>Billions dollar franchise
Billions dollar franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
Minimize spending and maximize profits. They are doing what makes sense. You don't spend more than you have to.
60$ for that, we are in 2019 right now not 1999.
Still gonna sell like hotcake regardless.
Those first two panels should be the other way around.
Everyone complaining about this game is going to buy it anyway. You people are nothing but sheep.
I'm not going to buy it, i stopped at X/Y and i don't have a Switch.
It's still easily going to sell a good 10 million anyways. You gamers rising up aren't going to mean shit to them in the long run.
nigga I ain't touched this shit since Pearl
>normies only care about graphics
>only incels complain about women
What are other things that made you, yes you (the person reading this) realize Yea Forums literally doesn't talk to people in real life?
Are you too fucking retarded or you don't even know what pirate is?
I struggle to understand Scottish people more than Jamaicans
I'd rather pay 60 burger bucks for this than for Links Awakening: Toddlervision
I'm just gonna keep playing Pokemon Go and wait to buy the updated/third version used.
Buy Luigi Mansion 3 instead of them.
It makes sense for them. It DOESN'T make sense for you to be defending them, being that you're a consumer. Unless you're a paid shill.
Soon to gain another few billion, since everyone has already forgotten the dex thing in favor of Nessa and Yamper and no one cared about the graphics to begin with.
Just not contributed to by me. I don't need to waste money on a game they can't even be bothered to finish.
WOAH DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it's so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i'm in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it's got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it's a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it's also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we're both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on SWITCH games and our FURBABIES. i'm fuckin JACKED man, i'm gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
Faggots like you said the same shit about LGPE and I didn't buy it.
Post YFW you don't care about Pokemon and just came to this thread to laugh at the excuses for that tree.
>More than 12
>Still playing pokemon
>Th-they don't care about irrelevant stuff like textures and animations
>Wh-who needs graphics anyway!?
its common. why put effort when you know people will spend?
Quick reminder to buy both Pokémon Sword AND Pokémon shield for the true experience. Thank you.
I stop buyi-downloading pokemon roms back kn the nds era. As a switch owner I was curious what the first console mainline pokemon game would look like and to be honest, this shit doesn't even look like it's worth pirating.
But it'll obviously still sell, the majority of its sales are from the casual audience, not the long time fans that have any standards. There's also the competitive autist who'll buy it anyway just to play in the meta.
Wait, is this the same fucking tree's they have in OoT?
no fucking way bros
Explain why I would buy it when Showdown exists
You literally can't
>GameFreak vs #BringtheNationalpokedex
>Complain about double kick movement and ignore the rest
>Complain about water and ignore that this isn't the final product
>Complain about 1 tree and ignore the rest
>Complain about Wingull and ignore the rest
>Complain about the next trailer, characters and even raids nows and still ignore everything
>Being a record machine on Serebii.net, Nintendo and Pokemon twitters witouth live
>Bashing, banning, insult and trolling people who talk normally and call them apologist, GF lover and so on twitter and other forums.
>Complain every mechanic about the new pokemon about one guy to post everything wrong like a recording machine
>Don't care the good game anymore they just act like a recording machine now
Resetera vs THQ Nordic
>Complain about the AMA everytime like a recording machine
>Post Ms. Galaxy post everytime
>Bashing, banning, insult and trolling people who talk normally and call them pedo and nazis
>Don't care the good game anymore they just act like a recording machine now
#BringtheNationalpokedex are becoming like Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
Money is meaningless if it's not spent, an artistic creation remains infinite in it's value.
Yuzu day one
>Money is meaningless if it's not spent
That's right goy, spend every penny you have, saving money is for suckers.
In what context were you posting this?
Based shareholder logic
>Aonuma as the voice of reason
This is the darkest timeline.
That's the very definition of soulless.
meanwhile at fan remake
dilate fufufu
Prease understand, smarru Indy compary
>GameFreak vs #BringtheNationalpokedex
>Complain about double kick movement and ignore the rest
>Complain about water and ignore that this isn't the final product
>Complain about 1 tree and ignore the rest
>Complain about Wingull and ignore the rest
>Complain about the next trailer, characters and even raids nows and still ignore everything
>Being a record machine on Serebii.net, Nintendo and Pokemon twitters witouth live
>Bashing, banning, insult and trolling people who talk normally and call them apologist, GF lover and so on twitter and other forums.
>Complain every mechanic about the new pokemon about one guy to post everything wrong like a recording machine
>Don't care the good game anymore they just act like a recording machine now
>Resetera vs THQ Nordic
>Complain about the AMA everytime like a recording machine
>Post Ms. Galaxy post everytime
>Bashing, banning, insult and trolling people who talk normally and call them pedo and nazis
>Don't care the good game anymore they just act like a recording machine now
#BringtheNationalpokedex are becoming like Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
>Link's awakening is for toddlers
>Pokemon isn't
ngl, cringe
Get out of Yea Forums and go fix your game, Masuda
The truth Hurts
Hire this individual
Honestly I go into new generations to try out the new pokemon and region. If old ones appear, that's nice, but it's not a deal breaker.
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
ResetEra shit on Serebii when he tried defending Game Freak you clueless retard.
>I-it's not the final product
>It'll get good I swear
He's shitposting. Nobody could possibly defend this game. t. massive pokefag
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
It's almost like they want to make money rather than spend it.
That being said, just don't support them if they're going to be lazy like this. If everyone knew a decade or so ago a console Pokemon title would actually look like this, nobody would have ever cared to begin with.
>Nobody could possibly defend this game
I agree, only autists could defend it. Thanks, user
Holy mother of reddit
I agree, only autists could attacking, insulting, banning people who like this game. Thanks, user
fixed for you
You're the retard if you actually play the game. You didn't pay Nintendo but you put time(20-30 hours)and effort into playing a shitty game. And you willingly played the game that everyone said "killed Pokemon".
The only winning move is not to play.
>The only winning move is not to play.
>making a big deal out of this
Yeah the tree looks like shit, nobody is denying nor defending Game Freak on that. My bigger concern is whether or not they'll optimize the game, which I doubt they will. Seriously there should be no excuse for having frame drops now that they're off the 3DS, but something tells me they'll still find a way to make it happen.
