Politics ruined videgames again
Politics ruined videgames again
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Wow LoL is so shitty they needed to pass a law to stop people from playing it?
What law is this exactly?
>internet was meant to break wordly barriers, a unified virtual space
>created our own virtual boundaries and segregated content by geographical location
It didn't have to be like this.
How about you tell us what law this is, faggot?
probably euro laws against gambing in videogames aimed at children. gonna happen in the US soon as well. anything with a gambling or lootbox aspect will be restricted AO rating.
It was always going to be this way, though. The wild west days of the internet are dead and buried.
Iran shot a US drone so the US is blocking Iran and Seria from various shit online.
>live in US
>can still play LoL
Works on my machine, faggot.
I don't know the exact law but trump being a retarded giant child again because of Iran. So they banned the game in Iran and Riot had to listen because they are in the US.
It's in Iran, because of US sanctions.
Boy I can't fucking wait for another retarded decades-long war.
I wasn’t even aware League of Legends had a player base in those countries but alright.
Sounds like a fictional kingdom from JRPG
blame the femfreq minded types that got their dicks in a twist over fake things like online sexism and people calling eachother faggot online over video games.
The internet used to be great, but as with most things, stupid people with a voice end up ruining everything why the silent majority take it up the ass as usual.
It's in Iran you faggot
USA confirmed as chaotic evil
you don't block a gamer from his game
honestly they did you a favor
It's companies/corporation that did this, not a bunch of angry trannies
Like google&amazon
Figures it's all orange man's fault!
It's in Iran and Syria this block
USA is fucking with Iran because they really wanna go to war with them
based government killing shitty mobas
>be me
>I can hear bombs at 3 in the fucking morning
>open up my laptop to pass the time while my country slowly kills itself
>League of Legends time!
>"your country shot a US drone fucktard, sorry"
It's not the feminists, it's the old guard. The internet is a threat and has to be tamed.
I'm really happy about this, online gaming is cancer and the retards who populate it are the same retards responsible for all bad practises in vidya because of their retarded low standards. Hopefully this means more single player games and less cash grab online shooters that are all identical
Oh no cant play LoL in Iran anymore. Iran will no go to war with USA!!!!
>we will block the game so you stop giving money to our companies
big brain trump
Without their loud voices, these companies would have never took notice to try and rally/campaign for the "good of the people" with these ideas though. Hell I'm betting these people gave the old guard the ideas in the first place to put their bubble-practice ideas into action.
Region-based internet is faggotcancer apart from ping in online gaymin.
>games blocked in shitty third world monkey countries
who gives a shit lol
can someone please trick the government into flying drones over countries like brazil and russia so they shoot them down and get banned from the internet too
It's time for Jihad.
>Iran breaks our drone
>gets slapped with vidya sanctions
Unironically based.
Also, imagine actually living in an Islamist shithole. Do they actually play video games? I thought video games were haram. Anyone who doesn't want to be a suicide bomber for Allah should be trying to get out of shithole Islamist countries anyway, not sitting around trying to play video games in them.
Why are you playing League of Legends? Are you retarded?
Haha incels cant play their games after voting in nazis. Haha
>doesnt attack Iran
>just removes LoL
>we will charge our own people extra money for goods that we don't have the materials to manufacture
>we will prevent international consumers from buying our products
>we will round up and torture the cheap labor force that keeps our most important exports running
Trump is biggest brain money man
>sandnigger countries
wow who the fuck cares?
How is the US government able to dictate such things of private corporations?
Why the fuck would you want to interact with someone in Iran or Syria?
Since when is League and such a US government product? Telling a company who they can sell to violates their first ammendment rights.
>flying war drone and plane over a sovereign country
yeah bro they just wanted to take pictures hehe
>he thinks islamists cares about religion
lmao they just want war, they dont care about breaking the rules
>how is the US government able to exercise control over imports and exports
Online content isn't an export. It's a service.
>retards blaming Iran when it's clear US is instigating them
The U.S. Cyber Command doesn't answer to the President or to civilian oversight. They can literally do whatever the fuck they want.
>yfw actual politics fucking video games is more retarded than shitty twitter politics
>internet was meant to break wordly barriers, a unified virtual space
It was literally made by the DoD which is literally the opposite of what you wanted
theyve done that for decades dumbo
Looking forward to the lawsuit.
especially since their whole goal is to absolve themselves of "sin"
islamists be liek "who cares if i fuck 30 hookers while snorting coke off every one of their tummies when i die those sins will be absolved"
Why does someone location matter in a virtual space with english as the lingua franca?
Wasn't being apple to connect to someone on the other side of the planet the point of internet to begin with?
>hurr corporations can do whatever they want
based retard
Yeah, they're bombing countries with their epic drones for decades
It had to be like this.
The internet is still made of physical material. As long as there's a country, time, and place that computers have to operate; then politicians with shit for brains will always be allowed to fuck with it.
But don't worry, the solution is coming in the form of the decentralized internet.
Because the US is cracking down on traffic from those two countries after the US did a massive cyberattack on Iran just last thursday. This is to block any counterattacks.
No, stop being retarded. If you think angry teenagers on twitter have more power than billionaires that control multiple countries you're delusional.
Just how fucking embedded is the concept that trannies control the world to you?
Is the US and Iran nearing war because of trannies?
drone was over international waters my nigga
or are you one of the Iran wuz a good boi dindu do nuffin posters?
Headquarters of Riot Games: West Los Angeles, California. So they have to listen to the US government
It isn't one. It's literally a made up thing by the executive branch because congress and co are so powerless they let the executive branch behave as dictators.
Which law is this?
>devastate iran in the 50s
>go back 60 years later to finish them off
fuck yeah america
How dare they block my wife from video games!
riot is a chinese company
how long until china nukes the US
Iranians are shia muslims. They don't have suicide bombers. Amerimuttisharts are just doing their usual aggressions against sovereign nations, because their jewish overlords told them to.
When it comes to making your life better: Government is mysteriously absent.
I dont care about your shitty drones Muhammed
no one attacked anyone and you not being able to play fucking League of Legends doesnt mean theres a war coming you disgusting addict
>expecting sandniggers to act rationally
>omg its all da us fault
You're as bad as the retards who constantly blame racism and slavery for niggers being violent retards
not in the us fucktard
Yes, if it does not break an established law passed by congress, they can. The executive branch doesn't get to randomly decide what companies can do. Do you really want to lose a US Steel style case?
Can you link me the law as well as when it was passed and who was the house speaker at the time?
You haven't been able to play league from iran for months. Like, 24+ months. You've had to use a VPN. This is just a way they're justifying it.
>Which law is this?
The one where the government can take a magmashit on your liberties in the name of national security. Not really a new or unique concept.
Next you're going to tell us that Iran attacked the oil tankers last week and it wasn't a false flag.
It's an international service, one that the US is well within its rights to place sanctions upon.
Probably not the smartest sanctions, though.
