Is this game generating any new players at all?
I wanted to play it but the main story grind is unbearable. You need to complete a few hundreds of padded quests before you can engage any current content.
You are literally forced to play a single player storyline for a few hudred hours. I gave up after the 2.0 quests. This shit is insane.
I could finish Witcher 3, Persona 5, Xenoblade 2 and probably few more long, engaging single player games before I would finish FF 14 main quest. And why I am comparing it to a single player games? Because dungeons/trials aside, the main story in FF 14 is a very bad singe player experience
Is this game generating any new players at all?
Other urls found in this thread:
Might want to revisit it in a few months. Yoshi P said they're aware of how bad 2.X is, and they're looking at trimming that down.
they've been saying that for a while, when is it happening?
Watch the Easy Allies interview. He says they're looking to revisit in one of the 5.x updates. I doubt it'll be 5.1 as that will probably be the Nier raid. So sometime in 2020 I'd guess.
Honestly, I felt the same way as OP so I just threw on some TV shows or podcasts while getting through 2.X. What comes after is much better and makes it worth it.
I'll be honest OP only reason i still play this is because i did the story while it was relevant, i cant imagine doing it now that all the old content is dead and zones are empty
>there are people who still think they need to rush to endgame
>not taking it easy and enjoying the way to level cap and MSQ story at your own pace
>is this game generating new plays at all?
>recent census (about 2 weeks ago) puts the active (subscribed) character count at the highest it's ever been
>It's a OP pretends he's new to the game to start a thread episode
There's a new expansion out soon, nigger. Don't need to pretend.
>Because dungeons/trials aside, the main story in FF 14 is a very bad singe player experience
But you haven't even finished it.
but there is nothing enjoyable about doing fetch quests for 500 hours
I don't even know how they'd do this without rewriting the whole thing. It's boring but necessary as an introduction to the world, if they just cut shit out it'd screw up the player's understanding.
What I dislike is when people say MSQ and plot is a major part of the game. Its really not. You spend 99% of this game at max level post MSQ doing roulettes, raids, crafting/gathering etc. You finish the MSQ for each 3 month patch cycle in a few hours. The MSQ gives context but its hardly the bulk of what you're going to be doing.
I mean, the worst part of FFXIV is everything besides the endgame content. With that in mind, i dont blame if you are finding the leveling/single player experience a chore, because that's exactly what it is, even if the story may be good.
Just make it so at certain parts of the story you have a choice of two NPCs to talk to to progress. NPC A gives you the original uncut story. NPC B skips straight to the next important event. Like when you start the titan questline you can either choose to go through all the feast shit as normal or jump straight to unlocking Titan. If you want to go back and see the original story you skipped you can use NG+.
Is this a Shadowniggers thread or a seething wowcuck thread.
>Is this game generating any new players at all?
I started playing 4 days ago, it's fun
I'm rushing the msq because playing an mmo right as an expansion drops is the most fun I've ever had in a game, and I want to experience that again.
i dont see the problem
how many other single player games offer you literally hundreds of hours of content for $40 ?
Once they improve on the trust system.
Aren't those the same thing
what's the difference?
I started playing 3 weeks ago and I finished ARR after new 2 weeks and I'm about half way into HW I reckon now, I've been enjoying it, I've tried enough MMOs to know what I like and honestly this game is ticking a lot of boxes for me
If thats the case how does Koji keep getting away with this?
I keep trying to make new sam glams but I always go back to the AF set help
>if they just cut shit out it'd screw up the player's understanding
M8 that's one of the reasons why people dont like 2.0s because the lost character and story development from 1.0
B-buh I hate the scions
M-minfilia has no character
This doesnt make sense
Who's this elf grandpa
The story is shit until level 35 and good until 50. Then it's shit for 2.1 until 2.4.
The good parts of the story are a pain in the ass to get to. Job quest stories are hit-or-miss because for every good questline (like DRK or SCH) you get 2-3 shit ones like WAR, PLD, or SMN, or MCH, or CLEANSE THE TAINT. They need to seriously trim shit down.
Miqo'te make pp hard
how angry will yoshi p become once people starts to datamine the shit out of the pre load?
just buy a story skip goy
Hes used to it. It happens every single time.
I'm sure he expects it at this by now
I just want patch notes
All the classes play even worse 1-50
And 50-60 in shadowbringers, even worse than they did during Stormblood.
>enjoy your faceroll tunnels and cringe story
fuck off
I respect Yoshi P so much that I reuse to look at leaks, I trust his judgement and trust him to deliver a fun time
Have we ever gotten any info about vieras being able to use hairstyles you get through quests etc or the ones all races have access to?
PUG, ROG, and DRK are the only quests I found even a little interesting. SAM is okay.
>check PSN store for game prices finally
>complete edition for £18, includes ARR, Heavensward, Stormblood
>complete collector's edition £30, includes ARR, Heavensward, Stormblood, plus a bunch of mounts and minions and a fantasia potion
Eh. Are they really worth it? I like the fat chocobo mount. Probably not worth an extra £12 though
Only if you are a collector.
And even so you can always upgrade your accounts to the CE version later on if you want them on the mog station.
Dunno if it’s alts or whatever, but any time I visit old zones to finish all my gathering logs, whether it’s 2.0 or 3.0 areas, I’m seeing sprouts on Adamantoise. I’d like to believe that my server isn’t the only one but who knows.
It’s always nice to teach them tricks too, I taught some casters a few nights ago how to stutterstep at the end of casts and it blew their mind
Started playing about a week ago or so, im liking it a lot so far, havent played in two days cause of bloodstained tho
he knows people datamine stuff. its completely different from having an employee leaking stuff months in advance
What is stutterstep? Is that just how you can move before the cast bar actually fills and still do the spell while you’re moving?
Use the imperial chest piece that you got from msq
Buying complete edition right now is not really worth it.
Fantasia on its own is what, 10 euro bucks? probably worth it
I expect only hairs they’ll get is the mog station ones.
Yep. Also called slidecasting.
all he said is that some hairstyles will be added on launch, but doesn't specify which ones
I don’t think unlockable hairs will be immediately available, but the playerbase will likely be vocal enough for the devs to add them in by 5.1 if I had to guess
Glad you're liking it user also bloodstained is p sweet huh
Fuck viera, we could have had Male and female hrothgar, but because of viera the hrothgar are even more limited with hair locked to face type, it’s retarded.
How much does the upgrade cost?
Isn't it? What should I buy then? I'm on free trial right now but nearing the level cap.
slidecasting seems so obvious i don't get how people don't naturally notice it. If you have to move to get out of an aoe midcast you can fucking see your cast bar still progress a little and it would definitely accidentally happen a few times as well.
Same goes for people who play on Standard movement instead of Legacy and fucking backpedal or slowly rotate instead of running in all directions.
I want furfags to fuck off
For those who're wondering since only 5 days till ShB, here's the ilvl of the 80 AF4. Ronkan stuff is ilvl 440, and I'm assuming for now that's the basic uncapped tomestone gear, or possibly the capped stuff. The ring is also 430
but you can customize their fur! onlyto be covered up in most gear
You can wait till 28th and buy complete edition then and you will get the shadowbringers too or if it isnt released same time as the EA starts you can wait 4 more days till official launch
mau :Dd
I'm guessing the Ronkan stuff is uncapped tomes since it matches what they did in 4.0.
