What are the other examples of come for the porn, stay for the gameplay/plot games?
This game is a gem, it shits all over Fire Emblem
What are the other examples of come for the porn, stay for the gameplay/plot games?
This game is a gem, it shits all over Fire Emblem
hey hey people, sseth here
unironically what made me try this game and i have 0 regrets
Is it fun
Monster Girl Quest
The game feels like they started an eroge, got caught up in making a fun game, realized they need to add porn by the 6th chapter, dump literally a scene with every girl in a 2 hour span, then go back to just making the game. Its actually goat.
mgq paradox too
bunny black
most rance games
Which Rance game would you recommend? I'd prefer playing a newer, not too dated one while still retaining the original Rance charm
can't go wrong with sengoku rance
rance 6 is great too
Its not bad, but way too grindy for my taste
>eushully games will never be translated
>kamidori is the only game to ever be translated
it hurts
I'd argue with paradox that it's not come for the porn. It's come for the continuation of MGQ, or for the gameplay, and the porn is a nice addition
It has a dungeon made for grinding, available from the beginning of the game. You level like crazy there
Its literally a cheat mode though for people who just want their pictures
Dont you get a debuff or some shit for using it?
literally just a title saying "cheater" which does nothing, and you can get rid off it by beating the final boss in the same dungeon's final level
The dungeon itself will absolutely not make you able to finish the game, no. You need gear.
You get a ring you cant remove. You can remove after finishing that dungeon, which surprise surprise, has a batshit difficult boss at the end. The ring is actually decent at the beginning of the game
Thanks user. Sengoku Rance as in Warring States Rance?
Might give it another try then, thanks guys
Maybe, but the purpose of the dungeon is to be a "trainer" of sorts for people who don't want to bother with the games normal progression curve and rush to the H content
Shota x Monsters
The porn is sparse and meh but the art is good, the amount of content huge and I swear it's one of the most engaging turn-based rpgs I've ever played.
If you have even a tangential interest in faggotry it's a must.
No one comes to Rance for the porn though, Alice-Soft have never made a good sex scene in their entire history.
>rance 6 is great too
The writing is great but the gameplay is as tedious and boring as dungeon crawlers get.
I agree that rance sex scenes are lacking, but it's still the ero aspect that often draws people in.
Baldr Sky
Akuma Musume No Kanban Ryouri
Twinkle Crusaders
>he didn't fap to the wholesome plain scenes
Park Toucher Mako ver.
This. I wonder why you bothered to stay for the gameplay when the game just wants you to grind the same levels endlessly until you are ready for the next dungeon fight.
Rance X, but Rance games in general.
I might understand what you're sayin.
Id like to add Eiyuu Senki to the list of must try games. Its like Rance, except its pretty vanilla
Rance VI, Rance Quest, Sengoku Rance, Rance X
Monster Girl Quest, Monster Girl Quest Paradox
Madou Koukaku
Big Bang Age
blame eushully games for being long as fuck and hard to hack and eushully for literally hating gaijins
Any reason to play the most updated version or should I just grab the torrents I can find RN which don't seem to have updated past release.
Golden is way better
Get that pathetic shit out of here.
The only correct answer is Paraphore.
What is it like being an EOP and knowing you'll never ever play most of Eushully's catalog?
>folder names in romaji
Surely you know how it is yourself.
You sound pretty intermediate.
Funbag fantasy kinda, though it's still 90% of titfucking and milking. The plot still was a pleasant surprise
their most recent shit was trash so I don't really care
I'd say Amayui and Gracesta were a comeback for them.
It's funny the games are actually very accessable as a Japanese learner because they add furigana to any word that's remotely uncommon. I guess they're counting on middle school students playing their games.
Only played Soukoku (for the imouto route, game was OK) and Amayui (literally kamidori 2.0 and that's a good thing). Tried to get into Fuukan but couldn't.
Try Ikusa Megami Zero.
Gracesta was trash, they had a great setting and ruined it because they focus on the out of place moeshit heroine instead of actually exploring the grittier possibilities of that setting
Shhh, surely the guidebook append will give you the Fleurety route you desire.
