How did Iga get away with giving Miriam such massive honkers in current year bros?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's called integrity
She had to look like Aradia
it's hot, why would any sane person complain about that?
is this game worth $17? gog has it for my region for that price
I don't know. Ask Square Enix.
$17 is a steal, go for it
You'll get a solid 15-20 hours out of it at least, so I guess so.
Iga is above your petty ethics.
which one came first?
I mean you're right, but didn't really answer my question
When you ignore liberals, you can do anything.
i dont get it. did they recently patch in bigger boobs?
>Kill Bloodless
>Game starts showing her cutscene
>Cyclone's still on the screen and it hits me
No budget for an ethics department
God I'm so happy that the trannies who run that website were all found to be pedos.
anyone know the armor between Mantua and Lamellar Armor? Also im missing Hair V and the bookcase with "Alchemist note 8"
God I hope so.
Does anyone know what i'm missing?
Could you imagine? Every single update just subtly increases her bust size, by maybe a pixel at most?
been trying to figure it out user but i cant, here's my 100% map tho
It's been posted here a million times newfriend.
game's great and everything, but
>no inverted castle like SOTN or demon realm like AOS
shit sucks
Den of Behemoths was a cool idea for a second castle where everything is just massive. Imagine if they committed to doing the whole thing
true, if only it was larger and enemies weren't absolute pushovers
I know right?
>Many animations emphasize her ass, and leaning pantie shots.
I am surprised by the size of her tits and ass. Somebody mod panties in this girl fucks sake.
Still I think Shanoa was a better design.
why would you post the same thing in both threads user
Because it was crowdfunded by fans, not held back by libshits pretending to be.
should be the only one missing, I think.
I am slightly unhinged lately when I see videogame characters with big tits.
I hate the term fan. I honestly prefer being a customer
Are you a tranny who knows they are not a woman and never will be?
I identify as a gigantic cosmic serpent licking ice cap poles
What material is between queens tear and bat fang?
rat teeth
I bet she smells after killing all those monsters
I bet she smells after being covered in semen
She needs to have massive honkers with her goth attire.
Same reason all the men need frills and capes for some reason.
The game on the PC is a glitchy mess. Keeps minimizing itself sometimes.
Its really not. Unless you pirated it
why does feminine body parts on a woman piss them off
I pirated the GoG version.
No ethics department
She actually has the tits Tifa should have. I dont think normies are phased by this size.
I guess they patched it on steam then. Its been working just fine for me.
I don't even understand their logic. Plenty of women in the real world wear even less.
Because the site is run by trannies
>they preach that women should cover themselves up
I never got this glitch. I've only seen a couple of reoccuring glitches. Item drops getting stuck in walls/floors which is pretty annoying and also if you try to animation cancel attacks with the whip by jumping it freaks out and flies all over the place. You can also permanently banish your blood bringer to the shadow realm if you leave the area at a certain point during one of its attack animations at a certain part of the screen.
Secondary sexual characteristics on women are now sexist.
Showing a women with curves marks them as a sexual object.
Women should be flat and tube shaped.
I remember somehow getting myself stuck beneath the floor in the Den of Behemoths by a giant moco.
of course you are
>Infringes on others ability to enjoy the game
Jesus Christ, I know that the word use of "infringe" here is technically correct, but the word has such a close association with a legal context that it makes it sound absurd.
>These mean developers infringed on my right to not be exposed to women's chests.
Loli demon hunter (male)
Excuse me but would you all be so kind and post more pictures of this wellendowed and beautiful lady? I wanna show my penis to her.
Bunnymorphosis is the best! Its a bit of a bitch to upgrade. Speaking if which, whats the difference between grade and rank?
I currently have a bug where I am can't see our girl. So I'm now just playing as a pack of traitorous dallahammer heads.
Because resetera has no beef with Igarashi
She keeps her magic there.
put a vibrating dildo inside both of them and wait a few minutes to get your answer
What's weird is that they act like ultra-conservatives of the 50s and 60s, but will turn around and call those same people "backwards" or "unprogressive". It's so strange.
That’s actually kind of sick
I want you to know that you are a retard.
What is that supposed to mean
That feeing when you walk int othe caste for the first time was AMAZING and collecting all of the enemy souls feels just like Aria did on the gameboy too iga did it again the MADMAN I wasn't expecting it to be this good
I couldn't attack anything either, or use any shards. I had to reload the game though rather than play through on head-only mode because I couldn't interact with teleporters either which would just be annoying.
Anyone have any idea what celeste's room is supposed to do? I sat in the char for a while with my ghost friend but I can't figure anything else out.
Play all the music boxes at the same time
I have no idea actually, but do that anyways
Does any enemy actually drop gold, or do I need to farm weapons and dismantle them?
You need so fucking much to max certain things.
Nothing else happens. Probably a backer room some nerd payed thousands of dollars for.
