Enjoy the leak
See you in september
Enjoy the leak
See you in september
>still has detachable joy cons
apply yourself
Lite? Why make it any smaller? It’s already small enough for children to use does it really need to be smaller?
t. don’t own a switch but will buy one for animal crossing
Should I wait bros?
I just want bigger buttons like PS4/XBONE. Why won't they do this?
That actually looks like a cellphone with a telescopic controller attached.
It’s not small at all, the Switch can barely be considered a portable, it’s more like a laptop.
looks really gay. the switch is already way too small and ridiculously under powered, this must be a nightmare come forth.
that doesnt look mini at all
looks like shit
>proper dpad
fake and gay
Sup manlytears
guize I got the new Nintendo console right hear!1!!!11
psvita 3K?
>make a fake mini
>its actually as big as a regular switch
I remember when shitposters were like "lol this is real, you're delusional if you think it isn't"
kek what a faggot
>dude let’s make the already tiny joycons even SMALLER
Also that blue is ugly
>nintendo switch "lite"
>is as big as the normal
>still has detachable joycons
>has dpad on said joycons
Anyone who believes in this shit is retarded, you could just buy those "lite" joycons and put them on your switch and there you go, a switch s lite.
Lose weight
just give me a home console Nintendo, one that doesn't fuck up the output. I want 1080p, not upscaled garbage.
Here's the real switch s model.
Why do people bother making fake leaks?
nice job, alot of work went into this fake
not giving you a (you) though
What even is that thing?
The NX
What is the 3d printer that you use?
It was a fake Switch which Leddit believed was real.
The only thing Switch could majorly benefit in my opinion ethos be better battery and a SSD. Seriously, those load times can get vicious.
>in my opinion ethos be
Fucking what.
Its storage is already solid state, what are you on about?
Neogaf(now resetera) recognition,reddit upvotes,retweets.
lol hahahaha oh man. classic
>he thinks the switch has an hard drive inside
fucking kek
Nice fake retard
I don't understand a Switch mini. Making a system with built-in Joycons would ruin some games that rely on them and making a mini system with detachable Joycons means they would need special Joycons that are specifically for it. If the Switch is getting anything, it would be a N3DS sort of upgrade with slightly better hardware/battery.
>Making a system with built-in Joycons would ruin some games that rely on them
Nintendo has never release a new product with missing feature for a cheaper price
And why would they try and sell more units, really makes no sense
We did too, though.
they need a new handheld since the 3ds is fucking ded
This is ugly and lame enough that I can actually believe it.
Couldn't you at least try to craft something that looks somewhat real?
no game relied on 3d, stereo OR the DS being foldable. whats your point?
Just give me a vita that plays switch games
How powerful is the "pro" model going to be?
I love the Switch for its portability but its clear games are made with Docked play in mind.
Literally no one labels shit with fucking label printers like this.
Half the resolution, half the fps, half the battery life and full price. Can't wait.
For people who really don't care about playing on their tv and would prefer just a handheld, this is a deal. Also for parent who want to game with kids but can afford getting a switch just for the kid.
People want a light version because they think it's too big to fit in pockets
These people are retards who don't realise you can just take the joycons off and put them in a separate pocket so the actual switch itself fits.
>Removing a function that is never used by literally anyone is equivalent to removing an entire controller.
Why does it look like it's molded from clay
Take off joycons and put them in your other pocket
Put tablet in other pocket
It’s not hard. The tablet is about as big as a closed 3DS XL
I would glady take half the battery life if it meant even a single gigabyte more RAM
These things always have some bullshit serial code sticker on the front
>have to disassemble console and use up two pockets to store it
>"What do you mean it's not small?"
lmao, i love these memes.
The 2ds wasn't made to sell on the basis of being cheaper, it was made to sell to the gullible parents who fell for the memes about 3d being bad for kids.
Super Mario 3d land kind of used the 3d.
You said it could barely be considered portable
You can take off the joycons specifically for ease of portability
Looks like a clunky PS Vita.
If your pockets are baggy enough you won't even need to use 2 because you can just put the joy cons on top of the tablet
You know, it really does
>product code the same as initial release switch
>proper d-pad
>this was already posted yesterday under "I know a guy"
leakfags, amiright?
>"I can't believe I have to close the 3DS to fit it in my pocket"
Ill buy it if iy has a AN ACTUAL FUCKING D pad, longer battery, not shitty joycons.
