>this video game helped me through a tough time/depression
Has a video game ever done that, or has it just isolated you more/made you feel worse?
This video game helped me through a tough time/depression
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Had a video game save me from a murderer once. Does that count?
video games gave me depression
ss13 helped me through a slump by filling in the gap left by a lack of real human interaction with proxied, obligationless human interaction. After a while, I stopped feeling sad for myself and things mostly went back to normal.
Battlerite helped me to uninstall League of Legends which improved my mental state.
theyre literal escapism, at best they are something fun to do with friends
but often it becomes collective escapism and its like "bro why didnt you log in today to run in the hamster wheel of pretend progress"
i fucking hate videogames btw
When my parents were divorcing and fighting I practically lived in Balamb garden
Where do you even get the motivation to play video games when you're depressed? Or are we talking about normalfag "I'm so sad!" depression?
Undertake helped me become a better, happier, friendlier person.
Together with Steven Universe they made me appreciate the world, love myself and gain extra kindness for people.
Don't Starve + old radio shows (art bell) all night after a breakup for a few months. Luckily I was living at home with the parents at the time.
Yea Forums unironicly saved my life thanks guys. I had no one my entre life. I still hate you guys for being retarded faggots. But thanks.
Actual cringe
This, went through some shit last year and stopped playing video games for three months until I recovered. I have no idea how people who are really depressed/go through something traumatic have the motivation to play video games.
I mean, it didn't cure it; but reading through Umineko while going through a depression episode made me man up and seek therapy.
Diablo 2. The mindless loot grind and pvp where I could just turn my brain off really helped
One of the reasons why it took me so long to seek help where because of these comments. I still played videogames and had fun after crying my eyes out every two days and cutting all my relationships for half a year.
Depression is different for everyone.
I can't really figure out what is "depression" and what is "just a bad mood/day", but when I feel like shit, firing up Hotline Miami or SMOD cheers me up without a fail.
Tf2 have been great whenever I felt down, just boot up some pub or jump map and listen to music from better days
>Depression is different for everyone.
That's a fair point. Whatever helps you get through it.
I'd be afraid of playing a good game during a tough time/depression, because then I'd forever associate that game with the bad times
Persona 3 and 4.
Sauce ?
I had an incredibly dark period of my life with depression and suicide attempts when I was 14-15, and katamari damacy was one of the games that helped. Oh lonely rolling star
Mgs3 and Mgr helped me a lot with that.
The mg serie in general gives me an huge moral boost. (even if V was kinda underwhelming)
I hope à game will be announced soon... Remake or new game, I don't care... Just something please.
it sounds autistic but the closest I ever came to becoming an hero I delayed when I was gonna do it because the Brettonia update for total war warhammer was coming out, may have done it otherwise
if you feel any of the symptoms of depression on a regular basis, it is probably worth getting evaluated, if you can afford to.
When I was quitting drinking I would play Stardew Valley and listen to podcasts to keep my mind off of the constant urge to get drunk. It was just so calm and immersive while still requiring enough thought and planning to keep me focused on the game and not on the constant nagging thought that I could go and get a bottle of liquor and just wipe away the night. I have been basically alcohol free (I have a beer or two once in a while but I have control enough to have one instead of twelve) for two years now and my life has become better in ways I never thought possible. I still fire up my old file and check on the farm sometimes and it reminds me of how far Ive come and how difficult those first weeks were.
Mother 3 got me through when my dog died due to Melanoma
I should really look into finding some I enjoy because I've sunk to microsoft sam reading reddit comments on jewtube for background noise and I hate it
Every video game with happy feels and well adjusted individuals makes me feel like killing myself. Why do you thing tryhard edge is so popular? They are the only ones making us feel anything positive without reminding us of our own failures.
this for me. when i'm truly depressed none of my hobbies are fun, they just feel frustrating or pointless. i know i'm not doing well when i'm spending most of my free time on Yea Forums/youtube/anime.
fuck off cunt
Bastion. The ending struck a chord with me when I was at my lowest point in life.
It'll get better eventually. Keep trying and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, anons.
I've had a really rough time 2017 during christmas and 2018 during christmas, new year eve and my birthday (on the 16th of january)
Here is the story of 2017:
>Time has already passed, after my gf of 2 1/2y has left me
>I've spend most of my time in total isolation, as always when I face inner conflicts
>Only a couple of days left till christmas, which I have to spend alone now
>No family nor friends who are interested in me, which is why I decide to play terraria again
>I've loved the game since it was in development and enjoyed the fact that I had some kind of friends / family in this game
>built a big house, with a huge ass christmas tree and enjoyed the days over christmas at home drinking beer and finishing this game
Second situation:
>gf who broke up with me over christmas came back to me 2 months later ( february 2018). We were together for 4 additional months
>She left me again, because she is a stupid cunt and some qt3.14 redhead messaged me on instagram
>we got along really well (she was 16 at that point, really into CS apparently and also enjoyed vidya and animu in general)
>3 weeks passed and we came together and most of our days consisted of sex (6-8 times) and playing vidya
>We finished borderlands and diablo, as well as terraria
>Well apparently her family hated me to death (I'm a math and physics student and non german. I'm from poland, they are far right)
>Funny thing is that I'm also right wing, but that doesn't matter now
>They seperated us, again over christmas and my heart was constantly pounding at what felt like 180bpm
>We tried so stay together, which didn't worked out and she sent me a game on steam on the first of January (broke up on the 25th)
>It was Subnautica
>The weeks of my semester break were filled with surviving in the underwater depths of subnatica, while listening to Lofi youtube.com
I also have to mention that I watched Cowboy bebop during this time. Melancholic Memories
Stay salty, saltini
It helps me occasionally to get through the "dead" period with relatively less anguish, but it sure as fuck does not help with the depression itself. That needs to be addressed and treated directly, either by professional help or by a major change of lifestyle.
If you suffer from a clinical, chronic depression like I do, and you have other bases of treatment covered, they can indeed be a helpful distraction during the unavoidable "down time". Similarly, I can see people with have a non-clincal depression finding it as a help to cope.
However, if you do not have treatment / lifestyle grounds properly adressed, and you do suffer from clinical depression, games can very easily make things actually worse, because they can result in further isolation, further damage to life routines, and so on.
RDR2. But now I'm back.
The brain reacts to depression in different ways and at times, certain types of simple tasks can be very much addictive during actual, clinical depression. While depression is characterized by general decrease of motivation in just about everything, there is A) a variance in how strong and what areas specifically does it decrease in individuals, and B) different task domains react at times entirely differently.
God bless. Alcoholism in my immediate family has really fucked up my life in some ways, so it's really nice to hear some people actually overcoming it.
sorry for your poor doggo user :(
Sven Co-op was great for distracting me from my depression until I made the mistake of accepting some schizo weeb tranny as a friend and he very quickly became super needy and obsessive and started stalking me across the internet. He literally kept doing it for years and it caused me severe distress.
Playing games to forget about my responsabilties was a consequence of my depression, it never "helped me through" it. If anything it made things worse and nearly pushed me to suicide.
It's been a year since I entered that stage where I can't seem to find anything to help me get distracted when I'm having a rough time, I just come home from the gym, start a new game, play it and then stop after one hour, spending the rest of the day doing nothing at all
Where do you even start with treating depression? Unironically asking for a friend.
1) go outside
2) realize how retarded the average person is
3) feel better about yourself
Why didn't you just block the guy?
>Hating polish people in 2018 as germans
Were they by any chance from Sachsen?
If you name was Achmed or Abu al-Qasim Fatin Bahri Hadad i might would understand why they dont like you but nowadays that does not really make sense.