>thought the Blue Rose was part of her Valkyrie set
>there is an actual Valkyrie sword
>mfw no face
Craft 1 gold with 50 mercury and 10 dark matter and then you can buy them for 15k(13.5 with discount) at the shop
chests in the desert area, but dismantling items is fastest if you have money
She is not human, thats why she can have that big chest
Sent it to the bug departament, they actually listen here
>collect all shards to get inf. mana glasses
>equip higher tier money bag ring and all the plus gold/drop and ultra dash
>break candles for guaranteed 100g and 500g bags
Because what you do is ignore the whiners and not respond to them, then do what you want. The virtue signalers will move on almost immediately because they realize bothering you won't get them attention.
Other devs should take notes.
What is the best place to farm money like this?
>don't care about tits
>don't care about virtue signalling
can all of you politicucks with VERY IMPORTANT opinions just enjoy what you enjoy without having to actively roll in what you don't enjoy? This crusader shit over vidya stuff is annoying and tiresome.
>goes to play Peggle where no one can be offended
women existing is sexist. crazy.
>as long as I am called bald
what did he mean by this?
Not him but I farm right in the home base area. I start with the candle in the Alchemy Lab and I just hit the line of candles that leads to the woman who wants food in the Store room and then go the other direction and just do that over and over.
He considers being bald UHHHHNNN... ASSHEPTABEL!
Took me 12 hours to beat 100% map completion. I am not autistic enough to do 100% journal completion, so if you want that you can probably add a few more hours.
Id say go for it, good game with proper length
>that kino fucking shard ability
Crowd funding.
He showed honkers, fans threw their money at him to make the game. If SJWs whined about it, Iga could just say "it's too late to change it because this is what was promised to the backers."
I thought his attempts at english were very adorable, he could of just kept it in japanese but he went with it anyway
>Come on, it's [CURRENT YEAR]
Why is the voice acting so bad in english?
Excuse me sir my eyes are up here
Didn't really experiment with it, but i'd say Castle Entrance is pretty nice. There is the 4 white statues room but a bit too long for my taste but the most braindead. The room after it is pretty long and has a lot of enemies and chandelier, which it'd be good if you have the shard leveled to auto-loot, but it seems there is a delay, so you have to be conscious of of jump height. There is also which is what i did, which once again can be annoying if you want to farm for the achievement, as you can't go full auto-pilot / braindead mode.
nobody cares about the shitty story anyway, so why waste money on it
Not that I'm against it but why does she have a tattoo on her right tiddy
But you hear her voice constantly when you attack/cast shit
Those tattas aren't even that. Sure, they are big but definitely not cow tits level.
Just lower your top a little more, your nipples are close enough for me to pretend.
It's a ward to stop her from turning into a Final Fantasy macguffin.
I do here
Fuck those fucking dog head things!
Does anyone have an infograph on which of the Castlevania games to play and/or in what order to play them? I've somehow managed to never touch one in my life.
>The Cooler Miriam
Fuck, I forgot how cute her default appearence is, I think I'll go back to it for a while.
So what DLC will there be
Is this the first legit good crowd funded game?
It’s everything I wanted it to be
Yeah, who cares about the lives of poor and immigrants. Then you ignore liberals and use bullets, you can do anything.
This gif alone convinced me to buy the game
holy shit
probably the pork cutlet, its a 1% drop
you can just craft it
Yeah, its pretty good, but nowhere near a first.
There's a pretty sizable list at this point.
They're backer pets that were added to the game. If you want to have someone to blame, blame dog people everywhere.
4% drop rate.
They forgot to add a stretch goal for an ethics department.
Nice hacks.
Shovel Knight, FTL, Hyper Light Drifter, Divinity Original Sin, Superhot, I hear Darkest Dungeon is good
No. There have been many, but Yea Forums only talks about the screwups to fool people like you.
thanks for the advice friendo
Bloodstained is pretty much the third Sorrow game isn't it.
I fucking loved the Black Panther soul, nice to see it has an equivalent.
The dogs aren't nearly as bad as the cats, which are just pallet swapped.
I also never once saw the cats attack until I intentionally stood there and gave them several seconds to do so.
What am I missing?
What hacks?
big milkers are perfectly ethical to anyone sane
can you upgrade the Crissaegrim? its starting to get weak, whats the best shard for it? sword master or dagger?
This, even the ones that get pulled out like in this are barely scratching the surface of good shit funded via kickstart, but good games don't get as much attention in clickbait news sites as failures.
Yes but it requires end game materials.
Yes, you need four of the weaker versions and some other late game materials to get the better version.
>literal pedophiles hating on big tits
I would be shocked if they were in support of it.
By not giving a fuck. It also helps he listened directly to the people who actually funded the game.
There's an upgraded version of it that you can craft.
Sinister Skull
Sinister Skull, dropped by Shield Outsider
Koji Igarashi is a liar and a snake
But your tits are down there.
How do you get him to wear the glasses?
