kniws quantity beat quality even if it means throwing in some literal whos in there.
Is that Adol's father?
>we dont even fight aurelia and wallace at the same time
for having the most bloated cast in series history they sure dont do anything thats actually impressive
Probably because it's easy to make them playable. Even in older games in the data files, bosses have crafts list and a description for each move, so they can be converted into playable units without it being that much trouble.
As to why, I guess because they wanted to have the option for it near the end.
FPBP, trails of cold steel fags are shit eating retards
how have none of reans friends told him that headpatting people is cringe as fuck its been 4 games
Name a stronger headpatter in video games
FUCKING WHEN? I'd main Bestelle and Geis.
No, it's his outfit for Ys 9. Seems like he went a little edgy due to the monstrum syndrome, making his arm turn into rape monster tier shit.
But I thought Adol was supposed to have blue hair in Ys IX
Play Nayuta.
So Cold Steel are sequels to Trails in the Sky, right?
I haven't played any of them yet but I want to
Ys takes place in the same continuity as the Trails games?
I think that's only at the start, when he tries to disguise himself, since his red hair is too notorious by this point, and Romum is looking for him, because they think he's responsible for their fleet of ships that got destroyed in Ys 6: Ark of napishtim. He gets captured, and I guess the dye gets removed from his hair.
That's him dying his hair to disguise himself as a fugitive, hiding from those fucking Romuns. Personally, I think that he dons the cursed Monstrum form in battle, and returns to a more normal form outside of it.
They take place in the same world and continue the overall story.
You should play the Crossbell games first before jumping into Cold steel though. Zero no kiseki and Ao no kiseki, there's fan translations for those, and they're available on PC.
I can’t, you can literally hear his sister cumming a little when he headpats her in CS1
>that pic
TiTS is redpilled as fuck.
But Trails first? I'll get to it, thanks user
Another question though, is that ass shot from the Trails games? I don't know if I can handle an ass like that all game
Fuck the Rocksmith Agency, I want the Calvard protagonist to be a member of Heiyue.
I thought his knee was a massive fuckin boner
ye, cold steel is happening at the same time as Ao/Zero, and both are sequels to TITS. it's pretty good, but the romance shit is pretty forced and seems almost out of place so it makes most oldfag boomers ree.
>TFW want to have fun talking about the games, and some builds or gameplay bits that were amusing
>Can't find a single thread where spergs don't act like Cold steel is the worst cancer of humanity and repeating themselves each time
Do you guys get paid to show up every thread or something? I mean, I don't like a lot of aspects of it as well in terms of story, but I've seen much worse, and it's not like it stops being enjoyable to play, since messing around with MQs and builds is still pretty fun, and the lore bits are still there, while the harem shenanigans stay mostly in the side content like bonding.
Japanese games tend to be
The Republican Anti-Immigration Group did nothing wrong. Filthy easterners are nothing more than criminals who impose their culture and lifestyles in Calvard Republic.
>But Trails first?
I don't get what you mean by this. Are you asking if they're trails games too? The titles just aren't localized, if they were it would probably be:
>Trails from Zero
>Trails to Azure
Also, the screenshot is from an youtube video since I was too lazy to grab the screenshot from my game. They have way more clean looking images in it, so don't worry. Anyway, the order you should play them in is this one
>Target international conference, potentially risking a continent wide repercussion and even war, just to kill the politician enabling the immigration from happening
Nah, they're absolute retards. At least they didn't get made into Swiss cheese like the IFL guys.
i enjoyed the quartz system from TITS more because of combos, but goddamn if CS doesn't do their quartz metagame system right. you can create the ultimate lifeform wtih 100% dodge, or just 1shot everyone with laura, or indefinitely stall the last boss wtih rean. makes you feel very rewarded for taking time to figure out overpowered strats.
boomers gonna boomer though
Random question but how much relation does Xanadu have with the Trails series? Only thing I've really noticed so far is despite it being present day, present time HAHAHAHAHA everything runs off of Orbal energy.