Amazon disagrees.
even LGPE had frame drops and that shit literally looked like a 3ds game with lightshafts.
>Ignoring the rest
>all these triangles
>some models still look like shit
How do they do it?
Stopped at ORAS after I saw they were done putting effort into their shit.
Aonuma is great decently often. I love his shitting on timeline fags.
>expect quality from something that is milked over decades
you must to be very young op to figure it out just now
as non pokemon player i know what pokedex is but what the fuck is national pokedex?!
You faggots said the same as LGPE, Gamefreak is forced to allow multiple save files this time so I'll borrow it at most.
>as non pokemon player i know what pokedex is but what the fuck is national pokedex?!
it's the one that has every single pokemon. gamefreak is so lazy it won't port the models of every Pokemon over to S&S, even though they supposedly made the models "future proof" for this specific purpose, to use them over and over in future games when the tech got better
the graphics don't bother me, it's the framerate. how does it manage to struggle on switch when mario odyssey can do 60fps
The complete pokédex that includes literally all of the pokémon, not just the ones in the region
Aren't those trannies usually the one defending developers over costumers? Why is it different with pokémon?
I suspect it's more management issue. The directors in Game Freak suck at hiring/managing their staffs (artists and programmers).
If Monolith can do that with near to zero budget, there is no excuse.
yes we know and even more people thanks that this time we can use the pro controller. This will get like more than 12 millions at least. People complaining that Amazon don't had a lot are retards like this is the only retailers in the world. A lot nintendo games are coming even now so most of them are waiting plus most of them are checking the new Amazon policy on Europe about preorder games are getting paid in a instant, instead 2-3 days before the the release
The only way this shit is going to change is it fags like you and everyone complaining doesn’t buy the game instead of caving like massive bitches. If you’re a person that shits on this game but still buys it you’re more of a retard than the people who are defending this shit.
it's because after Pokemon GO, Gamefreak made a startling discovery:
>"The fans of our Pokemon franchise will pay us money for anything we put out dealing with Pokemon..."
They understand now that they can put zero effort into bringing the graphics to modern levels and just let the game look like an early PS2-era game.
They understand now that their game will still sell millions of copies even if fans can't transfer the shinies and perfect IV Pokemon that they've spent thousands of hours obtaining.
They understand now that their game needs zero improvement to the stilted, cheap animations of X/Y and S/M.
They understand now that they can just keep introducing a new random gimmicky mechanic each generation instead of actually overhauling how the stale formula works.
They understand now that Pokemon games will sell no matter what. Even if Sword and Shield get 5/10's from every reviewer, they're guaranteed to sell millions of copies to Pokefans because those people will buy ANYTHING Gamefreak shits out.
They've been doing the greedy shit since the beginning with forcing you to buy all the versions of the game in each generation to actually obtain all of the Pokemon, but now they're going to another level of bullshit.
>"We don't have the memory for all 800 pokemon!"
Then how the fuck can Breath of the Wild be a massive open world with hundreds of different enemies and NPC models?
>"The animations would take too long to make!"
Why can't you port the animations from X/Y and S/M like you clearly did with what you showed off in Sword/Shield?
>"We don't have enough staff to make the game amazing!"
150 people shit out this hot garbage in over 3 years of work? The Witcher 3 had 150 people on its team (which did grow to 250 eventually, but still. You're talking 10x the graphics and 3x the content.)
Also worth saying:
And yet they happily showed it off at E3 and let people demo it. LOL.
Game Freak fucked up so bad, even ResetEra is on our side now:
I think intelligent Pokefags want literally anything else to make Gamefreak sweat by this point
low budget AND more than half of their programmers working on BotW
>He doesn't know hay many years SE develop one DQ game.
>hd console
>Digimon, SMT, Yokai Watch, and now even DQM
>are all going to release quality games
>Pokémon makes half-baked shit and it's still going to sell more
People are retarded
>even LGPE had frame drops
How? Seriously how do you have frame drops with something so basic? I know the Switch isn't the strongest hardware out there, but you co own the franchise with the people that make the damn console. Get some help to make it run at least a 30 frame constant.
So is true:
#BringtheNationalpokedex are becoming like Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
I like every monster tamer franchise, so I don't even care if Pokémon fails or not. Brand loyalty is gay
Oh no, wanting a lazy company to put more effort is a bad thing
Nah Enix doesn’t fuck around, expect it to be released by Q4 2020 - Q1 2021
3D Open world monster catching in DQ XI’s engine.
Fuck I going to buy the game now. I not like those trannies. Fuck them
Yep. Everyone can find common ground in their hatred of Game Freak now. It's an unexpected silver lining to the shitshow of Sword/Shield.
>buying video games
Entertainment is worth nothing.
>Q4 2020 - Q1 2021
Source = your ass
>DQ XI’s engine.
*UE4. More DQ is always welcomed, hopefully this one got international release.
>2019 DQB2 & DQXI S
>2020 DQM
>2021 DQH3
>2022 DQXII
Pretty sad. Well more Core fags are starting to understand even more latetly. on PLGPE were like 40%-30% of them bought the game. Right now are +50% and soon will be more.
why are people assuming gamefreak has all the money? they're only a lapdog to TPCi
God this comic is the most unfunny shit
Haven't bought one since Sun/Moon. Skipped out on USUM and LGPE, gonna skip out on this one as well. X/Y and ORAS were underwhelming and S/M was alright but way too linear
>draft the proposal
>set budget
>parent company give money
It's pretty basic stuff. They won't give more if GF don't ask more or convince TPC that it worth investing in more ambitious scope.
>user trying to cope with how even literal retards on the net hate GF's practises
>And yet they happily showed it off at E3 and let people demo it. LOL.
That's what I find the most hilarious about it.
It makes short term sense, but the low quality of the past few games has done some serious damage to the brand's image. They won't be able to pump out low quality games indefinitely before people start to catch on.
When people start associating your games with low quality it becomes really hard to dig yourself out of that hole. Think Sonic.
