>What is this ?
Mario Battle Royale that got fucked by Nintendo, now called DMCA Royale.
DMCA Royale Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
where's the bing bing wahoo?
Why not just say fuck you to nintendo?
Could someone post how to fix the sound? My browser finally decided to stop playing the original sounds
I can see why so little people are playing it now.
Get good in 3-1
Step 1 install redirectior for chrome or firefox
Step 2 save this to harddisk
Step 3 click on redirect in titlebar and select edit redirects
Step 4 go to infernoplus.com
Step 5 press ctrl-f5 and shift-f5
if it doesn't work, clear browser history and try again
forgot file, save this to harddisk
also squadcode Yea Forums
>Lost 2/3rd of the players due to the DMCA
he should add a textbox for external sprite hosters, so brainlets can play with mario sprites easy. Also get more streamers and tell them they can deactivate names
I honestly like the new assets. Reminds me of late 90's-early 2000's Super Mario Bros romhacks.
staying first and opening the starbox on plus-1 for the starniggers and whatch half the competion melt away
Some of them are pretty good. And then you have the groundtiles, the blocks, the bricks, the player character, most of the enemies. Did anything of interest happen last thread? I just slept through it.
Top two is based
3rd is a faggot
Here's a collection of mods me and some other people made for Mario Royale:
Original Royale Graphics (Also has a guide on how to use mods):
Game and Watch over Mario:
Super Mario All Stars Tiles/Objects (Started by me, finished by user):
Super Mario All Stars Updated Objects (Incase the above link has issues):
Super Mario Maker Tiles:
Super Mario Maker Objects:
Super Lewis Maker Objects:
Finally won at least 2nd place
tfw people get filtered by bowser
Take it to
You took way too long at bowser, user.
mario royal is banned from /vg/cuz its so shortlived.
Same after days of trying I finally managed to do it.
I saw nobody at the 2nd and 3rd place, so I took my time
>no Yea Forums
>no mimigas
>no cunny
>no SOUL
>2slowlol gave up a his placment
Why bro ? I didn't deserve it.
Oh wait nevermind I just noticed your name is on the 1st podium. NIce race everyone.
remember this nintendornes whenever someone says BotW is shit and wouldn't have gotten any of the praise it gets without the zelda name
Remember to set squad code (field underneath your name) to: Yea Forums
This allows us to see each other's names while playing. Without the squad code your name will only be visible at the very end if you manage to make top 3.
wew now I'm first
get fucced bois
enjoy your ban
God, fuck 6-2.
Literally the slowest fucking level in the entire game, it takes like 3 full minutes to complete because of all the plants.
>browser game
Theres a route up top that lets you run through almost the entire level, you just gotta get gud
A few people have actually been IP banned for cheating.
They're fucking retards that cry about not having any warning that cheating is bad and try to convince everyone that the game is bad and spread lies such as having nigger in your name getting you banned.
fuck this game its too hard with the other player models being distracting.
and if you run full force out of it, you get owned by a piranha plant almost every time.
I'm 2 gud 2 get an IP-ban user
what do they win by doing this?
>posting nickname
>admitting cheating
Yeah, you're fucked.
You know the dev browses this thread, right?
>admitting cheating
But I didn't cheat, I don't even know how you could cheat in this game.
Often large companies are required by law to defend their copyrights or else they lose them. Like if they let this go and someone makes a for-profit mario clone, when Nintendo DMCA's them, they can say "they forfeited their copyright by not enforcing it on X", which is legally true.
Shitty American copiright laws
You have always to defend it, even if it's a ridiculous dmca
not that the European one is better
>reach plus-4 for the first time
>those fucking 30ft long fire bars
>6 alive by the end of 5-1
>STARLOW tries to destroy the platforms in 1-2 to kill people
>bumps my TINY WHITE DICK to the top
>I'm the only one to make it up top and survive
did 2.0.1 break some graphic mods
Not true, they don't have to attack fan games to protect their copyright. Just look at Sega and Capcom, they never take down fan games unless its being profited off of, that doesn't mean that they no longer have copyright for their IPs.
goobas on 1-2 on the stairs are broken
2.0.2 did.
That part feels like pic related when you've got multiple people with you.
Post cute spritesheets.
is it just mine or do others work
got you
Are you talking about double firemario? Just update your extension.
i see
thanks user
updated with madotskui and gayman watch, thank you very much anons
meta knight update when?
Snuffed and cunnypilled.
Jesus Christ the new art is ugly as shit. No music yet either. Awesome.