Current ilvl cap is 400, Ronkan stuff is 440 so +40 ilvls
HW ilvl cap was 270, Ala Mhigan gear is 310 so +40 ilvls.
The only weird part is the AF gear since Stormblood AF gear was 290 (+20) while ShB AF gear is 430 (+30). The +30 gear in Stormblood was from the level 70 dungeons. I think they are doing something different with AF gear this time around because apparently it doesn't come from the job quests.
>mfw it doesn't matter which I choose because I move with M1+M2 exclusively
>but this means I can only move in the direction the camera is facing
Would that be cheaper? The complete edition is £18 down from £48, and Shadowbringers is £37 at the moment. Would the complete edition stay the same price, you think? How long does it take for a complete edition to be updated?
Have they released the bloody trailer song yet?
but you can still move like that in legacy so literally why use standard
>AF gear doesn't come from the job quests.
tell me this isn't true
No, they've already said they aren't releasing it so the player experiences it ingame.
It should be this one though
Just grab the base game for a few dollars. You'll get heavensward for free with it. Then shadowbringers comes with stormblood
Time to hack and bot
FFXIV is another of those "it gets fun at endgame" MMOs
Yeah. Might be possible that AF4 is the uncapped tomestones, while Ronkan is the first capped stuff.
Yeah, Yoshi-P confirmed in an interview instead of a coffer giving the gear, you get the AF4+weapon in a "different way"
Latest when the complete edition upgrades is the day of official launch. But if you dont play from steam i think you can still get HW for free if you have the starter edition
I'm playing on spriggan and 90% of the people I see have sprouts
>different way
this scares me
The endgame is shit once you’ve beaten the fights once.
>for a few hudred hours
How fucking slow are you? It is no where near that.
>cannot double weave without cliping
Just give me dyeable af that doesn’t include having to upgrade it, have some crafting item for it or needing to be from eureka
If they make the AF gear tome purchase or a dungeon drop or some shit I hope they have the decency to let us dye it straight away this time instead of having to upgrade it. Stormblood AF gear didn't become dyeable until fucking 4.25 with the release of Eureka, 9 months after the expansion fucking launched.
Which non-EX trials do people tend to wipe on most often?
Oh fuck pls not the HW bullshit all over again
I always go to ishgard to check my retainers and buy shit, it's so comfy because there's never many people there
Anyone here looking forward to the Nier collab? I'm honestly kind of indifferent since I felt like Automata was good but is still grossly overrated but I have a static mate who was frothing at the mouth when it was reviled and another who was upset it wasn't final fantasy related.
Can you get the items from the CE during Early Access or do they become available only on release day ?
Can't remember how it was for SB
Leaks gives me hype but with the price of losing the element of surprise
>almost finished Stormblood
Next step is the Royal Menagerie. I'll probably do the 4.X quests on friday, I honestly can't be arsed to farm a gear that'll be irrelevant in five days.
If you don't skip cutscenes 1-70 is about 200-220 hours.
I am, only because it makes "immersion" fags seethe.
I remember people saying shinryu was tough for people on launch, but my party did it in the first pull, so I didn't get the same experience.
non EX? Either goddess or shinryu, since the former catches people off with the literal balancing act and the latter because it requires a few modicrums of thought to survive most of his mechanics and that's too much for randos.
The starter edition is £13. So buy that, get Heavensward free, then buy Shadowbringers (+ free Stormblood) when I need to? I don't get the fancy items but aside from the fat chocobo none of them really appeal. I like my character so I'm not really fussed about a fantasia potion. Thanks guys.
if you're actively ignoring every single other form of content/never dabble in any classes but your first then doing the msq from scratch, as a new player (not someone who's done it before) from 1 to 70 and Shadowbringers ready would easily take 100 hours as a very optimistic guess.
You deviate from the msq at all instead of hardcore focusing it like an autist then 200-300 hours is reasonable i feel.
Tsukuyomi is hell every single time I get it on roulette
as a newer player or someone who hopped into an xpac late, nah. you are doing the msq for fucking forever and it is a gigantic slog
if you're caught up on it sure, you just do it as it comes out, but if you're behind at all it's a goddamn nightmare.
>lmao just buy a potion to skip the game
how about I don't buy anything at all to have the same effect
Does the game have a good in-game trading system?
Last time I had fun on a memo was by getting millions of in-game currency on a shitty Korean mmo by finding a profitable system with weapon upgrading and selling
Sadly you will definitely need to upgrade it again. Look at and notice how the AF pieces are called "Weathered" and the icon doesn't have the indicator to show it's dyeable.
It is absolute bullshit because we already know that dyeability is already available on all the AF gear from the benchmark datamines, they are just holding it back so we're forced to upgrade.
Meant to reply to OP
Fucking crysalis
I saw a bot in open world today. Spawning adds, hiding beneath the world map, killing them while they're standing there doing nothing.
I had to GOOGLE how to report someone. There's no in-game option to do that. I had to on a SE webstie and fill in a form to report a botter. No wonder there are so many of these fucks running around. Noone sane is going to spend 5+ minutes to report every botter they see.
eh it has player to player trading (not used much except by friends) and server wide marketboards (you can visit other servers on your data center at will and buy stuff off their marketboards too).
The only purpose money serves is for housing, which who gives a shit about, and being able to buy crafted gear which is only relevant for the first few weeks of a new raid tier opening up.
In this game you get rich by selling glamour items and housing items
Only for brainlets who chase level cap for literally no reason
>muh instant gratification
Earn your keep plebs.
People who have finished MSQ forget how absurdly long it is.
And then have literally nothing to speld gil on.
>not throwing out fouls fast enough
>constantly threatening to overlap
Thank god for two polyglot stacks soon.
No they definitely don't.
Because we all do each chapter in a day or two on launch and 3-4 hours on patch day, then complain about it being so short.
It starts adding up after 6 years though.
I just hope the story won't be as shit as Stormblood
Fucking Lyse
Written by the Coil/DRK questlines woman
I'm hopeful
The MSQ starts getting good around 2.2. The 1-50 questline is pretty fucking bad.
bruh if you want the fat chocobo for free just order something on amazon, ask support for your key, activate the key and then cancel the order
>There's no in-game option to do that
system > support desk > contact us > report cheating
make sure to also report anyone who mentions third-party programs :^)
what the fuck are you tall talking about with 2.2s and 4xs and 5.0 wtf?
The black one, right? That's NA only, I checked.
2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 are the main story of ARR HW and SB on launch
The X.1, X.2 etc are the post-launch main story quests
>fetch quest
kill yourself
1.0 XIV
2.0 A Realm Reborn
3.0 Heavensward
4.0 Stormblood
5.0 Shadowbringers
Well my WoW inclined friend let me explain. Rather than address content by the name of the expansion, XIV people typically just associate it with the version of the game. For example, Realm Reborn is 2.0. Heavensward is 3.0 and Stormblood is 4.0. Content patches in order get called things like 2.1, 2.2 and so on. So when someone says things get good at 2.2 they mean the content during the 2nd major patch after level 50 is when things get good. You can look up a list of all the main storyline quests and they're always segmented by patch.
predecimal is game version and post-decimal is patch version
2.3 means game version 2 (A Realm Reborn), patch 3 (third content patch) content.