When I'm depressed I want to do nothing but lay in bed and think about how much I hate my life
I played Link between worlds after an operation and even screenshots of the graphics make me feel sick
League of legends, since its one of the only games succesfully dragging me out of my paranoid episodes.
BOTW helped me through a breakup over a long term relationship. The whole experience felt therapeutic and I got lost in the world easily.
Die fool!
Hard to say. It distracted me from reality, which is both good and bad. It also allowed me to have at least some people to talk to online, even if I had to lie about a lot.
No problem Habibi
if a fucking video game helped you through depression, you weren't fucking depressed
There is one video game that helped me to deal with hard depression.
you - guys, i was REALLY depressed! none of you were ACTUALLY depressed, because... you enjoyed.. a video game... and it helped you.. feel better....
fuck off you grandstanding retard. you're the worst. fuck you forever.
Mass Effect trilogy
user, if you are reading this, you are now manualy breathing.
dou itashimashite my nigg
Lisa RPG helped me cope with a bad time. I think the viewpoint that you can still laugh at things when life is miserable. No in a “IM DA JOKER BAHBEE” way but in a resilient way, and you may not get rewarded for doing the right thing but keep being good anyway because the world has enough bad.
>>this video game helped me through a tough time/depression
when you're really depressed no video game will feel fun
You can't just say that and not grace us with story time.
>want to become a video game designer
>one game that I really want to make is a psychological survival horror game that's all about depression/social anxiety/bipolar disorder/other mental health issues and how to overcome them
>guys, I was depressed because I joked about killing myself several times a day on the /incel/board of a australasian canoe fanforum xd
Persona 5 helped me through a shitty breakup. I got the game like one or two days after the fact and spent the next two weeks doing nothing but playing it.
It did help immensely to take my mind off this shit but I guess any other game would have done, too.
Please, do.
Didn't they do that with Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice?
>inb4 its a walking simulator
>thead about depression/suicide
>uses picture of a female
i recently played ace combat 7 which was good and cheered me up
i'm playing dwarf fortress and just feeling more and more depressed
the end
suck a fat one
how does the game that gives you an infinite amount of things to do make your depression worse
Slime rancher
by making the entire day fly past and nothing eventful even happened ingame all day
>microsoft sam reading reddit comments
what the fuck son
Going to a doctor to be diagnosed is a good start, and generally they'll suggest a therapist for you to go and see.
It depends on if the depression stems from something, like shitty family or money problems, that shit generally warrants therapy.
While if you have no reason to be depressed, and you're just sad, it's probably a hormone imbalance and meds are more likely going to fix that shit.
t.someone completely unqualified to answer any of those questions
You too guys. You too.
I get some depressive thoughts from time to time. Fortunately it resoves itself after around 30 minutes.
I also remembered some user saying Nep made his depression go away.
you can't treat it
1) go outside
2) realize how retarded the average person is
3) desperately want to avoid people
>Where do you even start with treating depression?
There are dozens of options, actually. The most basic thing to consider are most fundamental daily routines. Regular sleep, food, physical movement, social contact are the first things any doctor will have you look into. It's really rather surprising how much changing your sleep schedule and basic daily time-table can do. Again, basic stuff needs to be eliminated: shitty / unclean environment, lack of daylight, poor diet, and I can't stress this one enough: SLEEP. Make a regular sleep schedule. Ideally one reflecting dalight: e.g. don't sleep in late, don't be up late. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Now, that is just basic ground work. Next up the more direct treatments:
A) physical excercisse. Cardio, at least 20 minutes every other day.
B) medication. Go to a psychiatrist. Anti-depressants help. It's a shitty option but if you are suffering actual depression, you'll know it's better than nothing.
C) psychotherapy. Get a psychologist, there are numerous schools of psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy being the most wide-spread, because it has statistically highest therapy success rate. I personally hate it. Gestalt is helping me a lot.
D) Mindfulness therapy. Find someone who leads classes on mindful meditation, sign up.
E) Hospitalization. If things are really, really bad, you can always go to a hospital and have yourself hospitalized.
It's one of the many vidya game ideas I have, user.
I like the idea of that game but it's Ninja Theory so I never bothered to check it out. Seemed interesting. My idea would be kinda like that but more modern.
Nah, fuck that shit. More old school survival horror.
mother in general is such a great game to play when you are feeling like shit, it always make me look over the world.
Forza Horizon 3 and 4, weirdly enough. They both came out at the same time as a couple of rough patches, and the constant positive reinforcement of levelling up this, that and the other coupled with car autism was a much needed escape.
Nothing helps me. I feel hopeless...
I had a weird bout of depression in my early 20’s (lasted around 12 months).
EYE Divine Cybermancy was hell to play. Foreign, dark, confusing and just general unsettling.
yeah take medication if you want to be fat, bald, impotent, and suffer suicidal withdrawals
by which i mean antidepressants
I was super stressed during a year in college. I had a morning internship where the people didn’t like me, nonstop classes on several days, and I was friendless while rooming with people whom I didn’t know. Yes I know all first world problems and not real depression level serious blah blah
Playing Persona 4 and Valkyria Chronicles during my free time was probably the main reason I was able to be positive and make it through that period.
>microsoft sam reading reddit comments
This is not what our forefathers fought and died for.
>Undertake helped me become a better, happier, friendlier person
Basef and Badd Ass
Her family probably hated you because you were sleeping with their teenage daughter. How old are you user?
No but they tend to be a good distraction for when I get really anxious.
Sounds like you dealt with a lot of shit.
Glad ya got through it.
RuneScape goldfarming helped me gain self-confidence and also made me rich from Bitcoin
Majora's Mask and Oblivion
I feel like I'm on the cusp of finally breaking out of the depression I've had since I was 11 or so years old. I'm 26 now. I'm more bipolar now though.
Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression. In order to avoid serious psychological problems, a human being needs goals whose attainment requires effort, and he/she must have a reasonable rate of success in attaining his/her goals.
all a person needs is community
>yeah take medication if you want to be fat, bald, impotent, and suffer suicidal withdrawals
I will never understand why people have the need to spread this kind of bullshit around. I mean, I guess that some people have to justify to themselves why they prefer to wallow in their state rather than actually fix it.
Persona 3 made me depressed. Does that count?
Adderall drastically improved my productivity and ability to pursue meaningful goals, which is necessary to fulfill the power process
Rune Factory 3 has helped me hang on when some things in life got too painful.
SSRIs do it (doctors claim fluoxetine is a special case which does not, but all I have seen and experienced is the contrary)
SNRIs do it
tricyclics do it
SDRIs do it
beta blockers do it
adderall is generally not prescribed as an antidepressant
yes, but being a shitter due to untreated ADHD can cause depression, which Adderall could help resolve
Do not take medication. I was on SSRIs for a decade and it fucked up my memory and vocabulary. That shit is poison.
well i'd probably kill myself if i didn't have video games to distract me
Tell us more please.
Not a single one of those actually has documented relationship to hair loss, weight gain or loss is entirely case-by-case, because DEPRESSION leads to those to begin with, erectile disfunctions are a risk with SSRI and tricyclics, not SNRI or SDRI, and again, there is a major problem with sexual function and depression to begin with, suidial withdrawals LITERALLY aren't a thing, I think you might be absolutely fucking stupid and confusing the heightened risk of suicide at the BEGINNING of the therapy, and I think once again, you are way too eager to explain why something won't work to be in any way impartial or frankly even educated on the subject here.
Why do you post here then? If you hate vidya then fuck off.
pick any SSRI, SNRI - really any antidepressant - and you'll find results relating to all of the above; it goes on and on
>because DEPRESSION leads to those to begin with
what a convenient hand-wave. so if depression symptoms lift while the person balloons up on an SSRI or mirtazapine, what do you have to say about that? must be depression, yeah? even though the symptoms are going or gone.
