Why don't people like the style of the remake?
I think it's cute.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Because it's trash. Literally LoZ: Bob the Builder. Nintendo has always made games that are accessible to young audiences but they've gradually turned into an electronic wing of fisher price in the infantilization of their games.
Yeah but if it's cute, it's cute no matter the demographic. I really like it a lot. I might just play it because of the remake.
because it says nintendo on the box
because its only not okay when nintendo does it
They're going for a crude diorama look. Frankly, I'm sick of the meme that a game which never tries to look good in the first place should somehow get a pass for looking like shit. Wind Waker's graphics have been coasting on "they're supposed to be terrible" for 15 years now.
I don't have a problem with.
I do find the it funny, Oh no my all ages franchise is using art style that I think is for kids. Look when you get older and become an adult you start to appreciate things as they are and things you don't have to prove your a grown up or mature. You can just enjoy things.
It's on a case not a box
the hate, i find it funny. I'm not dyslexic I'm just stupid for never proofreading anything before I post it.
I like it, but at the same time, I would have preferred a higher resolution version of Link Between Worlds.
>"I think it's cute."
If you are an adult male, please consider hanging.
Im exhausted from so many nintendo games having the toy art style, we have nu-paper mario and epic yarn shit for that
I understand that the Original LA was chibi, but I dont like how everything looks like plastic. as long as its not $60 dollars, who really gives a fuck?
I am not playing an old game I can emulate for 60 bucks
it looks like a stupid funko pop looking remake where the focus is on being retro somehow without anything being retro
Explain how FE, metroid prime, sin and punishment and XC2 are accessible to younger audiences?
And you sound like a teenager. "I only play mature and sick dark games for mature players such as myself"
It's okay, when you reach 20> you'll grow out of the need to show everybody about how mature you are.
Meh, the depth of field blurry shit is a big yikes and I'm just not a fan
Speculars too strong. If they toned it down or removed them it would look fantastic.
>as long as its not $60 dollars, who really gives a fuck?
heterosexual men like CUTE things
this might be more up your alley
>one cent under
Phew, that was a close one. Almost couldn't justify buying it.
This reminds me a lot of people sperging out about Wind Wakers art style back in the early 2000s
looks literally worse than the original with this soulless fortnite artstyle
smartphone fortnite + bright plastic
nintendo is infected by the bright cancer
I was just coming here to say this too. it's the same criticisms as well
>It looks like it's for kids!
it looks like it's made out of cheap, shitty plastic. it's fucking ugly and bland as hell to me.
wind waker doesn't look like a literal play set while this looks like a literal play set
but either way this is a fucking stupid remake
It looks fine on its own terms, but I don't think it really benefits Link's Awakening or makes much sense with the game's premise. If it were attached to a new Zelda game I'd still probably find it a little bland, but I'd probably appreciate it a lot more. Remakes are cancer.
Because I'm straight.
Wind Waker doesn't look terrible, though.
think the art has a certain charm to it but characters and most importantly link don't look right imo
>Wind Waker doesn't look terrible, though.
To each their own then, I fucking hated the art style of WW when it came out, and I was a kid then.
They made it look like Playmobil... And idk, why is the game so slavish to the design of the original game? It's literally tile for tile the same
And god forbid you criticize the art style of this game or the Wind Waker hobos all come out of the walls screaming about how people are ragging on this game like they ragged on Wind Waker.
The difference is that Wind Waker looked good and this looks like Funko Pop, Jeff Gerstmann.
it looks fine. redditards just hate 2d zelda and want every zelda game to be a boring empty sandbox like botw.
you say while nintendo remakes a fucking old ass zelda game when they could make a new topdown zelda if they wanted to
>Wind Waker looked good
wind waker is one of the ugliest games nintendo's ever made. i will never understand how the zelda fanbase collectively flip-flopped from shitting on "celda" to praising that hideous artstyle.
