>Yea Forums will be so contrarian as to defend this
Yea Forums will be so contrarian as to defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>mfw I'm reminded that Yea Forums was claiming we would never be able to influence the East, at least
We always fucking win, bay bay.
why the fuck do you faggots keep talking about the mistranslation and not providing the context
You have a seemingly supernatural talent for subversion, but that will also be your undoing. You are subverting yourselves and your entire ideology out of existence.
based as always
How can /pol/tards ever hope to compete?
Eventually it'll come down to a shooting war.
P-p-please delete this
Maybe they'll get sick of winning someday, bros.
>I didn't want civil war to start but then they added trannies to my vidya
You can't influence the East you retard. Japan is way more censored than the west and Japanese games are censored in Japan but not the rest of the world. You are a fucking retard.
>Forgetting about the topic he's replying to
They already are compromising Japan.
These are the "people" that threaten you with a civil war LMAO
The utter cope on this lad
Cheap propaganda. The right has more guns, training and experience and the left rejects masculinity and thus lacks the necessary qualities to effectively wage war.
What's going on? Are Euro posters trannies and resetfaggots? Or are US trannies getting up for some group morning dilation?
Shame on any of you faggots who unironically support this shit.
>tfw went from far left to alt right in 7 years
I'm gonna hole myself up in my house for the rest of my life outside of work and any trannies or lefties that try to force me to socialize get the knife.
Show me where I have "coped."
I dont' care what size they make a characters breasts
No you tard. JAPANESE DEVELOPERS CENSOR THEMSELVES. They do not censor foreign release, only local release. WESTJWs are useless in JAPAN.
Whoops, meant to say "ironically".
Japanese people are less sensitive to things.
based and redpilled
cringe and copepilled
Japanese Playstation releases are getting censored for social justice reasons because Sony demands it. Sony is now run from California.
I live in Toronto and I've been seeing degeneracy for years. I don't need to get angry to tell you fucks to eat shit.
This guy had training, yet killed no one and shitted himself before death. guy was literally /pol/ personified. don't act like you could do shit lmao
>>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
This one always cracks me up. It's the funniest one.
Okay, but the real thing here is that if you like Pineapple on your pizza you should absolutely kill yourself.
LMAO @ Western SJWs who they they have any influence in Japan whatsoever. Get over yourselves you buckets of fried chicken.
These headlines just keep getting more and more inflammatory.
> There are people out there making a living by dealing with the chest sizes of female video game characters
Restricting a woman's chest is patriarchal, sexist oppression. Square Enix should check their privilege and stop the rape already.
why do they have and "ethics" department??
This guy is one guy that you are using for cheap propaganda. The right has more guns, training and experience and the left rejects masculinity and thus lacks the necessary qualities to effectively wage war.
They do have influence.
There is literally no reason to reduce her chest size. Not even a FF fag but fuck all this shit. The west is dead
>There are people out there making a living by dealing with the chest sizes of female video game characters
>Because the ratings difference between Teen and Mature and their equivalent ratings world-wide in other countries impact sales
Wow that's SOOO complicated. Only a super genius could understand this!
If ResetEra doesn't have influence, then at least the Japanese are starting to reach the same conclusions. The result is the same: ResetEra wins.
Pineapple is excellent on pizza, it contrasts nicely with the spicy shit and the bits of meat. I bet you eat pepperoni and bacon on your pizza like the disgusting burguer mutt you are.
it's not sexist if she had big breasts. those are problematic because men like them.
You retard. Japan was censoring itself before Resetera was even a sperm in its daddies ballsack. Fucking tard.
>the right is losing the culture war and and the vast majority of people don't give a single shit about the apparent "upcoming civil war"
>you will never crossdress Cloud in his best slutwear in glorious 4k
Oh well, at least we'll finally be able to save Aerith for the low, low price of $19.99 for her character DLC(day one on-disc).
>ResetEra is so good it has been winning for decades before its existence
holY Shit
Watch any cringe video on youtube. Every single one of them is a dumb SJW getting owned because they literally know fuck all.
There is a difference between censorship that is done internally in Japan in accordance with cultural values decided by Japan itself, and censorship imposed on them from outside the country by American leftists.
Even if there isn't going to be a war, there's still going to be a collapse. Your ideology is suicidal and unsustainable.
>Even if there isn't going to be a war, there's still going to be a collapse. Your ideology is suicidal and unsustainable.
Copes within copes.
This thread is shit and cancer.
Now roll for your wizard powers you Yea Forumsirgins.
ResetEra always wins. Get over it, nerds. Go play your indie porn games or just learn to mod shit.
defend what? a fucking quickly thrown together misconstruing of a poorly translated thing? More to the point who the fuck could defend that dumb shit other than loser ass reactionary fucks looking for whatever the fuck to throw a hysterical emotional fit over. Ya loser ass faggot.
Maximum cope.
It's not "cope," it's reality. Your ideology erodes the very foundations that society needs to function.
you have to be a special kind of brainlet to take youtube comments seriously
rolling, for great justice.
They didn't reduce her chest size.
based roll poster
>Your ideology is suicidal and unsustainable.
What ideology are we talking about? Adding trannies to video games?
The Senran Kagura developers?
The modern American left-wing movement.
Because Yea Forums is all about outrage bait nowadays. The faGGotry ruined this board.
Yeah, one exists the other is imaginary.
It's not comments its actual videos of SJWs protestors and faggots getting owned on video
Like the people who bitched at biology professors for saying there are biological differences between males and females
Liberal ideals are fine though. Racism and mysoginism are obviously bad. Who cares if there are transgender, racially diverse or whatever in games. I'm fine with that. I just don't see how sexy women existing is a problem somehow.
It's not imaginary. SJWs run Sony. They are bullying Japanese developers and forcing them to censor. They also control what's allowed and not allowed on Steam.
>Hahaha, you're literally this extremist because you're tangentially related to him
I guess you're LITERALLY a mass shooter, then.
Why are SJWs so afraid of boobs?
Tifa is still sexy IMO. She'd be less attractive if she had cow tits that were bouncing around upwards. I am fine with adding a little more jiggle, but I don't want her having literal cowtits either.
Does anyone have that chart with characters that have the biggest breasts from vidya and anime/
No the person in the video was literally you, getting owned and looking like a dumbass.
unironically thanks for the laugh user
The mass shooter is literally you. You're posting from jail now.
No Yea Forums's just gonna add this to the current stable of incessant shitposting material along with the brown pokemon girl and Smash Bros
Glad you can laugh at your embarrassing failures
I can't imagine anything as pathetic as caring about Final Fantasy.
spotted the gay.
True men love all form of tits from A to J.
cringe, just go fap to men
cringe, just go fap to cows
To me she now looks more cute than sexy. We already have two cute girls in the party, I hoped we would at least get one hot one.
It's okay, people don't hang the gays anymore.
You can admit you are gay now.
Her tits are still the clear biggest.
Mistranslation. Original said to " strangle her chest during violent scenes so it doesn't look unnatural, so we gave her tight-fitting black underwear to make her look more "athletic" during fight scenes."
I'm still equally disappointed, because it means no jiggling breasts during fights, which even low budget idea factory shovelware games seem to achieve, but Yea Forums is being inherently dishonest by saying it's anything about size.
They're still pretty big from a realism point of view, just not big from an anime point of view, and that tummy is perfect so I'm not complaining much.
Fuck men and fuck you, women have a right to have breasts in all shapes and forms, you sexist shitlord.
>They're still pretty big from a realism point of view
why didn't they make cloud realistically muscular (bigger than barret) so he can actually swing his 100 pound sword?
i honestly don't understand the "realism" aspect.