You're still part of the problem by actually playing the game.
>user trying to cope with how even literal retards on the net hate GF's practises
The truth hurts.
They are becoming the new resetera fans now. Doing exactly the same: attacking with Hate and complaining with everything the find a little wrong like a little tiny rock.
>#BringtheNationalpokedex are becoming like Resetera
>#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
the scottish stuff was fun for like 2 days.
then twatter and plebbit forced it harder than anything i've ever seen.
thankfully the whole "whitewashing nessa" stuff is going on now and the tears and butthurt are amazing.
Wrong. Literally projecting
uhm actually its called a wooloo
The game is releasing in a few months buddy. This is essentially the final product.
The only difference between now and the release version are most likely bugfixes for edgecases that you wouldn't have noticed.
>essentially the final product.
I think jokes are funnier than angry Twitter screencaps personally
I didn’t get let’s go but honestly should’ve stopped at gen 6
>remove features and half ass the reason for doing it
>hate mob who wants change forms on social media
woah, who would've guessed, maybe don't say that you're making better animations and post a wingull.
>woah, who would've guessed, maybe you should post Ms Galaxy saying: Pokemons rape me as a child now
Pedos=/=gameplay, cotnent and graphics
#BringtheNationalpokedex are becoming like Resetera
#BringtheNationalpokedex = Resetera
This Scottish shit is unfunny as fuck. Who is still making these
Don't like how tree looks?
Just go outside and stare at a real tree, also take some fresh air and stop being mad
I stopped buying Pokémon games when they told me to buy Sun and Moon again after it was already awful the first time
Honestly I should've stopped at XY
Why would anyone use it's just a beta in 2019?
>canned response
>expecting anything other than a pre-pogrammed response from a russian bot
people with a sense of humor unlike you.
My mistake.
>This Scottish shit is unfunny as fuck.
i know right?
now if they plastered the whole comic with wojaks, that would be comedy gold
Why is she so white? why are you fags still withewashing this character?
You underestimate Game Freak's incompetence
Doesn't really matter. It's still going to sell like hotcakes and it has the best new girls in several games.
or you could just not buy either since they both look like dogshit you fucking troglodite
Too be fair, here's the game that will sell gangbusters and make GF have a well known game outside of Pokemon right here.
Sure as hell doesn't have enough time to radically change what we've already seen.
absolutely and completely based
>Why would anyone use it's just a beta in 2019?
So now we ignore beta games now becase we want every pokemon on november instead trasnfering oh Wow.
The next trailer on september I think even if the game become even better you retards will complain as always because you want everything one november instead on updates after Pokemon Home release on 2020:
>Complain a tinny rock
>Complain a puddle
>complain my character isn't waving his hand more
>Still posting zelda tree on this
>Still posting 1 movement instead the rest movement the we still don't know yet but i doesn't matter we still complain
>#BringThenationalPoxedex Faggots appear bashing, insulting and trolling as always.
Link's Awakening remake looks like it has more effort put in to it than this.
Nah your a faggots anyways
Town won't even be a blip on the radar against Pokémon.
It'll sell a couple million copies tops. Game Freak will continue to be synonymous with Pokémon and nothing else.
I had left the series after gen 3, came back for X, and was dissapointed, so haven't buy any since that, and I sure as shit won't be buying this one. I considered buying it but I'm not a supreme retard like you
>one november instead on updates after Pokemon Home release on 2020:
The issue is that Home won't even allow for all pokemon to be transfered to SS you mongoloid. That was what was said in the Treehouse stream.
If it was like XY and ORAS with bank not being functional until sometime after release, then you wouldn't be seeing people chimp out over GF's retardation over the years.
Using the national dex in their hashtags is just representing the idea of "all pokemon" being allowed for transfering, instead of those who are only also in the regional dex.
Only now people realise that all those A games done by literally 3 people released by nintendo are low budget 60$ cash grabs?
>Gamefreak butchering pokemon is the same as a dev doing an AMA on an imageboard
>has the best new girls in several games.
Let's not get carried away here.
is not in the new Pokemon rehash
As long as we get cute girls and cute yuri, idc.
my last pkmn game was diamond.
it'll stay that way
>The issue is that Home won't even allow for all pokemon to be transfered to SS you mongoloid.
No all of you are making the fact after he said the new policy that you claiming that: will never appear the other pokemon "EVER AGAIN IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE OF POKEMON" and now are taking the blame the entire game grapchis, mechanics, etc.
Personally, I blame Dynamax.
>No all of you are making the fact after he said the new policy that you claiming that
That just cemented the problem. He said it in the treehouse stream as well, only regional dex transfering. And that led to people getting mad.
>will never appear the other pokemon "EVER AGAIN IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE OF POKEMON"
Nah, no one wants rotation shit either.
>and now are taking the blame the entire game grapchis, mechanics, etc.
If you said that you're improving some of those but give us a half baked gimmick like the last two and shitty and/or reused animations, then those are going under scrutiny. The fact that it took until the main selling point of the series to get damaged for people to realise that GF are hacks will always still make me laugh.
I want to buy it because I just really like cute Pokémon, and it seems there are a lot of them in this
It's more a situation of, 'There's certainly no way in this galaxy that can do worse than they've already done.' Then low and behold, they surprise everybody by somehow finding a way to do worse than they've already done. It's like watching a man with no arms succeed in sawing off one of his own legs.
The fact remains that there are plenty of people who have become attached to Pokémon they've had, potentially, for nearly two decades.
And in SWSH, some of those Pokémon won't be allowed to join them.
And in Gen 9, who knows?
Gen 10? Up in the air.
Gen 11?
Even if your favorite is in Sword and Shield, there's no guarantee they'll stay in. Maybe you'll get to have Ariados for three straight gens, then suddenly he's gone.
It's fucked up, it's stupid, and there is NO EXCUSE.
Generation 8 looked so much better.
And at the end of the they all of you are just want every pokemon on the new game instead be patience and wait when pokemon home enter next year a wait a few months. We didn't eve see more of the new pokemons, movements of the Gingatamax rumor from other pokemon.