My current switch is having problems reading the right joy con while in handheld mode. I have to put it in halfway while i still thinks it's used as a single just to get it to work
I don’t know why idiots still fall for leaks, the only ones that have been right 100% of the time are the Pokémon ones
this is the actual design
There's a very small but very loud minority of Yea Forumsirgins that want Nintendo to burn at any cost. So they even go to these lengths of bullshit. I wish they were just trolling.
>have to disassemble console to fit in pockets
>or use fat man track pants
>call it portable
lmao, i'm not the one who said it was barely portable, but he's right.
>comparing a folding screen to disassembling a console
retard detected
even open the 3ds is smaller
Nobody here thought it was real or even stated that they thought it was real beyond a handful of shitposters who wanted to push it, along with the full-retard blueprint.
about tree fiddy
>that pathetically desperate labelling to attempt some authenticity
2/10. Everyone is laughing at you.
>does it really need to be smaller?
Are you honestly asking that? The popularity of the NINTENDO FUCKING 2DS is your answer.
>Nobody here thought it was real
To think you're so loyal to this place you're willing to believe that
Don't you know, everyone just slaps a shitty brother label that says confidential on real things.
This type of fake was unprecedented. Never before have we have someone professionally design fake hardware.
hdd =/= SSD you fucking moron
>That oval monstrosity
>Professionally designed
>Stating facts instead of blithering retardation is "loyalty"
Reddit is more your speed
>I know what every person that has ever visited this site thinks.
You’re supposed to disassemble it, user
And an open 3DS XL is significantly bigger
Heck, I’m pretty sure you’d run into trouble trying to fit an open regular 3DS in your pocket. If it actually fit, there’s a good chance you’re gonna damage it because it’s not made to take force like that
Looks like a Wii U gamepad
lmao I thought I had baby handa till I saw this dumbass post.
I can not fit my Vita or my 3DSXL in my pockets. so I don't see your point...? Only system that is handheld I guess os gameboy micro.
You're the same idiot that believes """leaks""" whenever you see them and feels let down whenever they're confirmed to just be falsehoods
>How powerful is the "pro" model going to be?
Not much really. You cant do much with mobile hardwre really.
>be well adjusted adult
>wear Dress pants, Chinos or Jeans everyday.
>somehow fit keys, phone, wallet AND handheld system in your pockets
I don't believe you fags. Cargo shorts wearing NEETS can't really that big of a demo.
fuck the lite, give me the "pro" so I can have decent resolution and framerate
I'm inclined to believe this one, wasn't it removed from the company website that makes switch cases and shells?
otherwise many games can't be played, they rely on motion and or pointing the joycon at the screen
>hdd =/= SSD you fucking moron
What did he mean by this
>frame rate
So far every game I've played has been 60 FPS though BOTW has obvious slow downs in places like the forest.
what the fuck is that
That was a shitstorm for months approximately three years ago, so that means you desperately need to lurk for at least two years.
Only the military does that.
Well our captain does but she’s fucking obsessed with labeling god damn everything.
Her office looks like double D’s room
>So far every game I've played has been 60 FPS
then you're not playing enough games or aren't aware of shit framerates
have you thought that maybe that was exactly my point?
more age than IQ i see. keep it up user
Speak for yourself, dumbass. Nintendo makes questionable hardware decisions but there's no way in hell they're THAT out of touch.
>or aren't aware of shit framerates
I usually have a frame counter on my PC going. I'm very aware of when something drops down even 1 frame below 60 FPS. There's just the most subtle
>Something is now wrong
when that happens.
There's plenty of games that require a foldable DS
Zelda, for example
>an XL(XTRA LARGE) version is bigger than normal
holy shit, the chromossomes on this guy...
man that fake leak was a wild ride at the time
The comparison was in effort, not assembly.
>put joy cons in pocket
>makes issue of dust getting under the shitty joycon stick dust covers and causing drift worse
Why would you do this?
>switch can fit in your pocket perfectly fine with joycons removed
>"it's still not portable"
God I hate you retards
because they are not well mentally if they have an urge to stick it in their pocket.
It happens EVERY SINGLE GEN. Everyone sets out to design and render the xbox 720 or ps4. This one just superimposed it upon a real image
Hitting the sleep button accomplishes this perfectly fine
bo it is a real 3d printed physical fake.