>"Free expression means that artists are free to censor themselves"
>"They created it: they have the right to edit it"
Literally true.
>"If you want to fap, go watch some porn."
Sensible advice.
>"I actually prefer the censored version!"
Notable examples: The Fatal Frame zero-suit
>"Is the censored content so important to you?"
Understandable question, we're always making mountains out of molehills with this shit.
>It either has to be 100% realistic without any sort of magic whatsoever or full fantasy that is completely unconnected to anything to do with reality
Alright, it's confirmed: Final Fantasy 7 will no longer have any humans. It's all gonna be blobs of non-euclidean shapes.
>Literally true.
In the same way that I have the right to draw money from my bank account when someone kidnaps my family and tells me to do it.
>Understandable question, we're always making mountains out of molehills with this shit.
If the content is so unimportant, why do you have to censor it?
>Yea Forums falseflaggers will continue to post this
>In the same way that I have the right to draw money from my bank account when someone kidnaps my family and tells me to do it.
The thing is that the developers likely don't give a shit like you do. This isn't some harrowing thing they're doing. That's pure fanfiction of your party.
>If the content is so unimportant, why do you have to censor it?
No one has to censor anything. It's just how it turned out. I don't give a shit one way or another. If the tits start hanging out, I'll still buy this game.
it's mostly people making of fun of manchildren obsessed with boobies
How did the nips react to this?
They do give a shit. A lot of them are cowards who will fold under even the slightest pressure.
>No one has to censor anything.
But that's what you're doing.
>They do give a shit. A lot of them are cowards who will fold under even the slightest pressure.
Again, fan fiction. It's likely they "folded" because they don't give a shit and it's a minimal detail. Not to mention Tifa's official art for the original game looks more in tune with the new model than with the old FMV one.
>But that's what you're doing.
I'm not doing shit, I don't care and will continue to play and think it's ridiculous to make a big fuss out of this, let alone not play the game because of it.
It's not fanfiction, it's reality.
>It's likely they "folded" because they don't give a shit and it's a minimal detail.
If they didn't give a shit and it's some small thing, then they wouldn't change it.
>I'm not doing shit,
You're defending the left, so you must be one of them.
>It's not fanfiction, it's reality.
I dunno man
Virtually all Western developers have aligned themselves with SJWs.
Their arguments are more persuasive. We majorly fucked things up with GamerGate and basically handed them the win.
they have an ethics department literally because of places like Yea Forums and twitter (as if there's a difference between the two). Now with the huge controversy her chest caused, they need to invest even more ressources into that department in order to make sure they can better handle /avoid the next controversy.
wew, Yea Forums genuinely is reddit these days huh?
Whole lotta trannies itt
I'm more upset that the sexy girls don't get to make love in the games. That could add quite a bit of plot direction or just be an optional side quest. It could even be a reward for getting the good ending. I am seriously beginning to wonder if any of the writers are able to write love scenes, or is that the kind of thing that is super duper forbidden because of Puritan Jealousy?
Romance writing in RPGs almost always ends up being utterly cringe.
They have terrible arguments, if they even have any at all.
No buy
Fuck Midgar HD Demo
Clearly, the developers disagree.
Neogaf exploding was absolute shit, now all the fags who dont fit into resetera are here ruining Yea Forums and whining about /pol/.
You are just trying to misrepresent the entire situation and make it seem as if SJWs peacefully presented logical arguments and the developers agreed. This is not what happened.
Stop treating 1984 as a manual.
>republicans won us elections
>liberals win kiddy video games
Really makes you think
what about recent pedo scandal in resetera community where it was revealed that a bunch of prominent members advocated for pedophilia and admins defended them?
>SJWs are this hugely influential force that is threatening and terrifying developers into obeying their will
Woah, I did not know pedo trannies were this chad.
what does that have to do with anything?
webm related doesn't look unrealistic at all to me
lmao, stop larping and join the 41% neonigger.
SJWs regularly employ intimidation tactics and other manipulation to get their way, and in the case of Sony they're ignoring ratings bodies and directly telling developers what to do so that the developers are complying with SJW directives.
it's hard to be chad when you have chopped off your penis or are so fat that only cats tolerate your presence
But I don't. I think that the 'ethics' department should be burned down.
Too realistic. I thought this was supposed to be a Final FANTASY.
Wow, chad as fuck.
And yet they're intimidating everyone else into following their will. Weird. You'd think they'd have no influence on account of being ugly freaks. Yet they rule the industry by fear. Pretty impressive tbqh.
No, it's not chad as fuck. You're going to have a really terrible time when the civil war stars.
>muh civil war
The ultimate cope. Even if a civil war happens, it's gonna have nothing to do with vidya, dumbass.
It's not a cope. There's almot certainly going to be one, and there's no way the left can win it. Even if there isn't going to be one, the society run by the left will simply collapse. Either way they lose.
>Even if a civil war happens, it's gonna have nothing to do with vidya, dumbass.
Did I say it'll be about video games, dumbass?
War of attrition isnt that hard when half of the enemy is dead by their own hands at the end of the year and rest are infighting trying to reach the victimhood royale pedestal
not really, they are just bunch of useful idiots who coincidentally are on the same side as multibillion Silicon Valley corporations who are controlled by leftists who control whole industry.
Right, keep being delusional. Keep praying for this ideal future while you keep getting BTFO in the present.
It's not delusional. Either there's a civil war and you lose, or there is no civl war and you lose through self-destruction. There are no other options.
So it has nothing to do with intimidation tactics from SJW freaks. The devs are doing this out of their own volition. Thanks for agreeing with me.
>your ideology is suicidal
lmao meanwhile every other month some /pol/tard goes out with a gun to "save western civilization" and ends up in jail or dead. COPE
fuck this thread
Uh-uh. You've been saying this for 4 years, if not longer. I'm sure you'll still be repeating this line in 2060. Maybe you're right, by the time everyone who posted in this thread is dead, right-wing ideology becomes the norm of the future. Who the fuck knows? I certainly don't care one way or another, since I'll be dead.
SJW's have a fear and hatred of Ideal Beauty and Traditional Relationships. So anything along those lines is oppressive to them. They only feel safe when the world is trending toward Sodom. When it trends toward morals they get very nervous and hateful.
Learn how all the money everyone uses has been issued for the last several thousand years. Notice the pattern in who has the control and keeps getting kicked out of various countries for "no reason at all." Those Jews you think are just pitiful nerds run all the money in the world with few exceptions such as Iran and North Korea. Jews are not owed pity for they are Masters, not slaves. Try teaching lessons on how the Jews were able to take over so much of the money systems of the world and the hidden truth will become apparent.
You can't have a white community because wealthy Jews don't allow you to have one. That would block their mass immigration, cheap labor scheme. They are also the reason you can't have Ideal Beauty or support Traditional Morality in your games. They control which companies get loans and good press, so they call the tune.
you said previously complete opposite you retard
Is this supposed to be some kind of argument? Your ideology is suicidal regardless of what you believe /pol/ is doing.
>n-n-not an argument! HOLY COPE
Things are getting worse every year and nobody said that the process instant.
You mean when I was calling trannies chads for supposedly intimidating developers into catering to them? I was obviously being ironic, you dweeb. No one is afraid of hair-dyed freaks.
I've noticed this pattern where people keep simultaneously pretending trannies are this hugely powerful force that is oppressing us gamers while also being this pathetic farce that is utterly impotent. It's a dumb paradox.
Did you read the entire post:
>Your ideology is suicidal regardless of what you believe /pol/ is doing.
Your ideology is totally unsustainable. It literally cannot sustain a society.