RBY were some of the lowest quality games around and Pokemon has done more than fine since then.
>and wait when pokemon home enter next year a wait a few months.
You're an idiot if you missed the issue with home.
Hell they could've saved their skin by saying that they would patch the ability to use all pokemon at a certain point in the future. But they didn't
how about you "be patience" and learn how to spell you dumb fuck
But if they gave the characters a heavy Japanese accent, suddenly it would become problematic.
Well when you're running a major fansite I guess you don't have a choice but to suck their dicks
'Cause if their game fails then so does your site
It's funny how many animations are in amie/refresh only and yet what we saw so far was more of the same from the 3DS in battle.
dios mio... el espico que no sabe ingles...
>The fact remains that there are plenty of people who have become attached to Pokémon they've had, potentially, for nearly two decades.
So is right to insulting, trolling a make fun of people who want the game on twitter from Pokemon and even from Nintendo and I don't suprised we will see that on twitch and yotube when another direct starts and with other doesn't had to do with the franchise. So thats cool ehh??
I've never seen another property that can hold their consumers by the balls like this(besides Apple), it's almost kinda funny, really.
You're an idiot if you if you still complaining from an apliccation that will release on 2020
Even Resetera trannies don't want to hear Joe's excuses
Double kick's a meme, post the downgraded bravebird in this game
Would you like to try this post again, in English this time?
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
I'm not complaining but I do plan on buying it. It will be my first Pokemon game in more than a decade.
> Downgraded Brave Bird
W-what did they do to it? Brave Bird looked pretty cool in Gen 6/7
>expressive animations
How far both Joe and Game Freak have fallen.
I'm sorry, using my cellphone to type while walking is difficult you dumb fuck
Comparing the equivalent of a Z-move to a basic move that is famous for never using the kick animation. People always use Double Kick as the example every game because it's always the worst looking move by far due to the stupid design choice of it not using the kick animation.
Learn to speak English you fucking spic
>using my cellphone
>using my cellphone to type while walking
please do the world a favour and go get run over by a bus
>mobile poster
Dude get off Yea Forums and do what you went outside to do first before you suck GF's cock.
Phones have auto correct and a dictionary. You have no excuse. Spic
Weebs chines start up
Double Kick again? Do we not have footage of any other move?
I just find it a bit weird that it's literally always that move being posted.
jump in front of a car while you're are it
I'm walking for hours because I love it.
Stop complaining
>typing on a phone while walking turns you into an incomprehensible ESL
Not how that works, I'm afraid
Soulless as fuck.
Thats the problem, they don't want to the others
but r/scottishpeopletwitter lol, they speak funny lol!!
at least it has BWC sluts
did someone recreate the HATE from warframe?
Why not?
You means hot
never played a single pokemon game and never will
Enact the change you desire and post truly expressive battle animations from Sword and Shield. I'll wait.
Dancing cat girls
I love it. Just a little fixes
Compared to Double Kick that's actually way better. No idea what it looked like before but I think that looks good.
Not him but if you want to see the more flashier moves then check out the dynamax battles. The problem is that those are still not unique animations specific to the monster like Digimon is.
Have sex.
Shit taste
Left is more faithful to UK.
Wtf that looks like shit.
We lost half the Dex for THIS?? The older one looks fucking better. Thanks GameFreak. Please kill me.
this is how it looked like before
i would a monkey, this is actually a improvement. now i want a tail, thanks asshole
>gray grass out of knowhere
Shit taste
Pretty sure either the gen 6 or 7 version looked cooler. Anyone have it?
no the character is white
Oh Joe.
Now you're even straight up lying
Just how much does this man get payed?
Who gives a fuck about what makes sense for the corporations, we aren't corporations, we're the consumer. We are supposed to call this shit out.
before you didn't see the fire around him and now you can.
The new one is better
That's clearly an emulator running Gen 8. There's no way it looked that good natively in the 3DS.
Pokemon, Megas, and Z-Moves died for THIS. How much worse is this shit going to get?
Actually he telling the truth you can see his twitter. Most of the people apologize to him now
It's rather refreshing that for once, even normies are fed up with GameFreak
>wanting to lose precious pokemon money
I get him.
Should really just keep quiet and not talk about his opinions or defend it, just post more information about the games.
Though I wouldn't be surprised that it's a B team since town's a thing along with the release of LGPE. But then this is like a company of 150 people (intentionally that low) split between 2-3 games.
Really I'm curious on what's the point of adding shit like Z-moves and Megas if they get tossed out like how it is now. Felt mixed about them overall, but it seems like wasted effort and who knows if dynamax doesn't get tossed out in a gen or two for the next gimmick.
>before people start to catch on.
The games are still targeted at kids who will eat up any shit so long as its markeded incessantly towards them. Yeah a lot of boomers still buy it and GF will be sure to miss them, but it doesnt feel like they really consider them anyway. Maybe they just feel whether they stay or grow out of it is out of their control?
Masuda hasnt tweeted in 12 days.
He used to tweet almost everyday pre E3. What a coward
I'm genuinely curious now. In fact, I'm hoping GF halfasses this game even more(because they know they can get away with basically anything at this point) and the rage that will come from it and the defense firce trying their best mental gymnastics in an attempt to justify it
Pokemon doesn't look like shit before they're minimizing spending, Pokemon looks like shit because the people working on it are garbage.
Other studios make far better looking games with not even 1/10th of the money.
It's a fallacy to believe everything a company does is because they want more profit, things can still be done more efficient at Gamefreak, spending less money, and at the same time delivering a much better product.
>Really I'm curious on what's the point of adding shit like Z-moves and Megas if they get tossed out like how it is now. Felt mixed about them overall, but it seems like wasted effort and who knows if dynamax doesn't get tossed out in a gen or two for the next gimmick.
I'm betting the reason they were cut is because GF crunched the numbers early on only to discover Megas and Z-Moves shat all over Dynamax. Can't have the new gimmick get curb stomped by the old ones.
He appeared on some other guy's twitter I think
Brave Bird isn't even a fucking fire type attack
It has soul you shitty ass zoomers.
Oh boy I can't wait for them to not bring back gym leader rematches again.