Their HQ is in California, retard.
dilate, JIDF
>that one story about two women that went to the middle east to prove muslims weren't violent
>they both end up getting raped and killed
If he wanted to go to war just bomb the fuckers then dipshit
what the fuck do you want to do against the government. Goint to the white house and say: Ey unblock this game in another country?
stfu you dumb redditard the US gov can do what it wants
Would you kindly stop bombing the Middle East unless you plan to move there and not have their people take revenge on Europe because it's easier to reach us than you?
Thanks burgers
So you're saying there is no stated law or anything and thus this is likely an illegal overreach? Glad we agree. Enjoy that SCOTUS loss.
Filthy imperialist USA
He wants to make it seem like they started, so that retards like you support it
League of Legends should be banned in every country tbqhwy
>Yes, if it does not break an established law passed by congress, they can. The executive branch doesn't get to randomly decide what companies can do. Do you really want to lose a US Steel style case?
They literally just have to wave their hand and say "National Security" and that's it. They can't even take it to court because National Security related proceedings are secret, and you can't sue or legislate against something that didn't officially happen.
If you want this to change, vote someone into power who will repeal the Patriot Act.
>Loses a SCOTUS case to an angry farmer with a shotgun
>loses hundreds of imminent domain cases
Sure thing bro.
>Orange man bad
Alright genius, what would you do?
If he was acting like a child he would've deployed the troops to curb stomp the Iranians. His response is justified considering it was just a drone.
it probably was them
>Hurr it wuz a false flag!
by who and for what purpose?
>It wuz da US government! dey want war with iran!
then why was there no response?
Iranians, and furthermore all stupid brown sandniggers, act irrationally all the time. Its more likely that they did it then it being an elaborate false flag yes
>repeal the Patriot Act.
They did 9-11 just to pass that shit, I don't it's going away ever
Fuck off, kike.
Also if you want this to change, make voting matter and make it where the two organizations who put major candidates into power are not private corporations themselves and their proceedings are public information.
John Bolton will have his war one way or another, or else the mustache becomes sentient.
>So you're saying there is no stated law or anything and thus this is likely an illegal overreach?
That's not what I'm saying.
little league shit nobody cares about
>Shit like planes were meant to make travel between countries easier.
>Instead planes caused the creation of Visas and residencies and shit which split people further into geographical locations
That's how stuff happens
All the stuff meant to bring us together drive us further apart.
Worst part is how people can be entitled or banned from the world based on where they're born of which they never picked
>if you don't support BASED sandnigger mulsims you must support jewish sandniggers!
Fuck off nigger
they are both shit and so are you
Outer heaven when?
Good thing they're just being slapped with sanctions, the Zionists actually wanted Trump to go to war over this:
yeah it's the sand niggers. WAR FOR ISRAEL!
>wants to make it seem like they started
Except there was a false flag like a week ago that he could of used to start another war. Fucktard.
>by who and for what purpose?
Israel or Saudi Arabia to raise the price of oil amid its floundering performance in the stock market as of late. Literally not even the first time they have done this. See: Every encounter in Yemen
>then why was there no response?
Because just one incident isn't enough to start a war. You need multiple instances to create the case that military action is needed.
>angry teens on twitter
Yeah, the angry 'teens' that were given the opportunity to speak before the fucking UN about how the bad gamers make their fefes hurt.
>le fedora centrist
too late, like
There probably already exist some very good social websites on I2P and Tor but we'll never go there because it's also probably littered with cheese pizza.
stop it user. They think everyone from the east is a terrorist just like they think every german is a nazi and we think that every american is fat and stupid.
>then why was there no response?
Because Trump pussied out on the last moment? His cabinet and the navy was all set and primed for a strike.
Why are Burgers so jingoistic?
>because they really wanna go to war with them
because Israel* really wanna go to war with them
>Because just one incident isn't enough to start a war
>USA is fucking with Iran because they really wanna go to war with them
John Bolton wants to go to war with Iran.
No one else does.
Luckily we have a stable genius as president and a congress keeping those acting out of line in check, right?
I'm glad Trump is too retarded to wage a war since his attention span is low. We could've been at war with Syria, North Korea, Valenzuela and Iran by now.
Yes and it's mostly the fault of the right because everything that isn't a white man they sperg out over
>implying you need to pick sides in sandnigger infighting
why would you? Kikes, iranians, syrians, they are all semites and all fucking garbage.
more like leftists ruining vidya again on a daily basis
also fag europoors like jimmy and adamantium BTFO
Broke: hoping the US does not invade Iran
Woke: hoping they try and lose horribly
Fuck Jewmerica, fuck Israel and fuck Grumpft
Looks to me like politics is saving video games this time.
>No, stop being retarded. If you think angry teenagers on twitter have more power than billionaires that control multiple countries you're delusional.
Those angry teenagers work for angry billionaires, though.
They are literally the useful idiot footsoldiers of the billionaires who run the largest companies on Earth. What's funny is that they're so detached from reality that they don't even realize it.
So when you see "Herp corporations can do as they want they're private company!!!!" this is directly who they're defending. Almost half of the retards who say that also have Che or Stalin as avatars as an extra cherry on top of their supreme idiocy.
They will gladly go to work for the same people who build bombs and planes if they are told that they're "BRINGING FREEDUMB (progressive politics edition) TO IRAN". Watch. The same tie-dye haired SJWs will start shouting to start shit with Iran next.
This is what mental illness looks like. Seek help
Sorry dude, if rich people say to go to war who are we civilians to get in the way?
Delete this please he should've won the nobel peace prize.
>Losing to Iran
Holy shit imagine being this retarded
Who are you quoting? Are you ok?
Because some of these semties have more control over American government than the others, obviously.
WIsh we had that nigger obama in office still
Would have indiscriminately bombed all the countries by now
Very good goy.
Look at the timeline of events leading up to the Iraq war. Was it just WMD? Or was it WMD and their encroachment on the kurds, concerns over military buildup, and multiple instances of military interference over the year leading up to it?
There was no single incident that caused it. The WMD excuse was created specifically to put military pressure on Iraq as an excuse to start the campaign.
Just like the Oil Tanker incidents, now.
Post more wojaks you underaged retard. I doubt you were even a sperm cell in the balls of the robber who raped your mother when the Iraq War happened.
Trying to block communication between the citizens of the country to help them ease into war.
>losing to Vietnam
Holy shit imagine losing to some gook farmers sitting in mudholes wielding pitchforks and ww1 rifles.
Afghanistan held up fine
this is all churchill's fault
>losing to rice farmers
Hahaha, what a fucking retard, right?
>Da joos run da world!
>someone criticizes trump's actual foreign politics
>automatic orange man response
Who are the NPCs again?
>Also, imagine actually living in an Islamist shithole.
I assume you mean a muslim country. In which case I don't need to imagine
>Do they actually play video games?
