LoL thread?
Lol thread!
LoL thread?
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Whyh would a man with his wealthy marry a trannie?
that's the real Lol right there
>ctrlaltdel made my mouth move as to almost resemble a smile
Good job
I thought the same thing too but then I realised it's just the tig ol' biddies on the murderer chick
it's not a miscarriage, it's an accidental unsatisfying delivery
LOL my man tim buckley tellin it like it is
Are you ok? Is everything ok?
>can literally be stabbed right then by a giant fucking sword
>oh no I have to sit around for a bit
>the executive that said that was a woman
Revisionist shit.
Stop reading news and find out the source on your own. Speaking of:
BITF is actually funny though
This did actually make me laugh though.
Why would you keep your tripcode on for a thread like this?
No one ever thought this shit comic was good til it ended
It always was pretty good
I think I'm a brainlet because I don't get it.
>tripfag makes shit thread
what else is new
Where’s the joke fuckley
>not comic sans
Literally one job. That was literally the only thing that was necessary.
They are making excuses and pissed about why people are doing better than them. The last couple in their eyes is perfect is because they can look down on them.
>equating videogame shit to adultery and murder
ok but in the long run videogames really don't matter, guys
Thought it was predictable and lame at first but then the ending made me chuckle
the only lol here is your face, fugly asshole
I don't get this
Is this implying that Link somehow has it easier than Zelda who is just sitting why he does all the dangerous shit to rescue her?
ofc nintendies can't argue against it and need a strawman
What in the fuck
did they fuck
I wonder when he's gonna end up in jail
>ban evasion
Get out of the house
Not a great comic, not that I'd ever expect one from Buckly, but he's finally shat out one that won't be improved by removing dialogue. I guess that's a good thing.
This is the tumblr equivilent of people making rule 34 shit and posting it on here
Reminder he actually got to the point where he drew mom NTR.
is coming out really that bad?
I dont think people give as much of a shit nowadays if you wanna munch the carpet.
if my friend told me he was gay I could literally care less.
>fought on the side of ass in tits vs. ass
Yes. Being a victim makes you "brave and courageous," for some reason. No one who thinks this will ever explain it to you, because it's nonsensical egotistical empowerment. It's not like Zelda can just magically stop being captured. It's not bravery if you have no choice in it.
He was never not at that point. People have lines they won't cross, or lines they will. For Shadman the line doesn't exist.
dear mother of cringe
Fag enablers don't have any morals or principles so of course they don't think it's a big deal when someone tells them they're a parasitic hedonist that plans on dying 50 years early as long as their bathroom bits feel good.
>facing multiple life-or-death situations one after another vs. sitting in a cell
Damn... that's brave...
video games?
>my name is not important
Lmao don't forget that arc with the trap femboy.
Didn't he denied a request about african kids dying of hunger?
I don't care what anyone says, I think Shad's girls in his new style are really cute.
I thought that was some user, and Shad just did a pic of his mom, with no fucking in it?
>kills u with a giant knife
>draws porn of it later
I'd rather not.
Do fags and dykes just have a natural instinct to do this shit at the worst possible time? It's always during dinner, or during a party, or a family get together. It's like coming out is always tactically designed to ruin as many people's evenings and cause as much drama as possible.
>Wife stabs you for cheating on her with another girl
>you actively defend her
Is he /ourguy/?
Name literally ONE (1) Zelda game where princess Zelda is sitting in a dungeon or prison cell that even remotely resembles the one in the image. Even in ALTTP she was in what looked a pretty standard and clean prison cell, and only for like 5 minutes
ngl ANYONE doing those stupid fortnite dances makes me laugh.
Its not even that the comic is particularly witty. Just those dumb fucking dances and music
Simpsons joke
Reminder that these two are hetero and have vigorous sessions of fucking.
this is just a ripoff of that arthur picture
Video games are a significant factor in the global economy
The only reasons anybody gives a shit about the country of Turkey are mount and blade and anzac day
Video games are the current main background of the culture war
>literally the godly virtue of courage incarnate and made flesh
>not as brave as a wise cracking, pig dick fucking slut who sits in a cell all day long
Bum Tickley is still a thing?
