What went wrong, specifically? Why does Yea Forums dislike this game so much?
What went wrong, specifically? Why does Yea Forums dislike this game so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What went wrong?
Yea Forums's taste
Forced waggle
>Why do retarded children dislike this game so much?
Man 2 posts in and memers are already here
Not a lot of people got a chance to play this to begin with. Unlike WW and TP and OOT and MM there's no remakes or rereleases of this one.
It was so forced you needed a Wii Motion Plus controller.
I liked Zelda, LttP, and Link's Awakening. N64 zelda was uncanny valley for me and made me feel sick. Every 3D zelda since has made me feel sick like uncanny valley. I just don't like it anymore.
Slow start, recycled bossfight, waggle only gets really used well in one boss fight, temples are boring, bird was completely pointless
Its without a doubt the worst 3d Zelda
I thought it was pretty great, my main problems with it were:
>The finicky nature of some of the waggle movements required, e.g. the skyward strike, bombs and whatnot.
>The regular bokoblins and moblins looked like chucklefucks
>Too much reliance on Fi
>Regular pickups give you the description every time you restart and pick them up.
I adored the dungeons, puzzles and boss fights . Hell, even the story was pretty great
>temples were boring
Out of all the complaints you could have chosen about SS, you had to go with something objectively false.
Game's trailers showed Link flying in the sky, in the game the flying thing is just the equivalent of a big menu to choose your level.
The game is pretty much just a succession of levels, pretty disappointing compared to other Zelda games.
Also, the story is shit.
The motion controls were actually fun at least
Only the pirate ship was good
except swimming
>Motion controls that work like 80-90% of times
>"Overworld" that is full of nothing
>Repeating same three main areas over and over again
I liked characters tho, Fi is cute!
You know what would be really fun in a Zelda game?
You know what would be even more fun??
and yet, WW is Yea Forums's favorite...
And Ancient Cistern
>limited environments
>mandatory collection quests before dungeons
>dumbest overworld concept ever
>and all these annoyances like the talking sword and the info pop ups about collective items.
I liked it, but it still easily the worst 3D Zelda game. The controller was constantly needing to be recalibrated, motion controls were good for combat (when it worked) but horrible for doing stuff like swimming and flapping the bird's wings. I also hated aiming, they did it right with IR aiming in TP and then went full motion in SS, it feels so slow and not fully responsive.
On top of that, the character and enemy designs were pretty bland, outside of a few exceptions. There wasn't a lot of interesting exploration, and many of the areas you went to were kind of bland as well (at least when considering that it is a Zelda game, they could have done so much better). Fi fucking sucks, The Imprisoned sucks, Demise fucking sucks too. The harp is complete trash and the game takes two hours to even get started.
All that said, as much as there is to bitch about it, it's still worth playing. The dungeons are good, the ground areas are generally good (especially the desert with the time travel mechanic), Skyloft is a great little town with interesting characters and side quests, items are not bad, Ghirahim makes for a fun villain and Koloktos is one of the best bosses in the series.
I thought that Yea Forums agreed that botw is the worst 3d zelda
It’s great besides the Imprisoned fights. 2nd best Zelda after Twilight Princess.
I'd be willing to give it another go if they re release it on switch with new control scheme.
>When TP being your first Zelda goes wrong
The only Zelda games I haven't completed are:
Zelda 1
Zelda 2
Spirit Tracks
Skyward Sword
Why did I not like these ones?
>TP Zelda
>literally does nothing but sit by a window for the whole game
>meet her twice
>combined 10 lines of dialogue
she looks the sexiest
Fi is insanely handholdy. Nintendo was so scared that people wouldn't get the motion controls that they had to overexplain everything.
Fi herself is a very boring character and pales in comparison to Midna.
The introduction is way too long, probably the longest intro in the franchise.
The Imprisoned fights are shit (although using Groose in the third fight is kind of neat).
There's too little enemy variety. Much like BotW, they put more effort into each individual enemy but it leads to poor content pacing. You're fighting the same idiots at the start and end of the game.