Yes, if you've ever went to Dubai you can catch a glimpse of conventions for games and some animu, some muslim countries/muslim majority countries have bigger weeb/game communities than others
>I thought video games were haram.
The only real shit you'll run into trouble trying to get is pornography, sure kinda shit but not always. Egypt is a muslim majority country and yet even then you can access porn without a VPN
>Anyone who doesn't want to be a suicide bomber for Allah should be trying to get out of shithole Islamist countries anyway, not sitting around trying to play video games in them.
I do not want to because I know fighting on the side of the Arabs is a lost fucking cause when the USA can obliterate all of them. I am trying my best to get out but fuck is shit difficult. Visas and shit are a pain for an Egyptian peasant like me (I'm sorry I couldn't be born an American). I don't believe in my own country's ability to fend off an American attack and will as a result not want to enter the army. Why bother getting drafted when America can just blast the shit outta you with missiles or worse, nukes and you'll die before you fire your first round of ammunition from your 300 year old guns.
I think the USA SUCKS!
how much zoom you think they have? dumb bitch
>Those angry teenagers work for angry billionaires, though.
Yeah, and the angry billionaires will cut them loose if they do anything to impede profit. If they think it's profitable to put a LGBT sticker on their website then they'll do it, but if think it'll cut into profits then it and everyone that thought of the idea is canned.
>So when you see "Herp corporations can do as they want they're private company!!!!"
That's been the neocon position, yeah. "Corporations are people, my friend"? Do you know what Citizens United is? Look it up.
>"BRINGING FREEDUMB (progressive politics edition) TO IRAN". Watch. The same tie-dye haired SJWs will start shouting to start shit with Iran next.
What the hell? Liberals are telling us to go to war with Iran? What drugs are you on? No one wants to go to war but neocons and their useful idiots that continue to vote them in power because they have an (R) next to their name
Who else is ready to die for Israel?
They have a fighting chance unlike Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran is mountainous, and has multiple natural land barriers to prevent tanks from crossing, sea-invasion from reaching the center of the country, SAM sites from being discovered, jet fighters from being instantly detected and shot down.
A few mountains is a blessing to almost any country trying to stave off an attack.
Will it be enough? Probably not. Depends on how much money/soldiers the US throws at the problem.
The US didn't want to attack Iran in the 60's when they gunned down their diplomats for that reason, alone. Any flatter, less easily defended country would have been completely uprooted for much less.
>vietnam is currently not only capitalist americas 3rd best asian bitch
lmao yeah that went well
>everyone there only cares about religion they don't care about videogames or stuff normal people do!
Is this the brainwashing amerilards go through?
>lost the war
>m-m-m-muh KDR
Yep, that's a mutt in denial.
>by who and for what purpose?
By the same people who dragged the US into Iraq: Israel and her 5th columnists inside the US. Iran is Israel's most feared geopolitical enemy, and the Zionists have been trying to get the US to invade Iran for decades. Problem is, unlike the Arab shitholes on their periphery, Iran (which means "Land of the Aryans" in Persian) is actually a real country, and invading it would be a disaster for the US both militarily and economically.
>Iranians, and furthermore all stupid brown sandniggers, act irrationally all the time
If you're referring to Muslim terrorism, none of those attacks are ever perpetrated by Iranians. It's all Sunnis.
The most they've done were Mossad-style assassinations of a few Iraqis and others when they were abroad. But you know who else does Mossad-style assassinations? The Israeli Mossad. So why don't we invade Israel? Or at least firebomb the Knesset to teach them a lesson, and as revenge for the Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty?
>US government is not the entire world
nice reading comprehension, kike shill
>American government is the world
I mean, it literally is.
And the EU is more kiked then anything in the world so theres that
>That's been the neocon position, yeah. "Corporations are people, my friend"? Do you know what Citizens United is? Look it up.
Oh sorry, I mean neoliberal. Or maybe kleptocracy types would be a better term
>Losing to opium peddlers
Yeah, imagine a world where people didn't get rid of the taliban.
making the internet mainstream was a goddamn fucking mistake
>That's been the neocon position, yeah. "Corporations are people, my friend"? Do you know what Citizens United is? Look it up.
And a social justice position.
That's why no one has tried to challenge it. Obama had eight years to get rid of it, and he didn't, he reinforced it.
This entire left vs right politics thing you've fallen into is how they're able to create such useful idiots. No, this isn't the fault of the right or the left. There is a constant propaganda war going on in society to create people who will gladly die for the richest tier of society, and they come in all shapes, sizes, and creeds.
> Liberals are telling us to go to war with Iran?
Not yet, but oh they will. If you think they wouldn't; then you don't remember the Afghanistan war and how easy it was to manipulate "liberal" news stations, journalists, and even activists to be all-in on invading Afghanistan.
Oh, boy! I sure can't wait for even more refugees.
t. Europe
It's America that's aiding radical Islam by propping up Saudi Arabia, they export Wahhabism.
The US also arms terrorists in Syria, among other things.
American foreign policy is by no means fighting against Islam.
>l-look at all these civilians we napalmed
yeah, well done pal
Why would Egypt fight against America when they both are allies?
Well Iran is an important ally of Russia. If a group wanted to go after Iran, they'd probably shillthat angle and start calling everybody stooges of Putin.
where the fuck are the videogames?
America can't collapse soon enough
good fuck chinks
Governments constantly run into the problem now that people are far less likely to want to go to war with people they can easily talk to on a daily basis.
This is why war is usually confined to isolated and underdeveloped places in the modern world.
I can't imagine how brainwashed you have to be to WANT to be dragged into another decades long war for israel
Well if EU is kiked, then American government is kiked too because it is the whole world, right?
I hope you die fighting for Israel
Never gonna happen
how mad does that make you out of curiosity?
>Americans are proud of firebombing women and children
Sick, twisted, demonic country. There is no humanity in America.
You never know what might happen, maybe the other Arab countries will ask for help when they fight the US. I can't guarantee that the government in Egypt is smart enough not to fuck with the US, that is what truly worries me.
The US lost all the wars since WW2 and even then they just beat a dead horse (Kursk and Stalingrad were the turning points of that war)
Not just this, but they would start running documentaries on the terror of Iran's republican guard, and stress the poor conditions of women living in the country.
They did the same thing in Afghanistan and even the most argent liberal at the time was parroting that they needed to invade in order to restore human rights to the country.
>And a social justice position.
It's really not. I think it's more that they're taking advantage of our fucked up culture that worships money above all else. Gay marriage and so on didn't take off until silicon valley millionaires started donating to election initiatives.
>Obama had eight years to get rid of it, and he didn't
Obama served the rich like every other president, though. No one that opposes them has any chance of being permitted to run.
>Not yet, but oh they will. If you think they wouldn't; then you don't remember the Afghanistan war and how easy it was to manipulate "liberal" news stations, journalists, and even activists to be all-in on invading Afghanistan.