4.0 means game version 4 (Stormblood expansion), launch content. Replacing a number with x means 'all' for whatever x replaces. So saying 2.x patches are shit means 2.1-2.55 content is shit
hey check it out I learned the bassline to shadowbringers
2.0 is the story content that the game launched with
2.1 through to 2.5 is the content that was added in patches
3.0 is the content that Heavensward launched with
It's about 80 hours. The ARR portion is the worst of it.
Do we know what the pre reqs and starting level for GNB are? Currently leveling up and want to switch over to it ASAP
lv 60
have the expac
Level 60 on a class, own Shadowbringers and complete the 2.0 MSQ story.
Noice! Might RDM for 50-60 then, and then switch over at 60
Probably just own the expansion, be level 60 and of course beaten the base level 50 MSQ.
gathering materials are the real money maker. rich crafters are too lazy to gather so they buy up everything regardless of price.
Tried it 3 times, never got higher than like 25.
It's the absolute worst and it's somehow successful dunno who likes that trash.
Not enough explosions and car chases in your tutorials, ADD friend?
In an ideal world, upon becoming accepted into the Scions during 2.0, you'd be able to accept "Before the Fall" quests from Urianger in the Waking Sands, you'd get to watch 1.0 story cutscenes and play solo instanced Trust 1.0 Dungeons and Bosses. Ending with the Battle or Cartaneau and Bahamut. It would be completely optional and separate from the MSQ. Just a bit of added flavour for people who need 1.0 backstory.
You're entitled to your opinion, but don't say that you don't know how anyone like the game acting like you're too dumb to understand that the whole game isn't like the early game quests.
It continues to grow and now has eclipsed WoW in subs. SHB will make it only stronger.
this time
turning and turning ??? and make amends
turn the wings towards the land a?????
here to lift off the ????
Easy to say when you know what's going to happen afterwards. But expecting from a new player to buy the game + add-ons + monthly subscription for what seems to be a terrible boring grind for the next 50-100 hours on the sole promise that it'll turn fun afterwards seems a bit much.
>Is this game generating any new players at all?
The population has doubled over the past few months and we already have more players active now than we did at Stormbringer's launch. It's pretty insane.
SEX with Alisae when?
I've been calling it this, too
if this game dies I hope it's due to releasing 2 SB expansions back-to-back
But that's literally what I did. I didn't know anything and I just went through the 2.x story 2 months ago because people told me "It's worth it"
King's honor, friend
My PvP profile says I have 76 1st place matches in Frontlines but my achievement progress for total Frontlines victories only says 71.
Legacyfags would blow a gasket since that would remove most of what makes them special if anyone could replay and be part of what happens in 1.0
I am very worried if they have an early instanced battle again.
They’ll never do this when they can sell you a story skip potion. That’s the main reason why the MSQ is so bloated; they gotta get that monthly subscription money.
they said that they wont do that
I started playing as a Marauder. Shortly thereafter decided to pick up mining, armorcrafting and blacksmithing. Before long, realized that I would also need to level up many of the other crafting and gathering classes, so picked up ALL of those as well. Then it became apparent that to be most efficient, I would need to keep the crafting and gathering classes at roughly the same level as my Marauder/Warrior. The game then introduced a separate leveling system for each crafting class, desynthesis. There's also a leveling system for each of your Retainers and now I've got a chocobo companion to level up too, all separate from one another. Wow, that's a lot and I'm not even at the level cap. What else does FFXIV have in store for me? gulp.. On top of all this, inventory space is limited and a rare commodity given that I'm leveling all of the classes alongside my main Job; so add inventory management into the mix as well.
they had a queue system in place for solo duties ever since 4.4 to prevent another raubahn ex from happening.
the real problem will be if the duty finder/world visit servers crash because that means characters will be stuck in limbo if they are in the middle of transporting.
they learned from sb and avoided repeating it
SMN will be so much more fluid in low level content thanks to ShB changes. Just having both Bio and Miasma being 30 seconds is a Godsend.
>Running out of time to choose what to level first
level your favorite job :3
Rushing to the endgame is NOT the point of ffxiv, that being said the worst part of the game is the 2.1-2.45 slog, once you get through that shit it picks up again.
Tsukuyomi, by a country mile
What if your favorite job got neutered?
It's only boring if you have the mindset of wanting to get to level cap asap. If you try to enjoy the game as it is and not what it might be at high levels.
Sure there's a lot of side quest crap with talk to npc and deliver x to y but a lot of the early quests have a lot of plot points that are adressed further into the story like the sahagin showing off the power of echo, edda story in general and the one guy you help who later on becomes the griffin double. It's worth taking your time.
healer players are neutered already
MNKoloids on suicide watch
you only need the game+sub. addons are only if you finish the base game.
then you just trust the devs and ride the wave of buffs that no one else foresaw
>spams glare instead of stone IV
What did you say? I couldn't hear you over this many explosions.
nah I'm pretty sure their used to it being a MNK main is like having all your pain receptors burned off, it hurt like hell for awhile but now you're used to it.
Poorfag here
What's the bare minimum (in $) you have to pay to play this game?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but every expansion adds even more hours of mandatory story quest trash yes?
Throw out a foul in fire stance then. Better than losing it.
why don't like poor people so please leave
Buffs won't make the job fun, no one is talking about numbers right now anyways.
Can confirm I'll play the job because there is something here I sitll love but i'm honestly dead inside.
Red Mage, Paladin or Dancer for Shadowniggers?
>Leviathan, Shiva and Ramuh quests
>a slog
Nigga shut the fuck up
dont bully
0 for the trial. Shit sucks low level but you can at least see if your poor toaster can run it effectively.
it wouldn't be first time for them to give ability x back
Who here not going on any ff14 threads until they done with the MSQ?
You can throw in a foul at the end of your AF phase thanks to the short B3 cast time. This is even easier in ShB since we have higher timers. Triple foul AoE makes my dick hard though.
SCH got miasma 2 back in a patch
>Almost every single FF literally EVERY SINGLE FF takes age to finally feel the freedom/engage etc.
>"the main story in FF 14 is a very bad singe player experience"
That what happens when you skip everything.
Please YoshiP. I need this.
I don't really have a favorite job. I pretty much like BLM, AST, SCH, PLD, and BRD equally.
The cheapest sub per month is like 11USD but you can only make one character per world
This is really fucking easy to solve, just start people on the current content and if they care, they can watch cutscenes of what happened before it in-game like PSO2.
$40 ARR
$40 HW
$40 SB
$40 ShB
$25 story skip
$25 level skip
$20 FC entrance fee
$15/month sub
ramuh and leviathan related quests were garbage and Shiva is only ok because it's character building for Ysayle
Play the trial which is free.
unlimited free trial up to level 35
base game (includes 30 days as well) can be found for like $10 on cd key resellers
first expansion is free
afterwards its $13 for sub and $40 to get stormblood+shadowbringers expansions
I'm leeching off my gf and she has an okay PC
Just take your time, it's an MMO. Also if you are in need of reaching endgame as soon as possible just buy a story skip potion.
$20 for base game
$40 for all expansions
$10 a month for subscription
Buffs are just bandaid fixes, they don't help a job feel more fun to play. When DRK was weak they got buffed to be at parity but their playstyle was still awful which is why everyone was looking forward to the rework.