>suidial withdrawals LITERALLY aren't a thing
try coming off paroxetine
i wish i could silence idiots over tcp/ip
Open fist of the random links you provided.
"Hair loss is an extremely rare side-effect of psychotropic drugs. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other studies confirming hairloss produced by setraline drugs."
Did you just google that and post it without so much as reading the fucking anotation, you cretin?
>try coming off paroxetine
Yeah, the nausea and sweating really drives people to pop a bullet into their heads.
Fuck me, you people are fucking dangerous. Shitters like you are a reason with tens of thousands of people with clinical depression are left untreated because you have some sort of bizzare personal vendeta against the medication, presumably because it makes you fucking realize what a fuck-up you really are.
Fuck off.
>Yeah, the nausea and sweating really drives people to pop a bullet into their heads.
incapacitating brain zaps for over a year
WoW (when it was good) unironically gave me a reason to live when I was a depressed borderline suicidal teenager taking SSRIs. IT was basically my only social outlet when I had none in real life. Then it became shit and I lost interest, and no other game has really provided a true escape from real life since then.
Good thing WoW classic is coming back.
>depression prevents activity
>depression lifts slightly, allowing activity
>anxiety steps in and says "activity is a waste of time. your life is an unprecedented mess and you will be simultaneously homeless and agoraphobic soon enough."
>anxiety prevents activity
>depression takes hold
>loop regularly for 12 years
>incapacitating brain zaps for over a year
Literally no evidence for that. Paraesthesia, nausea, and nightmares have been reported by FDA, occuring in less than one percent of people discontinuing the drug abruptly. Which isn't exactly fucking surprising, it is medication.
But nice to see how you continue the fucking crusade and don't even acknowledge that YOUR OWN SOURCES SPEAK AGAINST YOU.
That is how fucking biased you are. You are so fucking hasty to prove this shit you literally did not read the articles you posted - not even annotations. Does that not strike you as something that might be a mental issue on its own?
How do you not fucking go "what the fuck is wrong with me?" at this point?
That is why you need to get treated.
getting permabanned from league instantly cured my depression because i never had to play it again
luv u bby, mwuah
For me it's more a cycle of
>depression leads to less activity and apathy
>apathy and inactivity leads to kick in the balls
>kick in the balls leads to spike in self hatred and anger
>anger and self hate leads to spike in activity
>situation improves slightly but I feel worse than shit
>depression starts to creep in again
>Literally no evidence for that.
so you don't even know anyone who has come off of paroxetine. you get so-called brain zaps for a very protracted period. what do you want, another extensive FDA study on already well-known withdrawal symptoms of an SSRI?
The only time I've been in a bad state of mind for a prolonged period of time was because I assumed I was at risk of serious harm, video games DID get my mind off of it, but plenty of other things could have too.
Other then that I can't say I've ever been 'depressive' for more then a few hours and I'd like to keep it that way, how do you stop depression before it starts?
share the story
Unironically this
The thing is, that, usually, you DON'T get motivation to play vydia while you're depressed. You'd either play something brainless out of habit or escapism, or have brief moments of epiphany where you actually manage to try a game and be hooked by it.
Happened to me with Metroid Fusion - one of the very few games I actually played, start to finish. It was a very reassuring experience when I was heavily depressed and thought that games could no longer bring me joy.
Don't you know that everyone on Yea Forums hates vidya
>The thing is, that, usually, you DON'T get motivation to play vydia while you're depressed. You'd either play something brainless out of habit or escapism, or have brief moments of epiphany where you actually manage to try a game and be hooked by it.
That sounds all too familiar.
>You don't even know anyone who has come off of paroxetine.
No only that I do, certainly a HELL of a lot more people than you do, but I have an experience with it myself, you fucking waste bin.
So nice of you to make sure this time you post a publicly inaccessible study so you can spare yourself the humiliation of making the same mistake again, though. It does happen to actually be the same study I was mentioning, and again, the symptoms recorded are: paraesthesia, nausea, nightmares. Something that you would not know because again: publicly inaccessible article, this time lacking a proper anotation.
But I can fix that for you:
Here you have a proper anotation for the paper. Let me quote out the relevant parts:
"In fact, withdrawal symptoms such as bad dreams, paraesthesia, and dizziness occur in up to 7% of patients, according to the new product information. The warning also mentions anecdotal reports of agitation, sweating, and nausea."
You see: I know this study. You don't.
Again: HOW THE FUCK do you not fucking stop and think a bit about yourself?
Based pick and best girl.
depression is bad mood day but everyday.
yes, severe withdrawal symptoms are fine
There is sometimes moments when you feel not like shit(really short ones).
In that moment you can play/try to fix things. After time limit you will be shit without motivation again.
That's basicly the problem, that even WITH meds and therapy, you really have to wait for it to click together and start enjoying it again but luckily that time WILL come sooner or later.
it's not just that
Doki Doki Literature Club
>but luckily that time WILL come sooner or later.
Handful of games have been giving me energy and escapism during bad times. Deus Ex is one of those games. Walking through the dark streets of New York and exploring places was really relaxing.
I want to replay it before summer ends.
Nausea and sweating are unpleasant, but fucking beats depression. And again: how the fuck do you not fucking acknowledge I've proven THREE TIMES NOW that you are actively lying about the sources?
Do you fucking not see that as an issue.
By the way, the whole serotonin-induced "brain-zaps" is an online MYTH that is the psychiatry equivalent of vaccination causing autism. It's doing a lot of fucking damage.
Stop lying, you cunt. And stop fucking giving bad advice to other people.
>"stabbing pains behind the eyes due to SSRI withdrawal are a myth"
shoot yourself
who said they're serotonin-induced?
speaking of autism, you're in favour of prescribing antipsychotics to spergs aren't you?
It did for me and I really feel for you if you still have to get though it, jesus, that was a period of harsh "living".
Me too bro.
Thinking back, WoW actually helped me a great deal going through my school teen years.
Back then I didn't get how to make friends, jumping from school to school for a time, getting harassed and generally shit on by classmates and teachers for being a retard. The only constant was WoW, with the couple chill people I met there and the few guilds I was a part of that were always nice and welcoming, and who taught me that you actually just gotta b urself and go towards the people that'll accept you for who you are, which I eventually met.
The only true answer itt.
>shoot yourself
Funny how your own sources that YOU posted actually do not mention that. Is that not a problem to you?
And yes, it is a myth. I've been hearing about these alleged brain-zaps for fifteen years now, while interacting literally with thousands of medicated patients and reading countless studies, including the one you tried to pass as an evidence for your claim even though it actually proves you are LYING, and suddenly this problem disappears.
But yeah, cunts online keep bringing it up. Interestingly its always the same people who actually happen to think that all medication for depression is EVIL. And they always talk about personal experience, except ONLY online. Curious, isn't it?
>speaking of autism, you're in favour of prescribing antipsychotics to spergs aren't you?
Spergs? You mean medical treatment for autism? I am not aware of any really existing. There are sedatives that may be employed when they are impossible to deal with, but for the most part, that should not be necessary. So... no. Any other briliant way to drive attention from the subject matter of you repeatedly lying on your mind?
Mate I don't think he's worth it
Let him be go without medication and be miserable
My fiancee broke up with me after a pregnancy scare, I wanted it, she didn't. Turns out she was just late and wasn't pregnant.
After she broke up, I played Catherine for some escapism, got the ending in which Vincent ends up alone.
