Why have games stopped being funny? I swear it's all serious/dramatic shit now

Why have games stopped being funny? I swear it's all serious/dramatic shit now

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I wonder the same thing. No recent games have ever really been funny or had any good comedy in it. Why is that? Can't make a joke without offending a group of people? Hell if I know


DMC V had a few good comedic moments

What are some genuinely funny games?

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because leftists cant meme

humor is subjective, and a game needs to appeal to a broad audience nowadays

thats great

Lollipop Chainsaw

star wars jedi academy
duke nukem
jazz jackrabbit

try strange flesh. its actually a fun game

kung fu chaos
worms armageddon
saints row 1/2
jackie chan


Because the games nowadays that try to be funny are fucking insufferably cringeworthy. Pic related

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Good humor comes from things you don't expect, which is harder than ever to do now.

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West of Loathing

It's probably the only game I'd describe as a comedy. It's carried almost entirely by its jokes.

Fallout 1-2
Jazzpunk (if you're into lol so randum xDD)
Princess Trainer (i remember laughing with a dick in my hands, unusual experience)

Recent South park rpgs

Comedy is dead bro.

>watch a video about how bad Holmes & Watson was
>mention in comments how I could barely sit through the last Reilly/Ferrell movie I saw, Stepbrothers
>literally a half dozen people replying to tell me "ACTUALLY STEP BROTHERS IS A MODERN CLASSIC OF COMEDY"
the genre of humor is fucking dead. when children think of jokes now they think of the absolute dumbest fucking youtuber garbage like Guava Juice.


the audio log part was spot on

I can't believe someone actually here played West of Loathing. I used to be a huge KoL player many years ago as well.
they didn't, you've just become jaded. Unless by "video games" you specifically mean AAA, but who the fuck actually cares about AAA games anymore? Only mentalists, that's who.

care to share examples of funny games from the last 5 years?

get contained

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I'm surprised no ones mentioned Borderlands yet.

Bade you call this kind of humor from old games "cringe".

Kill yourself you dumbass nigger, some of the funniest comedy of all time was written by American Jews.

back to you, resetera nu-Yea Forums

Borderlands 2 :)

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Funny how you need edits of the original comic to feel validated.

Why? It’s not funny at all.

not mutually exclusive.
Larry David is a fucking legend

thats not even slightly funny

reappropriate the memes
his comics are only funny if edited. He's CAD of political webcomics

It is mutually exclusive you fucking moron. Jesus fucking christ, what kind of double-think is going on in your messed up brain?

then you are hopeless and should stop from pursuing enjoyment from comedy.

Sam & Max all of the games are peak high brow

Absolutely not at all.

which one is going on in yours? Maybe Im not being specific enough. when I say jews I refer to specific kind of jew. The most jewish jews that can jewilly jew even the jew.

Here how it works
>game has comedic moments
If it's popular especially among enemy subculture = cringe
If it's not popular = funny
>old game has comedic moments
It's funny because old!

Same with horror games.

41st post best post

feel free to prove me wrong any time

t. uncultured swine
so this is why people say they hate "centrists", its refering to these kind of people

But that's misogynistic and perpetuates the traditional patriarchy of objectification of women user! That is never funny!

What. Centrists? Go away

oh yeah, that's why MDE is still up and they werent cancelled

Step Brothers is over a decade old though, and it IS comedy gold

You mean Jews. The Jewish people, people with Hebrew blood. Either Jews are evil monster that are ruining your life, or they're normal ass people who can make hilarious comedies and contributions to society. There is no fucking middle ground, no special class of Jews that are ruining your society. You are ruining your society and it isn't the fault of a tiny fucking ethnic minority you god damn morons.

holy cope

it’s everything now. there’s barely any funny in the world

reminder that Carlin was a huge lefty


No more heroes. Especially Travis Strikes Again

>There is no fucking middle ground
ah yes, reality is just black and white. There's only two musical notes and only north and south


conditioned retard, subhuman low IQ giant nigger faggot retard holy shit.