Based C.S. Lewis
Link Between Worlds looked great and had expressive characters, and it ran at 60fps on the 3DS. This game looks like the inside of a Gamestop and despite only being 3 months out chugs like it was an N64 game.
That's some premium shit taste right here sir
I bet you were one of the people who literally cried when Nintendo announced Twilight Princess. "Finally, my edgy Master Chief Zelda".
Because all the hate was a temporary fit because just a short time before the reveal they had showed off the realistic looking fight between Link and Ganondorf in Tokyo Game SHow, or whatever it was.
When people actually calmed down, they realised the style had a lot of positives.
He was also a kiddie diddlers, so there' s that.
You still sound like a kid.
Because people like to hate on everything.
Gamers with nostalgia goggles in special.
Any remake would be shittied upon regardless of the route they decided to go with it.
faggots love twinks you delusional retard
"Goddamn why can't Legend of Zelda be more like Mortal Kombat, I hate my parents"
the switch has trash hardware that runs pretty much every game like shit and people need to finally admit that. it's not an issue with "muh optimization," because even nintendo themselves have trouble getting games to perform acceptably on it.
twilight princess was ugly too. that game made the average mid-2000s dudebro fps look colorful by comparison.
as far as 3d zeldas go, skyward shit has had the best artstyle so far, but it's wasted on a terrible game.
I like the style but I don't think it fits LA and I would've preferred an original game using it instead of a remake
orly? who's the target audience of that then? women?
Or at least a re-imagining of it, like the same premise but not literally the exact same island, with the exact same puzzles.
Are you suggesting that the remake is infantilized compared to this? Maybe it is, but it's a pretty marginal change. These games are for children. I can't imagine having a strong enough feeling on this to say it's "trash" because it's infantilized compared to the original. The games you like are for children (or adult-children) and then you're shocked that their art style clearly demonstrates just that. Grow up and consume some media for adults instead, it's not like they're infantilizing "Crime and Punishment" or "One Hundred Years of Solitude". Calling it "Trash", fuck, it's as pathetic as complaining about a Transformers toy for being more kiddy than one in the 80s, it's still a fucking Transformers toy.
It's not that the style is cutesy it's that they took all the soul out of the characters. It's especially harrowing when comparing it to the photos you can take in the DX version.
you mean the photos that make the characters look like chibi dolls, just like they do in the remake?
But they don't though? Chibis don't have black soulless eyes and hollow smiles.
The photos were a separate art style from the main gameplay, as well as compared to the intro cutscene. It's not really a fair comparison.
Kind of want ages/seasons with these assets.
But they do show what could've been. They had so much freedom in what they could extrapolate from this 160x144 screen and they chose to have Link's eyes be black spots because that's how it is originally? It's incredibly stunted and lazy. Even on the DS did they manage to have Link be expressive.
The world was minutiously designed to be explored through screen by screen room transitions. If they wanted a camera that follows the character they shouldnt have made a 1:1 conversion of the world but reimagine it entirely to better fit the new conventions.
Alas this is just a lazy cash grab with little regard for anything but making money by eviscerating a game that was already fully realized.
Kek you sound like a seething assmad baby. I can't wait to watch you sperg-out when the game gets released to rave reviews.
This is the biggest crime of this game, and it's compounded by it being 60 dollars. The fact that they also made it look really boring is bad but they absolutely should have redone the map and dungeons from scratch, it looks so terrible with the free transitionless movement, even though they tried to smooth out some areas you can 100% tell the Z80 roots.
Its kind of incredible what they were able to accomplish on a fucking gameboy. It pains me that Link to the past is still considered the best 2d zelda when links awakening is ridiculously superior.
better story
better aesthetics
and most importantly way better gameplay and level design
I'll maybe grant you the aesthetics and story but Link's Awakening not having diagonals and having that lame ass sword swing does it no favors. Also with only two buttons you are constantly having to open the start menu to swap out items, at least the Switch remake should make this better by letting you assign items to the X and Y keys.