The dragon trials (that make up the third act) are filler. Not as lazy as WW's triforce hunt, but still no replacement for dungeons. The Eldin Volcano lost items sequence also ends far too soon and is a poor imitation of the sequence in Oracle of Ages.
The final dungeon (Sky Keep) is full of rehashed assets, including the boss which is taken from the Sandship.
The sky is empty as fuck, and mostly pointless.
Loftwing is a shit gimmick and only used meaningfully for the whale boss.
Earth Temple and Fire Sanctuary are too similar and arguably should have had their names switched.
Sandship's boss taints what is otherwise a great dungeon.
You can't leave Skyloft at night.
Gratitude crystals are an interesting idea but the final reward is a wallet upgrade which is useless by that point in the game. Better than a golden turd I guess.
Having to read the same messages for drops every time you start up the game is really annoying.
The harp is the worst instrument in the franchise, very awkward to use and every segment with it feels forced.
Swimming is clunky because of the forced waggle.
Demise is a serviceable final boss but has bad implications for the lore (I know, lol Zelda lore).
I still enjoyed a fair amount of it. I love the beetle, I love Ancient Cistern, I like the upgrades, etc. The fact that it has radial menus and real-time potion drinking but BotW doesn't is so bizarre to me.
>25 posts in
>NO ONE mentions the complete and total lack of exploration
Bitch about waggle, Fi, and recycled content all you want: turning Zelda into a Mario-style world where you have a hub that connects to glorified "levels" is what ruins SS and makes it the worst 3D Zelda, because it's barely even a Zelda when the core mechanic (exploring and adventuring) isn't even present in the game. It's structurally a 3D Mario game with a Zelda skin.
what went wrong?
The game makes you play 5 hours of Tutuorials and assumes you don't even know how to press the A button.
This game made me hate zelda.
I only really disliked the tadtones. The rest was enjoyable.
you beat the wand of gamelon?
I hated the dousing so much.
The core identity of Zelda is dungeon crawling, this is why Breath of the Wild is a bad Zelda game.
She made the choice to surrender instead of fight to spare her people
The sky was a really shitty addition that brought nothing to the game. Super empty and the loftwing was not enjoyable to use. You could have just had Skyloft as a hub that let you warp down to a more seamless Hyrule.
Nintendo had a really hard time grasping overworlds back then, PH and ST also had unnecessary vehicle gimmicks that divided up the actual content.
Allow me to clarify. I have played every Nintendo and Capcom Zelda
There's a bit of conflict on that since BotW isn't actually a Zelda game.
You should play a real Dungeon Crawler so you stop posting this shit
>dungeon crawling
Groose is the single best character in Zelda history
Unskippable cutscenes
Unskippable text scroll
Linear overworld
0 exploration
Simon Says combat
Handholding up the ass
Bosses rehashed up the ass
Terrible stamina system
It's just a fucking mess.
Dungeons are an extremely important staple, but not Zelda's core identity.
I don't really remember this game having many stand out moments, feels like everything goes downhill after how cool of a first impression Ghiraham leaves when he's toying with you and stopping your sword with his fingers. Twilight princess on the other hand had a lot of cool shit happen like that bridge of eldin joust, any scene with zant always felt like a huge deal like when he comes out of nowhere and cucks you out of your progress and later just randomly shows up to activate that fun skeleton boss you fight by grinding on rails like tony hawk, any scene with Midna including the one where she turns into the gobldy goop monster and destroys the fuck out of the hyrule castle barrier so you can finally go kick ganon's ass. say what you want about TP but it's a memorable game
And that reaction
People seem to not get how essential the dungeons were to LoZ and AoL. Reaching and conquering them was the whole fucking goal of those games. They were the apex of the content. Their main difference was that they were a lot more focused on combat than puzzles (but there were still points where you had to uncover secrets and whatnot).
Inconsistent enemy design and theme (imprisoned looks like a fucking muppet and then koloktos looks actually cool? did they have more than one artist fucking this up?), motion control is shit, game is padded out to fuck and has you visit every area twice as well as the world has zero feeling of connectivity due to the empty sky overworld, the orb collecting shit in the dark realm is never fun.