It's much better for a job to be well designed but undertuned, than for a job to be poorly designed but have high DPS. Numbers can be tweaked extremely easily. Design reworks usually only happen on new expansions and even then it's a gamble if the job actually gets fixed or if they make it even worse. It's very rare for jobs to get reworks mid-expansion.
>tfw no GF to leech off
You forgot the 15k surgery
I'm doing MNK, it's what I started with. Still don't get the complaints, it's basically the same to me except now I get GL4, but I don't raid.
>Joined a FC
>FC leader would pay for peoples subs for them to stay in FC
>Claimed to be a "rich white girl"
>Everyone left when they found out "she" was a tranny
Just saying there are ways to knock that sub cost out.
>MMO genre
>early game in boring and filled with grind and padding
>players proceed to complain about grind because only endgame is fun
MMO genre is a complete mystery to me. It's like playing MonHun game only for G ranks. Why don't developers remove the early levels and focus on endgame since the start. Just give everyone level 70 character or something. Or why don't they make engaging low level bosses and content.
you also need retainers because glamour is the end game
>Everyone will be doing Trust Dungeons, raising the number of instances. Now instead of 4 people grouped together, everyone will be alone.
Even if you don't do the TK rotation, you'll notice once the changes come out and you realize you've got a lot less buttons to press.
free if you play your cards right
Even if you are a brainlet MNK you still lost 2 oGCDs and 1 CD for no reason
Yes and people tell you it get's good starting with Heavensward, meaning there's no point to the base game. So if you go the entire way through the base game, why suddenly stop shortly before the part you wanted to reach?
you missed out when you could have got ARR for free.
By "my achievement progress for total Frontlines victories" I assume you mean the Front and Center achievement?
It was added back in 4.3, so you probably had 5 frontline victories beforehand.
>It's like playing MonHun game only for G ranks
But thats what the majority of MH players do. Who plays MH just to stomp easy monsters?
That's because SCH only had bane to aoe on SB release, that change was completely warranted.
Shit like indom going from 400 to 500 potency and excog going from 650 to 800 even after they changed to always heal when the duration expires were not.
The trusts were proven to be slow as heck and they don’t act well with big pulls. Light parties will still be the way to go unless you wanna see some lore tidbits and NPC interactions
they're tucked neatly between 200 fucking fetchquests.
Ah that's probably it, thanks user!
I'm surprised no one is even trying to contradict his bullshit.
The early MH stuff is a fucking slog too after you've had to go through it more than once.
>You spend 99% of this game at max level post MSQ doing roulettes, raids, crafting/gathering etc.
no, because most westerners finish all the main content, don't bother with lolcrafting/etc, and then unsubscribe.
I know, I know I've let you down.
Heavensward is free right now. Also it appears the trend of making you purchase only the latest expansion will be a thing.
to me, they strike me as useful for running dungeons on my dps without dealing with queues.
The base game sets up the whole game and serves as a tutorial. If you skip straight into Heavensward without doing ARR then you will be clueless about the plot, characters, and game mechanics in general. I still get level boosters that fuck up simple level 30 shit like boss cleaves.
Yurop only, new accounts only.
Were at peak subs right now. What do you think these people are doing? Its not just MSQ.
I want Alisaie and Alphinaud trust dungeons to be complete shitshows.
if you're a single digit IQ MNK who isn't doing the TK rotation then ShB is good for you because it's like current MNK minus the TK rotation and then made even easier
Yep, that’s something I rarely hear people discuss even though it’s obvious. Maybe they’ll allow you to bring them into Expert roulette?
I'm having trouble finding specific changes but when I first looked at the list the only thing I cared about losing was Howling Fist, and that's been more or less replaced by the AoE chakra skill, which might get more use since chakras will be filling up faster. Also there's now a proper AoE rotation instead of awkwardly using Rockbreaker at the end of combos.
>people tell you it get's good starting with Heavensward
I had fun in ARR, not the slog questing but the actual dungeon and raid content.
Literally 80% of the people playing right now are WoW refugees and general sprouts. When the casuals come back for Shadowniggers the servers are gonna be absolutely clobbered.
I know and I fully understand it. But the problem stays, expecting new players to put in so much money and time into something that isn't really fun or interesting for approximately 100 hours is just too much.
I believe people when they say it get's better, but what if I still end up not liking it? Reworking the beginning of the game is definitely something the game needs in the future if it wants to stay attractive for new players.
enjoy your anatman opener and removing TK rotation with something worse
Alisae already doesn't dodge some attacks and will use lb asap for max damage.
What's the highest IQ-required job in each role?
What's happening here?
Why is it so cheap?
It's not even a lot of money, it's less than a $60 retail game you pick up from the store if you're not dumb at shopping.
because heavensward is free and stormblood is about to be irrelevant since Shadowbringers gets you stormblood as well so there's no point in buying SB.
It doesn't include shadowbringers.
Because it just is.
ARR costs less than 10$, HW was given free, SB is something around 25$.
Shoobydoobies releasing next week
For what it's worth, there's an unlimited duration free trial in which you can level up every single job and class available to you to level 35. If you don't feel that it's worth your time to stick around after doing all the content available at that point, nobody is forcing you.
Nobody disagrees that early game is a slog, but there's plenty to do outside of the MSQ too. I don't see the appeal in rushing to endgame.
He said highest IQ, not lowest
complete version seems to be taken down from US/JP/SEA shops, only in EU
so do I buy this? and then buy Shadowbringers?
or am I going to be payin the same amount anyways
Whoops read that as lowest IQ
>still cant look like classic black mage
They already said that they're cutting down the post 2.0 quests sometime in 5.x to ease in new players and with Shadowbringers lots of classes have been changed to have more actions at earlier levels.
>Alisae already doesn't dodge some attacks
Ohhh, she's one of THOSE players.
BLM main here
You need 2 things.
A realm reborn (base game) and then shadowbringers. Just find the cheapest ARR you can get since shadowbringers comes with every expansion pack included.
you are weak
no possible way of getting ARR free somewhere right?
Yes you can.
Both BLM AF1 and AF3 are really similar to the classic BLM looks.
he's probably being autistic and saying it doesn't count if you can't have your face be darkness + 2 lights for eyes.
Not right now.
>no black face with yellow eyes
The story is really bad though. Like XII type of borefest where the overall plot is okay but delivered at a staggeringly dull pace and manner. The retarded WotL-tier localization doesn't help either. Compare it to any of the first 5 games and you will see why it's so terrible.
I'm convinced that playing BLM is like playing touhou
shes a canon lesbian you newfags
Maybe if someone still has some leftover code from twitch prime promotion. But otherwise you're late at asking for free ARR.
My nigga, have you completed the lv50 black mage quests?
That's some fucking rhyming pottery
Just give yourself nigger skin and yellow eyes.
what are you trying to accomplish with this bait? I'm legitmatley curious
Yep. And yes you can, just make a black lalafell with yellow eyes.
The thing is though that you only get to use Enlightenment in AoE because it uses the same resource as Forbidden Chakra. Howling Fist was used in both AoE and single target which means you now effectively have one less button to press against bosses. Plus the loss of Steel Peak and Internal Release means Monks are definitely going to feel less active even with GL4.
beg someone for an unused twitch code or sell steam game drops (csgo weapons, dota 2 shit, etc) for steam money and use that.