>never played a single Castlevania game
I don't know about infographics or what order you should play them in but
Castlevania III
Rondo of Blood(Dracula X is a different game, but it's also pretty good desu, play both)
Super Castlevania IV
Castlevania Chronicles
Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness(N64, yeah I said it)
Circle of the Moon(one of my personal favorites)
you can skip Harmony of Dissonance
Aria of Sorrow
Dawn of Sorrow
Portrait of Ruin(eh, it's fine, skippable)
Order of Ecclesia(a lot of anons love this one, it's another skippable from me but I include it)
Lament of Innocent and Curse of Darkness are things I enjoyed mindlessly walking around grinding in but they aren't actually very good video games at all. Great music and aesthetics though, play like really shitty Devil May Cry clones.
>t.salty ass flop devs
I want to hug Miriam
Nice, finally done. Thanks.
the boobs just look bigger cause the corset is holding them up
Is there a way to reduce the rank of a shard? Do you just sell it?
Bunnymorph actually gets WORSE as you level it up because if you attack too often she'll start doing chun li lightning legs that are worse DPS then just kicking normally and take too long to start up
This but unironically.
Kill him
if you dont explain or drop some of that forbidden knowledge of yours we will all just assume you you're shit posting. and also and just as important. art and the artist are two different things. plenty of artist at marvel are excellent craftsmen and i still hate them
Dracula X Chronicles for PSP is a remake of Rondo of Blood but you should also play it. Official copies also include Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood as unlockable bonus content, so they're good if you're a buyfag who won't emulate(no clue why you'd be this person, but yeah)
Where do you get the katana shard
I've been thinking about picking this game up, but I wanna wait for everything to get fixed first. Can you use the Japanese voices instead of the dub?
defeat him
he'll wear the glasses, and you'll be able to borrow all the books at once and get a stupid broken shard.
The cats and dogs was the best things that came from the backers. I only wish the all the portraits were dogs & cats instead of their ugly faces.
Based. I remember doing this on the DS games. So many frilly camisoles and cash.
oh neat, you get other horns
Oh, I agree. I just wish at least one person had a more interesting pet, like a parrot or a chameleon or something.
Are there going to be DLCs with other playable characters? It would be fun to play as Bloodless for example.
lmao no
Either you're an Iga fangay or extremely ignorant I don't blame you because Yea Forums only talks about TORtanics
It has dual audio, user. You can go turn on Jap audio immediately. Also, what are you waiting to get fixed? After the first patch, I haven't had any problems though I guess mileage may vary in the case of anecdotal "it just werks" shit
now that i see them listed out it's pretty crazy we got so many good games
When do you get the time stop?
>Can you use the Japanese voices instead of the dub?
Sorry for asking so much for help but where do i go after inverse powerup? Im guessing the last thing i need is something to get pass the iron maidens.
Zangetsu will be playable, and others but I dont remember if they've said
The framerate for the Valefor fight. It was fine until the patch came out and now everything turns to molasses when he brings out the poker chips.
That's how I have it set up.
the glass hand deals with the iron maiden.
I've been hearing a lot of shit about progression bugs and visuals getting kinda wonky and all that, if a lot of it got fixed in the first patch then that's fantastic but I think I'm gonna wait another week or two anyway
Any hopes for a active modding community I wonder? They should enable workshop.
I like her better with the black eyes.
Ironically, it makes her RBF look friendlier.
Grab an item from a chest using inverse from the Towers of Twin Dragons
I just figured that happened because I have resolution scale turned up in my .ini settings
All categories are 100% but somehow item completion is not, am I fucked?
Data-miners claim Dominique will be the third fully-playable character. Others will be limited to a special Boss Revenge mode where you get to control the bosses and beat up on Miriam.
should i finish the 2d one first
You need to go to the twin dragon towers and find chest near spikes at the top of the right tower.
Also you've had something to deal with the iron maidens for a long time in the form of the hand.
If you don't timestop, kill all the enemies in a room, cast summon chair, sit down, then restart time, well then you just aren't playing this game correctly.
Not needed. It's not canon to this game.
jesus christ
No harm waiting. We are still getting things like co-op and vs. so there is a lot to wait for.
Show the ??? on your item list
How do you not use up any magic? I have words of wisdom but the MP bar still flunctuates between full and not full by 1 point and sometimes I get roses instead of gold.
you can switch them on the fly, its pretty weebtastic.
Do we have measurements?
Get all the shards and you get an item for infinite MP, just like in the DS CV games.
Why the fuck is their a light over my face it won't go away
Gebel's Glasses, acquired by getting all shards.
Words of Wisdom shard
>summon chair
>not posing
I'm missing the last hairstyle, where do I get it?
You have Words of Wisdom equipped.
Is there a list for all items? It's pretty hard figuring out where to get what I'm missing.
Also do enemy drops count for the item completion?
i look forward to the porn
P.P.S.: Harmony of Despair on Xbox 360/PS3 was brilliant. Only way I know of to play it now is a weird PC fan-port.
Any tips for titty nun boss? It just feels like a battle of attrition, she has tons of hp and I'm just running out of patience. By the time I reach her second form I don't have enough healing.