>a game that 100% rips the gameplay design in its entirety of an already critically acclaimed game gets released to rave reviews.
what a shocker. all the devs did was give it a fresh coat of paint
I'm getting tired of remakes that just copy the original games limitations instead of remaking the vision of the original game
this game has no reason it should be 1:1 gridshit
I'm tired of Nintendo only doing cutesy art styles in everything
Hell yesterday was the 1st time in my life I went on a merry go round because from 4 to 22 I thought Pretty pink horses were fucking stupid.
My girlfriend wanted to hold hands while we go on it, at 1st I resisted but she dragged me along.
Actually wasn’t that bad.
Ridiculous sure but it was romantic and pretty fun
The much improved dungeon design more than makes up for those flaws. I respect how much LA and ocarina of time owe to link to the past but looking back at its dungeons their design is... not great.
Damn straight
Plus being mature fucking sucks
I have to be mature 90% of the damn day Why would I bother being mature in my free time? I’ve had enough of maturity
They did, it's called Cadence of Hyrule.
Link's Awakening is hampered down by the technical limitations of the Game Boy (swapping between items being the most obvious issue). There are aspects of it that are better than ALTTP, I agree, but in terms of overall quality, I'd still say ALTTP is superior.
>better story
This is so true, though. I hate that Koizumi was never given the reigns to a full Zelda game - LA and MM are the stand-out titles when it comes to story in Zelda, and both were written by him. Seeing what he wanted to do with Galaxy and managed to sneak in with Rosalina's storybook, he seems passionate about narratives that touch or resonate with players - it's a bit of a shame that he's saddled with the one Nintendo franchise that an even somewhat complex plot is an absolute no-go on (even though his 3D Mario's are still fantastic).
what about people who are mature by nature
>the tree goes over and above the wall
It makes them self-aware that they are playing with a children's toy.
>all the devs did was give it a fresh coat of paint
Nope. But please cry more and stay ass mad about a game you'll never play on a system you don't own.
I typically call them no fun having faggots.
How do you know? Does your uncle work at Nintendo?
okay but in reality they might enjoy life outside of toys
Then they can fuck off outta video games they don't like then.
LMFAO tell me all about your 'mature video games' L O L
nah people can say whatever they want about anything they want and people are free to reply or ignore as they want
Ok, doesn't make you less of a loser to complain about video games you don't care about because of their "lack of maturity" though.
Did you get your pre-order Yea Forums?
I missed out.
I don't know who you are
dont act like 95% of the game design wasnt already laid out for them. all they had to do was copy it
they just added a basic dungeon maker, fixed control limitations like the item management, oh and you can eat apples now, I guess
>Retarded blurry borders
>Ruined the camera angles
That's pretty much all I hate about it.
Depends on what it does in the game.
I missed out too, might try getting it later if it's something cool
>Tfw my favorite Zelda game is considered shit by modern zelda fans & it'll never be ruined by a remake
It feels great.
I only really dislike the human character models
The underageb& hurts. This nigger thinks it's Bob the builder instead of Rudolf.
Don't act like you saw that Rudolf shit in the 60's dickhead.
>Make new game
>make new game like the old games
>Make new game out of the old game but with different artstyle
You assume all those REEers are the same person, which is retarded.
because the Gamecube babbies grew up and are the majority on 4channel.
How the fuck you go from Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle Series, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask to that shit? Man, the effects of shitty Celda can still be felt today.
Worse that they carried that same shitty artstyle as long as the Gameboy to the 3DS.
They show it every year around christmas you dumb zoomer.
>yfw the kids who grew up with every game being brown or grey will soon be nostalgic for that style
And thus it's hardly an indicator of age boychik.
If it does get a remake, it'll probably be a fully 3D game rather than a side scrolling game with a top down world map.
>WW looks like a kids game
>No idiot, LA looks like a kids game, stop being such a kid
You people are retarded.