Spoilers to a minimum if you don't mind since I'm still on my first playthrough.
poor gideon
Literally nothing outside of jokes relating to Cold steel being a franchise in that world, and there being a story where the MC and love interest are part of some magical girl series.
They share one character who has the same model and name, that being Towa, but again, it feels more like an inside joke, rather than something you should consider a connection story wise.
>They share one character who has the same model and name, that being Towa
Good choice IMO, Towa a cute
Isn't the director a Towafag
She can probably suck your dick while you're both standing up no problem.
I don't think so, or else she would have been made to be way more important to the main story.
If anything, they seem more like Jusisfags, since I don't think there isn't a single game where he isn't more relevant than the rest, or Fiefags.
That's some of the shittiest animation I've ever seen
>Cero B
>Cero B
>Cero C
>Cero C
Does the story really get that much darker? C is a higher age rating isn't it
>Zero worse than coldsteel
Now that's some nice bait.
There's definitely games with worse animation, but from what I understand Falcom is a very low budget company.
For me, it's Laura
Kind of disappointed with Ao’s final chapter, the burning of Crossbell was much more exciting, not to mention the Zero’s siege and wild ride before the final dungeon.
The game ends with Osborne being in an alternate dimension evil mecha lifting rean up by the neck in his mecha while an alternate dimension space alien shows up and dabs out.
>tfw she will never rape you in a cave.
Fuck Rean.
patrician taste
ooooooooo i want that sword autist cunny so bad fuck fuck let me fuck
The darkest the series has ever gotten is Sky 3rd due to Kevin's backstory and Star door 15, and Zero no kiseki because of all the sordid details of what the cult was doing, Ao too due to some of the events that play out.
Cold steel 3 and 4 do have some heavy moments, but I wouldn't say they touch on the same level as those.
>Its a wedding dress, but for spilling blood in
>anime influence in my JRPG? disgusting
ah, to be a westacuck
>used goods
lol good one
This is my fetish
Is that my boy adol?, what the fuck did they do to him, he looks like an edgy cunt now
I thought Ao was great for the most part, there was always something going on, and I honestly preferred the events in it, especially due to how the pacing doesn't let up on it, Capturing Ernest, Conference, the entirety of chapter 3, the start of chapter 4 alone makes it top one for me, and the end of chapter 4 is a wild ride.
I think the only down time bit is probably the last dungeon which is pretty long, but otherwise I have no idea how you can find the end of Zero more exciting than what happens at the start of chapter 4 in Ao.
I love her
Supposedly got his arm infected with monster stuff, and now it's all monster like, and is being hunted down by Romun. Guess he's a little annoyed by it.
Anyone else hot for teacher?
I'm biased towards sword autists.
it has some serious flaws, but no, it's not *as* bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be. the typical trails worldbuilding is still there and there's plenty of likable characters.
the main problem is rean. he is one of the most obnoxious protagonists EVER and, by the end of cs2, is more of a pile of gimmicks than an actual character. the whole arc would improve immensely if rean was removed from it.
Did she have the best Swimsuit?
>mfw I see Lloyd and his harem
it's a "disguise", game looks like anime assassins creed from gameplay videos, still gonna play it though. can't say no to Ys, hope it makes up for whatever the fuck the ending of 8 was. i'm still mad about that shit
So did Estelle ever get any stronger? Honestly don't most of the head honchos sorta not take her seriously at all during the 3 games?
ogre cocks...
There was some shit on your picture, so I removed it. And yes, she did.
>game looks like anime assassins creed from gameplay videos
What? It seems to follow Ys 8 gameplay wise though, the setting is just more bleak, and each character serves a function like bashing walls, teleport, gliding and such.
The boss fights can be pretty fun is the boss can be fought making sure some of those.
seething laurafag
>not take her seriously at all during the 3 games?
She is taken seriously in 3rd though. Since she's way more cool headed and stable minded, and doesn't get angry at every little thing anymore, and especially in Crossbell she's well respected and relied upon.
She does get stronger yeah, but it's nothing that insane, but she can stand on her own against tough enemies.
why were her abs so detailed when the rest of the games have ps2 graphics?
i don't necessarily buy that theory, but i do think that mcburn's backstory makes it very obvious that zemuria is just the massive compound of a religious cult, and everything that's happened in kiseki so far is the result of their shared delusions. and if that's what they're buidling towards, it's going to be kino to the max.