>dock designed like a stand so it can be used for both handheld and tv mode
even if it's fake op has better design sense than nintendo
doesn't change the fact the switch is barely portable
you have to take off the joycons, and use up two pockets to fit the switch in, not to mention the joycons are loose inside your pocket which could damage them.
Other actual portable consoles, like the 3ds, psp you can just fit them inside your pockets with ease, no need to detach anything
Switch is not a good home console, because it's underpowered, and it not good as a portable one because it's too big.
A Switch mini could bring up it's popularity, just like the 3ds/2ds. Especially if they sell it for cheaper without the dock, just a regular charger.
not them. But it still can't for me. what the fuck pants are you guys wearing?
switch is a great handheld because of the size, less cramped and bigger screen to view. it is perfectly portable my small case can easily fit on all my carry one, my backpack and my business case easily. Just like MY 3DS, Vita and evwry handheld dating back to gameboy. If you cam fit an original gameboy in your pocket that is amazing. But normal people aren't putting any of these systems in their fucking pockets. Can I throw my switch in a bag then play it on a plane? yes even a dinky ass economy seat. So it is portable as fuck.
I'd get broken bones jumping from your arrogance to your IQ
>switch can fit in your "pocket" perfectly fine with joycons removed
no it can, keyword is "pockets" not "pocket"
and loose joycons inside your pockets can be damaged, especially considering their build quality
Why. The. Fuck. Wouldn’t. It?
What is up with you peoples stupid obsession with removing detachable joycons. Literally what does it do besides remove functionality?
They still would be really awkward to put in a pocket, wouldn't they?
>is that a joycon in your pocket? Or are you just happy to see me?
>"it's portable because i can fit it in a bag"
i can also fit any home console in a bag with a batterypack and an 11" monitor, doesn't make them portable.
It's like a less sleek Vita. Wish it didn't look like a children's toy.
we could get a proper d pad out of it
anyone with a 3D printer can make this, there's videos all over youtube on how to.
What logical fallacy is this post? False equivalence? I can't even remember anymore when literally every argument on this board is just a logical fallacy.
Regular pants and I’m a Manlet
How small are your pockets? I could fit sandwiches in mine when I was 8
yes. And can you actually use that setup walking around or on a plane or traincar? no then please fuckoff. Literally nobody but you wears cargo shorts to carry their fuckhuge 3DS on. if the definition of handheld is it fits in your pockets then Gameboy Micro was the only handheld. You are making an obtuse stand that handheld is defined as being able to fit in the pockets of your retarded fat person clothes. When handheld actually means the system is handheld.
Now can I fit any of my home consoles in my work case, a drawstring gym bag or anything with all that extra shit. no? is that setup handheld? no. Do these systems have built on batteries, displays and controllers? no. then they are not handheld, nor portable.
>I could fit sandwiches in mine when I was 8
yeah, you're fat, that explains it, with XXXXL pants i bet you can even fit a desktop on each pocket
Was that even popular? lol
Are you guys blind? This is most likely fake but it's obviously smaller. Not like XBO>XBO S smaller but it's still smaller . The controls are tighter packed. Looks like a slightly bigger Vita which I would be 100% down for.
The fake Switch in the OP has a DPad you dingus
>Needing Cargo pants for you 3ds XL
>And can you actually use that setup walking around or on a plane or traincar?
you know nothing
normal size? I also have a very slimline wallet, my car keys are minimal and my phone is hardly a phablet. could never do it in Jeans, but even my loosest chinos would be a giant boner. Ofc I would never transport it without putting it in a carrying case anyway. you are on of those guys on CL or Ebay who absolutely trashes all their systems aren't you?
I am not fat.
>Still has detachable joycons
And just like that. They lost my purchase.
Why the fuck does Nintendo manage to fuck everything up?
I don't want waggle shit
I don't want dock mode
I don't want a huge ass handheld that can't fit in my pocket (looking at you original switch)
I don't want bezels
I don't want gimmicks.
All they had to do was make a modern GBA like switch and they managed to even fuck that up.
Good responses.
I was actually dangerously skinny but whatever user if you don’t wanna discuss I won’t reply anymore
that took him a long time ti setup and we will have to immediately put it away when the train gets busy.
but how are you supposed to put it in your pocket? by removing them you can put the joycons in one pocket and the mini switch in the other
>will have to immediately put it away when the train gets busy
why would he, who's gonna take this big nigga console away? You?