I didn't ask for a consolewar, but ok.
>when you think you've been getting through the bars as fast as possible but someone else zooms by and makes you look like a retard by literally jumping over and under the bars
wew this is garbage now
How do i use these again? I'm on chrome, if that helps.
pretty sure thats not possible, I tried so many times
Go back to kikebook fucking normalnigger.
they could've at least made some GOOD bootleg art
well I'm on firefox so I don't know how switcheroo works. just try to make it look like this. requestly might also work
You can quite literally go through all three bars without stopping or slowing down if you time your approach and get the jumps right. It looks impossible but I've seen it done by multiple people. I've also seen many, many more die trying to emulate them, so I still play it safe.
>streamer mode is called "kid friendly"
How can 1 man be so based?
Right but how do I use the pastebin? Is it a link?
You could've done that too
I already have
Sowy owo wrote it while waitng for spawn
Step 1 install redirectior for chrome or firefox
Step 2 save this to harddisk pastebin.com
Step 3 click on redirect in titlebar and select edit redirects
Step 3.5 import the file you just saved to harddik
Step 4 go to infernoplus.com
Step 5 press ctrl-f5 and shift-f5
if it doesn't work, clear browser history and try again
>Often large companies are required by law to defend their copyrights or else they lose them.
Please stop spreading this myth. This is only true for trademarks, not copyright.
As a copyright holder, it is entirely up to you to go aggressive.
If you have a trademark on "Mario Bros.", you'll need to aggressively target the unauthorized usage of it, but could leave copyright infringing content alone. The rename to "DMCA Royale" was probably all that was really needed for trademark law.
Nintendo is just notoriously aggressive with their IP in general because they're worried fan-created content could (a) harm sales [rightfully so; some of the fan works are so good to the point that you really don't need to buy a new Mario game anymore]. (b) give their brand a bad image [e.g. Mario porn parodies or bad fan games].
What is the text file?
I hope you are trolling, because theres is a button right at the top that says download
Nintendo themselves is pretty consistent about only going after fanworks that are just flat-up remakes of their own works (this, the Super Mario 64 HD remake) or are making money (No Mario's Sky). Anything else (Brutal Mario, Paper Mario 3D Land, Psycho Waluigi) is fair game.
okay, done, i have mario textures now
how do i get the others to work?
I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it though? The mod thing asks for URLs, not text files.
wew lad, great tutorial. Thanks!
Animeposting nigger.
this is more complicated. You need to browse through the list of redirects, find the url that reidrects sprites, and replace it with a url that points to the file you want.
Like an imgur upload or seomthing
I mean
Did you use redirector plugin? Because it has a button that says import that asks for text files
>doesn't like anime cunny
post the real numbers of people playing right now
Replace all the line that ended with "smb_obj.png" with the new imgur url in the "redirect to". For the original texture, use
It's worked for me.
'fire knuckles' should just be more knuckles. Good?
Had to make these from scratch
694, might want to ask again in a few more hours
which youtuber will make it mainstream and ruin it?
It's fun lads
it was already mainstream a few days ago, now the playerbase has dropped considerably without the mario assets
normies are already picking it up lads
nigger please
>that gameplay
almost perfect
why even play this if you're gonna play like that?
>That's right incel, I'm a girl AND I'm a gamer! Check out these uber 1337 gamergurl skills!
These are the people telling you to have sex.
That gameplay is infuriating holy fuck
I already updated it
>there were people slower than her
thanks, I didn't see it
>that pipe section in 6-2
just stay on top. Works everytime
holy fucking shit, this isn't even just shit mario royale gameplay, it's shit mario gameplay.
>she never sprints
>she is scared of a goomba
>the last death of the video could have been easily avoided
i unironically thought this was a fake video. i wish it was.
Delete this post and then kill yourself.
Most of IGN's current employers wanted to be travel journalists.
is it possible to add custom music to script?
i was referring to her god awful gameplay
Is there repository for spritesheets or anything?
nigger mario 16 bit
yeah, but you need to upload an mp3 somewher and link it in the redirecter.
Just find gameover.mp3 in the redirector
>linking your Patreon on the title screen
He deserved it for making such a fucking stupid mistake that ended many other fangames.
but I need a direct link like "[link].mp3", right?
Triple K mafia on the scene in lost 1-4
if only mecha hitler were here
Funny thing is the creator was 100% aware it was going to get DMCA'd very quickly and had backup plan ready for when it did happen.