Oh and because of how shit the waggle is, I could never get 100% heart pieces due to the harp playing mini-game being unresponsive. I never had a Zelda be rendered unplayable in such a way that it's almost sacrilege how shit that was.
did you rike it?
She knows her place.
>It's just a fucking mess.
This. I get the vibe SS never had an "identity" in development - or to put it another way, every other 3D Zelda had some kind of singular thing they were trying to achieve with it, a guiding design philosophy that informed the game.
SS feels like they kind of went "oh shit, we have to get a Zelda out" some point in the middle of 2009 after faffing about for a few years, and just threw in the whole kitchen sink of whatever random crap popped into their heads, regardless if any of it would actually add up to a singular, cohesive vision. Motion controls, the loftwing, the harp: on and on it goes, just a scattershot Homer Simpson makeup gun approach to game design, just to get the game out before the Wii's life cycle ended so they could make good on having that proper Wii Zelda they promised everyone.
SS is and always will be the black sheep of the 3D games because of this - and I don't mean that in a positive way like how some people say MM is the odd man out (it's really not, it's similar to the other 3D Zeldas in having and executing a singular defining concept). It's a very scatterbrained game. It's entertaining, but not nearly up to snuff with the rest of the series.
It's a hot mess.
The art direction was all over the place. You have realistic characters but also weird caricatures.
I hated how the bosses looked like spore creations
Would you believe these two are from the same fucking game?
Me neither.
It's definitely a flawed game but it had things going in its favour. The time stones in the desert were cool, some bosses like Koloktos and Ghirahim were fun, Hero Mode was a nice addition and the presentation was great. It was very flawed with the waggle, condescending design and the last third feeling like filler but there's still plenty to like. Yea Forums as a community is far more likely to harp on about flaws than appreciate positive aspects, so if you haven't played the game and you hear about the game from here, you're probably going to get the impression that it's a lot worse than it actually is
I never realized how big Demise's nose is.
The handholding was tedious. Overworld wasn't that great with how many restrictions you had to explore it. Also I fucking hated The Imprisoned One fights. Even in Hyrule Warriors it was the shittiest boss.
I honestly enjoyed it, but it felt like half a game.
Like if you combined BotW with SS, you’d have a full Zelda game.
Is it normal to be a bit weirded out that a demon with cosmic levels of power has to fight you with a sword and can't just instantly kill you with a snap of his fingers or something, especially when you go fight him on his home turf?
How does stating one' s opinion make one a memer?
Only thing I really hated was that you have to stop every time you pick up an item. Holy shit it drove me insane
-10 hour tutorial
-so much waggle you had to buy wii motion plus to even play it
-"Master your battery is almost empty."
-Fi in general
Just pick a few.
>waggle to fly in empty sky overworld
>MMO padding
>recycled the imprisoned fight
>simon says combat
>Chests display the prompt message every time
>needless backtracking
>only town doesn't have much to do in it
>some of the dungeons are lame
I'm still mad
I will always be mad
On my deathbed, I will still be mad
When the seas heat up the world descends into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about weak to arrows, obvious weakspot eye-ball mc gee?" and my answer will be "Yes"
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of Man's cities have crumbled into dust, I will still be mad
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of the planet Earth and decode the secrets of our ancient "Internet", and they will find this post and so my eternal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of space
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain
I'm still so fucking mad I took the time to write this stupid fucking post, and it still doesn't make me feel even the slightest bit LESS mad
I fucking hate you Nintendo
fucking THIS
Biggest issues for me were the with the world design and the bosses. They managed to make the overworld too claustrophobic and Skyloft too empty in the same game, which I found astonishing that nobody stopped and thought to maybe balance that out a bit. Bosses being recycled was another annoying thing, and half the ones that are unique are still pretty bad (Tentalus and the one cyclops boulder thing in particular). Thankfully the bosses that are any good are REALLY good. The shameless railroading and handholding was aggravating as well, there hardly seemed any points where the game cut you loose and just let you explore because the overworld is designed like a dungeon leading into the ACTUAL dungeons, and the sky is so barren it's not worth the time it takes to fly around it.