Good thing I play a female character
>dwarf beast tribe
>probably wont let me be one
>can be barabait cat people
Is it our time yugibros?
you can come close with viera. Too bad about not being able to wear hats
My character is female.
>he doesn't know
Nah, it's largely just learning encounters so you're prepositioned in such a way that you don't have to move (or have to move very little) when the mechanics come out.
>shes a canon lesbian you newfags
That's Alphinaud
You realize Dwarves are literally just lalafells right?
And i don't mean they just reused the model i mean they are canonically lalafells.
the best thing about having good teammates is that you can basically let them do the movement mechanics for you. they move and and then you teleport to them at the last second.
So almost like touhou and spellcard patterns
>Howling Fist was used in both AoE and single target which means you now effectively have one less button to press against bosses
I suppose this is true.
>Plus the loss of Steel Peak and Internal Release means Monks are definitely going to feel less active even with GL4.
Steel Peak is not much of a loss to me, it was just a filler button, Howling Fist kinda was too but it had a cool animation and made placement important. IR is nothing to me, doesn't change the playstyle at all and definitely didn't make Monk feel more active, it was just a buff you pressed for bigger numbers. The increase in chakra stacks seems to be more important in that regard.
>mfw I loved 2.x
>thought it was comfy as fuck
>can't wait for NG+ to be added so I can go back
the bane of all healers when rescue is on cd
I'm getting a legit story out of FFXI and FFXIV so I don't mind. It's MMOs that barely have stories in the early game like WoW that I don't understand. You're just grinding for the sake of a +2 stam leather belt rather than getting a cutscene with lore development.
I don't believe you
The only high IQ post in this thread.
A national hero. Give this man a medal and parade.
You wouldn't believe the number of wow refugees and new players in general we're getting.
the filler fetch quests were terrible, but it was nice for what it was. not knowing the whole truth. it still had its dark moments too
I found this spot day one and no one believed me and the PF kept yelling at me for not moving, blaming me for everyone else getting hit.
daily reminder there are people who unironically enjoy eureka.
OP, get a jump potion if you don't want to deal with the rest.
Either that, or waste about two to three weeks getting to 4.5.
I can get where he's coming from. I've started a new FC recently so I've been going to ARR zones a lot to harvest stuff for airships and the they're peak comfy. Besides that, the relatively low stakes of the ARR MSQ can make it feel kinda homely when it's not being monotonous and there's lots of little details that don't get tied up until much later.
"2.x MSQ was bad" is a fucking tired meme desu. It's true that the MSQ gets better in HW, but it goes from good to better, not from bad to good.
I don't even want NG+, I've already replayed the MSQ once on an alt.
Imagine unironically playing a final fantasy game just to skip the story.
I think you'll be surprised at the difference in enjoyability between pressing 3 different buttons vs pressing 1 button 3 times. That's basically the whole reason healers have been having a meltdown for the past month. Even if your DPS is the same and you theoretically are using the same number of actions per minute, the difference in engagement between 2 different buttons and 5 different buttons is very noticeable.
Any edge right next to an orb is safe too and lets you preposition for Cyclone much easier.
Can I solo eureka as WHM?
It’s doable, you’ll need people for NMs though
>there are people that skipped the cutscene where the sahagin shows what happened to zenos
>the same people shitpost on Yea Forums and other social media that elezenos sin't zenos at all or act surprised at hydaelyn being a primal
lol if your "problem" can be solved by putting multiples of the same skill on the hotbar it wasn't much of a problem to begin with
Yes you can, only thing is it would take you a shit load of time to level up. Just do challenge logs and be done for the week.
There are people out there that seriously do this.
There are also people out there seriously complain about the 2.5s GCD when every other FF game in the past was slower than that.
You're gonna wanna blow your brains out. I know I did. Just suck it up and type in "lfg clog elvl__" and once you get a few levels from it just type in "lfg nm"
There's so much more to the game than the MSQ. My group invited a friend to start playing and we were surprised to find him at lvl45 within a fucking week, and we were berating him with questions as to how he could have gotten there so fast and apparently he forgot about the MSQ and grinded gold saucer for the chocobo races. His MSQ level was at 26 lmao.
I focused entirely on the MSQ and discovered there are entire games with communities in FFXIV. Also command squadron missions (which is like xcom but you can do dungeons with your cat harem)
FF games haven't had good stories in years.
GC win rates for my last 30 frontlines matches on Primal, over the course of a few weeks:
>Doesn't know how to play the game
What a surprise.
Why is your Spell Speed high enough for this? Should be focusing Crt this deep in the xpac.
Not too sure about Alphy's new fashion sense
how likely is it that speed builds will be the metaest
Thanks f.a.m
Everything Pre-Ifrit is a bit dull, but it's supposed to be. The Titan fetch quest dragged. Everything from Titan to the end of 2.0 was really strong. 2.1 and it's Moggle Mog quest wasn't brilliant.Through the Maelstrom was entertaining and Defenders of Eorzea was decent enough. Both Dreams of Ice and Before the Fall were extremely high quality.
Except that most people do.
ARR's plot is shit anyway.
You don't need high SpS to fit an extra GCD into the latter half of your Astral Fire phase.
At what tier of content is autistic optimization of rotations necessary?
New player here.
The MSQ is 100% in the intro arc of a shonen manga, small self-contained low-stakes stories bread cramming into something that matters (it even has its own filler arc).
I've not played the expos msq yet but I feel like everything in ARR's story doesn't matter until the empire drops the hammer on everyone in the level 40 quest
>skips story
>calls it shit
He was a fuccboi in ARR, then began putting on sensible clothes in HW which carried over to SB. Guess it's back to fuccboi in SHB.
I did not, user.
Where did I imply I did?
HW and hopefully ShB are the only decent piece of plot.
I mean in defense of that last point it was never confirmed Hydaelyn and Zodiark were primals just hinted and theorized over, it was never 100% confirmed before the E3 trailer.
I think the chakra system is more interesting and dynamic though, rather than something you press every 40 or 60 seconds it's RNG you have to react to in time, especially during Brotherhood and even more now that there's no real CD anymore on FC. It'll always be slightly different timing and you'll be doing it more now. Never was a fan of filler damage skills without much thought put into them, same reason I don't care for dots.
Extreme and Savage raids when they first come out, though Extremes get outgeared much faster than Savage fights. Ultimates.
it gets worse jfc
Built for Hrothgar cock
Most of ARR is basically just setting up the world and future plots. It sets up primals, the war with Garlemald, the conflict in Ishgard, etc etc. But it doesn't really move the story forward very much til the tail end.
>wahh wahh I have to do a main quest in a story driven game?
Unironically kill yourself.
>the worst part of FFXIV is everything
sounds about right
>he thinks its bait
imagine being this much of a pathetic straightfag you can't handle the fact that best girl is a carpet muncher
1-50 is literally just the prologue to the game. Beating Gaius is just the setup for the real story.
Imagine being such a meta slave that the minor difference in dps from different secondaries triggers you
The sad state of this game.
A-at least we have ultimates though, right?
At least the trolling plebs will quiet down on the 26th
Shooshoo delusional schizo /u/fag
I can understand that but I'd prefer if they made the oGCD attacks more interesting or added more skills that have interaction with the chakra system rather than remove skills and just give you more chakras. Like if they added a big cooldown attack with a chakra cost that you want to prioritize over Forbidden Chakra, that would make MNK way better and more fun imo.