>nobody said that the process instant
Yeah, it's so not instant that it will still not have happened by 2070. Did you know we're all eventually gonna be dead and our cells will be in permanent stasis due to the heat death of the universe? It's coming up any day now.
I never stated any end year.
Congratulations. You made the Tifa threads boring. No seriously, now the only correct way to describe it is "boring". All the bait is re-hashing bait posts over and over again, nothing creative. Same circlejerking with same inconclusive result all the time until a thread gets sage'd or 404'ed. Not even good enough for killing time by pretending to be taken in by the bait anymore. That's how low you have sunk, anons.
Of course not. If you did, you'd be BTFO by the time your prediction was proven wrong. So it's gotta be this indeterminate future that will eventually come to fruition. This is the same logic as the "It's happening" and "Day of the rope" shit.
Absoluteky based and FPBPpilled. Weeb trannies on suicide watch.
Why are you expecting me to predict the exact year? Where did I ever say I intend to do any such thing?
In an old movie called Crash (the one about the people who get off on watching car crash reenactments,) there were about 9 love scenes. The dialogue was sparce and boring to a "how the fuck did they think this could ever be a movie?" degree. I remember talking about it with a friend and say "You know, every time you get so bored of watching Crash that you are about to turn it off another love scene starts." He said, "Somebody knows what they are doing with the pacing."
A similar technique could be used in an RPG, especially if it was a long one. I've heard a rumor that 3 out of 4 writers are from broken homes, which would explain how so few of them know how to write family stories.
Wow, Trump won rigged elections. Such a feat!
>women with big tits almost always hate them
>don’t give tifa big tits
>disregard the feelings of real women with big tits
the hypocrisy of “““ethic/s”””
Love shit bores me when it's badly written, which is 99% of the time. I can't think of any good vidya romance off the top of my head.
>The left live so rent free in user's head, he becomes an incel recluse
>Starting a civil war over vidya
Not going to lie, this would be the most hilarious shit ever
GamerGate was anti-sjw. They were the solution. SJWs are the problem.
I never said anything about starting a civil war over video games.
>literally big tit shaming
Yeah, but the faGGotry was excessive retaliation to really benign and inane shit (literally a free game on Steam that no one gave a fuck about. It wasn't even fucking charging you for playing it)
It poisoned the well on the anti-SJW types.
GG was a response to the "gamers are dead" campaign, which SJWs have tried their hardest to memory hole.
>Congratulations. You made the Tifa threads boring. No seriously, now the only correct way to describe it is "boring". All the bait is re-hashing bait posts over and over again, nothing creative. Same circlejerking with same inconclusive result all the time until a thread gets sage'd or 404'ed. Not even good enough for killing time by pretending to be taken in by the bait anymore. That's how low you have sunk, anons.
Pretty sure the "Gamers are dead" """campaign""" was gaming "journalists" commenting on the excessive retaliation I was talking about.
>Hillary didn't win so it's rigged!
it's depressing that people herer now care more about getting (you)'s and being contrarian than saving the fucking medium, you fags are going to trigger poe's law with all your horse shit it's already in progress you dumb cocksucking cucks
>Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
Because Baiken is still intact... and growing.
>Why aren't you complaining about tit sizes and costumes? Don't you realize that's how we save our industry.
I'm not a slacktivist faggot, sorry.
Why is considered unethical now though? It was fine in Dissidia.
The Quinn thing was just another passing scandal that would have died down on its own, like the time Gamespot fired someone for giving a game a low score. Gamers are dead was a coordinated media campaign to attack gamers and establish SJW dominance.
yes, yes. start a civil war to pwn the libtards. there will be no external consequences to doing that. i promise. you are a very intelligent person.
t. President Xi
there was barely a retaliation it was just some cunt getting some nasty tweets lmao
the ideologues in game journos pro couldnt help but organize and defend the fair maiden by attacking what they perceived to be the nexus of everything they hated which was straight white male gamers
Either there's a civil war and the damage is limited, or there is a total collapse.
still objectively more productive than doing nothing faggot
And once again, liberals turn out to be the real racists.
Wrong. There's nothing productive about being a slacktivist faggot.
>went from retardation to retardation
I think you're addicted to retardation.
yes there is
>there was barely a retaliation
Nice revisionism. There were gamergate generals by the dozens well before there was any "Gamers are dead" article.
Dang, glad I played Shining games instead of FF, I'm not attached to FF at all but I'd be pretty pissed if I was. Shining's so far removed I don't even associate it with the shining of old so I'm not mad about that either.
A shame though, I kind of wanted to try a few SQ Enix games but not so much any more. I'll stick to small handheld JRPGs I haven't played yet.
Defend what? the ESRB that's been around for decades?
Because that's literally what that is nigger, its not some "SJW Censor Force" like some of you believe
What are they saying?
meanwhile ffxiv has:
>child bride/ prostitution
>lots of rape
>child abuse
then again, this was before ShB
>Nice revisionism. There were gamergate generals by the dozens well before there was any "Gamers are dead" article.
and it was all literally meaningless bullshit just some mean tweets and some youtube videos exposing all the bullshit going around in the gaming press
there were so few threats they had to go and fabricate their own and got caught doing it, the fbi looked into them and deemed them not worth following up on you fucking revisionist
>and it was all literally meaningless bullshit
I mean, yeah. That's the faGGotry in a nutshell. The only thing it produced was an easy strawman for leftists to gain an easy stronghold on the industry. All because some whore made a free game lol
Couldn't have chosen a worse possibly hill to die on.
>I mean, yeah. That's the faGGotry in a nutshell.
A total leftist takeover of the game industry is "meaningless bullshit" now.
The takeover happened as a consequence of the faGGotry, sure, but the actual faGGotry itself had no meaning behind it other than "SJWs bad, let's use the worst excuse possible to try to get rid of them"
You're just trying to shift blame like you always do. "Oy vey, if you hadn't defended yourself against the leftists, none of this would have happened!" Nevermind that leftists are now going after Japan which was entirely absent from the battle.
Yea Forums is trolls trolling trolls since forever. Pretending to be a resetera tranny is one of the easiest ways to get (You)s.
>"Ethics department"
AKA marketing department, big bodacious boobies scare away faggot advertisers looking to host only sanitized products. It's why it is so hard to monetize sites like Yea Forums, advertisers despise having their products associated with anything remotely raunchy or politically incorrect.
You're actually pretending that Yea Forums is some magical safe space where leftists don't enter.
I know it's a hard and bitter pill for you to swallow. But controversies like these are impossible to take seriously precisely because the well was poisoned by the faGGotry. The average centrist saw how transparently anti-SJWs were just looking for an excuse to fight a war and even the average centrist leaning right saw how cringe the whole thing ended up being.
It's impossible to take the average "rise up" gamer seriously. For example, I am incapable of taking you seriously when you're going on with your "Oy vey" shit. It's small tells like these that instantly make the average person see what you're up to.
You were your own undoing.
Look what I found here.
it also produced a counter culture that is still around actively pointing out how shit the gaming press is and also forced disclosure guidelines to be adopted by all of the gaming press
>The average centrist saw how transparently anti-SJWs were just looking for an excuse to fight a war
The war was forced upon us by SJWs.
>It's impossible to take the average "rise up" gamer seriously.
The "rise up" meme is SJW psyops.
we cant stop winning. Won't stop winning
Why do Americans hate boobs?
Nu-Tifa looks like Dissidia 012's Tifa.
Tifa in the future is spot-on.
>Constricted. Con-strict-ed. Using clothes. Not shrinking.
>That's right. The chest shrinkage seems unintentional. Because of the intended fitness design, she has constricting clothes I guess.
Here's your context bro.
Yea Forums has always been counter cultural though and the left is the default at the current time
Manlets can't be winners.
