Why did Ace Attorney die, bros? Where's the real unmissable announcement?
Did you guys at least play all the games?
Why did Ace Attorney die, bros? Where's the real unmissable announcement?
Did you guys at least play all the games?
>Did you guys at least play all the games?
not yet
someone finally uploaded the patched DGS apk two weeks ago. I cracked it with luck patcher and it now it runs fine. I still can't believe it took over a month for the correct apk to be uploaded.
Everything but DGS2.
The real unmissable announcement will be for his appearance in Smash.
Got any link for the apk, user? Been looking for it ever since the translation released.
look for physicx's post. Also you need a rooted emulator. Blue stacks didn't work, but LDPlayer did
>people keep saying DGS is mediocre
>finally play it
>it's arguably one of the best games in the series
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Tastes differ
I think for the most part DGS has pretty bad cases, but fantastic presentation and characters - so it's just whatever you prefer.
DGS isn't that bad...
Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice on the other hand...
Anyone else doing this? You get some free art by Takumi if you win a category
I’ve only played the trilogy and I just started Apollo Justice. Not sure where they are going with the whole hobo Wright thing
The Switch has put a lot of niche handheld franchises in jeopardy. Stuff like Ace Attorney was right at home on the 3DS, moving to the Switch means going back to a single screen + an expectation of higher fidelity graphics.
>Rise from the Ashes
>God tier
>Turnabout Sisters
>Mid tier
>The first turnabout
>Low tier
This has to be bait.
don't worry they drop it quick and in the 5th game (worst one) everything goes back like it never happened.
>Throughout the Americas
no, I'm not, I guess
That sounds kinda stupid honestly
It kind of gets resolved in the game itself
I miss Hobohodo
Mate there's so many varying opinions in these threads that I don't actually know whether any of that means that you want to move shit up or down
Don't worry, user. I'll win it with our /royalpayne/ and post my winnings on Yea Forums
It seems like what they already have is more than enough, considering the phone ports of the 3DS games. Does anyone have any sales estimates for the trilogy on switch?
That’s pretty cool but I can’t draw for shit and the only character I could cosplay as is maybe Moe the Clown and that ain’t happening
and of course I forgot to post my WIP
Ace Attorney died because the characters we loved aged out of it and are replaced.
that looks good user, keep us updated
>Mate there's so many varying opinions in these threads that I don't actually know whether any of that means that you want to move shit up or down
I'll elaborate
Rise from the Ashes should be mid tier at best and low tier at worst. It was gimmicky and it's pacing lasted far too long and dragged on. Parts of the case were cool but it doesn't deserve to be at fucking God tier.
Turnabout Sisters was fucking great and should be Demigod Tier at least.
First Turnabout wasn't that bad and deserves to be mid tier, it was the first introduction to the series and it had a rather clear and brilliant first case to ease new players in. It works well as a good first case and it's eons better than The Lost Turnabout, which I agree deserves to be in shit tier.
There. That's my full opinion on it.
>americas only
There's hardly any consensus on anything around here, and that's fine.
AA7 needs this to be really good:
>Set Phoenix into a mentor role, and at most, make him only playable in the 1st case
>Apollo would be a side character, only relevant when there's a case involving the Gramarye debacle (as he's doing work in Khura'in)
>Athena would be the main protag; her character and her motives on being a lawyer would be elaborated upon
>No new fucking prosecutor, instead, use Klavier, Blackquill or a returning Franziska (if she didn't become a full-time Interpol agent)
>No more point-and-click investigations; go for a bigger version of what the Investigations games did with explorable crime scenes
>Stop going with the five-case + DLC structure; have more smaller or longer episodes
>>No new fucking prosecutor, instead, use Klavier, Blackquill or a returning Franziska (if she didn't become a full-time Interpol agent)
Wait, why? All of their stories are kind of done, and Blackquill has already proven to be a fantastic "assistant" of a kind to Athena, they bounce off each other well. Klavier is shit. Franziska could potentially be interesting, but what's wrong with a new prosecutor?