I like it. I also think this style would look good for Earthbound/Mother. Stay salty.
this threads a lot more negative than the last one. I guess all of Yea Forums's posters are up now
Inte Creates has expressed interest in a remake.
Yea Forums is populated by entitled mentally ill tweens who have no grasp on their irrelevance. They shitpost autistically for months on end and then are baffled when the game gets released to glowing reviews and high sales.
You sure sound like a kid if that's what you managed to read out of those posts you linked.
The world was designed on a grid and now that there are no screen transitions its really jarring to see things that were placed to be seen as separate room walls all piled up together
its honestly a bit sad that kids will perceive this soulless cash grab to be "the definitive version" of links awakening. I would go as far as to say its disrespectful to the original game
Says man posting on Yea Forums.
Should've looked like cadence of hyrule
>dungeon entrance is no longer a face
My hope is that since they made these little photos more detailed than the ingame toons, that this time around they're these super detailed realistic photos similarly in a completely different style.
I like the look of the game though, it's cutesy but stays true to its source material.
It's like the stupid renaissance sculptors who imitated the faded statues they saw assuming that they were always white, when in fact those sculptures would've been brightly painted.
In the same way this remake misunderstands why the original game looked like it did and painstakingly recreates it even though it is to a detriment.
are the photos even confirmed to be on the remake? I thought that since the photographer house was replaced by dampe's dungeon maker that feature was removed?
Yes, I admit, its an embarrassment coming to this board.
actually looks better without colour
They said something about how they kept everything from the DX version.
>And idk, why is the game so slavish to the design of the original game? It's literally tile for tile the same
probably because most people actually love the original game and think any substantial changes to its world design would be a downgrade.
i'd rather see it reimagined than remade.
The level design wouldn't fly on a modern game.
That way the original would still be its distinct unique version.
Its kind of disgusting how much the gaming community eats up remakes.
Stop supporting these projects, every time you buy one of these atrocities you're directly responsible for encouraging more to be made.
Tell me why remakes are bad? Its completely acceptable and vaild in all other entertainment mediums.
One of the best games I've played this year was REmake 2. So tell me why remakes are bad?
I don't know why you would ever assume that Japanese developers care about some art made for an American magazine that they never read would ever care about your ideas of how the game looked in your mind.
pictured: americans getting tricked into thinking Nintendo wouldn't bimbofy Samus.
No eyes, no soul
i think its fucking cheap and made to sell amiibos
To this day we haven't gotten another Zelda that looks as good as Twilight Princess, and by the looks of it we never will.
wind waker's artstyle was a clear downgrade over the artstyle seen in OoT and MM
Haha imagine how stinky her feet get in that suit LOL
Generally I agree with this but Zelda remakes are the exception for me. I want ALL the Zeldas remade over and over with different risky experimental changes and improvements made each time. I can never get enough Zelda.
Besides, Grezzo tried making their own original IP before and it sucked. They may as well just be used as the full time remake machine while the real Zelda devs work on the new games.
The art style of the N64 games was because the machine sucked too much to do anything else.
Rather than use the power of new consoles to make interesting graphics, they just stick to gimmicks like "it's claymation", "it's fabric" and now we have some weird plasticy thing going on.
It's basically the philosophy of Okami, a game is at least 10+ years old, but executed in the laziest and ugliest way.
Someone please Nintendo to stop with the shitty arts and crafts and start focusing on good illustration and nice unified art styles that aren't pastiches of "real" things.
RE2 was pretty good though
>OoT 3ds
shit remake that censored the game and ruined the atmosphere
>MM 3ds
shit remake that broke the game and ruined the atmosphere
It'll be the music that'll decide whether this is a soulful remake or not.
Talking of negative, only 5 keys ? Am I retarded, perhaps, but if I recall correctly, there were 8 keys (1 per dungeon) ?