I hate that people are playing worse than her in the video.
So why is he acting like a salty cunt?
fuck nintendo honestly.
they removed the soul from this game.
the absolute state of "gamer girls" holy fuck
oi, dev
if you're in here
the game sounds a little uh, bad
if you need someone to make "legally distinct mario-esque music" that actually sounds like mario and is authentic to NES sound hardware, hit me up
i'm serious
[email protected]
>had backup plan ready for when it did happen
Right, that's why he called for quick artists publicly, then put some absolute bottom barrel assets in the game, completely with invisible platforms, until he could get them all done.
I swear, the narratives some of you come up with. You would think that the whole world is conspiring against you.
What exactly do you mean?
What backup? From what I've seen they're just slowly changing sprites. Probably doing it on the go.
Is there source code for this floating around, so I can earn some internet bux from kids?
Haven't played in a week, did the dev bend over and add name censors?
Good thing you can put it back in if you aren't completely retarded.
No, but he did add an opt in kid friendly/streamer button that you can press to censor names for yourself. It's called the N button. For names. And absolutely nothing else.
IWS is best girl
Interesting. I think you should post more.
So when is Nintendo taking this down regardless of the spritesheet change?
Never since because of the sprite sheet change, it complies with the DMCA.
Futa Elf Cummies....
But it's a blatant mario ripoff that started as a mario game? If you steal intellectual property, it doesn't just make it okay if you give it back afterwards.
I am sorry gives you 1st place
Plus bowser is too hard for me
Nintendo dabbing on you fags.
wasn't giana sisters pulled from stores because it was more or less just a super mario with different sprites
>blatant mario ripoff
It's essentially mario reverse engineered, which is completely legal.
>If you steal intellectual property, it doesn't just make it okay if you give it back afterwards.
Actually, your incorrect use of the word "steal" notwithstanding, it does. That's what "complying with the DMCA" means.
I know you tried to make it look natural but really died on purpose at the end so that you wouldn't potentially overtake me. Thanks for giving me first place, Gives You 1st Place.
Sorry sweetie, that's not how it works :')
That's a fair compromise I guess.
Yes, actually, it is. Nintendo can't force him to take down anything else because he is complying with the DMCA now. End of story. If you still doubt me and aren't just baiting, wait a week or so. The game will still be up and you'll still be mad.
They can still sue for damages to their IP, bitchbaby. Don't act like you know what you're talking about.
the game is soules now
from wikipedia so might not be accurate who knows, but apparently there wasn't any actual lawsuits
> the general gameplay and the first level of The Great Giana Sisters is nearly identical in layout to the first stage found in Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. The immediate similarity to Super Mario Bros. ensured that The Great Giana Sisters was quickly noticed by both the public and the video game industry itself. Nintendo urged the makers of The Great Giana Sisters to withdraw the game from sale, arguing that it was obvious copyright infringement. Time Warp Productions and Rainbow Arts immediately stopped the production and, at the same time, the game began vanishing from the stores.
Press the N-button to get rid of the N-word.
>when you fuck up at bowser
You can sue anyone for "damages". If you think nintendo is going to sue some random westerner for hosting a game using their assets for less than a week, you're delusional, especially since he immediately complied with the DMCA takedown request.
Anyone can sue for damages, dumbass. However, it's not an automatic win. What kind of case will they build up against them?
>your honor we invented having stairs before the end of a level and they stole our idea
>now give us money
They will lose tremendously.
I'll wait to hear you cry next week when your mario ripoff is gone :)
Okay, just as long as you shut the fuck up in the interim, faggot.
Bowser needs to be able to fire mid-ranged fire attacks so both big and small Marios can get hit
So this worked perfectly except for the audio, I'm not getting any sound and I'm getting "Attempted to instance partially loaded sound data" whenever sounds should be playing in the top left of my screen
gay baby jail
something wrong with this guy
How is it allowed to play around with the code, that was a bannable offence before the C&D
Make me, transnigger
Delete browser history (clear cache)
Or try different browser
this isn't modifying the code directly, its just causing your browser to replace the links for the spritesheets/music to different ones. It's effectively the same thing as texturepacks
I don't have to, niggerfaggot. Since you don't actually care about video games, you'll eventually move on to another vapid waste of time and I won't have to lift a finger. Enjoy your life.
hi mom
What do you mean? Changing the graphics/sounds is client-sided and requires no code modification.
So is giving yourself more lives and the ability to fly. This is hypocritical.
Would this clear my wins/kills?