If there's a way to cheese her I'd like to know.
Cooking quests. I'm so sorry.
You don't have to but it is a great game.
Miriam found the lamb sauce
Check the demon list to see if any still have ??? listed as drops
I was about to say that there are none but it seems to be the bullets, thanks for making me check again!
Thanks, guess I'll get em this time where I've got 2 solomon rings.
Chest on the ship
What? But I already finished them, I even got that op hat
It's probably OD'S books.
>Play Bloodstained
>Die on the very first boss
>Kill it on the second try
>Get the gist and feel of the game and finally get to the castle after grinding for shards
>Ooh that lion demon must have a badass shard!
>6 minutes of thorny whipping and STILL no shard
>Play the game normally
>Shards drop like rain
For the love of Vlad Dracula Tepes III do I love this game!
I've given every dish granny wants, still don't have it.
Do yellow shards become passive at rank 9 or rank 9 and grade 9?
Rent the ultimate book from the vampire, go to where you fought that moon demon, then he'll appear to fight you for not returning it. Prepare for an ass kicking though, he's one tough bastard.
Her attacks are pretty easy to see and dodge. And Bael can be time stopped. What's your stats?
moon demon?
Only rank
Death... I mean, Gremory.
just rank 9
>I hear Darkest Dungeon is good
God tier*
The minimap shows a chest under the room you start in on the ship, and I just can't seem to get at it. I've rubbed everything I have on all the walls of the damn boat, and nothing happens.
rank 9
Gremory (male)
Huh, I got that shard yesterday and when I equipped it there was no light at the time. Thanks bros.
I'm thinking that's a glitch from the 1.02 patch.
Why bother when the wind sword can deal about a million hits in the time it takes to do that technique?
Got it, thanks, it's really cute.
I have obtained everything on the supplies list but it is listed at 42% completion. Why is this?
Don't they include duplicate items I already have but just not gotten from that specific monster?
Its a solid 10\10 right now because fuck i missed classic SOTN.
But in time its a 8\10 maybe 7. It lacks some stuff that maybe bigger budget would give. order of ecclesia had some nice touches.
Mod some costumes for this fucking game pls.
>in flames avatar
>massive faggot
such a waste for such good musical taste
I know, I was just testing, that's the cap for Greatswords btw, I had 999atk.
Still yet to hit 999 with the Not Crissaegrim tho.
Here's the list of all drops, maybe it'll help
Also I think the material already lists all the demons that drop it, if you killed them, even if they didn't drop it.
Where do I get Hermes Shoes?
Because Rule of Cool you chodelicker.
Bloodstained is fun!
By that last guys bullshit logic reducing her bust would not only upset everyone in this thread but me included as a woman with larger breasts.
Why are titlets, fgts, and trannies threatened by us juggernauts?
fuck, forgot link
Christ I didn’t realize it was possible to be such a gigantic faggot. These people are fucked in the head.
>stop time
How do you do that? I've seen people talk about zu worldo but I don't think I have a time stopped ability.
>"That's just nonsense. I only wish to make sure the shards are properly disposed of in His name."
Now post Bloodless
Good Kickstarters usually don't get as much attential as well because they promise way less, and deliver it all, and even more than what initially promised. While the shitty kickstarter promised the world, and delivered nothing.
Like, Shovel Knight's a great game, but it's kickstarter campaing didn' take the world by storm, didn't promisse the return of traditional japanese 2D platformer, didn't sell itself as the spiritual sequel of a beloved franchise, and didn't manipulate fan outrage and thirst for said franchise to crowdfund the game. Shovel Knight was just a game that needed crowdfunding that's it,
in flames hasn't put out a good album this millennium
Defeat O.D., if you can.
beat od
take the last book he gets, and go to the final boss
Bloodstained, HELLFIRE, SHADOW
In Flames stopped being good when Reroute came out.
That isn't to say they haven't had a few good songs since then, but every album is a fucking disappointment of ebig proportions. Dark Tranquillity and At The Gates are better.
oh boy
>have a sword named Blue Rose
>it's not an unga greatsword
maybe i was too naive thinking that fag would actually listen old school in flames, you got a point
i enjoy metalcore in flames too, though
I would let her transcend my dick
Why does Miriam have a fivehead?
>you can charge that technique
i never knew
>taking a picture of your screen
user pls
>Beat Bael
>Beat Dracule
>can't beat some jumpscare ghost
This motherfucker
Use Standstill
alright how the FUCK do i beat the second zangetsu fight? when he goes lightning sword mode he eventually becomes invulnerable and summons up a succ circle that you can't escape and eventually one-shots you
Where the hell are all of the outfit mods? I thought for sure we'd be playing as Shanoa by now.
I did.
I got stunlocked to death
>go up the train roof
>use chain lightning
And so, Mirian was further corrupted by the shards.
I can't equip Bloodringer as my familiar, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
They said they would be putting some later.
Also mods incoming.