Ok Jew

The only actually funny games are Psychonauts and Portal 1, and the Monkey Island games. 2/3 of which were coincidentally written by Eric Wolpaw.

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Nigger you literally said Jews are out to get you, in control of your media and want you dead and your society destroyed. You haven't said a single thing to back it up except sperging out, typing like a retard and insulting me, just like every 5 IQ nazi that brings this shit up. Get your life together. There is no conspiracy against you, people just don't want to be around someone that acts like a perpetual victim.

your choice of language despite the fact this is an edgy basket weaving forum instantly identifies you as an alt right polfag. If you were just against Israeli theological nationalism (or zionism as we cool kids like to call it), you wouldn't go into "jew jew nigger faggot" mode.

No More Heroes

Ok subtle man. *wink wink*

your way of talking outs you as a gigiantic faggot

You know how you have a tantrum when you read some mean old black people on Twitter saying "White people suck : (" and have to get on your blog and post ten paragraphs about society's collapse? Just be glad Jews have some fun with the racism leveled against them.

better to be a faggot than a polfag any day of the week.

Based and Psychonautspilled


Wow, amazing conversation skills "man."

you dont even know what a polfaggot is. I've been here since 2nd year of Yea Forums. enjoy your aids

if you think that movie is funny you are part of the problem

i've literally seen adam sandler movies funnier than that

Yiik is unironically a masterpiece if you look past the Yea Forums shitposts, full of nuanced humor

it's been three years Randy, shouldn't you let go now?

I've been here since 2007 as well. Now what?

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one of us is dying of AIDS, and it aint me.

>I swear it's all serious/dramatic shit now
sell your ps4 and get a pc/switch

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>he thinks I was talking about actual homosex earlier

Ok Jew

So fucking what? So have I you moron. It doesn't matter how long you've been here if you're so weak willed you got turned into a retarded conspiracy machine by the oh so subtle stormfronters that took up residence in /pol/ around 2015.

More like Yiikes

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It's sad to see someone completely lose all intelligence and critical thinking abilities.

t. Shlomo

Anons always want to be special isn't it?
>high tier taste in humor
>high tier taste in art
>high tier taste in Yea Forums
>high tier taste in movies
while posting cope dilate cringe snap memes of course

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any of the shadow warrior games desu
they don't take themselves seriously and deliver bloody and enjoyabe, if a bit repetitive, action

conker bad fur day


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while your post is mostly correct, Jews aren't an ethnic group.

>Jews aren't an ethnic group.

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pokemon go to the polls

Dragon commander

>but who the fuck actually cares about AAA games anymore
i would assume the millions of people who buy them without fail no matter how bad they are getting

i am floored that people STILL bought the new NBA 2K game and had the audacity to complain about getting ads in-game, as if the writing wasn't already on the wall in the prior game where you had to re-buy a haircut if you changed it

Fun is cringe

Next you are going to tell me the ancient state of Israel isn't real

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Dungeons 2, but you must have read Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and played the Warcraft series to get any of the jokes.

I'm not gonna lie, this game has the occasional funny line (I think Roiland does have a knack for improv humor), the problem is that the VR thing makes it so every single NPC has to do the "I am aware the player refuses to leave and wants to hear more stupid dialogue" shtick so you sit there for 15 minutes literally listening to Roiland try and stretch one-note jokes out as long as possible until the player gets bored and leaves

Ashkenazim Jews are an ethnic group. So are Sephardic Jews. Judaism is a religion, of course.

Postal 2

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>implying you arent into sucking dicks.
Not fooling me nigga

>i am floored that people STILL bought the new NBA 2K game and had the audacity to complain about getting ads in-game
It's pretty easy to explain.
If you like something you will buy it. I mean really like. Not pretending. Your favorite game will be still favorite game.

They aren't. The category "jew" contains many ethnic groups.