I cried for hours and couldn't play anything for months.
imagine larping as an expert because someone relayed the fact a proportion of people get sporadic parasthesia around their head and eyes when coming off an SSRI
So she wanted an abortion?
not him but literally none of the links posted in this thread back that up
Yes, turns out it wouldn't have been the first either, that shocked me. In hindsight I dodge a bullet there.
Not sure how her having an abortion before you matters, but hey you do you man
citationposting is a just a means to derail conversations. he knows damn well the parasthesia that people experience is real.
she got cummed inside by another
he dodged a bullet indeed
Silly roastie.
Brain zaps aren't real? What is it then? I know the argument "but the withdrawal is so hard" is strange because why would you stop taking a medicine that affects your brain of course it will be hard (plus all the info is online if you want a babytier med like lexapro)
But as I weaned myself off Zoloft I could only describe my head short circuiting for those 2 weeks. Is it just not real all together or is it a mistaken term for something else?
I don't give a fuck what he takes, but shit like this will make people disregard medication as an option who are entirely innocent in this. That is my problem. I have experienced this: myself, and seen on quite literally thousand others: people going for years upon years, at the absolute end of their capacity to help themselves, but rejecting medication as a means because of this kind of BULLSHIT being thrown around.
Do you even KNOW what Paresthesia is? Did you not at LEAST google that? And who the fuck is derailing anything here? YOU are the one who started "citationposting" for fuck sake. You literally tried to get away with posting articles you literally could not even read the fucking abstracts as proof of your claims you spastic.
>serotonin-induced "brain-zaps" is an online MYTH
t. shitty liar psych who deserves to be fired and blacklisted because you don't give a shit if your patient gets serotonin syndrome
source? source? citation needed. source?
>Do you even KNOW what Paresthesia is?
false sensations, usually tingling, pins and needles, shooting pains. in brain zaps the parasthesia is within the head and especially behind the eyes. stop derailing. stop pretending you went around asking thousands of people if they experience zaps behind the eyes.
I think I would need to know more what you mean "short circuiting". Confusion? Loss of bearings? Pain?
Dizziness is common abstinence side-effect, as is nausea. Akathesia is more common in early stages of treatment, but occassionally happens when rapidly discontinuing SSRI medication: I had experienced that once. Paresthesia happens, but it has nothing to do with brain, it's a strange sensation (painless, but can be unpleasant) on the skin, usually on limbs.
She really is. I hope they bring her back in RF5.
hah now he admits it exists
>Confusion? Loss of bearings? Pain?
all of the above you retarded nigger
Headaches aren't from within the brain either. Doesn't mean the sensation of a headache isn't there.
>source? source? citation needed. source?
Sources are a fairly important part of making an argument, yes.
And you have proven, over and over, voluntarily, that sources exist in my favor. So you don't get to bitch about this now.
>false sensations, usually tingling, pins and needles
ON YOUR SKIN. That is a part that is kind fucking important. Should have fucking read to the end of the fucking sentence. Also, you'd find that the very next sentence also states it's actually not pain, it does not hurt, but can be very unpleasant non-the less.
Not behind the eyes, not in your brain, not in your dick: on. Your. SKIN.
The "brainzaps" are bullshit that cunts like you propagate without having the faintest idea of what it is or where it comes from to make yourself feel better about either failing, or not even begining your treatment.
Maybe you're just stupid, a virgin, underage or a woman but that means she was beyond irresponsible and not someone to whom I would want to spend my life with. We kept fucking for a couple months after that, the last time she grabbed and spread her ass cheeks and told me to fuck her raw and impregnated her, I nope'd out of there and didn't see her again after that.
>hah now he admits it exists
Are you for real, nigger?
Headache does not manifest on skin you fucking retards. Do you seriously deny the difference from internal sensation and dermal one? Is that the direction where we are going?
and now you're arguing terminology. i don't care if i used parasthesia incorrectly.
>They tend to be apparently uncaused sensations of electricity briefly passing through the brain. Some sufferers describe them as "a sudden jolt or buzz in the brain." Others report that they feel like "short bursts of white light mixed with dizziness." Sometimes brain zaps are accompanied by vertigo, tinnitus, throat tension, and nausea. They are sometimes triggered by sudden movement of the eyes or the head.
well shit it sounds like the very things you are admitting above.
I know the dizziness and nausea, but that went away. It was more like a pause in my conciousness, followed by confusion, but no pain or anything. No pins or needles either. It all went away eventually.
This. I struggled with that for at least 3 years along with memory loss and an inability to speak normally.
animal crossing helped me through out of it. Now am trying to break the addiction
>stop sertraline
>after about a week I get depersonalization/derealization that never subsides
Thanks doc.
>play game during the worst period of your life
>can't pick it up due to memories
what's her name Yea Forums
>and now you're arguing terminology.
No, we are arguing about how absolutely fucking full of shit you are.
You just said: >the fact a proportion of people get sporadic parasthesia around their head and eyes when coming off an SSRI
That was your argument. When I PROVED there is no evidence for your brain-zaps, that was YOUR next line of reasoning.
So if that is not the case and clearly it isn't, then you are again full of shit.
It's absolutely amazing the mental gymnastics you show here. Do you not realize the amazing fucking CHAIN of argumentation fauls and straight up lies you have made so far?
How does that not bother you?
Video Games will literally never help you with depression. They are escapism that only worsens the problem in the long run.
Imagine that someone wakes up one day with his stomach hurting a lot. It hurts, he doesn't like it, so he he drinks some alcohol and tries to watch some TV to forget about it. He is in pain, so he escapes from it. However, the pain he is in is not getting resolved. Pain exists to allow you to realize that there is a PROBLEM. The pain draws your attention to it so you can fix it. If you ignore it, you are allowing it to fester and grow worse.
Playing video games to deal with depression is the same kind of deal except with emotional pain. You feel depressed, IE, you feel something is wrong that you should really work on fixing. Instead, you attempt to distract yourself from reality instead of dealing with it. And then you crow about how it is saving you from depression as your hair grows longer and greasier, your smile grows more and more strained, and you grow physically and mentally weaker, more fucked up and timid by the day. Unable to even sleep properly at night because all of the pain you've been repressing sneaks up on you in the dead zone between your escapist fits.
Video games are not inherently going to fuck you up or anything like that. But if you seriously are actually using them as a coping mechanism to save you from dealing with your life's problem, you are definitely participating in some hardcore soul rot that will leave you worse off in the end. No problem was ever fixed by some faggot running away.
In the sense that they are escapism that can distract you from shitty stuff going on, yeah.
Did you stop cold turkey? Don't do that.
He'll probably just be given pills and told to fuck in a pleasant tone of voice for a bill.
Eat a better diet.
Sleep on a more regular schedule.
95% of everyone with depression would be fixed if they just did that, but it's easier to just believe they've been randomly cursed with the sads than to ever even consider it's a symptom of their own lifestyle that might take just a tad bit of effort to fix.
Nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves.
Doctors don't bother advising to taper off ssri's.
You force it because habit is all you have at that point.
No vidya, but Yea Forums unironically helped me through heartbreak after losing my wife.
Either you have a shit doctor or you haven't been on SSRIs, because I've been advised by every doctor I've seen to taper off them. They made it very clear that it is a bad idea to quit cold turkey. Unless you're in America, the doctors there probably give even less of a fuck than the ones here in the UK.
just because no one has got around to studying it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist
What county are you in, you arrogant twat?
Use your eyes and your brain, retard. I know it's hard lad but come on.
What COUNTY are you in, you blind fucking cunt?
The one with better doctors than you, evidently.
Oh dear god.
"We have examined 500 posts on a website..."
Yeah. Remember a while back, how I talked how interesting this is because it appears online but ALWAYS dissappears in person? That is what we call "myth".