>The war was forced upon us by SJWs.
No. I could argue that it was a bait that you took to lose, but honestly, it wasn't even that. Zoe Quinn had no fucking clue she was gonna unleash incel rage, let alone to the extent that she did. Perhaps you can say that the video game journalists baited you with the "Gamers are dead" shit looking to make easy strawmans, in which case, you fell for the bait and handed them the victory, although, honestly, I'm not even sure that was the case either, I don't think they're that intelligent.
>The "rise up" meme is SJW psyops.
The "rise up" meme is obvious sarcasm making fun of cringe faGGots. "Psyops" implies it's trying to fool people. This is another tell from you on why I'm not taking you seriously, and bear in mind I've browsed Yea Forums every day of my life for over a decade at this point, there's certainly other tells you have that would turn off the average normie that isn't as desensitized as I am. You live as a personified strawman to keep handing SJWs the victories they want.
They are mongoloid not just in skull shape I guess.
You can't see it? It's not there, it's literally like being with a woman that wears a bald cap 24/7.
Can you see them? Can you touch them? If "no" they don't exist.
No, he's right. Gangweeding was blatantly a psyop.
>The "rise up" meme is obvious sarcasm making fun of cringe faGGots
And this is correct, it's a psyop to diminish any anti-liberal complaint.
you act as though ignoring these people was ever an option when it was never that
there literally was no stopping it considering they're authoritarian and have already invaded every single facet of western society
It was a war forced upon us and I will not accept your historical revisionism no matter how much you try to shill it.
>The "rise up" meme is obvious sarcasm making fun of cringe faGGots.
In other words, psyops.
>You live as a personified strawman to keep handing SJWs the victories they want.
"Oy vey, just stop resisting :)"
aw man some mod deleted that post
what was on it
Gamergate was planned from the start, it would've started even if Yea Forums was down, they would've picked another place to get bogus threats from.
>I've been "resisting" for 4 years and it's just been making things worse, let me keep doing it
Whatever. You never learn.
based,make sure to live stream killing the tranny
yes but that changes nothing, the only way to fight it is to actively argue against it in public spaces and not let their cons go unnoticed
No, I have already learned that you're just trying to quell resistance by claiming that by fighting back we are actually making things worse.
>Making fun of faggotry is a psyops now
So, when we're making fun of ugly trannies, we're doing a psyops too? When we post "oy vey" memes, that's a psyop? This lingo is utter cringe.
There's no learning. There's shills, retards in denial and people who eventually saw through it.
its not fair bros
A lot of good your resisting did. Are you under the delusion that if you didn't resist, we'd be living in SJW hell where we're all castrated or whatever? Is that what's going on?
the original was shitty polygonal graphics so they had to have outlandish stuff like giant spiky hair for Cloud and biceps the size of his head, and big boobs for Tifa.
Nobody's complaining that Cloud's hair is much shorter and his biceps aren't the size of his head, or that he suddenly has fingers and a mouth. But when Tifa's boobs are made more realistic for an athletically fit woman, that's unbelievable?
Also they're still big so stfu
It's psyops designed to make it seem as if the very idea that games are under any kind of siege from leftists is ridiculous and that in reality is nothing wrong.
making fun of people results in not taking them seriously which is a useful thing to have happen when you want your ideological enemy to stop winning people over in discussions
We're at war, we're under attack, of course we are resisting like all non-cucks do. If you are so offended by that then why did you attack us in the first place?
Gangweeding was blatantly orchestrated, the amount of spam came from a place that was organized for the occasion. If you missed those months that's okay, but it was a clear psyop.
No sane person would actually advocate for liberal trash and censorship in vidya, so it comes from shitposters and actual liberals larping as shitposters, with the latter making for the vast majority of the pro comments.
Germany also had "guns and training" and also lost both wars.
Because in the end it comes down to manpower and productivity and both of it exists in abundance in left wing states (California alone being the 5th richest economy on the entire planet, richer than all of the UK), with about 2/3s of Americans identifying more with somewhat left wing ideas (such as healthcare).
Existing stocks like manpower and guns are quickly used up in any war... it gives you the edge for maybe the first 6 months, and that's about it.
what would you do with tifa's tits
C-cup isn't big, also, she doesn't look althetic, she looks thin.
I honestly have no problem with her proportions now, but her outfit redesign looks like shit. Is it so much to ask for an authentic remake and not some revision?
do you sincerely believe doing nothing would have ever made things better? as you said they will fabricate what they need in order to keep growing so what does it matter if join in or not, the least you can do is put your ideas out there
quick tip anita and zoe were irrelevant and all of this is bigger than gaming, it's about the west and the comic industry suffered the same fate without any supposed harassment taking place at all
>Germany also had "guns and training" and also lost both wars.
We are not talking about conventional wars between nation states, let alone in the early 20th century, so why are you bringing things up as if it had any relevance?
>Because in the end it comes down to manpower and productivity and both of it exists in abundance in left wing states
Leftists reject masculinity. They don't serve in the military. They don't shoot guns. They don't hunt. They don't prep. They dilate. They tweet. This is not how you win wars.
>Look ma, I'm being a cultural imperialist and it's totally okay when I do it!
>We're at war, we're under attack, of course we are resisting like all non-cucks do.
I'm starting to suspect you're a gang weed faggot trying to make faGGots look bad. You don't need to do that. They already do it by themselves.
>oy vey stop resisting
Can you stop repeating yourself?
Considering it was rigged against him, yeah I'd say it was quite the feat.
>do you sincerely believe doing nothing would have ever made things better?
Yes. Not only would the board have been much more pleasant to read for the past half decade, but there also wouldn't be constant culture war shit if we were intelligent enough to not treat every new video game that comes out as yet another turf of le ebin culture war (omg, they're censoring mortal kombat 11)
There wouldn't be nontroversies created over the pettiest shit imaginable. There likely wouldn't be as many ResetEra people conglomerated trying to fight a culture war if there was never a faGGotry. They'd probably be way more busy crying about Trump (unless you're one of those idiots that think the faGGotry was responsible for Trump winning the elections, but that's a whole 'nother level of hopeless delusion)
Now, that isn't to say that gaming would be perfectly based and redpilled, or whatever. There likely would be just as many trannies doing speedruns, for example, but it's not like the faGGotry or the aftermath of it is being even remotely effective at fighting that anyways. Do you think that our nonstop shitposting on this board had enough of an effect to make speedrunning less tranny infested? This is all besides the point, since who gives a shit about speedrunning, but I'm just bringing up one example.
It's literally just some standard ratings department but they just worded it weird
But of course Yea Forums likes to take one out of context thing and regurgitate it for weeks
>just submit to the enemy invasion and everything will be peaceful
As expected of a cuck.
The philosophy of"I like It because it makes X group of people mad" is the cancer that killed Yea Forums,Yea Forums and the internet in general.
Stop talking like you're in a World War II movie, you dweeb.
Its only body positivity if its about a body positively no one likes.
>you cant have large breasted women in a game for adults
Yeah, but the Allies did lol. The left isn't close to the Allied powers, come on.
This is a war, and sooner or later it'll be a physical one.
This kind of slacktivism "We're fighting a war of life or death" bullshit is why Yea Forums sucks now and I blame it entirely on the /pol/ boogeyman because I refuse to accept Yea Forums would get this shitty without their influence.
All I can think of when seeing the pic on the left
I'm talking about the outfit you brainlet
Anyone get warm feelings inside when Barrett picked up Marlene? Best papa
You know, they could have just keep their mouth shut and get away with it. But you know, you just know, you ABSOLUTELY know, that some dumb hambeast wanted to brag, wanted people to know that is their accomplishment and she should be praised for it.