That was exploitation of post-9/11 fear, it also gave us the PATRIOT act. Right now no one has any legitimate fear of Iran
I already died fighting for israel when we launched that mass invasion of syria and venezuela and north korea last year so im off the hook lmao
>If you want this to change, vote
Only because our society hasn't ramped up into full-on panic mode.
With a flip of a switch, they could do that. They own the news stations, the journalists, and the social media giants of our country.
>unmanned drone shot down
>trump responds proportionally by shutting off video game instead of killing people
Give the man credit for doing something right
>americas 3rd best asian bitch
It's literally not, you mong. They are still in cahoots with russians and shit on both chinks and americucks.
>what is the gulf war
>US government state company must do thing
>this violates US own laws or other nations laws
How does this work? Can the executive branch of the US literally just overwrite foreign laws or ignore the laws on its own books at any point? What happens if someone sued over such a decision because it violated some sort of consumer protection law? What happens to the company if other nations begin fining them and levying punishments for it?
>he thinks Obama was left-wing
>he thinks the Democratic establishment is left-wing
Look at how fucking hard Sanders and Gabbard (who represent the actual left) are being shit on by the press right now, how happily Democratic politicians will go after them but screech if you ever criticize Biden.
The Democratic base is left-wing, the party leadership is corporate center-right. Just because they don't want to murder gays and non-whites doesn't make the DNC and mainstream press far left.
Yeah, I know.
And yet you sit there and defend a country that executes gay people and non-muslims and publicly tortures dissidents.
Funny how its ruined for literally nobody except Yea Forums loonies. Seems like a good thing desu senpai
Trump must not think Iran did anything wrong now, this is clearly an olive branch
Nah, I was just shitposting. Most Americans are actually brainwashed to think America is bad.
lmao good joke
>>trump responds proportionally by shutting off video game
He put a bunch of sanctions on the country and blocked a lot more than just assfaggots, all for something they asked for (flying drone over country you're very hostile against?? obviously its gonna get shot down)
>give him credit for not escalating a conflict he started in the first place
Bring back the Iran deal (which the US broke first, not Iran) and fire Bolton/Pompeo, then I will give him credit.
b-but trump loves jews now
pls listen to our shilling
>Hand the rice farmers their asses crisped by napalm
>Force everyone into the Paris Peace Accords Treaty
>Go home because hippies back home are demoralizing literally everyone
>Rice farmers and retarded government go back to fighting
I'm not sure, people were VERY skeptical of anything the government is accusing Iran of, like the tanker explosions. Many Americans are bitter about the endless, aimless wars that define this era.
Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic/
>They own the news stations, the journalists, and the social media giants of our country
>Trump couldn't get his way with North Korea
>Trump couldn't get his way with Venezuela
>Trump couldn't get his way with Iran
Are they the real #resistance?
Are you actually fucking retarded?
>I happily eat up the propaganda shit from a despotic country notorious for lying and hostility
Nice, hail Alla-, I mean praise Christian God!
What arab country would go to war with US, when literally all of them are either pro-US, neutral or in a state of war with Islamic radicals? It doesn't make sense.
>bring back the iran deal
why? Its fucking completely useless
>dude you can't make nukes now but you can make them in 10 years because reasons
>also im not going to actually check you're not building nukes
>Look at how fucking hard Sanders and Gabbard (who represent the actual left) are being shit on by the press right now
This so much. Some of our centre-right politicians would be considered commies in the US
why does every american journalists on news channels look like they have a gun pointed at them when they talk
If they really wanted to go to war they would've forced Iran to play League
The "Axis of Evil" was never actually evil,
The absolute state of the free market
No, but it's clear that you are pretty fucking retarded. And also butthurt, for some reason
To be fair, they aren't missing out on much.
Tulsi Gabbard is a homophobic Hindu Nationalist, stop grouping her with Sanders.
Drone was over international waters
>>also im not going to actually check you're not building nukes
but they did check and were confirmed to have complied with the deal until now?
You have to follow the laws of the country you're in and the same goes for companies. E.g games can't have swastikas in Germany because they're banned there but it's not an issue anywhere else.
Not starting a war over a drone was perhaps the most sane and based decision Trump has ever made.
gabbard is a war hawk and flip flopper
>not to mention an open borders cunts and welfare state enthusiast
she does not represent the left at all fuck off
How deluded do you have to be to believe that Zion "Make Israel Great Again" Don isn't a traitorous crypto? HE LITERALLY MARRIED HIS DAUGHTER INTO AN ELITE JEWISH FAMILY. Fuck.
>drone was over international waters my nigga
Supposedly not.
>what would you do?
Stop demonizing Iran. Stop supporting Israel.
There, problem solved.
>hindu nationalist
>country notorious for lying and hostility
The United States?
>Alright genius, what would you do?
1. Immediately call back all middle East troops and station then in the south border.
2. Make them build a wall.
3. Never ever waste a single cent again defending shitrael.
>dude just give up the most valuable ally in the region and also let us do whatever we want to our people and anyone else nearby
Lol okay Mohammed
>fly a drone into a hostile country's air space
>act surprised when it gets shot down
how do you think the US would react to an Iranian drone in US airspace
Yeah, that's how station affiliates work. If there's a speech the owners want to give they'll play it if there's no objections.
I think it's far more dangerous when the "fake news!" types have their campaigns to instill distrust in everything but their personal facebook group of gossip and profit-oriented targeted advertising offering them more fake news crap.
News companies answer to people (and sponsors), social media's insular groups just create conspiracies of ignorance and Facebook, Twitter and the like are more than willing to feed them all the garbage they want because it's profitable and no one holds them responsible for the damage.
Well yeah, Tulsi is an actual leftist unlike that sellout pussy Sanders.
1. its not US inspectors
2. they have over a month notice that an inspections happening which makes them completely useless
Also putting that aside, in the terms of the deal they are allowed to make nukes in a decade anyway. Is the idea that iran is going to stop being a bunch of retarded shitskins in 10 years? sounds retarded
Fuck Iran. Needs be nuked
Iran executes homosexuals. Iran executes non-christians. They publicly torture dissidents. Answer for these crimes you fucking Arab kike, stop squirming around.
They're immune to context.
just use a vpn
Why doesn't the US government just SAY lootboxes are illegal instead of trying to pass a law? Seems to work the same way
>drone shot down by a drunk fucker
>started a war
>nazis, kara bogas and slant eyes were right all long
Can you believe they deny the holocaust to this day? Can't wait till Trump btfo's those nazi sympathizers in the name of Israel.
>people spinning this positively because Daddy Donald can't do no wrong
war is coming up
>Iran executes homosexuals. Iran executes non-christians. They publicly torture dissidents
Based. Nothing wrong with that.
dumb hateful faggots like you calling for nukes should be hanged
It's good to know plenty of the epicly anti-interventionist Trump drones will switch to full on warmonger mode if daddy says
Not according the the actual data from the drone itself
The US execute heterosexuals. The US execute Christians. Answer for these crimes you fucking Burger, stop squirming around.