- zero authenticity and artistic integrity
- encourages the original to be overwritten by the remake in the perception of the general public
- allocates resources that could have instead been used to materialize fresh and original ideas
- recycling things ad nauseum that have already been fully realized by people far more brilliant than the "talent" that is assigned to create*** the remake
***rip off everything about the original while "adapting" it to the sensibilities of the current audience while inevitably missing out on it's nuances
It astounds me that old developers had to struggle to pack their visions and intended atmosphere into hardware that just couldn't realise it. Despite this, they still tried their best to convey something.
Now, with technology that could achieve that goal, it's coupled with cheap commercialization and now all those creators and visionaries are turfed out by marketers and committees.
It's so unbelievably sad.
Nope, 5 is correct.
It's fine. What's not fine is the $60 price tag.
don't give me hope
That art isn't made by the developers though, it's from Nintendo Power, and back then they'd commision art to help and try to Liefeld up Japanese games that they deemed too cute for the American market.
Why does Link have a can of Skub in his key items?
Based boomer. The artstyle looks fine to me aside from that godawful DOF effect. I may eventually play it on Yuzu with a mod to remove it
Meanwhile, the actual Japanese art...
My only issue is that its just a 1:1 port of a Gameboy game with a new coat of paint.
what items are in that picture for ants
Except wind waker looks good and has soul
This is wind waker hd levels of soulless
call me pretentious if you want but you're 100% right
It has a new build-your-own dungeon minigame though.
>Moving the goalpost
zoom zoom
>"they're supposed to be terrible"
What? Wind Waker is certainly not "supposed to be terrible." It's probably the best looking Zelda game.
Tail cave key, angler's cave key, face key, castle key, tower key. Zoomer.
Must feel bad to not have money to buy things
I want to grab marin, lift her, and shove the entire toy up my ass.
why would a remake not be 1:1? if you change how the world is laid out it's no longer a remake
>It's a 1:1 remake
>But it's not
I don't like the pricetag. 60€ is way too much for a remake of a Gameboy game imo.
then it should have proper room to room screen transitions
Holy shit does that right statue look like ass. looks like Zuckerberg.
>Parts of the map suggested through scribbles before you reveal them
not according to the sales of Let's Go. sounds like you're the one that doesn't have an accurate price assessment of the value of Gameboy game remakes.
Not enough, it needed at least 4 new dungeons or a new island, or a new things to collect.
Don't get me wrong, Link's Awakening is my favorite game in the series, but it's size worked on the game boy because it was a tightly packed experience.
You throw the game into a remake and now it's going to look massively undersized in comparison. It needs more meat. More than a tacked on dungeon maker.
fucking snob
But Let's Go has the power of KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's also had a price drop since.
the tower should be more rounded based on the shading in the original, either a full circle or an octagon at best, not a square with rounded edges
Yeah ok, you go ahead and enjoy the Peter Sellers version of Casino Royale bub. Enjoy that artistic integrity. Have fun with PSX Resident Evil 2 while you're at it.
That may be the case, but still I'll rather wait for a price drop. Let's Go is 30-40€ which is an acceptable price I think.
I don't really care about the art, I mean the intents of the developers.
They likely had all these big dreams and could fantasise what advanced graphics and resources would make.
We've been at that point where anything is impossible and there's never been a bigger drought in creativity. You end up stuck relying on AA devs like From and Indies to get a scrap of that ambitious drive, and even then they're constrained by technological limits.
I miss boomer dad Jericho, I like what he's doing now but middle aged metalhead just isnt as good of a look.
Give me one game that gets hate for having this style?
So won't all the Zelda fans from BotW expect similar enemy diversity when they crack open BotW2 after playing Link's Awakening Switch
too bad nerd. bright colors were the original intent.
Would be really nice, but won't happen at all. Botw fans are casuals and don't wanna learn patterns. They already running away from regular mobs
>Those bomb arrows
What the fuck?