I find chakras a little annoying in their current state because it's so easy to overcap them. I wish we could store a little more than 5 so we weren't pressured to blow the chakras instantly or risk losing more procs.
Later savage floors and ultimates
Hopefully we will have patch notes by then.
More like they will be the only ones left talking to themselves because actual people will be in game
Maybe an odd question but: for the purposes of stuff like flank/rear bonuses when do skills count as having 'hit'? Is it as soon as you hit the button, or once the animation plays, or somewhere in between?
I ask because I'm trying pugilist and your first move grants a bonus to hitting enemies in the butt. I can circle around quickly while they're aggro, but often they'll turn before the animation finishes so I'm unsure whether it still counts as a butt hit or not.
Alisaie has proven she has a crush on the WoL. My WoL is male. Suck my cock delusional lgbt faggot.
As a Healer main, I fucking hate this person. I don't know who they are, I don't know what political ideology they hold, I don't care if they regularly save puppies from drowning...
This man is my enemy and deserves have his ass kicked.
when you see it...
>dwarf beast tribe soon
Who /urist/ here
she isn't
Im on about the WoW "main" patch retards
Later savage floors before echo is added
for (you)'s gotcha
How the fuck am I even going to burn my MP as a fucking white mage? Is this guy retarded?
And then he complains that he doesn't want to drop grit because he takes more damage?
>talks about healer dps on raids
>doesn't raid
>Spouts Memes
>Makes shit up with nothing to back it up
>Acts like a hormonal cunt to every reply because he knows he's wrong
Nobody likes you, fuck off.
the canon WoL is female. the only reason they let you choose your gender is because otherwise all of you autistic incels wouldnt play the game. to the point where they have to make the game art also show a male WoL, despite the fact that yoshi-p has stated that she is female.
is there a worse feeling than having the need to take a huge shit in the middle of a main scenario roulette?
When you use the skill afaik, but you shouldn't worry about hitting positionals solo
had to be a cat
Guess we know who the person asking for pvp combos in pve is now
Why would dwarves be considered beasts if lalafells are not?
stop being a forever alone, obese, beta incel who eats twice as much as he should
>the canon WoL is female.
>yet in every single cinematic video sincce the beginning, from SE themselves he is male
Now I know what its like to be delusional
Oh god fuck this makes me seethe unironically
Oh, yeah those guys can fuck off.
Actual smoothbrain
>the canon WoL
Yeah what about him? He's been the fucking posterboy since 1.0
This shit has to be a joke. Why would anyone like this stream themselves
your parents didn't teach you to eat your veggies?
lmaoing @ ur lyfe bitch
>canon is female
Probably can't breath and think at the same time
furries love attention, just look at sonicfox
I figured the "when it's relevant" part was implied, but honestly even without echo you don't need perfect optimization unless you're at minimum ilvl
Because he doesn't know he's bad, since he can still clear due to how retardproofed the game is.
who else /sleepingfor24hours/ during the maintenance
The fuck are you even talking about. You have brain damage or something?
Alright. I'm aware it's more for when the tank has the enemy engaged (or opening attacks like LCR's heavy thrust) but I was curious. I just realised on getting the tutorial now that I have to be in a different form to get the butt bonus so it was moot anyway.
Also, punching things is fun! I kind of wish LCR wasn't my main DPS but I guess I'll have plenty of time to level it later once I get into this game proper.
Probably the kind of person if you told them "You are breathing manually" they would genuinely be stuck like that for at least 10 minutes.
I did it when I was a NEET with too much time on my hands. I couldn't imagine doing it now that I have a life
I'm gonna watch two old men read patch notes for 6 hours straight instead
like i said, autistic virgins like you wouldnt play it if they know the truth. did you ever think it was odd that a literal god killer stands around mute and taking orders from their friends, not making ANY decisions for themselves.
The WoL's personality makes ZERO sense for a male
>the canon WoL
Nothing is more gay than homos lazily photoshopping Alisaie to look more like her fuccboi brother.
How about you learn to draw and make your own art.
What the fuck are you even talking about
Explain for a newbie please
>males can't be mute
fucking yikes
Sick head canon retard, why don't you go take your schizo pills fuckface?
just let them know before you go afk and maybe they won't kick you
see If the WoL is male then he is the most spineless pathetic beta cuck who is quite literally incapable of making a single decision for himself. It only makes sense for a girl to be like that.
oh right, looks like i'm sleeping for 18 hours
it scares me when I can't tell if something is super advanced bait or it's legit /x/ tier schizo head canon
>The WoL's personality makes ZERO sense for a male
Eh, I'll give you that
what bothers me the most is that he's a clicker and he S key backpedals. I really wish this game had world pvp because it's people like him that die first.
This is your brain on oestrogen.
Why, like literally why
They even make the next part of the combo flash with sparkly lines on the outer edge, yet still they refuse
>what's correct
>all the official trailers put out by SE
>or my personal opinion and headcanon
damn I wonder user I really wonder, you really got me thinking
I was away for too long (little time in general and grinding ilvl to progress MSQ put me off), but I could finally move on and did Tsukuyomi yesterday. Kinda struggled, wiped once and on the second try we barely cleared with one Tank alive.
/blog aside:
How the fuck do I get re-accustomed to playing WHM at lv70? Can I get a tl;dr on WHM? Also in general kinda since before coming back you could only use 5 role actions and now we can use all 10, and there's shit that I still don't know how to apply.
WoL isn't just mute. She's a doormat. Stands around doing what she's told while internally seething, and when she finally snaps the rage is all guilt and second guessing and self directed violence.
Totally a woman. A male would have killed like half the cast long ago.
>A videogame trope that is present in a majority of RPGs with silent protagonists means the protagonist for this one is female
This is clinical delusion, user. Seek help.
I guarantee you that he's the same guy that goes "man you DPS players suck that's why we can't beat the enrage"
Also Aymerick is totally ready to tap that ass. You need only say the word.
watching him tank is even worse, I clicked through the vod a bit and watched him tank a few bosses. He doesn't position the boss at all, he'll leave the entire bosses's body besides the front in fire. He never turns a boss around when he pulls it. He never does mechanics on bosses, he'll sit there doing nothing when a stack mechanic goes onto a melee dps, and doesn't go into soak mechanics.
He also doesn't hold aggro at all ever on multiple mobs, he'll sit there single targetting a mob on a 3 pack and letting the other two mobs hit the healer over and over again.
You can also hit them when their channeling something, but it's just bonus damage so it's not a huge deal if you can't. Dragoon gets more and more fun the later into the game you get, sticking with it isn't a bad idea.
Tell me more
I make myself irrationally mad watching this shit cuz I can just imagine him saying
>you don't pay my sub
and other shit if you try to give him advice, I want to have hope I've met nice players and sprouts, but I also met a BLM that was full on ice wizzard and didn't use fire 3 and bliz 3 to swap and was pissy as fuck about it when anyone brought it up.
I like wearing rags and starting as a begger/immigrant/refugee working on farms and gaining the trust of everyone and killing wolves and building up to the anime protagonist at the end. Infact i like the beginning More than anything, it's just a dude with no name or ties to the world fighting for himself with a dull as shit discount sword trying to hunt down bears.
The end is also amazing because it's so outlandish, but it means nothing without the progression.