>We have at least black Gym Leader/E4 and generic every gen
>It's Nessa who causes the shitstorm
Alright, what's gonna cause a part of this fanbase to explode the next time news gets dropped?
>before you didn't see the fire around him and now you can.
>The new one is better
Personally I never gave much of a damn about nationaldex. I always preferred gens like 3&5 that had new mons completely for the campaign then used older gen mons for postgame/safari.
But this time it looks like they're lazy filling out the dex with old gen mons while cutting most of them out. It kinda set precedent that this is how things will go from now on, a shitty roster/variety of new mons and random old mons to fill out the rest. Pathetic.
Oh my god, this is like a nightmare. WE THOUGHT IT COULDN'T GET WORSE THAN LGPE
This, game freak is based. Why wouldn't you want to make easy low effort money off dumb sheep?
The last Pokemon I bought was the first Mystery Dungeon and that wasn't even Gamefreak.
To be fair, mega evolutions was always fucking retarded and getting rid of them can only be a good thing. I know they just replaced it with dynamax, but at least dynamax can be used on any Pokemon, whereas only the chosen few got mega evolutions.
$0 on yuzu :^)
That's not grass, it's "Goes fast"
Posting this here because I didn't know there already was a thread How's Nintendo gonna respond to Game Freak's decisions regarding the pokemon franchise?
The slogan of the series as far as the general public is concerned is still 'Gotta Catch 'em All' and they've fucked it up. Meanwhile other first party franchises on the Switch are at new heights of popularity. Smash, Zelda, and Mario are doing their best to move consoles. Fire Emblem's graphics are shaky and flat, but everything else about it demonstrates an improvement for the series. This is juxtaposed with Game Freak, who a month ago said that their new IP 'Town' was the company's main focus. Game Freak co-own the biggest franchise in history, and are half-assing the transition to consoles. Imagine if Sword and Shield came out of nowhere with true HD graphics, animation on the level of Battle Revolution (2006) and a reassurance that the National Dex were returning, instead of the current state where the basics of the game seem absent?
If Nintendo could do anything to twist the screws on Game Freak they would have done it by now, but the blackpill in all this could be that they've become desensitised to their total lack of passion or dedication Game Freak has to its money spinner
I'm unable to care too much about Pokémon's current state because I also love Digimon and they're having a great year.
Still, kind of depressing seeing the shithole pokémon is in desu. Hoping Masuda gets fired
>surely it can't be worse than ORAS
>surely it can't be worse than SM
>surely it can't be worse than USUM
>surely it can't be worse than LGPE
i unironically never bought a pokemon game in my life, i pirated everything
Megas are great for the mons that needed them. Now Kangaskan, Beedrill, Pidgeot, etc. are going to be worthless again.
Get well soon, Zygarde
Remember when lgpe was just that "spinoff for the casuals, so don't worry, the next mainline game will be totally different and satisfy the long time fans because lgpe has no indication of where this series is heading" lol?
Pokemon sucks anyway. Nintendo uses the billions of dollars it generates on better games.
I haven't bought new since B/W and haven't bought at all since X/Y. I'll never buy again unless they shape up.
I don't play gamefreak games anymore because I'm not a retard but I'm intrigued by the modding possibilities
I'm sorry, Zygarde, but shit isn't getting better
I feel like if Nintendo had any real power over Gamefreak something would have changed by now, but Nintendo only owns 1/3rd of the Pokemon IP and GF has so much money that they probably don't even need funding from Nintendo, so while Ninty and GF are close business partners I doubt Ninty can step in and say "get it together GF" since Pokemon is technically second party.
Poor Zygarde, that 20th anniversary was really shitty
Nintendo owns most of Creatures, they effectively own 2/3. They just let it decline because free money.
>Hoping Masuda gets fired
The worst part is that this is never happening. WE'LL ALL JUST HAVE TO COPE
Remember that pokemon battle revolution game from 13 years ago? That pokemon game on the nintendo freaking wii from 2 console gens ago? That pokemon game with great animations for each mon, a hub style, health bar made from by some unknown developer?
I always though the "GF is lazy" shit was a meme but I'm starting to believe.
>Comparing the equivalent of a Z-move to
z-moves also look like crap compared to that
>I always though the "GF is lazy" shit was a meme
Literally how so?
>if you're over 25 this game is a must play
>i have no idea how game development works
lol. Somebody actually said this?
wrong, i'm a wooloo
It was never a spinoff retard
Honestly, I only played emerald on gba then forgot the series exist for a long while(because I outgrew the series before my teens).
All the controversy on how shitty the new game is looking is actually surprising me. It's the first mainline game on a home console and it looks like an upscaled 3ds games. Pretty much every pokemon game not made by GFlooking infinitely better is a nasty sign.
What have you done to me, user
Nope. I didn't buy the Gen 7 games or Densetsu no Kusoge, either. I'm dumb, but not dumb enough to be tricked into buying this trite.
You didn't fall for the "Quality animations" meme, did you?
>*cuts Game Freak's human resources in half*
Didn't Nintendo of America's Twitter posted something for the E3 tree house for Pokemon and deleted the tweet because of normies started complaining that there will be no national dex?
>I remind you all that Game Freak is Lazy and is Greedy.
>Graphics look better because the whole game will take place on a small town
>Still doesn't look that great
They deleted A tweet but only one, anything else has been getting bombed by people demanding the nat dex though.
They cater to waifufags now.
since gen 1
The next time Nintendo posts anything related to Pokemon, that tweet will get bombed for sure.
Also right now every tweet that @Pokemon does gets bombed by dexit claims and is funny to watch.
>the pic
This is a fucking sin
> Bombed.
200ish twittertrannies. Doesn't mean much. Game will sell 16 MILLION
in germany we say: "Ein gutes Pferd springt nur so hoch, wie es muss."
A good Horse only jumps as high as it has to? What a dumb saying. Kys nazi
Joke's on you haven't bought since XY
Yes. Yes we are.
I can't wait to play my comfy new pogeyman game whille all you poorfags are on here shitposting about how bad the graphics are.