Also, fun fact. You went from "ALL anti-depressants cause SUICIDAL STATES WITH WITHDRAWALS" to ONE MEDICATION CAUSES AGONIZING HEAD PAINS to 7% of people with that medication reported pins and needless around their head (the actually haven't but that is beside the fucking point) to posting articles about unconfirmed and unexamined online claims.
You actually did all of that. Jesus fucking Christ, why don't you fuck off? Do you have NO DIGNITY WHAT SO FUCKING EVER?!
Back to r*ddit, faggot.
>look up paresthesia because of these anons argument
>end up on a definition for formication of the skin
Well now I have a name to the sensation I've felt ever since I was a kid, I thought this shit was normal and had something to do with the hairs on your skin being sensitive, what the fuck
How does "here in UK" not actually tell you what country you live in?
Also, weaning off SSRI is a standard practice everywhere in the world you idiot. I have not seen a single doctor that would not instruct you how to weave them off.
Are you the same fucking retard that was posting all those articles about the unwanted side-effects of anti-depressants? Your inability to read "here in UK" would explain why you keep posting sources that explicitly prove the exact opposite of the point you are trying to make.
did she die?
do you have dyslexia?
Do you have a good doctor?
A mild one, yes. Why?
Not depression, but I played Katawa Shuojo after I'd broken up with my gf, and it was a definite upgrade to my previous relationship status.
he said county, not country (uk)
my doctor is nice.
>he said county, not country (uk)
The fuck?
I probably would have killed myself during middle school/high school if it hadn't been for Team Fortress 2.
I guess that is the end to that discussion... Seriously, you could have just stop replying and it would be more dignified.
Porn games are the sole reason of why I'm still here. Currently waiting for another release at the end of August.
Playing fighting games competetively has made me a far more sociable person, increased my confidence, and made me enjoy life more overall.
I fucking love BlazBlue and all the friends I’ve made thanks to it.
let me break it down for you
is from the united kingdom
asked what county is from
several anons mistake county for country listed here
explains that what was said was county and not country
i say the same thing here
hope it helped
Every FF, literally.
It did, thank you. My bad.
unironically Halo Reach
Germans will never learn their lesson
If they'd accept who they are and embraced their Eastern brothers, we'd finally achieve peace on European soil
>open up a vidya saved my depression story thread
>wonder why I keep having existential anxiety attacks
need to keep away from Yea Forums for a bit
>depressed on an extreme level
>playing KotoR 2
>"It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you."
>"It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards."
>had an epiphany that you will suffer in life no matter what so it's better to suffer for things you want than suffer for things you avoided
>year later get involved with some irl groups and get a gf that year
>decade later I'm married and have have the life I wanted when I was younger
Burnout Paradise Remastered helped me when I was really sad, simply because it has a really good OST and the reckless driving made me feel so free it actually cheered me up for a long time.
And I mean creative work. Make something, create something. Do something for others that is productive, constructive or something that lasts in some form. Grasp some sort of a trade or pick a job that comes around helping or servicing folks
But the key is doing everything with heart. Not expecting strict results, just doing your part with the best of your ability. Then you may observe fruits of your labour and feel the difference you made. Don't overthing shit, like "anyone else could take your place and do it".
Painkiller Black Edition helped me cope with the fact that my Calculus Proffesor assigned 200 questions every few weeks and picked 5 at random to actually grade. I've never spent 12 hours on something to get a zero before. Fuck that dude. Video Games are great for cope but don't use them instead of solving a problem.
Pokémon has been there troughout it all.
I'm besides myself atm. Completely slipping back into old habits. The one thing that remained relatively unchanged and pure in my life....
I remember during my dark days at my former uni I was pretty much in shut in mode and I pretty much gave up in college.
I wont give details but going there made me lose my humanity by quite a bit.
I remember playing God of War 1 and having a good time replaying the game and achieving the alternate costumes via challenge of the Gods. Godddamn it was so bad and it really was a shitty way to end my teenage years.
Also browsing here really helped me out but this place is also partially the cause of my depression, especially with /pol/ giving me the redpills and seeing the shit right in my face plus some personal shit I went through in the uni.
I am grateful to have found this place and I hope that I can continue to shitpost here for many years to come
cheers fags
>play FFXIV in 2013
>find a fun FC on day 1
>years later we're still active and have met up a few times
>unsub around 3.5 because I had to focus on school
>be friendless ksv in college
>any attempt to make friends always shut down
>hate and isolate myself
>grades dropping despite more time to study
>consider suicide
>resub around 4.4 after watching the trailer
>welcomed back with friendly arms from my FCmates
>join their static
>have fun clearing savage and doing maps together
>mood and grades rise after a bit
>made some friends
>this game and its community saved my life
Fuck normies, fuck the world, eorzea is my true home
which one?
I personally like FFIX the most but VI is fun while IV is a great entry point.
Still in the middle of FFX
Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Sims4 helped me a lot. I still need them from time to time when life gets too much for me. Comfy slow games to just get away from reality.
>tfw had psychotic depression for a year
I mean it would calm me down after a psychotic episode a but but otherwise it doesn't really do much, no.
When it was bad enough I couldn't do anything besides stare at a wall for hours on end, mildly hallucinating and losing any sense of self awareness.
depression is just another word for feeling tired and sad, which is completely normal to feel sometimes and not a mental illness. Doctors decide to profit on normies and subscribe them placebo happy pills and refer them to psychiatrists.
I take 20mg of paroxetine for OCD but it isn't helping, I've read that it has really fucking bad withdrawal symptoms and now I'm kinds scared. Another reason why I want to come off of it is because it made me angrier, my fuse is much shorter and I rage intensively over minor things.
Depression would be if things that normally gave you joy no longer did anything. If you would rather sleep all day than do things that used to give you pleasure then you !ight have depression.
This is so much the exact opposite of truth that it feels like a major bait.
genuinely retarded
Terraria and a couple other games let me bury myself in something when my mind was stuck on being sad after a rough breakup. When I came out on the other side, I felt a lot better.
>this video game helped me through a tough time/depression
It can help through a tough time, yeah, maybe. But in no way, it won't help against depression. When you are depressed, nothing is fun.
I got really into Persona 3 at one of the lowest points in my life, otherwise nothing comes to mind. Still, if this hobby wasn't taking up all my time I'd probably become a drug addict or something out of boredom, not smart enough to actually pursue a passion that could make me money.
Paroxetine has the most significant withdrawal symptoms of all the SSRI medication, but there is no reason to panic. Most significant means about 5-7% of patients that quit cold turkey have experienced symptoms akin to a flu for about two or three weeks. Which is still pretty bad as far as withdrawal symptoms of SSRI medicine goes, but is nowhere the "agonizing pain" the one cunt here talked about.
That said, tell your doctor you want a wean-off and he'll tell you how to do it, if you want to minimize the abstinence side-effect risks.
If it does not work - you really need to be sure it does not work though - after 3+ weeks of use, then quit it. There is no point in taking meds that aren't helping you.
You can't just say that and not explain what the fuck you mean by that. Don't leave us hanging user.
depression is when you spend 14 years thinking that suicide will be a grim necessity at some point in the future, thoughout the day, every day, pushing away all your friends, feeling that you don't deserve to live, secluding yourself, being unable to find interest or enjoyment or engagement in anything, unable to see yourself ever getting a job or education, unable to see yourself ever getting friends again, being completely overwhelmed by the basics of human existence
No, but streamers and youtubers have
did you get sex?
My sides.
Thanks anons
>be me
>play pc games as a hobby for 15 years
>generally have fun
>buy overwatch
>become outraged 70% of the time
>delete overwatch
TWEWY helped me a lot, much more than my shrink.