Post vid of her singing
Can't you only run from combat in the first section before you reclaim your sword
Because even A Link Between Worlds, an ugly semi-rehash of A Link to the Past with chibi models craning their backs up at you on a 240p handheld, looks 10x times better than this stupid shit Grezzo shat out, because it has a consistent artstyle that doesn't give me secondhand embarrassment as an adult. Imagine playing this fucking shit in public and some guy looks over and sees you playing this cutesy Funko Pop crap as you make Link spin attack and he does that new autistic chirpy "HYAAAEH!" sound effect like a stuffy nosed pixie. It's fucking embarassing. Grezzo is only good at 2 things: Making garbage remakes that sucks the soul out of the originals (Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D and Luigi's Mansion), and cutesy shit like Ever Oasis. I mean, at least Ever Oasis was a brand new IP and not yet another classic Nintendo title dredged up from the past because Nintendo is so fucking lazy and greedy that they'd rather resell a 2 hour Game Boy game for $60 dollars instead of putting in the effort to make a new 2D Zelda. Considering the rehash status of A Link Between Worlds, one could not count that to leave you hanging for fucking YEARS without a new 2D Zelda. Instead you get this diorama toy shit with blur surrounding the screen and houses floating in the void. It's pretty obvious this was supposed to be a 3DS game but the allure of selling this for double the price to gullible hedonistic Nintendo fans was too good to pass up.
an item interaction from the first game. I hope there's more interactions but I doubt there will be
two retarded cunts
>People will accept a near 1:1 recreation of a Game Boy game for 60 dollars while other remakes are less than 40 because NINTENDOOOOOOOO
Why does Yea Forums like this game again? Let's Go didn't get the same warm reception despite having the same issues.
From this
Middle aged metalhead is a necessary wrestling staple, ubiquitous for decades.
I'm not paying $60 for a Link's Awakening remake, I'm paying $60 for a Link's Awakening remake with a Zelda dungeon maker included.
I know about bomb arrows, but their design used to be an arrow with a bomb in front. Now they're a bomb with an arrowhead in front and I think it just looks weird.
>t. Insecure closeted homosexual
Low standards and contrarianism. Who gives a shit about the egregious pricing point when you're fucking starving for games and have no self-control? The same shit happened during the Wii U dark ages. People on Yea Forums were legitimately defending trash like Star Fox Zero and Paper Mario: Color Splash. There is no pause for critical thought, just consume.
Yeah the dungeon maker seems like it could be pretty dope. Will you be able to share them with others?
Except Nintendo didn’t make that
I was ten when it came out and didn’t like the art style at first but I got used to it. What made me drop it was the stupid fucking triforce hunt anyways.
The remastered version looks way better anyways.
Yeah. I'm hoping that if it does well we could see a full fledged Zelda Maker.
Fuck yes boys
But I'm a Switch user and there are plenty of games to be hyped about, like Mario Maker 2, Dragon Quest Builders 2, and Luigi's Mansion 3. People readily shit on LGPE when it shared the same year as Smash, why does this game get an exception?
It's funny every time when someone makes fun of casuals, they turn out to be even worse than who they mock.
I believe that's Secret Medicine and it's lotion rather in a bottle so you know to put it on the skin rather than pour it down your gullet
Im 100% sure that had that feature not been announced you would still be fully committed to buying it
>$60 for a remake of a game I've played 20 times
Have fun buying things.
Oh that's right, Crazy Tracy rubs it on you.
That's kinda hot.
I was committed from the start since I've never played a top down Zelda
Thats why its lame that someone as cool as jericho now has a more generic wrestler look. I miss his short hair and lightup jacket. Oh well its jericho, I'm sure in a year or two he will remake himself again.
The Evil Eagle should be pink too. When they're trying so hard to make a literal interpretation of the graphics, they shouldn't miss out on the little details. At least the Goombas now look like they should though.
you could be playing the true authentic version right now, for free
Cute things are garbage.