>there also wouldn't be constant culture war shit if we were intelligent enough to not treat every new video
you still dont fucking get it do you it's not just vidya you dumb cocksucker
>There likely would be just as many trannies doing speedruns, for example, but it's not like the faGGotry or the aftermath of it is being even remotely effective at fighting that anyways.
but it is though at least there are people trying to change things and gamergate did result in the adoption of disclosure guidelines by the gaming press
>Do you think that our nonstop shitposting on this board had enough of an effect to make speedrunning less tranny infested?
i think the twitch chat alone shows people at least dislike what has happened to the gdq and that alone is already worth it
>It's a sports bra! You dumb incels weeb
>It's more realistic! It just makes sense!
>Restricted doesn't mean shrunk!!
Then why did this change come from the ethics department and not the character designer? Checkmate
it's astounding to think you couldn't conceive of the idea that someone from Yea Forums might actually dislike political pandering in their vidya
Why can't trannies and SJWs die peacefully and instead trying to hurt us as much as possible?
resetera tranny bots are at full force
>Can you see them? Can you touch them? If "no" they don't exist.
That's a statement you can only make when you actually played through the game. Otherwise, according to your logic, the size of Tifa's boobs any and any other female video game character were ZERO before they were revealed.
Bullshit aside, for all we know we might see Tifa's unrestricted chest in the Don Corneo storyline, since she wears a dress there.
you just agreed with him retard
Liberals want all expressions of sexuality quarantined to porn. I'm not just talking about fanservice; cleavage, defined asses, suggestive poses, jiggle physics, cute faces, EVERYTHING. What they desire is a future where all character design is completely nondescript so as to maintain a universal sense of "wholesomeness".
>you cant have large breasted women in a game for adults
You'd have a point if this game got a Mature or higher rating world-wide... but that's still up in the air.
>It was fine in Dissidia.
Censorship apologists always seem to ignore Dissidia for some reason...
>They didn't reduce her chest size.
Explain ResetEra, then.
The original game was rated CERO B, PEGI 12, and "T" (ESRB).
Already did. See:
The damage is done. Ive already cancelled my pre-order.
>The original game was rated CERO B, PEGI 12, and "T" (ESRB).
It was rated USK 12 in germany as well. But guess what, these days it would never get such a rating, because 20+ years later the USK has become a hypersensitive organsiation that loses their shit because a character is bleeding! Oh my god! Think of the children!
With today's graphics there is no way that the remake will get anything lower than USK 16. And I think other rating organisations will have changed since then as well.
those pantyshots would definitely give it a C rating for CERO
cover that up with spats and it's down to B
the sports bra thing is really unnecessary though, just not having overly much jiggle would be enough to not get a higher rating.
i just wonder how they'll handle aerith's death. that scene depicted realistically should make the rating go higher than tifa's original outfit ever would.
They seem to like the redesign though...
>And I think other rating organisations will have changed since then as well.
Good thing I used the ratings from the PS4 release of the original.
Pic related was when Japan realized that they need ethics because otherwise the negative press will overwhelm them. The West just never regretted their words and deeds.
SE doesnt care about "Ethics" they only care about being allowed to make games on a Sony system.
The rules come from Sony, but the rules arent direct, they are EXTREMELY vague, so SE has to have a group to try and guess what is considered too good or bad from Sony, and they wont find otu until the game is done.
They can finish the game, submit it to Sony, and Sony will reject it, and not tell them why.
Then they might further "nerf" tifa in other ways.
(Chances are they wont, since they tried their best nto to make her look like an anime character, which is one of the factors developers in japan noticed sony USA was targeting. non anime female characters were able to get away with a bit more.
All of which is a RECENT thing. If you've been paying attention to the peopel calling out Sonys censorship, you'd be aware of this, rather than saying "lol weeb games, who cares"
>internet journos still trying to bait clicks based off of a mistranslation
Unbelievably based
Not only trying, /pol/-cucks will fall for it anyway.
What's wrong with being obsessed with boobies? It's not like they are real boobies.
Pretty standard stuff, he just points out facts like:
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Nothing too divisive, really.
Yeah and? of course there's a lot of new things to reconsider now that the characters doesn't look like a set of lego people
This is pure fanfiction and you have no sources for this.
Pretty based, to be quite honest.
You contradicted yourself within the first sentence. Trans awareness is very divisive, when over 2/3rds of the population think its an abomination.
Holy based
Is it just me ot /pol/ has lost it's influence? Seems like all the boards have turned against them.
Exactly. The remake could easily end up with higher ratings. If it does, censoring Tifa would have been pointless.
>You contradicted yourself within the first sentence
>refers to last sentence of post
all of those do nothing but paint a picture of an authoritarian left and hmomberguy's charity is straight up child abuse
Wouldn't surprise me to learn this guy is actually in Square's ethic department.
These threads are cancer because of resetera retards and reddit faggots who come here to post contrarian shit.
That question has a LOT of answers, but with 2 primary reasons at the core
(1) the typical religious one, which at its core, stemed from noticing a difference in societies where kids w/o parents grow up to be the bandits/pirates/gang members that ruin them. So banning sexual relationships, and sticking to arranged marriages was the norm back in the day. people didnt date eachother based on attractions, since it lead to conditions worse than 3rd world countries. (not that anyone remembers that is the reason, mostly the fault being the world wars, along with technology, but thats another long story, but is partly why people are Amish)
(2) current day feminists have a strong philosophy, that i lack a single word to call it. most men, and a sizable number of women, see a potential rival, for a love interest. if that rival gets more attention from desired partners, they think "I should try to be more like them, be like them, or be BETTER than them."
but most women, and some men instead think, wouldnt it be better if we changes our love interests opinion instead, so we can remain as is?
In the case of porn, the porn itself is the rival. women know they dont have to compete with porn for a relationship. but they do have the voice in the back of their mind saying, try to be like the "rival". aka, try to be, or be better than the porn. which is of course impossible for a percentage of people. (im not talking about obesity, which is another issue) In short, their goal is to get rid of the rival, so there is no competition. This sounds lazy, but they put just as much effort in getting rid of it, that its nearly equal to trying to compete with it.
in the end, most women dont understand that most women dont need to compete, except for the top 10% of men, which they do compete for them, because thats all they are attracted to, where as men are attracted to 50% of women as is. the #2 reason just is unnecessary. but the #2 reason seems ok, and reasonable, because
>defending Squenix
not even once
Of course they do
seems ok because we instinctively feel safer with children, then women, and less so with males (for multiple reasons) but the social reason going as far back as to what started in #1.
Hating male sexuality is because its viewed as safe for women, and liking female sexuality can be viewed as both safe or harmful, depending on if ur right or left leaning.
(its bad for the women, because of men, or its safe for women, because they need to feel safe in liking sex.)
>instathots in the top
sojbojs love them
>giving her an athletic sports bra is censorship
Shut the fuck up you shitposting retard. her breasts are the exact same size as in Dissidia or Advent Children, in fact even bigger. If you want an 1:1 translation of polygon models then why aren't you complaining that Cloud doesn't have biceps the size of his head or hair reachign the roof and no mouth?
>ethics department
Humanity will end itself right ?
it is though it was motivated by some sort of ethics concern
im too lazy to do your google search for you, so this may or may not direct you to the answer, but its the only thing id be bothered to spoon feed ur lazy ass.
Giving her a sports bra so that she doesn't get mastitis from a bump to the breasts everytime she leaps into the air is quite ethical, no? It's like you don't care about women's mammary health.
>her breasts are the exact same size as in Dissidia
Size isn't the issue for me, it's the sports bra which was added due to the ethics department. Speaking of Dissidia, pic related is from the same game.