Yoshi and Foxclon are reading the 5.0 patchnotes live during downtime, Japanese only though
They increased from 5 to 10 because healers have 8 useful skills so taking the least important ones you had to constantly swap out something to protect, use the skill and swap back out.
Imagine not having a job
So is link, mario, kirby all female then? Cuz they don't talk? Get back on your meds you damn schizo
>This man is my enemy and deserves have his ass kicked.
Another healer main here and all I can say is Amen.
explain to me why the WoL acts the way he does if he is male. like have you even thought about what kind of person the WoL must be? It only makes sense as a female
>present in a majority of RPGs
Only JRPGs, and only older ones. And that's just Nipland social engineering. People who shut up and do what they're told without question are the real heroes there.
Japan used to be a military dictatorship. In a lot of ways, it still is.
the difference is that in other rpg's you can make decisions for yourself. The WoL decides nothing. NOTHING. They literally stand around as a bitch just doing what they are told.
mario and kirby make decisions for themselves. the WoL does not.
Did you forget to take your pills again tranny
Don't forget nakamura yuuichi the legend
>the difference is that in other rpg's you can make decisions for yourself.
You have legit never played any jrpgs and it shows.
I took vacation days off
or he can just be beta male or a silent protag like it's always supposed to have been your headcanon vs offiicial trailers aren't substantial you mentally damaged twat
>current content
This game isn't for you. The story is the content, level cap is not.
This, unironically.
He acts the way he does because he is supposed to be a self insert for the player, and to be that, he cannot express any defining personality traits. The "canon" WoL is male (canon in parenthesis because the guy in promotional materials is just a stand-in for the player character) because Squeenix has decided so, but in-game the WoL is whatever you made them to be.
so you would rather believe the WoL is a beta male soiboi with no spine or decision making process in his brain than a woman ?
Holy shit the the absolute state of straightfags
Why would you take vacation days for 24 hours of maintenance?
College fag here, I don't take maymester classes so I'm free until august
Image having a job that doesn't give you vacation time
He's on my datacenter. I feel like world visiting and steamsniping this guy with my memester lala.
If you don't rush to the endgame you will miss it.
Ah yes, trunks junior really chose a lot. At least he had to balls to marry his childhood friend so i give him that.
>misses the combo once because he was focused on the mechanic, a mistake with 0 consequence
>omg lol what a scrub lmaooooo
get a life
Who fucking cares, this isn't WoW.
This thread became retarded an hour ago
what outfit is that?
It still happens in play of games in general. Also funny enough FFXIV just happens to be a JRPG. But I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with it at all.
You just have zero imagination nigga.
>WoL was either born after Ala Mhigo was captured, or was young during the events
>After a kerfuffle with some imperials, leaves and makes his way to Gridania (start of ARR)
>Makes his way as an adventurer just to secure a lifestyle and put food on the table
>Eventually gets embroiled in the main plot, has a personal stake in Gridania and Ul'dah, what with coming from Ala Mhigo, it's personal with the Imperials too
>Eventually comes to understand the threat of primals
>But he's still an adventurer, there is wanderlust and a thirst for battle, putting down stronger primals scratches that itch. Two birds for one stone.
>Makes good friends with bros like Raubahn and elf lads
>Heavensward is further proof of how selfish the three city states can be, Ishgard correlates with Ala Mhigo and learning about their past helps the WoL overcome some of his own prejudices that might be lingering after the betrayal of the lalajews
>Stormblood is personal, directly involved in liberating your homeland
It must suck being a cat slut who has no connection or backstory who is effectively just another NPC, lmaoing @ your life.
>forgetting this is a mmo
which one of you told him
There's literally nothing to miss because it all reset every 6 months.
my warrior light is a female elezeen for the record cuz there isn't a canon one, and if there is sweetie it's probably the one they show in the trailers. Again you really don't have an argument do you? You state your opinion and i'm supposed to believe it over offiical trailers for the game? Just take your pills and go back to sleep so you can wake up as one of your more bearable personalities damn schizo.
Hes not even mute he literally talks in the new trailer.
>to be a self insert for the player
We are talking about IN universe, not the game mechanic. As far as the story goes he makes no sense, and because one of the main draws of this game is the story, the WoL should be HYPER scrutinized. It is not an excuse to go
>but muh self insert
Write a better fucking story that gives the players choices if they are a self insert. SWTOR did it just fine. You choose so much shit. The fact that this game came out AFTER swtor tells you 100% the WoL was written to be female and that they knew they had to present them as male otherwise all the pathetic virgin chinks would never buy it.
Because think about it: do you really think the game would have been as sucessful if the playerbase knew the truth? That their WoL was intended to be female? of course not, most of the players of this game are autistic weaboos and actual japanese men with no life and no future.
wol was isekaied
Man, if you're coming from WoW where the "story" comes from real life books and cut scenes straight outta 2009, FFXIVs story is a welcome change. I'm already used to boring grind from WoW, but at least there's some context to the bear asses I'm harvesting
trunk junior has character progression. the WoL has literally 0 personality.
>accuses me of headcannon
>all of this damage control to justify the fact he cant STAND the thought that the WoL is actually female
That's literally the reason though.
If you miss the patches in which said endgame is relevant no one will bother trying them anymore and you will effectively have less endgame content to try.
i tried it but got very bored doing the starting quests. it's just not fun.
Do you guys tend to hold onto lower level weapons/armor or just sell stuff that you can buy normally? I'm getting to the point where my armory chest has a bunch of weapons/tools in it I don't use and I don't know if it's not worth just selling them.
I'm still enjoying LCR to be fair, and I think I've just started the job quest for DRG so I'm looking forward to that. The skills from LCR carry over, don't they?
High quality bait user, got a question though when you bait is it out of like a drug addicted need to get (you)'s or do you just do it for edgy fun n shit
You could always become friends with Scottzone and try to drag his sorry ass through content at minimum item level :^)
don't bully the WoL he's just a little ok maybe a lot autistic
The WoL is still supposed to be YOU in-universe as well. The WoL was never designed to be a fleshed out character, just a viewpoint for the player to experience the story from.
This isn't SWTOR though, you can not like how something is implemented without coming up with your own autistic ass headcanon for how it was implemented.
because canon wol is male you mouthbreathing ape
I have no idea who this guy is.
honestly i just like to collect you's because im a slut for them
The only content nobody properly runs from old content is ex trials and savage raids. And you can get unsync'd parties together for them for mounts/glamours/ etc.
Normal difficulty stuff still are playable if for no other reason than roulettes.
He's playing SAM and it's a fucking shitshow
>GCD isn't constantly rolling
>Kenki is often capped
>Manually clicks Midare and oGCDs (if he ever uses them)
>DoT isn't on the boss
>Missing positionals
>gets BTFO
>y-you can't stand my schizophrenic headcanon!
have sex
All I get from this is you don't like how silent your MC in the game and how it was implented better in other games, and this has been one giant roundabout way of bitching about it.
The WoL is literally your self insert. They were never meant to be a deeply written character.
>YOU in-universe as well
then let US make choices about the story. the fact that we can't make a single choice tells you that the self insert thing doesnt make any sense.
see above. WoL's personality only makes sense as a female
I forgot can 2 people partner with the same person?
>Nods angrily
>WoD show up
>Kick the shit out of everyone
>WoL just stands there
God why couldnt we just let Fray win?
