what i'm in for ?
yes I have the unofficial patch installed
what i'm in for ?
yes I have the unofficial patch installed
A box.
Open it.
a game that will make you hate bloodlines 2
A decent at best game who gets rated as an amazing game by people with nostalgia and people who didn't finish it
b2 wont even be a game
You totally wont blow up or anything
Only got around to playing it a year ago but it's a fantastic game. The only bad things are the animation/graphical jank and somewhat mediocre combat.
One of the best games to follow in the shoes of Deus Ex.
whatever it is, it wont be as good as VTMB
A fantastic early game and a godawful endgame
Fantastic atmopheric and gritty vampire game, no game has the same feeling.
The sequel looks like absolute cancerous garbage though.
why do I look like a junkie ç_ç ?
Everyone's gonna say 'don't open it' but where is the fun in that? Open it, unlive a little. So bloody what if it's not the most popular choice, don't let these stick-in-the-muds curb your curiosity! You only unlive once.
>male Gangrel
Literally a rastafari nigger
More like a boring early game and a fun second half.
>he didnt play gunbuild for the kino LaCroix raid
Based nostalgiafag
>he plays as a male
>picking the furfag
an actually decent game that'll give you the license to bandwagon with the rest of its bleating fanbase on here
thanks, i really liked the game back then
Male Tremere, Ventrue and Nosferatu are acceptable
>see 10 000 warning signs of a cash grab
>nah, its just nostalgia
It shows because you forgot how bad it really was and only remember the few good parts.
>he has gender dysphoria
looked kinda like Dishonored from the little footage I have seen with all the vertical movement, did they announce something stupid on their twitter or something?
Gameplay that's bad (combat, stealth) to nonexistent (social). Interesting world to explore though.
The point was vtmb wasn't good, not that the shitty sequel would be good.
i didnt feel it was bad then and i dont find it bad now
Did you just assume my gender? Im telling Rudi on you!
Shit gameplay, mediocre story and characters which by vidya writing standards means it's kino
shit gameplay on Yea Forumseddit means its not bing bing wahoo
Then you just have shit taste. If you want a game with decent story and shit combat play pathologic and not a game made by cuck westerners.
but i like pathalogic also, Pathalogic 2 is goty, and VTMB is good too
user's, I honestly need some suggestions.
Should I slaughter all of the Giovanni? I'm going for the Anarch ending. On my first playthough I did Camarilla under Strauss. I want to know, is it in the Anarch's or even the Camarilla's interest to either slaughter the Giovanni to a man, or to leave them be?
Besides that, out of the 3 people you can interact there and fuck over, who is the most incompetent person to support.To me the broke investor seems the best choice.
>The point was vtmb wasn't good
But it was
>game remembered fondly, is a cult classic and still recommended to this day as one of the best RPGs around
>All this love and praise despite the fact that the game was unfinished upon release and couldn't even be completed unpatched
>still janky as hell even with 10+ years of patches which are still being updated in the current year
>still getting love, replays and recommended
I have always just snuck under the complex through the secret doorway, never actually done that the way you are supposed to
it doesnt matter
That's what I did last time too, but the family really seem like a bunch of degenerates who deserve the stake. I just don't know if it's in the interests of any of the factions, specifically the Anarch's. I don't know if I should nuke them or live and let live.
what is rp
Giovanni and Camarilla have an agreement, they don't meddle in each other's affairs and don't also question what they're doing. Sarcophagus is a different case tho.
Just another day.
Ahh, that's actually rather interesting, makes complete sense as well, thank you.
But I am wondering, what of the Anarch's and the Giovanni? I know that's a weird question considering the nature of Anarch's is bassically a loose ""faction""
But lets say the Anarch's of LA, or specfically the Baron of Hollywood, what's their stance, hostile/enemies or uncaring/neutral
What went wrong?
>what i'm in for ?
>yes I have the unofficial patch installed
Weird fucking fanfic by wesp.
Giovanni just keep it to themselves, they don't even embrace anyone outside of the family. I don't think Anarch of the LA, or Anarchs in general care about them at all. And neither do Giovanni, unless both factions somehow do something openly to piss each other off but that's really unlikely. Long story short, indifferent and neutral.
Righto fair enough, this has immensely helped me out, thank you man. I'll leave the Giovanni be then; if your curious I've been making choices with long term thinking of how LA will shape out, kinda like New Vegas, and it's all RP of course but that's what gives me a lot of enthusiasm to play.