What went wrong, specifically? Why does Yea Forums dislike this game so much?
What went wrong, specifically? Why does Yea Forums dislike this game so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What went wrong?
Yea Forums's taste
Forced waggle
>Why do retarded children dislike this game so much?
Man 2 posts in and memers are already here
Not a lot of people got a chance to play this to begin with. Unlike WW and TP and OOT and MM there's no remakes or rereleases of this one.
It was so forced you needed a Wii Motion Plus controller.
I liked Zelda, LttP, and Link's Awakening. N64 zelda was uncanny valley for me and made me feel sick. Every 3D zelda since has made me feel sick like uncanny valley. I just don't like it anymore.
Slow start, recycled bossfight, waggle only gets really used well in one boss fight, temples are boring, bird was completely pointless
Its without a doubt the worst 3d Zelda
I thought it was pretty great, my main problems with it were:
>The finicky nature of some of the waggle movements required, e.g. the skyward strike, bombs and whatnot.
>The regular bokoblins and moblins looked like chucklefucks
>Too much reliance on Fi
>Regular pickups give you the description every time you restart and pick them up.
I adored the dungeons, puzzles and boss fights . Hell, even the story was pretty great