>international waters
Just like the marines who were caught at the Iranian coast and sent back home right? This isn't the first time US is provocating Iran.
>Iran executes homosexuals. Iran executes non-christians. They publicly torture dissidents.
Sounds breddy gud to me
Did they get the blackbox?
>prompted by anti-loot-box laws, major triple AAA developers begin normalizing the AO rating so they can continue their scummy business practices
>with AO rating becoming common, there is no longer a limit to the obscenity permitted by society in games
I am ready for the porn game renaissance
It wasn't a US tanker, retard. Also very strange no one died. Also strange how it was a tanker not affiliated with a big time country/organization like the US or EU
this is actually what mental illness looks like.
Thank you for being honest about what you are. Can't wait to see dead Iranian soldier's crying about how they didn't do anything wrong, they is good boys, the U.S. is some evil crackas comin' to steal our oil and take away our super-nukes.
>Iran executes non-christians
>muslim nation executing non-christians
Are you retarded or what?
Replace "Iran" with "Israel" and I'm on board.
>connect to a VPN
wow governmunt so stronk
>believing the US
Have you learned nothing from the past 250 years? The US is built on false flags
>When it comes to making your life better:
Controls the animals faggot
>Trump does something bad
>call him out on it
Doesn't do either. You can't just parrot me and expect that to work you dumb faggot.
If you think Iran can remotely fight off the US in a conventional war you are beyond high.
No, im not even sure drones have one.
But it was transmitting data up until the second it was shot down so there is an exact location
Where's the wall?
Remember Guantanamo? The US isn't better. They're worse.
People on those countries can't afford a VPN amerifat.
>valuable ally
They're a money sink that gives nothing in return.
Even without Israel there's still the Saudis who are actually the real reason why the US is so hellbent on toppling Iran's regime because of their shia vs sunni nonsense.
All this drivel about not wanting Iran to have nukes because muh terrorists might get them is complete horseshit.
Pakistan has had nukes for decades and is known for harboring terrorists yet somehow no nukes have been allahu ackbarred.
the only drone here is you, given you believe americas 86th casus belli falseflag attempt
>league of legends
Shiiiet, I got mad retarded. I meant they execute non-muslims. I don't talk about shitskins a lot, got myself all fucked up.
>Trump does something good
Like i said, mental illness. Unless not going to war over a toy airplane is a bad thing now
do randomized loot drops in mmos count as gambling?
>You know whats
This poster was taken for punishment and execution by the Sharia police for his Haram posts.
Fucking up my shit isn't right, user.
Nope. The law was written purposely to target loot boxes.
>It's not US inspectors
Nor should it be considering the Iran Deal isn't a US-Iran affair, but an international affair involving Iran, Russia, China, US and the EU. It had inspectors from the IAEA, which the US is a part of, and had accepted to carry out the inspections on-site.
>2. they have over a month notice that an inspections happening which makes them completely useless
Which is appropriate considering the facilities you need to manufacture the materials concerned aren't movable discretely in a month's time.
>Is the idea that iran is going to stop being a bunch of retarded shitskins in 10 years? sounds retarded
The idea is to play time rather than risk a total to nuclear war in the Middle East. The middle class of Iran had a realistic chance of not backing a nuclear weapon project if it meant being subjected to sanctions again after a decade of wellbeing.
>I meant they execute non-muslims
Fox news tier
Stay mad, triggered faggot. US are a bunch of pussies and cucks, they are too scared of starting war with Iran. There's nothing you can do to stop based iranians from killing assmad libtards like you.
war hungering tranny.
No law was passed
>not supporting israel makes you a muslim, terrorist or left wing
The sad thing is this is what the majority of americans actually believe.
How come AO rating is such poison in USA? I live in Finland and we've always had many games with violence rated 18+ only, even though it's a law that's not enforced further than making it punishable to sell such games directly to minors.
I'm not going to excuse Guantanamo, but it also doesn't excuse Iran. Regardless I'd say there is a big difference between waterboarding and disgusting humiliation of enemy combatants, versus straight up public torture and execution of CIVILIANS because they don't fall in the religious line. It's disgusting and I can't believe these fucking savages sit at the same table as the civilized world in the U.N.. Just for the record, fuck the Saudis too.
So, the government of the #1 freedom and democracy nation manhandles its own companies to do whatever fuck it wants?
I mean fuck LoL, but just think about this calmly for a second.
>literally "our greatest ally"
>I got mad retarded
Yeah, I see that some irrelevant third world shitholes really make you guys mad for some reason. Oh well, jingoism is one hell of a drug, after all.
Imagine spending tax money on a 220m drone that can be shot by some shitskin instead of providing people with healthcare and free education. Burgers are retarded.
Likely won't happen due to it not being as easy as "propose bill" to get something into law. Which is how Yea Forums thinks it works.
Because retailers will not sell them and Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft refuse to allow them on consoles. They are effectively banned. It isn't a government thing at all, it's self censorship by the industry. It's basically the same as the comics code authority (which no longer really exists because it became so retarded everyone just said "Fuck it")
I dunno if they give nothing, having a nuclear threat in the middle east is a pretty huge advantage. The saudis would turn on us in a second, Israel is loyal, if for no other reason than we're the only ones that will take them.
>"I order you to block those goat fuckers from playing League of Legends, NOW," said John Bolton on Saturday morning, according to an insider source.
Ummm no sweetie. Trump would never start a war and interventionism is bad. But if he did, it would be a good thing because fuck liberals and fuck muslims
No, just our only Ally in the region
Trannies and /pol/fags SEETHING over something requiring Testosterone, let's see how flappy titties faggots cry over this
if Trump started a war I'd be 100% for it because he's My Guy no matter what
>JUST because she said that she would enforce a no-fly zone, which of course she fucking did because she would look like a pussy if she didn't, obama didn't attack russians when push came to shove either
>trump performs strikes on the syrian government (and ultimately nothing comes of it)
>trump appoints john bolton, an infamous warhawk who's wanted to fuck up Iran really, REALLY badly for decades
>ever since we've been antagonizing Iran trying to goad them into giving us a reason
>if we actually attack them we're liable to not only get a black eye in the process, but Iran has a reasonably culturally progressive youth that are going to start fucking hating us if we start slaughtering them and get into YET ANOTHER guerilla war
Israel is not loyal, the U.S is controlled by Israel and is a vassal state. The interests of the U.S are Israel's interests exclusively.
>it's okay when we do it!
When is the US going to stop occupying half the world with their military bases? What are your soldiers doing in Iraq, Japan, Germany, etc?
>LoL made illegal
This is the best outcome possible.
>having a nuclear threat in the middle east is a pretty huge advantage
Americans truly are turbo-niggers of this world. Is there any other country that is obsessed with having their army stationed all over the world just so they can flex on countries they don't like?
It's called freedom, chump. We feel bad for all the people out there that are being hardcore oppressed. Not everyone can be a jaded little Euro.
wait are you still buttmad that she lost the election?