>willingly putting himself into danger for the sake of others
>his zero agency and can only sit waiting to be rescued
You're goddamn right Link is the braver of the two in this picture.
Nah, it was during the whole family arc thing, where the kid's friends fucked his mom on Halloween.
What's it called when a fag and a dyke fuck?
>not the bike cuck edit
What, does she want sex work instead
How very Korean of them
Puritans are far worse than fags.
keep going coward
Imagine being such a kissless faggot that a board full of kissless faggots feels the need to make fun of you
I'm sure you are the pinnacle of usefulness for the society user, with your great morals and principles
Shadman actually did refuse to draw a commission for the Wonderbread guy, though.
that game sucks
This is just as funny if you read it like a western comic.
>how to make a female character that appeals to the internet
>draws a fat lard
Buckley is actually gitting a little gud
Mods this image has no visible genatalia or buttcrack
Is B^U advocating murder for cheaters?
Has there ever, in the history of humanity, ever been a group of people as degenerate as furries?
Since you love fags so much I hope if you ever have kids, you're really lucky and they all end up gay. Then they can die of AIDS or commit suicide in their 30s, and your fag enabling genes won't be able to spread anymore.
I don't know about any African stuff but I know he refused to do something for murrlogic
Hey murrlogic if you are here what exactly was it you requested from him?
Everybody refuses to draw commissions for him now, because he's crazy.
There is someone out there mentally damaged enough to draw an image where a silly nintendo character made for kids is going on a gay date and arguing with a furry, probably the author himself, if shit like this isnt proof enough that furries should be put in mental hospitals i dont know what is
After this fateful encounter, Doc Louis develops a Stand to rival that of Dio. [CHOCOLATE RAIN]
No and somehow they manage to all be SJW too.
not so fast.
Really? I recall seeing him in threads on Yea Forums on occasion and besides the strange fetishes I don't recall him being that unhinged
Well, yeah, but Shad did it before it was the popular thing to do.
How come you don't have a GF yet, Yea Forums?
Sorry bro but did holocaust victims have a choice in their situation?
No; and they're the bravest people in history.
Are you implying that people who suffered in holocaust camps had it easier than the soldiers who had to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day?
You're an anti-Semite and a disgrace.
best one ITT
Does that mean i can now use oppression points, while not being a faggot?
Because I have a BF.
But that doesn't made sense, how do people come up with stuff like that?
I think the point is to announce it to as many people they think is relevant at once so they don't have to tell lots of people over and over.
I'm not a faggot though so I couldn't tell you if that's actually the case or not.
Shut up
lmaoing at Etika
Only if you're not a white man
Maybe Romans during the times of their downfall.
t. has only been around a gayfag and not a fagfag
Because you're my GF ;)
>once everyone is LGBT, no one will be
So, every american?
>I’m gay
>me too
crippeling social anxiety
not wanting to divert time from vidya
I feel like it's just imagining that he does the dance with the music quietly emitting from him with the police sirens in the background. Without that single panel, the comic would be 100% worthless edgy shit, instead of just 80%.
>i could literally care less
So you care some amount? Think about it, burgerboy.
Underfucking rated
Yes but you has to be an insufferable cunt
Wonder who this has happened to and if they stayed gay after
Because it's hard to find a mommy gf
user I hate jews too but you don't have to be sarcastic to try to get a rise out of people
I'd much rather spend whole weeks sitting in a cell waiting for a hero to rescue me than fighing a building-sized fire-breathing dragon, Mechas armed with laser beams and evil deities. t. coward
God I hope he did it and I hope a good chunk of his fan base follows suit
This one is pretty cute and genuinely good
Who needs one?
Seek help.
>Implying Kazooie would ever be ashamed of being a lesbo
She'd probably announce it out loud she could steal your gf if she wanted to
I really need this today, user. Thank you.
ok now that's a punchline
Alright, you asked for it. I'll keep going all the way to the end.
So you are an anti-Semite.
I don't hate Jews, I'm Jewish myself
Buckley FINALLY improved?
>Are you implying that people who suffered in holocaust camps had it easier than the soldiers who had to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day?