>seems ok because we instinctively feel safer with children
Imagine bring so afraid of women you become a pedo lmao
Ratings are basically just that, and it's been around every moving mainstream medium
Why sperg over this one?
The left is so chad. Ruling over the vidya industry with an iron fist. Basically Hitler.
hah yeah dude totes epic
what? im not following your logic.
human are naturally protective of children, and then women next. (due to neoteny traits and parental instincts)
im not understanding what this has to do with pedos and fear of women.
ok pedofag keep replying to me that'll make you less gay
The hoops liberals are willing to jump thorough just to avoid admitting that this is censorship is depressing. Why go through all this trouble?
what? i seriously have no idea what ur even thinking.
i get the message ur claiming im a pedo for some reason.
i never even defended any point of view, so im confused as to what u even think my point of view is.
no it's not because she doesn't exist
that's dumb too
Reminder that this is the real story and Tifa's tits aren't nerfed:
Famitsu:But the clothing was also refined?
Nomura:This time, visually there were things that were made quite real, and real-world clothing and accessories are being used as design references. For example, we’re referencing military (wear) for Tifa’s suspenders and martial arts and biker (wear) for the gloves. The full body silhouette hasn’t changed from the original image, and from that part, we’ve aimed to increase the minute details.
Famitsu:Since Tifa’s chest is large, was there any consideration also given how the rendering was done?
Nomura:First of all, since we wanted Tifa to have defined abs, we made her more athletic looking. And then, there were also directions from our internal ethics committee that as not to make even the most intense action look unnatural it was necessary to bind [Tifa’s] chest. And thus, for her simple upper body clothing, we put a black undergarment with a fitting tank top for a fitness-conscious, sporty design.
>To recap, Nomura wanted to make her clothing more realistic and her body more sporty, and that ended up with Tifa basically being put in a sports bra so her breasts wouldn’t be unsupported during intense action sequences, which makes sense.
>There are no remarks about reducing the size of the character’s chest, and here, the termshimeru(絞める) refers to “constricting,” “squeezing,” or “pulling things tight.” I translated the word as “binding.” There is no mention of “reduction”, “shrinking” or even redesigning the character, because Nomura didn’t say that.
>doesnt know that "restriction" applies to "bound" "constricted" "squeezing" etc.
you're the one who's jumping the gun.
I know. They should just be bragging they won yet again like the chads they are.
user, are you afraid of children on the street at night? But perfectly feel safe around adult men at night?
You're telling me you'd leave your eyes closed, and not have your defenses up around an adult, but for children, you'd keep your distance, in case they charge at you?
there’s no defending it. if the artist or director wanted her to look different, that’s one thing, but once the suits start forcing it to fit some agenda is when its pure bullshit
>And then, there were also directions from our internal ethics committee that as not to make even the most intense action look unnatural it was necessary to bind [Tifa’s] chest.
So the sports bra was censorship after all. Good to know.
You do realize thats part2 of the post they are linking to, right user?
you might blow up their brain user, dont go that deep in. they still think this is about horny teens, and not that breasts arent an actual ethical issue.
Tifa's tits never flopped around in the middle of combat before and they're not now, so it's not censorship. The sports bra is just a realistic justification as to why they don't flop in a T rated game.
pedos are so pathetic give me one reason you fags shouldnt get involuntarily euthanized in the back of the head and dumped in a crater
I see that that's all you can do after being proven wrong. Neck yourself.
There's plenty of that, so don't worry.
Holy fucking based
>Tifa's tits never flopped around in the middle of combat before
Good point. Guess she didn't need the sports bra.
Tits are boring with no girl attached to them.
what the actual fuck are you going on about?
You're literally making up a conversation that isnt happening.
I dont give a shit about what happens to pedos, nor did it have anything to do with the original question on why SJWs are upset about sexual content of women.
i swear to god you ADD kids cant stay on fucking track with conversations at all.
>all pedos pretend everyone else is a pedo
ok pedo, keep projecting.
eventually society is going to clear out pedos like you.
incels always lose
in combat, nope. in CGI of the original, sorta, but nothing too over the top. (if anything, they flattened, due to bad physics)
It's all I can do because you have intelligence of an ape.
That's what I thought. That means her original top was supportive enough already.
Because the combat had no physics, you retarded fuckface.
it means she has shitty implants
Oh yeah, the mistranslated article saying they just wanted a tighter outfit for Tifa!
Usually I'm not up for censorship in games but this is not censorship. You guys blow this Tifa shit way out of proportion because you're fucking horny incels that only care about Tifa for her tits and nothing more. I bet half of the people complaining about this shit haven't even played Final Fantasy VII.
Ethics department cuck detected
>this is not censorship
Unnecessary alterations imposed by Square Enix employees that weren't an integral part of the development staff sounds like censorship to me, user.
I don't give a shit about ethics department. I'm just fucking dissapointed the emergence of this fucking bullshit article means that Yea Forums will go on and on about Tifa's tits for months.
You all need to grow up seriously you're complaining that a fucking video game character doesn't have F-cup boobs that's fucking pathetic. Have sex.
what's wrong with this one?
>my guy
oh shit user, you sure got quiet after being spoon fed how wrong you were with that video link from
kindly fuck off, resetera
>I don't give a shit about ethics department
That's literally the entire problem. Dilate.
if they're influencing the shape of the product pre-release, they are inherently a part of the development staff, you mong
It's not censorship? It's just a redesign?
Jesus every fucking one of you jump through hoops to defend themselves bitching about Tifa's boobs like them making them a realistic size is literally the worst thing any human could do.
>I'm just fucking dissapointed the emergence of this fucking bullshit article means that Yea Forums was right about the censorship!
Fixed. Not sure why people like you are mad though. You got the toned-down Tifa of your dreams, so just ignore us incels and celebrate!
>the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
>Ethics department tells them to change the design because bouncing boobs are deemed unnatural. (unacceptable)
sure fits the definition to me.
>your whining is pathetic but not mine
The twitter trannies influencing games are a part of the development staff as we learned today.
Thanks for the insight, "Christina"
>so we gave her tight-fitting black underwear to make her look more "athletic"
But then again we decided to turn her into a fucking stick :^)
Seriously I don't mind the design but she needs more overall fucking thickness in her entire body. She's way too much of a hungry skeleton for a monk archetype.
and they all fucking suck compared to the originals. I blame Nomura.
>they are inherently a part of the development staff
The ethics department was only responsible for forcing an unnecessary change. They didn't contribute to the game in any other meaningful way, so how can they be considered developers, composers, artists, writers, etc.?
audible kek
Neck yourself, retard.
>Tifa's boobs like them making them a realistic size
Why do apologists keep ignoring the sports bra? It's pretty hard to miss.
please explain why it was necessary to reduce her breast size, with a logical argument (not in the context of the sports bra mistranslation, but the actual model)
This, but without a trace of irony.
Yeah but I don't hear anyone bitching about ANY of the other redesigns other than Tifa's because "WAHHHH NOT F CUP TITS WAAAAH"
You are are literally proving my point that Tifa is just a pair of tits with legs to you guys.
Knew what it was gonna be but I still clicked the link. based vocaroo
you resetera tourists are pretty bad at this.
How come people only bitch about Tifa, then?
Which redesign was altered by ethics department? Go ahead, tell me, subhuman.
No one (at least where I hang out) actually defends SJW madness for what it is or argues how it's a good thing. The "arguments" are always either "private companies can do what they want" or "if you care about this you're pathetic or a nazi". I feel like leftists have just given up on arguing and only want humiliation and shaming or deplatforming and doxxing. It's almost like their ideas are indefensibly retarded.
when did Yea Forums become infested with leftist trannies?
