Adventure man BAD
Adventure man BAD
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post an actual screenshot and not a drawing
So we're all in agreement genshin is either getting shilled, or it has a singular extremely dedicated autist who keeps spamming it then?
delete this
The OP is always shitty bait without trying to get any real discussion. Either retarded false flaggers or people want an excuses to have threads where they can shit on chinks.
>chink shit mobile game blows Botw visuals out of the water
The Switch is a god damn disgrace
this game has so much more soul than botw
botw is just a grey blob
fuck that anime character shit but the world itself looks better
We’re legit getting shilled they’ve already paid off the mods to ignore their threads.
That said I don’t play chink shit and never will
what game
It's Nintendogaf protestors, and I hope they continue. Fuck your shitty bing tablet and brand loyalty. Fuck Snoy too for censoring everything and fuck PCheater autists for ruining every fucking fanbase in existence ever since Dark Souls. Xbox doesn't even exist. You're all a bunch of worthless cunts.
what's this game called so I can look up some stuff?
Can't wait for this game to be GotY2019, guys
Why are chink shills so dumb?
the only thing wrong with Botw is the washed out colours during day time
if they stuck with the vibrant colours from the first reveal teaser, it would be fine even with the obviously downgraded grass and overall details
nvm it's some trash chinese mobile game
art direction is more important than graphics. BotW still looks better.
>phone game
The people who say this chinkshit looks better than BotW literally don't know anything about visuals. The chinkshit game even lacks things as basic as self-shadowing which BotW has.
You retards all just look at visuals on such a surface level, it's fucking pathetic.
Probably will be downgraded
>Muh Nintendogaf
How much longer do you think you can keep this up?
I'm not 100% on its being shilled, purely because we've had so many dedicated autists starting bait threads to generate discussion about games in the past. The fact that it's a Chinese free to play game makes me suspicious though, moreso (for example) than that guy who would regularly post FFXV vs. Xenoblade threads
This is just Botw with a little more saturation. Get the hell outta here.
It just went into closed beta and has a bit of profile from being a shameless rip off of botw but on mobile somehow. Is it really surprising it's coming up on a video games board? On top of that it generates instant thermonuclear butthurt, so anyone fishing for (You)s has a good reason too.
>Still shilling this chink gacha shit
>will get over 500 replies
I hate this board so much
Is this supposed to look good?
It looks like fucking Dauntless.
>snoyniggers are so genuinely butthurt at botw existing and being perfect they've resorted to shilling dogshit chinese mobile games
my fucking sides
>counter-shilling Pointless in a chinkshit thread
a bold strategy
that shot does look way better than botw looks but the actual game looks very shit
seething nintentoddler
But can you climb that mountain?
enjoy your bootleg games Chang
All shills are role playing
Shameless everything rips off every aspect of breath of the wild.
I didn't like botw, but I like this one because it has anime girls.
I hate you guys so much.
Imagine being this stupid
Two weeks later and Yea Forums is still seething.
>they are even making rip offs of BoTW's memes
can't make this shit up dear lord
it's not as effective
the botw version of this meme worked because the people who cried about it brought up the game constantly on their own accord
for genshin impact you need the dedicated shills to constantly make threads for people to even acknowledge it's existence
Spam Tank Man pasta and if the thread dies immediately then chink shills were behind it.
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>epic anime girl with lots of bright particle effects
>he thinks BotW made that meme
Dumb nintendonewfag
>Breath of the Wild has lived in your head rent free for two and a half years
That pic doesn't work when nobody is complaining, we're laughing at Yea Forums for finally getting BOTW that they shitposted about for 2 years and they still feel the need to compare it to BOTW
>anime twinks good
>anime boobs bad
nah the botw version actually changed the image around a bit
what you posted is a literal by the definition rip-off, just like your chink game
>missing the crossed out days/hours counter
nice deflection, now cope
>anything Chinks make
thats implying they literally have a soul instead of being mindless government drones
This picture is going to get as much use as the god of war version.
>my rip off is better than yours!
wait did they just rip of Zeke from XB2 too?
I mean that's literally what this thread is about
Im assuming the fog is used because the switch can't render shit properly at long distance. Also as someone from the south I physically shudder at the BotW fog because it looks like horrible southern humidity
Wow, so this is the power of anti-BoTW/pro-China shills......
how cringe....
You are correct. Breath of the Wild has terrible pop in issues.
>not liking BotW makes you a chink
The absolute state of nintendo cock suckers.
They already reported my Tank Man pasta and had it removed. This thread is confirmed made by seething chinks.
I mean you are shilling a chink gacha game sooo
tiananmen square
Pointing out how some chink rip off looks better than BotW doesn't mean i'm shilling it.
shit of the wild is one of the worst Zelda games, if not the worst.
so he's shilling a nintendo game?
try again powerless mutt lmao
You clearly haven't played a lot of zelda then
>a submissive chink making butt plugs for pennies a day calling other people powerless
The irony
Looks good, but they should rip off the minimalistic HUD too.