Yeah, actually. One of the worst times in my life was a lot more bearable with four specific games.
>Be me, just entered 5th grade
>New school in a new state with dad's shitty new wife and her shitty children
>Said shitty children have free reign to steal my stuff, insult me, and physically attack me. If I fight back I'm the misbehaving one and I get punished
>Said shitty wife treats me like I'm less than human, makes sure that I think it's my fault so I don't snitch (doesn't help nobody bothered to tell me what the hell CPS is)
>Made friends with a kid everybody at my new school hated for no reason, thus everybody hated me by proxy even after they moved out a few weeks later
>Not allowed outside much
>Get Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, Tales of Symphonia, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
>Wind Waker gave me the ability to explore a (at the time) vast world
>Animal Crossing gave me the friends I couldn't make
>Symphonia gave me characters I could relate to and a story that made me feel hope
>Crystal Chronicles gave me not only a world to explore, but a caring family that kids need at my age
>Three years later I finally get out of that shithole, back to my home state with my mom and grandparents
>Make friends through mutual love of these games and games in general
Katawa Shojou for me.
My dad was diagnosed with cancer just as I fired it up. And despite being babbys first vn it had a sincerity to it I'll never be able to find again.
sometimes I too feel like my life is over and it's better to kill myself, but here I'm still because I hope next day will be better, but if in 10 years nothing change goddamn I guess death will be really alluring
becker is that you?
in 10 years everything will be worse. your health will be worse, family members will have died, etc.
Hello, brother. I'm trying to become functional but this has been me for the last 13 years or so. Learned to drive this year and got a part-time job that I haven't started yet, still no idea how I'll ever learn to make friends or have enough money to support myself. I don't know how I can assume I'll make it when a standard middle-class existence sounds like a pipe dream and everyone else my age is bragging about their degrees while I'm at the starting line.
Depression is a meme.
Stop buying into Jewish tricks.
I don't know that that's why I'm always waiting for another day some things 100% will be worse but I have no control over that so fuck it
Video games protected my virginity, Yea Forums secured it.
well at least you learned to drive and have a job. that is an insane dream for me. i haven't really left the house for years and year and year. full blown agoraphobia and social phobia.
>everyone else my age is bragging about their degrees while I'm at the starting line.
everyone else my age is married with kids and a career, or dead from cancers, suicides, and drug overdoses
it's just fucked
Oh hey, it's the last 10 years of my "life". Though I did manage to get that education part. Nothing else. Yay.
league makes me want to kill everyone
SS13 taught me that I was actually capable of learning new things and taking responsibility for/directing the actions of a team
I also realised that real life human interactions are just as much of a game as talking to people in SS13, which made me way more confident in daily life
Agreed, I take two antidepressants and they are working dogshit for me. Names are Desvenlafaxine and Vortioxetine btw. Don't fall for it guys, the same way I did.
Plenty of us are in that situation. The answer that I can provide is to never stop looking for other means of therapy. Just keep trying getting yourself fixed. The rest will, oddly enough, come much easier than you expected.
It helped to me that as I was spending years and years searching for new treatment, reading papers and talking of an endless parades of doctors, I eventually figured out I might turn that into something useful. So I started voluteering at psych consultant centers and community groups, as I had a lot of experience and even though my depression STILL proves to be treatment-resistent, I have enough experience to be of possible use to other people in similar situations: and that suddenly creates an entire social circle - albeit full of sad, sorry sods.
It is important to feel to be needed or useful, but the area in which that may happen usually lies somewhere where you absolutely do not expect it.
Keep checking up with doctors, and don't be too hard on yourself. It sounds fucking cliché, but it is the only good advice I can offer after fifteen years of intensely searching for a solution.
When my mom died, all i did for 2 months was play Kerbal Space Program.
I literally haven’t had the motivation to play a game in months, skipped all the big releases early in the year because I have no motivation to play them
The only shit that keeps me depressed is that I can't do what I want to do for years on end. If everything magically went smooth and I had everything I set my mind to, I would be living in heaven. And this shit affects everyone, some are smarter and do more shit better and faster, some are slow as fuck and suffer from """"""""""depression""""""""
so I'm assuming that depression is more like severe boredom, self-loathing, and despair while sadness/grief is typically not aimed at yourself.
What pisses me off is that depression seems to happen mostly without a reason. I could understand if shitty things actually happened to you but many people I know that are "depressed" have really cushy lives and good talents. Many already went to college and have jobs, but it's somehow not enough for them. And if you're so self-aware of your depression then why can't you just move on from that mental state? I've never felt blessed for not feeling depressed, it just seems to me that depressed people are retarded.
Generally its just cost me money. Maybe I'm slightly worse off? Maybe? But I made a lot of my friends through games. Without them I would be isolated.
Dude, you should be a doctor.
DK tropical freeze back in early 2014. My bitch ex had cheated on me then begged me to take her back. I didn't and instead went to the store, bought this game, and played it to distract myself from all the heartbreak. I was a mess but playing busted bayou for the first time and hearing the amazing soundtrack brought a smile to my face and made me forget all about my personal problems. I fell in love with the aquatic silhouette levels as well.
>And if you're so self-aware of your depression then why can't you just move on from that mental state?
why don't you just stop being depressed bro?
Pretty nice bait
>Desvenlafaxine and Vortioxetine
That is a really odd combination. Pristiq is considered to be one of the least reliable SNRI on the market, and even the fucking manufacturing company straight up advices the use to be reaccessed every eight weeks. Trintellix on the other hand is only recommended when multiple different prescriptions aren't succesfull due to higher rate of adverse effects, and should never be prescribed alongside another serotogenic medicine.
So that is a really screwed up combination you got there. Also, most anti-depressants don't work for most people. It's common that people try three or four different types before they find the one working out for them.
This has been the way that it's been for me as well. People call us weird and shit but it's so hard to be able to function normally when you really do doubt that everything will be okay.
Depression is, above all, a disfunction or inhibition of human systemic motivation drives. Basically, your brain is telling you "right now things are so bad that doing ANYTHING is just going to make it worse". Which - at times, is not an unreasonable suggestion. It is natural, if it happens in the context of severe tragic events or major setbacks in life.
However, if it occuress without an apparent reason and persists for longer periods, then you have a CLINICAL depression on your hands. And that is a proper, and potentially quite major, mental health pathology.
Team Fortress 2 always makes me laugh at my lowest.
>It's common that people try three or four different types before they find the one working out for them.
Trust me, I tried many many other meds before those two.
You don't understan depression. It can sometimes happen even if you don't have anything objectively wrong with your life. Sometimes it can be a good thing to take time off from real life and enjoy a book, movie, or game. It doesn't hurt you unlike some other popular ways of escapism such as drugs and alcohol.
Whenever I'm particularly upset I play Tetris for a while. It calms me down.
>Germans hate you because you're Polish
Unfortunately that's the main problem with Kraut retards is that they never forget history and they are still seething about the Battle of Grunwald. They are fucking retards, just ignore them. You're better off really, bad parents always influence their daughters and make them turn crazy. I knew someone who was extremely strict and traditionalist and had a daughter who then turned into a Feminist. Chances are she might've turn the same if this shit continues.
I've been fucked since I was 15 or so, I broke out for a year or two when I hit 26 but it came back even worse.
I fucking hate my brain.
>Trust me, I tried many many other meds before those two.
You should not have been taking these to in the first place. Ever heard of serotonin storms? Seriously, who the fuck is your doctor?