Israel is the ally of no-one; it is the enemy of the entire world.
um sweetie, the US has the best healthcare system of the world (accessible only for the 10%)
i don't know about you guys but it's been really fucking funny watching how goddamn transparent all of this shit is, cia bomb tankers, media immediately carries their message that iran did it without pausing to think for one fucking second, and the only thing that stopped it is the big idiot boy getting distracted by something else shiny
hahHhahahaha fuck you john bolton you fucking gay walrus looking faggot i hope you wipe the cum out of your mustache before you go crying to cheeto again about how the mean iwanians are mocking you but you get met by a mixture of farts and quiet sobbing as the fat pink dotard shovels pounds of cold mcdonalds filet-o-fish sandwiches into his puckered, anus-like maw with his incredibly small right hand while fiddling around in between the folds of his gunt trying to find the last withered vestige of his penis so he can jerk it to his tommi lahren reruns
Hahahaha das rite
we gamers are the ones in real danger
we must fight back
she sucked and we probably would've gotten a trump later if her delusional ass had won
but people literally made up conspiracies to prevent people from voting for her
Just to be safe, they might sperg out and start doing evil shit again. It's only been 70 years, at least with Germany and Japan. Plus I'm pretty sure Japan is happy to have our Navy around, with China next door.
Tucker Carlson is a big reason trump didnt bomb Iran.
>that sentence structure
Good lord.
USS Liberty
>it's okay when a republican does it
If Trump started WW3 tomorrow half of /pol/ would willingly sign up
Your ''ally'' turned the last christian nation in the middle east, Lebanon, into a muslim country, they sold your secrets to China, killed American soldiers, get billions of your tax money for no reason and bought your congress. Nice ally you have there.
... the entire plan hinged on a regime change?
where's he going bros?
cucker failson
>... the entire plan hinged on a regime change
That's not what I said or implied.
Are you mentally retarded?
I recommend that everyone watch "Wag the Dog"
You got a source on any of that?
>The saudis would turn on us in a second
The US is Saudi Arabia's bitch.
Ever since Nixon signed a deal with the devil (meaning the Saudi king) when he took the Dollar off the gold standard and instead based it's value on the Saudi oil trade in exchange for military assistance.
The US cannot afford to anger the Saudis because if they stop trading oil exclusively in US dollars then the dollar will collapse and the US economy along with it.
The Saudis hate Iran and because of that the US is obligated to make up excuses for hating Iran too.
It was shia muslims who made suicide bombings a big thing in the middle east you absolute fucking mongoloid. Look up the 1983 beirut barracks bombings. Instead of symbolically hurting themselves in honour of Ali they were coerced into making the a real explosive sacrifice.
and they would be immediately rejected for being unfit for duty
Yea, I'm sure Japan is happy about having heavily armed rapists occupying their country.
Can't happen soon enough. Let lootboxes burn.
>Tucker Carlson is a big reason trump didnt bomb Iran.
To be fair. We haven't gone to war with Iran or Syria yet.
If Hillary got in, we would be halfway into our second Syrian conflict and just starting our Iranian campaign. Biden will likely do the same.
People who ask rhetorical questions are NPCs.
so this... is the power.... of USA......
It's funny seeing countries squirming and acting like they have any power now that Israel owns the planet
>notorious for lying and hostility
This is just my speculation, but I think there is a long standing stigma that video games are for kids, and so selling games made for adults in say, Gamestop or Walmart, would have parents up in arms over it. Also the US just generally have a lot of moral busy bodies who are always trying to police content in media. They may have lost tv. movies, and music, but video games still haven't been lost.
Seems to me it basically all comes down to "think of the children". I think it was only a little over 10 years ago Grand Theft Auto was still super controversial.
>The US cannot afford to anger the Saudis because if they stop trading oil exclusively in US dollars then the dollar will collapse and the US economy along with it.
My favorite maymay, kill yourself tranny
>We need allies in the region like Israel, to defend against our enemies who hate us because of our support of Israel. In order to counter this hatred we will continue to throw more money at Israel
I just hope you Jews dont harm tucker, I know how desperate you are to kill brown people
>cherrypick civilian incidents
>assume this means the governing body of the country has a problem with it, or anyone not affected by it
That's your mistake.
Have you ever studied history beyond your public school education you moronic twat? The government gets to do whatever it wants and you'll bend over and take it in the ass no matter how angry you get because nobody wants to go to prison to save their liberties.
fucker tarlson
So the Americans did Iran and Syria a favor?
It's literally true though.
hope iran nukes commiefornia and all the flyover boomers
But any middle class revolt against the theocracy on the verge of nukes if not past the threshold would inevitably entail one.
Israel cant even defeat Palestine lol
wtf why do my testicles hurt?
Imagine having a President who decides international policy based off the whims of fate and whatever a fucking TV news anchor said
You know, starting wars that kill hundreds of thousands people hardly makes people sympathetic to your kind of "freedom". Besides, when you guys throw bombs and missiles at cities, you hardly make distinctions between those you deem oppressed and not-oppressed. Sounds more that you guys are just blood-thirsty psychopaths that look for places to kill people under some arbitrary excuses. Otherwise, you should have gone after your biggest ally Saudi Arabia. They oppress and kill gays, dissidents and non-muslims too all the time. Yet you don't seem to mind it at all. Why the double standards? Could it be that you have some ulterior motives and really you don't care about the oppression at all?
cocksucker swanson's hungry for cum man meals is as kike as they come, nigger has cro-magnon brow, literally subhuman, ape-like
Imagine wanting to
Borders are a good thing you fucking liberal.
I'm just going to stop you right there, I'm an Imperialist and we need Isreal to help us dismantle the middle east into useful, democratic, freedom loving vassal states to supply the western world with oil.
The only places that need nuking are the big cities and parts of states that vote blue.
>You'll never exist in the Battle Network timeline and mess with African robo giraffes from the comfort of your neet den.
>yeah, you should allow you boat to be destroyed because they are exporting a product
Ww1 brainlet
>damage control
your fat walmart ass is going to bathe in the thermonuclear glow
Politics ruined this site.
this except the exact opposite
actually no, its more fun watching you faggots slowly drown in a sea of heroin
>its not fair goy! Amerimutts were supposed to be our mercenaries!
No war for you rabbi
Israel could squash Palestine like a bug if it wanted to, it's just infinitely more advantageous to them to boil Palestine like a frog in water. On the world stage it looks pretty bad on Israel to take over Palestine instantly, and they run the risk of waking goyim up.
Need the Saudis to get the Iranians, they're the bigger threat. Saudis are next, we're already working on justifying their downfall.
Soviet Union is not Russia, retard. The cold war is over for everyone but Americans. Now you're trying to invent a new enemy in China
someone just nuke the USA already, nothing good comes from there anymore
Well, Soviet Union seems pretty timid compared to USA, you know.