You can dodge it
You've got it equipped as a weapon?
>when you like receiving head pats from a fat giant round fairy ass
I don't think you understand what integrity means or you know something I don't know about Iga.
He probably doesnt have SJW department yet.
So I'm freaking out, I have all supplies. The full list with no question marks but my completion is stuck at 42%?
Is there something I'm not understanding about what counts?
And only retards cares what other retards think.
I have PTSD from spamming Welcome Company.
Bros, what am I missing? I've been staring at two maps for like twenty minutes and I can't find the differences.
I was pretty bored with the bosses other than Bloodless, but I just fought IGA. Great fight, about as good as a Hollow Knight boss fight. Bumping my rating of the game to 8.5
Why isn't this sued?
her design and the game look beyond ripoff.
The file is too large for a webm, but here you go, all colors
Where do I get the rainbow scarf?
well shit, so you can. any tips for cheesing this fight?
you craft it
Now she's Cumless
How can I have 100% map and 100% shards but I only have 5/8 Shortcuts? Help
Help me out bros I'm blind
gonna get it on tuesday when it comes out on switch. should I start on nightmare y/n?
maybe he doesn't have an Ethics Department demanding actions to please 1% of the population that wont even buy the fucking game?
Just maybe...
Play New Game+
something they wish they had
How do I get the recipe?
With the 480p graphic fidelity of the Switch combined with the vaseline filter, I didn't notice.
Nightmare is best enjoyed on NG+
Check the upper-left corner of the last big room before Gebel.
What people call "liberals" are probably more left leaning compared to the classical center if something. Considering liberal historically have preached for individual freedom rather than a government making all your decisions, left preach for more government and less individual freedom.
Each time I read about "liberals" in america, all I see is preaching for more governmental power which is extremely foreign at least for me.
America is fucked up when it comes to politics.
Run to the left and jump up on a crate. Then spam TECS OPEUS with your back turned. He'll only do damage if you look at him.
I already replied with a cheese tactic in your previous post you blind faggot.
I see them
1. fuck off, the game is great
2. you could say the same about IGA and OD
He's going to add the secret tranny room and black character with the next update, don't worry.
Grade improves damage/magnitude of effect and is upgraded by collecting and keeping extra copies of the shard.
Rank enhances functionality such as extra shots fired or faster ticks and is improved through alchemy.
Fucking nice
This is bullshit
>collecting and keeping extra copies of the shard.
ive been selling extras. fuck.
>"Bless you, child."
Very balanced spell
>high jump the fuck out of the car
>go left until you get to where the cars connect
>use a shart that can pass trough walls
Keep selling them. You will get corrupted if you have too many
You did well too. Dominique is very pleased with you selling shards, you wouldn't want to become as corrupted as Gebel, right ?
>Listening to nuns
That was your biggest mistake
Well shit, dunno how I didn't see that one. That got me to 99.90% though, so I'm missing one more.
two questions
1. move it that? is it just the spear chargning move?
2. why are those lamps dropping so much money? new game+?
A little more int and that's a one shot.
That image would have been fun if it did conversions correctly to begin with.
youve got the wrong user in mind you dumb nigger, now give me the cheese
there's no crate in the oriental secret lab zangetsu fight
There are like four sets of horns you can get.
What people are calling commies, and the outright traitorous and obviously kinda sado racist sjw right now are just neo liberals evolved.
Power has just one form, people approach it in many ways, and good samaritan posing has changed depending on social and cultural norms.
Because how do you sell a shitty castlevania wannabe that is ugly as hell and worse than most other castlevanias/metroidvanias?
Make the main char female and give her big boobs so all the weebtrash faggots will buy the game and overhype it. He was too scared to put in a dude as the main char because he knew then nobody would give a damn about this shit game.
>such massive honkers in current year bros?
That's exactly the best way to sell garbage to weeb incels and low IQ OAG followers.
i only listen to slutty nuns
Where then fuck is the cookie recipe? I’ve looked through the livre ex Machina like 10 fucking times.
lrn to watch reply chain dumbo
is that reset era ?
>Power has just one form, people approach it in many ways, and good samaritan posing has changed depending on social and cultural norms.
Apparently, but it's confusing for me.
Honestly I had you opinion, but the game runs and looks nice outside youtube vids.
If it sells next game will probably be a alucard clone.
Are those portraits of the cucks who donated to the kikstarter?
But then there are liberals like me who are left leaning libertarians and get called a Nazi or a Commie depending on who they talk to.
I think I found it
Help! I’m pissed I can’t continue side quests.
Any tips to avoid Gremory laser?
1.move is Accelerator shard from being a ninja in a race
2.Get Augment Luck shard from enemy #81 and craft it into Augment Gold, level it to rank 9
Always sell the shards
Crouch in corner
use accelerator to trivialize everything
doesn't work most of the time
Yeah I just got it but its not the last one
I always forget that even exists, after you get high jump it becomes useless.