>surely it can't get worse than SWSH
Nice try, Masuda.
Not quite. i'll buy Digimon, SMT, Yokai Watch and DQ
Whatever. SwSh can be shit. It's Pokémon. Who cares? It's been going downhill for years. I don't dare about it anymore. Not me.
if the DPPt remakes aren't as good as HGSS I'm going to fucking explode
This except I'll be playing the GB/GBA/DS era games and laughing at shills who are unironically paying full price to play worse games.
>dynamax can be used on any Pokemon
Exactly. It's not going to change anything. The strongest Pokemon will still be the strongest.
I wish I don't have to try to make money.
>Gen 9 will have a total of 20 pokémon
>No more animations at all
>As glitchy as a bethesda game
>making sure no one talks about it anymore and slowly killing it makes sense
>Dynamax Landorus-Therian
fun fun fun fun
He's not wrong and you didn't provide an argument.
gen 10 will be text only
>no graphics
>no music
>just text
The D/P remakes will be even worse than ORAS and you know it.
>Was still trending
>Go back and look at all the moves showcased then go look at them from the previous games
>implying they'll change anything besides a few bugs in the time thay have left
>all the trees are like that, in fact I'm sure they're copy-pasted
>The wingulls could at the very least flap their wings instead of the same stationary glide they've had for 6 years
>what did he mean by this?
>are you having a stroke?
>no sympathy for people who ask for less than they've gotten
>what the fuck is a "recording machine" in this context?
Also what are you talking about in the next paragraph?
Do you even speak english?
a horse that good doesnt jumping haver that it have to be
>gen 11 is a brick with "Pokémon void version" written on it with chalk and a sticker of the new legendary
>Tendies spend 15 years screaming about how if there's ever a big, mainline, actual home console Pokemon it's going to blow people away
>turns out it's complete shit, zero effort and looks like a bad joke
Almost feel bad for them having spent so long building hype. Have there been any reports of people in /vp/ committing suicide?
this is actually terrible business practice, it can only be sustained for so long
it doesn't help though that you incels will eat it up whole, buy both versions no less and show everyone your shit stained teeth when you smile like a good dog during the whole process while shit posting in Yea Forums
> 10:01 Video
Threads ARE getting a little slower than usual...
>Have there been any reports of people in /vp/ committing suicide?
/vp/ was on fire from the moment Masuda opened his mouth. It's quiet now. But it's too quiet. Usually Hype Season is a fun time to hang around /vp/ due to the insanity. But it's more dead than off Season now. It's bizarre.
/vp/'s felt pretty off since lgpe, hell even since usum
things aren't really looking up for long-time fans of pokémon
how's xeno2 running on it user?
>inb4 shit game
/vp/ is in absolute dread...
the only treads other than the obvious furry trash and waifu posting, is calling out Masuda and the bullshit that Game Freak is pulling, the rest is just shitposting this last ones for guaranteed replies...
I've been googling, how many Pokemon are actually in this game? All four generation's worth up to release? Or were there cuts in this one as well?
Yeah, but usually after a Direct and especially a Treehouse presentation, the board is full of traffic. Fake leaks, Groudon posters, speculations, etc. Were on the cusp of a new gen and /vp/ is slower than ever. Not a good sign imo.
All 4 Gens, yes. It doesn't have Deoxys forms if u recall. But that's basically it
>Have there been any reports of people in /vp/ committing suicide?
Not yet, about half of /vp/ have been pissed off at GF for years. Even when gen 8 news first started to show up, people there were skeptical about it because they knew GF will just fuck it up. Somehow, GF managed to fuck this up even beyond /vp/'s expectations.
As far as I can recall, every single Pokémon.
Nobody said you couldn't "call this shit out", it just from a business perspective it makes perfect sense since they know Pokemanchildren will buy anything Day 1.
>it's an user believes everybody is stupid except him episode
They've been having more Digimon threads than usual lately, too bad mods keep 404ing them. They are currently all here, that' why we've been having so many Digimon/SMT/Yokai Watch threads on Yea Forums lately
There have always been a shit ton of SMT threads on Yea Forums
But not three Yokai watch ones in a day. I did think that was a little weird.
All 4 gens, each mon looking better than anything the current gen will shit out by by far. Really nakes you think.
When you give the IP to anyone, even literal who developers, they can make infinitely better games.
When will this meme die?
Fuck off, Masuda. Fix your game
The true shitstorm will whip up when we start getting An Idea on who is in and who isn't. When the Dex starts filling up is when the rosterfagging will start with An intensify that Will make smashfags look like saints
> GOOOOOOOD MORNING Yea Forums THIS IS SLAKING. (yes THE Slaking from Hoenn)
When the games come out and people will either stop because they fixed the trees or stop because the games manage to get worse and people meme something else.
My bet is that things are gonna get worse.
At this point getting IN the game is what makes these pokémon losers. Volcarona is free from the shit region
What are you trying to prove?
>"Y'all still gonna buy the Let's Go games anyway so shutup"
>Good portion of people didn't
>"Well it doesn't matter anyway!"
We're really gonna do this again when even MORE people have an issue with the game?
I haven't bought a pokemon game in 15 years, I'm just here to laugh at the trainwreck
When they fix the whole game
I'll buy it. I don't care about some obscure shitmons not making it into the game, even if it means some of my favorites. Game freak aren't going to change shit no matter how big the outcry is so I might as well buy and enjoy it. Besides, my team will be comprised of new Galar Pokemon anyway.
a game from 20 years ago has more unique animations than one today, amazing
Its not a fair comparison, but each digimon in that game still has a basic general "attack" command that is also more animated than like 90% of pokemon anyways
>a game from 20 years ago with only the original 151 has unique animations
get well soon zygy my niggy
Oh, for a second I thought you were defending Sw/Sh
>a game from today with only the original 151 has no unique animations
That shit makes me angry... LGPE was a $60 cash grab and some how it managed to sell 10M...
Lmao they peaked at Gen 4. Gen 5 started the downfall of the franchise.
It's okay bro, just wait for gen 8 the deliver the TRUE home console experience.