Debatable. I'd say the theocracy isn't tied to the nuclear program. But I can see the point in saying that it is since Israel, the US and Saudi Arabia would skullfuck the country in if it didn't have nuclear weapons. If we talk about a fantasy world where Israel and Saudis were cool with an Iran that dropped the nuclear program, I doubt people would even need to overthrow the government.
nah, i'm sure the government partially appreciates having america around to deter china and NK, but these incidents drive thr public absolutely nuts
imagine if we had occupying japanese bases and fairly regularly one just raped and killed a random woman, and nothing ever came of it. People would be utterly livid towards the occupiers.
you are fucking stupid.
Better with them than with A*ericans
>times you said the N word
Still not paying for your sexual.
reassignment surgery
I wish I could laugh at you, but Trump literally gets his policy from Fox News talking heads.
This country is so fucked
The Soviet Union hasn't existed for decades bro
because you're based
>into useful, democratic, freedom loving vassal states
but literally every time you've invaded a country it's collapsed and become more radical
lol fuck off you idiot child, its the saudis that want this, but you know that, don't you, schlomo falseflagenstein?
protip: rightwing = kike and saudi slaves
>U.S. has hundreds of miles of oil rich land in all of the southwest (aka arizona, south Colorado, new mexico, and eastern texas) and Alaska
>noooo, they are going to collapse because saudi arabia
>99 percent of suicide bombers are sunni, and have links to Saudi Arabia and Wahabbism
>project onto Iranians because the Jews want Greater Israel
Fuck. Can we just kill all the goy slaves in America already? No other group of people are so mentally enslaved by the Chosen People.
>wanting to nuke your fellow countrymen
Hahahahaha this is what Jews actually believe.
I don't have to do damage control because no one cares. Oh, is there some legislation in the Japanese senate to get rid of Americans? Go ahead and show me the evidence that anyone really gives a shit.
Bruh I play a D&D game GMd by a Saudi
It's a good thing in this case, considering it avoided a war with Iran. But fucking hell I hope Trump was joking or something
maybe you should pay for your own, faggot in denial
I don't know chief, Obama repeatedly refused to get directly involved with Syria up to the end of his presidency and he certainly didn't defend Ukraine when we would've been entirely in the right to do so.
I doubt his political successor would immedistely hop on the "start another guerilla war in the middle east" train especially after supporting popular uprisings ended in absolute disaster.
CALM THE FUCK DOWN RETARDS. This is Yea Forums where you talk about games and not shitty politics this is going in the wrong direction and i don't think OP had that in mind when he made this thread
>Bomb Arabic countries so ISIS can take the ruins over
>implying i am a burger
ww1 brainlet still seething
>trump didnt go into Vietnam 2.0 and this make me mad at you goyim!
Sorry no dead children for you rabbi
Which one? AIPAC buying your congress, Israel flooding Lebanon with muslims, Israel selling secrets or the billions in ''aid'' you sent to Israel?
I'm going to make this chick in Koikatsu Club
give me your strength
I'm not a Jew. I'm anti-Israel and want it to be nuked off the face of the planet. Israel is the most powerful country in the world. The U.S is its golem.
>Just to be safe, they might sperg out and start doing evil shit again.
When are you motherfuckers going to fucking stop sperging out and doing evil shit, then? Literally the entire history of your degenerate republic is one long evil fucking spergout.
>Still no sources
>Obama repeatedly refused to get directly involved with Syria
Didn't he literally spend billions in funding multiple jihadist groups in Syria?
Imagine be so mentally unsound that you continually support furthering an agenda that time an again is proven to runs counter to your own interests...
Imagine being american...
>its not us Jews! It's the Saudis
Lol I didnt know Ben shapiro posted on Yea Forums.
Iran war is CANCELLED lol
The physical ones in the real world which resulted from thousands of years of conflict, yes.
But in a virtual world? it's completely arbitrary, the only natural barrier being language.
>We feel bad for all the people out there that are being hardcore oppressed.
>So we're going to bomb civilians and put up new dictators that will give us a 5% discount on oil
The world is really grateful for your hard work mutts
Thanks for the LGBTQ and interracial propaganda in media as well
Your God-king is a retard and was likely held back by other government officials. I'm not going to praise him for following orders from a fucking TV host
Fucking with my life is good? Obama managed to not do that. Oddly, it's always the republican presidents that try to ruin my life and make years under them hellish.
>no you!
Hahaha damn user, the level of oy vey is off the charts!
That's a relatively recent development due to fracking and most of that oil is used internally within the US.
In order to maintain the relevance of the dollar in the global market they still need the Saudis who are the number 1 exporter of oil in the world.
he has an important announcement to make
stop bullying gamers
Imagine being an am*rican.
By signing billion-worth arms export deals, protecting them from their regional rivals and helping them in committing genocide in Yemen? Are americans like you delusional or just mentally ill?
Shut the fuck up Jew. Line up in a firin- I mean synagogue or something. It's Sunday right?
milk truck has arrived
Every new war is 10 steps closer to the collapse of America
Lol what an angry jew, is that you Kushner?
t. Hans
Imagine sending spy drones into a foreign nation and then acting like they are the bad guy for shooting it down
If I was Iran I would consider even sending the drone an act of war.
lol i didn't know mohammed bin salman was such a whiny little bitch child
either way, you are a slave to both saudis and the israelis, shame that your country is so fucking cucked lol :D
You almost have a point, but then you go on a little alt-right spergout about faggots and I lose respect
>being american
Hey, don't throw stones from a glass house. At least Americans have their guns for now.
oh you're a jew too huh
not a fucking surprise
hol up
we wuz fancy buildangz n shit?
Lol stfu goy! Israeli expansion is fine because God said so!
Oh no whatever will we do without your respect!
>people can be entitled or banned from the world based on where they're born
Can I get some examples of this? Not that I don't believe you, i'm just geniunly curious
Damn Serbians
Do you realise how much money Israel has made from "holocaust" marketing?
>At least Americans have their guns for now.
And what have they achieved with their guns? Have they managed to block any damaging legislation, like the 1965 immigration act or anything?
And if I was the US i'd consider Russian attempts to influence elections an act of war, but thankfully neither of our dumb asses are in charge of jack or shit
Don't worry, I'm sure your whole family will be living in a nice free house in London soon.
I'm sorry you are so angry but no iran war for you rabbi.
I dunno, I assume you're pretty fragile, since seeing gay people or niggers causes you to throw a tantrum.
>waaah dont you dare touching our sacred homo-tranny-faggot cow
Why are americans like that?
meanwhile in reality:
How long until vidya devs have to sign this law too?
here are your milkers for tonight sir
>no you're the jew!
Hahaha wow
>all these retards ITT
Armchair faggots like you will never lead anything more than a piss coloured weebshit clan on a huemonkey server in some Chinese mmo, keep crying about jews, saudis, iran, and burgers like the useless faggots you are
The government doesn't dictate anything of corporations, they agree on things. Corporations have interest in the government clearing the way for them to expand.
