Now that the dust has settled, what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Deus Ex Mankind Divided?

Now that the dust has settled, what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Deus Ex Mankind Divided?

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Underwhelming. Also, all this shit is supposed to happen 10 years from now on (HR even 8 years). Where are the VTOLs, where is the technocity on top of a city, where is the gigantic geo-engineering installation in the arctic ocean? In 2011 we still haven't figured out how to write a believable vision of the future, not something completely far-fetched. DX1 will more likely stand the test of time than the new Squeenix DX games.

It was ok. They shouldn't have brought back Adam, though. Needed a different protagonist.

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Idk why my PC struggles to run this garbage ass game. I have to play at 1080p like a fucking peasant.

gameplay wise acceptable
plotwise shit

We had this thread million times with the same exact opinions and mandatory contrarians

Bizarre pacing
Despite being about as long as HR it felt as if it ended too soon.
Like if HR ended when you reached China.

I loved it to death and was heartbroken when it ended at what felt like midway through. It's one of the few times I felt immersed in a world. I liked the Prague setting. The music was amazing and perfect for every setting. I just wish there was more =(

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Are you on windows 7 by chance?

Prey is better

your pc sucks

I liked it, going to replay it soon

What the fuck is Deus Ex Breach.

The fall was sort of kind of fun once you got past that awful tutorial mission.

nah I'm on 10

wtf but alienware said it was the bestest, it has an HD 5770!

Odd as shit, tacked on crap in Mankind Divided.

you fucking zoomer shitter.

Deus Ex 1 is in top5 games of all time. How can you put IW in any tier except bottom? It's fucking garbage compared to DE1. Same level of disappointment as Red Faction 2 or Soldier of Fortune 3.

Jesus Christ you better be shitting. Also putting HR-DC on the list is kinda pointless, it's the same game, but with integrated DLC and small patch. Come on.

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>Science-Fiction is meant to be a prediction of the future
You can knock DX for this same arbitrary shit, anyhow.
I mean where are the body mods, bro? The best you can get are tags in your dog and some gay chip in Switzerland that lets you buy a soda.
It's a t-t-technorevolution my man.

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nevermind I'm fucking blind.

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They did have a different protagonist, though, what're you on about?

Differentiating the DC from the OG is pretty substantial.
OG is far superior. Fuck DCfags, Missing Link was atrocious.

It's okay for a first time play but would have liked the option to disable ML for replays.

Absolute shit.

The game actually punishes you for going out of your way and exploring early.
Go to the underground casino or the bank before you're supposed to? Tough shit the item you need is arbitrarily unobtainable until the story says so, and in the case of the bank everyone respawns magically with no mention in the lore.

Also the ending is just a newscast.

I'd rather play Invisible War on repeat forever

Doesn't even meet minimum specs

Amazing 10/10 game until it abruptly ended. The gameplay and environment are some of the best of any game I've ever played.
>mfw I convince some qt czech cop to mercilessly gun down some scumbags extorting people with a fake checkpoint

Also, I think the shoehorned multiplayer/microtransaction shit soured peoples' opinion of the game somewhat unfairly, since they could be safely ignored and were clearly a result of publisher influence and not the developers.

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We're getting close, just a few more decades probably before we have 1:1 prosthetic arms. Won't be any more affordable than a high-end car, though.

DX1 isn't as completely ridiculous as HR though (personal cloaking tech in 8 years. yeah, right). For one DX1 doesn't revolve it's entire plot around augments.

Just watch the review for Human Revolution from Ross (Accursed Farms) and you'll see what I mean.

time for new glasses boom boom, or just stop wearing the shades 24/7

So, is HR bad because it has a MacGuffin, or because it's not the same exact plot as DX?