Also, it may be that your depression isn't treatable with medication. I always také it with a MAJOR doubt when people tell me how they had a lot of meds and they did nothing for them, 99% of the time they are bullshiting and either did not také them at all, or fucked up something else about their therapy, but some people don't respond at all. It's a minority, but it is a possiblity: that is why treatment should never be made along one line only. Medication is important and most of the time, it helps a great deal, but rarely is a definitive solution to begin with.
I replaced my porn addiction with video game addiction.
It's better this way
When my mom killed herself I picked Bloodborne back up (I dropped it because I was getting pissed off) and finished it from halfway through all the way to the ending.
Isn't that more or less what Silent Hill 2 is?
I didn't want to save your life
>Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Holy shit, I'm not the only one who played that?
Both FFCCs and that toy pokemon game were my shit on the wii when I was like ten.
Fuck your mom btw
Never EVER accept friends online unless you are absolutely certain you can trust them. I made a mistake of accepting a needy manipulator that has been causing my distress and regret even after I blocked him, over time I realise I need to confront him at some point to finally end this nightmare. He was a downright sociopath, even when I weeped for him he showed no reaction. He stole two years of my life away from me and I want revenge for this shit. Either way, don't fall for the same mistake as me and fall for this manipulative crap. Get rid of that asshole just like I am going to with the faggot that ruined me.
Community was a good show.
Dota 2 comes to mind immediately.
About four years ago I had a rough period where I was dumped by my girlfriend and disowned by my parents. I decided to reconcile with some old high school friends after this, I stopped talking to them because they spent most of their time playing Dota to the point where they couldn't find time for anything else.
I tried to get into Dota since it was the only way to communicate with them at most hours of the day. Immediately, the first thing I noticed is that they were huge scrubs. Despite having thousands of hours each in the game they were all mediocre players, and they spent about 90% of their time bitching and moaning and blaming everything that went wrong on everything but themselves, the teammates, lag, broken characters, etc.
Obviously since I was brand new (i stopped playing at around 100 hours), I wasn't nearly as good as them. At first they tried to help me out but after I had about 50 hours I became their scapegoat for if anything went wrong in a game. Even if I could tell it wasn't my fault (obviously it was a lot at the time since I was brand new) they would still normally pin the blame on me and start yelling at me, saying I need to learn the game, calling me bad, etc.
At this point my depression just got worse to the point where I hit the clinical, incurable phase of depression. I won't say this was the cause but I think it could have been salvageable after the events of that year, but now I'm just permanently stuck with the illness no matter how well I do in life.
I stopped playing the game after this, which meant since its all they did I basically stopped communicating with them. Fast forward to today and while I still have depression, I have a bachelor's degree, a better relationship, and a nice paying IT job. Meanwhile these fools are still working minimum wage dead end jobs and spending all their time off work playing Dota.
I don't see the appeal of that game. It seems straight up life-ruining.
Sometimes I'll just boot up Minecraft on Peaceful and just aimlessly wander the overworld. Sometimes I'll find something neat, or stop by a village to help them farm. It's soothing.
>I had a rough period where I was dumped by my girlfriend and disowned by my parents
How did you manage to get disowned by your parents, genuinely curious. I don't know anyone who's ever managed to do that.
they caught me smoking weed and they are traditionalist, strict fucks
eventually I reconciled with them but it took a while. I spent a few months after that being homeless, living in my car and floating from friends house to friends house.
It's the same reason I was dumped by my gf.
everything will be fine :)
I play the one I already played multiple time because picking new one in the chore and most of the time I start downloading, cancel it wondering what I'm doing with my life, rinse and repeat.
Sometimes I manage to play 1/2 hours before uninstalling
I've been realizing lately, even more so than usual, that normal people just don't suffer the same issues that I do. I also have intense social anxiety and to simply socialize with people is incredibly difficult and confounding to me. I also go through intense periods of incredibly low mood where I consider suicide, close myself off from my friends, don't bother with any of my hobbies, or with school, and it's so fucking hard.
So I hear. I haven't actually played SH2 or 3 yet even though I know my ideas are pretty close to what SH has traditionally been (from what I know anyway). I anticipated that comparison well in advance.
I found out while I was playing a Sonic game that my grandfather had cancer. I tried to outrun my sadness. I couldn't.
I didn't have any friends and we couldn't afford a pet, but what I did have was Pokemon. I've lost the save file, but I'll never forget hatching Pokemon from eggs and watching them grow stronger.
Binding of Isaac kept me company through some dark times.
Sometimes when I'm really pissed I project everything I think is wrong with the world onto the demons from Doom and just fucking ruin their shit. Vanilla, mods, 2016, it's all good. Quake and Duke work as well.
Does depression makes you numb/apathetic to your situation? Like you know it's shit but "it can't be helped after all"
Makes you want to drink really badly
If it gets bad enough you just sort of stop feeling anything. Which is honestly even worse than being simply sad, sometimes.
>try CBT
>"keep a diary, control your breathing, and just try to overcome your difficulties :)"
Yes, it make it significantly harder to do... well, almost anything, actually. It does not make you not feel bad, but it seeps away your capacity to act on your thoughts. Again: the heart of depression is disfunction of motivation drives. It's also why early stages of medical treatment are heavily associated with heightened suicidal risks, because for a brief window, treating the depression actually may remove the most significant obstacle to commiting a suicide the patient may have.
>keep a diary
My friend has been pushing me to start journaling my life and I think I'm going to take her up on it. I think it's a great way to work out some of your issues or at least deal with them in a way.
The most fascinating thing about CTB is the astauding success rates it has. However, they really should have told you quite a lot more. CTB is all about discipline, regime, time-management, goal management, and most significantly, exposure therapy.
It may be a good goal, but CTB usually requires people to keep a diary so that you can establish yourself a very strict and orderly regime. It's not so much about working out your inner problems, and far more about making consistently sure you do all your chores, keep a stright sleep routine, etc...
I never cared about drinking honestly probably because I never had the occasion to develop a taste for it I guess. And I'm afraid I'll get addicted.
The thing is if your depression is cured and you wasted 15 years doing nothing with your life what do you do then?
That would help me a lot too.
this game helped me deal with all my feels during middle school.
dear diary,
everything good is long dead
it's not really a diary, it's a log of anxiety and other everyday insurmountable cliff-faces that make you mentally repeat the mantra "i wish i was never born".
>consistently sure you do all your chores, keep a stright sleep routine, etc
i already do all that and everything is fucked. i don't need a diary.
>The thing is if your depression is cured and you wasted 15 years doing nothing with your life what do you do then?
You start fixing things. It's going to be slow, but I can assure you: It is still going to be better than another 30 years of depression and slow, painfully slow death caused by the accumulated health degradation that depression entails.
But I do understand your fear, I understand it perfectly. And it is this fear that very often prevents people from getting treatment to begin with.
That all said: the good news is that depression usually does not get cured. Ever. Only managed.
Not really. My mind tends to wander while playing games and I always end up doubling down on bad thoughts and feel worse and worse while Mario or whatever is gleefully cheering in the background. It used to be a decent escape from stuff like school and work, but it doesn't help me escape from the shit bouncing around in my own skull so much anymore
>i already do all that and everything is fucked. i don't need a diary.
The core point of the whole exercise is to confront you with the things that make you miserable. That is exposition therapy. Each time you overcome one, things will get a little easier.
I'm gonna be honest with you: I DESPISE CTB. With a furious, profound hatered. I probably despise CTB as much as the asshole earlier hated medication, and an equal, if not greater amount of bias. So I probably should not be discussing it with other people too much. That all said: data does not lie: CTB helps more people each year than all other schools of therapy COMBINED. Just keep in mind: SOME people don't respond very well to it. It may be worth considering other options too. Just to cover your bases.
