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and RUSH! will never comeback
How old are you faggots? Fuck off you are way to old to be here. Go spend time with your wife and kids
remember those arcade motorbike racing games which had you sit on top of a motorbike model and shift your weight left and right to turn? those used to be a fucking blast as a kid, but nowadays i just sniff the seats whenever i see a girl get off them.
Tidal Blade a best
Can’t wait to see you again at Games Done Quick.
I'm 20
i like you because you remind me of my past self
stay away from my family
What was the best boat and why was it the Banshee?
This is my go-to example of "arcade quality" vs home console quality. The whole experience was great.
h2Overdrive is great too.
Where are my razorbacks at?
My movie theater still has the same Cruisin Exotica Hydro Thunder machines from when the arcade I worked at closed in 2008.
I drop a dollar everytime I go. Surprised they still work so well.
23 and I still play this when I can
i wanna go back
No love for Tidal Blade?
One of my favorite arcade games that no one really played, even with a Dreamcast port no one really heard of it
It's like the halfway point between Power Stone and Anarchy Reigns
kys zoomer
None of these will ever be emulated because there's no roms of it anywhere.
there's an ISO of the dreamcast port of HMG and it's near Identical if not the exact same thing as the original game.
t. have the iso on my harddrive
i used to play MvC, marvel superheroes, area 51 and sometimes mortal kombat in various places that had arcades in my hood as a kid. laundromats, a pawn shop, chinese restauarants/pizza places. one laundromat had both hydro and artic thunder next to eachother, that was fucking dope. pic related will always be my favorite tho
Police 911 is pretty fun
Ports when Sega? I get that it didn’t have the same impact the first game did but it’s still damn good. I hate how it feels almost forgotten.
Just because it looks like it doesn't mean that it's actually the same game in your hands.
A good example is the controls, it'll play the same but a simple change of a button can lead to a lot of changes.
See Matthewmatosis's video on New N Tasty for more details about this
I just found the mame version of Geomatrix anyways
That's nothing compared to Daytona USA Championship Edition, like said it would probably never get emulated.
yes there are you fucking retard
i have 3 of those on my PC already running perfectly and heavy metal is on dreamcast and easy to find
Man I miss the Dreamcast era of video games
Daytona 2 is so fucking good but I haven't seen it anywhere in years. You either have the first game or the godawful recent third game. The brake pedal in 2 is amazing, you have such fine control over your slides.
What modern arcade games is everyone playing? Post your stack.
When are you fuckers going to make a discord where we can talk about kino arcade games?
I'm going to go on Yahoo Japan later today to get another BanNam Pass for my wallet
I also forgot to mention I'm playing Groove Coaster a fuck ton right now
Don't they sell them at your Round 1?
>yfw you find an F-Zero AX machine
some yes, but not the anime tiddy ones
I also forgot to mention I have tons more, but I don't want to share the ones that have my name on them, except that Initial D one
I have 2 Inital D 4 cards, three ID 3 cards, and tons of Wangan Midnight cards
I had an F-Zero AX card but I lost it.
Why so many?
>Love arcade lightgun games such as Time crisis/HOTD
>go to an arcade whenever i find one
>they rarely have decent lightgun games anymore
>the off chance you find one with a game you like
>gun sensor's are busted
A local arcade near me used to have a sonic blast man punching machine but it closed down recently.
I kept losing them when I was younger
In regards to the Inital D 4 cards the ink in the one of the machines apparently ran out (it's used so it can show you your portrait and check off which courses you completed in Story Mode.) and completely erased my guys portrait and progress. While it could still load the progress, it looked off and bugged me, so I bought another card.
Shortly after I bought the second card, my local GameWorks stopped receiving cards at their location so you couldn't buy them at all anymore.
What's the WORST arcade game you've ever played?
I, Robot.
It’s a glorified quarter muncher.
this right here
I'm jealous you people are able to play these arcade games.
>tfw battle on the edge will never get ported to PC
>love arcade games
>save money to buy arcade machine for home use
>get bored after a month and resell it
Marine fishing, now that was a game
this image looks so incredibly comfy
why did it start recording halfway through?