Ironically, the combat was a step forward from previous Zelda games which basically just boiled down to "mash B to kill" or "use designated item" which was all too prevalent. While it was a bit of a pain to have to recalibrate the controller every once in a while, it was still more engaging than absentmindedly mashing buttons until everything dies.
Nobody is taking the bait, you can stop now. Here are your triple YOUs
This game and BOTW are a great filter to see who really knows what's good. Anyone who rates BOTW above Skyward Sword immediately outs themselves as having shit taste. It's a great litmus test for weeding out the zoomers who think everything should be an open world with constant stimulation of their goldfish tier attention span.
The combat felt really terrible for me since I'm left handed
These people are based
(You) are a retard
If you have to ask then you're too stupid to understand. That having been said, this is one of the few examples where motion controls really didn't serve a purpose
Well, for me it just got boring. No mystery at all. You find a treasure chest, what is it? Money/weapons. That's it. No surprises at all. Not saying is a bad game though.
alright faggot
Motion control wasn't 1:1. Sword swings were essentially 9 "buttons". A step up from the Wii version of TP's 1 "button".
Those are literally the two best temples in the entire series.
If it was just Yea Forums's opinions then a company as insulor as Nintendo wouldn't have taken critisism so hard they pulled a 180 for BOTW.
Lefty here, I agree that it was awkward at times, but still loved the game
>being the guy that unironically posts THIS
Yes. The only real contender is the Spirit Temple from OoT.
and the fourth temple in MM
>What went wrong, specifically?
Nothing. Would have liked more islands I. The sky to visit though.
They are pretty damn good yeah
Stone Tower is fucking garbage.
Way more than 9 buttons. Co aider the fact that you can swing at each angle in both directions, which already brings it up to 17, plus skyward strike versions of each angle, which puts it at 26, plus a vertical and horizontal spin attack, which brings us up to 28. And shield bash brings us to 29. At least. There's probably something I'm forgetting.
no u
Care to elaborate?
You only swing a sword in 8 directions, plus the thrust. Where are you getting 17 right off the bat?
second post best post
8*2 since you can swing in both directions + stab, I'm guessing
The flipping mechanic is a pointless waste of time. The boss is absolute shit. The giant's mask is a complete waste. The aesthetic of the temple is boring and has nothing to do with the rest of Ikana. The music is forgettable. It's just a bunch of hobbled together puzzles because "muh use all the transformations" without having any actual identity, you can tell they just threw a bunch of garbage together just to use their ideas they hadn't squeezed in yet. The Elegy of Emptiness is tedious to be constantly using and switching masks makes it worse, MUCH worse than the Iron Boots in OoT.
This was what I was originally thinking, 8*2, but on second thought, it's actually 4*2+ stab so it is 9. You're right.
>The aesthetic of the temple is boring and has nothing to do with the rest of Ikana.
>he doesn't know
Imagine having an opinion this wrong
Well, it's still not 4*2. 8 accounts for all directions in the first place. Just to clarify.
Just saying it is a pointless waste of time is not an argument, the level design providing the means of flipping an entire temple upside down is great.
The music is anything but fucking forgettable.
"The last temple makes you use everything you learned before, that's bad"
The boss isn't shit at all.
The giant's mask may be only useable for 2 occasions (trading it in for Fierce Deity and boss), but obviously the light arrows are the main loot.
I give you Elegy of Emptiness tho, that one was kind of a bitch.
Yeah, but the number of directions is the same as the number after including opposite directions because every direction is the reverse of another. Swinging up is the same as swinging down in reverse. Swinging up and right is the same as swinging down and left in reverse. So it's 8*2=8 to be more precise
>no argument
are you retarded by any chance?
i wasnt even involved in the argument to begin with
Eh, I guess if that's how you look at it. I don't really consider opposite directions to be linked like that. I just see them as each individual swings.
all this shittalking about SS makes me want to play and enjoy it again
Nice newfag meme.
Nobody said it is a bad game and that you could not enjoy it.
>Just saying it is a pointless waste of time is not an argument, the level design providing the means of flipping an entire temple upside down is great.
You have to leave the temple, shoot a gem with the light arrows, and re-enter. None of this is ever explained, you just have to figure it out.
>The music is anything but fucking forgettable.