Any reason why you'd recommend that one in particular?
Muv Luv... still have feel every time I think about it.
There were these dungeon crawler games where you recruit monsters to fight for you, sadly dont remember the name.
I actually preferred Agna and Dulphia
The hunt for the woman eater plant and the Colosseum stuff were the highlights of the game for me
Chronologically the first, but released later, so more polished than the previous IM games. It's the obvious starting point.
>What are the other examples of come for the porn, stay for the gameplay/plot games?
Evenicle is legitimately among the funniest games I've ever played.
>Akuma Musume No Kanban Ryouri
Alright user. I'll go and try to find me a copy.
>realized they need to add porn by the 6th chapter, dump literally a scene with every girl in a 2 hour span
You're not kidding. By the time you get to the first porn scene, you've forgotten that this game had porn in the first place. And then it's just nonstop, but you just want to get back to the gameplay.
>Qu not fuckable
That is to say:
Croix, Silent, Kyou and Kinou, Tio, Towa > rest
Kathryn > all
>Croix, Kyou, Kinou
shit taste
Bunny Black?
I really disliked the ending. Felt like everyone but the main 4 got the short end of the stick
>Evenicle 2 will never be translated
you'll probably be sad to hear the sequel is an all new cast then
this actually sucks ass, i really got attached to the cast of evenicle
the story, the comedy, the shifts on tonality and the characters were amazing
She's a Drapeko heroine.
3rding the Eiyuu Senki games. The Rance comparison is quite apt.
This game was fucking amazing. I easily spent over 500 hours on multiple playthroughs.
>he forgot about the Beat Blades Kanami scene from Rance 3
The H in oyako rankan and tsumamigui is good
and haha ranman recently
I feel sorry for Kanami, but I also want to sexually harass her.
toe in your urethra
Unironically skipped most of the porn to get back to playing the game.
Currently doing another playthrough and trying harder to have everyone be balanced level wise and viable to use. Never knew the joy that was Sharty until now.
>babby's first eroge with normal gameplay
EOPs were amistake
Too bad Oyako Rankan will never get translated.
Do you really think you're the only person that speaks more than one language? We're all super impressed. I promise.
I hope this gets released on Steam so it would become more popular with ironic weebs just to make you seethe more.
I just checked Evenicle 2 and what the hell?!
And obvious kid with tags like
>Electric Shock
>Lesbian Sex
>Anal Sex
>Bondage Sex
>Bukkake, Butterfly, Clamps (BDSM), Doggy Style, Quickie Fix, Sitting Sex, Vaginal Fingering
Eiyuu Senki is shit. The story is almost non existent, the characters are plain boring, the gameplay never evolves and is piss easy.
Ya EOPs are total salt mines.
This is literally and unironically the best JRPG/H-Game.
Way better than Sengoku Rance, which I also love but which dominates Yea Forums's h-recommendation threads.
so fucking tame.... fuck.
It's the only way they know how to cope.
It literally brands your accounts as a "Cheater" or something similar.
I never used it.
there is no example greater than this
prove me wrong
They're very different games, you can't really compare the two.
>sengoku rance
>monster girl quest
>EOPs vs JOPs
There, summed up the whole thread for you. The majority of anons in these threads haven't played anything else beyond the most popular translated games so this thread is pretty much pointless as it's always the same shit that was already discussed to death. You'd have better luck on some Japanese site.
Kamidori is EOP overrated shit. Ikusa Megami Memoria will always be peak Eushully.
Why not?
not like we don't care but its more like how can we if we don't know what we're missing out on.
How hyped are you for your friends at Sekai Project releasing it for you?
>be in Yea Forums
>claim a thread is ruined because it's a duplicate
>every. fucking. thread. on Yea Forums. is a repeat. for the last 15 years.
Why the fuck are you so upset and samefagging so much
Oh, what a shitshow that will be.
If I remember correctly, there was a group that wanted to translate it, but then the license got picked up by mangagamer and so the former group dropped it to not compete. Of course there's no news about any progress from mangagamer for years, even their project progress page on their blog doesn't mention it.