It worked on my machine
Wingardium Invert-iosa
He marked 2, the other one is even a door come on man
I liked both curse and ritual but they were just castlevania 3 and aria/dawn of sorrow again respectively, the game seems to be doing well so I hope they make more titles in this series and that they get more experimental with them
>after you get high jump it becomes useless.
Somehow tittynun had a whole fuckload of spells to use despite me selling her only dumb shit like throw bone.
Look at the pic I posted again, it's on the desert.
Who would they go to fund the sequel?
Any cheese for beating Zangatsu at the oriental lab easily?
if you have a shield shard, blocking it in the corner works fine. Heard you could also try teleporting but you'll want to be in the corner when it starts or you get fucked before you can move
I didn't sell anything to her and she had a ton of different spells.
Well, she had to go into the castle several times, so she no doubt grabbed shards from there, too.
If it makes a big splash it will. There are lots order of ecclesia stuff I wanted.
I sold exactly 0 shards to her. Chalk it up to story bullshit.
Sorry thanks
I already have the legendary gear recipe but it's not showing up.
I stayed really close to him and spammed Inferno Breath, but I had to bring many healing items and MP potions.
Everytime he switches to a new element he stops moving so that helped too.
What’s the best song on the soundtrack and why is it cursed orphan?
blue rose is his gun moron, red queen is the sword
>have literally been playing this for 2 days straight
>spent all of today grinding out shards and food
This is right below DMC5 as my GoTY.
guys, some spoiler help please
how the fuck do i kill iga? i feel like i'm wasting healing items like a madman. fight starts doable but then the faggot begins to throw a spell that basically fills the whole room with gay fire, that kills me very dead. i saw a video of a guy doing that fight and his gay fire goes quite slower than in my game what the hell
A woman of the church shouldn't be this lewd.
Should keep CV1 in there. CV3 is great, maybe the better game, but CV1’s level design/enemy placement is legendary
invert the room
does the killing quest girl have the same VA as Jeanne from Bayo?
That's not how you spell Silent howling.
i no-lifed for a week and now i am satisfied. time to get back to my books
It's pretty much the OoE sequel nobody ever expected, miriam is clearly shanoa's kid.
shadow clones+your highest deeps weapon. I hti him with durandal so hard he skipped fire phase
>spam Void Ray rapid shots
>win game
Most shards are broken as hell, I particularly like Inferno Breath the most.
>farm out the words of wisdom shard to help with spamming the big boy skills
>when its maxed one of your eyes glow
I like the random aesthetics you get in this game that you can completely miss.
i have literally never used the shadow ability, shit
not to mention
>quick 360 degree spray to find all secrets
love that ability
You can interrupt it if you hit him hard enough during his windup animation for it.
What's the point of the Celeste room? (The room with the music boxes and ghost)
it's probably the best buff for melee
It didn't kill him but this took too long to set up so I'm not doing it again.
I assumed it was some sort of high tier backer reward thing like your own room or some shit.
Nobody should have this much power.
poor sloto
Don't know about best but as soon as you get the higher grade moneybags ring, equip the spike armor and stand on top of the train. You'll automatically break and collect the lamps as they pass you by, so you can afk for 15 minutes or so. Then you repeat as needed.
Will this game please my boner or will I have to install mods?
Any particular shards I should look out for or are neat? Kind of hard to decide what monsters to farm.
Do you guys sell anything to make money?
>mfw rank 9 Hammer Knuckle
I dunno. What was the point of the confession booth in SotN?
stop playing games on easy mode, kid.
God damn I can't wait for SFM porn with these two
It glows at rank 1 as well. Leaves a trail of light behind it too.
Time Stop. You get it from Dracule
Where are Gebel's glasses? I got all shards.
Busted shit in games like these was always a turn off for me.
But I still play them to the end.
>he doesn't know
Oh shit I forgot, it gives you a PSN trophy
Have you sold those shards?
If you're end game, farming is best
>Go underwater
>Go underwater and fight the water horses 2 or 3 rooms left of the teleporter room
>Shoot them with water gun until they drop the anchor clubs
>teleport to desert
>farm red ghosts 2 or 3 rooms left of the teleporter room for alkahests
>rinse and repeat
You'll get truckloads of ectoplasm in the process which all the Augment [insert stat here] shards need so its a forgiving loop
Then you should have no problem showing it to us, then.
I tried this and the money lands too far away to be picked up AFKing, but I've seen multiple people suggesting this for farming money. And they are even dropping shit 1Gs and 5Gs despite never getting less than 100G on lamps outside the train.
What gives?
Loli Miriam would be adorable to play.
>I-I am s-still h-h-human
Says increasingly worried Miriam for the milltionth time.
you need max rank Detective Eye to get area loot
Check the archive under demons to see if you actually have 100% then if not make sure you have all the ones you can only get via crafting, if you have them then finally check your items archive for any question marks. For me even though I apparently had everything I didn't have summon hellhound despite the game telling me I did.