>Lol your problems aren't real eat a salad
Fuck off moron
>And it is this fear that very often prevents people from getting treatment to begin with.
That's the worst thing about this shit, you fear getting help for no reason and always find bullshit excuses for not doing anything.
It took me several months before managing to go to a doctor for what I thought were chest pain when it's basically free here
Undertale temporarily helped me, but I developed an unhealthy obsession with Asriel that has absolutely crippled me and any relationships I had. I care more about the happiness of a fictional character than I care about my own.
>Girl used me as a dildo for 6 months
>Develop feelings for her
>Confess to her one day
>Got told I wasn't her type of ideal man
>Stay for a while as dildo replacement because sex
>Tells me she is going to date other men now, and tries to pass it off as something funny and/or exciting
>Hurt and angry lose it and cut off all contact with her
>Not only does she get offended she gives 0 fucks and goes on with her life as if nothing happened
>Never played BoTW so I decide to finally try it
>Game is engrossing enough to let my mind wander and stop thinking about said person
>After 3 months of playing the game getting 100 percent (yes, even the fucking Korok seeds) it doesn't hurt/make me mad as it did before
>She gives 0 fucks and whores away
Drinking is ok when you have a pint or two
dont do what I did today by having two strong beers, a couple glasses of wine and grand mariner with ice cream
Alcohol does not mix well with safe hatred.
I feel you brother, as a pilot, seeing a psychiatrist is career suicide, thats why that poor bastard crashed the Eurowings to the alps.
I too would kill myself if I was told that seeking help would clip my wings
I’ve never experienced depression and when I think I would I’ve taken precautions to prevent it. But I have played games that reinforced my mindset and I can only be thankful I did.
Instead of just being escapism, I did actually become more productive and social after playing the Persona series.
>Stayed home to play a MMO
>Missed school shooting
Thank you FF XI
If you are aware of this, than you have literally already passed the single most difficult trial. I'm not kidding. The moment you realize that you are afraid of getting treated - not because it won't work or be too painful, but because there is a part of you that may not WANT to be treated, that means you have a level of honesty with yourself and self-awareness that frankly, most people suffering our condition, never fucking reach.
And it's a critical realization to actually turn your situation for the better. The biggest obstacle to treatment is always, always delusion or dishonesty to yourself.
If you are aware of this being a problem, you already know where and what to fight. That is a massive fucking success.
Did anyone from your class got shot?
It doesn't count. No.
>tfw want to die
>tfw too proud to accept death
>tfw too coward to commit suicide
Help me
Become addicted to sex, either get a fuckbuddy (hard mode) or get escorts
I used to grind csgo pugs on esea/faceit to get into pro leagues, and when I wasn’t in school and jobless I played maybe 12-15 games a day. The community at that level is one of the most cancerous of any video game. It just made my mindset worse listening to ragers and cry babies having an aneurysm 24/7, so I quit the game. Not on pills anymore either, I was on a ton of wellbutrin and paroxetine for multiple years and I quit them cold turkey a couple months ago. I felt like they weren’t doing anything for me, and I feel much better with just normal exercise added to my routine
Yeah it did, and then I realized I spent all my good years playing vidya and not growing as a person and now I'm mentally and physically behind 90% of all my friends. Now I drink and can't find a job that pays more than 15 an hour.
Why is that game a fucking psycho magnet?
Vitamin D3 could help because most people lack Vitamin D even in supper sunny states like Flordia.
Get your Vitamin D levels checked. It just takes a blood test in your annual or every 2 years blood test, depending on how often you see your doctor every year.
I recommend the Kirkland Signature Vitamin D3 from Costco by the way since its the best bargain compared to other vitamin brands.
You need to go to a psychologist often for cbt to work in my opinion. If you go once a month you probably do not get any time to talk about anything as so much can happen in your life it will take too long to fix anything.
What's your country and what are your interests.
It's not too late, you know.
Entertainment doesen't really work for me when I'm down. When it's happy golucky shit it makes me feel even worse because my current situation is so shit.
CTB is best practices in an intense training program. I have been through three-month long, daily from 8-19 program except for weekends. A lot of people there with me have been straight up hospitalized there too.
I got kicked out one week before it ended.
I don't know your age or physical level but lonely senior citizens who want to start getting exercise and make friends usually do this.
United States Masters Swimming
>Masters swimming is an organized program of swimming for adults. U.S. Masters Swimming (USMS), founded in 1970, is a nonprofit membership national governing body. The program began when the first National Masters Swimming Championships were held on May 2, 1970 at the Amarillo Aquatic Club pool with a few dozen swimmers. Captain Ransom J. Arthur, M.D., a San Diego Navy doctor, had persuaded John Spannuth, President of American Swimming Coaches Association, that the event would give older swimmers (ex-competitors and beginners) a goal for keeping physically fit. Arthur's mission of encouraging adults to improve fitness through swimming has grown over the years into a nationwide organization that currently includes more than 60,000 adult swimmers.[1]
>Members participate in a variety of ways ranging from lap swimming to international competition. The program is organized by USMS, which provides organized workouts, competitions, clinics, and workshops for adults aged 18 and over. Programs are open to all adult swimmers (fitness, triathlete, competitive, noncompetitive) who are dedicated to improving their fitness through swimming. To be eligible for USMS competition, swimmers must sign up with USMS and obtain a membership card for a fee that varies by location
Originally intended for ex-swimmers, a surprisingly amount of retired people join even those with advanced ages so the organization is experienced with helping old people swim well.
But there is a lot of young people as well like college athletes or people in their 20s who join.
god i wish that were me
I had a fuckbuddy, she didn't bring me anything
Here is a fun little fact about depression.
You know those stupid fucking watches that check how many steps a day you are supposed to do and set up some arbitrary number of steps you supposed to do to be "healthy"?
Well, get them, if you are depressed. They are a scam, health-wise: all longitunal studies have proven the actual claim that you are supposed to do X amount of steps a day to be healthier are absolute bullshit.
They do, however, massively improve well-being of people with depression. That is the ONLY group they provably help.
It's incredibly emotionally manipulative and preys upon mentally unstable people.
I feel for you user, after graduating college, 3 months after that, I realized that I just go to the whole education with no goals, no aspirations. I feel incomplete as a human being. No friend to talk to, no jobs either and afraid to change the status quo, despite the worst situation. Still a neet for 2 years and the prospect of getting a job is becoming worse as time goes by. Its a downward spiral. It comes to a point that I'm questioning myself everytime I can play videogames, read a novel or watch movies. My head always says that "should I be doing this?" instead of trying to get a job then fail again and again. Frankly, I fear that I won't going to get better, as I'm being paralyzed by my regrets and guilt.
you'll be a neet in 10 years, take it from someone with experience
7 years in can confirm
A guy tried to stab me for my wallet, to bad for him, I disconnected my ethernet cable before the blade could connect.
Kept me from an heroing
Never. Fucking never.
Video games give you temporary relief, but absolutely never do they provide a solution to all your problems.
Silent Hill 2 is the only game I'd say helped my mental state for the better
Enter The Gungeon
challenged myself so that everyime I lost to the rat I'd actually exercise
I beat that bastard and eventually got treadmill and basic pushups/situps to be daily routine
No, but one guy I disliked got hit in the leg, so thank god for that.
>my autistic brain starts reacting to all the testosterone build up
>girl approaches me for help in homework
>Start talking and eventually ask her out
>Royally get turned down
>Started blaming myself to much
>Something snapped. This needed to end
>But needed time to pad my time instead of crying myself. Video games. Yes. Saved my life.
>Saved up enough money and bought my first ever gaming rig
>Hoes and thots can fuck off until I find another girl and make a fool of myself
Vidya are based user.