It's not ruined, just pointless like most threads here just like you've said. Doesn't mean you can't call it out though.
Cope much?
It's a simple game but I am enjoying Last Origin well enough
>every person who disagrees with me is samefagging
typical cope
>html edit is hard
Sengoku Rance
Maybe they'll pick it up when they're done with Escalayer, considering they already announced all but 2 rance games and Alicesoft is their most successful partnership so far they might go to it eventually
Don't pin your hopes on a porn translator company that has numerous other projects they could work on.
>Alice-Soft have never made a good sex scene in their entire history
Sorry but they aren't hacks like Nasu, they do make good scenes.
Even sideboob story?
Why would someone come to a thread they're not enjoying just to shit on people chatting
Still coping I see
Not the first time I am seeing someone mention Bunny Black - is it fun? What is it?
>Waaaah, muh safe space
Dungeon crawler, it was ok apparently the sequels are translated but I only played the first one
dungeon crawler porn.
best to ignore them, they are neets who sit at home 24/7, entirely possible their are trannies, so they come to ruin everyone's day
I was playing last origin too, legit good for a gacha game, it requires you to mind your team composition and skill very early on instead of just steamrolling everything.
The problem is that the english community is non-existent, and using an auto-translated korean wiki made it impossible to advance further.
>Akuma Musume No Kanban Ryouri
Has really good H scenes.
>He's not a dumb EOP like me who enjoys bottom of the barrel translated shit so he must be a tranny
Ultimate cope
it Akuma Musume translated?
Have sex
Get help.
Why argue? Let's accept the simple fact that EOPs are subhuman and discuss other stuff normally.
Yeah it being in Korean is tough but the English discord and the guides they've compiled have been helping me out well enough so far.
Learn Japanese and acquire better taste.
If you liked Kamidori you should try Himegari Dungeon Meister and Madou Koukaku
let this thread die, japanophiles have arrived and won't let anyone have fun
Too bad the main girls weren't good
Jesus, you sound like you crumble when someone misgenders you.
>look at me, I know Japanese
Fuck off. No one cares, you weebs. Go to 2ch and stay there.
>eops absolutely seething
And so screeching trannies have killed yet another thread
I doubt trannies would care about porn games or actually learning Japanese. Gods sake, you fags have to ruin every word you get your hands on. Any person you disagree is now an incel or a tranny. Weeb, cuck, literally and other words have lost all meaning as well.
Even when no one brings up trannies anons find a way to start talking about them. New filters when? Though I know that won't help as they'll find some new words to cling on.
Pretty much every thread about this kind of games outside of /vg/ ends like that. Japan fetishists come and it goes to shit
Japan fetishists? You're in a thread about Japanese porn games.
It's just an unfortunate reality that if you get into eroge that you have to deal with most stuff being untranslated, don't get mad because people recommend untranslated stuff because that's 95% of it
>men who like women, be it 2D or 3D, are incels
>men who specifically like asian women are white incels who have yellow fever
>men who speak Japanese are now trannies
What's next?
shut the fuck up, you killed this thread, you can be proud, move on and see you screeching about eops in the next thread
I came into this thread around 20mins ago. Not everyone is out to get you, user. Calm down.
>Says the guy getting mad and screeching at jops
Echidna Wars
I want tongue every user's anal.
Are there guides with skills translations? When I went there we had to ask for individual translations.
What are the best untranslated alicesoft games outside of the rance series? I'm looking for something to play once I'm finished with X.
This has most of them, I assume Elven Forest is a newcomer so she isn't in yet
Oyako Rankan
Haha Ranman
I want Oyako Rankan and Tsumamigui series so bad. But it's FUCKING NEVER EVER NOW. It's not fair bros.
If only there was a simple solution available.
Sengoku Rance
Hunnie Pop 2 vaporware?
Taimanin Asagi
Any new milf Taimanin beside Asagi and Orochi in the new games?
stop giving them you's. godamn. doesn't the phrase "don't feed the trolls" mean anything anymore?