I'm not saying it was necessary. I'm not saying it was 100% needed.
What I'm saying is you guys are blowing this way out of proprortion like it's the worst thing any human being could ever do. It is a fucking video game character. You are complaining about the chest size of fucking polygons.
Because the sports bra doesn't interfere with her core design, and it makes sense for her to wear one to support tits that big during combat or else she'd have all kinds of back problems.
They're all basically the same designs with only a few minor updates. Also Nomura designed the characters originally and has the ability and right to update their designs as he sees fit. You're retarded.
omg they made her head smaller too
wtf i hate square now?
>worst girl in worst game
>tifa is a pair of legs and tits
How is that a bad thing bugman?
You're intentionally trying to misrepresent the argument.
If Tifas breasts were A cups in the original, and the remake went with C cups, the argument that change happened is the primary argument, not if people like a certain size of cups.
Liking a certain size of cups can be one of the motivations to care more, but it's like saying you can't argue to fix a problem in society, if you voted for a certain president.
The problem is, in a remake, it should try to be more faithful to the original.
To what extent is different for everyone of course.
Lastly, the other reason this situation is fucked up, is because it suggests women with larger breasts, or having gravity/momentum effect their breasts is somehow wrong or and "ethical" issue.
But in reality, this is an issue with Sony being influenced by American "ethics" which we already know are fucked up.
>only want humiliation and shaming
that's what i thought too
maybe it's literally something like a cuck fetish, it's like some of them get off on people humiliating them
>You are are literally proving my point that Tifa is just a pair of tits with legs to you guys.
A point being parroted by disingenuous liberals, no less. I can't speak for everyone, but my issue is the tacky sports bra, not the size of Tifa's tifas. By all means, keep trying to downplay something that marred an otherwise decent redesign. It'll really make threads better.
>that one user who doesn't understand how tits work and thinks there is no sports bra
So because I have a brain and recognize that it's not censorship and didn't fall for a misleadingly and incorrectly translated interview, that somehow makes me a Reseteranigger?
Christ, both Reseteraniggers and you outragefags are being retarded.
You are the one whining and complaining like a child about a game character's fucking tit size and I'M the subhuman? LMAO
Anyways, how do you know that the Ethics Department didn't have input for any of the other redesigns? Just because they didn't mention it doesn't mean that they didn't give input on other characters.
Well if they could argue they wouldn't need to ban everyone who disagrees with them.
>It is a fucking video game character. You are complaining about the chest size of fucking polygons
so why do people get so angry at people complaining about it?
why not just restore her to the original size if it's no big deal? that way none of this discussion would happen and everyone would be happy. it's a nostalgia project after all.
Guess I'm in the minority then, because I've been bitching about Barret's stupid sunglasses and Aerith's new dress being just as bad as Tifa's changes from the start. I just want the option of the original costumes, but I doubt that's going to happen and it fucking sucks.
>Because the sports bra doesn't interfere with her core design, and it makes sense for her to wear one to support tits that big during combat or else she'd have all kinds of back problems.
I've seen people use this line almost word for word dozens of times now and I can only hope you're screwing around. In case your not, see and try to remember; it's just a game, bro.
Imagine if ethics department was a thing since the 90's
We would never ger GTA series or any Rockstar Games published not to mention any Japanese game.
>please explain why it was necessary to reduce her breast size
THEY DIDN'T. Her tits are still big, just more proportional to the rest of her body so that it looks more natural. They didn't change the size, they just adjusted the shape.
Appeal to realism is a fallacy.
Back to the ethics department with you.
They'll probably have a DLC where the original costumes are there. Still not gonna be any significant tit bounce, though, cause that shit is hard to program without it looking absurd. Maybe you'll get it at a beach scene in a later episode or something.
After you suck my balls.
keep trying, tourist
is this gaslighting or just retardation?
>MY whining is superior to YOURS
Close the tab, subhuman
I couldn't care less about tit bounce, or her size for that matter. I just want the classic outfits for everyone. I really hate the redesigned clothing.
>What I'm saying is you guys are blowing this way out of proprortion like it's the worst thing any human being could ever do. It is a fucking video game character. You are complaining about the chest size of fucking polygons.
If it's so insignificant, why did Square's ethics department feel the need to interfere in the first place?
>so why do people get so angry at people complaining about it?
Literally once a day I see a thread bitching about her breast size and it's fucking such a stupid thing to get so up and arms over and you fucking boomers just can't accept the fact. Like I said you guys treat it as if it's the worst thing any human could do when it's just a fucking video game character in a game I'm sure not even half of you have played.
its a better design for her to wear a bra, otherwise her tits would be either flopping all over the place or rock hard which would both be visually wrong
It wasn't necessary, but modernizing things isn't censorship, regardless of how much you want to screech that it is. Coke isn't censoring their cans when they change a label, Pizza Hut wasn't censoring themselves when they changed their icon. FedEx wasn't censoring themselves when they changed their motto from "Relax, it's FedEx" to "The World on Time".
Tifa is still instantly recognizable, quite busty, and the character hasn't changed. It's still the same Tifa. This isn't a Coke Classic vs New Coke thing, where it's actually a different product entirely. Unless the entire product for you was balloon tits.
as if you have any, tranny
Who said they "interfered"? Do you really think it was malicious?
>cultural values decided by Japan itself
bruh if super traditional Nintendo is releasing shit like Xenoblade 2, then its clearly not in issue with Japan itself
>Literally once a day I see a thread bitching about her breast size
And? Take a page from Square Enix and ignore the fans.
I'll post a dick pic just for you sweetie.
Learn how to filter threads, newfag.
Have sex.
It's certainly the latter on your part.
but if it’s just a game, then her having smaller tits shouldn’t be a problem
Very ethical post
/pol/niggers are the ones being humiliated, though. They're the ones being censored to hell while impotently screeching about it. You're being cucked by pedo tranny cucks lmao
I wonder if I should use textbook definition or your opinion.
why do you care so much?
just ignore it if you don't like it.
downsizing a character who was primarily known for being a busty girl is quite different. you know a lot of people like her because of that. take that away and they get angry. square isn't ruining the character, but they still change a fundamental aspect of it which got people to like her in the first place. is it shallow? yes. because it's video games.
It's a problem for me since it's censorship.
I don't give a fuck about the sports bra. Just remove the god awful leggings.
This. We censored this bitch and they can't do anything about it.
>no u
ok this is epic
>Who said they "interfered"?
Nomura, in the interview that gets posted and quoted dozens of times a thread
>Do you really think it was malicious?
Intentions are irrelevant, the outcome is malicious to everyone besides some select sjws who won't even buy the game. It's malicious to censor the original authors and the current team, full stop. Likewise, fans of the original, who are the ones that have been waiting for this for decades are also not getting a faithful design so from that perspective it can also be seen as malicious.
The only ones who would not interpret it as such are the ones who consider censorship a virtue or have a vendetta against the original product, fans and authors, so again, malicious.
but it’s just a game bro, you’ll be fine
what was mistranslated about this again? theres ironically too much fake news on Yea Forums so I never know whats really happening and what Yea Forums is lying about shit
Once again, who said they weren't integral to development? You do realize that Square doesn't just keep them around to only spot check female characters right? Every character will go through ethics filters and they will work with designers when designing new characters. That's why the board exists; to make sure things don't look unrealistic and off.
fucking snowflake gamers
they look even smaller here. The truth is when ever Tifa is shown in very realistic cgi her rack gets down sized just because it doesn't look graceful enough. This hasn't really anything to do with japs but with SE giving ff7 sluts a certain look
>the outcome is malicious to everyone
>implying most people outside of Yea Forums are also whining about Tifa's boobs not being F-cup
Have sex boomerfag.
yep. Whoever can lose enough weight to stand on their own legs wins
Her original outfit was fine for that game and CGI scene though, why is it suddenly unethical in the remake?