Lisa the painful

Then play one of the perfectly fine NBA games that didn't fuck you over at every single step of interacting with it, how is this hard for people to figure out, just stop buying garbage made by companies that hate you

If Jews were classified as a different ethnicity it would only be because of their higher-than-average IQ, would you really prefer that IQ based ethnicity were applied, because spoiler, that would put Jews above most of us

it means that you are an idiot and cant distinguish people cause you dont know what you are talking about.
that's why you say there's no middle ground. you think in black and white.
Also the reason why I didnt even bother. If you wanted to know about it you could, easily.
In my town there's a place for mentally deficient people and I've never spent a minute of my life discussing anything with them, feel lucky you got this answer.


Wow, so cool and edgy. You sure did type a whole lot of words that mean absolutely nothing. You must be so fucking pissed off right now lmao.

I ain't american, so who cares? Antifa exists worldwide, BLM does not. Still kinda sad to see them infighting.

I'm not surprised concept "really liking something" is so alien for Yea Forums. Ads will not outweigh gameplay unless gameplay is completely fucked up. If you like something and don't buy it because of for example ads you gonna be completely autist. First you will be doing this only for show off. Second you still like game, but because of your agenda against ads you not gonna buy game you like. In reality you just torturing yourself, because it obvious you want to play game.

Because antifa will attack anyone who doesn't stand in line with them, even if they're on the same 'side'. They don't actually care if people are fascists or not

Hey Confucius, maybe people just want to play a normal video game without ads in it, there are games more fun than modern ones which already exist, you don't have to play garbage or make philosophical arguments why paying $60 for garbage is good.

If you want a funny game with nice gameplay try Custom Robo Battle Revolution.

>They don't actually care if people are fascists or not
Now I know you just watched too many reactionary YT videos.

Dude this is Yea Forums. Most anons here are underage teens, students and /pol/ autists. Black and white extreme way of thinking is normal here. They need to keep up with special kid motto.

god hand

I'm just responding to this
>i am floored that people STILL bought the new NBA 2K game and had the audacity to complain about getting ads in-game
As I said ads cancer still being outweighed by gameplay for most people. Not for all of course. And what about battlefront 2? Isn't they fucked up hard enough to piss off mainstream audience?

so you think that BLM are fascists?
I mean antifa wouldn't of attacked them if they weren't

People are brainwashed, news at 11

Breaking the conditioning is not that simple so of course it takes more and more egregious fuckups to shake customers away

Play Mordhau. Funny shit happens constantly.

100% this one, and kingdom of loathing too although there is some really good gameplay on its own there

anyone can be, even people claiming to support BLM, it all depends on your actions. Antifa made plenty of mistakes, but antifa is not an organization, it doesn't have leaders or HQs, it's very loosely organized, so you will have people making embarrassing mistakes as well. But the point is and has always been about fighting fascism.

how's the DLC?

Nah, it's a funny film. There haven't been any truly great comedies this decade though.

I think Monster Girl Quest Paradox has some good humor.

Mordhau is funny. I hope they add some more goofy voices like the foppish one soon.

I know a dude that was such a huge KoLfag that he once won every reward in some radio tournament.

Gameplay-wise it scales to your level so you should be able to do it at any point of the main game, I did it on a post-game file. The puzzles were clever and difficult at times. You have the option to say "fuck it" and just kill the ghosts instead of helping them if you get stuck on them.

Jokes-wise it's as good as ever. Lots of clever ghost jokes and easter eggs to look for. There's this one really long quest with a bunch of dialogue that's basically a comedic Phoenix Wright kind of bit that I personally really enjoyed. Was really a good time all around

I've entered into a 6 year long relationship with another KoL player. I made an account in like 2004 and played until like 2012. I remember playing the game for ages before ascending was even a concept.

I can't believe I was just establishing my browser based humorous stick figure MMO cred.

>When the game tries to be funny

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