Then why can't I remember it despite playing through the game at least a dozen times, including just a few months ago? Generic. Bland. Forgettable.
>"The last temple makes you use everything you learned before, that's bad"
What's bad is having it just be patchworked together. There's no theme, it's just "here's a Deku room. Here's a Goron room. Here's a Zora room." If they could incorporate it into a cohesive level, it would have been amazing, but they basically just ripped rooms out of other temples and stuck them into the temple with the walls painted a boring beige color.
>The boss isn't shit at all.
It's absolute fucking garbage. The worst in the entire series. You just chase the fucking tail around until it dies, and they managed to make it even worse in the remake.
>The giant's mask may be only useable for 2 occasions (trading it in for Fierce Deity and boss), but obviously the light arrows are the main loot.
Obviously not, considering you only use the light arrows to solve a few puzzles, whereas the Giant's Mask is the main tool for fighting the completely awful boss.
>I give you Elegy of Emptiness tho, that one was kind of a bitch.
It's a symptom of the "use all the masks" cancer that plagued the design of the temple. Stone Tower should have been the Hylian temple. The transformation masks each got a temple to themselves, give Link an opportunity to utilize his arsenal, and have the Moon be the "use all the masks" area.
You will quit 3 hours in when the tutorial is still not done and you cant walk 20 seconds without being interrupted
Has no one made a ROM hack to make it more bearable yet?
Like what would you change? Most of the flaws are fundamentally baked into the game design, not something you can fix by tweaking a couple values
Cry more mobilefag.
What is the point of Farore's Wind? Has anyone ever actually felt the need to use it, at any point since OOT came out, ever?
It has the best artstyle out of all Zelda games and having it in HD would be great. Fi stopping the gameplay to tell you how much battery life you have left or to spoil all puzzles before you can even think about them is pretty shitty and some motion controls blow. Otherwise it is fun with great atmosphere, memorable characters and some unique mechanics that other Zelda games don't have.
For if you want to turn the game off and not lose your progress, or you feel you want to leave a dungeon to get a potion or two I'm assuming. No idea, because I never use it, same with any later dungeon warp out methods
I figured it out as a 12 year old kid so it can't be that hard.
The stone tower temple theme has 600k views as opposed to each of the other 3 themes which roughly have 100k views on silva gunners account on youtube, therefor alot of people seem to have rememberd it. The ocarina accompied by the bassline is great.
There is literally a room that makes you use of goron link to activate a switch in lava so you can use deku link to fly across to get a chest.
You can attack both the head and the tail.
The light arrows are useful against the boss in stone tower, against majoras mask and if you defeat a normal enemy with it grand you 50 rupees.
it's used plenty in the 100% speedrun
Yea Forums doesn't have a favorite Zelda game. Yea Forums hates all of them.
good lord a 100% speedrun of OOT sounds tedious as fuck. all those skulltulas
Someone made fucking Other M more playable, so Squidward Sword should be doable
>less tutorials
>skippable cutscenes
>Flying and swimming mapped to joy stick
>Imprisoned fights are cutscenes first 2 times, 3 part boss fight 3rd time
>fix translation
That's off the top of my head
>Misunderstand controls for flying the bird thingy
>Start flapping your arms to the side trying to get it to work
Anyone else did this first time?
The only haters are people that are so incredibly bad at video games that they blame their controller instead of themselves.
Well, he is probably inspired by an Oni, an ogre like supernatural japanese demon spirit, which is usually drawn with a huge nose, a really tense face and savage long hair. He only lacks the horns.
controls and characters look like shit. The handholding was also obnoxious.
if they fixed that stuff the game would probably be pretty good. I think its environments look significantly better than BOTW or any 3d zelda in general.
pretty sure I'll never play the game again though
Fi, that was the main problem
Posted from my desktop though
unironically good. What went wrong is the control scheme doesn't allow ports or an HD remake very easily. Maybe joycons could surpass wii motion+
The controls were perfectly accurate, it was just fucking tedious because it turned every single enemy from bokoblins on upward into the exact same Simon Says minigame. I wanted actual fencing, not “attack in the direction it isn’t guarding” every thirty seconds ad infinitum.