That's demon shard, the game has an aesthetic of stained glass to it. Because she was infused with the stuff it has corrupted her body to a degree, same with Gebel.
Okay that explains that part, but why is the money so trash?
>islamic pedoes getting triggered by a well endowed bosom of a grown woman
YOu need a max Rank augment gold shard
I hope there's a patch to make those parts of her more reflective like the flower on her back as it just looks like bad body paint right now.
Reflections are extremely GPU-demanding, it's probably not worth it.
I am this guy Over there I get massive bags, train lamps are only dropping 1-100g
Does anyone have tha webm of Miriam absorbing cum into her womb?
Luna Nights taught me to know better
It dosn't have to be real time, even adding a shine to it would improve the look ten fold, they could also add it in as a graphic option for those with potatos.
The game doesnt give you an option your first time through
Trying to get imbrued fang from the slot machine but my archive says it doesn't drop anything, is this shit bugged?
I'm at 80% map completion and i still can't make basic fucking cookies for this voracious old hag
Not him but couldn't a simple shader work just to give it a nice sheen or soft glow?
>the Bloodstained Fairy is a shortstack instead of an onahole
But you have to get infinite mp for this one right? No doubt it's the most broken but it's late game.
so whats the deal with this sword
So how do you swim under water? Is it a shard form the fishes? I've been killing them for a while now and nothing's droping
Thank you sir
what is this shard?
how did you get the eternal blue blueprint?
This is unethical. Hope Sony takes this off the PS4, I thought we were past this problematic period of gaming.
>tfw gold is really hard to find
>Find one, use it to make a weapon, move on, but need more gold for like, a million different things
>Realize that I can destroy weapons to get gold, and every weapon I've created can now be bought.
So which do you think is faster, grinding chests to get gold, or grinding money to buy high-end weapons and the stuff that breaks them?
Enter your name as NIGHTMARE at the start.
i think all the ingredients are buyable from dominique
I guess it depends on the order you do things. I got all the shards before leveling any to rank 9.
Is there any way to pirate this game on Switch without having to mess around with that app that resets your saved games to bypass the linked account shit? The game is nice and all on PC but I'd rather play it on the Switch.
You are better off with a cure to autism
You can get items from it
Shard from squids not fishes, if you haven't seen these squids you've got more to do
recipe book in the big room with staircase before gebels room
top left corner chest
Crafting gold once with mercury and dark matter and then having gold be a permanent shop item.
>that trailer ending music
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
regular cookies aren't. which are needed to make chocolate cookies.
You can farm alkahests from Amy in the underground desert, and reliable goldfarming is pretty lategame.
Maybe. What are you thinking
they are once you cook them once, like all craftable items
Yeah, that works, but I have never seen mercury.
If you're looking for gold material you can farm a flame mail from the Mortes in the area and dismantle it into gold, then with the alchemical bounty shard you can keep dismantling and crafting until you get two, then keep repeating the process until you have as much gold as you want.
money grinding with augment gold, buying everything after crafting it once and dismantling to get more rare mats to craft more stuff once then buy again
It's in the shop, yo
I was gonna google "cookie recipe bloodstained" so I could tell you but then I thought, why doesn't he just do this.
you should be able to just buy it
>tried to move an iron maiden when I initially got the hand
>somehow managed to do nothing and thought it just didn't work on them
that was annoying
I'm at 99% map completion but I'm missing some craft recipes (hermes shoes and the damn flame circlet) Any clue where I should look?
This game slow on PC for anyone else? The movement is very floaty.
Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.
can be bought in the shop
I just have 30% completion and I've baked three types of cookies already.
Try killing dragons with it maybe?
As someone who just beat NG in nightmare mode, shards are absolutely busted and normal weapons can never hold a candle to them. Also wtf with the secret boss busted rewards and 100% shard reward being so good but nothing to do after you get them? To get secret boss you have to beat the game with 99%+ map completion and the infinite mana glasses is after you've gotten every shard.
>a bunch of pedos mad that she doesn't look like a little girl
not surprised
Get a circlet and dragon boots
What does shard grade do?
Yeah because you found the chest that gave you the recipe
Buy the circlet and
I'm more excited for NoR girl getting modded into RotN
Not for me and I have a toaster because my main pc motherboard died.
Solid 60.
>implying the trannies, canadians, europeans, and californians in charge of making and localizing video games are sane
Thanks, I thought I was missing a recipe chest
I will when I get to one I guess. On NG+ now so it'll probably be useless when I can just kill everything in less than a fraction of a second.
Probably faster to grind the water horses since they drop a mace that might cost less alkahest to break apart. Armors typically cost like 15 alkahest which is like 10k bucks with discount.
What has Augment Gold? I just beat OD, so now all that's left is to finish my collectables lists.
Fuck, and the recipe should pop up.
And the screenshot was to say, that money is from less than 10 minutes of underwater passage grinding.
Nothing, you craft it once you augment luck. Which you get from the super mimic in volcano land.
The hand works on them? I just slammed the parma into it.