Yes? Are you fucking retarded?
It's not even THAT weird of a comic. I've seen plenty weirder. How much of a normalfag are you?
I just wanna add to the replies on this one by saying that Link never expresses thoughts about himself this way. He's never self-centered in such a way that he strokes his own ego with his thoughts. He's the hero who never speaks. He's selfless. The creator of this shitty comic is twisting reality to create oppression porn.
Ooof do you actually think that?
let me guess panda?
Falseflagging is fun and an effective tool to get (You)s. But being as hamfisted and as subtle as a gangrape like yourself, is just disgraceful.
>No; and they're the bravest people in history
What exactly did they do that was brave? What conscious decision did they make that made them braver than the soldiers who fought and died on their behalf?
No, that's a Lycanroc.
Link would never even think that, it's just retarded on every level
There is no false flagging here.
Do you honestly think that paid soldiers were braver than the people who suffered in concentration camps?
You actually think that?
But was he pro skub or anti skub?
They spent every day suffering through the worst hell imaginable, every action they took was heroic, the fact that some managed to survive that horror speaks of bravery you can never imagine.
The soldiers were just doing their job, there is nothing brave about that.
Well Link IS the bravest person in the whole world, triforce of courage and all, that's literally not up to debate.
>there are people in this thread who are pro skub
Terrible and horrible what Typhus does to the human body.
Especially exacerbated by starvation brought on from the camp's food and medical supply lines being destroyed due to allied bombings.
You would imagine that, since the allies cracked the Enigma codes very early in the war, that they would be aware of the no-doubt numerous coded transmissions regarding these death camps, and would have taken appropriate measures to make sure that the people suffering there didn't suffer additionally due to Allied actions...
I mean, it's almost like there was never an explicit order to "bring all jews to X camps and kill them all", even over what the Germans believed to be uncontested secured encrypted channels...
not him, but lol
>if you don’t support faggotry you’re a Puritan
Pro obviously
Anti-Semitism at it's finest right here folks.
Imagine believing lies you've read on /pol/ and not actual historians/people who were actually there.
>being anti-skub
I bet you could accurately describe the taste of penis
I don't even have say much, I just want to say that your parents wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for them, so disrespecting them like this it's a shame for your country (assuming you're american, or even european) and even your race. Also
You're just a fucking idiot. Be grateful someone fought and is fighting for you right now, spineless ungrateful coward.
>Especially exacerbated by starvation brought on from the camp's food and medical supply lines being destroyed due to allied bombings.
Maybe they shouldn't have put them in camps in the first place then? You're gonna blame the Allies for the Axis putting jews into camps?
>Unironically anti Skub
Bro you just posted cringe! CRINGE
I think you’re greatly misunderstanding the meaning of bravery. The Jewish people were forced into their predicament and was relying on sheer survival instinct to keep going. Soldiers willing signed up and knew what they were getting themselves into and relied on brute strength, training, their fellow soldiers, and themselves to keep going
What the fuck, this cant be a Lol thread if I actually laughed out loud. And for the first time
But that would be silly, to insinuate that the same people who were caught lying about:
Skin Lampshades
Human Fat Soap
Masturbation-to-Death Machines
Brain-Bashing Bicycles
Combination Drowning/Electrocution Pools (That are cited as vaporizing remains completely)
And the Holocoaster
Would ever dare to lie about the existence of corpse-burning furnaces that operate at a greater speed and efficiency than is thermodynamically possible.
So you're saying their brave for not killing themselves?
Bravery doesn't exist without agency. You're not brave for being subjected to something beyond your control. You're brave for taking action.
>I could literally care less
That means that you would care at least to some degree.
>Masturbation-to-Death Machines
You mean pic related?
My sister's bf is Japanese and he is traumatized by the stupid shit people here have tattooed on their skin thinking it means soething else.
The real what the fuck is that you actually laughed at a Buckley comic.
Fucking Skub. Give us one more chance and we'll enact our final solution to the Skub question
Must take a lot of bravery to bait this hard. The only thing braver would be killing yourself.