>tfw Joachim was right
Republic when : (
>Think his talk about understanding the truth was just some throwaway line about seeing what Crois had done, and what they intended to do with Crossbell
>He actually knew the entire truth according to Mcburn thanks to the red pill
I liked that a lot. He's still a bit of a non character, but at least we know he wasn't just delusional or seeing only a little bit of what the world had in relation to the truth.
Trails in the Sky 1 was one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played, and apparently the series only gets worse from there. How the hell are the devs still in business?
I really like Laura, but Meiya will forever be my one and only waifu.
>How the hell are the devs still in business?
because not everyone's taste is as shitty as yours.
Most of Falcom's sales come from Ys and Xanadu, they just use Trails to train their new employees.
Low budget games so any sells above 20k make profit.
yeah i agree, i worded that wrong didn't mean it as a bad thing, it would be super cool if they integrated that into fighting large bosses
Damn that's ugly.
The easiest one I can think off is a giant robot boss that tries to hide it's weak spot by rotating it's pieces around, and you need to use teleport spots to reach them and attack it.
where is Meiya from?
Muv Luv.
is it any good? i remember reading something about i ta few years back and losing my interest, something about TO BE CONTINUED
i just like sword autists thats all
uhm... what?
Just wait till you see the art for the tournament door. All the sun doors have some type of minigame, or side event.
People seem to forget that Cold steel actually sells well, and Kiseki in general has a good following in the east. China has a well sized fanbase for it too I believe.
I wish they would make Tokyo Xanadu a series and focus the waifufaggotry there.
The Trials series should be about saving cats and parenting while stopping an evil organization on the sidelines and the Ys series should be about adventuring and killing gods.
I don't see a source on this, unless you took a screenshot of a VIII trailer and typed your own words on it. For shame.
Interesting, for all I've seen of Kiseki Chinese pandering is that Musse dress DLC in Sen IV.
falcom games are on a shoestring budget even less than the tales of series
>Musse dress DLC in Sen IV.
it's not fucking fair
Well, duh. Sen subseries sales topped one million a few months before Sen III's release. And Kiseki has been outselling most other JRPGs in Japan for several years now. No other Falcom game comes close in popularity. And that's a good thing.
>I realized the game had finally gone off the deep end when they introduced a final boss that insta kills your party member and deports him to the shadow realm for doing too much damage
It's pretty good, but for a lot of people the fact that you have to get through at least 10 hours of Extra's generic high school romcom is a drag. It's worth the setup though.
Just don't watch either anime series. Especially Schwarzesmarken, it was awful.
>unlimited is linear
hate that shit, 50 hours of glorified book reading
>10 hours
It's only good if you're the kind of person who is either
>susceptible to Stockholm Syndrome
>automatically likes any mecha shit regardless of quality
Fpbp without a doubt.
Sounds perfect for Senfags, though I'm not sure they can handle actually tragic stories.
Redpill me on Rean, why does Yea Forums hate him?
CS4 has a bunch of lewd alternate outfits in the base game instead of DLC, CS3 has some graphic violence near the end which is why it's rated higher. However even though the story does get a bit "darker" at the end of CS3, CS4 completely fucking ruins that with its awful retarded plot.
he's gay
Other user already mentioned the Suikoden games where 50-to-90 of each game's 108+ recruitable characters can be used in battle, in six-man parties and everyone at once in full scale military actions.
Chrono Cross has 40 characters. So that's one more.
The Last Remnant allows you to bring your entire army of several dozens of established characters with you into battle at once.
Don't know if you'd count Fire Emblem as a JRPG and not specifically a tactics game, many of them have more than 40 established characters per game.