>TFW you struggle to get past the first level
If you deselect cookies from clear browser history, it almost certainly shouldn't
Kills are stored in the cookies
flying/lives/powerups hacks are done by pasting commands into a console, or using something like tampermonkey to modify variables. Going into the code of a game and changing values and the way the code works is completely different from replacing the textures.
Alright, I'll give it a shot after I'm off the toilet
I'd say you too, but if you're playing this game then you probably have no life. Sad!
>apples and oranges
replacing the sprite sheets don't give you any advantages over other players. learn to argue
>posting on Yea Forums while on the shitter
As intended.
Nevermind, still deletes your wins, sorry.
Good thing I'm constipated and not back at my PC yet
You're so full of shit.
Not sure if I won or was given 1st place.
>reading from a file is the same as editing variables
it is, you are tempering with the game
no you aren't, the files are external
Even if you're merely pretending, typing that out makes you a fucking retard.
Thanks again 1stplacebro.
we did it hello
based Yea Forums squad
Where did you get those Sue sprites?
That's a fault of the game though, not with the spritesheets not being updated. Goombas just use the top part of the hammer bros sprite because the dev forgot that he aligned the sprites for the aboveground and underground goombas differently, so updating the sprite sheet can't fix that one.
Is it still so popular you never get into games with many Yea Forumsros or has it died down yet
Reminder to use Redirector (Einar Egilsson) instead of Switcheroo Plus. Switcheroo Plus is borderline broken and it's a small miracle the script for the current patch doesn't spontaneously combust.
Are there any Mario 3 resource packs?
How do I make custom sounds for this? Is there a list of filenames or something?
Last night was pretty good, about half as many total players as now and usually 6-7 Yea Forumsros per game on average, occasionally with a lot more. Now I'm just seeing 2-3 most of the time.
I find for the last fire bars you have to do the jump you did on the second set if you want to keep your powerup or if you have no power ups it's the safest way to do them
rip gamecubeblock
RIP my loli conisor
ya'll bad
>wow a bomb
You can say the same for the thousands of FPSs out there and say "WOW A GUN"
femanons were a mistake
>Sue mod
>player count is rising again
>becoming harder to see Yea Forumsros again
really hoping private lobbies or something similar are coming soon
What did Inferno use exactly to make this game?
Horsefuckers assemble
Based win with Eleanor.
this spritesheet is missing the falling goomba sprite, anybody can fix it real quick?
Are you brain dead?
Do you have no idea how video games work?
Also, he flat out gives you permission to mod the game on the image file for the textures: infernoplus.com
Please never post on Yea Forums again Reddit.
M-My first ever victory royale!
he made it over the course of 3 weeks in html5, according to his video
it is there, it's the 8-bit goomba, which you can just copy and paste one of the goombas on top of it. For some reason, inferno messed up apparently and it uses the wrong sprites.
its tampering with the game and should be banned. or allow other ways of tampering with the game as well.
Only the underground (blue) goomba has the wrong falling sprite, the aboveground ones look normal.
Fixed up my All Stars Sue and I think it looks a little better now, I haven't done the other forms yet and I don't know if I will, but at least I did something for once.
The underground goomba has other issues aswell. It looks like it was copypasted wrong into the spritesheet. Compare it to the above ground ones.
Hahaha don't you have other threads to be an autist in? You've been fishing for replies in threads for like two or three days now.
>be shadman
>have to walk to the pit
no need to give him a (you), it's prolly that one cheatnigger who claimed he got banned because of muh n-word or tyrone.
the sounds hurt my ears
Yeah, that's what I meant, they're laid out differently and inferno forgot to account for this in the code, so it attempts to read the sprites in the same 'shape' as the aboveground ones. That's why it uses the top half of the hammer bro sprite next to it, since that's where the falling sprite for the aboveground goomba is relative to the other goomba sprites.
Hey, inferno? I know you and the other people on your team browse these threads. (I at least, assume, that that one Pixel guy is on your team, and not just pretending to be) How big is your team? How many people do the graphics? Are you going to replace the shitty flamethrower-wielding, scaled-up by a toddler mushroom that is the bowser equivalent?
added both goombas, hammer bro and changed the castle fireballs back to normal because why not
how are you so inompetent that you find a way to make a super mario bros rip off lag
I've used HTML before ages ago. Tempts me to give game making a try.
Still can't get the sound to work, already cleared the browser cache. I think the github link is 404'd or something, does anyone have another link? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing one around the time all this dmca shit started.