Or maybe the kikes should've stayed in the desert instead of trying to take over western europe like they did in russia. The holocaust was justified.
I think we're getting away from the point here.
The point here is Zelda is clearly braver than Link in that image and Holocaust victims prove that
This post doesn't even make any sense.
You're saying the Allies would've known to avoid bombing medical and food lines to the camps if there were ever any transmissions about camps which there apparently weren't, but at the same time you blame the starving guy on the Allies for bombing food lines to the camp that apparently doesn't exist.
So which is it?
>The holocaust was justified.
Holy shit! People actually think this!
I thought it was just a meme
What does LoL stand for? I thought it meant League of Legends...
That's called intrusive thoughts and no they're not normal.
>Makes Fun of people for making low efforts posts / posting wojak and pepes
>Makes a shit tired thread with memes that were already beaten to death
Imagine being this much of a hypocrite. Fuck off tripfag
Refute my points:
1. Was Typhus rampant in the camps?
2. Were there food shortages in the camps? (due to Allied supply bombing?
3. When did the Enigma get cracked?
4. Cite the exact order to kill all jews.
Jewish subversive elements were unquestionably the cause of both the German Communist Revolution of 1918, and the depraved excesses of Weimar Germany.
Look at the names of some of the leaders of that revolution:
(((Rosa Luxemborg)))
(((Karl Liebnecht)))
(((Kurt Eisner)))
(((Paul Levi)))
The list goes on and on.
As for the Weimar Republic, not only was it one of the first examples of hyperinflation, it was also the first place you could order a prostitute over the phone, it's where the first transgender studies and surgeries were preformed, it's where there were raving bands of homeless children who used rape as an initiation procedure.
When I am king, Skubbers will be the first against the wall.
I'm exactly like this guy, sometimes I just think "What if I try to kill this guy right now?". Am I sick? I wouldn't hurt a fucking nobody, I never punched nobody. What the hell.
It does make sense, I'm only attracted to females but suck dick on occasion :^)
How do you get a cut like that from literally the widest, bluntest part of the book?
Really makes ya think doesn't it?
>pink polo
wholly accurate
Lots of Love
It's from WoW, when you see the enemy faction talk it becomes random gibberish and when someone from the enemy faction said Hah it translated into Lol.
Post the superior version
If there were transmissions: Should have known about the camps, should have liberated them
If there weren't transmissions: These camps are detention centers, no different than any other prison, and not death camps. Thereby should be afforded no additional consideration
Underrated post
>Stop at a gift shop yesterday in a steeltown stickers
>They're selling salsa
>Buy what is described as an 8/10 spiciness rating
>Barely spicy at all
??? The Hungarian hot peppers I had were miles spicier.
>Refute my points:
>1. Was Typhus rampant in the camps?
No there wasn't enough time for Typhus to take hold since the killing was completed so quickly
>2. Were there food shortages in the camps? (due to Allied supply bombing?)
Yes, but nothing to do with the bombing, what's the point in feeding people you're just going to kill. There was plenty of food for the Nazis
>3. When did the Enigma get cracked?
1932 by a Polish Jew.
>4. Cite the exact order to kill all jews.
It was destroyed when the soviets stormed Berlin
Gee, what a mindblowing coincidence
>mfw the impulsive edgy fucktard inside my head might be the real me while everyday lawful me is just a mask
>if there were ever any transmissions about camps which there apparently weren't
I think that's his point dumbass. Apparently the biggest ethnic slaughter in European history which involved transportation and a lot of a chemical, spread out over a massive area, was logistically done via communicating with mind powers.
samefagging yurocuck
My genki childhood friend tomboy elf cannot be this cute!
Shut the fuck up, dude
So...either way there were camps. And yet you questioned why the allies didn't know about them. So you're just saying that they never talked about them over the radio and that's it.
If it helps your weak mind to think so
if banjo's gay, why did he decline jolly's bf's offer to go the 'tug a sailor' party?
checkmate faggots
honestly funny
No one's ever been able to explain to me where this stereotype came from.
only true gamers will understand this one
Intrusive thoughts are normal. Persistent intrusive thoughts about a specific things aren't and can lead to an obsession.