>>Stop going with the five-case + DLC structure; have more smaller or longer episodes
Let's be real, SoJ already did this - SoJ has effectively seven or eight cases total, they're just disguised as parts of bigger cases.
>Make a solid game
>Follow it up with two three-legged sequels
>Reboot into oblivion
>Ambiguous sequels to both OT and reboot, now with paid DLC
>Characterization is a mess
>Stories are written by twelve year-olds
>Same jokes repeated ad infinitum
>Same music just remixed
>Increasingly buttugly artstyles/graphics
>Failure to localize and retain interest
Pick your poison. The series is irrelevant after AA1 + Rise From The Ashes. There is nothing intricate or inherently notable about the rest of 'em.
The Agatha Christie of "video games" to be sure, always about volume over quality. They should've just killed off Phoenix and called it a day.
I mean realistically why can't this bullshit just be episodic and released for mobiles? Who in their right mind would actually pay $40 + tip for an anthological compilation of nonsense that retreads the same (or worse) ground already covered?
I mean, the Dark Age of the Law? I'm sorry, fucking what?
>and Blackquill has already proven to be a fantastic "assistant" of a kind to Athena, they bounce off each other well.
6-4 was funny and all but he basically didn't let Athena do anything, I don't think as an "assistant" he was that good. They could have the same type of banter simply by being on opposite ends of the court, like Nick & Edgeworth do.
more than half of those points are blatantly untrue though
How many more than half?
Which half and why?
For all the irony in arguing about a courtroom drama, you sure are shit at it.
*aai2 blocks your path*
Athena with assistant Phoenix sounds good, the brief period we had that in 5-3 was fun. In terms of prosecutors though, unless it's Blackquill I'd want a different prosecutor for Athena personally. Fran should take a backseat in the same Phoenix should imo. Dunno what the fuck they could do with Klavier in general to be honest.
Seeing some other defense attorneys might be nice too, we've got a bazillion prosecutors and a rough idea about how their organisational structure works but we don't really know anything about defense attorneys I've noticed.
susato is the best assistant in the franchise
The miracle....
never happen....
>Did you guys at least play all the games?
i unironically can't stand layton, so i skipped that one.
also i heard that dgs translation is awful, not sure if i should bother with it
>also i heard that dgs translation is awful
I'm playing it right now, the translation is fine. It's a bit wordy at times but it suits the old-timey feel of the game.
for "shit" i mean "not as faithful and good as the aai2 one"
the AAI2 one had a fucking MLP reference in it
fuck are you smoking?
>the AAI2 one had a fucking MLP reference in it
exactly my point
scarlet study are truly based as fuck, dgs1 is probably one of the highest quality fan translations I've seen
I mean, the AAI2 translation is a god tier translation, like Mother 3 levels of god tier
DGS's is perfectly fine
If your standard for "good" is "includes an MLP reference" then just go play Danganronpa instead because clearly you'll eat up any shit that people throw in front of you
>implyinh the japanese version doesn't have cringy pop-culture meme
that's how localization works, brainlet
>localize an entire game at professional quality, including EVERYTHING
>make one slip up
fucking retard
>one slip up
Ponyshit isn't a "slip up" it's a puposeful decision that taints the credibility of the rest of the translation.
Just finished AAI2
is it worth to keep going?
are you playing the games in order of release? if so then yeah
Man, I can't wait for you to see the Bel Air references in AA2 then
yeah, its soj next, i think.
Dual Destinies is the one you want. SoJ is the next and so far last game in the main series.
But the rest of the translation is thoroughly excellent. Don't just throw out words if you don't actually understand what they mean.
The Layton one is really good honestly and I don't like the Layton games either. It feels a lot more like the classic games and the puzzles add a lot to the 'investigation' segments which I think we'll all agree have been the weakest part of AA games.