Also, pic related is what my redirector settings look like
how are you so brazillian that you lag in super mario bros online
All-Star user the title scroll isn't getting replaced anymore
disable your adblocker/anti-crypto extensions for the game, since it intercepts the sound redirects.
not him but use infernoplus.com instead of the one with the www prefix. seems that he forgot to add the rulesets for the www ones.
ALMOST perfect
thanks nigga
5 is now one of the easiest levels to get #1. Usually I am the only one at 5 - 3 already.
For 1,2,3 you have to be quite fast.
Just posting Madotsuki here, in case if someone wants to.
Actually I figured it out, the background got changed to infernoplus.com
>hidden block on 6-3 when jumping on the second spring
surefire way to get myself killed
so? what elese would you use the spring for
nice but you cut off bowser
added to pastebin.com
Thanks for the mushroom Stop Masturbating, couldn't have done it without you
Is this the most efficient 2-1? Seems like it. I fucked up the beginning a bit, usually I take the upper path but it worked out.
>that sudden backwards bowser jump
RIP newfriend: 2010-2019
dejiko back in action
that's the path i typically do. often times it beats the vine without any obstruction occurring but sometimes it can be even depending on when a player climbs the vine. an easier thing to do is after the first pipe full jump onto the line of ? blocks and fall to bounce off a goomba then freely jump to the next pipe.
Yup, if you're using redirector you can change the 'include pattern' field to infernoplus.com
The asterisk will catch anything put after it so you won't have to change the url every update
it's faster and safer to hit the vine block and climb, even if you have to hit it yourself
Oh shit, I didn't notice it, thanks for fixing it tho.
Also, thanks for adding it to the sprite sheet list.
When I've tried to do custom redirected sprites, if I go to the png file directly the redirect works, but not in game. What am I doing wrong? Tried clearing the cache, no help.
what did he mean by this
Feels good to be two Yea Forumsros at the top.
>in first by a landslide
>lag spike hits
>framerate fucks off too
>walk into piranha plant like a moron as a result
hell yeah
haha imagine dying to a plant
You don't have to slow down after you do the goomba jump over the piranha, you'll just barely avoid falling in the hole, and if you do a full jump again from that point you'll land right on the parakoopa
Probably disable your adblock / anti cryptomining extensions for infernoplus's website. If you're not using the premade redirector scripts you may also have to include two versions of the redirect rule - one for infernoplus and one for infernoplus
running straight under the parakoopa while it hops is an alternative but i tend to hop too just out of habit
was for my bad
Is there any way to get DMCA Royale to work on Firefox? I noticed it has considerably smoother framerate for me than Chrome during the scrolling picture but it is blank and doesn't let me put my name in or anything.
are you allowing it to run?
>this is what's going on while I'm already on 6-3
I don't know. I tried giving it a bunch of permissions and what not but its still doing nothing.
rip klown
Is there actually a thousand people still playing this?
No one would be playing this game if it weren't originally SMB.
Intense race Klown, GG
I finally placed 1st after days of trying. But I only got it after becoming what I hated most. Was it worth it Yea Forums ? I say yes
indeed, thought I was gonna lose when I had to brake to not hit some fish but gg
forgot picture
I'll be off and on today as I'm baking up a metric fuckton of cookies. Hopefully I can still get in some runs with Yea Forumsros
FUCK I should study for university
What fetish did you win with user?
a masterpiece
can I use my ds4 to play this?
It's not recognizing it properly
Mine's working fine, try uninstalling from the devices panel and letting the drivers reinstall. Don't forget to rebind controls at main menu.
How do you swap the sprites? DMCA looks so bad
The guy literally put Yea Forums on a block in the title screen? What does this mean?
I updated the Pokemon one, Poke Girls next, or make an HQ version of this?
this is dogshit now.
Pokegirls, make your favorite
You could have it looking and sounding exactly the same as before in about 5 minutes if you weren't a sub 80 iq stinky nigger
this post is dogshit now
Sorry to those I killed in 2 - 1, I killed myself immediately after. Fuck stars
the chad top route Yea Forums players vs the virgin bottom route nameless
> I killed myself immediately after
but why?
What a weird glitch anons.
I don`t know how to explain it, but...
The game thinks i'm already playing and forgets to teleport me from the lobby to the level. So basically I'm stuck in the lobby while all the other players are playing normally.
hammer bros have laser accuracy
how 2 dodge
probably caused by the ugly spritesheet you're using
Why does nobody else ever reach the end the few times I don't die to stupid mistakes in the first two stages?