I bet if they just had her wearing the same outfit with the current breast size, there would be considerably less bitching about it.
>Every character will go through ethics filters and they will work with designers when designing new characters.
See and then explain to me where the ethics department was during Dissidia's development. I'll wait.
and both for your ass
why aren't people shitting on square for originally designing her as fap material so that a generation of men now view her as a sexual object?
>I bet if they just had her wearing the same outfit with the current breast size, there would be considerably less bitching about it.
No there wouldn't, and you know that.
Yea Forums would still bitch about breast size. Sure people are bitching about the outfit too, but definitely nowhere near as much as her bust. She is just a pair of tits to these people.
If he didn't disclose the existence of a fucking ethics department for fictional characters there would be considerably less bitching.
99% of 3DPD who say they have a big bust are fat bitches. Tifa is skinny with big tits, so they want to fatten her up even though her waist bust ratio is fucking perfect
Because there's nothing wrong with that you tranny
As far as games go, censorship is never justified. Why are you dismissing a publisher's irreverence for developers' work?
Maybe the department didn't exist back then.
Most people take it up the ass so they don't appear like autists bitching for bigger tits, nothing new.
umm I'm trying to give you guys an out by blaming square for your perverted behavior
What went wrong?
>A game from 10 years ago
This. Liberals are steamed that incles' complaints were validated.
Bullshit. There's been non-stop howls of outrage over her bust since long before that interview.
>Most people take it up the ass
Or maybe, just maybe, just a little bit...
They don't care because it's fucking not a big deal.
>someday it will be illegal to teach history to children because history is sexist and racist
I'm so tired of this planet
Almost like it was unnecessary to begin with.
because like you said, it’s just a game, so we don’t have to put any thought into it, and neither do the devs.
>ignoring Tifas big squish tits
Because some of us know what the word censorship actually means, and aren't using the negative connotations associated with it to try and make crying over balloon tits somehow more principled.
It's not a big enough deal to risk your social standing, sure.
it's the same size
Lol I actually posted a lot of gangweed images. I wish I could be a shill. You're very paranoid.
Kill yourself
>it's ok when we do it
>Self-censorship is the act of censoring or classifying one's own discourse. This is done out of fear of, or deference to, the sensibilities or preferences (actual or perceived) of others and without overt pressure from any specific party or institution of authority. Self-censorship is often practiced by film producers, film directors, publishers, news anchors, journalists, musicians, and other kinds of authors including individuals who use social media.
Some of you are NPCs, for real.
>Or maybe, just maybe,
go back
>we don’t have to put any thought into it
Then why add a sports bra under the guise of maintaining realism?
Read the thread. It's not the size anymore, it's the sports bra added by the ethics department. You probably knew that already, though.
That's in reference to this, not to the tits. Just going to assume you replied to the wrong post to make you seem like you're not that big of a retarded faggot
Without the sports bra, no less.
The sports bra is hot as fuck
>game for adults
>game rated T for Teen in America and CERO B in Japan
who cares? it’s just a game
>/pol/ exist therefore everyone else should suffer to
Fucking die you miserable shitstain.
exactly, so just give her big tits. nobody cares.
Only trannies like sports bras.
>who cares amiright so do what I care about
have sex
Then SE removing the sports bra shouldn't be an issue, right?
They did give her big tits.
>no jiggle physics
>muh censorship
amerimutts back at it again
Why do you care if someone else has sex
>8cuck whine
Every time, every day
It's not an issue, but why would you want them to censor her sports bra? I thought you were against censorship, and that's how she was before. And you want them to put in extra effort to remove something that's already there, that they originally planned to have in?
this. If the censorship's such a non-issue we shouldn't even bother criticizing it, then why even bother to censor it in the first place?
that’s just more work, so there’s no reason to change something that doesn't matter, or even discussing it for that matter
>restriction due to sports bra for realism and current year
>how do we portray this in a video-game (virtuality) since there's not material to compress?
>we reduce the size of the area
>we reduce her breats
>also, to be realistic, they get formless
Result: bland area, somewhat projected, on her chest.
not as big as the original :^)
why are you afraid of big breasts?
based SE
God if you guys just want to bitch about tits on anime girls just play Dead or Alive
Realism is only acceptable when not offensive (unethical), shitlord.
>why would you want them to censor her sports bra?
>and that's how she was before
Y-You can't be this retarded
>that’s just more work, so there’s no reason to change something that doesn't matter, or even discussing it for that matter
so why did they add the sports bra after the ethics department told them to do it? that was just more work even though it doesn't matter.
>Not only would the board have been much more pleasant to read for the past half decade
and tranny
>I thought you were against censorship
I am, see That's why he sports bra has got to go.
>used to be a bitter paranoid cuck
>then had sex
>stopped caring about kiddie hobbie drama
wrong. like you are literally incorrect
Fags, if they really are that big, as the original, as you fags keep lying, they'd have to jiggle. Yes, even in fucking sports bra. So: WHERE IS MY """"REALISM""""".
who knows? regardless, it doesn’t matter, so there’s no reason to change it at this point
Stop being unethical.
user, you'd never touch anyone in real life nor in vidya. You're just that much of a worthless unloved cuck
You can tell, she needs a good fucking
FF7R was first shown with the character having a sports bra. If you hate censorship, having that removed should violate your anti-censorship principles. Removing it violates the artistic vision of the dev team who created her that way initially. But it doesn't bother you, because you don't care about censorship, you just want balloon tits.
anons sex life isn’t a game
>Good thing I used the ratings from the PS4 release of the original.
There is a difference between "violence" involving polygon constructs and "anime"-like FMV modelss, compared to semi-realistic character models.
nuTifa is fucking 10/10
You're not entitled to tell the devs what features the game they're designing should have.
They'll sell the original outfit as DLC for $4.99 + tip. You know they're gonna milk this game as hard as they can.
>My guy
Why do these people exist?
Old trannies also like skirts and stockings and every other thing pretty women wear since they want to emulate them. The thought of Tifas tits getting all sweaty and getting squished in her sportsbra is fucking hot
Netto-uyoku is board culture
/pol/ is sitewide
a few s*ething tr*nnys in d*scord all day looking to spam a site they dont agree with because they have no social lives doesnt mean that the majority of the website disagrees with... its self....
this physically hurt to read
he genuinely types like a 14 year old school girl.
probably a pedophile.
>people will pay $5 extra for bigger tits
that would be pretty funny desu senpai
Good thing they are not entitled to my money ;)
liar liar pants on fire
>it is though it was motivated by some sort of ethics concern
Yea, it's derived from the term "Ethics Department", exactly the same way as the "Accounting Department" is all about holding the working personal "accountable" for their actions and firing them if neccessary!
Oh wait...
As much as I like this comic, it doesn't even pretend to try and be accurate to her design.
No chink face, actually short short skirt and has actual muscle
Prove me wrong. FF7R and Final Fantasy 7 are different games. They have the same characters and locations, but they're not the same. Aeris will be alive at the end of FF7R. Final Fantasy 7 had a fight with Jenova, FF7R doesn't. You leave Midgar for a long time in Final Fantasy 7, you don't in FF7R. Just like Advent Children, different game, same universe.
The original designer of the Tifa character for FF7R put a sports bra on her and slightly decreased her bust. So now you want her censored by changing her design and violate the original artists vision to cater to your fetishes and agenda?
>Aeris will be alive
sure she will, user