Link looks like a tash funko pop
then what the fuck are you even waiting for faggot? you can emulate it this very moment
yeah, I'm getting a local one to use and a jp one for my collection
Get ALBW then, it's great and I think it goes for pretty cheap these days
Nah, when I heard it was being remade I went and played the DX version and didn't think it needed a remake. Then I saw the art style and didn't like it. Then I heard it had the dungeon builder and figured I'd give it a try. I still think $60 is too high, but I'm hoping the dungeon builder will be worth it.
>gradually turned into an electronic wing of fisher price in the infantilization of their games.
Anons, study this. A case study on how to knee cap your own points and look unintelligible.
It's already considered soulful.
Only thing to do now is play the waiting game
Exactly. You have all these great games yet you decide to waste money on the gane that can be emulated on a calculator. Good for you.
And by the way, the first 2 quarters of 2019 have been empty as fuck. That is the "starvation" I am referring to. It happened just like in 2018 with a dry spell until the fall. Switch owners are desperate and buy ports and remakes endlessly because they love playing shit on the go constantly.
I dunno, the sprite in DX when it's in the same position looks far close to what they've got in this remake. Still missing some Pink on the underbelly, though, which is weird.
I just did 12 hours overtime at 2x pay, made myself an extra 360$ on top of 1.2/1.3k I make a pay take home. I'll still never justify spending these prices on videogames, expecially for a remake.
>Magnifying Glass
>Magic Rod
What's missing?
Flippers and magnifying glass are auto equipped items. There are also bottles added to the game.
It's jealousy really. Nintendo are in the position to make all different kids of Zelda games , from open world to top down. They can do Botw 2 AND Top down Zelda? At the same time? That's unheard of
Meanwhile other developers can only choose one style and are left struggling , trying to bring their IP to the next level.
wow whole $360 for 12 hours of overtime.
Except you leave out the fact that they outsourced the 2D Zelda to a low tier dev in Grezzo, and a remake at that. If Nintendo themselves made it it would take far longer and have more care put into it, but they are not in the business of doing original shit anymore unless its a rehash, remake or port. Maybe if the 2D Zelda wasnt a remake your point would hold up stronger, but it doesnt.
what makes you think those items are auto equipped even if they are they'd still be in the same area as other items that aren't permanently equipped. Don't why the trading items are permanently equipped but I guess it saves time opening your inventory to get them out when you trade
That does it. Now what goes in the remaining permanently equipped item spot
>we could've had beautiful, water colour-esque visuals
>instead we get stuck with a shitty plastic playset
i fucking hate this timeline. i was really hoping it was going to be in the style similar to the trailer intro, and then they threw that godawful shit at us instead. fucking hideous.
The flippers will go next to the boots and the magnifying glass will eventually replace the stick. Also if it's like the original, you won't be able to have the boomerang and the shovel at the same time.
oh shut up, you little faggot. both this and botw look like complete shit for different reasons
If this was a $20 downloadable title I wouldn't care, but for $60 they can fuck off
Well yeah, if that's what they're going for it should be tinted pink instead of pure white.
>fucking hideous.
I think its very pretty and charming. But thats just me.
The animated intro is the "real" world. The stuff we see in game is a dream.
so there's 2 spaces with the Magnifying Glass and Flippers being auto equips. Are there going to be 3 bottles in the game for fairies. Why even have Fairy bottles when you have skub
>$60 for a part for part remake of a HANDHELD game
>Terrible, sterilized artstyle devoid of detail
>resolution docked is barely breaking 720p
>frame rate dips between 60-30 constantly
Tbh, this game is seeming like it was probably originally developed for the 3DS before they were forced to put it on the Switch. Doesn't look promising and only a retard pays full price for a remake that doesn't bother to change anything other than the art style.
Because, you retarded skubfag, skub is disgusting and causes cancer.
Windwakers artstyle is almost perfect. There is no other game besides windwaker that doesnt age.
I like bearish guys. Am I not a faggot, then?
>only a retard pays full price for a remake that doesn't bother to change anything other than the art style.