Good work, but it's a bit fucked up
Bottom route is the true chad route though.
>he waits for a bigchad to open up the route for him
>or he actually STOPS to grab a mushroom
Bottom route is pure speed. Sure you gotta pipe jump a bit but you aren't SLOW, are you?
fixing that imediately, ever since they changed it, it might be misaligned afew pixels.
So I'm using the all-stars pack, but I'd like to retain the public domain star music. In redirector I put in an exclusion for star.mp3, which works when I try the links directly but it still gets overwritten by the all-stars version in-game. What did I do wrong? Does it actually use a different filename during playback?
How similar does an mp3's filename have to be for music replacement to work?
Can I just use castle.mp3 or do I need to figure out a way to do /audio/music/castle.mp3?
just don't misalign your QPU
you dont even need the same filename, most people just do that for organization.
What do you mean by this
is there a pastebin that tells you how to add in sprites? my iq is low
Fellow laglets, I've discovered some useful tips.
This is a Java game, so general Java performance steps apply here:
-As a general tip, if you're on Firefox, test Chrome, it worked better for me overall
-Make sure your Java is updated, pic related I just got the latest version.
-Set the runtime parameters the same as pic related, changing '3GB' to whatever amount of RAM you want to allocate.
This helped me a ton, went from ~10 second delay at start of first level to almost none. Hope it helps others.
I'm a brainlet with this stuff, it's possible someone knows of better parameters to use
Good run, we were close most of the way.
Fitting for Madotsuki
Nice joke user!
>5 remaining at the exit of Lost-1
I think this is a new low
arm is starting to hurt from playing too much
Still more complicated than sprite replacement, though? Would this work?
A-Are you me? (´・ω・`)
I see a baj
I assume it'd work, no clue though. Give it a go!
holy shit this general is insanely slow now
Worked out a solution here. I just had to make an explicit rule that substitutes the original starman.mp3 with itself and put it at the top of the list, negating the rest of the rules' attempt to use the new version.
it was expected to be somewhat of a trend, so this isn't surprising.
Hope I can finish my sprites in time.
The game isn`t dying anymore.
It doesn't seem to, even after clearing cached images and files, although to be fair I usually don't hear any music playing post-DMCA anyhow.
>Finishing world 6 with Fire Flower and 3 lives
this game is so easy guys
forgot pics
why the fuck would you care about those numbers?
I hope he eventually changes the name, DMCA Royale sounds so dumb.
i don't actually.
i'm just telling it because i want to.
Yeah, i also hope they add private servers, team mode, and more levels of course.
just playing with only Yea Forums defeats a lot of the appeal IMO
I wonder if it's possible to have custom character sprites that every other user could view.
Fucking game reporters not doing any fucking research.
so you wanna play with literal braindead shitters like ?
Not right now but I really hope it's added at some point
I'm going to be miles ahead of them anyways, why do I care about last place?
Can I have WEBMs of early days of mario royale where a player kills other players with a star
Thanks Not a Hacker
Players can still kill other players with stars.
fug I'm late to the thread. If any competent spritefags are around, can you hack together an image for Mario's turning animation here? I can try to draw it but it'll probably look like shit.
Original sheet. Note that these aren't 16x32.
life is fleeting and we cannot take it for granted. Rip sue
I just learned that if a Cheep-Cheep is above a block, it can actually be bonked. Wish I wasn't such a brainlet and knew that earlier
Bro the guy who made Mario Royale posted a video advertising it himself on Youtube for the clicks. It was at 700k views last I checked, probably over a million now. He runs a "meme channel." Just play the game and ignore the faggots.
I'm a brainlet, after I click on edit redirects, do I create a new redirect? Do I import?
Where do I put everything.
Yeah, but that wouldn't kill the appeal if private servers were just a choice.
But still, i think that a team mode would be awesome.
import the text file you downloaded from pastebin
Sorry about taking 1st, Sprite Guy, thought you already jumped at the axe, oops
I purposefully gave you first, lol. GG
It worked thank you user
teams would defeat the purpose of the FFA battle royale.
I came up with this real quick, rotating the body of the ducking pose a bit.
Didn't see those other sprites though, there might be a better option in that. Sometimes frankensteining is the way.
>Cunnylingus doesn't take the 5-2 pipe
>don't see them when I come up
Did he change the URLs again? My All-Stars asset swap isn't working now.
>t. not gonna read through 400 replies sorry
i see now what you mean.