>Megas are great for the mons that needed them. Now Kangaskan, Beedrill, Pidgeot, etc. are going to be worthless again
If only that is GF's intention, but Megas was created to get easy money when the already popular and strong pokemons also have it like Slamance, Charizard, Tyranitar, etc...
Just shove the 60 dollars up your ass, it's a better investiment
>implying they would make unique animations solely for the original 151 and no others
Explain why i'm "still gonna buy it!" when the past several years have been nothing but bad games and this is shaping up to be no different.
10mil is still a gigantic drop from gens 6 and 7, which were around 16mil. Might still be a high number to sell but in terms of first games of a gen, 10mil would be a pretty major decrease.
It will easily sell 16 MILLION
Not even Smash or Mario Kart has done those sorts of numbers on the Switch
And yet Pokémon easily will.
>implying they would cut pokemon for "better animations" when they can't do anything except make pretty particle effects
based retard
And yet no 3ds pokemon has outsold Mario Kart 7.
With the games costing more? With multiple savefiles being a thing on the switch? With Smash going heavy on the "everyone is here and we mean everyone" thing, whereas pokemon's the polar opposite now?
There's no chance in hell gen 8 is outselling smash, not without a third version or a remake or some way to scam the addicts that keep defending GF.
Is this true? Are Japs eating the game up?
I was a PSfag. Literally bought a Switch too because of BOTW and Smash
they deserve to be mocked for still using that horrendous double kick "animation." especially since they claimed they cut pokemon in order to make room for "higher quality animations."
it's not "way better," it's slightly better. at the end of the day, it's still not much of an animation. corviknight just flaps its wings a couple times, disappears and the lighting effects do the rest.
Yes. Nips have horrible taste
yeah right
nope. japan has stopped buying pokemon.
>"I'm retarded so everyone else is too"
No, this shit was trending on twitter for like 3 days.
My father once said to me:
"Son, pokemon games may change in quality, but know this; in some dark basement or a cramped studio apartment, there will always, always, ALWAYS, be a talented artist churning out more hentia of the hot female characters, especially hilda than you can shake your dick at"
And I've never forgot that.
nah mate
I consider myself a huge Pokémon fan and I haven't bought a game since Black 2. Chose to boycott the series after ORAS dropped the Frontier. I decided then that I'm not paying for another one until they meet one of the following criteria: bring back the Frontier (either one is fine) or at least give us online co-op in the Battle Tower clone. No dice so far.
Now that the games will be $60 from here on out and on top of that they're somehow more lazily/incompetently put together than ever before, I don't see myself buying one again unless Game Freak gets the boot.
Reminder that Gen 4 had Tower multis coop on wifi and later gens didnt
Your Dad was a wise man
Are Square and Enix still mostly segregated dev team wise? I wonder what a world where they never merged would look like
I think the original devs still work on dragon quest
your daddy gave you good advice
That's exactly why it's so baffling. It was the first gen with online for fucks sake.
I still remember the moment my internet friends (my only friends) and I went to the Battle Subway while in a Skype call, looking for an online terminal that wasn't there. The collective disappointment was palpable.
Pokemon really is an abusive relationship, but even in those there comes a point when one party finally hits a breaking point, sobers up, and leaves to never come back
>Game : Sales in Japan / Sales worldwide / Percentage
>Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: 5.82 million / 17.67 million / 32.9%
>Pokémon Black and White: 5.49 million / 15.64 million / 35.1%
>Pokémon X and Y: 4.55 million / 16.37 million / 27.8%
>Pokémon Sun and Moon: 3.91 million / 16.14 million / 24.2%
>Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Eevee: 1.85 million / 10 million / 18.5%
Holy shit Japan actually has good taste for once
So the only people responsible for this current messes are the westerners who eat up this bullshit
It really made Gen 4 unique, right? [laughs]
It was our fault for years 2Chan has said that shit for actual years now... and recently /vp/ notices and also sees trash that shills this games like if they were masterpieces... Fuck you Joe, you are settling for less instead of asking for more.
>more than 12
>still playing videogames
>Japan loved Gen 5 which gave us an entire region of brand new Pokemon and barred the old ones until end game
>rest of the world hated it because they can't stop sucking previous gen cock for one game
So basically Game Freak should listen to the Japanese fanbase and only the Japanese fanbase for anything. Good job America and Europe, you tards are the reason Gens 6 and 7 are the way they are.
> are the westerners who eat up this bullshit
And they are the ones who will buy SwSh and GF will get the message that all is well. Westerners are THE reason for K...K...IS...IS THAT.....KKKANTOOOOOO!?
I hate these cucks do much.
> Mfw SwSh western sales Will make sure GF doesn't see it as a flop
> Gen 5 was when Masuda and GF truly tried to do something new
> Gen 6
Sword and Shield is another XY disaster.
This is basically an upscaled 3DS game ported over to the Switch, this is most likely what the Pokemon games on the 3DS should have looked like.
A sixth of the workload with 1/20 of the budget.
>that fucking text
why do people keep doing this
is it a meme
Was the backlash to gen 5 really that extreme though? You'd think he'd look at how people actually like gen 5 instead of get pissy and ruin the game.
JynxClub spreading misinformation on Twitter once again.
>sword/shield falls flat
>sw/sh anime loses viewership by the boatloads because no one cares anymore
>sw/sh merch unsold because ditto (pun very intended)
Of course, that's not gonna happen, pokemon sword/shield is gonna sell boatloads and be their best selling games to date, then the later instalment will sell even more
>Always wanted a mainline 3D Pokemon game because of the stadium games
>We're finally getting one in XY
>It looked like XY
>"Eh, it's GameFreak's first real mainline Pokemon game, I'll let it slide for now."
>6 years later
>Everything still looks the same minus player/npc models and locations
>Less Pokémon than the 3DS games
But I'm going to pirate it what are you talking about
I am sure everyone might have already heard, but Dynamax only improves hp.