>Still has huge ass bezels even being smaller
It may be legit guys
>step one
>put in a protective carrying case
>step two
> put that in your bag
you were never meant to put it in pockets.
>I don’t want waggle shit or gimmicks
Nintendo has not released a console without a gimmick since the GameCube
Arguably since the game boy since portability was so novel back then it was basically a gimmick
>Takes two pockets to carry a switch
Bring me back to the old days
All fit in one pocket. A true portable. None of this carry a fucking backpack to carry a tablet sized bullshit.
none of those fir in one pocket. And 4 had exposed screens so I seriously hope you didn't try it.
If he were fat his jeans would probably be snug and his sandwich would get smashed you complete dumbass
i hate how you typed this post
retard alert
If it can fit in your pockets, it’s definitely portable
I never leave home without at least 5 pockets on me
>still hasn't figured out the concept of bags.
>calling others retarded.
My OG model DS and PSP fit into a pocket fine
the power bricks were to big to fit with the system in one pocket so you took up two anyway. with the switch the power is already small enough that you can fit it in one pocket and have enough space for two joycons
>fitting in a pocket
Only if you are a cargo short wearing virgin
Well women have smaller pockets so they carry bags
>Implying the carry handle wasn't a gimmick
>women are the only ones not wearing cargo shorts
if a PSP 1000 fit in your pants you seriously need help dressing.
This got me thinking, for playing games like Splatoon 2, which controller is the best to use that closely resembles keyboard+mouse?
joycons with gyro aiming
Thread upon thread upon thread calling Nintendo finished. And then not only was it nowhere near the real design, but the guy even showed us how he made it. And then nintendo released BOTW and 97
It already has a SSD.
>Its eMMC
Still a SSD.
When will they ever learn?
I wore normal jeans back then and I was a kid with even smaller pockets lol. Maybe you're the one who needs help dressing
You don't actually believe that's real right?
>wanting the fragile as fuck controllers to be tied to the main unit
the joycons arent the same size
>We did too, though.
I know right? that's retarded
>I wore normal jeans
okay so you walked around with half a psp sticking out your pocket with a huge impression on your pants and had your flip phone wallet and keys all in the other?
yeap definately needed help dressing. also taking care of your things.
It's real guys
Those wondering why non detachable controls, it's easy: it's a product for kids and kids love motion controls
Switch S Premium features better ergonomics
Is it because you only use your right hand for motion control?
But why is it that the 'pros' in the tourneys use pro controllers?
Remember when the guy showed the video of how he built it and the shitposters were like LMAO THIS IS IS OBVIOUSLY DAMAGE CONTROL BY NINTENDO!!!! THIS IS THE NX! JUST WAIT NINTENDBABIES
Not only that but the plastic looks like it's icing from a fucking cake. You would think people would at least attempt to emulate the plastic quality of the joycons in fact I wonder if that's actually cake...
because they're better. pro controllers with gyro aiming the second best control scheme for shooters.
Blast from the past
I remember it was like a huge deal that you could fix the Joy Con with a copper wire, do you think these new ones have copper wire?
you can pretty fucking easily tell just by looking at this that the screen was painted on or something, you can see the brush strokes
there is NO reflection in the glass
the whole thing looks like a clay model
fatty mans pants lmao
Nintendo is finished if they think this is a good product.
So you don't want the switch then
5/10. Sloppy render job. Good enough to fool redditor normies, but falls apart with cursory inspection. Work on your lighting, materials and literally everything before you try doing this again.
Why would I need help when all my jeans had normal size pockets which fit a DS or a PSP perfectly
>the whole thing looks like a clay model
that was one of my first thoughts
because it didn't fit it properly you were walking like a mongoloid you looked ridiculous it was destroying your pants and your psp?
Untrue and queer.
>still detachable joy-cons
What's the fucking point?
Some games require it.
user you really don't want a device with attached joycons. Stick drift is a thing and if it's attached what are you going to do, buy a new switch every time?
Looks like a vita, comfy.
Looking back, it's kinda neat how accurate this was.
>aliasing on the specular highlights
>lack of ambient occlusion on items against the wall
>high angle but can't see connectors of HDMI/Power cables
nice try, but I think this is a render
Probably because it was reported by multiple sources, that this version won't have detachable ones.
It's also pretty logical that they save money by integrating the controls, because it's cheaper and the overall thing needs to cost less than the original version.
Also don't bother replying to me, you write like a fucking clown.