I just noticed "attempted to instance partially loaded file" upon reaching castle, does that mean anything for why music replacement doesn't seem to work with what I did?
No I just remember denko
Seems to be smb_map that's broken?
Nevermind I got it. It's infernoplus.com
last batch of cookies is in the oven
My smb_map swap loads in the preview but not in-game. What gives?
FINALLY got that EPIC Battle Royale I've always been longing.
You know who else liked water levels?
the swimming sprites are gone, so that's not happening.
Nevermind got it, had to remove www from some URLs.
make new ones duh.
Hitler did nothing wrong tho.
>fly through lost 1-1 like a shazbot out of hell
>accidentally jump one pixel too close to a plant in 1-2 in front of a Yea Forumsro
This one graphic in the All-Stars sheet seems to have trouble, not sure if I'm using an older version
here, use this one user:
>like a shazbot out of hell
Im using that, thanks. here's a song
haha loli cunny fell in a pit
lol that was me.
fucking moon jumpers
Post your BGM, anons
Mine: youtube.com
Finally got my first win after fucking up in the castle 8482927278492029 times.
watching gdq on my other monitor
Katamari music objectively improves your performance.
most of Domina soundtrack
That didn't fix this particular error, though I did need some castle tiles updated, so thanks!
Maybe the game reads the spritesheet wrong for this particular tile?
>everyone whiffing it on 6-4
Friendly advice: For the third set of firebars, cross it when they're both moving down, not up. If you try to cross while they're moving up you're almost guaranteed to eat Bowser's fire because you can't jump out of the way without hitting the firebar. If you cross it while going down, then there's room to jump.
What the fuck? What level is that? How the fuck does it use a bush sprite for that?
That's weird it's working for me, anyway you're welcome.
cookies are done
>if you start it as soon as the timer starts
You know you can just do an audio swap right? Download the video with JDownloader, convert the m4a to mp3, and upload. Or use some YoutubeToMP3 site. Note that Catbox can only seem to stream MP3s. Maybe some other pomf clone can stream wav.
please forgive me Bionicles
Meant to say Plus-4
Okay, This should fix the Misaligned issues, if this works, i will start working on the next set
It's not a level, it's a shortcut.
yeah i would, but there's no music during the timer.
Supreme Victory
>checking dev's twitter
>see this
fuck I haven't laughed this hard in a while
>steal mushroom
>immediately lose it to a koopa
>Not something better like Uno Makoto or Bosshi
>What is this?
But y'know, whatever, just pointing out IRRATIONALITY when I see it.
Good copypasta.
BASED and redpilled
welcome back bro
Does this work with Switcheroo?
>all these Yea Forums references
Nigga you guys are the ones who said that the dev's fucking retarded and he wouldn't do anything to stop you and now look where you are. Enjoy GBJ
Fuck off shit eating developer I will spam tranny porn in your twitter.
what shortcut is that? I almost never take them, except for vines.
RIP Nanachi
Could've had two buns on the podium
The pipe in 5-2, it's faster and way easier than trying to get past the hammer bros
imagine being this ass blasted
looks fine now, good job! now make your favorite pokegirl
First all Yea Forums podium of the day for me.
>Yes, I'm part of the Cunny Squad. How could you tell?
The lagging makes it impossible to play this
And I mean fps lag
For some reason this shitty browser runs awfully
>actually using such big brain carl benjamin tactics
the madman
works on my machine
try this shit
Ugly normal fag fuck off
here's something for you luigibros
Use this as your BGM.
Thanks, I'll try it.
The dev should release a standalone client. Hopefully with built-in graphical modding capabilities. And then publish it at Steam. This is the only way to make this game blow up and stay relevant for more than just one month.
Is the dev reading this thread? Probably since the game is full of Yea Forums references. Do it
Did they ever fix the godawful controller support?
thank you guys for the game, i will see you all friday!
He used to. Now i'm not even sure if he checks these threads anymore
I'm sure he does. You're here forever, after all.
>when you fuck up your jump and see 3 dudes lemming right after you
It's probably just pixel who reads these threads. Whether that's a good thing or not, I'll let you decide.
hello newfriend. nice trips, but on Yea Forums you don't need the "when you" that you wrote in your post. I promise we'll understand what you mean without it
What would you put here if you're trying to insert an mp3 from catbox?