Some other obscure JRPGs have a shitload of characters, don't know off-hand if they outnumber
Tipical dense harem/shounen MC
joke's on you, i played CS 1 completely on 2nd try and abandoned 2, because of how utterly mindnumbingly boring it is
>actually tragic stories
How DARE you make light of the sacrifice of Erebonia's greatest market manager
Some writer at Falcom thought LN self-insert protags were unironically cool so we get Rean. A god-awful shitty character that uses a Katana folded over 9 mirrion times using the sacred arts of eight leaves style which he keeps secret and pretends to handle the sword like an amateur because "I'm not worthy haha" but then all the bad guys and teachers in the world make sure to complement his spirit everytime they meet after kicking his ass but not kicking him hard enough to kill him. FUCK REAN FUCK COLD STEEL AND FUCK FALCOM.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Estelle and Josh but the whole party was equally useful for the most part.
Going from that straight into CS is a real downgrade. He starts off as a generic void of any unique characteristics or personality from the get-go and it only gets worse. I can't even count the amount of times he hears someone (normally a close friend) speaking secretly to someone, casting magic spells in forbidden places the rest of the cast knows nothing about and he brushes it off as "I'm sure she has her reasons haha she'll tell us in time I'm sure" and this is after war has nearly started between countries repeatedly. The party can't get anything done without him around. Anything bad happens? Get Rean. There's no Rean? Then wait until Rean comes by. Everyone sucks his dick and stroke his ego despite him having nothing special to contribute and the writers knew that so he has a super saiyan form when he gets real MAD to show how badass and powerful he is and a mech only he can control so the cast better praise him like a god since they can't do shit.
hes a LN protag. Lloyd was in the danger zone but was saved by having a good character arc in the last half of Ao while Rean literally just keeps getting worse for 4 games
now this is a fucking based post
fuck Thors and all the cringey shit that it stands for
This people who hate Rean just need to have sex
Vocal minority keeps seething about him. Nothing else.
he's a spineless people-pleaser who never shuts the fuck up, is given multiple gimmicks to make him a special snowflake, and makes his supporting cast worse by association. he spends most of the games either giving generic pump-up speeches or fishing for compliments because of his profound insecurity.
plus, on top of making him a generic harem protagonist, they also turned him into blatant fujo bait at the same time by giving him a deranged obsession with one of the other male cast members.
Did you know that in Japanese he wasn't voiced to be a better self insert so in the romance scenes he just kinda stood there while the girls talked. Primo cringe. Luckily I don't give a shit about self insert shit at all so I was still able to detatch myself enough not to be bothered by it.
Literally me
>make a harem protag
>the only characters he actually has canonical main story chemistry with are crow and jusis while none of the romances are canon
BASED fujos win again
i'm still appalled at how rean's character development actually managed to go backwards in the final hours of cs2, when he starts sperging out like a manchild at everyone around him.
>Vocal minority
>when most of this thread is filled with detractors of Rean and most Trails threads in general
Fuck off, I bet you also think that the online complaints about the removal of Pokemon in SwSh is also coming from a "vocal minority".
Meiya is unironically a top tier waifu
this is the party I chose to get shit done
t. CSfag
Seething. Feels good that japanese fans love Rean.
Goddamnit, at least couldn't they do the cliche "isekai" shit instead of the cliche and outdated "battle harem school" shit? Not counting Mr. Console Melter, of course.
>no Richard
based, MCU rpg when bros??? DAE want to dab with Thanos in their party?
How did he get away with this?
>feeling good about the series going down the drain
Based as fuck post. Cold Steel is a tragedy to the series.
have sex with Rean
So the more she wants to fuck Joshua, the bigger her ass gets? Fine with me.
Schwarzesmarken, aside from its hilarious Germglish title, wasn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Definitely doesn't hold a candle to MLA but I've seen much worse anime. One of these days I'll go back and watch Total Eclipse but there was a whole lot of nothing after the first couple episodes for me to stay initially emotionally invested.
Yes that's what VNs are user.
>he doesn't know what happens in CS 3/4 between Rean, Estelle, and Joshua
just you wait and see haha...
Do you have this pic in a bigger size? Noticing some aliasing and Google doesn't return a reverse search for it.
The first game was released in 2013 in Japan, back when the harem battle school was at its apex, I am actually surprised they didn’t add a tournament somewhere in CS1.