It's position as a kind of not canon spinoff game also allows to to avoid being bogged down in the incredibly convoluted mess of characters and canon and modern AA is now, where you have fucktons of characters fighting for screentime. It's just Phoenix and Maya in a self contained story..
A lot of people seem to dislike it, but it was probably the only modern AA game I can say I enjoyed without adding a lot of qualifications to.
can i skip all the layton shit and do only the trials, or it won't make any sense? is there an overarching plot?
Shu's coming in and out of the series. Before he could have gradual development, long plot callbacks, and consistent character writing. Now he just introduces whatever he wants in each game he does and his replacements just try to keep things the same for him until he returns.
>Ace Attorney died
Source?? Seems pretty alive to me
There is an overarching plot, and no you can't skip it goes between them over the course of a case. I'd say give it an honest go, I understand your reservations but Layton doesn't stick out as much as you'd expect him to, nor does the story take a more lighthearted approach than usual, with some pretty dark parts in it.
It does have some magic shit going on as per Layton so you may not like that so much. It's a strange halfway house between AA and Layton but the overall format is still in cases/investigations like AA, but the setting and some characters are more Layton like.
>some magic shit going on as per Layton so you may not like that so much
as opposed to the magic shit in AA?
Based on what? This is the longest wait without a game yet.
no, so far the wait from 3 to 4 is longer
>Original series died with Apollo
>Continuation died with Apollo
>Why did Ace Attorney die, bros?
Apollo Justice was such a huge crippling mistake that the series as a whole was fatally wounded by it.
good thing that they finally got rid of him.
can't wait for the athena game
>I don't like the Layton games either.
Probably because you're a brainlet who can't solve puzzles.
Give me a Blackquill investigations game, he's so much better than Klavier it's not even funny
This. Are we going to forget the spirit channelling?
1-4 and 2-4 should be swapped
not him, but i literally 100%ed the first game and i couldn't find ANYTHING redeemable in it. then i started the second one i think, were you begin inside a train, and i saw that it was the same shit so i dropped it there
Nah. I'd rather have a Sad Monk game with Ema as his assistant.
You are him and you likely didn't even play it. Either game actually. The puzzles scared you. Just admit it. You're a brainlet. You like something easy like AA.
the puzzles are shit, and the fact that they punish you for multiple attempts is bad game design. half-way through i started solving the puzzle, and the check the right answer on the internet before solving it. i hoped that at least the story would carry it but no, it was a forgettable snoozefest
So I was right. You just suck at puzzles.
or Apollo's bracelet, or the divination seance
it's impossible to suck at layton's puzzles, it's literally a game for prepubescent teens
AA has actual magic shit compared to Layton so that user making that previous claim is a retard.
So you suck at puzzles for prepubescent teens. That's a little more sad tbqh.
Unmissable announcement is Attorney Online being unfucked god please I just want to fastcase again yet all of the servers are shit
But that's exactly the case, the Japanese AA games deliberately avoid pop-culture references to avoid making the games feel dated in the future. Only the localisations include them.
>tfw the miracle never happen
>every final case in god tier or better
>except turnabout ablaze
what went wrong bros?
i forgot about turnabout for tomorrow shit
>We never see Phoenix in that jacket aside from that one bad end scene
It's a shame, it's a good look for him I think.
alba takes way to long to defeat
AA7 + Phoenix in Smash at TGS screencap this
>Phoenix in Smash
never gonna happen
I loved that shit.
Smashniggers fuck off with your cancer
Too early to say it's dead. The last game came out a few years ago, we had an anime, there's that new orchestra album coming out. We'll get AA7.
is professor layton worth playing?
yes, it has a killer atmosphere, great art, fun (if dumb) story and the puzzles range from entertaining to fantastic until you get to the later games and they're all sliding block puzzles
>not wanting your series in Smash
Dude, even if you hate the series you get new arrangements, render, a fuckton of fanart, and more interest in your series