Woah there ma'am calm down, nobody is accusing you of headcanon, if anything it's the opposite. You have no backstory for your character because it's just some slut-glammed cat or lizard. Did you misread the instructions and stick your dilator in your ear and scramble your brains? Shit nigga what the hell are you doing?
You're sounding a bit obsessed about this shitter, user.
I unironically agree with this post. I like the progression from nobody to true hero. That said, I very rarely play JRPGs and this is technically my first FF game so maybe it's just because I've not burnt out on the cycle.
Just because you have adhd and lack the patience to sit through a couple hours of story doesn't mean the game is bad.
Please play WoW instead, we don't want "people" like you in Final Fantasy, anyway.
Looking at the stream, he's definitely bad
But why do we care? There's plenty of bads out there. Does he do something else notable?
>The only content nobody properly runs from old content is ex trials and savage raids.
Literally the only content that requires more skills than being able to press random buttons.
Why would anyone bother with normal difficulty stuff except for the story and to unlock the rest?
>b-b-b-but muh self insert
this is not an excuse, its pathetic damage control. The story itself is FULL of plotholes because of the WoL and the only way to justify it is to say that they are a very strong but meek and timid woman with a dependent personality disorder and compeltely unable to make their own choices because of it, so they stand around with their friends waiting to be told what to do.
Who the fuck cares, it's all the same shit.
>Then let US make choices about the story
You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that this game is not japanese. Nips don't deal with player agency.
Because we would've kicked the WoD ass right there and the story would've ended.
Remember that arbert does not have the echo for some reason since thancred was able to keep up with him.
You seem a bit obsessed about this user.
Why are you still here then?
>Nips don't deal with player agency.
They don't even deal with agency in real life
Oh I am, but just for today.
Just admit you were wrong instead of doubling down on the retardation, why is this so hard?
just collecting you's
so we are supposed to just accept the glaring plotholes and a WoL that has the personality of a wet sponge with a dependent personality disorder because the japanese are bad at writing coherent stories?
SAM chads don't give a fuck, go back to your WAR or BRD, virgin.
>does the mechanic
>then stands there doing nothing for a couple seconds
>then fucks up a combo he didn't even drop
I'm amazed he's even capable of speech, considering how retarded he must be.
or maybe you're just an RP'er desperatly trying to push what your WoL is onto other people cuz you can't stand other people are WoL's without your head canon? I don't get it anymore you do you dude
not really
>that viewer count
Is it people looking at clown?
Now THAT'S what I call autism.
It's a wowfugee streamer who gets carried by people in his chat. Half the people he plays with have legend titles and they still take 100+ pulls on extreme primals because he's wiping the group the entire time
I played through it recently, it would take some effort, but you could remove a lot of superfulous quest objective and trim it quite a bit, though some of the small details in lore (Like that bit when they have you travel to your patron deity's shrine) would be lost.
I personally think they should go the route of separating the game into a chapter based system. You could easily divide the 1-20 stuff into its own section, split Ifrit, Slyphs, Titan, and Garuda into four different pieces, and then leave Coerthas and Raubahn's Push as the last two. The main idea from every one of those sections can be summarized in a couple of sentences, though the details in the story that tie in to later events would be lost.
Once you have things into small chunks like that, you can make them playable at any time, even out of order, and just provide a written summery for anyone who starts later. This way a new player could start in the current expansion and catch up to a playable point with everyone else while still working their way back through old content.
>all the people responding to bait this fucking obvious
You fuckers feed them enough to sustain for months then your surprised it happens everywhere, you can't even blame them everyone is fucking falling for it.
>So we are supposed to just accept the glaring plotholes and a WoL that has the personality of a wet sponge?
Yes. You shouldn't go into a japanese game expecting stellar writing, especially an MMO. Fun, perhaps, but not stellar.
He's a WoWfag streamer that started playing XIV and loves shouting "LET'S GO" over and over for no reason
lol what the fuck
Read further up in the thread, there's a bunch more clips of him talking shit about how he thinks he knows the game, and mistreats other players if they don't play how he ideally wants them to.
Alphinaud has a ton of fanart, and more solo fanart than Alisaie who is almost always paired up with some dumb OC waifufag
Same with fake Zenos. He may have had that immortal ascian thing going on but he was hardly a match for the WoL if they didn't get interrupted by that catfuck. Did the plot forget there was a way to permanently destroy ascian souls?
explain to me how it makes ANY sense at all for the WoL to have that personality and be male. You have to explain the IN UNIVERSE reason and not the failure of the japanese to write a story and excuse it with muh self insert.
Look at every other male character in the game. The ones who don't have even NEARLY as much power as the WoL still have agency. The ones as powerful as the WoL literally run around conqueuring the world.
You are going to tell me that a mentally well man with that much power is completely contempt with sitting around and letting other people tell him what to do and think all day?
I'm half asleep and forgot what this thread was I clicked on, but holy shit that picture woke me up.
He does have the Echo, because that's the entire reason he was even able to be there
Zenos have the echo since day 1.
can people get banned for this
>furry pride profile pic
It's almost too real, I feel like this is just one elabrote joke, at least that's how i'll sleep at night.
if we ban clickers we also have to start banning people who play with controllers
The WoL doesn't have a personality retard, they're a blank slate made for self-insertion
Man I forgot that robot phase even existed, not surprised that they saw it with his dps though
Yeah but his body is possessed by an ascian which can be destroyed
The in-universe reason for his inaction is that if he did act when it seems rational to do so, most story arcs would be cut short as he just stops whatever doohickery is afoot before it even gets anywhere. He is the way he is because the story demands it, and there isn't really a way to incorporate him in any other way to avoid this problem, so the only way is to make him a straight up avatar of the player but without agency because then the player could also choose to just fuck shit up and end story arcs prematurely.
>not playing the intended way
If you blacklist someone will they still show up in your DF parties?
Fuck you fag, people have gotten world firsts playing on controller
This pretty much. It's like asking why Superman doesn't just go around and immediately resolve every conflict in the DCU even though he can. Because there would be no story.
>pretending like controller is bad
fuck outta here
The games was built with controllers in mind though.
>Your scion-bros want you to kill a primal
>You do it and then go back to fucking bitches, chilling with beast-tribe-bros, fishing and other past-times.
I thought I was bad at the game for not having optimal rotations, but this... how is it even possible to reach that point in the game and not pick up on how it works?
I missed that you said fake zenos. But you're right. The plot forgot to give us a plot device despite us knowing well before hand he was a ascian.
Lucking into having competent party members who can carry your braindead ass
well that's one way to empty your kenki bar
yeah and thats why we're stuck with a 2.5 gcd, so that people with controllers even stand a chance.
imagine being so bad at video games you unironically don't understand why a mouse and keyboard is better and that the game is LITERALLY gimped with a longer GCD for controller players.
yes and its because of that that we are stuck with a god awful gcd
The same people who fail solo duties and then cry for nerfs.
quads of truth
1.0 had a longer GCD and it didn't even properly support controller or come out on console
it was always meant to be played with controllers, their god awful mismanagement of the game basically made that impossible. FFXIV was meant to be for ps3/ps4 players first and foremost because most NIPS play on consoles
>muh GCD
King's Honor, friend.
people have also world first while clicking
Even playing one-handed while on the phone will perform way better than this.