>final fantasy
>they make 14 more
Final fantasy
>devil may cry
>main character instead smiles and laughs alot
>Realize he is actually lonely.
>Trying to make himself happy by eating pizza and teasing the ladies
>killing floor
>you can't even damage the floor
>Not a single screenshake
>Dark Souls
>Souls aren't actually dark
>Ninja Gaiden
>The main character is a Ninja
must suck to be regarded as the best carry in the game by many and still have so few majors under your belt
>Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
>Hitman talks
>Dragon Quest
>no one cares about dragon
>legend of zelda
>Zelda is a boy
>Monster Hunter
>Most monsters you hunt are some variety of dragon
>don't meet Roid in the entire game
It was the game that saved the company from bankruptcy, so therefore it was their final game (they thought)
>Planet Coaster
>Planet isn't made out of coasters
>you don't wake up born in blood
>Super Mario Bros.
>you will never see the other brother unless you have a friend to play with
>Saints Row
>Game has no rowing in it
you kinda do tho
> Dragon Quest
> You're not a dragon on a quest
>literally everyone know this
>explains the joke anyway
Absolutely madman
>dragon quest
>dragons rarely have a focus in most of the games
You literally do. You get a blood transfusion in the beginning of the games opening you dumb idiot dummy
False information broseph. That’s a myth
>Touhou Project
>you don't play as a girl with two big hooters
What the fuck bros?
>Mafia 3
>It's about niggers gangs instead
Humanity is dark in ds1.