The bourgeois government is an instrument of the bourgeoisie, it cannot exist independently.
What have any of us achieved? Have any of us managed to impede any of the genocidal policies that are ever encroaching on our existence?
Why isn't /pol/ talking about this?
>If I was Iran I would consider even sending the drone an act of war
The US is a bully. They bully Iran and we (EU) are just watching on the side because we've developed Stockholm syndrome and turned into turbo-cucks that stay silent and just accept millions of refugees and migrants that American foreign policy created
Why are third-worlders like this?
No one wants a WW3, and anyone that says otherwise either doesn't fully understand what they're asking for or is a fat fucking liar.
Not really. The White House didn't really like the idea of sending heavy weapons and training to rebels in the middle east again, and in the end the rebels who weren't isamists just ended up getting bulldozed and what we DID send them was stolen because we didn't help them enough or fast enough.
Thanks Matt
Sure, but the holocaust never happened. Just another Jewish scam.
Is this supposed to convince anons to kill Iranians?
There is no solid proof of Russian interference in American elections, the drone entering Iranian airspace and being shot down are both undeniable facts.
Goes against their narrative.
Isn't that literally the entire point of having guns that Americans brag about? To stop a tyrannical government?
Based Trump. He needs to defend our rights from those ding-dong-darn Muslims all the way over in Eye-ran!
want to know how i know you're seething like a little bitch?
I don't understand your post, why are you describing the US in your green text then talk about muslims after? You got Europe'd by sandniggers?
>let me just slide into a conversation I didn't read
Try again sweetie
thats a fucking law?
You should add an oyvey to it and change the picture to ben Shapiro
your lucky they just restricted the internet rather than blowing the shit out of you muzzie scumbags. you're too stupid to understand your countries pushing for war yet you blame others.
It is, but what good are bullets against the Samson option?
Because we're all fucking human beings and social contact is part of our nature you inbred Americanistan. God fucking dammit I hate the USA so fucking much, your country is literally a plague that needs to get rid of. If I had the option of pressing a button and killing every single American I'd do it in a heartbeat and keep pressing it over a week just to be sure.
I hope your people and your long nosed masters burn in nuclear fire.
>far left hates intervensionism
>Far right hates it too
Who is the target audience of starting a war? What group will this boost Trumps number with? Because I don't see it.
>if I insult him he will support greater Israel
Interesting strategy but it wont work.
It was a rhetorical question, user. The Syrian Train and Equip Program and Timber Sycamore was billions of dollars of U.S. arms and supplies given directly to islamist groups in Syria. Groups like al-Zenki were STILL receiving funding when Trump got into office.
please keep posting her if there is more from this set by same author
you're actually providing me with amazing references for that Koikatsu character
Maybe not threaten to go to war with a random economylet country just because they're weak and brown? Fuck America for always escalating shit just to make money
>give your life, money and foreskin to israel
>give your country to mexico
>give your wife to africa
They have to be smart enough to recognize one, and gun nuts are almost entirely stupid, easily manipulated reactionaries.
I know America makes you cry, but you can't just lie about what it is. It's a 100% democratic country with very low levels of corruption. We literally just let Iran fuck up our oil supply tankers, shoot down 10 million dollars worth of U.S. tech and brag about it without doing anything more than economic sanctions. I'd say we're being the very opposite of hostile.
Lol still no war for you rabbi
Didn't we JUST pull out of Iran not too long ago? Why are we going back in again? People were super hype that soldiers with families were coming home after such a long time, and now we're just going to send them back in?
What the fuck?
No it isn't. They just blocked it because riot HQ is in the HQ and they have to listen to the government
Foreigners need to tell themselves this to believe that, if the US wanted to fuck them, they'd have a chance.
The actual reality is the US could fuck any country on Earth if it wanted.
>Ha-ha, w-we didn't want South Vietnam to win anyway!
Republicans will shift their views to support their leaders
I mean, put them all you want, just don't sperg out like mentally ill schizos when someone dares to talkshit them. You know, something that you do now, ironically. Also, why do you immediately correlate not liking gays with third-wordlers? Racist and xenophobic much? Or is it that you liberals are the real racists?
>thinking a 220m drone is expensive
found the unironic retard
man at 0:16 the fat guy gets a full fucking water melon smashed on his head. how is this not murder?
>we're all human dude
Showing your true colors.
>America not starting another pointless war for Israel
I'm honestly proud of the burgers
Sorry lad, I think thats it. Artist is accho_(macchonburike)
I'm not sure you know what losing is. By your definition, the US lost the Iraq war
>very low levels of corruption
That's just because you made corruption legal. A lot of US lobbying practices are considered corruption in other countries, in US it's all legal
There is no intention to benefit Americans. It exclusively benefits foreign interests, not America herself.
>that needs to get rid of
Be, not to, ESL friend
I'm not sure what exactly you are arguing? South Vietnam fell, nobody is denying that.
It's trump being retarded. He knows no-one is going to remember him when he is gone so he wants to starts a war with Iran to be remembered as the president who stopped the "evil" in the east
Again, read the posts. We are not talking about any wars.
blame corporations and the gouvernament, 15-20 years ago, the internet was a wildwest, now (((some))) people want to regulate it, cesnor everything, no freedom of speech, etc. I am not surprise gaming is fucked by this. But everything good need to end in one day.
>and brag about it
I know brown people make you cry, but you can't just lie about what they do. They deny attacking your tankers.
The goal of Vietnam wasn't "go in there and kill a bunch of people". The goal was to stop Vietnam from turning communist, which failed.
>should be trying to get out of shithole Islamist
No they should be staying there and trying to educate the future generations & get rid of their cancerous religion that's infested everything so this can finally stop.
If you try to bring that shit to my county i'm fine with killing you on the spot.
they weren't in the nation retard.
That sounds like Marxism to me. Nation is inseperable from race, a country IS the people. What is Japan filled with Chinese people?
So, the company just gets fucked and pulls out of those foreign markets or goes bankrupt due to international fines?
Here is an example to use with your swastika shit. US government demands all games have swastikas
How does this now work with Germany? Are games just banned now thanks to US demands? Is the company fined and banned for following the "law" (decrees aren't laws) of their country?
You assumed I was American, so I assumed something equally retarded about you, dumbass.
>I'm honestly proud of the burgers
Thank you Tucker Carlson for stopping Trump
Yes, and? Where was this denied?
>reading comprehension
Humans are social creatures, we're all human, therefore we long to get in contact with each other. I'm not saying we're all the same. Americans are less than humans, they are parasites that need to die.
>Far right hates it too
Really? the "with us or against us" and "freedom fries" people are against intervention (war)? The right loves war because it makes certain rich people even richer and neocons control the party, or at least they did until the batshit insane people took over and actually made the neocons look peaceful
I much prefer chocolate milk
You don't sound very human desu
What was the implication of your post when you were replying to the other user?