>only 1000 players
fucking DEAD
sorry I couldn't join you, ralsei ;_;
>when you are an actual in real life virgin
Spoke too soon, I think fire mario is still a bit fucked up.
this entire site is brimming with virgins, autists and losers. normalfag insults have no power here
Have you read nothing in this topic? Use a browser extension to replace the sound and sprites in the game you retard.
why does fire mario take up 32x32 lmao
Well this looks like shit and im not playing it anymore, nigger faggot
Make a new rule for the individual mp3 tracks to replace, and disable that one.
I agree but which subhuman CPU do you have?
it's already time for bed young one.
>game had thousands
>now down to 500-900 on average
dead game
I wish I was a teenager again
>cheatniggers still seething
reset your router lmao
it was only 2000+ for about a day or so 1000+ is the average
It's at 1000 now you idiot. It was at 600 yesterday. Now that he's added some real graphics people are coming back.
No way I can draw tiny Scrooges without it looking terrible. Can someone else do that?
you best be postin that cat mario spritesheet, son
>try to jump up on final platform to chill with Gives You First Place
the lower the better. higher chance to bump into Yea Forums users
>find someone else using Cute and Funny as a username
>he doesnt make it to the end
>game had like 100 when I first played
>had 1000 today
live game
DMCA 1-1 is aids
oh fuck he changed one of the lost 1-1 regular mushrooms to poison
>over 1800 people online now
there was no one in sight by the time i spawned in plus-2 what happened
bro they are all so bad I just watched 50 people get stuck on the first pipe on 1-1 like a big group
WTF happened? Is a big streamer streaming this game? Did Dunkey make a YouTube video? This isn't normal.
Is there any reason why most of the time i cant go down pipes?
Could be the dev just fucking with the retards in this thread.
So I just got to the end for the first time and nothing is happening. Been waiting at one of the victory platforms for about 3 minutes.
Gimme a quick rundown on adding textures. And what are the odds of this faggot porting this to steam.
I see a Mexican with 101,000 subscribers made a video 45 minutes ago, but this just happened 5 minutes ago.
mate I swear half these players are bots right now they are take a second to move
you have to refresh
Nah the game is legit full of newfags who have never played.
6th reply in the thread, also none because even if he's changed the graphics he's treading thin fucking ice with the stolen levels, porting to an actual monetising platform isn't going to help
>fewer and fewer Yea Forumsros with all the normies
what the fuck is going on with the fire mario sprites
But where did the 900 extra people come from? It was hovering around 1000 consistently for hours before this.
Oh, I see what happened, a huge Portugeuse streamer is streaming.
>almost 1900 people playing
>2-3 of us in a lobby if I'm lucky
I just wanna race with you guys
oh fuck its the br's not bots its happening boys the Brazilians have showed up
Or is he Brazlian, I dunno.
Are you sure? Wouldn't that not count my win?
the only one that's actually copyrighted is 1-1
Fuck, Brazilians are the worst gamers on the face of the Earth.
Gj on the win!
nope, it counts
The Brazil fags have taken over: Let's troll them.
>tfw 2 extra lives going into 2-3
no one else even made it to 2-4.
I just hit refresh and it didn't. That's kinda sad. At least I got a pic.
do we still raid streams ?
get fucced bois
Not the stream dumbass, join their lobby and change your name to Fuck Brazil or something.
you only win if you're #1 retard
>at 3-4 with gives you first place
>die to bowser
Oh so that's why I'm the only player left by the end of stage 2 most times now. Why are Brazilians so fucking inept at literally everything?
Brazil's squad name is "cel" in the game.
That's what i meant dingus
people generally aren't very good at this game in the first place and the brazilians aren't helping
even in games with a lot of Yea Forums players i almost never see them on the podium
I wanna make an HTML5 game like this but I hate javascript, what are my options?
>didn't even win
only 1st place counts as a win, friendo
Can someone copy-paste this to their gay discord:
Dev if you're reading this can you add fireflowers and mushrooms to the lobby so people can quickly test out sprite edits in-game?
Oh, oops. Still happy that I made it.
don't know if anyone has done it before besides me a few times but if you're fast enough you can skip the second piranha plant having no need to wait in lost-2. this depends on how you do in lost-1 too of course.
>got extra life, completely forgot
>went idle after death waiting for the game to reload
>tab back in, sitting in 1-1 all alone
Maybe make him change into one of the nephews? I know it wouldn't make sense at all but at least it isn't like Scrooge's floating hat or something
feel free to migrate
>tfw you realize the best way to win is by literally waiting for everyone to go ahead and die
5 in a row but just taking my time.