Gamefreak is tired of pumping it out and knows if Nintendo wants to dump them like they did Hudson there is nothing stopping them
Doesn't matter because you idiots slurp up all pokemon
I heard it was for the best stat, which
>+50% increase to Chansey's HP
>and be their best selling games to date, then the later instalment will sell even more
You sure buddy? R/B/Y sold 30 million or some shit. D/P were 18 million. Not a chance SwSh is outselling RBY or DP.
at least with mega evolution it changed the pokemon's stats. This is so trash.
>throw an egg while dyna
>nuke japan
The real power lies in the secondary effects from moves. Water sets up rain. Fire sets up Sun. Weather Wars are back... (And i can't even use mega Swampert)
Some megas changed how the pokemon was used entirely, like Sableye. That thing could mega at any time and bounce back any status move you throw at it, but if it doesn't mega, it can throw out any status move in a hurry.
But no let's throw out the few neat ideas Megas had for a dobsonian mechanic
oh yes more autorain, with every member of the Rain Rapists in the region, i can't see how this could go wrong
This is literally just every thing about Sw/Sh that was popular for a while forcefully cramped into one comic.
Jesus, some people are pathetic.
>buying switch games
Shiggy diggy doo
>oh yes more autorain, with every member of the Rain Rapists in the region, i can't see how this could go wrong
But user, they cut Pokemon for the balance of battles!
what's with all this negativity? can't we just enjoy some best girl nessa threads?
No, take your flavor of the month and jack off to her in some corner, until they show the next female and the internet starts obsessing over that one.
No. Fuck this nigger. There are better girls from better games. Fuck (((you))) and fuck your game, Masuda
It's insurance. They want new fans but don't want to lose the old ones, aka people in their mid 20s to 30s whom seemingly now have children and will buy the latest installment for their offfspring once they see Charizard on the screen. So because the teenagers and adults outcried the absolute loudest with Gen V's PokeDex, GameFreak is making sure they never get left out again.
>super toilet still around
>Mr Unaware still around
>border hopper hopped the boarder
>gyara now gets an attack that ups its speed by 1 and ups its attack by 1 if it KO's
Their balance excuse doesn't even count as paper thin.
Fuck your shit tier "waifu." They mean fuckall unless the game is good
Do kids even like pokemon anymore? Gen 7 didn't even get more players from the influence of Go, and if that couldn't bring in more players, nothing can.
>That fucking youtuber defending everything about the game calling people who want a better game retards and shit
Closest thing was an user's mentally unstable friend who an hero'd.
I noticed that
I bet even they think it's bad deep down, but they say it isn't so people will watch their shit. It's sad how money's the only thing that matters to everyone
I wasn't gonna buy this game but now even Smogon ladder seems like it's gonna be shite in gen 8. God i hated weather Wars.
Please buy my game user-chan.
Most of the people that play Go our teenagers to adults. You know people that don't play Pokemon anymore but we remember Ekans and Magikarp from our childhood.
>Do kids even like pokemon anymore?
That is something I cannot answer. Pokemon has a legacy appeal these days so I'm all but certain kids will be playing it on their Nintendo Switch, but I highly doubt Game Freak will regain the fans they lost from a mobile game.
Fuck off whore, the older pokegirls are better anyways
who says hes defending them, hes pointing out what is 100% true because people WILL eat it up
Imagine unironically liking human girls.
Fucking disgusting.
Nah I won't buy it. I played everything up to Ultra and I'm done. They don't care. I'm just in it purely for the Pokemon now because I love Pokemon designs and the mons themselves. So plushies from here on out.
>older pokegirls are better
don't worry kid, we have you covered.
>not even posting agatha
I'm not a boner killer.
Fuck off shill, art is worth investing in simply because it has intrinsic value
Gamefreak is void of anything resembling creative passion
>weather sweepers with 120 BP moves
>I'm a weak-willed fag so everyone is!
I wondef if they could've got away with it with this by there being another stadium game
>It's just one minigame
>it's a port of pocket monster stadium 1 so there's only most final evos+pikachu
Look at this faggot apologyst
How can Gamefreak even compete?
based slimeposter
the corviknight model doesn't even move... It's just a flashy overlay that will look exactly the same for every pokemon using the move.
aren't they the same game?
by god i hope you're trole-ing
>simple models + solid colors
>great textures
I'm still going to buy it. I couldn't give less of a shit about more than 3/4 of the pokemons and even if my favorites don't make it I don't give a shit. ill play with my new Galar favorites.
It's a shame that even outside of animations I like how the GC pokemon games look more than Sw/Sh
wait SMT is coming to Switch?
Weak willed faggot.
holy fuck
oh, like literally my mom's sheep? or kindergarden drawing of turtle? Or what about sad lizard, uninspired monkey, or digimon rabbit? Or the 2edgy4me crow? Or the cute flower pokemon that evolves into literal dogshit green poop-ball. Or the pink imp that looks worse than anything GF has put out in years. Oh - did you mean the literal corgi but with a thunderbolt on its tail? That was very original. Or wait - are you looking forward to the worst designed legendaries ever? A dog with a sword in his mouth, and a dog with an ugly, overdesigned shield on its face. Love it.
Did i forget anything? Stupid ass.
>"G-guys come on, cut Gamefreak some slack, making games is hard"
-Some retard who manged to make a cool-ass Sceptile model under one hour
>Or the pink imp that looks worse than anything GF has put out in years
Don't make fun of him
it looks like the one on the bottom is cringing at the sight of the gen 8 mon
>One amateur animator did from scratch FOR FREE in one day what an entire team of professional animators that already had the models made couldn't for months of development
Weather Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo
Game Freak is a legendary game developer. Trust them
>legendary game developer
remember when Tembo wouldn't work because the files were named Trumbo?
500 Lillies
I kinda feel bad since it's no secret that GF are sick of being "The Pokemon guys" and want to do other shit
But who the fuck is going to let go of a cash cow like Pokemon? They'd literally be nothing without it.
Jesus, his color scheme looks so boring compared to the rest.
The thing is, take away pokemon and they're nobodies. What else have they made that people actually remember fondly? Drill Dozer?
>remember when Tembo wouldn't work because the files were named Trumbo?
That's still no excuse to treat your flagship franchise like shit
Being retarded
Woah, what? Please tell us what happened