Generally grade is just more damage, but for some things it effects number of projectiles or how many Dullahammer heads the familiar spawns.
Games are not for men and niche anymore apparently.
We let this happen.
That Ubishit may not be entirely composed of sadistic Jews
>walk into a boss room
>its fucking gebel
>didn't expect him so soon
>kill him and get a game over
At least I got the achievement.
>Not only was it there, I had some in my inventory from when I was buying a little bit of everything from the shop
Him and pretty much all bosses are stupidly exploitable using inverse, nothing was designed with you being able to rain hell on them from below/above them.
First Iga game?
Whats your favourite endgame red shard? I used welcome company most of the game but I just learned the joy of an upgraded Riga Storeama (the flame column) It covers the whole screen fast hittin multiple times for ok damage and its so low in mana cost you can spam it at ease.
That and the tracking thunder shard cleans every screen in a second
I've been rocking Storeama for ages, shit is busted. I only use welcome company for rooms with dullahan heads.
Both have come in handy when grinding shards and other things to reach absolute completion. I've put 40 hours into the game so far and I'm still on my first run of Normal simply because of the grind and I'm loving every second
99% of the reds are boring, I just ended up using summon chair so I could spam the more fun stuff.
I'm a backer but I can't figure out how to get IGA DLC downloaded for free
not that user but the gist of it is
>some lady gets access to resetera's private discord server
>server is populated by the site's more active users
>said active users on the same ones that always whine whenever a female character with big boobs is shown or how they're "too sexual"
>found out they've been doing things like talking about the normalization of pedophilia, how much they wanna jerk off to lolis that look like kids, etc.
>basically tells one of the heads of resetera, Daniel Ahmad, about it
>basically says it's fine and that there's nothing wrong with talking about it
>lady says how they're technically violating Discord's TOS and shit and how they can actually get into trouble for what they talk about
>Ahmad blocks her and goes on a mass blocking spree on twitter for anyone trying to get the info out
tl;dr resetera users are closet pedos that do what closet pedos have always done on the internet
yeah for sure, I didn't bother with absolute completion. Just filled out all the monster drops and got all shards and grade9/rank9 for shit I use like passives. Oh and ate all the food stuffs.
I stopped using red shards completely in the Twin Towers. Teps Oseus is way too OP it kills everything, used basically that the whole way till the end. Swapped for Void Ray or 8 Bit Fireball for bosses.
LOL literally invert.
He can't touch you if you're on the ceiling
I'm thinking about buying it does it come with Curse of the Moon or do I have to buy that separately?
and to add to the
>they wanna jerk off to lolis that look like kids
I mean that the younger the loli the more they wanna jerk off to it
pic related is Ahmad's twitter, ZhugeEX
what's the shard for the giant shuriken?
upgraded Summon Hellhound is a little ridiculous
>finish game
>get 100% map completion
>quit game and never start again
I appreciate peoples autism to actually 100% all the boring quests and journal, but I honestly see no point
I think I'm gonna buy it, I just wish it had more slutty costumes.
There also no point to 100% map completion.
You get it after you beat Simon Belmont
Why doesn't the time stop shard work on bosses? Is that suppose to happen?
Anyone know what these medals are? I've got a collection of them, no idea how I got them for some bosses and not others, and I don't see them in any recipes or anything.
Beat the boss without getting hit
I just got the game. Do I have to advance further in the game before I can get those chests in the Galleon? They're all really high up and I cant jump that far.
So more rank makes it fuck huge? It is tiny by default.
Does time stop ever work on bosses in literally anything?
Kill boss without taking damage I believe
what is the ring aura spell and what does it do?
Works on the final boss.
Oh, do they do anything or are they just for show?
Guess the guy didn't hired an ethics department
you have to go back a lot throughout the game because it is based on power ups to get to places
these posters sound exactly like the people in this Southern Baptist church I went to as a kid. What the actual fuck happened?
Teps Salrenda is fun
There are at least two you have to wait until you have later abilities to get.
Detective eye, lets you see breakable walls but once you turn it into a passive it will also grab item drops within its range for you.
Just for show. I have all medals and got nothing. Not even an achievement.
Just for show, Ecclesia had them as well.
Yeah I've got it maxed and the thing is fucking massive as you've seen.
When you're loading a game and hit "edit", there's an option for putting in a backer ID.
That might do it.
She wasn't even designed in the current year, you forget this game went though development hell.
nvm I fixed it
got the update nsp from some shady website called softcobra, apparently it's "cracked" to work without linking
Loading times on Switch are absolutely dreadful, the graphics look the same as PC on low from what I can tell except with no aa whatsoever, 720p and 30fps even when docked. There are also graphical glitches (I had the background disappear and glitch out during dialogues).
>>no inverted castle like SOTN
GOOD, fuck right off with your God awful taste, you faggot.
to get better money drops, do I upgrade the augment gold shard's grade (make more) or rank (upgrade with alchemy)?
But not the sexy evil Shardbinder nun immediately before it.