Another assmad retard, seething about a game he knows nothing about, which he'll never play, on a system he doesn't even own.
>>Terrible, sterilized artstyle devoid of detail
I think there's plenty of detail in the artstyle. Characters have been shown to be quite expressive from the footage we've seen. I agree with the rest, I'd only pick this up pre-owned or if it by some miracle saw a price-cut.
What? What is he wrong about though? You're the assmad retard here. We know everything there is to know. The game is a carbon copy remake. The only difference is the art style. Or are you going to suggest that the dungeon maker justifies the $60 price tag? Don't make me laugh.
I own a Switch and Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game out of them all. Maybe second favorite.
Reply to the wrong user, there?
That's pretty good
This picture makes it look like Minecraft.
Its an absolutely gorgeous remake of one of the best games of all time, with all sorts of QoL improvements (and probably more we don't know about) and all sorts of cute bells n whistles added on.
As fucking usual, tween hipster fags want to shit all over everything with absolutely no convincing argument whatsoever.
>st-stop enjoying things!
That gradient void around the outside of the house is what bothers me the most. Like this room is floating in space or underwater, which now that I say it like that actually makes sense since the entire game is in the mind of a giant fish
Yeah I did how embarrassing...
>stop giving things critique for being lazy cashgrabs!
The style is fine, but you have to be retarded to think the $60 price tag is fine especially considering how easy it is to emulate or buy on 3ds/Wii U. Nintendo is out of ideas
It's how they get it to 60fps.
Does the void have any sort of animation? Because if it looked like flowing water that would actually be a really nice detail
You can't critique something you haven't experienced. Well, you can try, but later in life you may have an epiphany of what an irrelevant cunt you were when you were younger.
I wonder what those trophy stands are for.
I probably would've liked it if they didn't make the trees/grass look like plastic and if they did let you disable the DoF in the settings
>has new content and changes
>polished art style
>frame rate will get locked at 60 by release (optimization is the final thing worked on for games)
Sounds good to me.
if one isn't for fishing I'd be surprised
A lazy cashgrab would be just re-releasing the Gameboy game. This is a full on remake with obvious effort put into it.
I think it would look a lot better if it wasn't so shiny.
it's going to be kino and you know it
it's suppose to be like a toybox you dumb cunt, not a real life building
Links Awakening can be completed in a few hours if you know what you're doing. They gotta add something to justify the 60 dollar cost. The Crash and Spyro remakes have 3 full games for 40 dollars, assuming you bought them at launch.
The first WW trailer really looked bad though, so it was somewhat more understandable.
But you can critique how it looks and how it's priced, which is very much relevant here.
quality > quantity
Crash and Spyro have always been dog shit and if you like them you deserve to die
crash and spyro are worth 0 dollars to me so they're 40 dollars too much
He's pro-skub.
>a few hours
I don't think you're grasping the actual scope that goes into making a game. Just because you love playing video games doesn't mean you understand the process that goes into making said games.
2D Zeldas always get hate + artstyle that triggers people
They were handed a full canvas and a cult classic game boy game to work with, and what did they do? They just copied the whole thing but used crayons instead of a pencil, what a great fucking remake. They couldn't even modernize the movement, Link doesn't even rotate smoothly, he snaps into 8 directions, this is literally worse than Link Between Worlds.
that doesn't have anything to do with what I said but alright
Namefriend, he said "completed", not "made".
>couldve been
>arguing hypotheticals
Your head canon doesn't matter user.
Yeah I read that all wrong, sorry about that. I agree with what you actually said though. Nintendo just loves to make their game way to expensive since they market towards oblivious kids and parents anyway. Didn't they use the expensive cardridges as a scapegoat a while back?
Everybody nickel and dimes you it's just people either like how Nintendo does it or their excuses are so crazy all you can do is shake your head and vote with your wallet. I don't think there'll be any laws passed against Nintendo's methods
It's not $60 cute.